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29 May 2022, 21:52
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 

This is a thread that is used to submit applications and updates for iNPCs of Castelobruxo.
You can find an up-to-date roster for this school here: viewtopic.php?t=17010 If you notice anything that is inaccurate, reach out to an admin (a Head of House, the Deputy Headmaster or the Headmaster).
Restrictions to Creating an iNPC:
  1. Castelobruxo accepts all students from South America and Central America, and students from North America and the Caribbean per application. You cannot create a Caribbean or North American student who is muggleborn.
  2. Any iNPC that you create needs to be the same year as you are presently.
  3. Any iNPC that you create must be fully human.
Application for iNPCs:
Name: Nothing from the sacred 28, no plagiarizing names from other fandoms.
School: Castelobruxo
Year: Must be the same year as you are presently.
Status: Muggleborn, Halfblood, Wizardborn, Pureblood
Appearance: Please give a short description (at least 2 sentences) about what they look like and provide an avatar or a banner that shows their physical appearance. This picture or avatar is what you would be using in your posts where you are posting as your iNPC to clearly indicate that you are posting as your NPC not your PC.
Personality: Please give a brief description (at least 2 sentences) about their personality. If their personality is that they are a 'crazy person' or some sort of psychopath with a long list of disorders... please make a new personality because it will not be accepted. We do expect the personality to be something that can interface with other players and if they do have a mental or a physical handicap that it is done by a well-informed writer that will do so respectfully.
History: We are looking for at least 200 words describing their history. This is their life, their family. Their upbringing. This is separate from their personality and their appearance. This is not their ambitions or aspirations, this is the story of their life and the story of their life being reduced to a mere few hundred words should not be able to give their life justice. We want a well-thought out character. Please remember, they do not have awesome special powers that nobody else has. We do need a few sentences on their first magic as well.
Is your character a Broom Racer? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a broom racer. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a quidditch player. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Duelist? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a duellist. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Stats: They should add up to what you can have for your year if you were human. So if you have a Veela player character, your NPC does get the full stats you would have had if you were human. Wins from games (quidditch, broom racing, dueling) by your player character or NPC are also applied to your other account.
Abilities: To be accepted they must be written out fully and approved. This is a full application.
Application for iNPC Updates:
NPC Name:
Link: link to NPC page
Year: list the year your NPC should be
Stats: if you're updating stats, please put your stats here
Abilities: if you're applying for a new ability, please add that here
Extracurricular: include if they are a duellist/quidditch player/broom racer or none
Content Changes: Any updates to history/personality/etc will go here. Please provide detail on what exactly is changing and why.
Trunk Coding: please place here any special coding you want for your trunk. keep it simple
Note: You do not need to apply for aestethic changes of your character post, you can update that at your leisure.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

2 Jun 2024, 00:29
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
Name: Acacia Murillo
School: Castelobruxo
Year: Second
Status: Halfblood
Appearance: Image

Acacia is a Columbian witch with long curly mahogany coloured hair that stretches down to her waist. She normally keeps it tied up in a low pony-tail which swishes when she walks. She has dark skin and an easy smile, and normally walks around either barefoot or in boots with no in between. Her dark brown eyes and slightly taller than average height mean that she can blend in with crowds with ease.


Any friend groups "big sister" Acacia is an extremely kind and welcoming person until provoked. Her anger is somewhat legendary around the school though it's very rarely awoken, as she has a good handle on not letting her emotions rule her. She is very loyal to her friends, and is a believer in second chances. This often makes people see her as weak because of her forgiving nature, though she can and will draw the line at what she is able to excuse from the people she loves. Her schools close proximity to the jungle brings her a lot of joy as she loves nature and hiking, always finding joy in uncovering the secrets of the Amazon.


Acacias upbringing is somewhat of a strange one, her parents having given her up to muggle foster care at a young age. Her father never told her mother he was a witch, and they had a dramatic break up just before Acacia was born once she found out. Her mother decided that alone and without a stable job she was unable to take care of a young child, so she gave her up to foster care. She bounced around from foster family to foster family, her childhood one filled with anger and confusion about why no one seemed to love her like other families seemed to. After she ran away from her latest foster family when she was ten after issues with bullying at school after her dramatic first instance of magic (She had been playing football with a few other kids when one of them made a joke about how her parents must have left her because she was "so bad at football" and when she got angry the guttering above the other kids head burst with a loud pop and showered him with water). An old couple named Ada and Maria Ferreira sheltered her for a few days, as they didn't have any children of their own and Maria who grew up with problems controlling her anger recognised that Acacia needed somewhere to go and someone to lean on. She was initially very cautious and didn't trust them them, but warmed up once Maria talked to her and shared stories of her own over dinner.When she was picked up by the police, they signed up for the foster child program to gave her a home. Due to how difficult she had been and how many families she had gone through, they were quick to agree. Ada was a muggle, but Maria was a witch who recognised Acacias magic after she made all the cutlery around her float accidentally during a screaming match. Those years where hard for her, but she had support from her family and over time calmed down a lot to the point where many wouldn't recognise the hurt, angry girl from years before. Her experiences left her with a strong belief that family was found, not based on blood. She was raised to believe that everyone had their own struggles even if they chose not to share them, and as a result she isn't quick to give up on anybody even those who have hurt her in the past. When her letter came by bird, another piece of came from her new family. Adoption papers. Though she chose to keep the last name given to her by the muggle foster system, she officially became a part of their family that day.

Is your character a Broom Racer?: No

Is your character a Quidditch Player? Yes (chaser)

Is your character a Duelist? No


Stamina: 8
Evasion: 8
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 6
Arcane power: 0
Accuracy: 10


1st year, Muggle condition

Her dorm was a mess. Again. Out of habit, she started grabbing her textbooks off the floor and stacking them back onto the bookshelf. Growing up without any knowledge of the wizarding world, she had never really used magic for menial tasks like this. She hadn't even understood that there was magic until she was twelve, when her adopted parent Maria told her she was a witch after seeing her cause all the cutlery in the room to float during a screaming match. She paused for a second, remembering that with her newfound magic there was probably a spell for this. But then she continued stacking the books. It wouldn't do to turn into just another snobby wizarding kid with no idea how to clean a table. Honestly, the lack of knowledge she had seen among some of the purebloods was appalling. And frankly embarrassing, though none of the other wizards would say anything about it of course. Don't start a blood feud with ancient, stupidly-rich families after all.

Still, her family would never let her live it down if she forgot how to clean a room over the year. Juggling a fresh pile of books from off the floor, she went back to shoving them into the bookshelf. It may not be a professional clean, but hey at least she wont trip over and fall on her face again next time she needed to go to the bathroom at 3am. To add insult to injury, one of her dormmates had woken up and chose chaos threw one of the quaffles she had for practice at her. She obviously missed that catch, as not even she was fast enough to grab a quaffle while in mid-flight towards the floor.

Done with the books, she moved on to separating everyone elses shoes from her book rack. Their disgusting flip flops did not belong anywhere near her babies. It was only half of her collection, the other twenty were at home. Fourty pairs to her seemed like a meager collection, but everyone else assured her it was "Too many". Ridiculous. With the imposter's separated from the rest (and thrown outside, into the dirt, where they belonged), she dusted off her hands. Victory. Well, if you didn't look at the other half of the room. The ability to clean the muggle way didn't quite equate to having a tidy dorm.

Cleaning was kind of relaxing in its own way. Though still not an activity she planned on doing often, to the remorse of any teachers who had to come in here looking for the students. Her mind wandered back to why many wizards had such messy dorms- it was literally just a wave of their wand (unless you refused to do it the easy way like her). Unless they were double-useless and didn't know any cleaning spells. Their poor parents (or in some cases, whoever their parents paid to clean it). Being an actually competent person wasn't her favourite advantage that growing up without much magic had though- stuck up purebloods always expected an attack to come from her wand. In the (very) rare occasion she felt the desire to prove them wrong with physical force, most of them had no idea what to do if jumped on.

