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13 Sep 2022, 09:01
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•
don‘t turn off my lights then complain about my darkness
Beatrice A. Dupont
─────────[ hide ]..
01. Trunk
02. Family
03. History/Basics
04. Mental and Physical
05. Dupont Estate and Property
06. Relationships
07. Thread Tracker
08. Wardrobe
09. iNPC
10. Pet info
11. OOC info

Coded by Fang Yun-Xin
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 19 Jul 2023, 18:24, edited 73 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

14 Sep 2022, 10:43
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•

•• ABILITIES ••| Lovely Creature
| Keen Eye | Evasive Maneuvers | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII

| WISDOM • 12
+4 from Quidditch Win (×) | (×) | (×) | (×)

First Year:
-Dancing Feet Spell: Tarantallegra
-Mending Charm: Reparo
-Fire-Making Spell: Incendio
-Extinguishing spell: Extinguo
-Whistle to Watch: Tunc Sibilus
-Four-Point Spell: Point Me
-Levitation Charm: Wingardium Leviosa
-Wand Lighting Charm: Lumos
-Wand Extinguishing Charm: Nox
-Unlocking Charm: Alohomora
-Locking Charm: Colloportus
-Umbrella Spell: Pluvia Velo
-Sauce-making Spell: Condimentum
-Red Spark Charm: Periculum
-Green Sparks Charm: Verdimillious
-Matchbox Transformation Spell: Flintifors
-Matchstick to Needle: Conmutocus
-Untransfiguration: Reparifarge
-Curse of the Bogies: Mucus ad Nauseam
-Knockback Jinx: Flipendo
-Smokescreen Spell: Fumos
-Eyeglass Repair Charm: Oculus Reparo
-Sneezing Hex: Steleus
-Bubble-Producing Charm: Bullarum Immortalem
-Scouring Charm: Scourgify
-Passage Opening Charm: Dissendium
-Mice to Snuffboxes: Muspyxis
-Opening Charm: Aberto
-Take Root: Anathema Daphnis
-Shooting spell: Jaculor
-Snowflake-Creating Spell: Nix Facitur
-Bewitched Snowballs: Nive Percutio

Second Year:
-General Counter-Spell • Finite Incantatem
-Freezing Charm • Immobulus
-Revelio Charm • Revelio
-Illegibility Charm • Illegibilus
-Slowing Charm • Arresto Momentum
-Engorgement Charm • Engorgio
-Shrinking Charm • Reducio
-Avifors Spell • Avifors
-Purple Firecrackers-Conjuration Charm • -Violaceous
-Color-Changing Charm • Colorvaria
-Clothing Color-Changing Charm • Multicorfors
-Hair Color-Changing Charm • Crinus Muto
-Squiggle Quill Spell • Vermiculafors
-Gluing Spell • Epoximise
-Hardening Charm • Duro
-Blindfolding Spell • Obscuro
-Tongue-Tying Spell • Mimblewimble
-Disarming Charm • Expelliarmus
-Bluebell Flames • Caeruleus Inflamarae
-Fur Growing Spell • Furrure Cresco
-Cascading Jinx • Ingens Explosiones
-Hot-Air Charm • Aer Calidus
-Sun-Light Charm • Lumos Solem
-Weather-modifying Charm • Metelojinx
-Weather-modifying Countercharm • Meteolojinx Recanto
-Weather-modifying Charm Variant • Meteolojinx
-Atmospheric Charm • Caelum Muto
-Blue Sparks Charm • Caerulimillious
-Fire-Making Spell • Incendio Duo
-Slug-Vomiting Charm • Slugulus Eructo
-Flower-Conjuring Spell • Orchideous
-Slippery Jinx • Lubricus
-Fiery Script Charm • Flagrate
-Stairs-into-Slide Charm • Glisseo
-Paper Mending Charm • Papyrus Reparo
-Reviving Spell • Rennervate
-Hive-conjuring spell • Cutem Uro
-Flask-conjuration spell • Potiri Putine
-Ascension Spell • Alarte Ascendare
-Descension Spell • Descendo

Third Year:

Fourth Year:

Fifth Year:

Sixth Year:

Seventh Year:

First Year:
-Cure for Boils
-Herbicide Potion
-Forgetfulness Potion
-Pompion Potion
-Antidote to Common Poisons
-Antidote to Uncommon Poisons
-Bruise Removal Paste
-Burn Healing Paste
-Babbling Beverage
-Confusing Concoction
-Dizziness Draught
-Muffling Draught
-Dogbreath Potion

Second Year:
-Drowsiness Draught
-Sleeping Draught
-Murtlap Essence
-Pepperup Potion
-Deflating Draught
-Swelling Solution
-Calming Draught
-Gregory’s Unctuous Unction

Third Year:

Fourth Year:

Fifth Year:

Sixth Year:

Seventh Year:

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

25 Dec 2022, 11:19
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•

Beatrice's Family Story
Image Image Image

Beatrice's mother and father (Alice [born Lavigne] and Konstantin Dupont) were both born in rich and big Families. Alice was born and raised in France while Konstantin was born and raised in Scotland. However, both went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic since Konstantins family wanted him to study abroad and learn french. Both of their Families are very rich and had/have connections to Royal families. Alice's and Konstantin's families own several estates and grounds around the whole world. One of them being the grounds and quidditch field in Fort William - Scotland, after graduation from Beauxbatons Academy, Konstantin and Alice moved to Scotland and started building the manor. Their wedding was extremely big and all the Pureblood families with a "good" reputation as well as their own families came. Alice took over Konstantins last name, Dupont, and took over the family colors as well. After that they started hosting a Christmas ball every year, inviting only Pureblood families and perhaps a half blood family that was very well looked at. They lived there for a couple years, only communicating in the highest of Pureblood circles. When Alice became pregnant with Beatrice, her parents decided to move closer. Victor and Marie Lavigne. Alice didn't have a particularly close relationship with her parents but when Beatrice was born she was thankful they were there. It was after a fight with Konstantin, the first time he laid a hand on her - New years eve 2010. Alice didn't dare to tell anyone about it, it was only one time, right? Hours later around 4 am Beatrice was born. Konstantin started pushing his work hours and staying longer even tho he didn't need to. Of course Alice didn't know that. She only knew that he worked ar the Minestry, together with the French Minestry and that he is in the highest ranks of workers. She never thought that he could be unfaithful to her. On top of the Minestry work, Konstantin started building his own business as a lawyer for Pureblood wizards and witches. He called it 'Dupont' not knowing that it was going to be a big company in the wizarding world. Beatrice was born into an unloving Family, Alice desperately trying to hold onto her Husband, ignoring the little girl crying in her crib. Gladly the house elves noticed and started having an eye on the infant.
Alice had a very hard time adjusting to the fact that Konstantin was at work all day while she was with Beatrice. Her Mother passed away around the same time that Edith was born and Alice grew closer with her father. Two years after Edith, the twins were born. Konstantin desperately wanted a boy, so he could continue the Dupont name since the girls were supposed to marry someday. Beatrice was already 5 years old at that point and had been homeschooled and trained since 4 years old. Edith still had a year to go. The more her Father loved Benedict, the less he cared about the girls. Especially Beatrice. Since she was the oldest, her Parents thought she could take care of herself, so she grew up doing so.
Her grandfather adored all of the children, teaching them to fly on a broom and play wizarding chess. He climbed on trees with the four children, taught them to swim in the lake (it was really more of a pond) behind their house and did all the things their parents wouldn't do with them.
He secretly took them out into the muggle world, showing them what it was like and how everyone got around without magic. The more desperate all of the kids where when Victor died. It was especially hard on Beatrice since her grandfather was the only one she could talk to.
Konstantin quit working at the Minestry and build out his own company more and more. 2 years before Beatrice was going to attend Hogwarts, Alice became pregnant again. Surprisingly not from Konstantin. Their Kids never found out, just Konstantin. The child was never born, or at least no one knows of a birth and nobody else ever found out other than perhaps the father. What happened to the unborn child is a secret no one should ever find out, but perhaps some very unlucky things will lead their children into the direction that there was something. The child was given up for Adoption from Alice and the unknown Father adopted it.

