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8 Jul 2023, 16:19
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:viewtopic.php?f=169&t=27326
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Beast Master (Cat)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

viewtopic.php?t=27858 - link to the thread where Estelle bought Athena

Athena had always been a very clever cat. She had worked out how to open her cage on multiple occasions, leading the owner of the Magical Menagerie having to put a locking charm on her cage. She loved lounging in the sunlight that filtered through the pet shop windows and chasing everything and anything that caught her eye. Sometimes, her curiosity would get the better of her and she'd sneak out when the owner was asleep and explore Diagon Alley.

However, one day, the owner forgot to lock her cage and Athena had her run of the shop. She climbed the enclosures, chased a few mice and played with a loose string inside a book. Strange place to leave a piece of string, but humans were strange like that.

Athena heard the doorbell ring and jumped up on the cages. She assessed the person who had just entered the shop. The girl had short, blonde hair and a smattering of freckles on her pale cheeks. She seemed excited, if a little nervous to be buying a pet and her eyes were constantly moving, analysing each potential pet.

The girl smiled at the shopkeeper and walked around the shop. She stopped at each pet. She was clearly very thorough and wanted to assess each pet. Athena respected that.

The girl stopped in front of a large, tawny owl and Athena decided it was time to introduce herself. She walked up to the girl and greeted her with a rub to the leg. The girl glanced down and stroked her head. Just as Athena was about to purr, the lady who owned the shop grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and picked her up.

Athena mewed annoyedly. She had wanted to get to know this girl.

Before the shop owner could put Athena away however, the girl asked if she could hold Athena. The owner agreed and the girl held her gently and stroked her head. Athena purred contentedly. She had decided that this would be her human.


In the following weeks, Estelle taught Athena many tricks. One of Athena's favourites was finding herbs and plants for Estelle. She loved the way Estelle's face lit up when Athena brought her leaves of wild garlic or a sprig of mint.

One day, Estelle was upstairs, asleep, when Athena saw a new person enter the house. He seemed like bad news and Athena was worried that he would try to harm Estelle or her parents.

The suspicious man was dressed in all black and had broken the window latch. Athena bolted upstairs. Estelle had left her wand on a pillow at the corner of the room and Athena grabbed it on her way.

Athena rushed into Estelle's room and dropped the wand on her bed . She than hit Estelle's alarm clock onto the floor, setting it off. Estelle yawned and tried to turn the alarm off. Athena mewed furiously. Estelle clearly hadn't grasped the seriousness of this situation. She grabbed the wand and used it to poke Estelle, who woke up and groaned at Athena.

Athena dropped the wand in Estelle's lap and mewed again. Estelle sighed.

"What is it you want gatita kitty ?"

Estelle followed Athena downstairs. She was confused and annoyed that Athena had awoken her.

Estelle stopped abruptly at a crashing sound from downstairs. She realised that that was what Athena had been trying to tell her. There was a burglar downstairs.

Estelle rushed upstairs and woke her parents who managed to catch the burglar and report him to the police.

Estelle was so thankful to Athena for warning her. She resolved to always listen to her and gave her a tin of tuna as a reward. Athena was just happy that everyone was safe. She loved her human.

Word Count: 632
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July
Last edited by Estelle Nyx on 12 Jul 2023, 18:59, edited 1 time in total.

Ernest and Estelle's
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough

8 Jul 2023, 21:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: portkey
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Comprehend languages: Parselmouth (Y2)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Growing up in a magical world Linda heard a lot of stories about wizards who could speak with snakes. She had one uncle who could do it, so she got interested in it.

She knew she can't speak it, as she tried it many times, but she wanted to at least be able to understand it. Since that time she started to research more and study every information she could find. Her uncle tried to help her as much as he could.

After a lot of research and spending one year, she could finally start to understand a little more about this language. But Linda didn't give up. It was already a good result even though it was just a very beginning.

Next two years she spent with searching more and more. She found some books, some newspapers, she was asking her uncle more questions. After all these long research and studying so hardly, she started to understand Parselmouth more. She finally understood that there're different sounds in speech and she started to hear them all. This was a great result. That means she was closer to understanding the language.

