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3 Sep 2023, 03:01
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
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Last edited by Remedy Norden on 18 Feb 2024, 15:18, edited 30 times in total.

3 Sep 2023, 03:01
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
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"... show an animal kindness, and it will give loyalty until the heavens fall,"
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la présentation de la reine
Pronounced as "reh-muh-DEE," the name itself first emerged in the 13th century and has remained an uncommon one ever since. In the case of young Remedy Norden, the name was selected by her mother, Hyacinth, hoping that her daughter's arrival would mend the Rochefort's from their charred & tainted past.
Named for her mother's deceased grandmother, Adresteia Rochefort's namesake is derived from the Greek goddess Adrestia, the better known as the "Goddess of Retribution." Great-grandmother Adresteia was particularly described as a cold woman, working as an Unspeakable in the French Ministry of Magic.
The Norden's are an old, noble, and aristocratic family with an illustrious history of Purebloods. Their lineage has always resided in England, have accumulated a vast wealth, and they have maintained their impeccable reputation under the present Matriarch, Ordelia Norden. Their surname would hold familiarity to pro-dueling fans after the successes of a former Pro-Duelist and National Dueling Team Owner, Derrick Norden.
REMEDY (noun.)
♔──Machiavellian | Commander ENTJ A.
To the average observer, Remedy is simply poised, shrewd. smug and charismatic. Only those with a clearer lens can see that girl truly tactical, tenacious, apathetic, and wily to her core. She is unwavering in her pursuit of excellence, and her conviction in blood purity and hunger to prove her superiority makes her a force to be reckoned with.
GENDER. Female
D.O.B. 15 Sept 2011
SIGN. Virgo
ORIGIN. Salcombe, England
AGE. 12 years
RACE. Human
STONE. Sapphire
ETHNICITY. English-French
REPUTATION. Much like adults' and their wine -- Remedy is an acquired taste, earning a reputation that instills both contempt and reverence. She is recognized as a Blood Purist with high expectations of the company she keeps, and an extreme devotion to the small few she admires. She is known to also be calm, manipulative and calculated, using wit and charisma to undermine enemies and utilize friends for personal gain.
HOUSE. Slytherin
DORM. Severus Snape
AMORTENTIA. Earl Grey Tea & Roses
YEAR. First
ROOMMATE. June Selwyn
PATRONUS. Inapplicable
POLYJUICE. Navy Blue; sour Cherry Flavour
INTERESTS. One so engrossed at achieving the most advance levels of witchcraft, Remedy only subjects herself to activities that cultivate her skills; potions and dueling. Potions, requiring meticulous skill and dedication of a witch, while dueling being the personification of magic mastery, showcasing her expertise in combative form.
23,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
"... show it nothing but the lash, and wonder not why it bears teeth."
Last edited by Remedy Norden on 5 Nov 2023, 20:56, edited 36 times in total.

3 Sep 2023, 03:02
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
“… hurt vanity is one of the cruelest of mortal wounds,”
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Ut magna lectus, vulputate at augue vel, rutrum pretium diam. Phasellus sodales, velit nec fringilla malesuada, est massa cursus orci, a pulvinar magna arcu eu neque. Praesent a magna a nisi fringilla tincidunt sed ut dui. Praesent a magna. Ut magna lectus, vulputate at augue vel, rutrum pretium diam. Phasellus sodales, velit nec fringilla malesuada, est massa cursus orci, a pulvinar magna arcu eu neque. Praesent a magna a nisi fringilla tincidunt sed ut dui. Praesent a magna a nisi fringilla tincidunt sed ut dui. Praesent a magna. Praesent a magna. Praesent a magna.
This is another really old code. I had to fiddle with it a bit, but I think it turned out fairly clean, especially considering I haven't touched it in two years.
Ut magna lectus, vulputate at augue vel, rutrum pretium diam. Phasellus sodales, velit nec fringilla malesuada, est massa cursus orci, a pulvinar magna arcu eu neque. Praesent a magna a nisi fringilla tincidunt sed ut dui. Praesent a magna.
Ut magna lectus, vulputate at augue vel, rutrum pretium diam. Phasellus sodales, velit nec fringilla malesuada, est massa cursus orci, a pulvinar magna arcu eu neque. Praesent a magna a nisi fringilla tincidunt sed ut dui. Praesent a magna.
“… may self-admiration giveth much consolation.”

