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14 Apr 2022, 13:23
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year

inspos: [x] [x]
Used to be: juni

name Irene Delgado
boggart absolute loneliness
age 11 years of age
house Gryffindor
year 2nd
patronus N/A
amortentia milk boba tea, paints, and grass.
birthplace Costa Rica
species human
sex idk anymore
27,8cm chestnut wood & unicorn hair
Irene Delgado was born May 22, 2010. Her mother is from Latin America, while her Father is from London. Her mother, Paula, was a bright ball of energy. She smiled wherever she went and was in love with everything and every breath. While she loved her home and her familia, it was her dream to travel and to settle in a cozy London home. She was always a fan of the books like “Little House on the Prairie” because she loved how simple they lived together. She studied animals as a young child, and wrote her observations on plants in notebooks. Paula’s mother was a witch who attended Hogwarts. After graduating, she returned home and started a family of her own. But she had a small idea that her own daughter would be a witch, too. Paula actually met her husband on a trip while studying creatures and plants in different magical environments. Paula being an easily likable person, the two grew close and kept in touch.

After they married, they moved to London and found a nice apartment. Quite the adventurer, she was already crawling around the house into nooks and crannies at a young age. Her father, who stayed home for some strange reason, would frantically search for her before finding her giggling in a cupboard he never knew existed. She went to a muggle school since her mother wanted Reena to gain friends outside of the wizarding world. The funny thing is, she never knew her parents were magic. They wanted to tell her when she got her letter. And if she turned out to be a squib (you never know!) She would have muggle friends. Since she was (and always will be!) indecisive, she’s tried many sports. The ones that stuck with her were hockey and basketball. So she had practices almost all the time, which gave her great time to socialize! And to add to her list of activities, she was in band at her school. She played the drums in her school band club. She loved playing at sports games, too. The school she went to had a uniform, which annoyed the heck out of her. Her band outfit made her look like a “nutcracker” as she would say. And she skirts for girls? She got in trouble a few times for not following that. The bland colors? EW. The more colors, the better. She had a nice dorky group of friends, which made school so much more fun. They obsessed over bands, outfits, and strived to embarrass each other. In public. Sometimes, they would randomly burst into a jamming session where they started singing their favorite song and sang. Yeah, lot’s of people found them annoying but Reena didn’t care.
Growing up with a Latina mother, she still followed Hispanic traditions.
physical+mental description
Reena get’s her height from her father. That’s what fuelled her liking for Basketball in the first place. What was more satisfying than dunking on an opponent? A lot of things. But that would be in the top few. She’s got curly dark brown hair, similar to dark chocolate. Her eyes are a milk chocolate brown color, with a glint. Her eyes seem to smile for her whenever she’s not. And unlike the perfect girls all around her age, she wears braces. That’s right! She’s not perfect. Her parents wanted her to learn that not everything can be fixed with magic. True, she didn't know they were magic but later on she would realize the lessons her parents had taught her. And she doesn’t worry about being perfect. She wears star and moon earrings and small gold hoops on the top of her ears. She wears very colorful things. She loves to paint, but she’s very messy. Her skin is paler than an average latina, which she does NOT understand why. She speaks quickly and with her hands, sometimes getting over excited about a certain topic.

She can be nosy, but she loves secrets and drama. Even if she greatly disapproves of gossip or fighting, she can’t help but want to see what’s going on. However, if someone angers her or bothers a friend, she lashes out. No regrets. She;s a quick acting gal, meaning she doesn’t do well with thinking. She is very extroverted. She loves cats and all animals alike, but seriously can’t stand the cuteness of felines. She’s very dramatic sometimes, but in a playful way. For example, when someone fails to scare her, she’ll pretend to faint like it was super scary anyway. She is naturally curious about everything, and loves to laugh. She can’t help but laugh when someone makes a silly mistake. She feels bad, but she can’t help her laugh. She even laughs at herself. She makes light hearted jokes about people, especially if they’re shorter than her. She is somewhat a girly- girl, what with her love for nail painting and makeup. She loves doing others makeup. She'd dare to even call herself an expert. She is never afraid to speak her mind even if it's rude, because truth hurts babe (deal with it!) She is very loyal to those close to her, but desperately wants everyone to like her. It's one of her worst traits. She's obsessed with magazines and old sitcoms as well as old black and white movies. Although wearing such things isn't something she loves, she enjoys designing and seeing others model dresses.

