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29 Jun 2023, 00:07
Second Character Registration
Once your character graduates from Hogwarts and reaches adulthood per our Adult System, they will be able to pursue a life in the wizarding world as a whole. However, our site remains because a bulk of the activities, adventures and stories will be taking place at Hogwarts. Because of this, any user who gets a student to adulthood will be given a second student character so they can continue to RP at Hogwarts with a new crowd. To be clear, this means you will have a graduated account and a new student account.

In summary, all users will be able to have two PC characters total on site (active professors would be the only users with three accounts at any given time, explained further in the FAQ).

Please fill out the below form after you have graduated to adulthood in order to properly papertrail your new account. As soon as your application says approved, you can make your new account. Please note your new account will need a separate email from your graduated account.
Graduated Character Name:
Second Student Name:
Other Consideration: (if you are a prefect or sports captain that wants to keep your position through force-sorting, please note that here. also if you have a former professor/assistant account, please know you are required to deactivate that account if you want a second student character)
What about Prefects and Sports Captains?
Prefects and Captains are students who have house-bound accounts, their position is tied to their main character who would no longer be a part of the school once they graduate. For that reason, we will offer them the force-sort option for their new student character if they want it. Otherwise, they can create their new character and go through the regular randomized sorting, then reapply for staff or captainship when there is an opening in their new house. Note that sports captains will not maintain their spot on the sports roster with their new character, they will only maintain their captainship.

Could a graduated student deactivate their adult and have 2 student accounts?
No. The reason for this is because these students are house-dependent and there could easily be a conflict of interest with sports. It would take a lot of time and energy to track which students belong to one person to ensure there was no conflict of interest. They can however, deactivate their new student every 6 months if they wished until they found a student that they were happy with.

What about users with retired professor/assistant accounts? Can they also apply for another student character?
No. Active professors/assistants would be the only users with three accounts at any given time. Upon leaving the professor/assistant role, the user would have to deactivate one of their accounts. This means that while active as a staff member, they will have a graduated account, a student account and a professor/assistant account. After leaving staff, they will have to deactivate one of the accounts and can only maintain access to 2 accounts when they are no longer on our staff team.

Does this mean a former professor/assistant can have two adult characters?
Yes, they can have their graduated student account and their former professor/assistant character. But this means they cannot have a new student account.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

Yesterday, 20:29
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Serena Towers
Second Student Name: Xiomara Torres
Other Consideration:
  • Headliner Writer - I'd like to remain on the team, this doesn't require force-sorting though.
  • Broom Racer - The Hufflepuff/Gryffindor game is still ongoing but I don't need the group. I'll continue to post until it's finished and won't be joining any sports with my new character until it's over.
  • Staff Account: Hjørdis Jensen - Currently staff, so keeping the account for now. I understand I'll have to deactivate one when I step down from this role.
APPROVED - Marcus Iwasaki, June 14

Part-Goblin | Evasive Maneuvers | Beastmaster | Paragon of Health
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 17 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 15 | Arcane Power: 10 | Accuracy: 15

Yesterday, 20:35
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Alan Vanes
Second Student Name: Oonagh Brown
Other Consideration: I wish to remain Gryffindor Prefect and a Writer for the Headliner, I do not wish to remain a Duellist
Approved - Galahad 6/14
Force Sort to Gryffindor

"The only thing stronger than fear is curiosity"
Wanna Thread? Message me! || Sta 13 / Ev 20 / Str 2 / Wis 7 / Arc 15 / Acc 14 || Trunk || Font #9e8162 || Believe in yourself

Yesterday, 20:37
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Xailah Alptraum.
Second Student Name: Martyr Daeva-Lazarus.
Other Consideration: I'd like to keep my prefect position!

I plan on continuing as a broom racer with my next toon (I'll sign up obviously when she meets the requirements), I don't think I need broomracer access for strategy plotting because I think the current race is over? Not certain though.
Approved - Galahad 6/14
Force Sort to Gryffindor

Before me, you rightly tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe....
Stamina: 12 ~ Evasion: 17 ~ Strength: 2 ~ Wisdom: 16 ~ Arcane Power: 4 ~ Accuracy: 17

Yesterday, 21:28
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Phaedra Stavrou
Second Student Name: Myra Markab
Other Consideration: Force sort Ravenclaw and remaining prefect. Leaving duelling.
APPROVED - Hjørdis, 14 June
Force Sort to Ravenclaw


Yesterday, 22:27
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Delilah Stewart
Second Student Name: Atticus Drake
Other Consideration:
My previous adult character, Bryony Davis, can be deactivated.
I can be removed from accesses as Headliner EiC, and Ruby Cazares can be given them. I will not be remaining on the Headliner team and an announcement will be following via Ruby soon so I don't need my site permissions anymore.
APPROVED - Marcus Iwasaki, June 14

Delilah S.
Stamina: 9 | Evasion: 11 | Strength: 5 | Wisdom: 15 | ArcPower: 13 | Accuracy: 14
It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Today, 00:53
Second Character Registration
Graduated Character Name: Howard White
Second Student Name: Lemmy LaRue
Other Considerations: We are still waiting for a new Hufflepuff Quidditch co-Captain. Howard still has that role and access. Should that be removed now? Or after the new captain is selected?
APPROVED - Hjørdis, 14 June

STA: 12 | EVA: 18 | STR: 15 | WIS: 1 | ARC: 0 | ACC: 20
Abilities: Fangs, Bite & Claw | Martial Artist | Unsettling Aura | Blind Vision | Keen Smell | Terrible Presence | Blood Resurrection