Last edited by Remedy Norden on 15 Oct 2023, 14:01, edited 9 times in total.

3 Sep 2023, 03:03
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
"... you don't get what you deserve,"
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la psiche
𝑬 𝑨 𝑹 𝑳 𝒀 ● 𝑳 𝑰 𝑭 𝑬 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac libero elit. Fusce turpis leo, posuere iaculis lobortis vel, viverra ac dui. Donec ornare justo lacus, vitae pretium dui tempor ut. Cras in turpis mi. Nulla ullamcorper, justo eu ornare eleifend, ante tellus iaculis lacus, vel dapibus nisl enim nec dui. Proin in leo sed turpis lacinia semper. Nullam tempor ullamcorper enim eu feugiat. Phasellus eleifend pulvinar lacinia. Cras tempor porta neque vitae aliquam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur erat tortor, maximus sed augue feugiat, pulvinar rhoncus elit. Proin et faucibus erat, vitae lobortis massa. Aenean rhoncus pulvinar consectetur. Curabitur et facilisis mi. Phasellus sagittis tellus eu est posuere dapibus. Ut id tellus at sem tristique molestie. Mauris suscipit risus tristique dui efficitur vulputate quis ut ante. Etiam urna ipsum, semper non ultrices eget, accumsan vel tortor. Proin a lectus pharetra, semper eros vel, tincidunt odio. Nulla eget nibh a enim semper consectetur rhoncus id diam.
𝑺 𝑪 𝑯 𝑶 𝑶 𝑳 ● 𝑳 𝑰 𝑭 𝑬 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac libero elit. Fusce turpis leo, posuere iaculis lobortis vel, viverra ac dui. Donec ornare justo lacus, vitae pretium dui tempor ut. Cras in turpis mi. Nulla ullamcorper, justo eu ornare eleifend, ante tellus iaculis lacus, vel dapibus nisl enim nec dui. Proin in leo sed turpis lacinia semper. Nullam tempor ullamcorper enim eu feugiat. Phasellus eleifend pulvinar lacinia. Cras tempor porta neque vitae aliquam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur erat tortor, maximus sed augue feugiat, pulvinar rhoncus elit. Proin et faucibus erat, vitae lobortis massa. Aenean rhoncus pulvinar consectetur. Curabitur et facilisis mi. Phasellus sagittis tellus eu est posuere dapibus. Ut id tellus at sem tristique molestie. Mauris suscipit risus tristique dui efficitur vulputate quis ut ante. Etiam urna ipsum, semper non ultrices eget, accumsan vel tortor. Proin a lectus pharetra, semper eros vel, tincidunt odio. Nulla eget nibh a enim semper consectetur rhoncus id diam.
"... you only get what you take."

Last edited by Remedy Norden on 15 Oct 2023, 14:01, edited 6 times in total.

3 Sep 2023, 04:51
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
Physical Description:
Remedy Norden sits averagely in height like most children of her age. But she has traded in some of her baby fat for lean muscle because of her love for basic cardio. Remedy's thick head of straight black hair, similar to her mother's, gracefully falls past her shoulders in length maintaining a wavey texture. Remedy inherited her father's expressive almond-shaped eyes that are deep brown in color. She possesses a narrow face with a button nose and pointed chin, high cheekbones that are lightly freckled, and a strong foundation that is further accentuated by her sharp jawline.

Mental Description:
Positive Traits: Ambitious, Proud, Perfectionist, Competitive.
Negative Traits: Deceitful, Vain, Stubborn, Impassive.

When it comes to describing a Norden, the first word that will pop into your mind is their ambitious nature. As for the young, impressionable Remedy, one could say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. With an embedded desire to succeed and outshine her competition that may stand in her way, Remedy will rise to the challenge each and every time. While her methods to achieve her goals may be seen as deceitful to some, she is unyielding in her pursuit of excellence.