At this point, her parents got divorced and her mother has a new boyfriend. Reena is very serious and no longer sees everything in the childish manner she used to. She stays in her room more and listens to music most of the time. She still paints, but her bright pastel colors had found a place under her bed gathering dust. Her paintings don't make sense to other people but they make sense to her. She still plays the drums, and she's fallen more in love with them. She wears things like plaid and overalls, jeans- mostly things like casual 80's clothes. She wears her dad's old clothes a lot. She doesn't like her mother's boyfriend. Not because he's mean, she just doesn't like him. She's a lot less extroverted and very irritable towards foolish childish people (other words, most people). She cut her hair shorter, too. She doesn't loudly yell anymore . Her mother's attention is fully else where, now. Which pisses Reena off to the point that she sometimes does reckless things to get attention. Her old nail polishes were donated to charity and she's thrown away her magazines. She also is much more likely to get into a physical fight with someone. She still laughs, but in the most sarcastic way. In fact, she is very sarcastic.
first instance
Her magic surfaced when she was walking home from school with her best friends. They were giggling and dancing and shoving each other playfully, but Reena stopped DEAD the moment she heard a small ‘meow” “I HEARD A CAT!” Her friends sighed and tried to pull her away. “Girl! You’re obsessed with cats” And she pulled away. “YES I KNOW” Up in a tree was a scared kitten. She gasped dramatically, holding her arms out in front of her friends. “I’m going to save it!” Her friends sighed. “Gurl, you crazy!” She began to climb the tree until she got to the cat. Taking it into her hands, she pet it and hugged it. “REENA” Her friends yelled. She snapped out of her trance and laughed nervously. “Right, sorry! Just gotta-” She slipped and tripped. Her friends screamed rushing to grab her. Her friends tripped while bumping into each other. About to fall on her head, she screamed. All of the sudden, instead of hitting the ground and hurting herself, she was on her two feet. Just like a cat. The impact didn’t hurt her at all despite the height of the tree and the awkward fall.
Last edited by Reena Delgado on 10 Apr 2023, 02:40, edited 18 times in total.

14 Apr 2022, 16:12
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year
hair brown and curly
skin light tan
eyes milk choco brown
height 5'9
accent Faint spanish
scars small on finger
blood type O+
weight 44 kg
makeup little to none

• writing
• music
• painting
• old movies
• Fashion
• bugs
• broccoli
• white chocolate
• lack of sarcasm in peers
• boring things
• sad movies
• people crying
Last edited by Reena Delgado on 10 Apr 2023, 02:41, edited 13 times in total.

14 Apr 2022, 19:17
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year

Stamina: 6 • Evasion: 6 • Strength: 7 • Wisdom: 6 • Arcane Power: 4 • Accuracy: 6

☆ Spells ☆
- Tarantallegra * Dancing feet spell
- Reparo * Mending charm
- Lumos * Wand lighting charm
- Nox * Wand extinguishing charm
Levitation Charm • Wingardium Leviosa
Wand-Lighting Charm • Lumos
Wand-Extinguishing Charm • Nox
Locking Charm • Colloportus
Unlocking Charm • Alohomora
Umbrella Spell • Pluvia Velo
Whistle to Watch • Tunc Sibilus
Snail to Teapot • Choclea Bibe
Glass to Sand
Sauce-Making Spell • Condimentum
Matchbox Transformation Spell • Flintifors
Matchstick to Needle • Conmutocus
Untransfiguration • Reparifarge
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious
Red Spark Charm • Periculum -
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam
Knockback Jinx • Flipendo
Smokescreen Spell • Fumos
Cleaning Charm • Scourgify
Snowflake-Creating Spell • Nix Facitur
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio
Extinguishing Charm • Extinguo
Four-Point Spell • Point Me
☆ Potions ☆
Cure for Boils (First Lesson)
Herbicide Potion (First Lesson)
Forgetfulness Potion (First Lesson)
Antidote to Common Poisons (Second Lesson)
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons (Second Lesson)
Bruise Removal Paste (Third Lesson)
Burn Healing Paste (Third Lesson)
Babbling Beverage (Fourth Lesson)
Confusing Concoction (Fourth Lesson)
Dizziness Draught (Fourth Lesson)
Muffling Draught (Fifth Lesson)
Dogbreath Potion (Fifth Lesson)
Pompion Potion (Herbology Second Lesson)

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

15 Apr 2022, 21:41
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year


chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
= T


Last edited by Reena Delgado on 9 Jul 2022, 19:53, edited 2 times in total.