2nd year, Chasers Interception

Coming to castelobruxo after so long in an environment with very little magic had been hard for Acacia. All this nonsense about blood status and she had no idea of her own- she just told anyone that asked she didn't know. It might lead to awkward questions, but she refused to keep guessing about her birth parents. They had given her up for one reason or another, and she didn't have to keep clinging to them. She had a family now, one that had proved that they would be there for her through everything. A family that she chose. If that explanation wasn't good enough for everyone else, they could stick their inflated heads into a beehive.

But up in the air, no one bothered asking awkward questions about her birth family. On a broom, she was free. Skill didn't depend on who you were born to but how well you could play. Perhaps that was why she had turned to quidditch. Becoming a chaser on the school team, though she would never admit it had changed the way she saw things even more. She was growing up, and she refused to remain the same hurt, angry kid she had been when her parents left her. She was becoming a better, kinder, more forgiving person and she did not have to be who circumstance had made her.

She was also becoming a better chaser. The extra time she had put in on the pitch to catch up with the rest of the team was really paying off, and she had really noticed the difference between her skills as a awestruck first year and now, as a second year with so much practice under her belt. Her reflexes were becoming lightning quick, and it was a game for her dormmates to throw random roughly-quaffle-sized objects at her to test them. Nine out of ten times she caught it, which for some reason they found immensely funny. Her rising hours before them to throw around the quaffle on a broomstick with whoever she could bully into joining her was serious business.

Solo training when no one would give up their precious sleep to join her was more difficult, as there were only so many laps of the pitch you could do before you started learning nothing from it. She had tried bouncing the quaffle off walls and catching it, but turns out the teachers weren't so thrilled with that. The rainforest however, was certainly something to fly through. Its upper canopies were in most places relatively clear enough to fly through, and the branches just added an extra obstacle. Sometimes she would take a quaffle out and throw it up into the air, and then chase after it on a broomstick. Most of the time she just loved to explore. The forest was its own kind of magic. Though thankfully 80% of the time she was able to convince someone to play with her.

Her skill as her chosen position as chaser had reflected all of her early starts and late nights. She had held off joining the team in her first year to give her more time to hone her skills, and hone her skills she did. Getting up early every morning for more time on the pitch and attending every team training she could had made her broom feel like an extension of her. Not to mention heading to the stands every time there was a game to watch all the different strategies. Though she may regret nothing, it was most definitely exhausting. She smiled and pulled her long hair up into a loose ponytail. Speaking of training, she should probably stop reminiscing and get out there. It wouldn't do to let her newfound skills go rusty after all.

Edited to include abilities and a minor edit to backstory involving why she was in muggle foster care

2nd edit- updated history and both abilities
History: Since it's a complicated history, can you also add more details about her adopted family? For instance - Family name (as you've said it isn't Murillo), who are her new guardians, where do they live, any siblings, when was she adopted and how does she feel etc.

We also need a first instance of magic, which could perhaps serve as an explanation as to why none of the muggles saw her do magic if that's what you're suggesting here.

Muggle Condition: You've mentioned her preferring things the muggle way but could you expand in this application itself as to why she does (i.e. growing up with a muggle family / possibly getting fiom late etc).

Chasers Interception: Please remove mentions of being first-string because this isn't guaranteed. Ideally, expand on the training she did, how she got this skill and how she became faster as the majority of the words are currently about her birth parents (which should be in the history section).

- Hjørdis (7th June)
Last edited by Cass Ito on 8 Jun 2024, 03:25, edited 2 times in total.

--To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?
There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see--

3 Jun 2024, 10:11
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
[ NAME ] Briar S. Toussaint. [ SCHOOL ] Castelobruxo. [ YEAR ] Second. [ STATUS ] Wizardborn.

[ APPEARANCE ] Briar is but a prick of a thorn of the rose ; beautiful to stare at from a distance but any closer and danger is practically imminent. He stands at 5'2" but is lithe and lean as his growing body continues to adjust through puberty. He takes pride in his appearance, something his family ensured by pushing the need for care and maintenance. It helped when there was a brother who was even more obsessed than he was, using his products was always more than enough for the young adolescent. He leans far more towards Sarai than his brother does, but he still wore their father similarly in his strong, angular jaw, pouty full lips, and the kindest eyes fooling those and guarding his critical mind.

[ PERSONALITY ] Briar is as deadly as he is cunning and would be a true menace if he wasn't incredibly shy ; the young man was a true Slytherin if he had gone to Hogwarts minus the viper pit's need for games and intimidation. He was a curious mind seeking answers that wouldn't let not knowing get in his way. He was quiet when he needed to be, like a flower simply existing to be observed and adorned. His brother was bombastic and filled with hot air while Briar's mind was a pool with great depth, anchored and sinking deep within his thoughts and needing to focus on the surface to keep things lightly.

[ HISTORY ] Born to the shamanic and historic Toussaint genealogy, Briar was akin to those of his ancestors who kept mystery and the arcane close to their hearts. Unlike his spoiled brother, boisterous and proud, Briar was one who let actions speak and like his namesake, was prickly at the touch.

The Toussaints, both respectable and ancient, asserted more history through tales shared over generations, though there is little concrete evidence to verify truths from fable; one thing that is for certain is that the Toussaints are among the first of wizarding families to emerge from the island of Hispaniola. Briar would be the secondborn son between Armand, a deceased Hit Wizard, and Sarai, Hogwarts Herbology Professor and third daughter from the marriage of his grandparents, Ionna Ortiz and Bamidele "Bami" Toussaint.

Briar, his twin brother, Alphonse, and his mother, Sarai, would live off Haiti's southern coast near Jacmel in a home that sported bountiful gardens, stunning views of the Caribbean coastline, tomes, and trinkets collected and passed down between generations. Their family home would be a short walking distance to their grandparents' village, by whom Alphonse and Briar were partially raised and spent most of their childhood alongside relatives and cousins. As Sarai progressed further in her academic pursuits, the more perilous her plant collection became and the less time her new profession would offer the woman to assume the role of a mother to Alphonse and Briar. Thanks to the aid of their grandparents caring for her progeny, the young girl continued to immerse herself in the study of Ritual Magic and Herbology, believing both practices could be integrated into her expertise as a Herbologist and Healer.

Both the boys would grow rather ignorant about why their mother alienated herself from the rest of the village and the rationale behind Sarai's rather cold and secretive ways. Despite his brother's curiosities on antics, Briar's love for ancestral rituals were as deep as his mother's and he spent many hours devouring books both restricted and not to seek answers lost by the conquered eradicating a system and practice they hadn't found fit.

[ Is your character a Broom Racer? ] No.
[ Is your character a Quidditch Player? ] Yes; Second-String Seeker.
[ Is your character a Duelist? ] No.
[ Stats ] STA: 08 EVA: 10 STR: 02 WIS: 10 ARC: 01 ACC: 10 [+1 QUIDDITCH WIN]

Abilities: TBD
Pending June 8 (Lear)
I need a papertrail from Sarai that you have permission for this character. Owl sent.

7 Jun 2024, 18:02
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
Application for iNPCs:
Name: Joseph LingFord
School: Castelobruxo
Year: Seconds
Status: Pureblood
Appearance: Silky black hair that is usually kept in a low bun or ponytail. His eyes are a dark grey and his face is oval shaped. His skin is slightly dark

Personality: Joseph is a kind and polite person. The only way that he could be described was as the perfect gentleman. He is a motivated and helpful person. This is also one of his main flaws as he helps too much to the point he's doing things for you.