Excellence. The very epitome of being a Norden. It exudes through every facet and fiber of her family — or, perhaps that’s what the Nordens tell themselves. Regardless of what the truth may be, Remedy cannot be swayed to believe anything less and stands proud of her family’s legacy. Her pride mixed with her ambition guides Remedy towards a proclivity to aim for perfection in every regard, as a Norden should. Some may think of her as vain for the way she boasts regarding her family's accomplishments, purist beliefs, wealth, appearance, and her own achievements, and so be it if they think they're right.

Right or wrong — if any unfortunate soul finds themselves in a feud with Remedy Norden, simply know that it's futile because of her competitive nature. Although Remedy enjoys the thrill of competition because of her cunning tendencies, she can become uncompromising and annoyingly stubborn when Remedy doesn't possess an advantage. Even if she secretly agrees, doesn't care, or knows she’s wrong or defeated, Remedy will not retract from her stance or admit defeat as doing so, in her young mind, is linked to weakness. Despite her intolerance to and avoidance of having any shortcomings, imperfections, or mistakes, Remedy maintains her image as the perfect Norden daughter by remaining impassive and rarely revealing her sensitive and self-critical nature.


Being an only child, Remedy always found ways to entertain herself when her parents weren’t able. Around this time, Remedy would realize that running was her absolute favorite activity. In order to remain quiet inside the lonely halls of Seyrett Manor, she'd slip on her socks and sprint and stop, relying solely on her inertia to propel her forward. It was a quick fix for boredom, but proved to be quite hazardous if one is not so careful.

At the age of 5, Remedy enjoyed her little game in the confinements of the dining hall. It included a spacious open area with a large table in the center, as well as a massive wooden hutch stocked with fine china and heirlooms. Remedy, not erring on the side of caution, would slide into this hutch allowing for many of the china to come cascading down upon Remedy.

Her heart would beat out of her chest and she attempted to shield her face with arms. Instantly, the plates just bounced back just before they landed on her. Remedy was protected from the glassware’s impact by what appeared to be a shield that had formed around Remedy.

The commotion would bring the attention of both parents as well as house elves. The floor was tattered with broken shards of glass, but Remedy would remain perfect unscathed. With a quick ‘reparo’ casted by her mother, all that was once broken was restored yet again. To Remedy’s dismay, neither parents were upset and rather felt intense joy knowing their daughter was indeed a witch after all.

Borne to Derrick Abraham Norden and Hyacinth Camille Rochefort-Norden; both families well-placed and prestigious within their separate wizarding societies, but a union that was not meant to be.

Following graduation from Hogwarts, amateur duelist Derrick Norden would be pestered relentlessly to settle into a real career and find a partner; one young man so hungry for glory would refuse to marry, avoiding such distractions in his budding career despite his mother's criticism. Stealthily climbing the ranks of his dueling league over the years, the wizard would eventually go national and become a sensation, garnering a reputation of awe from dedicated followers of the sport. He would become one of many crowd favorites for his talent, victories, and charm, but every year would bring on newer, younger, and superior duelists with a similar ambition of his own. After many thrilling yet challenging seasons, it would eventually be time for Derrick to step off the piste.

For the national league to drop such talent would be an incredible waste; Derrick still had potential and much to prove; therefore, the man would be selected for the position of coaching the national league for several years to come. While his leadership and caliber brought great success to his team, earning several victories, the man would not be satisfied and held higher aspirations: to buy his own team. Combining generational wealth and his earnings, Derrick would work tirelessly towards the purchase of a national dueling team. It was an exhausting several months until the stars aligned and the purchase finally made; the man could finally find satisfaction now that his dreams had been reached and would prepare himself and his team for the new challenges on the drawing board.

His journey as a Dueling Manager would eventually tread into unknown waters as Derrick's elder sister, Cadence Leveret, and her husband's secret trial against the Wizengamot would inspire unwanted attention. While it was unlikely that Derrick could be involved in such rumors and slander that had met his ears, the man believed it was possible that the trial could potentially drag his dueling team into poor publicity because of Derrick's blood ties. Regardless of the actual circumstances that may have proceeded, Derrick remained cautious and took matters into his own hands, promptly selling his team after being an owner for only a few years and withdrawing from public view.