6 Jul 2022, 22:21
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year

Jokia-Asani Zuberi- she likes quidditch

name- thoughts

name- thoughts



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name- thoughts
name- thoughts


name- thoughts



draven mirador
loved forever- still looking

george rees
the other half

just me
space filler

just me
space filler

10 Jul 2022, 19:57
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year
hi I know I should be using my own code but for now I'm using Winnie 'the queen' Harper's
─Through the Years─
Age 11
Age 12
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Code by Winnie Harper
Last edited by Reena Delgado on 24 Aug 2022, 00:47, edited 2 times in total.

23 Aug 2022, 23:50
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year
ability planning
wand maker
cedar- Wand Choice: Often chooses particularly shrewd witches and wizards

Flavor: Spells performed against this wand owner's enemies (those who have specifically crossed them) tend to be more painful. The lights hurt their eyes. The bindings or bandages are too tight. Everything is 'uncomfortable.'

Cherry is a very rare wand wood that creates wands of strange power, which are highly valued by the wizarding students of Mahoutokoro, where those who own cherry wands are held in high esteem.

A Western wand-purchaser should dispel any notion from their mind that the pink blooming cherry makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, as cherry wood often makes for wands that possess truly lethal power no matter the core. If paired with a core of dragon heartstring however, the wand should never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.

Wand Choice: Users of this wand tend to seek power in terms of force or might rather than cleverness or luck.

Flavor: Very rare and often makes for a wand with destructive power. It is often paired with a core that reflects this.

Hornbeams wands like to choose those witches and wizards as their life mates who have one single, pure passion some might call obsession or even vision, which will almost certainly be realized. They adapt incredibly quickly to their owner's style of magic and become so personalized that others will have extreme problems to use those wands to cast even the most simple of spells.

Hornbeam wands also absorb their owner's personal code of honour, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not conform with their master's principles. They are particularly fine-tuned and sentient.

Wand Choice: Mates for life with its owners; often chooses passionate owners with a singular vision.

Flavor: Hornbeam wands also absorb their owner's personal code of honour, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not conform with their master's principles. They are particularly fine-tuned and sentient.

Mayhaw as a subspecies of Hawthorn shares many of its characteristics. Mayhaw wands as well as their owners are full of conflict, be it due to being at odds with themselves naturally or due to past circumstances. As Hawthorn wands, wands of Mayhaw wood are excellent for both healing and harming, though they lack the more common varieties of Hawthorn's tendency to backfire when handled incorrectly.
With a calm, placid core like Unicorn hair a Mayhaw wand is an excellent helpmate even to those new to magic, requiring none of the experience or steady demeanor needed for a Hawthorn wand.

Wand Choice: Well-suited for both curses and healing magic, less prone to backfiring. Owners often have an internal conflict.

Flavor: Depending on the wand used, these wands can have an analgesic effect oif used with a 'healer's core' or a core that leans towards assisting, helping and 'good'. However if the core leans towards the dark arts or destructive power, most spells (even non-damaging ones) tend to be a source of discomfort be it the lights hurting someone's eyes, the bandages being too tight, etc.

Witches and wizards known to be highly intelligent should be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Consequently, walnut wands are often found among magical innovators and inventors. They are unusually versatile and adaptable as well and the wood is renowned for its handsome looks.
Unlike some other wands the walnut wand will, once subjugated, perform any task its owner desires, provided that they possess sufficient brilliance. This way a walnut wand can become a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wizards without conscience, as wand and owner may feed on each other in a particularly unhealthy manner.

Wand Choice: Commonly pairs well with owners of superior intelligence; makes for a dangerous weapon if the owner lacks morals.

Flavor: a weapon of precision, this wand often leaves minimal marks in its wake (such as scars) and is not known to be overly flashy so spells that normally draw attention are not nearly as noticable.

just some brainstorming and wishing and thinking, don't look please thanksss Image

23 Mar 2023, 04:23
Irene Delgado ☁ Gryffindor ☁ 2nd year
The codes in this reducio may not be used by anyone, may not be resold, or used as bases for anyone's codes.


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trait . trait. trait


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trait . trait. trait


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trait . trait. trait


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NANCY W.------ ||
stranger things
trait . trait. trait


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trait . trait. trait


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trait . trait. trait


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TISSAIA-------- ||
The Witcher
trait . trait. trait


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trait . trait. trait

trackerupdated 05/22
──what are you searching for?──

dm me to be added to list | code by auri


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ed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisied do eiusmod tempor incididun





Astride Ruthevos.(nee Notresvace) | great-aunt
closer she is to astrid than any other considered family due to the fact the aged woman shared upon the truth about her blood lineage when all her adoptive family, the bezuidenhouts, could initially manage was deceit. albeit estranged due to defying custom and tradition - marrying out of the long-established matriarchal family - astrid is still the only individual she knows of linked to the notresvace since the family's dark and brutal downfall.