History: Joseph Lingford was born on December 21, 2011. He was birthed to Josephine Lingford and Wayne Lingford, who at the time of his birth, was deceased.
Joseph and his mother lived in a small house in Toronto, Canada. His mother worked as an artist, a painter to be more specific. Joseph was an only child, and even though as a kid he had plenty of friends, he had always felt lonely. During his childhood, most of his time was occupied with school and playing football with his friends. At other times he would sit down in his bedroom and read tales of all the daring adventures many travelers had when they explored the world. He had always wanted to travel the world and find hidden treasures.
Joseph had his first instance of magic at age 10, like most wizard children. It was on a lovely Saturday morning at home, he and his mother had been cleaning and having fun. Joseph had been laughing a lot that day and while he was sweeping the living room floors as he listened to music playing from the radio, other cleaning equipment began floating in the air and danced to the beat of the music along with him.
A few days after his 11th birthday, Joseph received his acceptance letter to Castelobruxo.

Is your character a Broom Racer? NO
Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES, Chaser
Is your character a Duelist? NO
Stats: |Stamina: 7|Evasion: 6|Strength: 7|Wisdom: 7|Arcane Power: 7|Accuracy: 6|

Pending June 8 (Lear)
We need an image for your character, be it an avatar-like image or a banner. Remember: when posting you need to use this image to clearly indicate that you are posting as an NPC.
Your stat total is 35, as we are getting graduation stats you should have 40. Please add these 5 stat points.


8 Jun 2024, 21:47
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
ooc: i would like to keep my old inpc, so here is my application. she had to repeat a year because of low grades, so that is why she is still a second year

Blood Status
Santos, São Paulo
Lorelai has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her skin is tan, from her trips to the beach and her face has just a few freckles, that are hard to see from far.The girl's hair is between medium and long length and it is a mix straight and wavy, she likes to think it has a mind of it's own. Lorelai is rather tall for her age, standing at 5'1 feet, or 1, 54 meters.

❝ some people are artists, some themselves are art ❞
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code by esme
Lorelai is an extroverted girl, she has always been clumsy, and she is a bold spirit. She is also very observant. The girl has a big imagination, and loves reading fashion magazines, painting, cooking, practicing guitar, photography, and playing volleyball, and before Castelobruxo, was a part of her volleyball team. Lorelai is also very smart, kind and ambitious, always wanting more than she has. She is a mix of street smart, and book smart. The girl is proud of her family, and doesn’t really understand the concept of magic.

height | 5 feet | weight | 85 pounds | physic | petite | hair color | dark brown | eye color | blue eyes | faceclaim | madeline carroll [11 - 13] brooke shields [14 - adult] | style | casual & artsy
mbti. | ENFJ-A | enneagram | type 3 | alignement | chaotic-good | deadly sin | pride | heavenly virtue | kindness | patronous | n/a | amortentia | vanilla candles, magazines, the sea, new parchment and daisies | erised | her being accepted by blood purists, with a happy family and as a healer | boggart | her losing her family
When she was 9 years old, she was playing in the beach, and then, she fell on the floor, and she ended up getting a little bit hurt. Her knee was bleeding, and then her hair turned red, the color of her blood. Her parents were surprised, and never had seen anything like that, but the next day it was brown again.
Lorelai was born to a muggle family, that knew nothing abut magic. The Diniz family was a family that was quite rich and old. They lived in Rio de Janeiro for many years, until they moved to Santos, where Lorelai lived.

She studied in a Muggle school and loved volleyball, and played in her school's team. The girl also was close with her mother, they usually went shopping together. Her parents also owned a house in Rio de Janeiro, so they would always visit. The girl loved the beach, the waves and playing in the sand.

Her parents always were proud of their three daughters and son. Lorelai had an older brother, Marcus, and her younger twin sisters, Stella and Isa. Her brother was 14, and the twins were 7 years old.

Her parents, Theo and Olivia were both doctors, but Olivia was a pediatrician and Theo was a surgeon, meaning her father never really had extra time, except for weekends. Isa and Stella looked exactly alike, blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Marcus looked like an older masculine version of Lorelai, blue eyes, pale skin and brown hair. Lorelai was closer with her brother than the twins. She had many friends at her school, and sometimes she took them to Rio. They always loved it.
"We only see him on weekends"

---Name: Theo Diniz
---Blood Status: Muggle
---Age: 39
---Hair Color: Dark brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Occupation: Surgeon
---Relationship to Lorelei: Father
---Favorite Past Time with Lorelai: Cooking
---Faceclaim: Harry Styles
"Quiet, yet talkative"

Name: Olivia Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age/Year: 39
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Relationship to Lorelai: Mother
Favorite past time with Lorelai: Shopping
Faceclaim: Gigi Hadid
"A crackhead once you know him"

---Name: Marcus Diniz
---Blood Status: Muggle
---Age: 14
---Hair Color: Dark brown
---Relationship to Lorelai: Older brother <3
---Favorite past time with Lorelai: playing soccer or video games
---Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
"She laughs at everything"

Name: Stella Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age: 7
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: Green
Relationship to Lorelai: younger sister
Favorite past time with Lorelai: Playing with dolls, cooking
Faceclaim: Mary-Kate Olsen
"Yes. Their twins"

Name: Isa Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age: 7 (12 minutes younger than Stella)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Relationship to Lorelai: Younger sister, the most spoiled
Favorite past time with Rhys: Playing with dolls, painting
Faceclaim: Ashley Olsen
Coding Credits @Katrina Walker
• ongoing | • finished | • abandoned
Thread Title
Thread Partner(s)
coding by archer duncan


sta ● 9| eva ● 4 | str ● 7 | wis ● 9 | arc ● 5| acc ● 6
Perfection. It was a whole world. Well, at least according to Lorelai.

She wasn't always perfect, but when she was five years old, she observed her messy room for the first time. Their family did have a maid, Antonella, but this day, Lorelai saw her room before the maid cleaned it. She was surprised. It was a real mess, and she started to clean it, before her maid did.

Since then, Lorelai always wanted everything to be perfect. Her hair, her outfit, her room, everything! She worked hard for everything and always took her time.

The girl always took her time doing things, for example, when she was seven years old, she didn't want to come out of her room, because her shoes didn't match her outfit. Her shoes were blue and her skirt was green. Everything looked good on her, but she didn't come out until she found black shoes.

When Lorelai was cooking, she made everything with precision, everything needed to be the way she wanted it to be. It was her motto. She always did everything by steps. The girl never lost anything, well when she did, she looked a bit and found it, because everything she owned was organized, from pencil cases, to magazines, to cd disks.. Everything! She always thought that if she didn't organize, she would lose something with value.

In school, her grades were good, and she always studied hard, she needed time to study. The girl always spent hours in her room, just reviewing her notes, and to study, she took time. Her mother was so proud of her for doing this. To her, school was easy, because of fact she actually enjoyed studying. Her friends did not, so they're grades weren't as good.

Lorelai was in fact an overachiever, she thought it was a good thing, well it was in some points, but she spent most of her childhood perfecting things, studying, etc. She didn't mind her childhood, she just wanted things to be her way. And most of the time, they were. When they weren't she tried her best to make things look the way she wanted them to be.

Her parents also expected a lot from their child. They wanted good grades, for her to do well in volleyball, for their daughter to cook well.. Anyway, her parents, Olivia and Theo put her in the best schools, the best volleyball lessons, they hired famous teachers to be her tutor, and they even hired the best hair stylists for her to attend parties. Just to attend parties.

But, everything that she did needed to be the way she wanted it to be. In other words, perfect.
Lorelai Diniz was observant, that was a fact. She was born that way, or so she thought. Perhaps part of the fact she liked things her own way, made her know when things were wrong.

Once, when she was in her fourth grade in school, her siblings, the twins, Isa and Stella switched places. Isa was Stella and Stella was Isa. They wanted to see what would happen, and since they were identical, her parents did not suspect a thing. Neither their teachers. But Lorelai did. She knew something was wrong. She told them she knew and they had to pay her to stay quiet. She wanted to tell someone so bad, but she didn’t. Since they payed her.

Despite being extroverted, she was extremely observant. That was part of her knowing when things were out of place. She also wanted things her own way, and that was one of the reasons too. The girl always wanted things “perfectly perfect”, and you would notice that when you met her, trust me. That was a big part of the reason that she had a sixth sense. Sometimes, the girl would even tell you something like “Oh, your shirt doesn’t match your pants… You should change.” Or “Oh my gosh. You should probably fix your hair. You’re welcome.” And some people did not not like this behavior, leading them to not be friends with Lorelai.

When she was seven years old, her parents took her to an art gallery, and a stray dog outside seemed to be watching her. She noticed this, and tried to scare him away by making faces. She did not succeed successfully and that mission failed, she went home before she could scare him away, and he probably scared her more than she did.

When she was cooking (something she did very often), she knew the time something had to be put in the oven. The girl never burned anything, she only did once, but when she did, she knew something was wrong, something was out of place. Her vanilla cake. She made another one, and it didn’t burn again. Lorelai never burned anything again.

Since her room was always organized and her way, when something was out of place, like a magazine or a piece of clothing, she knew, she always did, and when she found what was out of place, she put it back to it’s proper place. The girl always did.

10 Jun 2024, 17:49
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Monet Èlisa Navarro-Gallay

Link: oui oui baguette

Year: Fourth

Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 8 | Strength: 10 | Wisdom: 4 | ArcPower: 3 | Accuracy: 12

Stamina: 11 | Evasion: 9 | Strength: 12 | Wisdom: 4 | ArcPower: 3 | Accuracy: 13

(+1 [Broom Racing], +1 [Quidditch])

Abilities: Muggle Condition
It didn’t matter how much she hated it. It didn’t matter how hard she tried to leave it behind.

It didn’t matter.

Because at the end of the day, Monet was a mudblood.

It was this past year when it became the most obvious to her, Boe was off doing his own things, and had far less time for 13-year-old Monet. She needed to venture out on her own, find her own tricks to pass her classes, her own time to practice spells.

She was awful at spells, good lord. More often than not Monet would spend time combing through her room trying to find something as opposed to casting a simple summoning charm. For Monet, even a "simple" charm would take a few tries to get right. Seeing her peers unlock new joys through magic made her feel a bit estranged, a tad out of place, a touch of unbelonging.

The other students seemed to cast spells effortlessly, flicking their wands with grace and precision, while Monet struggled with every incantation. It didn't matter how much extra reading teachers assigned the young beater. If she bothered to read it at all, the words seemed to blur together, and the instructions, no matter how clearly written, felt like an impenetrable wall.

Monet began to feel the weight of her inadequacy. It wasn’t just about the magic; it was about her place in this world. She was surrounded by young witches and wizards who had grown up with magic, who had parents that guided them through the complexities of the wizarding world. She didn’t have that. Her parents were muggles, wonderful but ordinary, and they couldn’t understand the struggles she faced.

When Monet returned home at the end of the year, when her parents picked her up in their new sedan, when they took her and her brothers out for McDonalds, she couldn’t deny that she felt a sense of home.

This was the world where she grew up, the world that influenced most of her decisions, especially when it came to quidditch. God, if half of the chasers on the Hogwarts team had picked up a damn soccer ball once in their lives, or a lacrosse stick or SOMETHING, they’d be better for it. Monet sure was.

In fact, she began to realize that many things in her muggle life were simply easier. Instant communication, portable music, fewer layers of clothes to wear, no dodging owls swooping through hallways. Oh god, did this feel normal? Was she homesick for the muggle world?

Monet knew her kind didn’t deserve magic. It was obvious, she could hardly use the damn thing. So then… Would it be better just to leave it all behind for the world she knew so much better?
WC: 459

Extracurricular: Remaining quidditch beater

Content Changes: -

Trunk Coding:

Code: Select all

[quote][quote]Is your character a Broom Racer? NO
Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES (Beater)
Is your character a Duelist? NO[/quote]

Stamina: 11 | Evasion: 9 | Strength: 12 | Wisdom: 4 | ArcPower: 3 | Accuracy: 13[/center][/quote]

[center][url=]+1[/url] [Broom Racing], [url=]+1[/url] [Quidditch][/center]

[icon]quidditch-r[/icon] [b]Broken Broomshaft[/b]
[reducio][quote]Monet has always been athletic and rowdy, often playing too rough with those she grew up with. [i]Too bad[/i], she'd think. [i]Suck it up, you'll be fine eventually.[/i] Football, tag, wrestling, it didn't mater. All of them usually ended up with one of her friends running to their parent in tears and Monet celebrating a victory (before being scolded by her parents) 

Monet also has never understood that brooms in the wizarding world are expensive. No matter how many times it had been explained to her, it just never got into her head that these were basically [i]machines[/i], not what you use to clean your floors. And so, Monet wasn't ever careful when she flew. She tugged, she dragged, she dropped every broom she used. It surely would be easy to replace, no? Couldn't another wizard just... Make another one? 

And so Monet's disregard for people's pain tolerance and their brooms turned her into a beast of a quidditch beater.

From the moment Monet learned what quidditch was, she knew she wanted to be a beater. Beaters, the menaces of the sky. Gliding through the edges of the pitch, their eyes scanning for the right opportunity to come. They were the heavy-hitters, the ones to be sure you were watching for. The ones to fear. The bat, the thrill of whacking a bludger towards an opponent at full-force, it was just [i]too[/i] fun. The day she made the quidditch team was the best day of her whole first year.

As time went on, and Monet became better acquainted with the sport, she found herself hitting even harder. Flying more recklessly towards opponents. Aiming for not just the person, but the [i]broom[/i], the achilles heel of the sport. She found herself playing with such abandon that sometimes [i]she[/i] would end up with more bruises than her targets at the end of the game. But it didn't matter if they won, did it?

The first time she split someone's broom was [i]glorious[/i]. It was a perfect hit, a killing blow to the opposing chaser. As they were tipped over by the impact, he [i]crack![/i] of the bludger to the wood of the broom could be heard throughout the pitch. She didn't understand why the guy was so [i]mad[/i] at her after the fact, talking about how long it would take him to fix his broom. Surely he could just buy a new one, right?[/quote]

[quote]WC: 411[/quote][/reducio]
[icon]star-r[/icon] [b]Lovely Creature[/b]
[reducio][quote]"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl!"

Natania Gallay-Navarro's heart leapt at those seven words. After a long and strenuous 8 hours of active labor, those were [i]exactly[/i] the words she wanted to hear. Of course her first joy that the baby was healthy, but her immediate second thought was that her wish had finally come true. A [i]girl[/i], a baby [i]girl[/i]. Natania knew she and her husband weren't having any more children after this, and though she would love them no matter what, she was hoping and praying for a beautiful baby girl. At last, an excuse to go shopping for precious little outfits that would make her baby shine. As she held her only daughter for the first time, she thought that this baby was the most beautiful of her children (though she'd never admit it to the others), and she decided to switch the girl's first and middle names. Her name would be Monet, a work of art named after the artist.

Well, even though it did result in some [i]adorable[/i] baby photos, Monet didn't need anything special to draw people's eye to her. She simply was a captivating person, a radiant human, a lovely creature.

There's a subtle beauty to Monet, an effortless allure that she's always had. Her gaze rested soft, her eyes capturing rays of light ad capturing the flecks and depths of color within them. Her hair, always lush and healthy, framed her face in [i]just[/i] the right place no matter how she wore it. Her voice is confident, self-assured, as if the foundations of her thoughts give strength to the sound of her words.

The nature of Monet's interests as a child meant that she had a lot of male friends as she grew up. And while it was not the case with every friend, many of them would often bring her flowers at practice, or try to chat up her father to make a good impression. This was usually met by a confused but genuine thanks from Monet, and a quick changing of the subject at hand.