Derrick ultimately decided to relocate to France for the duration of the Leveret trial after hearing rumors and slander, wanting to avoid the press regarding his sudden sale of his team. He had come to resent his brother-in-law for being the ultimate cause of his hard-earned dream fading to nothing, but Derrick remained distantly supportive of his sister as she raised two young boys alone and was pregnant with a third. It was because of this marred reputation hovering over Leveret's name that Derrick Norden would hesitate to marry or introduce new life into the world.

After a chance encounter during a night out, Hyacinth Rochefort and Derrick Norden, two distant acquaintances in their youth, became briefly romantically involved. While Hyacinth sought an affluent Pureblood family with identical principles to marry into, Derrick had no such interest in marital matters, resulting in their relationship being short-lived. Naturally, things did not go accordingly when Hyacinth announced her pregnancy to Derrick after some silent weeks following their separation. To avoid further scandal attached to his family name and to not have a child out of wedlock, Derrick married Hyacinth in a small, private ceremony consisting of immediate family from both sides. Many were surprised that Derrick married so soon into the relationship, as he had spent years criticizing the idea of marriage, especially after his mother's terrible matchmaking.

After rumors spread regarding the legitimacy of their marriage from members of the ultra-class, both he and Hyacinth played the roles of a deeply in love couple as Derrick reentered English wizarding society. The couple planned to make a return to England so that their child could attend Hogwarts when the time came, just as Derrick had in his youth. With Derrick's wealth from his late career, he had purchased a gothic and secluded manor near the coastal town of Salcombe, Devon, England, along the Kingsbridge Estuary titled 'Praemium Manor.' While they did not engage in much contact inside their home, eventually they began to develop a penchant for hosting their own events to keep up their ruse as Derrick's return evoked some media attention.

On the 15th of September 2011, their daughter would be born in the early hours of the morning. Hyacinth named her Remedy, hoping that her arrival would rekindle their relationship. In some ways, she did; both he and Hyacinth slowly became rather good friends on this new journey of parenthood. While she would stay at home to raise Remedy, Derrick would embark on a new career in the Ministry of Magic, working up the ranks and earning an esteemed position as a Magical Sporting Event Coordinator.

When the Ministry required Derrick to travel, Hyacinth and Remedy would frequently join him. As little Remedy would age from infant to adolescent, a deep fondness for competition would spark the very moment she first witnessed witches and wizards casting hexes and jinxes at one another—or rather, when she was old enough to at least vaguely comprehend the sport. Her devotion to dueling sprouted early in her youth; posters of the current national duelists and her father's memorabilia were planted in every faucet of her room. Her passion would transcend throughout her years to the point she'd practice her technique with a carved stick in a playful form of self-taught martial arts, as she often dreamed of dueling and owning her own team like her father.

Remedy eventually aged out of naive adolescence and matured into a proper, logical, and well-mannered child that replicated the personalities of both her mother and father: poised and smug like Derrick; shrewd and charismatic like Hyacinth. Due to the lack of siblings or child influences in her early development, she has been described as particularly cunning, cold, and calculated in her presentation. She did have a cousin a little over a year older than herself, but Remedy had grown rather ignorant and kept in the dark regarding the history and subliminal tensions between her father and her cousin's parents. For as long as the girl could remember, the Leveret's had always been of enigmatic nature; their namesake was a popular one spoken behind closed doors of her home. Fearing that the dark cloud looming over one Willard Leveret had already engulfed his three boys, her mother, Hyacinth Norden, would restrict Remedy's interactions with her extended family so as not to possibly corrupt her too. Derrick always thought his wife to be dramatic because of this theory, but he took into account her sentiments; therefore, the families would visit only for holidays or in passing at many pureblood events through their shared extensive network of connections cultivated over the years.