Raphae Bezuidenhout. | adoptive brother (dec.)

Heinrich Bezuidenhout. | adoptive brother
brother, not by blood, but family nevertheless. acquired through adoption due to the family's need for a male heir. aurelia cannot deny that heinrich lives in her head rent-free remains stubbornly close to her heart. however due to his condition, their bond was not what it was like before and she often has trouble reciprocating his gestures of affection.

Howard White. | complicated
things between aurelia and howard has always been rocky ever since he bit her brutally both at a mere 13-years-old, unaware of how to deal with it all, she suppressed the trauma both physically and psychological for years. despite many coming to his defence, how could she ever forget what he had done to her?

Andrew Vance. | tba
fate. two children at a playground, a young witch misplacing a remembral with a boy yet to come aware of his gifts. - the memory lost with a fragile mind tainted by magic. years after, reunited in the owlery. on one occasion, injured from a monster-hunting session, she spent hours in vance's home under their care. little did she know she was to visit the place again in the future for answers to her past. although she sticks like a pest to his skin at times, they don't have the worst relationship.

Hadrian Zuheir. | betrothed
as toddlers, they played just as children would, with the schemes of the watching parents unbeknownst to them. then like two lovebirds with clipped wings thrown into a cage, they started off rocky. first, rarely genuine, merely pleasant masks put up by the other. it took a while for the trust to build, to learn to finally talk. slowly establishing their own terms around rules set by adults on contract. an odd friendship grew to a familial type bond, and then something more. birds in cages never forget to fly. each to themselves was a journey ahead for both.

Lysander Stavrou. | boyfriend
the ever so charming lysander a first crush and her first love. although their time together is pleasant and his company even more so, very soon aurelia must make the decision between love or obligation. there was only so much time to unravel the jumble of wired feelings. but one thing was for sure, she loved lysander - as a dragon loved their gold.

Draven Mirador. | third cousin im so sorry <3
aurelia feels a heavy responsibility over draven, especially after her absence during the tragic period of iris' passing. iris. in her eyes, he is still the chubby little toddler of the mirador manor. all he has to do is say the words, and aurelia would come running to his aid with a terrifying force.

Iris Mirador. | third cousin, childhood crush
although aurelia would consider lysander her first crush, this was not true. she was cool, beautiful, and kind and was already in her first year of hogwarts. iris mirador was everything 8-year-old aurelia wanted to be. iris loved little aurelia too, she was a pretty thing, like a doll she could dress up and play with - unlike the little raven of a brother. who knew sweet iris could rub such an influence on young aurelia. iris was an angel with a spiked tail swaying at her back. iris was many firsts. she claimed aurelia's first kiss, was the to give her a first taste of booze, and let aurelia swirl her wand. they grew up together, until they didnt. iris would always remain close to her heart, a memory never told, yet never forgotten.

think of it as an alt universe aurelia. this is not-canon explanation for aurelia's terrible presence. the real explanation is here.

another party meant another visit to the mirador manor meant she got to meet iris. hiding from the boring adults in iris' bedroom, they were just playing to pass the time. it was a full moon and nearing midnight. they didnt know what they were doing. theyd made a circle with lines of salt and candles, threw herbs and a few locks of their own hair around. a rat was sacrificed in the center of the circle. with a line of its blood marked on both the girls' foreheads. when the moon was at its peak, the older girl began chanting. a strong gush of wind blew the windows open as well as the candlelights off. but as it did, auri tripped, moving the line of salt and severing the 'spell'. she also fell onto the sacrificial rat, covering herself in the blood. the dark negative energies in the process of summoning the 'ghost' channelled into the pure, young witch with such potent magical potential. the other girl felt the presence but aurelia did not. instead, they cleaned up and continued with their lives. albeit with aurelia carrying such an unsettling presence around.
i just wanted to share because this is brilliant explaination for her unnatural presence
And I'm totally not writing it with someone


ReginaM. name name
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|───────────────────────────────────────────── ──

just a revamp and wip: find the original here: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=1343&start=10#p121653
storyline and character deving recorded over more than 3 years of RP + some Heinrich. looking for something engaging to read? make a cup of tea/coffee. this is for you.
somewhat writing on display which i am decently proud of but not really

