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3 Jun 2023, 15:45
Uagadou NPC  iNPC Registry 

This is a thread that is used to submit applications and updates for iNPCs of Uagadou.
You can find an up-to-date roster for this school here: viewtopic.php?t=17010 If you notice anything that is inaccurate, reach out to an admin (a Head of House, the Deputy Headmaster or the Headmaster).
Restrictions to Creating an iNPC:
  1. Uagadou accepts students from all over Africa. Despite the lore, users making iNPCs from this school will get no additional benefits on wandless magic / animagi. These students must meet the same requirements as all other users to gain these abilities. Note: Animagus is presently not an option for iNPCs.
  2. Any iNPC that you create needs to be the same year as you are presently.
  3. Any iNPC that you create must be fully human.
Application for iNPCs:
Name: Nothing from the sacred 28, no plagiarizing names from other fandoms.
School: Uagadou
Year: Must be the same year as you are presently.
Status: Muggleborn, Halfblood, Wizardborn, Pureblood
Appearance: Please give a short description (at least 2 sentences) about what they look like and provide an avatar or a banner that shows their physical appearance. This picture or avatar is what you would be using in your posts where you are posting as your iNPC to clearly indicate that you are posting as your NPC not your PC.
Personality: Please give a brief description (at least 2 sentences) about their personality. If their personality is that they are a 'crazy person' or some sort of psychopath with a long list of disorders... please make a new personality because it will not be accepted. We do expect the personality to be something that can interface with other players and if they do have a mental or a physical handicap that it is done by a well-informed writer that will do so respectfully.
History: We are looking for at least 200 words describing their history. This is their life, their family. Their upbringing. This is separate from their personality and their appearance. This is not their ambitions or aspirations, this is the story of their life and the story of their life being reduced to a mere few hundred words should not be able to give their life justice. We want a well-thought out character. Please remember, they do not have awesome special powers that nobody else has. We do need a few sentences on their first magic as well.
Is your character a Broom Racer? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a broom racer. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a quidditch player. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Duelist? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a duellist. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Stats: They should add up to what you can have for your year if you were human. So if you have a Veela player character, your NPC does get the full stats you would have had if you were human. Wins from games (quidditch, broom racing, dueling) by your player character or NPC are also applied to your other account.
Abilities: To be accepted they must be written out fully and approved. This is a full application.
Application for iNPC Updates:
NPC Name:
Link: link to NPC page
Year: list the year your NPC should be
Stats: if you're updating stats, please put your stats here
Abilities: if you're applying for a new ability, please add that here
Extracurricular: include if they are a duellist/quidditch player/broom racer or none
Content Changes: Any updates to history/personality/etc will go here. Please provide detail on what exactly is changing and why.
Trunk Coding: please place here any special coding you want for your trunk. keep it simple
Note: You do not need to apply for aestethic changes of your character post, you can update that at your leisure.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

8 Jun 2024, 20:29
Uagadou NPC  iNPC Registry 

Khemet al-Aten

23 July, 2008


Sixth Year


Luxor, Egypt

Nile Crocodile

5'9" (175.26cm)

147 lbs (66.9kg)





Dark Brown




Khemet is of mixed Egyptian and Kushite ancestry apparent in his tanned skin, angular features, and tall, slim build. Inquisitive and imperious dark brown eyes look out from a face with high cheekbones and a clean-shaved head.

Khemet is an outgoing, confident young man with a strong sense of pride in his heritage. He can come across as arrogant at times and stubbornly sticks to his ways. Though his overconfidence rubs some the wrong way, he backs it with a charisma and wit that can quickly disarm his opponents and endear himself to friends and allies.

While not particularly studious, he did well in his classes and enjoyed learning about the history of Africa. He took a particular interest in alchemy, from which his name is partially derived, and quidditch.

Early Life

Khemet was born on 23 July 2008 at his family's home in Luxor, Egypt. On his father's side, he claimed descent from the Egyptian pharaoh Smenkhkare through the House of Aten. While this has been widely disputed amongst the wizarding community in Egypt, what is not in dispute is his rich family history dating back millennia which included court priests, sorcerers, and alchemists. His was always a family of privilege and influence in Egypt, and it is in this environment of luxury that Khemet was raised.

From a young age, Khemet was instilled with a strong sense of pride in his ancestry and the magical traditions passed down over thousands of years. The family home in Luxor, located on the banks of the Nile River and concealed by an ancient Fidelius Charm, was filled with ancient artifacts, tomes of spellcraft, and tales of his forebears and others. As the eldest son, it was expected that he would become the keeper of these tales, amongst them secrets of the sands where great treasures and great dangers were hidden. Such was the duty of the family as protectors of this knowledge. To ensure that which was hidden and undiscovered remained hidden and undiscovered.

This was largely a duty Khemet took in stride, though he would not truly come to understand the magnitude of this responsibility until later in life when he began his studies at Uagadou. That said, all life was not duty and obligation. Growing up, he was close with his siblings and enjoyed many of the joys of childhood, some of which included exploring the ruins around the city, like the temple complex at Karnak, and visiting ancient tombs with his family.


Like all magically talented children on the African continent, Khemet received his dream message when he was ten and completed the necessary ritual to accept the offer to attend the school. When it came time to choose his specialization, he chose alchemy and began advanced studies in the subject.

Is your character a Broom Racer? NO
Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES – Seeker
Is your character a Duelist? NO
Stamina 8 - Evasion 15 - Strength 5 - Wisdom 15 - ArcPower 5 - Accuracy 15
+3 Duelling Victories (x)(x)(x)

No Abilities

9 Jun 2024, 22:38
Uagadou NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Zophyr Qethnis
Link: bonk
Year: Going into third
Stats: Old stats:
STA 7 | EVA 9 | STR 8 | WIS 5 | ARC 5 | ACC 6
New stats (+5 from graduation, +1 from Mahl's duelling win):
STA 10 | EVA 9 | STR 9 | WIS 5 | ARC 5 | ACC 8
Abilities: Sixth Sense (850/400 words)
Pretty much everyone who knew Zophyr even a little bit knew how they liked to observe. They stayed on the sidelines most of the time, but they knew all the tea. They were there for all the chaos. Noticing what others didn't was their favorite hobby.

Of course, the quiet gracefulness with which they carried themselves was helpful. As was their ability to stay hidden when they felt like it. That way, they could observe things they weren't normally allowed to without getting caught. But watching, discerning the important parts, that was a skill that they had honed over the years. The more they loved it, the more they did it, and the more they did it, the more they loved it. There was something addicting to knowing things other people never cared to. It added an air of mystery to them, which was always cool. But it also made them feel like they had a private look into the way the world worked, the way the gears turned inside the earth.

Yes, anyone could look, if they wanted to. But that was the problem: most people didn't want to. They cared about their own business, which was fair enough, but Zophyr couldn't understand how they weren't the tiniest bit curious about the world and the people around them. Even if what the Uagadou student observed was not always all that useful, it was always captivating. Never a loss of time.

It was one day during the Easter holidays of their second year that Zophyr really realized how alone they were in this habit. Their family were spending a few months in Eldoret, Kenya. Zophyr, their brother Sayel, and Riyani had decided to go to a nearby market as Zophyr had run out of broom polish and Sayel needed new shoes. The market was packed - there were people everywhere. And Zophyr just had to pause a second to look around, even as their parent was trying to get them to hurry and get out of this crowd.

Because there was a little girl over there, probably Sayel's age, who sneakily stole a bouquet of flowers from a store while the seller was looking away, and brought it over to a hunched over old woman with silvery hair and a cane that looked like it had been used for at least three decades. And the hunched old woman smiled a smile that seemed to radiate across time and space, and the girl looked so very proud of herself, and the shopkeeper noticed something was off, but he couldn't seem to figure out what.

And over there, a couple of teenagers sitting on the roof of a house, hiding, their eyes fixated on some adults down below - who were most definitely searching for them, from the frantic way they looked from left to right. But the teenagers were giggling together and drawing on each other's arms while they soaked in their freedom.
And further away, there was a lizard on a stone, laying in the sun, until someone inevitably stopped nearby and blocked the rays from reaching the creature. So it got up, and in that speedy hyperactive way lizards moved, found a new warm rock to enjoy, up until someone else got in the way.

Riyani was pulling Zophyr's arm now, annoyed, but the kid just couldn't tear their eyes away from everything, because there was so much to see. And sure, they really needed that broom polish, but couldn't that wait? It was so unfortunate Riyani hated crowds and being around people so much. They were so interesting.

It was then that Zophyr spotted a nearby potioneer. It was clear this person was of the wizarding world, and there was probably glamour over their stall to make sure muggles thought it was a cheap, fake seer or something. But these potions were real. And this potioneer even more so.
He was chatting with a customer, and though Zophyr couldn't tell what he was saying, he was obviously flirting. So much so that the customer was not paying attention as he put a pink-looking liquid into the potion he was making her. But Zophyr was. They knew their potions well enough to see it was amortentia, and that the customer had not asked for it.

The unfortunate thing was, Zophyr was on the other side of the market, and Riyani was still struggling to pull them out of it. There was no way they could get to her and warn her, and even less of a chance she would believe them. And so, reluctantly, they followed their parent out of the market, looking one last time back at the stall, where the seller was giving the customer her potion, changed slightly unbeknownst to her.

And no one else had seen. Though Zophyr had a small feeling of shame for not doing something about it, their indifference over things that didn't impact them took over. The positive was that now they were rather sure they were good enough at observing that they wouldn't get into any trouble without noticing. Hopefully.
Extracurricular: Quidditch, beater (has not changed)
Content Changes: Appearance-wise, I'll be changing their style/preferred outfits as they have developped more of a personal style and care quite a bit about how they look. In the History section, I'll be changing the ages of Zophyr and their siblings since they're all aging up (I'll change Zoph's school year as well). I'm also going to add some more art of them and change their banner. (This will all be done sometime throughout June/July. I'm not sure if you want me to update here again once I've done all that, just let me know if so)

I've also got a rather major character change I'd like to add. At the moment it says Zophyr and their siblings were born and adopted, their parents met, and they lived for a very long while in Sudan. I'm not too sure how I managed not to do any kind of research for this when I wrote it, but for reasons of civil war, their decently carefree life could not have been possible in Sudan. I'd like to change all of these mentions to Algeria. There has been no thread other than their ency that actually says they're from Sudan, so this would not change anything major at all.
Trunk Coding: (redoing this, it's different from the old version)

Code: Select all

[quote][center]☽ Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 9 | Strength: 9 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane power: 5 | Accuracy: 8 ☾[/center][/quote]
[td][quote][center]☽ ✧ ☾
[b]Cat's grace[/b][/center][reducio]Being quiet all the time had its perks. It wasn't like Zophyr was trying - it was just who they were - but it didn't take them long to realize how handy it was. People always assumed the best of them, and that was only when they noticed the kid. Zophyr found it easy to sneak around, listen in on conversations, and steal things right in front of someone's eyes. People rarely saw them, and no one suspected the small quiet child to be making mischief.

This talent got them a lot of interesting information. They were the first to know of both Telus' and Emayana's first significant others, for just one example. And they always found watching people immensely fascinating. It could teach them whether someone was trustworthy or not, whether they were worth speaking to, or what their ulterior motives might have been. And when they were feeling introverted, this talent could get Zophyr some time alone, without anyone to bother them, because no one knew where they were.

The child wasn't sure exactly when or how they got this skill; it was something they'd always seemed to have. Even as a toddler, they weren't often loud. Their ability to hide so well had just always been there. In fact, it was even part of their first memory.
Zophyr was probably four or so at the time, and they were hungry. Sure, they'd eaten breakfast a few hours ago, and lunch was soon, but not soon enough in the four-year old's opinion. They were hungry, and they wanted cookies. Unfortunately, their parents kept the cookies hidden, and Zophyr had no idea where to look. So they quietly went into the kitchen where their mother was sitting, and waited in the shadows.

Their waiting paid off when, a few minutes later, Alash reached behind the toaster and took a cookie out, munching on it. Zophyr's eyes lit up, and they sneakily crept over to the toaster to take one of their own. The bad news was that the wrapper the cookies came in made a lot of noise, so their mother caught them before they were able to eat their well-earned cookie. But they learned they had a talent that day, and ever since, they've used it whenever they needed it. It unfortunately didn't seem to work when they were trying to steal things, but that was okay. Just being able to listen and observe without being noticed was enough for them.[/reducio][center]WC=411/400[/center][/quote][/td]
[td][quote][center]☽ ✧ ☾
[b]Broken Broomshaft[/b][/center][reducio]Zophyr had flown brooms for a while now. They loved being on a broomstick and racing around, high or low, as long as they were going fast. When they were little they even had a makeshift broom made by Telus in a moment of boredom. But it wasn't until they got to Uagadou that they realized how much they liked the sport.

This was different. There was technique, theory and specific ways to do things. You had to lean a certain way at a perfect angle to go where you wanted. That amazed them. The fact that, with practice, if you knew what you were doing, you could do it. And of course, there was the sheer thrill of it all, feeling the wind in their hair and the chill from going so fast and the blur of the ground beneath them. Not one part of it they disliked.
There were a few differen sports to choose from, once they decided they wanted to do one. Broomstick racing sounded like something they wanted to do, but when they first saw it they decided it wasn't for them. They liked danger, yes, but they also liked reliability, and there was too much unplanned chaos in broom racing. But from the first Quidditch match they watched, they were sold. The rules were clear, you could go as fast as you wanted, and it looked like [i]so much[/i] fun. They'd played a version of Quidditch with their siblings before, but this... this was something else.

So, they decided they would play Quidditch. They practiced their skills on a broom even more than they had already been doing, tried out different brooms that their friends let them borrow, and even tried wielding a beater's bat. And when they got home for the summer, they doubled their efforts when playing Quidditch with their family. They wanted to be a beater. It was the perfect mix of danger and rules, for them - being allowed to hit aggressive flying balls at people, for fun. And so, they practiced.

But one day, their practice got to be a little too much. Zophyr had been getting stronger lately, and that day, she was feeling determined to do whatever it took to win. She was playing with the kids from her neighborhood (as usual, as a beater), and when the bludger got near her, she hit it to Emanaya, trying to get her to fall off her broom. But Zophyr had aimed a little off, and the ball hit her sister's broomstick instead... with such force that it broke it in half.
Thankfully, it wasn't so bad that the parents weren't able to fix Emanaya's broomstick. But it did get Zophyr grounded, and their siblings were reluctant to let them play with them again. Zophyr themselves were very confused at how such a thing could have happened, but it wasn't until a few days later that they realized how helpful such a skill could be. It didn't seem to be against the rules of Quidditch... so why not hone it, just in case?[/reducio][center]WC=514/400[/center][/quote][/td]
[td][quote][center]☽ ✧ ☾
[b]Sixth Sense[/b][/center][reducio]Pretty much everyone who knew Zophyr even a little bit knew how they liked to observe. They stayed on the sidelines most of the time, but they knew all the tea. They were there for all the chaos. Noticing what others didn't was their favorite hobby.

Of course, the quiet gracefulness with which they carried themselves was helpful. As was their ability to stay hidden when they felt like it. That way, they could observe things they weren't normally allowed to without getting caught. But watching, discerning the important parts, that was a skill that they had honed over the years. The more they loved it, the more they did it, and the more they did it, the more they loved it. There was something addicting to knowing things other people never cared to. It added an air of mystery to them, which was always cool. But it also made them feel like they had a private look into the way the world worked, the way the gears turned inside the earth.

Yes, anyone could look, if they wanted to. But that was the problem: most people [i]didn't[/i] want to. They cared about their own business, which was fair enough, but Zophyr couldn't understand how they weren't the tiniest bit curious about the world and the people around them. Even if what the Uagadou student observed was not always all that useful, it was always captivating. Never a loss of time.

It was one day during the Easter holidays of their second year that Zophyr really realized how alone they were in this habit. Their family were spending a few months in Eldoret, Kenya. Zophyr, their brother Sayel, and Riyani had decided to go to a nearby market as Zophyr had run out of broom polish and Sayel needed new shoes. The market was packed - there were people everywhere. And Zophyr just had to pause a second to look around, even as their parent was trying to get them to hurry and get out of this crowd.

Because there was a little girl over there, probably Sayel's age, who sneakily stole a bouquet of flowers from a store while the seller was looking away, and brought it over to a hunched over old woman with silvery hair and a cane that looked like it had been used for at least three decades. And the hunched old woman smiled a smile that seemed to radiate across time and space, and the girl looked so very proud of herself, and the shopkeeper noticed something was off, but he couldn't seem to figure out what.

And over there, a couple of teenagers sitting on the roof of a house, hiding, their eyes fixated on some adults down below - who were most definitely searching for them, from the frantic way they looked from left to right. But the teenagers were giggling together and drawing on each other's arms while they soaked in their freedom.
And further away, there was a lizard on a stone, laying in the sun, until someone inevitably stopped nearby and blocked the rays from reaching the creature. So it got up, and in that speedy hyperactive way lizards moved, found a new warm rock to enjoy, up until someone else got in the way.

Riyani was pulling Zophyr's arm now, annoyed, but the kid just couldn't tear their eyes away from everything, because there was so much to see. And sure, they really needed that broom polish, but couldn't that wait? It was so unfortunate Riyani hated crowds and being around people so much. They were so [i]interesting[/i].

It was then that Zophyr spotted a nearby potioneer. It was clear this person was of the wizarding world, and there was probably glamour over their stall to make sure muggles thought it was a cheap, fake seer or something. But these potions were real. And this potioneer even more so.
He was chatting with a customer, and though Zophyr couldn't tell what he was saying, he was obviously flirting. So much so that the customer was not paying attention as he put a pink-looking liquid into the potion he was making her. But Zophyr was. They knew their potions well enough to see it was amortentia, and that the customer had not asked for it.

The unfortunate thing was, Zophyr was on the other side of the market, and Riyani was still struggling to pull them out of it. There was no way they could get to her and warn her, and even less of a chance she would believe them. And so, reluctantly, they followed their parent out of the market, looking one last time back at the stall, where the seller was giving the customer her potion, changed slightly unbeknownst to her.

And no one else had seen. Though Zophyr had a small feeling of shame for not doing something about it, their indifference over things that didn't impact them took over. The positive was that now they were rather sure they were good enough at observing that they wouldn't get into any trouble without noticing. Hopefully.[/reducio][center]WC=850/400[/center][/quote][/td]
[quote][center][b]Broom Racer?[/b] NO. [color=transparent]---[/color]☽[color=transparent]---[/color] [b]Quidditch Player?[/b] YES - Beater. [color=transparent]---[/color]☾[color=transparent]---[/color] [b]Duelist?[/b] NO.[/center][/quote]
[td][center][b]Broom used:[/b] Nimbus 1500
[size=80][b]Description:[/b] Efficient racing broom although slower nowadays. 
[b]Effect:[/b] In the role of [u]Beater[/u], if you hit an opponent with a bludger the bludger will then ricochet off that user and target a second opponent of choice (must be declared, if not declared the target will be random and can be an ally but not yourself).[/size][/center][/td]

🕮 Mahlioz | so long and thanks for all the fish | Zophyr ☾
The Artist's Corner