Whilst Remedy's tale is still undetermined, the girl has enjoyed a luxurious, solitary, and cushioned life thus far. She took up an array of hobbies such as painting, dancing, self-taught martial arts, and running. Being subjected to competitive dueling from an early age, Remedy grew insatiable for the same glory her father had experienced in his former years. Her approaching journey to Hogwarts was one Remedy had been mentally preparing herself for for as long as the girl could recall. There was little doubt in her mind that she wouldn't be sorted in Slytherin as most Norden's before her had; her relentless ambition, very 'Slytherin-esque' as her mother had described it, pervaded Remedy in every regard. The ravenous girl was so engrossed in achieving her ambition that she only subjected herself to activities that cultivated her skills in some way, to make her father proud. Being perfect was a necessity rather than an aim; the girl aged to become rather unwavering in this pursuit of excellence, and her conviction in blood purity and hunger to prove her superiority made her a force to be reckoned with.
Last edited by Remedy Norden on 5 Nov 2023, 21:05, edited 10 times in total.

10 Sep 2023, 02:02
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
remedy's trunk

Sports Wins: (N/A; formatting for GM: / )
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Last edited by Remedy Norden on 19 Nov 2023, 23:37, edited 9 times in total.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

10 Sep 2023, 18:22
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
viewtopic.php?t=29472 - Aug. 10th, cosmic entropy
viewtopic.php?t=29622 - Aug. 14th, gown shopping - complete
viewtopic.php?t=29794 - Aug. 15th, Tea with Madi
-y1 begins-
viewtopic.php?t=29153 - Sept. 1st, train ride
viewtopic.php?t=28864 - Sept. 1st, Boat
viewtopic.php?t=27828&start=40#p792961 - Sept. 1st, sorting ceremony
viewtopic.php?t=29524 - Sept. 2nd, meeting Lottie Winfield
viewtopic.php?t=29432 - Sept. 5th, meeting Constance Aphelion
viewtopic.php?t=30244 - sept. 10th, meeting ariana swan
viewtopic.php?t=29212 - Sept. 15th, Rem's birthday
viewtopic.php?t=29261 - Sept. 26th, pride and prejudice

viewtopic.php?t=29652 - Oct. 6th, meeting Bex
viewtopic.php?t=29469 - Oct. 6th, not a party person
viewtopic.php?t=29490&start=10#p819296 - Oct. 9th, Helena's howler
Oct. 9th, Helena v. Remedy Argument
viewtopic.php?t=29462 - Oct. 11th, murder noises

viewtopic.php?p=845973#p845973 - Nov. 1st, weird weeds errand
viewtopic.php?t=29821 - Nov. 4th, befriending June
viewtopic.php?p=845540#p845540 - Nov. 18th, Kyle v. Jay fight

viewtopic.php?t=30266 - dec. 10th, sink or swim errand
-winter break-
viewtopic.php?t=30334 - Dec. 29 rhindlander auction
Yule ball
-end of winter break-
viewtopic.php?t=30639 - goblin deals

viewtopic.php?p=905235#p905235 - Feb. 3rd, Ulysses
Last edited by Remedy Norden on 18 Feb 2024, 16:15, edited 14 times in total.

18 Feb 2024, 16:14
Rᴇᴍᴇᴅʏ Nᴏʀᴅᴇɴ | Fɪʀꜱᴛ Yᴇᴀʀ | Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
for wren:

for wren's inpc:
E L I A S--K I L L I A N--H E N D R I C K X
Coded by Sarai Toussaint

INPC Trunk Post:
STA # | EVA # | STR # | WIS # | ARC # | ACC #
Wren's Sports Wins: -
Ability Applications
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Ability Name
Ability Name (WC: --/400)
{insert words here}
Coded by Sarai Toussaint

Named for her
The Norden's



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Notes from DMs/Owls
Character info
activities: fencing club, Violin and dance
Important belongings
Thread tracker
Relationship tracker

(I will be sending you another letter containing family info!)

Malachi’s - Sterling Beaumon (no glasses)
Lucian - David Mazous
Baxter - Roman Griffin Davis
brother Benjamin - @yiellzs
Last edited by Remedy Norden on 6 May 2024, 04:19, edited 4 times in total.