The rest of the Dupont and Lavigne family is scattered throughout France, the United States and the United Kingdom. - As well as some distant relatives in other parts of the world. One being Italy. Beatrice's older and favorite Cousin Henry lives there and is more like a brother than a Cousin to her. He is 13 years old and always brings friends to the Christmas balls (as well as presents.) Beatrice and Henry sent letters back and forth through the years and he loves her like a little sister. Henry is an only Child and just lives with his Mother Lavinia Lavigne since her Husband was a muggle and left them after finding out that Lavina is a witch and that Henry will also be a wizard. Ronan and Lavina had a great love story and she was desperate when he found out and they fought about it. Ronan, her husband, was scared and couldn't believe that something like magic exists. One day he just disappeared and neither Lavinia or Henry ever heard of him again. Now Lavinia and Henry are barely allowed to come to the family events because of Lavinia's "betrayel" as some of their Familie members call it. - Including Konstantin. Alice doesn't say anything most of the time because she loves her Sister and secretly doesn't think it's bad that she fell in love with a muggle or that her child doesn't have Pureblood. Of course she would never say that.
Dupont Family
Father(40):Konstantin Dupont
„Words don’t cover up actions Mr. Dupont.“
Birthday: 30 October
Previous Workplace: Ministry = International Magical Office of Law
Workplace Now: Own Law Firm called 'Dupont'
Information about work: Jessica Applebottom (Sister of Jannette Applebottom) works there as a Legal Assistant. The Dupont Law Firm is manly for Pureblood wizards and witches.
Konstantin works full time.
Mother(38) Alice Dupont
„Some people play victims of crimes they committed.“
Birthday: 24 July
Workplace: Ministry = Control of Magical Creatures department. Works half time.
Beatrice Dupont
„I'm drowning and you're standing three feet away screaming 'learn how to swim'.“
Sister(9):Edith Dupont
„Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.“
Birthday: 14 February
Twins- Brother(7) and Sister(7): Benedict and Calliope Dupont
„Children almost always hang onto things tighter than their parents think they will.“
Birthday: 21 November
Family Owl - Rupert
Grandmother and Grandfather(Father's side):Alfred Cuthbert Earl Dupont and Bedelia Edaena Dupont~„Money is the reason we exist.
The Lavigne Family

"Vision without Action is a Daydream"
Sigil: Light blue butterfly/s.
Family colors: Light blue and white.
Light blue symbolize's peacefulness, trustworthiness and reliability as well as tranquility.
White on the other side, symbolize's purity, simplicity, and cleanliness.

The Lavigne Family values all of this.


Alice Lavigne has a big Family so naturally she has more than one Sister and Family spread across everywhere. Giselle Lavigne is one of Alice's sisters. She is 44 while Alice is 37. The age difference might be one of the reasons why they aren't that close. Their sister Lavinia is 36, so she is the youngest of three. Beatrice has only met Giselle's Family at a few occasions such as balls and party's or the Funeral of Victor Lavigne and later Marie Lavigne.
Aunt(Mother's side):Lavinia Lavigne(36)
Cousin(Mother's side):Henry Lavigne(13)
Marcel Bellamy-Father (Uncle)
Giselle Lavigne-Mother (Aunt)
Rosemary Bellamy-Child (Cousin)
Gabriel Bellamy-Child (Cousin)
Émeric Bellamy-Child (Cousin)

Family Connections
|• Ivy Bellamy • =sharing a set of first Cousin's. Beatrice's mother is the Sister of Ivy's aunt.
Additional Info: Rosemary's Fiance - Evander Noir, Astrea Soleil Neptune's Cousin.|

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

4 Mar 2023, 16:09
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•


【NAME】Beatrice Alaska Dupont
【RESIDENCE】Fort William, Scotland
【WAND】25,9 cm, walnut wood,
and unicorn hair.

"A quote can go here, one line only."