Later her uncle brought her his notebook where he tried to explain more about each sound in speech and what it meant. Notes were enchanted so she could hear uncle's voice as it would be impossible for him to write it for her. She spent one more year on studying this notebook. After all, she felt like she could probably understand his talking in Parselmouth if he would speak slowly.

So, she came to him and asked to give her some practice on listening. Two years she spent on coming to him, sitting and listening while he was speaking to a snake. It was hard in the beginning but by time she finally managed to understand even in a normal speed. She still was not catching some words when Parselmouth was spoken too fast, but she kept practicing. Hopefully, soon enough she will understand very fast speech as well. But for now, finally after all those years, she could understand Parselmouth. She could know what her uncle and others were talking to their snakes about. She knew snakes' names and what they were saying to their owners.

She was so happy that this big dream of hers finally came true. She knew that there were Parselmouths in Hogwarts. She didn't want to eavesdrop, but sometimes she could hear some parts from dialogues between snakes and their owners.

wc- 418

Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July

Will is able to change even the lines on our palms
────────────・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────────────
✮Linda Ramirez✮-ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-Kaya Rose Bennett-ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-
9 Jul 2023, 11:02
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Bee
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Spell Spread
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Summer was supposed to be fun. A time away from school where she could relax and not worry about school work. Except home had its own troubles. The letter that had been delivered to her on the first day of school back from Easter break was the very definition of trouble. Bea had thought that the last break had been hell, but this one topped it. The letter had been brief, only saying that her Aunt Maude had taken over the farm and that her Ma would pick Bea up at the end of camp. No questions asked.

Two weeks into school and Bea wanted to die. Not literally, but inside. If she thought about home too long it would surely happen. She felt like a ship left out to sea, unmoored with no way to save herself from the waves continually pummeling her.

She was sure she would be unable to take any of her spell books out around the house come Summer. She wouldn’t be able to talk about school or the Ball. No summer camp either. She wouldn’t even be able to openly share how she’d won her first duel!

She’d taken her anger out after this duel, over and over again on the practice dummies. They’d taken beating after beating. She'd wanted to regain control. She’d felt it in the duelling ring, besting two others in her first match even when her partner spaced out and went down. She wanted that back because there was nowhere else she was going to get it. Spell after spell hit the metal armour. It wasn’t long into the rest of the term that Beatrice felt herself becoming more powerful and she wondered if she could do what others on her team could do - split spells. She’d seen duellists do it on multiple occasions.

Incentivised she continued her practice, her main goal to now split spells. Focus and determination would be key to this. Come to the duelling practice room after straight after class and before patrols. Throughout the weeks she got increasingly better, but still missed the mark. Her first spell to try splitting spells was expelliarmus. Two dummies standing there, wands raised, she continually missed. It wasn’t until the third week of practicing this trick that she finally got the hang of it, where both wands went flying much to Bea’s surprise and delight. She’d gone back the next day, ready to do it with another spell. Her favourite by far - incendio. The heat and warmth whispered and as she watched the two dummies burn on the fourth day of trying to split the spell, she lit up herself. This would be great.

Status : Approved, Aurora July13

You can always owl me if you need.
9 Jul 2023, 16:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Broken broomshaft
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Rebellious years are often expected in early adolescence, but Odi seemed to have taken this stereotype to the extreme. His parents had hoped that his first year at Hogwarts would've taught him at least some discipline, but it seemed to have had the opposite effect. Odi was a jerk. Often he would manage some silver-tongued trickery to get out of trouble for it, but most of his peers knew to get out of the way if they saw a white-blond buzzcut making it's way down the corridor lest they be shoved hard into a nearby column or brazier. In Odi's mind, this was nothing more than playful teasing between friends, but it seemed he was blissfully unaware of how the participants themselves felt about this roughhousing.

