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20 Jun 2023, 22:36
Adult System
After Hogwarts
Once your student completes their seventh year at Hogwarts, their story does not end. They are able to enter into the wizarding world at large. During the month of July and August, adults/graduates from Hogwarts apply for positions. Some positions require OWLS and NEWTS, others require neither, and there are multiple levels of positions to work towards. These levels are: entry-level, intermediate level, expert level and master level.

Once in a position, the user needs to roleplay their role in 3 threads during the year (before the next change period in July/August) in order to move up to another position. These threads can be solos (with very high word counts) or in threads with other members requiring much smaller word counts and usually a couple of posts. Alternatively, once a user reaches the level or job title they want to stick with for a long time, they do not have to "advance" to the next job every year and can choose to stay at their current job.

As the site remains "," a bulk of the activities, adventures and stories will be taking place at Hogwarts. Thus, in addition to your adult character, you will also be afforded the ability to make a new student character. This student character will become your new player character with your adult becoming a "bonus," reflective of the seven years of commitment you put into their development and their story. Once you have graduated, you will need to put the name of your new character in an application thread, so that it does not accidentally ping as a multi-account, and then you can start the journey all over again whilst also writing the continued story and epilogue of your adult character. More information on applying for your second character can be found here: [link]

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

20 Jun 2023, 22:45
Adult System
OWLs and NEWTs
In character, OWLs remain an examination that Hogwarts students take at the end of fifth year to measure their comprehensive knowledge of a subject. Achieving a passing grade (A, E, or O) in an OWL means that you will take advanced "honors-level" classes for that subject starting in sixth year, but here's where our site will differ slightly from canon. Instead of only taking your advanced-level classes in sixth year, you can still take all of the other classes at a standard level as well.

Why? This change is due to system limitations as well as our spell acquisition system -- classes give out our spells and house points and we have no way of "turning on" a class after the OWLS. So IC we had to explain why you are still gaining spells in your later years for classes you may not have an OWL for. Basically Hogwarts has changed in the way it works to give students more comprehensive knowledge, but the advanced honors-level classes granted by OWLs are what employers look for.

NEWTs operate the same as in canon, as they are given to seventh-year students at the end of their school career to measure their knowledge of whatever subjects that student chooses.

Some of the career paths in the Adult System require an OWL and/or NEWT in a certain subject or multiple subjects. Also, there are restricted spell/potion abilities where you must have an OWL in that subject before you can take the ability.

How do I take the OWLs or NEWTs?
Taking the report card OWL/NEWT and getting a passing grade is the way to prove your character's status for the adult system. This means you can IC say your character achieved the OWL/NEWT if your report card shows a passing grade. This is a notable difference between the report card homework and the report card OWLs/NEWTs - report card homework is OOC and you can have straight Ts but claim your character is a straight O character (or the other way around). But with the report card OWLs/NEWTs, you have to have it on the report card to claim that your character achieved it.

When do the OWLs/NEWTs unlock in the report card?
They are accessible as soon as you are a fifth or seventh year. However, they cannot be accessed through the report card itself until you graduate to the next year. To access the OWLs as a fifth year or the NEWTs as a seventh year, go to the class you want to take, and click on the Lectures button at the top. This will take you to a list of accessible lectures, and in that list you will be able to access the OWLs or NEWTs.


What if I never want to take a NEWT or OWL exam? What if I fail?
NEWTs and OWLs, like all classes and homework, are optional systems. You can circumvent this if you fail, are a terrible test taker or just really do not want to do it by becoming a librarian aide for a year as a profession. The librarian aide job is a place where you have access to literature and have an opportunity to study. Essentially taking this job for the year allows a player to claim they earned (by taking an off-screen re-test at the Ministry) their OWL and NEWT in three subjects of their choice. Players can do this for multiple years and earn all their OWLS and NEWTS in this manner if they wish.

Do I have to do the OWL exam if I do the NEWT exam? In other words - if I have passed the NEWT, am I automatically considered to have passed the OWL too?
You must complete the OWL in order to have your NEWT. Passing the NEWT exam does not automatically give you the OWL prerequisite. So, if a job requires a NEWT in a subject, you must have both the OWL and the NEWT exam in your report card.

What about iNPCs?
The OWLs and NEWTs that your PC has are shared by the iNPC, just like how spells are shared between them. The job requirements and all other aspects of the adult system will work the same for iNPCs. You can apply for iNPC jobs in the same place as PC jobs, in a separate application post. The job title of iNPCs will be found in their trunk.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

20 Jun 2023, 22:47
Adult System
Adult System
Upon graduation (not expulsion), a character ceases to be considered a student and becomes an "adult" character. All adult characters can get a job. They will apply for this job in [link], a thread where they will fill out a simple form.
Character Name:
Job Title: (the title from the official list)
Job Description: (you should provide a sentence or two on the specifics of where your character will be working and what their job is - eg if you choose Athlete you may want to specify they will be a Football player for team x, or if they are an Artisan you will want to specify that they sell crochet toys, etc)
Proof of Prerequisites: (link to rp threads, screenshot of OWLs/NEWTs, etc)
It is the players' responsibility to provide links to relevant threads and include screenshots of any OWLS or NEWTS that they might have accomplished. Users have two months [July and August] each year to place an application for a job. If they do not do this, they will simply keep the job that they already had, or if they have never taken a job, then remain an unemployed "adult."

All new graduates from Hogwarts will be able to access Entry Level jobs. Entry Level jobs are jobs that any new graduate can do as long as they have met certain prerequisites. You will notice that some jobs (such as working at a shop) will require no additional prerequisites beyond being an adult and graduating from school. You will notice that other jobs (such as being an Auror in training) will expect you to have OWLS or even NEWTS in certain subjects before you can be accepted.

During the course of the year, your character would be in-character working in that role. To move up to next-level positions where you need to have experience at a lower-level, you will need to complete three roleplays over the course of a year and link them in your annual application. These threads can be solo threads where the roleplayer needs to write 2000 words, or they can be a thread with another player where they need to make 5 posts, meeting the site minimum of 200 words each (total 1000+ words from you, but takes longer to complete). The posts can be longer, but there needs to be at least 5 posts in the thread. This thread needs to be job related, so selling items in a shop if you are working in a shop, or mixing drinks if you are a bartender.
Jobs FAQ
I wrote a really long solo thread related to my job. It is 7k! Can I use that to meet my three thread requirement?
No, you need three separate threads. These threads cannot be "continuations" of previous threads where you purposefully split up your post into multiple parts or after making 5 posts in a single thread asked players to start a new thread to continue the present scenario.
What if the job I want is not listed? Can I make up a job?
No, but you can flavor the job that you presently have. If you want to do something specific, look for where your job idea would fall. If there is nothing that could represent the job that you are looking for, feel free to add a suggestion, particularly during the early-release time before players become adults in the next year. There are no promises that the profession will be added, but if they are, please be aware there will likely be several prerequisites to the job and it might not be tailored to your build.
Can I claim to work for a canon or real-world store/sports team?
Yes, you can. You must add it into your job application itself in the "description" section so that staff are aware (eg you claim to be a first-string seeker for Holyhead Harpies). In the event of multiple people claiming the same role for the same team or shop, you would be coworkers and can RP as such (eg two first-string seekers might swap out during games, two bartenders at the Three Broomsticks can share/swap shifts etc).

You cannot be the singular owner of canon or real world stores/sports teams (eg, you cannot own Ollivander's or own the Weasley's joke shop). While you can work at the Daily Prophet, you cannot be the proprietor.
Can I make up a store or team? Can I make up dNPC coworkers and colleagues for my RPs?
Yes to both, you can make up a store or sports team that your character works for/at. You can also have dNPC coworkers and employees. Be careful of giving them excessive dialogue or presence in your RPs.
Is there any OOC pay difference between levels of job?
No. You gain 10 sickles a day and can collect that in Gringotts.
What about iNPCs?
The OWLs and NEWTs that your PC has are shared by the iNPC, just like how spells are shared between them. The job requirements and all other aspects of the adult system will work the same for iNPCs. You can apply for iNPC jobs in the same place as PC jobs, in a separate application post. The job title of iNPCs will be found in their trunk.
Stats and Abilities
As long as your adult character is on our official index, you will be able to advance yearly. A roman numeral will be added to your job title for every year you are on index and "move up," so that stat gains and ability gains can be easily tracked.