Beatrice is the oldest daughter of Alice and Konstantin Dupont. She has always been told to be polite and put together. As the oldest of the Dupont children she is meant to carry on the Dupont name or marry wealthy some day.
Before Hogwarts she was homeschooled on a high level of Education and had to learn several things, French being one of them because of her Mother. She also had to go through severe dance training, not only the formal dances but Ballet too.
Other than those things Beatrice has had a pretty normal Childhood. She plays in the garden with her siblings, visits the Diagon Ally with her family, has Hobbys such as drawing and reading or swimming in the pond that's in their garden and she dreams her little childhood dreams. Her Grandfather was a big part of her childhood as well. He loved the muggle world and taught his grandkids some things about it, he even sneaked them out into muggle Fort William from time to time.
Beatrice has three younger Siblings. They all live with their parents together in a big house, more of a Manor really, in Scotland. Edith, her younger sister is the second oldest. Then come the Twins Benedict and Calliope. Alice's and Konstantin's families come from long lines of Pure bloods, while Alice, Beatrice's Mother, grew up in France and attended the Beauxbatons Academy, Konstantin grew up in Scotland, studying abroad at Beauxbatons.
The rest of Beatrice's Family is somewhere in Europe at all kinds of places. She isn't particularly close to any of them - other than her Cousin Henry and Aunt Lavinia - due to the fact that they don't see each other that often. Only on holidays like Christmas when her Parents or other family members throw parties and balls.
Everyone around her has always told her how pretty she is and that she will have many boys swooning over her. She got all the good genes from her Family ( if there are even bad ones ) and has quite the Personality, which Alice and Konstantin Dupont sometimes do not approve off. Her Parents have High Hopes in her, seeing as she is the eldest, they want her to be smart, ambitious, focused, elegant, but most of all they want her to never make anyone disrespect the Dupont name and continue the tradition off being a proud Slytherin with pure blood. If she ever marries he is supposed to be Pureblood and.. well.. preferably Slytherin or someone that went to Beauxbatons academy, like her mother and father did. If she does not marry or have Children (which shouldn't even happen without being married, according to her parents) she is supposed to have an exceptional career. Beatrice often feels trapped in the old believes and values of her parents. For her a Career does seem better than getting married and having Children the way her parents did.

For her home in General she lives in big house, with her Family, which is basically a Manor. A big garden is attached to it with a pound and a private quidditch field. You see, money is not a problem in Beatrice's Family. Her father's family owned the grounds with the manor and seeing that he is the oldest son, he got them. For the rest off her family - Her grandparents from her Mum's side died. Beatrice was crushed when her grandfather died since she had a very close realationship with him and he and his wife had moved from France to Scotland when Beatrice was born. The rest of her Mum's family still lives in France, only her Mother's sister Lavinia lives in Italy with her son Henry. Her Dad's parents moved from Scotland to America and the rest of his family lives all over the world. She sometimes sees them at Events and balls that her Parents throw, especially the winter/christmas Ball that they host every year. Her parents are super proud of that.

After you have heard all this, you might think Beatrice is a spoiled brat, but she's not. She knows that her family is wealthy, she knows there are people that are scared of her family, she knows being a Pureblood Slytherin still gives people the idea you're a complete and total asshole, she knows how lucky she is to have never needed to worry about food in her belly or a roof over her head and she knows that her Parents aren't always good People.

First Instance of Magic
When Beatrice was 4 years old, her Parents were out on a business event at the Minestry where they both work. Beatrice and Edith were left at home with a Babysitter. At 11 pm Alice (pregnant with Benedict and Calliope and awfully close to her due day) and Konstantin still hadn't come home. Her babysitter just could not get Beatrice into bed, who was filled up with worry something bad had happened, while Edith was fast asleep. Around 11:30 pm an Owl from St. Mungo's arrived. The Babysitter would just not let Beatrice know what was happening and Beatrice started to cry. When the babysitter shoved her into her room, telling Beatrice to just go to sleep, Beatrice screamed. The door flew open, the babysitter fell to the floor and the letter from St. Mungo's landed straight in Beatrice's hands. Her father signed it, saying that their Mother was having the Twins and the Babysitter should stay longer because they probably wouldn't be out until the next evening.
Coded By Winnie Harper
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 18 Jun 2023, 16:43, edited 8 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