'05 - '10 | THE BEGINNING [font=engravers MT]| 1 .[/font]
On a freezing day, around the later midst of December (2005) in the obscured Notrésvace manor tucked away in a dense sylvan glade was where a wailing baby was born. Cries of the newborn babe resonating throughout the empty manor. Only the matriarch and the elves were present. However, unlike most mothers, not a spark did this evidently new Mother feel at the sight of her own Daughter cradled in her arms. With much insouciance had she chosen a name for the child, it was none but her own beloved Mother’s name, Aurelia. Her Mother, the child’s Grandmother, suffered the same fate most of the other Notrésvaces did: death under the wand of another Wizard or Witch. Her Mother’s death was to an extent, the incidental cause of Aurelia’s existence. The night Estelle known of her Mother and her older Brother’s death, she went to a pub to water the despair down with ale and met a man whom she shared a night with. Baby Aurelia was born out of Estelle’s grief and was not meant to be.

The Notrésvace Manor was almost always silent except for the wailing of the child. Estelle and her grieving Father (aurelia's grandfather) who was almost always drunk, were the only occupants of the expansive manor. Estelle occasionally could not find any means to calm her Daughter down and would often result in spiking the milk with a small dose of sleeping draught. Estelle herself knew that she would never be a Mother her Daughter would look up to in the future.

On August (2006), two metamorphoses who served one of the many rival families disguised themselves as members of the Notrésvace and found their way to the door step of the Notrésvace manor. Estelle had been ecstatic at the sight of her relatives, yet sceptical to know that the rumours of their deaths had only been speculation. Until it was too late. Wands were pulled out and a duel commenced. The outcome was a bloodied floor, two dead houselves, two dead metamorphoses, and an unresponsive Notrésvace, her own Father. The anguish of losing her own Father was far too much for Estelle to contend with and so ordered the two remaining house-elves to dispose the corpse of the metamorphoses, bury her Father and send her Daughter away. Shortly after, when the mansion was eerily silent did Estelle use Avada Kedevra on herself.

Estelle could not give what was necessary for her Daughter to live her life happily, but she knew someone who might be able to play a better role as a Mother than she ever would. A close Friend she had not seen in years, Thellea Schütte was who she sent baby Aurelia to. It took two weeks for the loyal house elf, Eaux to find the mansion. Thellea Bezuidenhout, now married with a little boy of her own, identified the babe as Estelle’s as soon as her eyes laid on the child as she took on the distinguishing features of her Biological Mother. Thellea was heartbroken to know of her Friend’s fate but regardless, took Aurelia in as her own.

It took a fairly extensive time for Thellea’s consort, Adebard Bezuidenhout, to accede in taking the child into their custody but he subsequently came to accept and even love young Aurelia as benevolently as Thellea did. Despite the fact that Aurelia resemble nothing of her adoptive parents, Thellea raised her own Son, Raphael into surmising that Aurelia was his biological Sister. As the former Best Friend of the baby’s biological Mother, Thellea was knowledgeable of the Notrésvace and was wary of the potential adversaries that might be looking for the baby, resolved to not divulging the truth of the baby’s adoption, neither to the public nor to the child herself as the knowledge might put the child in danger.
2017 | recap | FIRST YEAR [font=engravers MT]| 3 .[/font]
2018 | recap | SECOND YEAR [font=engravers MT]| 5 .[/font]
2019 | MONSTER HUNTER [font=engravers MT]| 7 .[/font]

*copy monster enthusiast ability application (monster hunter) here + character development*
2020 | BEZUIDENHOUT HEIR [font=engravers MT]| 9 .[/font]

No matter the depth of the nail, with a single prick, a sculpture of glass could shatter into unsalvagable pieces. The journey of recovering from their heartbreak of the devastating loss of their first son took years. Unable to bear the pain, the Bezuidenhouts even went as far as altering their daughter's memories, wiping every single moment of Raphael Bezuidenhout from the little girl's mind. An action that would soon prove to be detrimental in the long run. But that was another story in itself ~

Nevertheless, after 6 years, both parents had came to their senses. With the short tragic incident buried and forgotten, the Bezuidenhouts, realising that they were without a legitimate heir, sought to obtain one, whatever it took. For a family as influential as they were, they were quite determined. Through the means of money and expenses, an extensive research on the family tree was done and it did not take long to trace a suitable individual. Hein was a 9 year old boy on a farm his first sign of magic already manifested a few months prior. He was the second youngest of a family of 1 other boy and 8 girls, far too many for the parents to provide for.

Seizing the opportunity, the Bezuidenhouts took the matters into their hands. Bringing the matter to court, the Bezuidenhouts promised to take care of Hein and the Hoefts were more than willing for the burden of one child to be heaved off their shoulders, especially given that he would have a significantly better life than they were able to provide for. Hein, renamed Heinrich and taking on the family name, then joined the Bezuidenhouts to pass on the legacy in the near future, just a little bit of conditioning was necessary of course.