Monet's presence is beautifully delicate and fierce at the same time. Her outgoing and, recently, somewhat rebellious personality combined with her physique confuses and intrigues many. Wether through her looks, her personality, her voice, or simply the presence she brought with her, there was no denying it. Monet Gallay-Navarro was simply a lovely creature.[/quote]

[quote]WC: 405[/quote][/reducio]
[icon]spider-r[/icon] [b]Terrible Presence[/b]
[reducio][quote]Monet has not been a "pleasant" person to be around for a few years now. She was a bit rude, a bit stand-offish, and a bit stubborn. When she was at home, it seemed as if this magic school her parents had agreed to send her to was accomplishing their goal of mellowing her out and getting their precious little girl back. How stupid they must have been to believe such an obvious facade, a mere placation to their desires.

But what was actually happening was very, very different. What was first a small seed of distaste and distrust planted by a certain Mirales Correa had begun to grow, to sprout into a bitter hatred. As the weeks turned into months, and the months into years (just two, to be exact), Monet's animosity flourished like a noxious weed in her heart. The once-minor grievances she held against ungrateful muggle-borns had transformed into an overwhelming resentment that tainted her thoughts and emotions. This bitterness crept and entwined itself like tenacious tendrils, ensnaring every facet of her being and distorting her perception of the world and those around her.

As dramatic as that sounds, Monet was still only a teenager, and thus these "poisoned thoughts and emotions" only resulted in shouting matches and being largely unliked by her classmates. But everything seems like a life-or-death scenario at that age, does it not?

Far from mellowing her out and bringing back her former self, Monet's experiences were shaping her into something entirely different. Her interactions with her fellow students and even some members of the faculty had become laced with palpable animosity.

Oh yes, it was palpable. What had once been a rebellious response to a difficult transition had now become intrinsic components of Monet's personality. No longer did she stare people down to "show them you're not afraid", but it had become an instinctual reaction. It was simply second nature. Bickering with others was had devolved from the desire to be a mere contrarian, she derived satisfaction from belittling them and reminding them of their inferior status. Reminding them where they stood. 

Put her in a line-up of teenagers and it's clear that whatever Monet is experiencing is much, much more than a phase. Her presence and aura has simply been changed, altered. She was growing from a small, innocent puppy into a rabid dog, eacer to bark and chomp. Point her in a direction, just wait and see what will happen. What a terrible, terrible thing.[/quote]

[quote]WC: 415[/quote][/reducio]
[icon]cog-s[/icon] [b]Muggle Condition[/b]
[reducio][quote]It didn’t matter how much she hated it. It didn’t matter how hard she tried to leave it behind.

It didn’t matter.

Because at the end of the day, Monet was a mudblood.

It was this past year when it became the most obvious to her, Boe was off doing his own things, and had far less time for 13-year-old Monet. She needed to venture out on her own, find her own tricks to pass her classes, her own time to practice spells.

She was awful at spells, good lord. More often than not Monet would spend time combing through her room trying to find something as opposed to casting a simple summoning charm. For Monet, even a "simple" charm would take a few tries to get right. Seeing her peers unlock new joys through magic made her feel a bit estranged, a tad out of place, a touch of unbelonging.

The other students seemed to cast spells effortlessly, flicking their wands with grace and precision, while Monet struggled with every incantation. It didn't matter how much extra reading teachers assigned the young beater. If she bothered to read it at all, the words seemed to blur together, and the instructions, no matter how clearly written, felt like an impenetrable wall.

Monet began to feel the weight of her inadequacy. It wasn’t just about the magic; it was about her place in this world. She was surrounded by young witches and wizards who had grown up with magic, who had parents that guided them through the complexities of the wizarding world. She didn’t have that. Her parents were muggles, wonderful but ordinary, and they couldn’t understand the struggles she faced.

When Monet returned home at the end of the year, when her parents picked her up in their new sedan, when they took her and her brothers out for McDonalds, she couldn’t deny that she felt a sense of home.

This was the world where she grew up, the world that influenced most of her decisions, especially when it came to quidditch. God, if half of the chasers on the Hogwarts team had picked up a damn soccer ball once in their lives, or a lacrosse stick or SOMETHING, they’d be better for it. Monet sure was.

In fact, she began to realize that many things in her muggle life were simply easier. Instant communication, portable music, fewer layers of clothes to wear, no dodging owls swooping through hallways. Oh god, did this feel normal? Was she homesick for the muggle world?

Monet knew her kind didn’t deserve magic. It was obvious, she could hardly use the damn thing. So then… Would it be better just to leave it all behind for the world she knew so much better?[/quote]

[quote]WC: 459[/quote][/reducio]


11 Jun 2024, 23:39
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Manu Macedo
Link: Here
Year: Moving up to 6th year
Stats: STA 11 | EVA 10 -> 11 (+1) | STR 6 | WIS 11 | ARC 8 -> 10 (+2) | ACC 11 -> 13 (+2)
Abilities: Applying for Spell Spread; application is in the Reducio.
In her five years of schooling at Castelobruxo, Manu Macedo had made more than a few enemies.

There were those who had called her lesser since her first steps into the golden pyramid, just because of the blood that ran through her veins. You would think that five years of topping her class lists, defending the innocent from bullies in the corridors, and working hard as one of Castelobruxo's very few duellists to refine and magnify her spellcasting craft would have earned the carioca a bit of respect, but no. It seemed that no matter how she did, there would always be those who wished to pincer in from all sides, whispering horrible comments in her ears, telling her she'd never be as good as the weakest pureblood in all her life.

Of course, when one had enemies coming in from multiple sides, one had to learn to hit them both at once.

This came to a head when Manu witnessed a younger student be attacked in one of the Castelobruxo hallways from two opposite sides, scarlet spells arcing towards the second-year from two fourth-years who were clearly unpleased with the child for some unknown reason. They crashed into the younger student, one on the right and one on the left, leaving the poor thing to crumple to the ground.

The bullies were dealt with and the student carted off to the hospital, but the scene haunted Manu for months as she finished up her fifth year at Castelobruxo and went home for the summer. She'd been lucky, thus far, to not take on multiple at once - when people came at her, they tended to do it at least one-by-one enough that she could react in kind and protect herself and others. What would happen the day that the Correas decided to cast simultaneous spells?

But then - a memory. Summer camp, 2022. What a summer that had been, full of the highest ups and lowest downs, and one of the middest points had been the duel against the Hogwarts students, a pair in scarlet and a duo in navy. Those in blue had taken the win, and Manu had managed to eke out second place despite a truly horrible showing - but, then again, the ceruleans deserved it. One in particular, the girl, had somehow cast a spell - Ventus, if Manu's memory was to be believed - against two opponents at once, one of them being Manu herself. Though Manu hadn't stayed awake for most of the duel afterwards, she had felt more impressed than frustrated at her loss afterwards. How had the girl done it? And how could she learn to do it now?

And so Manu thrust herself into the studying of spell spreads over the summer, not practicing outside of school of course but certainly readying for the upcoming summer camp in the hopes that she would get to try out her new, theoretical skill when she returned to the United Kingdom soon. Redemption and protection - that was her goal.

Permissions granted to mention Boe Correa (Jack Warren), Raul Correa (Nick McCowan), Dee Prince.
Extracurricular: Duellist (staying where she already is)
Content Changes: None
Trunk Coding: Good to stick with the current code.

I was tame, I was gentle -
ency ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ 'til the circus life made me mean ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ iNPC
who's afraid of little old me?

12 Jun 2024, 08:57
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Javier Aguilar
Link: Boy Goes Broom Zoom
Year: Third Year
STA 7 | EVA 10 | STR 10 | WIS 8 | ARC 1 | ACC 12
New +1 from Zach's latest sport win:

STA 7 | EVA 11 | STR 10 | WIS 8 | ARC 1 | ACC 12
Extracurricular: Broom Racing
Content Changes: N/A
Trunk Coding:
Adding stat points and approved Steady Flyer ability to the trunk

Code: Select all

[b]Is your character a Broom Racer?[/b] YES
[b]Is your character a Quidditch Player?[/b] NO
[b]Is your character a Duelist?[/b] NO
[b]Stats:[/b] STA 7 | EVA 11 | STR 10 | WIS 8 | ARC 1 | ACC 12 [revelio]Wins: [url=]⊛[/url][url=]⊛[/url][url=]⊛[/url][url=]⊛[/url][/revelio]
1. Perfectionist (411/400)[reducio]Javier really enjoyed his first month in Castelobruxo, his new school. He learnt so many things in school. Before his enrollment in Castelobruxo, he didn't know that he was a wizard. But later after his first instance of magic, his mother told him that he was a wizard like her. It confused him for some moments until a macaw brought him a letter from the school on Carnival's day. He was very excited when receiving the letter.

He asked his mother to tell him about Castelobruxo. His mom, Sophia, told him everything, from how to go to the school until what activities she had done there. Javier was fascinated by the story his mother told. After that, he fully accepted that he was a wizard and couldn't wait to go to the Castelobruxo. 

His days in school were very great. He made many friends and enjoyed his classes. And he actually did great in many classes. One day, he was in Charms class. The professor taught the students about Dancing Feet Spell, a very fun spell for first year. They were taught about the spell from its history until the charms properties. And the fun part of the class began, a practice session. The professor paired the students.

First pair was doing the practice in front of the class. Javier looked at them with quills in his right hand. He wrote everything from his observation of the pair, every mistake and every move without missing any details. He did the same thing when the next pair were practicing in front of the class. When it was his time to do the practice, he read all the notes quickly then went to the front of the class. 

With a wand in his hand, he was ready to cast the spell. He remembered all the notes he had written before and made sure that he did all the things he must do before casting the spell, imagination, wand movement, and clear incantation. The spell hit his practice partner successfully! The partner uncontrollably danced and made all the students in the classroom laugh. The professor then cast General Counter Spell to Javier's partner and he finally stopped. The professor praised him that his spell was perfectly cast. Javier was very happy receiving that praise.

After that event, Javier always made sure everything he would do before doing them, resulting in almost all of the things he had made were well made, including the pranks.[/reducio]
2. Unfettered Flight (410/400)[reducio]Studying in Castelobruxo really gave Javier the opportunity to develop his interests and hobbiee. One day, he joined an extracurricular that its main activity was flying on a broom. The first time he saw someone flying, he was very excited and was very eager to try to fly. Then he learn to fly. For the first time, it was very hard for him. And even if he failed a few times, he managed to fly on a broom.

Flying was really his passion in school. Everytime he had an extracurricular class, he always practiced flying. He would be the first one who arrived first and the last one who left the class. He always offered himself to help clean the brooms. 

In his early weeks of his first year, he started to fly slowly. He learnt to keep his balance and focus on the broom. It was very hard at the start, resulting his falling for many times. But he didn't give up. He always tried to practice the balance and focus with slow flying until he managed to do it successfully in three weeks. Then he upgraded his flying skill by adding the speed. With the Castelobruxo's environment and his dedication, Javier's flying skill was increased.

However, just flying on a broom started to bore him. With the limitation of school brooms, the flying speed couldn't be increased anymore. He felt the stagnation of his flying skill development after he couldn't do anything. However, it didn't occur for a long time. A friend of his introduced broom racing. His friend asked him to watch the school's broom race. Javier agreed and they watched the race together. It was Javier's first time to watch such a race. With many obstacles and disasters in the air, Javier couldn't take his eyes off the race. It made him put his interest in broom racing. 

After watching the race, Javier started to practice again to increase his flying skills. Not just adding the speed, he also added other actions like spellcasting and throwing objects. Like most of the learners, he had a hard time controlling the speed while doing other actions. However, he still had his persistence to practice. 

And his efforts paid off. In the last month of the school, he could control the speed of the broom while he was doing other actions like casting spells, drinking potions, or throwing objects. He also tried to apply to Castelobruxo's broom racing team.[/reducio]
3. Steady Flyer (447/400)[reducio]Broomstick and Javier Aguillar are inseparable. Javier always carries his broomstick wherever he goes. And what he did right after class ended was fly with his broomstick, whether it was to practice for broom racing or just fly casually to enjoy the view of the Amazon forest from the sky.

His parents knew about his love of flying and broom racing. There isn't a day without talking about broom racing when the holidays arrive. Seeing this, Javier's parents, Juan and Sophia, decided to buy him a broomstick. Not half-hearted, they immediately bought the latest model Silver Arrow broomstick, which they imported from England, for their only son. Of course, this made Javier happy. He immediately tried to fly on the broom several times and tried to control it.

Javier took the Silver Arrow to school to show it off to his friends. How arrogant he looked when he showed it off, with a smug face. That's Javier, a spoiled boy from a very rich family.

Of course, he also uses it at school for his routine broom racing practice. Although, of course, he still had difficulty controlling his broomstick. At least, he didn't fly as badly as the first day when he just got his Silver Arrow. Javier is not a child who gives up easily. He continued to practice flying without stopping. He didn't spend a day without flying. His tenacity is commendable for a spoiled brat.

When he started to master his Silver Arrow, Javier began to increase the difficulty of the training. He flew into some easy broom racing obstacles. Several times he was hit by tree branches, entangled in vines, crashed into walls, and injured here and there. But that didn't break his determination to master them. Javier continues to fly and train non-stop. Maybe you could say he is a flying maniac.

He got the feeling of easy obstacles. How happy he was when his success rate in overcoming several obstacles increased. He wrote a small note about what needs to be paid attention to when going through some of these obstacles. And of course, he wasn't satisfied just there. He tried an obstacle that was a level more difficult than the obstacle he had previously mastered.

Tighter trees, more tangled vines, narrower walls, and of course, some thorny plants that didn't hesitate to hurt his skin. He tried to master everything with his beloved Silver Arrow. He dived right and left, performing certain maneuvers. Of course, he experienced failure, but his success rate was getting better day by day. That's how Javier Aguillar finally mastered the easy-medium obstacles in broom racing. He is quite ready to conquer his broom racing competition.[/reducio]

"Life is unexpectable. It's like answering multiple choices questions but no answer is right nor wrong. Choose wisely so you don't get regret"
Zach Zaphiere || Art || Javier Aguilar

Yesterday, 00:04
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Agata Ríos Matos
Link: Here
Year: Going into Fourth
Stats: Old - Sta 10 | Eva 7 | Str 6 | Wis 7 | Arc 5 | Acc 12
New - Sta 10 | Eva 9 | Str 6 | Wis 12 | Arc 5 | Acc 12
+ 5 from graduation
+ 2 from PC duelling wins here and here
Abilities: n/a (applying later)
Extracurricular: Staying as a broom racer
Content Changes: I would like to change her family history. Instead of both of her parents hailing from Peru, I would just like it to be her Mother. Her father would be the half-sibling of Dusana Sabo's father. This would make Dusana and Agata half cousins.
Rios/Sabo Family

Agata's father originated from Spain. He'd had a wonderful childhood growing up in Northern part of the country. He'd always loved being out in the fresh air and sunshine. He'd grown up with a single mother, never knowing who is father was. His mother had been too ashamed to ever reveal the name of her lover before her passing in Adrián's early life. He'd always been proud of his mother and her struggles for the both of them. When Sofia, Adrián's mother passed in his early twenties, he went on a spiritual journey. Around the globe he went, discovering new and exotic plants and places that took his fancy. It was in Peru that he met the love of his life, Luara whilst in the Amazon jungle on a herbology expedition. It was there in the mountain town of Cuzco, Peru where he decided to settle, opening a plant shop. They combined their love of plants and created a big family, something that Adrián had always wanted.

Unbeknownst to Adrián, his father was Nikolas Sabo. He had kept his affair with Sofia Rios a secret for years before Dusana Sabo, his granddaughter, went through his belongings and letters after he had passed. When she realised the extent of the secret, that she had an uncle, possibly cousin's, she went on a search for her long-lost family members. After Hogwarts, she used her time travelling Europe to discover more about her family's history. It was during this time that she found and reached out to her uncle. Both Adrián and Dusana would send letters throughout the years, updating each other on their respective lives. Milo, Dusana's father held contempt for his half-brother, after a chaotic and aggravating chat that his daughter would have with him one afternoon, and refused to have anything to do with Adrián and "his lot".

Agata was the last of her siblings to attend Castelobruxo. When Dusana told her uncle that she was now the Nurse at Hogwarts, her former alumni, she promised him that she would take care of her cousins if they ever visited, including Agata.

Agata's mother Luara grew up in Cuzco, Peru. Her family background was Mestizo, a mixture of Spanish European background and the Native peoples of South America. A lover of plants, she spent much of her time in the jungles of Peru, studying and growing anything she could get her hands on. It was by chance that she met her husband-to-be in the streets of Cuzco one fine afternoon. He had been asking for a guide for an expedition in the jungles, and she, ever the knowledgeable, agreed to take him. From there, their love grew. Adrián decided to settle in Cuzco for Luara, and together they opened a plant shop and raised their family of seven children, Julián, Sofía, Ariadna, María, Francisco, Violeta and Agata.
Trunk Coding: Adding in new stats and stat point wins. PLus her chosen sport for ease.

Code: Select all

Broom Racer[/center]

Sta 10 | Eva 9 | Str 6 | Wis 12 | Arc 5 | Acc 12
[url=](+1 from duelling)[/url], [url=](+1 from quidditch)[/url], [url=](+1 from duelling)[/url] and [url=](+1 from duelling)[/url][/center]

[reducio]She’d never been one to look for danger but there was always something dangerous about living in the ancient city of Cusco, Peru. Of being surrounded by jungle and mountains and ancient cracking temples. Growing up, her parents had always warned her about where she should go and where to avoid, but having spent the last nearly 11 years walking the city, Agata didn’t feel the usual caution or fear that she saw in others. Especially the tourists. They were everywhere. Roaming around the streets in wonder. But to her this was home. And it always would be.  

Gallivanting around the city with her siblings was always the best part of her day. Now that they were away at school, Agata was on her lonesome. She’d been used to it of course in some way. The youngest of seven, she’d been left to her own devices many times by her parents who were too busy running their plant shop to truly look after her. They specialised in muggle and magical plants, providing anyone with ingredients for whatever they may need. Her siblings at first at cared for her, but as she got older and they left for Castelobruxo, they too left her to her own devices. In the end, she’d spent days exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu, taking the train by herself, and climbing, albeit secretly, the ruins to explore. 

She’d even come across sun bears and pumas when walking the ruins in the early mornings. Instead of the rush of fear one would expect at seeing such magnificent beasts, she’d only felt respect and admiration for them. She quietly snuck out of their way, heading towards a different part of the terraced gardens, leaving the animals to themselves. Although she didn’t fear them, she wasn’t stupid. It would be best to leave them alone.  

The adventures hadn’t stopped in Machu Picchu. When she was still in Cusco, on days where her mother forbid her from exploring, she’d help in the shop. Her mother would always send her on errands, either delivering packages or getting them for the shop. It was one of her favourite pastimes, and had been for years. She’d been braving the streets doing these errands without assistance for over 5 years now, and felt comfortable in walking the criss-crossing, star-aligning streets by herself without help. She always waved and smiled at her neighbours, not bothered by the sedate llamas or busy cars.[/reducio][/quote]
[quote][b]Potion Mastery[/b]
[reducio]She’d been stuck helping her parents in the shop over the Summer. After what had ended up in a disastrous exploration of the European continent and what the British termed, the best school ever (insert eye roll here), her parents had basically kept her holed up inside. Being the youngest, her parents coddled her like a baby, always making sure she was well and wasn’t in pain. She was sick of it. She had paid her older siblings to do her chores for her basically everyday so she could escape.

She didn’t go far. Just around to the next street, into an abandoned building where she had set up her cauldron and supplies on the lower floor. The building had long since been vacated and was a perfect spot to brew potions away from prying eyes. Most of the things she used were her own from school and ingredients weren’t hard to come by either – her parents owned and grew plants for a living. They had numerous magical potion supplies right there for anyone who needed them. Agata wasn’t stealing them, she was borrowing them. Turning them into something useful. They would have been sitting there collecting dust otherwise. It was what she told herself anyway.  

Week after week, she spent sat there in the dusty old decaying building reading her potions textbook. It was after three failed attempts that she’d resorted to asking her older brother Julián for help. He was an adult, more than capable of helping her with the magical spell component of her potions. He’d been suspicious at first, but when she’d explained it was because she wanted to learn more about potions he had agreed. It wasn’t his forte but anything for his youngest sister. Sometimes being the youngest paid off! They’d set about doing it every 3 days or so, when they could both get out of chores and work. She’d collected the ingredients and brewed the potions carefully, making sure every one was the correct colour, consistency and if applicable taste. 

Once the actual brewing had commenced Julián had proposed she make a journal with all her notes. She’d scoffed at the idea at first, but now, 5 weeks in, she was glad to have listened to him. Every time she trialled a new potion, she noted it down. What type of potion it was, what it did to the consumer, what it looked like, smelt like, tasted like. They were all important details that would help her succeed in learning her potions.[/reducio][/quote]
[quote][b]Poison Resistance[/b]
[reducio]There was something about the long break and being free to do as she pleased. It meant she had ample time to collect ingredients with her siblings, play the piano and brew her potions. Not particularly in that order, but as long as she was able to do those things, she was happy.

Bottle after bottle lined her shelves. Some of them were full of liquids and paste, whilst others were nearly empty. She’d become determined over the break to not only master her potions, but be able to tell which was which by a glance or taste. Her parents, not so bewildered to discover that their youngest daughter had a liking for potions, supplied her with the ingredients and spellwork she needed to brew potion after potion. With her stock full, or as full as she could make it, she’d sat down over several afternoons throughout the weeks she had off school to learn and test herself on the tastes of the potions. She was determined to be ready come her third year.

It had come to a head on the last weekend before heading off for ‘school visits’ as she called them. She’d waved off wandering the hills of Cusco with her siblings instead wanting to perfect this last potion test of hers. That was where her mother found her - inside her room, huddled under her study desk. She’d been sitting there all afternoon reading her older brothers potions textbook. Agata had asked her brother, Julián, to brew a potion. She knew she’d been affected by it, but it wasn’t what she thought. 

Her Mother came into the room, a confused look on her face. “Mija (darling), what are you doing on the floor?” She placed the new potion herbs on the table above her daughter, and crouched in front of the befuddled girl. “What’s wrong Mija?” Agata looked up from the book, worn in places and corners folded. “It’s not working Mama,” Agata mumbled. She picked up the potion, handing it to her mother. Her mother looked at it. It was a dizziness potion, beautifully created with a shining orange colour. It didn’t look wrong at all. “What do you mean Mija? It looks fine. Is that why you’re sitting on the floor?” Agata shook her head at her mothers question. “A little, but not really. I was expecting to need to sit, so took the potion sitting down. But I’m not dizzy! Not like I’d expect from a dizziness draught.” She handed the textbook over to her mother. “That’s why I was checking the book. I can’t tell what went wrong.” 

Her mother smiled knowingly. She’d heard of this happening. Placing a hand on her daughters head, she smoothed the chocolate strands back. “It worked Mija. It’s just that your body is tolerant to the potion. Probably due to all the testing you’ve done.” Standing up, she placed the textbook on the table next to the forgotten herbs. She held a hand down to Agata. “Come now. I’m sure your siblings are back from town. Let’s go have something to eat.” Agata smiled affectionately at her Mother, clasping her hand and hauling herself up. Mama was probably right. She’d grown a tolerance to all the potions she’d drunk over the weeks and now it was all in her favour.


Yesterday, 21:21
Castelobruxo NPC  iNPC Registry 
Name: Jason Aguilar
School: Castelobruxo
Year: Graduated to Second Year
Status: Muggleborn

Jason Aguilar is a Brazilian boy with height of 160 cm. He has a big-bone medium-sized body type with brown hair and green eyes as descendant of the Aguilar family. Jason's special features are on his thick eyebrows which form a haughty, arrogant, and 'looked like challenge all the people around him' facial expression even though he has no intention to do it.

Jason has a really clear duality. He is a 'good boy' who studies diligently and completes all his assignments on time when he is at home -close to his parents- but this boy will turn into someone rude, likes to be alone, and has no empathy when he is at school -away from his parents-. Jason definitely could spit out all kind of harsh words anyone could imagine a schoolboy known. That's why he doesn't have many good friends, and Jason has no big problem with it since he doesn't even care about that many people around him. Jason will only be polite and cooperative at the times he thinks important for his life.

Jason Ferreira Aguilar was born in Manaus, Brazil on November 11, 2011, from a muggle couple Julio Aguilar and Lilian Montez. Julio works as a business consultant. He met Lilian who worked as a risk manager at a large bank in Brazil when the bank was Julio's client. Jason has an older sister -three years above him- that he really cares and loves, named Emilia Dionisia Aguilar.

Even though comes from a rich family, Julio Aguilar as the eldest son of the Aguilar family, brings the culture of being diligent, responsible, and know how to returned the favor to his own family. Julio always equates the irresponsible people with his youngest brother, Juan Aguilar, who has such an overly free spirit, that Julio sees him as a figure that has absolutely zero responsibility to live in a straight way as how the family taught. Throughout his life until now, Jason has always been required to be better than his cousin and neighbor, Javier, Juan Aguilar's only son, in all kind of fields; from academics to non-academic fields, otherwise he will be equated to those 'irresponsible family' by his father. The requirement that makes Jason hate and envy Javier, also all the youngest Aguilar family, as well as the reasons that makes him not want to get along with his cousin, Javier Aguilar.

Jason is living his aloof live, coupled with his unpleasant facial expressions and impolite character at school, he doesn't have that many friends. He doesn't care much about friendship. The most important thing for him is only himself, the sister that he really loves, and beating his cousin in every possible situation. As long as other people don't bother him, Jason also doesn't feel the need to bother with the presence or absence of other people around him.

Chaos is something that Jason's parents can't tolerate. On Emilia's thirteenth birthday, Jason played tag in the house with his big sister. Jason was really excited to see his sister looked really happy on her special day, but their fun didn't last long. Emilia accidentally bumped into a table full of snacks, drinks, and also her own birthday cake, caused everything fell all over the floor.

Saw his sister 'who should be happy in her special day' was cried uncontrollably and their parents, instead of comforting her, were nagged her pretty harsh, Jason felt a great anger flow inside himself. He stared on the glass in front of him with his furious green eyes and suddenly the glass shattered and scattered on the floor, made the whole house silent and realized that Jason has something special inside himself. Sure enough, it wasn't even take a year until a tropical bird arrived with a letter on the first day of Carnival, stating that Jason was accepted at Castelobruxo, The Brazilian School of Magic.

WC 472/200
Is your character a Broom Racer? YES
Is your character a Quidditch Player? no
Is your character a Duelist? no

STA : 7
EVA : 8
STR : 7
WIS : 9
ACC : 7
ARC : 2

Year 1 : Steady Flyer
Jason Aguilar entered Castelobruxo without knowing much about the academic and environments of his new school. All he knew was that this school is a wizarding school -which was something very new to him- as well as the school where his half-blood cousin also attended.

Even though so much -almost everything- was new, Jason adapted easily upon his arrival at Castelobruxo. This is because he doesn't really care much about many things, and also doesn't really care about people around him as long as they don't bother him. Jason began to get to know all the subjects at the wizarding school which were quite different from the lessons at his previous muggle school. He also discovered various new types of extracurriculars: duelling, quidditch, and broom racing.

Boredom made Jason decided to watch games from every extracurricular in the first half of his first-year. Dueling didn't interest him, Jason felt bored when watching duelling. Quidditch looks more interesting because there are so much movement by and role for each rosters, but... there are too many people. Jason felt he couldn't bare to attached to that many amount of students as a team. Broom racing is the most interesting one, quite complex but not necessarily need to related with too many people. And... Hey! Guess who also has an interest in the broom racing and making this extracurricular even more interesting for Jason? Yes! His cousin and forever-enemy, Javier Aguilar. The second he overheard and realized about Javier's interest in broom racing, that's the time Jason decided to join broom racing as his extracurricular.

I can't just come and ask them to put my name in the team list. I have to prove that I'm as good as the other rosters and better than Javier. I have to learn to fly, at least I should be able to fly steadily. Jason made up his mind and felt that this is an important moment for him. The boy paid close attention to every theory in the flying subject. He tried to ask the professor for additional lessons, he even buried himself in books of climatology and geophysics almost every day at the Castelobruxo library.

On the day he flew for the first time, Jason's mind was full of the theories he had studied. These theories did help him a little, but not enough to immediately make him fly steadily. This situation made him gritted in annoyance. After all this time, my hardwork is nothing more than useless. In the midst of his dissapointed at himself, the professor's words brought him back to his senses. Learning to fly on a broom is pretty much the same as learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time when we was as a children. That's not just a matter of understanding the theory, but how we get used to the brooms we have, how we get used to befriend with the sky.

The only way to get used to it is continuously practicing, and the access of it will open wider if he joins broom racing as soon as possible. After flying class that day ended, Jason changed his mind and immediately registered himself in broom racing. The rosters wer welcoming him well. He learned a lot, and it took two full-seasons before Jason could finally fly steadily and confidently on his broom. He had studied all the theory and he had also managed to getting use to the sky by continuously practicing. At the end of Jason's first year, what else could be said beside: 'all of the efforts are finally paid off'?

WC 599/400

Year 2 : Attacker Awareness
Entering his second year as a broom racer, Jason feels that he has new homework to do in this extracurricular. Jason has problems at the time he has to deal with several types of obstacles, this is including, and especially, various types of environmental attackers which are quite annoy him. Moreover the location of Castelobruxo that is deep in the Amazon's forest core, no wonder those environmental attacker thingy are doing their duty so aggressively. Jason remembered very well the effect of the cockatrice's fire breath. Ah! Don't forget about the burning embers that came out of Ashwinder eggs when Jason tried to get through them. Just remembering it already made him feel weak.

That's why Jason used the first days of the semester -again- to visit the library. He wants to learn about environmental attackers in the Castelobruxo area and those that could be found on the broom racing track. The amount of informations made him sheeshing and cursing as soon as he started scanning through the book. Dammit! How come there are so many types of environmental attackers in this school?! Is this school actually safe for the students?! Typical annoyance that clearly could easily arose from the short fuse Jason Aguilar, but even with all that curse, still this boy read everything in the book, wrote it down, and carried the notes with him on every flying practice.

Yes, flying practice. Jason still continues to practice flying regularly to hone his skills. Now that he's on the way to finish his new homework, Jason practice flying around Castelobruxo, recognizing every environment where the attacker potentially inhabit based ot the book he read. Initially, Jason made sure to stay at a safe distance because his purpose was only to observe the attacker, but as the time went by, he became bolder in trying to passed through the attackers that according to the book are not that dangerous for him, which the risks are still manageable for him. It's a usual thing for Jason to come back from practice with a burn at the hem of his uniform, squinted eyes, or a little bit fuzzy brain. Nobody has to worry because Jason knows his limits, and he's totally fine at this moment.

Making several additional notes from his personal experience dealing with the attackers, Jason has sufficient awareness to deal with those entities. Equipped with experiences told by the other broom racers, he is absolutely has more confidence to overcome all kind of environmental attackers on the broom racing track.

WC 421/400

Consent has been given by Zach Zaphiere as the NPC owner of Javier Aguilar (Jason's cousin) and approved by Lear on June 8, 2024.

"Be the main character of your own life."