5 Mar 2023, 08:42
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•

Languages: English | French
Accent: Posh British
FC: Jenna Ortega

Nickname's: Ice, Bea, Kas, Slytherin


Dark Brown


Pale & Smooth

Elegant & Graceful

Thin and Sporty

Beatrice has dark brown hair, that used to be down to a few inches above her waist in first year. She still has bangs that are a bit outgrown but now her hair only reaches just beneath her shoulder plates. Her eyes are a blue - sea green color but seem brown in some light. In hight she is 1 50 cm tall (4'11). Natural blush covers her nose and cheeks with light freckles spreading across those parts too. Other than that her skin is clear and soft, looking rather pale. She is thin and looks quite sporty. Her smile is kind and since she's attending Hogwarts, it has become a more frequent look. Whoever can catch a glimpse of her smile, will see small dimples form, making her look cute. She overall looks put together, tidy and organized, which her clothes also show.
Beatrice is quiet but not shy and can be quite funny and witty when you get to know her. Beatrice is extremely smart and studies a lot. Overall she is kind hearted, however, with people she doesn't know, she used to be very cold and could be rude. That too has changed over time. Now she mostly is not rude unless you give her a reason. She makes it clear when something or someone is her territory (although she is not a bully).
When she grows up she wants to be a healer at St. Mungo's or work as an Auror. She is determined whenever she sets her mind on something and loves to read books or listening to music as well as play on the piano. Her biggest interest are magical plants, potions and charms. She has a love for quidditch but her parents often forbid her to do so since it is not a lady like sport. Beatrice often disobeys this and quite frankly does not care. Beatrice is a great painter which the Painting and sketches in her Journal show. She plays the piano since she was four and due to her Grandfather always playing with her, she is an awesome wizarding chess player
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 2 Jun 2023, 09:30, edited 5 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

5 Mar 2023, 10:26
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•
Dupont Estate and Property

Family Manor
Image Image Image Image
Code will be added soon, image upload is currently not working for me
• Dupont Manor staff changes, Horse Stables added to estate
• Additional Holiday Home in the French Countryside
• Apartment in London
• Dupont Law Firm clarification


1. Most of the house elf’s at the Dupont Manor (at least the ones that are visible to the eye) get exchanged with regular staff, Konstantin has decided that they are moving with the times and regular staff is more pleasant to the eye

2. I want to add Horse Stables that are being built onto a part of the Property from the time span; Winter Break to Summer Break
• 8 horses in Total- 1 for each family member that resides in the Manor, one for a guest, however in some cases guests can also choose one of the other horses because the entire family usually doesn’t go horse riding all at once (especially because their children are mostly rather young)
• Staff and Instructor included as well as the equipment
• A sanded hall for bad weather and a sanded open riding arena
• The Stable holds capacities for up to 16 horses, eight stalls on each side if guests want to accommodate their own horses
• Holds a large saddle and supply room, Hayloft, 5 washing stations and a Lounge for the riders
• Each Horse has a Paddock and a large stall
• A large area of the property has been fenced off and is available to the horses at all times, should the time of year and weather be appropriate
• The entire stable is heated in winter (only on when needed, due to the very cold winters in Scotland)
• Small-ish lake has been created that allows for swimming and cooling off (horses and humans, only half of this „lake“ is available to the horses at all times)
• Staff is at the stable regularly and checks in, feeds, fills up water, cleans or does whatever is needed
• A top tier riding instructor is present for lessons three times a week and teaches the children, mostly separately.

White Andalusian
Name: Kaiser
Age: 8
- Stallion

Black Friesian
Name: Leora
Age: 4
- Mare

Dark Brown Trakehner
Name: Solandis
Age: 7
- Mare

Black Shire Horse
Name: Rune
Age: 10
- Stallion

White Mustang
Name: Hael
Age: 5
- Stallion

Norwegian Fjord
Name: Nyla
Age: 15
- Mare

Dapple gray Arabian Horse
Name: Faris
Age: 11
- Stallion

Chocolate Rocky Mountain
Name: Thalassa
Age: 9
- Mare

3. French Countryside home:
• Alice’s property (and with that, property that belongs to her side of the family, not the Duponts - will be important for later plots), inherited when her Parents died.
• Used for Holidays or similar
• Located close to Manosque

4. London Apartment:
• Two tier city apartment in London super close to the Dupont Law Firm
• Used for Konstantin when he stays in London instead of traveling back to Fort William
• When there is a big event or Holiday, Family members use it as a place to stay when visiting the Dupont’s from time to time.
• Connected to Floo Powder System for a spot to arrive in London when needed.

5. Details on Konstantins Law Firm
• Location: Central London
• Only accepts wealthy individuals and businesses that very high in society and preferably Pureblood
• Konstantin established the entire Firm by himself, which he is incredibly proud of - he hopes Benedict inherits his legacy as his heir
• Connected and working with many important figures around the world
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 23 Jun 2024, 14:49, edited 9 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

5 Mar 2023, 10:36
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•

this most definitely needs to be updated but I do not have the patience to go through all my threads and do it ✨

☽ F R I E N D S ☾
„I thought he was someone else at first, who knew a friendship could build out of a mistake.”
───Threads:add later
„We met at a slumber party she threw and I instantly liked her. Mon is super cool and approachable, I hope to get to know her more.”
───Threads:add later
„We met in the maze, I thought she was a threat. Turns out she's just a small fierce girl that is actually super nice. I do not consider her as a friend just yet but perhaps soon.”
───Threads:add later
„Threw a snowball at me but actually seems pretty nice. We met a couple times after that. I like her.”
───Threads:add later
„Quill pall and painting buddy/student (:”
───Threads:add later
☽ A C Q U A I N T A N C E S ☾
„Bummed into him at Flourish and Blotts. No particularly opinion.”
───Threads:add later
„We met inside but ended up by the great lake, laying in the snow and talking. Mixed Feelings, apparently she likes to race and hang out in the abandoned bathroom.”
───Threads:add later
„Surprisingly nice, catched and defended me, kinda feel bad about how I acted towards him.”
───Threads:add later
„Not a very pleasant interaction.”
───Threads:add later
„Absolutely lovely, brought me a sweet card and two chocolate frogs at the Dupont Ball. Also met at the Malfoy Meeting and the night of the incident. Such a sweetheart!”
───Threads:add later
„He made me very.. flustered. I don't know what to do with myself around him.”
───Threads:add later
„Didn't talk to him a whole lot but he seems nice, very energetic.”
───Threads:add later
„Haven't really talked to him, seems nice enough.”
───Threads:add later
„Simply do not like her right now, pretty psychopath-like. But maybe she is just misunderstood and hurt?
───Threads:add later
☽ E N E M I E S ☾
───Threads:add later
───Threads:add later
───Threads:add later
Code by: Winnie Harper

Inactive Acquaintance or no longer on site:

Slytherin-"A little clumsy but overall seems like a sweetheart, a little worried about her." - Irina is Beatrice's best friend ever. Sadly she had to move to Germany with her parents, which is why they won't see each other anymore and only talk in letters. This is leaving Beatrice devastated and it does hurt her a lot. — Glad you aren't gone OOC my dear Mey <3

"Real nice, I liked her a lot"

"Accidentally ran into each other but we had hot chocolate afterwards"

"Hufflepuff - Odd but somehow makes me feel a little better whenever I'm with him." - Sadly Beatrice hasn't talked to him since before Christmas break, when he was supposed to come to her Parents Christmas Ball.

"Durmstrang Champion - A real git, he thinks way to good of himself and he has a very unsettling presence."

THYMUS QUERCUS TIMEREY Slytherin, First Year - Cut his hair in the Lavatory where I searched for my book, seems pretty Cool and wants to be called Quercy. — Beatrice hasn't seen him in forever and she just assumed he mostly keeps to himself or left Hogwarts.

"Offered me her ink, seems nice but suspicious, for no particular reason." - Was suddenly gone and Beatrice didn't see her in the common room anymore, perhaps she just got busy with live.

"Almost ran into him because of the mesmerizing Unicorns. He is a little shy and odd but still pretty nice, won't look into my eyes"

"Seems very nice, brought sweets from Honeydukes to Malfoy's first Meeting, definitely likable. Watched the Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff quidditch game together."