Needless to say, if you're going to engage with that kind of barbarism, you need to be prepared for someone that strikes you back. Odi's parents had long suggested that he try out for the quidditch team on account of his boundless energy, and given that he could use the exercise to make sure he was well-defended, he decided to start training.

It quickly became apparent that Odi rather had a talent for flying. He was a bright enough boy that he could wrap his head around the theory side of it, and his lack of regard for safety gave him a stylistic flair for danger and risk. In flying class he would often be chastised for this, but on the quidditch pitch it seemed to make for an exciting play-style. When he had got the hang of the basics, he moved on to practicing in quidditch friendlies. For the first few training sessions Odi found himself committing a good few fouls before he got the hang of how to 'play fair' (much to his chagrin). With careful instruction, his hazardous flight style was honed into something a little more appropriate for sports.

Upon being accepted as part of the quidditch team, it occurred to Odi that he could put his talent for brute force to good use. The savagery he had developed in training would become more useful in actual games, (As long as he didn't get caught committing more fouls). Over the summer, he worked tirelessly on his swing to perfect the ultimate, broom-blasting strike, all while his parents watched in horror as their son lobbed varying projectiles at a training dummy.

Word count: 400
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July
10 Jul 2023, 15:02
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopaedia thread: THE SNAKE LORD OF DARKNESS
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Charms Learner (Y2)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
There was power in blood, in lineages and legacies. Old, pure, families spoke of this truth; loudly and often, and often-most around those that would further those families; to impress upon them the very same truths their forebearers had; to them. Avery was a scion of two great wizarding lines, and he wouldn’t escape this ‘truth’ either. That self-belief of greatness and superiority became entrenched, as part of his core person; for if one repeats a lie often-enough, belief soon follows. These tales of greatness inspired both awe and anxiety, delivering unto the shoulders of the fledgling wizard a pressure he hadn’t felt until he had arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It wasn’t his place to question whether or not there was something to them, but it was his place to live up to them; as his parents and grandmother liked to remind him frequently.

In their eyes, he assumed, his brothers hadn’t lived up to those expectations. One was a ministry assistant of some kind, a man with no real power or position; other than of course the position that is subservient to another, more powerful, person. The other, well he was a travelling saleswizard for all they knew. Neither were particularly elite in their schooling or extracurriculars. Arthur once had a passion and aptitude for quidditch but reality often catches up with those that are mediocre; forcing unto them a harsh bout of judgement from the world.

Avery was young and impressionable, sure, but there was a strong-headedness about him that glinted with promise every once in a while. He was a straight O student, and he had made the duelling team and prefect within his first year, so there was clearly something about him that was remarkable; and whether or not there was truth to the claims about the strength of blood didn’t matter either; as both of his parents were renowned spell-casters; his mother more so than his father. Nevertheless, that was the heaviest expectation of all. His father was renowned for the wrong reasons, but his mother was once in the Wizengamot, and now serves as a senior obliviator; advanced magic that came easy to members of her family.

In Avery’s spare time he practised his charm-casting whenever he had time. The process remained much the same; memorise the incantations, repeating them over and over again until they lose any semblance of that initial weirdness that came with new words; to form new associations between the words and the spell effect, ensuring that his intent was aligned to his enunciation appropriately. He’d often repeat these on his walks through the castle, the walks in which he’d be bouncing a small rubber ball off of the wall and floors to occupy his racing mind. Wand-movements were harder to practice, but thankfully he had a process for that too.

Alana had found his sanctuary halfway through the first year; beneath a large oak tree on the grounds, where he frequently sent spells at the tree-trunk, or attempted basic charms at a collection of fallen pinecones taken from the fringes of the grounds he had access to. Basic at first, though of course now that he was a second year; that was sure to change. With the passing of a year came the excitement of learning new spells via new reading, and reading was what he did in whatever time he had when he wasn’t casting; socialising was for lay-abouts after-all. In his first year, he had read through all of his texts before classes had even started, and this year was almost the same; they’d purchased this years books from Diagon Alley and he got to work as soon as they had floo’d back to Moredell, and in the long weeks to go; his curiosity got the better of him and he made a start on his brothers’ third year textbooks. Out of date, perhaps, but the core of the content was much the same; and it was the charms that intrigued him most...