For a little more than a year, he learnt to live like them, cultured and sophisticated. He also formed an attachment towards his new sister, Aurelia, even if the other was not very receptive to reciprocate his feelings of familial affections. When the time came, on the day of his 11th birthday, like every child capable of magic, he would receive one acceptance letter delivered to him in the beak of a snowy white owl. Together, with his sister, already far into her fourth year, they would embark onto the Hogwarts Express together.
2020 - 2021 | RUNAWAY [font=engravers MT]| 11 .[/font]

Not everything kept within a fragile-labelled box was entirely friable. It was at times, a means to encourage careful handling, regardless, and respect of one's possessions or the simple underestimation of an object's hardiness or it was for a sense of reassurance to appease the subconsciousness. Her parents had the key to her freedom but Aurelia had a wand. For years she had played along, returning to the box before they'd raised even the tiniest suspicion of her whereabouts. Aurelia was getting restless, overwhelmed, emotionally fatigued. Climbing the ladder to reach the expectations set by her parents that was forever stuck to the roof was exhausting. For her beloved brother to transition into a kind of beast that might potentially by the cause of her demise, it frightened her terribly. That was her tipping point. With no one to confide in it was no wonder she fled.

It all started during the winter break with both Heinrich and Aurelia returning from Hogwarts. Unexpectedly, upon going on a short vacation with their parents without Aurelia, Heinrich had came upon a freak accident. This accident gave him a curse that he was to bear all his life. Lycantrophy. Despite that and Aurelia's pleas for Heinrich to remain home, their parents were adamant that they returned back to school together to start off the semester.

On the 5th of January, Aurelia reluctantly abided to her parents request to take Heinrich and herself to the Kingscross station of London. Having been there for 4 years, she knew her way well. However, Aurelia's apprehension got to her, for her to acknowledge what her brother was to become was too much for her to bear. So within the last few minutes, before the clock's hand struck on cue for the train to embark, Aurelia made a very impulsive decision. Before she could step foot onto the vehicle, she turned around, dragging her trunk along behind her. Hearing the sharp whistle of the train sound as it began chucking of into its journey.

Overwhelmed, Aurelia blindly followed crowds among crowds. She wasn't very tall either. She neither knew where she was going or what she was doing. Half past 10, she found herself on board one of the trains. Without a clue where she was going, all she knew was that she needed to get far away from any wizarding community. She needed some time to herself, even if this was not the most ideal way.

after this...
- she boarded off a random station and wandered the day off.
- aurelia could not find a place to stay, even with the money she had, no accommodation would accept her.
- fortunately a 65 year old woman, lenore, found her sobbing on a park bench and with all her belongings near at dusk.
- aurelia manipulated her by lying that she could not return home because of its instability.
- The kind-hearted woman, Lenore, took her in where she lived for months and even attended muggle school during the time.
- american bounty hunters, sponsored partly by the Zuhiers, the family to which she was betrothed to, were sent to find her
- in march, they had finally tracked her down and returned with enough time for her to get back to school at the end of the spring break
- adamant, refusing to be in the same vicinity as heinrich for any full-moon, the Bezuidenhouts made the decision to transfer heinrich to study at ilvermorny. hoping that with the help of hadrian, he might have the support he needed. aurelia returned to hogwarts without heinrich.

[font=engravers MT]. 2 |[/font] CHILDHOOD | '11 - '16
As time flew and the seasons passed, Aurelia began to stand walk and run, all under the solicitous gaze of her new Mother. She and Raphael had grew an inseparable bond and the lovely toddler would frequently seek refuge under her older brother’s shadow whenever she was overawed by the unaccustomed things around her. Thellea inclined for them to continue the legacy of dancing that she possessed had enrolled the siblings into ballet lessons almost as soon as Aurelia began to walk confidently on her two feet. Aurelia was articulate in the Dutch language which was the language Adebard and Thellea shared. In addition, the parents further hired tutors to ensure that both Aurelia and Raphael spoke the English language eloquently.

Unlike most pureblood families who would send their children to a wizarding preschool, Thellea opted to matriculate her children into a local muggle primary school in London. This was to protect young Aurelia from potential unforeseen harm that may come due to possessing Notrésvace blood in her veins. Stepping into the foreign atmosphere of children her age was daunting and resulted in the child staying close to Raphael with every opportunity there was. Be as it may, every now and then would the schoolmates laugh at her for effacing away from every interaction and she was constantly ostracised her during recess. However, Aurelia did not mind as long as she was in her Brother’s company.