Leila Honey
Slytherin, First Year - First Slytherin I met, seemed okay. - Thread Abandoned ×

Maria Sallow
Slytherin, First Year - poured soup over the poor Girl. - Thread Abandoned ×
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 2 Jun 2023, 09:31, edited 5 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

26 Mar 2023, 20:10
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•

➤ In Progress
● Completed
○ Abandoned
FIRST YEAR | 2022-2023
Magic behind Books
@Ethan Smith 30 August 2022
- Privat 31 August 2022
New School Year
Train Rides
@Edward Edwards 1 September 2022
Sorting Ceremony
@/ 1 September 2022
Mixed Up Feelings
@Leila Honey 1 September 2022
Spreading Ink and Books
@Irina Sousa 1 September 2022
The Soup Incident
@Maria Sallow 9 September 2022
Bloody Skirt
@Keith Moore 16 September 2022
A Fortunate Fall
@Zoe Pearthel 17 September 2022
Meeting through art
@Rani Adler 26 September 2022
Small Frogs in a big Hall
@/ 28 September 2022
The Art of asking you
@Rani Adler 7 October 2022
Deactivated REBELLION - Call me Quercy
@Thymus Quercus Timerey 8 October 2022
8 October 2022
Faerietale Endings 01
@Rani Adler
Faerietale Endings 02
@Rani Adler
Farietale Endings 03
@Flash Holmwood (as Yefim Rumyantsev) @Winnie Harper (as Felix Kolbeck) @Rani Adler
Farietale Endings 04
@Flash Holmwood (as Yefim Rumyantsev) @Winnie Harper (as Felix Kolbeck) @Rani Adler
Farietale Endings 05
@Flash Holmwood (as Yefim Rumyantsev) @Winnie Harper (as Felix Kolbeck) @Rani Adler
Farietale Endings 06
@Flash Holmwood (as Yefim Rumyantsev) @Winnie Harper (as Felix Kolbeck) @Rani Adler
Farietale Endings 07
@Rani Adler
Late Birthday
@Rani Adler 29 December 2022
Friendship by the Fire
@Lily Blaze 30 October 2022
starting 4 November 2022
Quill Pall
@Simon Kincaid
Nightmare Awakenings 01
@Irina Sousa 11 November 2022
Nightmare Awakenings 02
@Irina Sousa
Climbing A Mountain
@Edward Edwards 12 November 2022
@Taisia Stroudefielde 19 November 2022
@Damion White 28 November 2022
Jingle Bells, The Old Man Smells
@Edward Edwards 1 December 2022
Piercing Stare
@Lucian Mornstern 1 December 2022
Let it snow
@Kayla Realma 14 December 2022
Happy Birthday Kay- Beatrice?
@Kayla Realma 18 December 2022
●/○Winter Sky Letters
@Irina Sousa 19 December 2022
@/ 23 December 2022
Dupont Ball
Open 25 December 2022
Devil's Smile
@/ 1 January 2023
Ice Ice Baby
7 January 2023
Malfoy's first Meeting
@Irina Sousa @Lucian Mornstern @Thorn Cullen @Janette Applebottom @Ava Winchect @Guinevere Russetwood @Colin McCoire @Opelia Winters @Elira Lamacraft @Rebecca Loops @Maggie Hawkins 7 January 2023
Burning Candles
@Lucian Mornstern 11 January 2023
@Hannah Blossom
Friends? Maybe part two
@Hannah Blossom 14 January 2023
You Belong Among the Wildflowers
@Simon Kincaid 16 January 2023
The Tears You Cry
@Irina Sousa 19 January 2023
An accidental Friendship
@Oliver Brown 25 January 2023
A Step Towards Unity¹
A Step Towards Unity²
@Group 2 27 January 2023
Baby Broomers
@Irina Sousa @Violet Grace and @other teams 4 February 2023
Quidditch Spectator Thread
@Elira Lamacraft @Irina Sousa 5 February 2023
Valentine's Sweethearts
@Irina Sousa 13 February 2023
Augurey and Unicorn@Bernard Waye
16 February 2023
Valentine's Ball
@Irina Sousa 17 February 2023
24 February 2023
Slytherin Slumber Party
Manly: @Monica Evans @Lucian Mornstern @Colin McCoire
To My Best Friend
@Irina Sousa 28 February 2023
Just Chillin'¹
@Simon Kincaid as Miles Thatcher 3 April 2023
Just Chillin'²
@Simon Kincaid as Miles Thatcher 3 April 2023
Dupont Easter Feast 9 April 2023
Goodbyes and Chocolate Frogs @Clara Alexander 16 April 2023
21 April 2023
Maze -Spring Ball ¹ @Fang Hui-Ying
Maze -Spring Ball ² @Fang Hui-Ying
Royal Banquet ¹
Royal Banquet ² @Lucian Mornstern @Ashley Montez
Brooms at the Ready
@Fang Hui-Ying| @Ashley Montez | @Duvessa Ember | @Odilon Wilde | @Raizel Voltrouz | @Aurora Griffith 29 April 2023
I'll Get You My Pretty, And Your Little Goblin Too
@Lucian Mornstern | @Fang Hui-Ying as Klaus | @Clark Baird | @Odilon Wilde| @Rita Su
Two Sneks & a Bird @Monica Evans 12 May 2023

SECOND YEAR | 2023-2024
Noble Natured Pet Solo. 1st of July 2023
Magical Night @Lucian Mornstern @Ashley Montez 11 July 2023
New School Year
Entering A New Chapter @Fang Hui-Ying @Mari Alves @Lucian Mornstern @Odilon Wilde @Colin McCoire1st of September 2023
What are you hiding? @Fang Hui-Ying 30th September 2023
Candle-lit Banquet [Fall Ball] @Fang Hui-Ying 6th October 2023
THIRD YEAR | 2024-2025
FOURTH YEAR | 2025-2026
FIFTH YEAR | 2026-2027
SIXTH YEAR | 2027-2028
SEVENTH YEAR | 2028-2029
Original code by: Winnie Harper
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 15 Jul 2023, 12:27, edited 21 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

7 May 2023, 19:08
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•
small note that this is not organized to make outfits, just what I believe would generally be in her wardrobe.

Beatrice's Wardrobe

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Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 2 Jun 2023, 09:32, edited 2 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-

23 May 2023, 19:09
•beatrice dupont ~ second year ~ slytherin•
Maila Aurora Laine | Fourth Year | Durmstrang | Duellist
━━━━━━━ ♔ ━━━━━━━
"Each one can make a difference. Be kind"

Status: Halfblood
Ethnicity: Finnish/Russian
Birthday: 21 November 2010
Age: 13 (5 proud minutes older than her brother)

Dark brown hair, dark chocolate colored piercing eyes - sparkling with joy. Skin: smooth, brown, spotless, cheeks have a natural blush. Maila is of average hight but thinks she's too short. She is skinny with very well build muscle that you can't always see unless she flexes them. Maila has perfect posture and carries herself with lots of confidence. She is a very happy, open and bubbly person most of the time and one can often see her laugh and smile - both mesmerizingly beautiful. Perfect white teeth. Dark pink lips, soft and full.
She mostly wears colorful clothes, a lot of overalls and always has her bright red converse on. Every day. She's had them for a few years now. — Malia and her twin are total opposite's in looks and personality but they have one identical mole right below their left eye's. It's pretty much one of the only things that would make you think they are related.
Maila is very open and nice. She often gets people out of their shell because of her personality. She likes to stay alone instead of being with people but does enjoy company from time to time and some trouble making. Maila gets straight O's and is very proud of it. She is very smart, almost to the point that other people feel dumb when she says something. Free time: Maila likes to read, do sports such as Fencing, Boxing, Jiu Jitsu and horse riding. She has been doing all of those since what feels like forever. For her mind and body she does Meditation and Pilates every other day and recently has been trying out Yoga. She is a bundle of joy and funnieness but does stand up for herself and doesn't let anyone say something bad about her or the people she loves. Maila isn't scared of getting into physical fights or hurting someone with her words. She is a pretty chaotic person when it comes to a lot of things, but she always seems very put together and like she has everything under control, even tho that's often not the case.
Last edited by Beatrice Dupont on 5 Aug 2024, 14:31, edited 2 times in total.

-Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know-