WC: 670
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July
10 Jul 2023, 17:41
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Perfectionist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Word count: 456
Kit is a perfectionist when it comes to many things such as his art, fixing things, cleaning things, brewing potions, and casting magic. He has always taken great care to pronounce everything right and to perform the proper wand movement perfectly when casting a spell just like he does his best to complete any task he undergoes to the best of his abilities. Being an artist makes him especially critical of his own work, so he can take a while to complete whatever goal he sets his mind to, but he is sure to do it well.

His perfectionism is also evident in the way he sorts his art supplies like how all his colors are in rainbow order every time and he has a bit of a compulsion to keep them that way. Each thing must be in its proper place so he can find them when he needs them. His organization extends to most of his possessions and his lifestyle in general due to his perfectionist and completionist ways. Unfortunately it can slow him down, like when he took forever to turn in essays for class or to turn in art projects in muggle school or to finish video games he plays because he has to do everything right and if something gets messed up, he has to start all over again due to his intolerance for mistakes if he believes he can do better. He enjoys giving everything his all and doesn't like to settle for less than that.

The fact that mistakes can lead to big problems and disasters in magic also plays a role in why and how Kit is a perfectionist. Because his parents are muggles who have a very low tolerance for magic and things different from the norm, he could hardly afford to make magical mistakes for fear his parents would find out about them. If his parents discovered said mistakes and how dangerous they could be, there was a very large chance they would make him come home from school and stop learning magic altogether. It is especially important to Kit to avoid this outcome because not only would it prevent him from learning magic, but he has at least one magical younger sibling who would also probably be prevented from the same thing and he would hate for them to have to suffer the consequences of his mistakes. Additionally, because he takes the time to study what can go wrong with magic if it's not done correctly, Kit knows the danger he could put others in if he doesn't do things absolutely right. This makes him especially careful when learning new types of magic for the first time so he can reduce the margin of error.

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Wandless Magic
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Word count: 410
Being a metamorphmagus, Kit has essentially been practicing wandless magic since he was born. He has worked hard to extend his knowledge and abilities past just transfiguring his body, however, and thought learning wandless magic for magic in general would be really useful. As an artist, Kit often has a lot of supplies with or about him. Thus he can and has confused his wand for a pencil or forgotten where he put his wand among his other drawing utensils. When drawing and his drawing subject was a being or creature that startled easily, he couldn't go fishing through all his belongings making a big commotion just to find the right drawing utensil. He needed to use the summoning charm without a lot of obnoxious wand waving and he needed to do it quickly - something else wandless magic came in handy for because he could use a more subtle gesture and a softly spoken incantation.

As a caretaker of Hogwarts Castle, Kit also often had a lot of supplies with or about him such as for cleaning and fixing things. He practiced trying to use wandless magic then in order to make it easier for him to perform the appropriate spells needed to do his job without having to find out where his wand went among his supplies. Being a metamorphmagus meant that Kit also often changed clothes to suit his different guises and that meant his wand was often left in the pocket of one garment or another. Aside from wanting to learn wandless magic beyond his metamorph transformations, it was these small difficulties that encouraged him to study and practice wandless magic.

At first, of course, when he found out about wandless magic and began trying to learn it as a first year in Ilvermorny, there were no results other than what he could do naturally as a metamorphmagus. He kept at it, though, testing and trying his abilities, and by his second year there were a few little things he could partially do here and there such as using the Wand-Lighting Charm without having his wand in his hand. Concentration, he learned, was the key and he did his best to hone the skills he used to focus on the magic he wanted to cast. By his sixth year, he was finally able to say he had mastered wandless magic as he could proficiently cast whatever spell he chose with just a gesture and the incantation.