However, her life flipped when she was eight years old. It was a cold November evening, when the first snow fell in delicate freckles from the cloudy skies. The Bezuidenhout Manor was not as peaceful as one mine think of a pureblood household as one of the few common episodes of the two children bickering was in process. Unlike Raphael, Aurelia was not amused when her big brother snuck a chocolate frog under her pillow. A chase then followed, with Raphael, older and more agile running down the hallways and sliding skilfully with the help of his socked feet away from his little Sister’s tantrum and towards the staircase. It seemed like all fun and games until Aurelia screamed in frustration, releasing a sudden outburst of magic that fused every bulb in the mansion momentarily. But in that few seconds of sheer darkness came another piercing cry followed by a deafening thud. By the time the lights lustred back into existence, Raphael had slipped and tumbled down the steps to meet his fate.

Aurelia was only eight years old, too young to know what death was nor why her brother was not getting up. She sobbed till her parents rushed into the scene to their unresponsive Son was sprawled at the bottom of the flight of steps. Days past and little Aurelia finally came to learn what death meant, she could not handle the fact that she was the cause of her own Brother’s death and spiralled into a state of despair. It was a constant fit of grief and sobbing and the eight year old even refused to take her meals. Furthermore, the child’s high pitch scream would erupted at the mere sight of her brother’s portrait. Both Adebard and Thellea missed Raphael dearly but it caused their heart to break further upon witnessing their daughter in such anguish. It had been only an accident yet both of their children suffered greatly.

Thellea wanted nothing more than to see her Daughter smile and laugh again but no matter what she did, she couldn’t coax a smile from the eight year old. After a month, despite Adebard’s protests, Thellea decided to wipe the girl’s memory of the accident and as much she could do of Raphael with a charm. However, the mind of a child was a a fragile thing. Thellea thought she had successfully erased all of Raphael when she had only suppressed the memories into a little box in the child’s mind. Little did her parents know of the impending endeavours Aurelia would experience in the future due to their decision.

Raphael was never mentioned or spoken about after the incident. The clothes, photos and belonging of the boy was kept locked in the attic. Thellea and Adebard relocates from the district in London and sent Aurelia to an all girl’s private boarding school. The school specialised in the arts and they hoped that it would distract Aurelia from the tragic reality that her brother was gone. For a short while it did. There in the prestigious school, Aurelia honed ballet and established good friendships. Thankfully, students were permitted to return home during the weekends and it suppressed the girl’s homesickness. Thellea was relieved to see her Daughter enjoy the place and more so to see Aurelia smile and laugh once again.

On her tenth birthday, or rather adoption day (she didn’t know that yet), she received not only one but two acceptance letters. One from Hogwarts, the other from her Mother’s school, Beauxbatons. But as always, the eleven year old had let her parents decide and a month later found herself at platform 93/4 ready to board the Hogwarts express.
[font=engravers MT]. 4 |[/font] PAST TRAUMA | 2018
rafael brother stuff
[font=engravers MT]. 6 |[/font] THE NOTRÉSVACE | 2019
The Bezuidenhouts, no matter the extent they were willing to take in order to keep their adoptive daughter's belonging under the rug, could not hide the truth from Aurelia forever. Even then, 13 years felt like forever for the young child. For 13 years, Aurelia had been oblivious until the day she had found her late brother's diary tucked away along with the rest of his belongings in the attack. It was the week she'd succumbed to the waves of near-overwhelming thoughts and feelings as she divulged into the truth within its pages. The same month which she had confronted her parents about it. A fact they confirmed was true.

In their conscience, despite their best interests, it would not be right for them to keep the silence any longer. After all, Aurelia had grown and was likely mature enough to understand their previous motives or doing so. With a month remaining before Aurelia would be sent back to Hogwarts, the Bezuidenhouts connected with Astrild Notresvace, Aurelia great-aunt who was estranged from the family a while before the tragic downfall. Upon reconnecting with her Grand-Niece whom she never knew existed, Astrild brought the case to court shortly after.