Adults update their trunk with new stats the same way they always have. Adults can advance in one of three ways every year (+5 stats, moving 5 stats, or one ability in exchange for end-game stat reduction). There are hard end-game caps (110 for humans, 105 for special race/talents) in addition to the individual stat cap (25). There is a point where a character can gain no more stats. This does not mean that they can no longer advance in the game, only that advancement looks "different." The advancement changes you choose will be tracked by a log in your trunk, noting which option you choose to take every year.

Adult characters can do one of three things with their yearly advancement:
  1. Gain 5 stat points.
    They can allocate those 5 points to their stats as long as this does not break their individual stat cap (25) or the end-game cap (110 for humans, 105 for special race/talents), which is the sum of all of their stats. So if someone has 10 to their stamina, accuracy, evasion, arcane power, wisdom, and strength they would have a sum of 60. When that sum is 110 for humans or 105 for special race/talents, they have reached their cap. Once they have reached their end-game cap, then they can only do #2 and #3.
  2. Move around 5 stats points.
    They can "move" 5 points of stats from one stat to another. Essentially a player that has 15 in stamina and 9 in accuracy as an adult can move 5 points from stamina to their accuracy and have 10 stamina and 14 accuracy as a result. This is done with capped players that earned 5 stat points at the end of the year, as they cannot add more stats to their character they can instead move their stats around. How is this explained? Simple - with practice in the above example you became a better shot, but you're not running around like you used to any more. So you do not have as much stamina as you used to but you are a way better shot from years of practice. The same can be said for it to go the opposite way as well - you have not been practicing nearly as much as you used to so you are not as great of a shot as you used to be, but you have been eating healthier and joined a gym so your stamina is better than it has ever been.
  3. Remove 5 stat points from your maximum and gain an ability instead.
    You can reduce your character's caps and get a new ability instead. Abilities cap at your last year as a student. So you do not get both 5 points and an additional ability slot. However, you can forego gaining these 5 points at the end of the year and state you have lowered your end game cap so now you are able to flesh out your character's abilities a bit further. What is an end game cap? The end game cap is how many total stat points you can have. As an adult you have a cap of 25 per stat, however you cannot have 300 stat points as an end-game user. That would mean you are "the best" at everything. The cap is 110 for humans, 105 for special race/talents. This means that you can have 25 stamina, 25 wisdom, 25 accuracy, 25 arcane power, 10 evasion, 0 strength as a human at end game for example. There will always be places where others will be "better" than you. By reducing your cap by 5, you now have an end-game cap of 105. You will need to take those 5 points away from somewhere, your stats might look like this now: 20 stamina, 25 wisdom, 25 accuracy, 25 arcane power, 10 evasion and 0 strength.
Your trunk post must include an "Adult Advancement Log" that tracks what advancement you choose to take every year. Example:
Adult Advancement Log:
2023/Adult I - gained 5 stat points
2024/Adult II - moved 5 stat points around
2025/Adult III - gained an ability in exchange for 5 end-game points
Can my student forego their annual +5 stats to get a second ability for the year?
No. This is something that is being used for the adult system to ensure long-term game play.
Can my student change their stat allotment like in the adult system?
No. This is something that is being used for the adult system to ensure long-term game play. In addition, your stat gains are a reflection of your growth and "growing up."
Do I have to be capped as an adult to make use of the stat allocation option or the additional ability option?
No. As an adult you can do either of these things while uncapped, however you will need to clearly document this.
Am I limited on when I can make trunk updates to July and August?
No. You can make trunk updates as you always have as a student. However, you can only update your vocation (job) once a year.
I feel that I should not graduate from Hogwarts (as that is not the story I wish to have) but that I should be able to access any/all of these jobs.
What you are talking about is the expulsion system. Information on the expulsion system can be found in [link]. You can do so, however the road will be longer and harder for a drop-out or an expelled student.
I am already capped and I am a student. What do I do?
Starting stats are 30-35. You can gain up to 4 points in a given year from sports. You gain +5 annually. So by year 7, the highest you can possibly be is +24 stat points from sports and the expected +30 from graduation. This is not possible, until you become an adult, because you should have 89 stat points if you were very lucky. Your senior year you might earn another 9, so as you breech adulthood as a graduate you should have 98 stat points. You should be fine, don't worry!
What if I choose to keep my former professor as my second character?
If a user chooses to keep access to their former professor account as one of the two accounts they can have, that former professor character will be expected to follow the adult system. They can find information in the job list's Staff at Hogwarts section.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

20 Jun 2023, 22:47
Adult System
List of Jobs
This post contains a list of all the job titles that users can apply for in the job application thread: [link]. These jobs are organized by category, and then by expertise level (entry, intermediate, expert and master). Each category also has a reducio under it with the possible job paths. All the jobs below have a brief description, sometimes exampling how the job can be flavored, along with requirements for OWLs/NEWTs and previous positions.

Note: If unspecified, flavoring anything as a Muggle version of the job will require a Muggle Studies NEWT if your character is not muggle-born.