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Nonverbal Magic
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Word count: 403
Along with wandless magic, Kit thought it would be a good idea to learn nonverbal magic. He first thought this would be useful when he was working as a caretaker and he needed to be silent and sneaky in order to catch students in the middle of rule-breaking acts. His cat's grace was helpful towards this end, but not as much as if he could cast spells without having to speak a word. Since he already knew wandless magic by the time he decided to try his hand at nonverbal magic, Kit also found he no longer needed to gesture in order to cast a spell, making it that much more stealthy.

Aside from catching students in the middle of rule-breaking, another reason Kit had for wanting to learn how to be stealthier with the aid of nonverbal magic was to help catch the hags that had been rumored to be at Hogwarts the first year he was teaching there. Along with his metamorphmagus ability to detect other beings in disguise, if he wanted to get the drop on them, being able to do magic without speaking was crucial. Since his younger sibling had also been attending Hogwarts that year, he was extra dedicated to making certain the school was as safe as he could possibly help make it as the Hogwarts castle caretaker. For that, he needed to study magic harder and increase his capabilities such as through nonverbal magic.

Kit's abilities as a metamorphmagus meant he already had some minor experience in what it took to cast wandless and nonverbal magic because he could transfigure his body at will. From there, though, he expanded his studies by reading books on the subject of nonverbal magic and practiced trying to perform it whenever he could. He found out that one had to pronounce the spell's incantation clearly in one's mind even if not out loud in order to cast a spell nonverbally. It also took great concentration and focus on what one wanted to achieve using magic along with a strong will to do it in order to make up for the lack of wand movement or even a gesture. Beyond his metamorphmagus body transfiguration, it took a couple of years after he started his studying nonverbal magic for him to get the hang of it in general. It was only recently he was able to master the ability to his satisfaction.
Status: All approved, Beatrice, 13 July

Remember always: things are seldom ever what they seem.
11 Jul 2023, 07:48
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: uwu
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal DADA Learner
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Pyxis Hellebore was not a good student. There weren’t many private schools in Eastbourne, so his parents settled on sending him to one of the better secular primary schools in the town. Thanks to this, his grades were never really a factor in moving up years. Sure, the school required their students to not fail, but weaker students didn’t have to worry about being held back unless they were in a really bad place. For Pyxis, this was the perfect environment to breed laziness and indifference. He had zero care for his grades that barely made the pass mark, and his participation in extracurricular activities was abysmal at best. Why should he care, anyways? He knew exactly where he’d end up in life and if he happened to flunk out at some point, there’d still be an open position with his name on it at the hotel.

When his life went all wibbly-wobbly last summer, Pyxis spent even less time on his school work. All he could think about was magic. Well… magic and the miserable fact that he couldn’t carry his Playstation to the school for magic.

Anyways, his trip to Diagon Alley was the greatest experience of his life, and once he was back home, for what felt like the first time in forever, Pyxis picked up a textbook. And then another. And then all of them. It was all so insane to him. He simply could not wrap his head around the fact that in a few months, he’d be at Hogwarts, performing spells and pruning plants that could give him skill buffs in real life. He spent long nights pouring over every single one of his new books, even giving up his free time used for video games. Of course, a favorite from these readings was obviously picked.

Pyxis’ short memory also played a part in his low grades, and even though he’d been reading more during the past few months than he ever had, his retention skills left a lot to be desired. Once the boy was finished with a textbook, he placed it back in its wrappings and promptly forgot most of what he’d read. There were little things he could recall such as a potion for the common cold or a charm for making things float, but all of the gritty details had escaped him not too long after he stopped engaging with the material.

That was true for every book except The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. The writings were like candy to Pyxis. He was obsessed with the fact that dark wizards existed and there were wars fought over the sanctity of wizardhood. Well, that’s how he understood it, at least. And if he was being honest, it scared Pyxis quite a bit. The thought of a creature or wizard breaking into his home or doing bad things was enough to keep his head buried in that book, soaking up every bit of information on how he could protect himself and his family from danger.