Through the process, Aurelia then took on the family's last name Notresvace. She was to remain under the care of the Bezuidenhouts with Astrild having full rights to see Aurelia. The rest of the summer break was spent having quality time with Astrild, learning more about both her Grand-aunt and the Notresvace estate and tragic history.
[font=engravers MT]. 8 |[/font] THIRD YEAR | recap | 2020
[font=engravers MT]. 10 |[/font] THE BETROTHAL | 2020


queen aurelia notresvace dfjsgshwhp | ────── |
use pc. do not use safari or explorer i beg u. has a 11 galleon usage fee (lol). discord dm me first. because the code is complex, if you want and are alright with paying $$$ for it, you must have a fair knowledge of tables and sizing tables so it doesn't go all aosgbaogh when you edit. happy scrolling!
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Aurelia Notrésvace | Fifth Year - Characters
Aurelia Notrésvace, Hogwarts student: fifth year. Aurelia was born
2005 and pureblood parents, orphan in Bezuidenhout Manor, England. > a_notresvace---
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Aurelia Notresvace───.─
Hogwarts fifth year student
A character made upon an individual imagination, with naivety she was sowed, nurture she grew, with the experience she flourished to ready for years and their events to come. With personalities unique, the dynamic formed between individuals of our craft is worth some time to put into... Wikipedia

Adopted: Aug 2006 (age 16), England
Height: 5'3 (1.6m) Weight: 56.5kg
Romantic: Hadrian Zuheir, Lysander Stavrou
Siblings: Raphael Bezuidenhout (deceased),

Heinrich Bezuidenhout

w Nicholas

w Draven

w Howard

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don't owl.

.MBTI:------.ENTP-T | 5w4 / 9w8 ---------------
.Likes:-------fantasy, pets, tattoos, tea/coffee,

-------------dming, psychology, dreams, plotting----
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☆ The Writer ☆
Writing style:
Descriptive, engaging
Five years
Post speed:
3-12 days
Southeast A./Australasia
Registration date:
8 Apr 2018, 12:06
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dm me for rp. selective on partners for investable storylines. i tend to speak my mind and am engaging but if you happen to dislike me, either explain and we can work it out or simply block me - i'm neurodivergent and am not the most self-aware. but i am trying.
flashing lights, violin, alcoholism, ED,
me jk ill sarcasm and passive aggr
Cat HI

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Aurelia Notrésvace
Showing all 14 items:
Overview | Personality | Appearance | Description | Family
───────────.Relationships | Threads | Timeline | OoC
Overview (4) ________________________________

Born──────── December 05, 2005 in Picardy France, Notrésvace Manor
Birth Name───Aurelia Schutte-Bezuidenhout Notrésvace
Nicknames───Auri, Mr. Owl, Leia
Height────── 5' 3" (1.6 m)
Voice & Accent───English, West London
Weight──────── 56kg (124 lbs)
Personality (1) _______________________________

aurelia is quite an enigma. with a visage lovely it draws one towards, her silky hair, her alluring gaze, her velvety skin and the intoxicating scent of lavender and tea, yet the aura she carries paired with a cold facade embeds a factor of intimidation. a moth to a flame. self-aware of her effect on others, it sometimes entertains her to see, to prod even further to ease her own boredom. like a sadistic cat with a screaming cicada in its paws.
due to her upbringing under the strict aristocratic pureblood households, having been exposed to a range of emotionally challenging situations, aurelia adapted to ensure that her emotions were always in check and in her control. now, in heated situations, aurelia seems to have the ability to remain relatively collected, emotions stifled and never exaggerated if expressed. yet even the calmest people had their breaking point. eventually, a sharp enough spark can illicit red angry flames that can pose quite a fright.

loyalty, although she values, is not her strong suit. actions are often driven by her own self-interest. yet she maintains a relatively good moral compass possessing the decency of appropriate empathy at best, sometimes accompanied with a rare surfacing of a nurturing trait. and although she would deny it, there is a hidden sentiment of loneliness that her own past cannot bring justice to. with the lack of many friends and people to confide in and trust, paired with the subconscious unsatiable desire for control, she has made a habit of manipulating those around.
Appearance (1) ______________________________

Adorning a pair of alluring grey-blue eyes, a sleek jawline and a narrow feminine nose framed her face. Her overall visage turns heads. Her looks are often a distraction, yet self-aware she is, at times using her own pretty appearance as a tool of manipulation. Long locks of ashen brown hair that have been periodically doused in dye to give a tint of red fall gracefully down her neck and over her shoulders. Her hair obscures a rather unsightly scar on her neck.

At 16 years, the adolescent has reached her peak height at only 5'3, a rather short stature indeed. The growing teen is starting to take on the body of a young woman. Having put on some weight, she falls slightly to the plump side with curves starting to form around her hips and accentuating her waist.

Biographical Info






• Human
• Eagle-owl
• Self as a
• None
• Eurasian owl
..pheonix feather
• Ventus
• Petrificus Totalus
• Transfiguration
• D.A.D.A


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