Note 2: If a job requires a NEWT in a subject, you must have both the OWL and the NEWT exam in your report card.
Possible Academics Paths:
  • Graduate Student --> Academic/Historian --> Scholar
  • Librarian Aide --> Librarian
  • Translator
  • Tutor
Graduate Student
One who attends a school to yet further study upon graduation.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: at least 3 NEWTs in any subject
  • Requires experience as: none
Librarian Aide
As an aide to a librarian, you have plenty of time to study the books in between your duties.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: After completing a year in this position (fulfilling the three roleplay requirement), users can claim that they have studied enough to earn their NEWT (as well as the OWL in the same subject) in three (3) subjects that they previously failed or never took.
Translate a language into another language, e.g. runes to a modern language. Hermione Granger translated The Tales of Beedle the Bard. They could be commissioned to create appropriate terminology in a new language, as Archibald Bienbon and Boniface Toubeau created equivalent terms for Quidditch in French.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: Must have knowledge of at least one magical language, through a talent/race or through the Comprehend Languages ability.
Wizarding children were usually home-schooled by a tutor before attending a wizarding school. Tutors might also help school-age students study for exams during summer months.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: at least 3 OWLs in any subject
  • Requires experience as: none
A researcher or teacher in their field of expertise.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: at least 3 NEWTs in any subject
  • Requires experience as: Graduate Student (entry-level Academics)
Study history. Notable examples include Bathilda Bagshot and Sage Bragnam, who specialized in examining artefacts and runes and was Head Curator of the Department of Magical Artifacts.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Graduate Student (entry-level Academics)
An underappreciated position, magical tomes require a great deal of knowledge as some books prove to be unpredictable and some scripts archaic.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Librarian Aide (entry-level Academics)
A respected academic in your field, you have been published in academic sources and spoken at conferences, often consulted for your expertise in your chosen subject.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: at least 3 NEWTs in any subject
  • Requires experience as: Academic (intermediate-level Academics) OR Historian (intermediate-level Academics)
Possible Athletic Paths:
  • League Two (Sport)/2nd String --> League One (Sport)/1st String --> Star Player --> National Player
  • League Two (Sport) --> League One (Sport)/1st String --> Sport Coach --> Sport Manager
  • (any entry sports) --> Personal Trainer --> Sport Coach --> Sport Manager
  • (any entry sports) --> League Two Referee --> League One Referee
  • (any entry sports) or Radio Aide* --> Sport Commentator
*entry-level Entertainment
Aspiring Broom Racer
A person who didn't broom race while at school, but now really wants to. They have found a position as a waterboy to an official team or found a personal trainer to help them to try to become a professional.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Flying
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: It is not necessary to choose this position if you have experience as a broom racer. This role only serves a purpose of enabling a person without the needed sport experience to enter that career path.
Aspiring Duellist
A person who didn't duel while at school, but now really wants to. They have found a position as a waterboy to an official team or found a personal trainer to help them to try to become a professional.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: It is not necessary to choose this position if you have experience as a duellist. This role only serves a purpose of enabling a person without the needed sport experience to enter that career path.
Aspiring Quidditch Player
A person who didn't play Quidditch while at school, but now really wants to. They have found a position as a waterboy to an official team or found a personal trainer to help them to try to become a professional.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Flying
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: It is not necessary to choose this position if you have experience as a quidditch player. This role only serves a purpose of enabling a person without the needed sport experience to enter that career path.
League Two Athlete
A person who competes in a sport requiring physical strength, finesse or endurance. They compete in a lower league since they are just starting out.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • OWL in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • OWL in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: Requires at least a 10 in 2 of the following stats: Strength, Stamina, Evasion or Accuracy
League Two Broom Racer
A professional broom racer that competes in broom races. They compete in a lower league as they are just starting out.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Flying
  • Requires experience as: a broom racer while in school OR Aspiring Broom Racer (entry-level Athletics)
League Two Duellist
A professional duellist who competes in duelling tournaments. They compete in lower league tournaments as they are just starting out.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: a duellist while in school OR Aspiring Duellist (entry-level Athletics)
Second-String Quidditch Player
A professional quidditch player that competes in quidditch games. As a second-string, they are usually benched during games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Flying
  • Requires experience as: a quidditch player while in school OR Aspiring Quidditch Player (entry-level Athletics)
Broom Racing Commentator
Witty comments straight from the mouth of an experienced player or broadcaster. Keep the fans entertained.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Broom Racing Athletics
  • Other: Someone can also qualify for this role if they have experience as a Radio Aide (entry-level Entertainment) and had Broom Racing experience as a student.
Duelling Commentator
Witty comments straight from the mouth of an experienced player or broadcaster. Keep the fans entertained.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Duelling Athletics
  • Other: Someone can also qualify for this role if they have experience as a Radio Aide (entry-level Entertainment) and had Duelling experience as a student.
First-String Quidditch Player
A professional quidditch player that competes in quidditch games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: Second-String Quidditch Player (entry-level Athletics)
League One Athlete
A person who competes in a sport requiring physical strength, finesse or endurance.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: League Two Athlete (entry-level Athletics)
  • Other: Requires at least a 10 in 2 of the following stats: Strength, Stamina, Evasion or Accuracy
League One Broom Racer
A professional broom racer that competes in broom races.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: League Two Broom Racer (entry-level Athletics)
League One Duellist
A professional duellist who competes in duelling tournaments.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: League Two Duellist (entry-level Athletics)
League Two Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: Athlete (entry-level Athletics)
League Two Broom Racing Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Broom Racing Athletics
League Two Duelling Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Duelling Athletics
League Two Quidditch Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Quidditch Athletics
Personal Trainer
A person who is dedicated to training individuals in athletics or in improving fitness.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Athletics
Quidditch Commentator
Witty comments straight from the mouth of an experienced player or broadcaster. Keep the fans entertained.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Quidditch Athletics
  • Other: Someone can also qualify for this role if they have experience as a Radio Aide (entry-level Entertainment) and had Quidditch experience as a student.
Sport Commentator
Witty comments straight from the mouth of an experienced player or broadcaster. Keep the fans entertained.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: League Two Athlete (entry-level Athletics) OR Radio Aide (entry-level Entertainment)
Broom Racing Coach
An experienced Broom Racer that now spends their time leading their team to victory.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: League One Broom Racer (intermediate-level Athletics) OR Personal Trainer (intermediate-level Athletics)
Duelling Coach
An experienced Duellist that now spends their time leading their team to victory.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: League One Duellist (intermediate-level Athletics) OR Personal Trainer (intermediate-level Athletics)
League One Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans in the big games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: League Two Referee (intermediate-level Athletics)
League One Broom Racing Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans in the big games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: League Two Broom Racing Referee (intermediate-level Athletics)
League One Duelling Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans in the big games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: League Two Duelling Referee (intermediate-level Athletics)
League One Quidditch Referee
You call those fouls and argue with the fans in the big games.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: League Two Quidditch Referee (intermediate-level Athletics)
Quidditch Coach
An experienced Quidditch Player that now spends their time leading their team to victory.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: First-String Quidditch Player (intermediate-level Athletics) OR Personal Trainer (intermediate-level Athletics)
Sport Coach
A person who trains and directs athletes.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: League One Athlete (intermediate-level Athletics) OR Personal Trainer (intermediate-level Athletics)
Star Athlete
A person who competes in a sport requiring physical strength, finesse or endurance. The reason the crowds come.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: League One Athlete (intermediate-level Athletics)
  • Other: Requires at least a 10 in 2 of the following stats: Strength, Stamina, Evasion or Accuracy
Star Broom Racer
A professional broom racer that competes in broom races. The reason the crowds come.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: League One Broom Racer (intermediate-level Athletics)
Star Duellist
A professional duellist who competes in duelling tournaments. The reason the crowds come.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: League One Duellist (intermediate-level Athletics)
Star Quidditch Player
A professional quidditch player that competes in quidditch games. The reason the crowds come.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: First-String Quidditch Player (intermediate-level Athletics)
Broom Racing Manager
The dream of millionaires and most sports players, owning their own team. That is now you.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: Broom Racing Coach (expert-level Athletics) OR Star Broom Racer (expert-level Athletics)
Duelling Manager
The dream of millionaires and most sports players, owning their own team. That is now you.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: Duelling Coach (expert-level Athletics) OR Star Duellist (expert-level Athletics)
National Athlete
A person who competes in a sport requiring physical strength, finesse or endurance. Selected to be part of your country's national team, which is a great honor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: Star Athlete (expert-level Athletics)
  • Other: Requires at least a 10 in 2 of the following stats: Strength, Stamina, Evasion or Accuracy
National Broom Racer
A professional broom racer that competes in broom races. Selected to be part of your country's national team, which is a great honor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: Star Broom Racer (expert-level Athletics)
National Duellist
A professional duellist who competes in duelling tournaments. Selected to be part of your country's national team, which is a great honor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: Star Duellist (expert-level Athletics)
National Quidditch Player
A professional quidditch player that competes in quidditch games. Selected to be part of your country's national team, which is a great honor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: Star Quidditch Player (expert-level Athletics)
Quidditch Manager
The dream of millionaires and most sports players, owning their own team. That is now you.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Flying
  • Requires experience as: Quidditch Coach (expert-level Athletics) OR Star Quidditch Player (expert-level Athletics)
Sport Manager
The dream of millionaires and most sports players, owning their own team. That is now you.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Flying if you choose a broom sport
    • NEWT in Muggle Studies if you choose a muggle sport and you are not muggleborn
  • Requires experience as: Sport Coach (expert-level Athletics) or Star Athlete (expert-level Athletics)
Possible Banking/Mercantile Paths:
  • Collector --> Peddler --> Merchant
  • Courier
  • Explorer --> Novice Cursebreaker --> Cursebreaker --> Renowned Cursebreaker
  • Gambler --> Bookmaker
  • Gringotts Greeter --> Teller --> Banker --> Investor
  • Gringotts Greeter --> Teller --> Accountant --> Financier
  • Salesperson --> Peddler --> Merchant
  • Shop Clerk
  • (any expert-level Banking/Mercantile) --> Proprietor
  • (any expert-level) --> Philanthropist
A person who makes a living collecting, selling and trading items, e.g. Chocolate Frog Cards or glass figurines.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
A person who delivers goods from person to person via broom.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Flying
  • Requires experience as: none
A person who has decided to spend their time exploring the world, traveling to all kinds of places seeking adventure.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts, OWL in Runes
  • Requires experience as: none
A person who lets fate dictate whether or not they’ll have food in their belly.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Divination
  • Requires experience as: none
Gringotts Greeter
The first person that Gringotts customers see and interact with on their way into the bank. Between shifts, greeters can spend time learning more about the Bank and the roles of the tellers if they choose.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Known to sell merchandise at special events.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Shop Clerk
A person who handles payments and helps customers in a shop or business e.g. at a sweets shop or a bookshop.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
A person who organises and accepts bets on sporting and other events.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Gambler (entry-level Banking/Mercantile)
Novice Cursebreaker
A wizard new to the cursebreaking profession. Cursebreakers usually hunt for treasure on behalf of a bank or a private collector.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Runes, Charms, Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Explorer (entry-level Banking/Mercantile)
A salesperson who has expanded their scope to travel from city to city, peddling their wares.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Salesperson (entry-level Banking/Mercantile) OR Collector (entry-level Banking/Mercantile)
An individual who handles simple money transactions at a bank, performing transactions like withdrawals and deposits.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Gringotts Greeter (entry-level Banking/Mercantile)
A person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyze financial accounts for a business or individual.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies, NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Teller (intermediate-level Banking/Mercantile)
A person who provides customer support to banking customers, advising on account types and more in-depth needs than a teller.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies, NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Teller (intermediate-level Banking/Mercantile)
Cursebreakers usually hunt for treasure on behalf of a bank or a private collector.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Runes, Charms, Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Novice Cursebreaker (intermediate-level Banking/Mercantile)
A wizard who make their profit in the purchase and sale of goods, often building on a wealth of connections they have made to mark-up prices upon importation.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Peddler (intermediate-level Banking/Mercantile)
An individual who usually works for a bank, providing capital to customers and businesses that need large loans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies, NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Accountant (expert-level Banking/Mercantile)
An individual who usually works for a bank, investing capital and expecting returns based on market trends.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies, NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Banker (expert-level Banking/Mercantile)
Provided financial support for a variety of causes. Lucius Malfoy was known for using his philanthropy to obtain political influence.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level position
  • Other:There are a number of different types of philanthropists so there is no singular skillset required beyond being an expert in a field to earn your name, fame and of course compensation.
Owner of a business who provided and potentially invented products and services. This is a representation of the culmination of your experiences in your previous jobs as you go into business for yourself, you might own a bar, an inn, a shop where you sell wares or even items of your own making.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Banking/Mercantile
Renowned Cursebreaker
Cursebreakers usually hunt for treasure on behalf of a bank or a private collector. Renowned cursebreakers are well known masters of the art.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Runes, Charms, Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Cursebreaker (expert-level Banking/Mercantile)
Possible Crafting and Art Paths:
  • Apprentice Artisan/Student of WAVAD --> Artisan --> Magical Artisan
  • Apprentice Tailor/Student of WAVAD --> Tailor --> Magical Tailor
  • Apprentice Tattoo Artist --> Tattoo Artist --> Magical Tattoo Artist
  • Forge Worker/Student of WAVAD --> Apprentice Metal Charmer --> Metal Charmer --> Master Metal Charmer
  • Student of WAVAD --> Apprentice Wandmaker --> Wandmaker --> Master Wandmaker
  • Student of WAVAD --> Apprentice Broommaker --> Broommaker --> Master Broommaker
  • Starving Artist/Student of WAVAD --> Artist --> Portrait Painter
  • Starving Artist/Student of WAVAD --> Photographer
  • (any expert-level Crafting/Arts) --> Proprietor
Apprentice Artisan
Someone that wishes to learn how to make a living crafting, they partner with an established Artisan and learn under them for about a year, sometimes longer.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Apprentice Tailor
Someone that wishes to learn how to tailor, whether magical or nonmagical. They partner with a Tailor and learn under them for about a year, sometimes longer.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Apprentice Tattoo Artist
Someone that wishes to learn how to tattoo, whether magical or nonmagical. They partner with a Tattoo Artist and learn under them for about a year, sometimes longer.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Forge Worker
A laborer that works with metal. While often seen as mindless and repetitive, true metal crafters know that there is a great deal of skill that goes into working metal. Many goblins work forges.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: Strength stat must be 7+ OR be a part-goblin
Starving Artist
An artist who decides to try to make it in the art world without formal training, which means they are starting out without connections and struggling to turn a profit.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Student of the Wizarding Academy of Visual Arts and Design (WAVAD)
Further education for aspiring artists or magical designers. This academy teaches about wand design, broom design, art in the muggle and magical world, and more.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Apprentice Broommaker
An apprentice to a Broommaker, a wizard who assists with the creation of brooms.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Charms, Flying and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Art)
Apprentice Metal Charmer
Someone that wishes to learn how to imbue metal, they partner with a Metal Charmer and learn under them for about a year, sometimes longer.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWTS in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Ancient Runes
    • If part-goblin, only a NEWT in Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Forge Worker (entry-level Crafting/Arts) OR Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
Apprentice Wandmaker
An apprentice to a Wandmaker, a wizard who assists with the creation of wands whilst they undertake their apprenticeship in the craft.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Charms and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Art)
Those with artistic talent that they have refined into something unique. This can range from someone who makes wood carvings to a broom maker's apprentice that no longer wishes to make flying brooms and would now rather make dancing brooms. Clockmakers, watchmakers, jewelry makers, doll makers, toymakers all fall under this category. This level is non-magical crafting.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Artisan (entry-level Crafting/Arts) OR Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
An artist is someone who has dedicated themselves to the fine arts. They are able to make a profit selling their artwork.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Starving Artist (entry-level Crafting/Arts) OR Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
An artist who makes a profit off of taking photographs, magical or nonmagical, for publications, weddings or other events. Some photographers make a profit off their images of nature.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Starving Artist (entry-level Crafting/Arts) OR Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
Someone who makes wizarding fashion. These clothes are not enchanted in any way.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Tailor (entry-level Crafting/Arts) OR Student of WAVAD (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
Tattoo Artist
Someone that has experience tattooing, but has yet to master the art of magical tattoos. They can work on nonmagical tattoos but are still working up the skill to enchant the tattoos.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Tattoo Artist (entry-level Crafting/Arts)
A wizard who makes flying broomsticks.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Charms, Flying and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Broommaker (intermediate-level Crafting/Art)
Magical Artisan
Someone who has mastered a craft and makes a profit selling their craft. They are often able to enchant their crafts with magic which increase the value of their wares.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms and Runes
  • Requires experience as: Artisan (intermediate-level Crafting/Arts)
Magical Tailor
These wizards make clothes are charmed in some manner such as self-cleaning, color-changing, etc.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms and Runes
  • Requires experience as: Tailor (intermediate-level Crafting/Arts)
Magical Tattoo Artist
Someone that has experience doing both non-magical and magical tattoos.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms and Runes
  • Requires experience as: Tattoo Artist (intermediate-level Crafting/Arts)
Metal Charmer
A wizard with a real talent for manipulating metal crafts and imbuing them with magical properties. Often commissioned for metal armor, helping with custom broom accessories, metal jewelery and more.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWTS in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Ancient Runes
    • If part-goblin, only a NEWT in Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Metal Charmer (intermediate-level Crafting/Arts)
Portrait Painter
An artist that creates magical portraits much like the ones in Hogwarts. They are often commissioned by celebrities or old-fashioned families to immortalize them in a painting.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms
  • Requires experience as: Artist (intermediate-level Crafting/Arts)
An artisan that makes wands. There are few with this skill.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Charms and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Wandmaker (intermediate-level Crafting/Art)
Master Broommaker
A master of making flying broomsticks. They are often sought by enthusiasts for their quality work. They are often quite famous and some have their own shop with others under their employ.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Charms, Flying and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Broommaker (expert-level Crafting/Art)
Master Metal Charmer
A master of manipulating metal crafts and imbuing them with magical properties. Often commissioned for metal armor, helping with custom broom accessories, metal jewelery and more. Often owns their own shop with others under their employ.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWTS in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Ancient Runes
    • If part-goblin, only a NEWT in Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Metal Charmer (expert-level Crafting/Arts)
Master Wandmaker
A master crafter of wands, often considered famed for their quality work. There are few with this skill. They often own a shop and have others under their employ.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Charms and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Wandmaker (expert-level Crafting/Art)
Owner of a business who provided and potentially invented products and services. This is a representation of the culmination of your experiences in your previous jobs as you go into business for yourself, you might own a bar, an inn, a shop where you sell wares or even items of your own making.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Crafting/Art
Possible Entertainment and Media Paths:
  • (any expert entertainment/media) --> Talent Agent
  • Event Aide --> Event Coordinator
  • Novice Writer/News Aide --> Jr Journalist --> Journalist --> Publisher
  • Novice Writer/Publishing Aide --> Writer --> Author --> Renowned Author/Publisher
  • Publishing Aide --> Jr Editor --> Editor --> Publisher
  • Radio Aide OR any sports Commentator* --> Broadcaster --> Radio Host
  • Street Performer/Student of WADA --> Musician --> Star Musician
  • Street Performer/Student of WADA --> Performer --> Star Performer
  • Street Performer/Student of WADA --> Background Actor --> Supporting Actor --> Lead Actor
  • Street Performer/Student of WADA --> Supporting Dancer --> Dancer --> Principal Dancer
*intermediate-level Athletics
Event Aide
Someone who works for an event coordinator, helping with the varying tasks that go into planning events like festivals, concerts and more.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
News Aide
Someone who works for a news company. Usually an aspiring journalist, they work around more experienced people in the industry while acting primarily as an assistant.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Novice Writer
A wizard who is new to the writing industry, trying to get their work up to par by writing for small publications or writing in their own time.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Publishing Aide
Someone who works for a publishing company. Usually an aspiring writer or editor, they work around more experienced people in the industry while acting primarily as an assistant.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Radio Station Aide
Someone who works for a station broadcasting on the Wireless Wizarding Network. Usually an aspiring broadcaster themselves, they work with more experienced radio employees and do menial tasks.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Street Performer
A performer who works the crowd in public places, often performing for tips on the streets.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Student of the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts (WADA)
Further education for aspiring performers of all kinds, including actors, dancers and more. Some learn to incorporate magic with their performances and others focus on the magic of the performance itself.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Background Actor
Someone who performs in a nonspeaking role, usually in the background of a scene.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Student of WADA (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR Street Performer (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
Supporting Dancer
These dancers provide a backdrop or supporting movement to a more senior dancer or performer who is center stage. The ballet equivalent would be the corps de ballet.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Student of WADA (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR Street Performer (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
Broadcasters in the wizarding world are known to work in radio, including for the Wizarding Wireless Network, like journalist Jeremiah Garnet. Some members of the Order of the Phoenix, like Lee Jordan became broadcasters during the Second Wizarding War while running Potterwatch.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Radio Aide (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR any sports Commentator (intermediate-level Athletics)
Event Coordinator
Someone with experience in planning and organizing small and large events.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Event Aide (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
A wizard who specialises in the creation, and performance, of music.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Student of WADA (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR Street Performer (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
A wizard who worked in the entertainment industry as comedians, performers, musicians, etc.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Student of WADA (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR Street Performer (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
Jr Editor
A person who is selecting and preparing written, photographic, visual and audible material to convey information, usually for a publication. They are just getting started in their career.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Publishing Aide (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
Jr Journalist
A writer who does work for newspapers and magazines, e.g. Rita Skeeter, for the Daily Prophet. They are just getting started in their career.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Novice Writer (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR News Aide (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
A person who writes snips, stories, or articles, usually in the hopes of being published for a profit.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Novice Writer (entry-level Entertainment/Media) OR Publishing Aide (entry-level Entertainment/Media)
Writers of both instructional and entertaining texts. Examples include Miranda Goshawk and Gilderoy Lockhart. Some authors like Percival Pratt, were poets.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Writer (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media) OR See Other
  • Other: This can also be reached by aquiring experience as anything else at the expert level. An Auror chronicling their adventures, a scientist writing a textbook, a professional entertainer now writing fiction.
These dancers have the experience and talent to be put front and center. The ballet equivalent would be a soloist.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Supporting Dancer (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
A person who is selecting and preparing written, photographic, visual and audible material to convey information, usually for a publication.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Jr Editor (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
A writer who does work for newspapers and magazines, e.g. Rita Skeeter, for the Daily Prophet.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Jr Journalist (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
Radio Host
A radio host has enough experience as a broadcaster to now host their own show on the radio. They are a regular on the radio and usually beloved by fans.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Broadcaster (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
Star Musician
A renowned musician, the kind who can sell out shows at a moment’s notice.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Musician (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
Star Performer
A renowned performer, the kind who can sell out shows at a moment’s notice.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Performer (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
Supporting Actor
An actor with enough experience to land speaking parts in productions, supporting the more primary actors.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Background Actor (intermediate-level Entertainment/Media)
Lead Actor
An actor that lands lead roles in productions, making a big name for themselves.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Supporting Actor
Principal Dancer
The principal dancer is the one that brings in the crowds. The epitome of talent.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Dancer (expert-level Entertainment/Media)
A person that prepares and issues books, journals, and media for sale. They are the ones who determine what is truly worthy of going to print.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Journalist (expert-level Entertainment/Media) OR Author (expert-level Entertainment/Media) OR Editor (expert-level Entertainment/Media)
Renowned Author
An author with several books published and whose well-known in the publishing world.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Author (expert-level Entertainment/Media)
Talent Agent
Someone with enough experience in entertainment to have the connections and skill to manage fellow talent.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Entertainment/Media
Possible Healing Paths:
  • Trainee Healer --> Mediwizard
  • Trainee Healer --> Matron
  • Trainee Healer --> Intern Healer --> Healer --> Master Healer
Trainee Healer
Wizards and witches who are studying to become the equivalent of Muggle doctors, they treat and heal the sick and injured. They spend a year studying under the instruction of magical hospitals.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: none
A medic who worked for a hospital, and in the field tending to wizarding tournaments. First responders.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Trainee Healer (entry-level Healing)
Leader of nurses in a hospital, e.g. Poppy Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing. Like the charge nurse of a nursing unit.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Trainee Healer (entry-level Healing)
Intern Healer
Wizards and witches who aspire to become the equivalent of Muggle doctors, they treat and heal the sick and injured. They spend a year interning as Healers at magical hospitals.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Trainee Healer (entry-level Healing)
Wizards and witches who are the equivalent of Muggle doctors, they treat and heal the sick and injured.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Intern Healer (intermediate-level Healing)
Master Healer
Wizards and witches who are the equivalent of Muggle doctors, they treat and heal the sick and injured. These healers are masters of their craft, often studying next generation spells and treatment options. They are also qualified to teach the next generation Trainee Healers.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Healer (expert-level Healing)
Possible Hospitality/Travel Paths:
  • Caregiver
  • (any expert Hospitality) --> Proprietor
  • Server/Receptionist/Gringotts Greeter* --> Host --> Maître d'hôtel
  • Bartender --> Mixologist --> Sommelier
  • Caretaker
  • Groundskeeper
  • Apprentice Chef --> Chef --> Chef de Cuisine
  • Train Conductor --> Train Driver
  • Knight Bus Conductor --> Knight Bus Driver
  • Deckhand --> Sailor --> Ship's Captain
*entry-level Banking/Mercantile
Apprentice Chef
A chef currently learning the ropes under an experienced tutor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Server of drinks behind the bar of an establishment (usually a pub), e.g. Rosmerta was the barmaid at Three Broomsticks Inn and Aberforth Dumbledore was the barman at Hog's Head Inn.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Someone whose primary job is to caregive for others. This could be a fulltime nanny. This is not necessarily a path that always pays, as it includes stay-at-home parents as well.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: None
  • Requires experience as: None
Employed to look after a building to maintain its cleanliness and structural integrity, e.g. Argus Filch at Hogwarts.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: none
A member of a ship’s crew who performs manual labor.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Working to maintain the land of a school, sporting venue, or park. Rubeus Hagrid was a Keeper of Keys and Grounds, and the Chudley Cannons hire a groundskeeper.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: none
Knight Bus Conductor
Takes the tickets and tends to the passengers aboard the Knight Bus.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
A customer-facing role who takes care of greeting customer and tending to checking in and checking out for a business, like a hotel or an office.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Takes orders and serves food.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Train Conductor
You have shifts checking the tickets on trains and making sure they stay on schedule.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Prepares and cooks food.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Chef (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
A customer-facing role who takes care of greeting restaurant goers, taking reservations and seating them.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Server (entry-level Hospitality/Travel) OR Gringotts Greeter (entry-level Banking/Mercantile) OR Receptionist (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
Knight Bus Driver
You have shifts driving the Knight Bus.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Knight Bus Conductor (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
Not a potion-maker but a beverage-maker who makes all kinds of beverage mixes, alcoholic or non-alcoholic.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Bartender (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
A sailor on a ship.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Deckhand (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
Train Driver
You drive trains.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Train Conductor (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
Chef de Cuisine
The head chef of a restaurant, sets the menu and runs the back of house.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Chef (intermediate-level Hospitality/Travel)
Maître d'Hôtel
The head of a restaurant or hotel's front of house. Not the owner, the manager.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Host (intermediate-level Hospitality/Travel)
Ship Captain
The captain of a ship, be it magical or mundane.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Sailor (intermediate-level Hospitality/Travel)
A specialist in beverages, be it wine, spirits, or something entirely non-alcoholic.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Mixologist (intermediate-level Hospitality/Travel)
Owner of a business who provided and potentially invented products and services. This is a representation of the culmination of your experiences in your previous jobs as you go into business for yourself, you might own a bar, an inn, a shop where you sell wares or even items of your own making.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Hospitality/Travel
Possible Ministry/Political Paths:
  • Ministry Level 1 Employee --> Minister for Magic Support Staff --> Minister for Magic Advisor
  • Ministry Level 2 Employee --> Student Lawyer --> Lawyer --> Judge
  • Ministry Level 2 Employee --> Improper Use of Magic Officer
  • Ministry Level 2 Employee/Activist --> Muggle Relations Employee --> Muggle Ambassador
  • Ministry Level 3 Employee --> Accidental Magic Reversal Squad Member
  • Ministry Level 3 Employee --> Obliviator
  • Ministry Level 4 Employee --> Ministry Beast/Being/Spirit Division Employee
  • Ministry Level 4 Employee --> Pest Advisory Board Member
  • Ministry Level 4 Employee/Activist --> Non-Human Relations Employee --> Non-Humans Ambassador
  • Ministry Level 5 Employee/Activist --> Foreign Relations Employee --> Foreign Ambassador
  • Ministry Level 6 Employee --> Magical Transport Registration Officer
  • Ministry Level 6 Employee --> Apparition Examiner
  • Ministry Level 7 Employee --> Ludicrous Patents Officer
  • Ministry Level 7 Employee --> Magical Sporting Events Coordinator
  • Ministry Level 8 Employee
  • Ministry Level 9 Employee --> Prophecy Record Keeper
  • Ministry Level 10 Employee --> Court Scribe
  • Personal Aide
  • Ministry Lift Attendant
  • (any entry-level Ministry/Political) --> Public Servant
  • Ministry Level x Employee --> Archivist
  • --> Muggle Relations/Foreign Relations/NonHuman Relations/Lawyer --> Legislator
  • (any expert-level) --> Unspeakable
NOTE: Aurors can be found in the Sentinel category.
Members of the wizarding world could be activists. Notable activists include Hermione Granger and Carlotta Pinkstone. Urg the Unclean was a notable goblin activist for his involvement in the 18th century Goblin Rebellions.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: none
Ministry Level x Employee
A wizard who works at a desk for a particular Ministry Department. They primarily handle the paperwork on that floor and learn more about the different jobs done there. Experience as an employee can lead to a more specific role in the department.
  • Level 1 - Minister for Magic and Support Staff
  • Level 2 - Department of Magical Law Enforcement
  • Level 3 - Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
  • Level 4 - Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
  • Level 5 - Department of International Magical Co-operation
  • Level 6 - Department of Magical Transportation
  • Level 7 - Department of Magical Games and Sports
  • Level 8 - The Atrium (there is no advancement here, as it is just reception)
  • Level 9 - Department of Mysteries
  • Level 10 - Courtrooms
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
  • Other: When applying for this job, you must specify which department number to list in the title.
Ministry Lift Attendant
You operate one of the many many lifts in the Ministry of Magic.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Personal Aide
Work for high-level Ministry officials and/or celebrities, e.g. Bunty worked for Newt Scamander. Even if the position is not within the Ministry of Magic, the 'important person' you are assisting will have those connections, which is why this can be used as a prerequisite for further Ministry jobs.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Accidental Magic Reversal Squad Member
Responsible for reversing the effects of magical mishaps caused by inexperienced witches and wizards, those who had not learned to control their magic, or those who may not have been very skilled.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 3 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Archiving and maintaining records.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: any Ministry Level x Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Historian (intermediate-level Academic)
Apparition Examiner
They test a witch or wizard's Apparition abilities.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 6 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
  • Other: Requires the Apparition ability.
Court Scribe
Take notes during courtroom hearings, e.g. Percy Weasley for the Wizengamot.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 10 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Foreign Relations Employee
A witch or wizard who takes part in foreign affairs on behalf of the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 5 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Activist (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Improper Use of Magic Officer
They regulate an underage wizard's or witch's use of magic, and they prohibit wizards and witches from performing magic in the presence of Muggles or in a Muggle-inhabited area.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Charms and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 2 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Ludicrous Patents Officer
They spend most of their time denying patents that people apply for, but occassionally they come across really amazing ideas.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Charms
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 7 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Magical Sporting Events Coordinator
They organize magical sporting events and make sure all the regulations are met, brooms inspected and hiring of referees.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 7 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Magical Transport Registration Officer
They regulate magical transportation such as registering new Floo networks, approving and denying portkey creation and usage, and monitoring magical shipping lanes.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 6 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Minister for Magic Support Staff
You work for the Minister's office as part of their support staff.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 1 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Ministry Beast Division Employee
These employees deal with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a "Beast" by the Ministry. This division included: the Centaur Liaison Office, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Pest Advisory Board, Werewolf Capture Unit, the Werewolf Registry, and the Ghoul Task Force.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 4 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Ministry Being Division Employee
These employees deal with all duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a "Being" by the Ministry. This division included: the Goblin Liaison Office, Office of House-Elf Relocation, and Werewolf Support Services.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 4 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Ministry Spirit Division Employee
These employees deal with all duties and problems concerning spirits.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Divination
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 4 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Muggle Relations Employee
A witch or wizard who takes part in Muggle affairs on behalf of the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 2 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Activist (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Non-Human Relations Employee
A witch or wizard who takes part in being affairs, and the affairs of beasts deemed to have "near-human intelligence," on behalf of the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic, NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 4 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Activist (entry-level Ministry/Political)
A Ministry witch or wizard who used the Memory Charm to erase the memories of Muggles who had unwittingly witnessed magic.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTS in Charms, History of Magic and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 3 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
  • Other: Requires the Memory Charm spell (Restricted Charms ability)
Pest Advisory Board Member
A Ministry witch or wizard who provides assistance with various forms of infestation of magical pests.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 4 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Prophecy Record Keeper
A Ministry witch or wizard who works on collecting prophecy recordings and maintaining the collection at the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 9 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Public Servant
The backbone of the Ministry, there are a variety of different types of Public Servant and they serve numerous functions within the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Ministry/Political
Student Lawyer
This witch/wizard will spend a year studying up further on magical law and the process behind it.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Ministry Level 2 Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Court Scribe (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Foreign Ambassador
A representative of the United Kingdom to foreign magical ministries.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Foreign Relations Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political)
The solicitors and barristers that make up the magical world.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Student Lawyer (entry-level Ministry/Political)
Lawmakers who usually work for a governmental organization, e.g. the Wizengamot and the Magical Congress of the United States of America. Department heads at the Ministry of Magic are known to have drafted legislation, e.g. Arthur Weasley.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Foreign/Non-Human/Muggle Relations Employee (entry-level Ministry/Political) OR Lawyer (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Minister for Magic Advisor
Someone who works closely with the Minister for Magic and is a trusted advisor working within the department.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Minister for Magic Support Staff (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Muggle Ambassador
A bridge between muggles and wizard. There are few true muggles in high political offices that are aware of the magical world. Muggle Ambassadors are a privileged, trusted member of the Ministry that serves as a bridge between worlds. They are often integral in creating cover-ups when breeches in the Statute of Secrecy occur in front of the Muggle public.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Muggle Studies
  • Requires experience as: Muggle Relations Employee (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Non-Humans Ambassador
A witch or wizard who liaises with beings, and those beasts deemed to have "near-human intelligence," on behalf of the Ministry.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Non-Human Relations Employee (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Those who preside over trials and deliver sentences.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Lawyer (expert-level Ministry/Political)
A witch or wizard who works in the Department of Mysteries. Their work is top secret, usually researching their field in depth on behalf of the Ministry. The Ministry usually hires experts in their field and fund extensive research.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: at least 1 NEWT in any subject
  • Requires experience as: any Ministry/Political role + any expert-level magical position that can be researched
  • Other: The job description given when applying for this role must make sense. Even if you meet the given prerequisites, site moderators have a right to deny your work counts as Unspeakable-level if the team does not believe the Ministry would pursue such research.
Possible Nature/Science Paths:
  • Ranch Hand/Owlet Trainer/Graduate Student* --> Breeder --> Skilled Breeder
  • Owlet Trainer --> Postal Worker --> Secret Postal Interceptor
  • Owlet Trainer/Dragon Feeder/Ranch Hand/Tracker/Magizoology Research Aide --> Novice Magizoologist --> Magizoologist --> Renowned Magizoologist
  • Dragon Feeder/Dragonology Research Aide --> Novice Dragonologist --> Dragonologist --> Renowned Dragonologist
  • Farm Hand --> Farm Foreman --> Farmer
  • Farm Hand/Herbology Research Aide/Graduate Student*/Groundskeeper** --> Novice Herbologist --> Herbologist --> Renowned Herbologist
  • Potion Research Aide/Graduate Student* --> Novice Potioneer --> Potioneer --> Renowned Potioneer
  • Potion Research Aide/Graduate Student* --> Novice Potioneer --> Apprentice Alchemist --> Alchemist
  • Hermit
  • Ranch Hand --> Ranch Foreman --> Rancher
  • Astronomy Research Aide --> Novice Astronomer --> Astronomer --> Renowned Astronomer
  • Tracker --> Hunter/Ranger
  • (any expert-level Science/Nature) --> Proprietor
*entry-level Academic
**entry-level Hospitality/Travel
Astronomy Research Aide
A witch or wizard pursuing the study of astronomy by working at a company or institution pursuing its research.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: none
Dragon Feeder
Feed dragons on dragon preserves, as well as taking care of other menial tasks at the preserve.
  • Requires experience as: none
Dragonology Research Aide
A witch or wizard pursuing the study of dragons by working at a company or institution pursuing their research.
  • Requires experience as: none
Farm Hand
A hired laborer on a farm, which are focused on plants.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: none
Herbology Research Aide
A witch or wizard pursuing the study of herbology by working at a company or institution or under the tutelage of an Herbologist.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: none
A wizard who has opted to become a recluse in nature.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Magizoology Research Aide
A witch or wizard pursuing the study of magical creatures by working at a company or institution pursuing their research.
  • Requires experience as: none
Owlet Trainer
Trains young owls for a living to be pets or post owls.
  • Requires experience as: none
Potions Research Aide
A witch or wizard pursuing the study of potions by working at a company or institution pursuing their research.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions
  • Requires experience as: none
Ranch Hand
A hired laborer on a ranch, which are focused on raising creatures.
  • Requires experience as: none
An individual who spends time in nature, using nonmagical and magical means to track down creatures (or persons) of interest.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in COMC, OWL in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: none
Breeding and caring for magical creatures, e.g. Rubeus Hagrid illegally created Blast-Ended Skrewts, and Arabella Figg bred kneazles. Cannot breed animals that are higher than XX level.
  • Requires experience as: Ranch Hand (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Graduate Student (entry-level Academics) OR Owlet Trainer (entry-level Nature/Science)
Farm Foreman
A farm worker who is designated by the owner of a farm to manage the other laborers and the general operations of the farm, which focuses on plants.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: Farm Hand (entry-level Nature/Science)
A person who specialises in the hunting of creatures.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in COMC and Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Tracker (entry-level Nature/Science)
Novice Astronomer
A wizard who is just starting out their career studying the stars in a scientific capacity.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Astronomy Research Aide (entry-level Nature/Science)
Novice Dragonologist
A wizard who is just starting out their career studying dragons as a profession.
  • Requires experience as: Dragonology Research Aide (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Dragon Feeder (entry-level Nature/Science)
Novice Herbologist
A wizard who is just starting out their career studying and raising plants as a profession.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology and Potions
  • Requires experience as: Herbology Research Aide (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Graduate Student (entry-level Academics) OR Farm Hand (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Groundskeeper (entry-level Hospitality/Travel)
Novice Magizoologist
A wizard who is just starting out their career studying and caring for magical creatures as a profession.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Magizoology Research Aide (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Graduate Student (entry-level Academics)
Novice Potioneer
A wizard who is just starting out their career studying and brewing potions as a profession.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions, Herbology and Charms
  • Requires experience as: Potions Research Aide (entry-level Nature/Science) OR Graduate Student (entry-level Academics)
Postal Worker
An individual who works in the post offices, tending to the owls, collecting postage and making sure the letter system runs seamlessly.
  • Requires experience as: Owlet Trainer (entry-level Nature/Science)
Ranch Foreman
A person who is designated by the owner of a ranch to manage the other laborers and the general operations of the ranch, which focuses on raising creatures.
  • Requires experience as: Ranch Hand (entry-level Nature/Science)
A ranger is employed to patrol parks and forests to ensure the wellbeing of nature and to prevent poaching.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Tracker (entry-level Nature/Science)
Apprentice Alchemist
For those that aspire to be Alchemists, a very difficult and taxing vocation. Apprentices learn under an established Alchemist.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Novice Potioneer (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A wizard who is established in their career studying the stars in a scientific capacity.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Novice Astronomer (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A wizard whose career is studying dragons as a profession.
  • Requires experience as: Novice Dragonologist (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A farm owner who makes a living tending to and selling their plants.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology
  • Requires experience as: Farm Foreman (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A wizard who is studying and raising magical plants. Neville Longbottom, Herbert Beery and Pomona Sprout were notable herbologists who taught at Hogwarts.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology and Potions
  • Requires experience as: Novice Herbologist (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A wizard whose career is studying and caring for magical creatures as a profession.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Novice Magizoologist (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A wizard whose career is studying and brewing potions as a profession.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions, Herbology and Charms
  • Requires experience as: Novice Potioneer (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
A ranch owner who makes a living raising creatures and ethically selling their product (eg hair, horns, etc).
  • Requires experience as: Ranch Foreman (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Secret Postal Interceptor
A specific taskforce of postal workers that work on tracking down rogue letters in the muggle world that need to be delivered to magical postal offices and vice versa.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Muggle Studies, NEWT in COMC
  • Requires experience as: Postal Worker (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Skilled Breeder
Breeding and caring for magical creatures, e.g. Rubeus Hagrid illegally created Blast-Ended Skrewts, and Arabella Figg bred kneazles. Cannot breed animals that are higher than XXXX level.
  • Requires experience as: Breeder (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Working in the study of alchemy involved studying the four basic elements and transmutation. Nicolas Flamel, inventor of the Philosopher's Stone was a notable alchemist. Albus Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy also studied alchemy.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions and Transfiguration
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Alchemist (expert-level Nature/Science)
Renowned Astronomer
A wizard who is established in their career studying the stars in a scientific capacity. Renowned astronomers are well known masters.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Astronomer (expert-level Nature/Science)
Renowned Dragonologist
A wizard whose career is studying dragons as a profession. Renowned dragonologists are well known masters.
  • Requires experience as: Dragonologist (expert-level Nature/Science)
Renowned Herbologist
A wizard who is studying and raising magical plants. Neville Longbottom, Herbert Beery and Pomona Sprout were notable herbologists who taught at Hogwarts. Renowned herbologists are well known masters.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Herbology and Potions
  • Requires experience as: Novice Herbologist (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Renowned Magizoologist
A wizard whose career is studying and caring for magical creatures as a profession. Renowned magizoologists are well known masters.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Care of Magical Creatures
  • Requires experience as: Magizoologist (expert-level Nature/Science)
Renowned Potioneer
A wizard whose career is studying and brewing potions as a profession. Renowned potioneers are well known masters.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Potions, Herbology and Charms
  • Requires experience as: Potioneer (expert-level Nature/Science)
Owner of a business who provided and potentially invented products and services. This is a representation of the culmination of your experiences in your previous jobs as you go into business for yourself, you might own a bar, an inn, a shop where you sell wares or even items of your own making.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Nature/Science
Possible Oracle Paths:
  • Oracle Aide --> Aura Observer --> Aurologist
  • Oracle Aide --> Stargazer --> Astrologian/Meteorologist
  • Fortune Teller/Hermit* --> Sage
  • Oracle Aide --> Statistician --> Arithmancer
  • Oracle Aide/Fortune Teller --> Naming Seer
  • (any expert-level Oracle) --> Consultant Oracle
*entry-level Nature/Science
Fortune Teller
A rather dubious practitioner of the art of divination.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • OWLs in Astronomy and Divination
    • Seers only require an OWL in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: none
Oracle Aide
A witch or wizard who is an assistant to an experienced practicioner of Divination. The aide will seek what method of Divination speaks to them most while assisting their employer.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • OWL in Divination, OWL in Astronomy
    • Seers only require an OWL in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: none
Aura Observer
A wizard studying the art of aura reading.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Oracle (entry-level Oracle)
Naming Seer
A wizard who gives predictions to expecting parents about the best name for their future child.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Oracle (entry-level Oracle) OR Fortune Teller (entry-level Oracle)
One who studies the stars.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Oracle (entry-level Oracle)
A wizard who studies statistics for future events and correlations.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Apprentice Oracle (entry-level Oracle)
A wise witch or wizard known to provide advice to those who dare to find their abodes within the depths of magical forests.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • OWLs in Herbology, Astronomy and Divination
    • Seers only need an OWL in Herbology and Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Fortune Teller (entry-level Oracle) OR Hermit (entry-level Nature/Science)
Those who specialise in arithmancy studied the art of predictions using numbers.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Statistician (intermediate-level Oracle)
A wizard who studies the ancient arts of astrology to discern meaning from the stars.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination and Astronomy
    • Seers only need a NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Stargazer (intermediate-level Oracle)
A wizard who specialises in the study of auras.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: Aura Observer (intermediate-level Oracle)
Unlike a muggle meteorologist, a wizard meteorologist not only predicts weather events but discerns meaning from them.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination and Astronomy
    • Seers only need a NEWT in Astronomy
  • Requires experience as: Stargazer (intermediate-level Oracle)
Consultant Oracle
An experienced practicitioner of the divining arts who is well-known among the wizard community. They are called upon by individuals and institutions alike (eg the Ministry of Magic) to use their skills, give prophecies and consult on important matters.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Divination
    • Seers do not need a NEWT in Divination
  • Requires experience as: any expert-level Oracle
Possible Sentinel Paths:
  • Auror in Training --> Rookie Auror --> Auror --> Auror Comisssioner
  • Auror in Training/Bouncer/Security Guard --> Bodyguard/Prison Guard/Security Specialist --> Hit Wizard Protegee --> Hit Wizard
  • Auror in Training/Bouncer/Security Guard --> Bodyguard/Prison Guard/Security Specialist --> Private Investigator
  • Auror in Training/Bouncer/Security Guard --> Security Specialist --> Ward Setter
  • Security Guard --> Security Troll Trainer
  • Hunter* --> Private Investigator
*intermediate-level Nature/Science
Auror in Training
These individuals are enrolled in a program for Auror hopefuls that is known to be incredibly rigorous and exhausting.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms
    • Metamorphmagi only require NEWTs in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Herbology
  • Requires experience as: none
A person employed by a nightclub or similar establishment to prevent troublemakers from entering or to eject them from the premises.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: none
  • Requires experience as: none
Security Guard
Employed by a number of establishments, including the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: none
Your reliability has become known, and you're especially selected to help protect those shining stars of society.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Sentinel
Prison Guard
You've been stationed at a prison.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Sentinel
Rookie Auror
A freshly graduated law enforcement official who combatted Dark Wizards.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms
    • Metamorphmagi only require NEWTs in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Herbology
  • Requires experience as: Auror in Training (entry-level Sentinel)
Security Specialist
You've taken to giving advice to establishments on how best to setup security and locate openings in their defenses.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any entry-level Sentinel
Security Troll Trainer
Witches and wizards who train security trolls.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts, NEWT in COMC
  • Requires experience as: Security Guard (entry-level Sentinel)
An elite law enforcement official who combatted Dark Wizards.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms
    • Metamorphmagi only require NEWTs in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Herbology
  • Requires experience as: Rookie Auror (intermediate-level Sentinel)
Hit Wizard Protegee
You are discovered by a veteran Hit Wizard who takes you on as a Protegee, and when you are ready, you start taking on your own jobs. They are trained to deal with highly dangerous combat situations, such as high-risk arrests and riot control, and are frequently called upon as backup by the British Auror Office to help capture Dark wizards.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: any intermediate-level Sentinel
Private Investigator
A witch or wizard hired to undertake investigatory law services.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Divination and History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: any intermediate-level Sentinel OR Hunter (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Ward Setter
An incredibly complicated practice of magic. Also highly sought, for example in pure-blood families (think: Black Home, Malfoy Manor etc.)
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Ancient Runes
  • Requires experience as: Security Specialist (intermediate-level Sentinel)
Auror Commissioner
A senior Auror, often tasked with the assignment of various other Aurors who fall under their command.
  • OWLs/NEWTs:
    • NEWT in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms
    • Metamorphmagi only require NEWTs in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Herbology
  • Requires experience as: Auror (expert-level Sentinel)
Hit Wizard
A wizard trained to deal with highly dangerous combat situations, such as high-risk arrests and riot control, and are frequently called upon as backup by the British Auror Office to help capture Dark wizards.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWTs in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Requires experience as: Hit Wizard Protegee (expert-level Sentinel)
Staff at Hogwarts
These roles are unique. They cannot be applied for through our adult job application, they are only available through our site's staff application process because they are actual site moderators. These characters automatically have a OWL and NEWT associated with their role listed below. If the character ends up holding different adult staff positions during their tenure, they only automatically gain the OWL and NEWT of the first position they held.

Users who resign from their site moderator role and have a former Hogwarts Staff account can choose to keep this character as their second character rather than making a new student character. In these cases, they can transfer into the adult system during the next summer when jobs can be applied for. They must meet the job prerequisites like any other character.

If your character was in staff for at least one year total, you can claim three more NEWTs (as well as the OWLs in the same subjects) and will be able to start at the intermediate level of any job path you meet the OWL/NEWT prerequisites for. This effect does not stack with the number of years you are staff, it is a one-time acquisition when you resign. These NEWTs (and corresponding OWLs) can be applied for using this application after you have resigned: viewtopic.php?t=27775
Hogwarts Head of House
  • The Hogwarts Head of House position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in any one subject that makes sense for your character.
Hogwarts Professor
  • The Hogwarts Professor position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in the subject you teach.
Hogwarts Nurse
  • The Hogwarts Nurse position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in Charms.
Hogwarts Caretaker
  • The Hogwarts Caretaker position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in History of Magic.
Hogwarts Groundskeeper
  • The Hogwarts Groundskeeper position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in Herbology.
Hogwarts Librarian
  • The Hogwarts Librarian position grants your character an OWL and NEWT in History of Magic.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.