When he arrived at Hogwarts, his obsession with keeping himself safe was at its worse. Mumblings of darkness and peril were around every corner and while Pyxis was sure it was just the older kids joking around, he wanted to be prepared. However, the anxiety of being in a new place wore off quickly after a few weeks of attending classes and his interest in defending himself against the Dark Arts turned right back into a hobby. Learning about the dark wizards of old and studying the ways that wizarding heroes fought against them was better than any movie. He’d even been able to find books in the library - who would have ever expected Pyxis to use the library?! - that provided information on Defence Against the Dark Arts spells learned in the later years of Hogwarts and while he couldn’t perform them to perfection, he could surely read about them over and over again, dreaming of the day he’d get to show off what he knew in class.

WC: 675
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July

STA: 8 | EVA: 5 | STR: 1 | WIS: 7 | ARC: 7 | ACC: 7
Prodigal DADA Learner
11 Jul 2023, 10:02
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Spell Spread

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Hui-Ming stands at the center of the room; his posture is rigid, his expression stoic, despite clear signs of exertion. He holds his wand delicately, his mind wandering. His eyes scan the room, observing older, more experienced members of the duelling circuit engrossed in practice.


He inhales deeply, before resetting the training dummies. His wand movements are precise, almost mechanical, as he casts the spell. He is perfect, the embodiment of the way spells should be cast. And a jet of light shoots out of his wand, striking one of the dummies squarely in the chest.

Hui-Ming exhales. His expression remains unchanged, his features giving away nothing of the effort and frustration he feels inside.

He resets the dummy and takes his stance once again. When he casts, his wand movements are more deliberate, his incantation clearer than before. And the spell hits the target perfectly.

But instead of positive feelings, all that these casts made the Chinese boy feel was negative. Frustration and self-doubt ate at him, more devastating than a hundred losses. A snide voice would whisper to him, at the edges of his consciousness, whispering how he was nothing but a fraud and a charlatan; whispering how even the undisciplined could prove results, while all he could do was to stand here, making a fool of himself.

Doing the same thing over and over and over again, and expecting a different result. That was the textbook definition of madness. And yet--

He adjusts his grip on the wand, his fingers barely betraying a tremor of frustration.

Something has to give. He has to change his approach. He can hardly afford to stand here, beating his head against the metaphorical wall. But to pour too much magic into his wand, to overload a cast?

His wand had an uneasy alliance with him, and there were many a time when it resisted his attempts at change. And yet, Hui-Ming sought to create a legacy for his name. For his family. It was his duty to do so. No matter how much practice and iteration and effort and sacrifice it took.

With renewed determination, Hui-Ming steps forward. He would do it. No matter how hard it seemed, or how impossible it felt; he had already carved a name for himself in this mad world, and he would go on master it.

A trickle became a flood, as the Chinese boy stepped beyond all reason and rationality, directing a surge of energy down his left hand and into his wand. What if it could blow up in his face? What if it was unwise?

He would overcome the challenges set before him, and nothing would get in his way.
He moved through the movements and the incantation, directing his wand at the dummies. The moment lingered, threatening to last an eternity. Would his wand again reject his attempts to change?

He could feel his heart beating, drowning out the sound of his surroundings. And sure enough, a jet of magic shot out of his wand, splitting into two streams and hitting both dummies.

Hui-Ming lingered for a moment, not quite believing the outcome. It takes him a moment to process what his eyes were telling him. That he had succeeded.

Slowly, he lowers his wand; attempting to hold on to his poise even as he was overcome by a quiet triumph at his breakthrough.

There was still a lot of work to be done, he would still need to practice and refine his technique so he could do this intentionally and on command.

But for now, perhaps he could take a moment to bask in his accomplishment. And perhaps he could be satisfied.
wc: 613
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July

The curtains fell. And the silence was deafening
11 Jul 2023, 22:32
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ta-Da!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Calming Presence
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) (412/400 Words):
EmmaLee is like a soft breeze in the middle of a hurricane. No matter what is going on around her, she is able to keep a calm, level head in order to do what needs to be done and comfort those around her with her kindness and empathy. Her calm, quiet demeanor and assurance of herself is reassuring to those around her who figure that at least someone has a plan.
Due to her fearlessness, EmmaLee is calm and level-headed in the face of crisis. She is able to slow down and think through a logical course of action without letting her emotions or fear run away with her. Since her fearlessness also gives her a knack for getting into sticky situations, she has had to carefully plan herself out repeatedly. Including many times where she was exploring creeks and caves in the French countryside, or basement and ventilation ducts and a laundry shoot or two in her condo building, or the many nooks and crannies that Hogwarts hides.
She is also genuinely kind and is always looking for ways to lend a hand in any situation. A true Hufflepuff. She is able to see what needs to be done and do it because her mind isn’t clouded by fear or second-guessing herself.
A calm head inspires confidence and because of this calm, friendly, and confident demeanor, those around her find themselves calmed and comforted just by her presence and her ability to take charge of a situation or to comfort those in need of it. EmmaLee is able to lead her friends and those around her to be as level-headed as she is and to not panic in a situation or make any rash decisions.
With her calming presence, she is able to guide those around her to safety, or at least the safest decision at the time, such as staying put until help arrives, rather than taking off to ger further lost or in danger.
When her friends come to her for advice, EmmaLee is able to calm them down, make them feel heard, and give them as good advice as she is able. She is unwavered by gossip or unnerving stories and her friends and fellows know that she is loyal to the end, and anything told to her is under lock and key. This causes them to feel calm and comforted just knowing that she will always listen to their problems without any sort of stigma or judgement.

Status: Approved, Beatrice, 13 July

~~~~~~~~ Fearless | E.L. | Calming Presence ~~~
~ I read the rules before I break them.~
11 Jul 2023, 22:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: yoink
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: nonverbal magic
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Regina was alone in her bedroom, windows shut tight and curtains drawn. The door was locked, and she was shrouded in darkness. Her precious aspen wand was clutched tightly around her dominant hand as she sat with her knees close to her body under the blanket. It was still summer, yet the manor had never felt colder than it was after the lastest family tragedy. There was a somber mood in every corner of what was home (but had never quite felt like home). And here she was, putting in all of her effort to cast a simple Wand Lighting Charm without speaking the incantation.

The teen witch had read about nonverbal magic in the books before. Had witnessed it in real life, from her Professors to the adult wizards in public and even her parents. She knew it wasn't an easy skill and it required rigorous concentration and practice. She'd only learnt the theory. Regina did wish to be able to cast spells nonverbally when she'd first discovered it, but she had never been as desperate as she was right now.

The entire day had been just her trying to cast spells without speaking, and the day before that, and the week before that. She'd been relentlessly training herself despite the circumstances. She'd shut down every sign of emotional distress she couldn't handle to focus entirely on acquiring this skill alone. It took an incredible amount of perseverance and concentration, but so far all she had managed was little fizzles on the tip of her wand. Nothing more.

Regina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Don't think about anything else. Just focus on the vivid image of light emitting from the wand. Focus.

She repeated Lumos inside her head like a mantra, gaze never leaving the magical wood in her hand as she performed the spell movement. The silence around her was deafening, but it provided her with the perfect environment for this particular training. The wooden, intricate Roman clock on the wall indicated it was already some time past midnight, but the raven-haired teen didn't care. If she didn't succeed in this, then she wasn't ever going to forgive herself.

Finally, finally, something happened on the nth try. A spark of miracle, a bulb of light shining at last and illuminating the entire room. It was bright, so bright against the literal and figurative darkness that Regina felt like crying. But she didn't cry. Her face was expressionless as she stared at the light on her wand, and silently cast Nox. This time, it took less trial and error for it to work. Regina repeated the same routine - Lumos, Nox, Lumos, Nox - over and over until the spells succeeded on the first try. Then, she used the Summoning Charm to bring the journal laid on the nightstand into her hand. Without glancing at the words inside when she opened it up, an Illegibility Charm was cast and a long shaky exhale escaped her lips, all nonverbal.

If only she had learnt this earlier. Perhaps she could have protected Rebecca then.
WC: 523
Status: Approved, Beatrice 13 July

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability