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6 Nov 2022, 02:11
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Click!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Evasive Maneuvers
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Growing up on a farm, Ciel has had her fair share of incidents. She's been kicked, bitten, scratched, and even thrown off of a horse before. After a little bit of consolation from her parents, she gets back up and tries again. But she also does something else- she learns.
When she got scratched after touching one of the barn cats' bellies, she learned not to touch it there again. Or when she got thrown off of Pottage for pressing down too harshly, she eased up her touch. Over and over again, she learns from every mistake she makes. To Ciel, there is no point in trying again if you're not going to learn from your first attempt.
Years of living on a farm and living with some rambunctious brothers means that Ciel has learned a lot. She dodges most things naturally now, her hand jerks away when she notices a goat eyeing her weirdly, and she automatically turns around fully when she feels a tap on her shoulder or side.
Or when there's a huge herd of cows headed straight in your direction- it had only happened once, but Ciel prays it doesn't happen again.
On a warm summer evening, which had practically been the perfect and uneventful day, her father had called out her name. "Ciel!" he had shouted, alerting her. "We've got some runaway stock, come help me and Dion round 'em up!"
If there was something she hated doing, it was leaving her precious horse without proper care. She had just finished up some training and was taking off his saddle, and she almost wanted to ignore her father calling out. But she knew better, her pop would never bother her unless it was something really important. And without her oldest brother, Beaux, the family was rather short-handed. Everything was important.
She gave Pottage a pat on the head and swiftly ran back out to the long plains they called home. Ciel caught sight of her father, who motioned for the two of them to split up. Cover more ground that way, maybe? Spinning on her heel, she turned to the other side of the farm.
It was relatively quiet, all things considered. No cows had been caught in her sight yet, and the regular sounds of the horses neighing and goats babbling made it hard for her to concentrate. A thought crossed her mind- were Apricot and Peaches part of this brigade? She could faintly remember the two of them being good muses to get the other animals back home. Maybe a peak to the stalls where they were wouldn't be a bad idea.
When she looked around, her father was nowhere to be seen, so just maybe she could go find them. She crept around towards the fields, and then some more, occasionally looking back.
Upon finally reaching the stalls, she could see a few cows that hadn't left. She couldn't find Apricot or Peaches though. What a shame.
But... there was a certain buzzing noise coming from the other side of the barn, and Ciel couldn't put a finger on what the noise was. In an attempt to see where the noise was coming from, she found herself standing in the middle of the pasture, up on her tippy toes. Fear filled her for a moment, and she almost wishes she hadn't seen the sight.
Hurling around the side of the barn were maybe fifteen or twenty cows, and her father running right behind them on a horse, trying to get them all into the giant stall.
When startled, cows were much, much faster than they normally were. That was the only fact Ciel had learned that day. Before she could really even process what was going on, she found herself moving as fast as she had ever gone before, trying to reach the gate before the cows did. Unfortunately, she was only human, and a small one at that. Her fastest speed paled in comparison to the giant farm animals.
Instead of running, she decided to vault under the fencing, narrowly missing the first cows charging in. She was covered in mud and dirt; it had smeared all over her pants and shirt. At least she wasn't hurt, if her body hadn't acted before she told it to, she would probably be toast!
Her father was not very happy with her quick thinking, however, and immediately began scolding her. Dion and her mother were also not excited, but they waited until she had taken a very long shower.
wc: 759
STATUS: Approved

do not attempt this at home, ciel is a professional cowboy!
6 Nov 2022, 02:23
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to ency: viewtopic.php?p=519428#p519428
Ability applying for: Wand maker
Why it fits my character:

Wand wood: Walnut
Cynthia came from a very academic family. Her ancestors were mostly scholars or professors. Cynthia herself is very intelligent, having learned many things despite her young age. She is always on the path to seek more knowledge. One can often see her with a book in her lap or a paper in her hands. I think Cynthia’s superior intelligence would be a perfect fit for walnut wood, which seeks out especially intelligent wizards and witches. Walnut wood is also for those with a creative mind, which is very true with Cynthia. She loves to write poetry and her mind is always spinning. While she likes to have instructions and dislikes improvising, she can still find a good solution any and every time she is in a bad situation.
WC: 128/50

Wand core: White River Monster Spine
(Wisdom -1 Accuracy +1 & alters appearance)
White River Monster Spine is truly rare. However, when Cynthia was choosing a core for her custom made wand, she chose this. It pairs well with her regal ancestry and her wealthy family. White River Monster Spine cores is also said to cast the most elegant spells. Cynthia herself is very elegant. Despite her love of knowledge, she is a never a “nerd” or a “geek”.
WC: 66/50

Wand length: 10 in
Cynthia is very refined, so short wands are perfect for her. However, due to her height, some adjustments had to be made in order for her to look good when using it. Like mentioned before, Cynthia is very elegant, which is another thing that makes her pair well with shorter wands. That said, she is not over very dramatic, so long wands will not pair well with her. She is very introverted and extremely dislikes being the centre of attention. Her personality is not that lively either and she prefers to spend her time alone or with a very small group of friends.
WC: 103/50

Wand flexibility: rigid
In general, Cynthia is a very stubborn person. She almost always believes her ideas are correct. However, she is open to criticism offered by her closet friends and family, which means the hardest wands (solid) wouldn’t fit her well either. She is also quite cold and strict. She prefers to have everything laid out in front of her and like said before, dislikes improvising. She firmly believes that rules should be well respected, as well.
WC: 75/50

How she got the wand:
As said before, Cynthia’s family is quite rich. Cynthia got the wand custom made when she was born, which is a tradition. For fifteen generations, the Beaufort family have custom made a wand for their newborn to be presented to them on their eleventh birthday. There are no restrictions on core, wood, length or flexibility. For Cynthia, her parents chose this combination. Cynthia knew that she would get a wand like this when she was very young and has been anticipating it since then.
WC: 84/NA

WC: 456/400

STATUS: Approved
Mod edit 13.11. : Student not yet in Index
Ability was added, trunk was locked. Ency was not approved by this.
Please remember, if you want a specific altered spell appearance, to add that to the trunk update.

A heart as cold as ice; a mind as hard as stone.
11 Nov 2022, 06:01
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Cat's Grace

Ever since he was a small child at the age of five, he has spent the majority of his life playing with his pet cat. Feeding it, hugging, sleeping, playing, and mimicking on what his cat would do.
The way he first decided to do it was with his shoes on. Trying his best to catch his own cat off guard but after trial and error, he realize that wearing the shoes made more noise than doing it with his feet. Even though he would be hurting his own feet in order to practice the stealth approach, he was able to succeed because he did it all the time. He even got better with wearing shoes as time went on.

Since his cat loved to be outdoors and tried to be a hunter and catch other smaller animals, Victor would copy the cat's movements and try to do the same thing. As he got older, he would get better with his stealth. He would go from a tiptoe like fashion, to walking in a silent approach with every single movement being slowed down so that he wouldn't even make a sound. It may have taken longer to get to a destination but he was able to accomplish it because he wanted to act like his cat and be as stealth as one could be when going after his prey.

Though he mainly did it so that he could sneak up on his parents and scare them as he wanted to get better in doing it. He would also perform it differently, going from walking on two legs, to getting on all fours. Aside from the movement aspect of it, he would also calm his breathing so that it wasn't too loud as he traveled to his target.

Victor would sit down against a tree as he was reading his favorite book. His pet cat nike would approach him and bump his head against Victor's arm. Victor would chuckle as he petted Nike and then notice something that had caught his attention. Victor's eyebrows had raised up briefly as he noticed his cat walking away and trying to get real low to the ground as Victor paid close attention to what his cat was going after, it was a small mouse. A few seconds had passed and his cat had made the move, grabbing onto the body of the mouse and successfully capturing the mouse. Victor was shocked and from that day forward, he wanted to be as stealthy as his cat!

WC: 433

STATUS: Approved
Mod edit 13.11. Student not yet in index
Ability was added, trunk was locked
Encyclopedia is not yet approved by this.
16 Nov 2022, 01:00
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Fourth Year Ability Application
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability, that you Are Applying for: Wandmaker
Describe why this fits your character:

How it was obtained:
After Thomas’ somewhat dismal performance at the summer dueling event, his brief stay at home in Carleon was relatively uneventful. He hadn’t the time to visit Callie or anyone outside of his hometown, and Sylvie was largely busy with her pureblood family nonsense, so the Ravenclaw boy was left alone to brood for most of his time there, excepting his mother’s occasional check-ins. She had grown more worried about his cloudy disposition over his years away at Hogwarts, Thomas generally dismissing her concern and reminding her that he was of the age to be ‘angsty’ anyways, by all accounts. It should have been an uninteresting, short respite from schooling and dueling and altogether feeling watched, a sentiment the boy grew less and less fond of with every passing year. Unfortunately for the young Baines, he’d discover that he was not so fortunate.

The parcel at his doorstep was addressed to him and came with an accompanying note. It was a long, thin box—about 30 centimeters in length and fairly lightweight. His mother seemed highly perturbed by the sudden appearance of the package but refused to elaborate when questioned on her reaction; an unusual stance for her to hold, Thomas was wary. There were few things in the world that his mother was not honest with him about, so far the list consisted of two major items:

- The nature of their family’s finances
- His father

Neither subject particularly savory or something that a fourteen-year-old would be eager to ponder, Thomas crouched down to pick up his mail as he tried to think exactly which of the two this fell into. A sinking feeling settled in his stomach as if he had just been swallowing stones; the handwriting of his name evoked a litany of deeply buried memories. Dread and resentment fought for the privilege of being his forefront emotion. Tom knew that cursive anywhere, his mother hadn’t yet parted with the last note his father had left on the fridge. Some nerve you have, old man. What do you want?
Great opener. Surely, if his father was reaching out, he ought to know that Thomas was fourteen now. He hadn’t gone by anything other than Thomas—or occasionally Tom—since he was eleven. He had outgrown such a childish nickname by now. Then again, the young wizard bitterly supposed, his father who had had no contact with him since he was much younger than that would have no real way of knowing such a fact about him. Indignation kept at bay for a few moments, Thomas found the nerve to keep reading.
I hope this note finds you well. I was able to catch wind of your performance at the international summer dueling tournament. When I had heard both house Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had qualified that year, and I had heard a boy bearing my name was competing, I had originally anticipated that you and I shared a house placement. Though ultimately proven untrue, I still kept tabs on your performance.
What an absurdly backhanded reminder that he bore no grand family legacy. Thomas rolled his eyes, resisting the desire to crumple up the note right then and there and stop reading. Some force compelled him to keep reading—the conflicted nature of his relationship with his father was difficult to navigate but some small part of Thomas’ mind sought perhaps a friendly resolution. Maybe his father would eventually have something halfway decent to say, later in the letter.
It is a shame you were beaten by both your fellow Hogwarts students and the international team. Third place of three is not exactly stellar.
Ow. It wasn’t Tom’s fault that he wasn’t used to strategizing for six opponent variables. The boy found it hard enough to predict the actions of two people at a time—he was always a bit befuddled by the behavior of his peers—so how should he have been expected to perform?! A quiet, condescending voice in the back of his head reminded him of the answer: better than everyone else. Not just by his father, but Thomas’ own ego had anticipated greater success on his part. He had missed practically every spell he cast that duel, his inability to adeptly process new situations was an emerging weakness that he was growing to despise in himself.
Nevertheless, you have some time to improve. If you are to continue with this dueling business, I cannot allow you to wield that wand of yours. Your current wand is not one befitting a wizard of your name; unicorn hair-cored wands always latch onto weaklings. In your journey towards reaching your full potential, you should dispense with this limiting factor. However, I recognize that such a task is not so simple, so allow me to expedite the process for you. Enclosed in the package that accompanies this letter is my old wand, though it may be a challenge for a wizard of your caliber to win over I believe it will eventually serve you well. If not, of course, feel free to lean on your original wand.
Once again, Thomas found that his father truly had a... Way... With words. The note he held was callously shoved in his pocket, Tom would not read the remainder for some time. Perhaps when he wasn't already in a sour mood he could tackle the notion of his father reaching out to him for the first time in years... Until then, his conflicting emotions would remain bubbling under the surface. Instead, Tom's attention was directed towards the parcel, which he opened unceremoniously by tearing through the tape. Within the box was exactly as his father had written, a wand.

Immediately, the parcel was closed, and the wand remained ignored for the remainder of his short summer... Until of course, it was no longer ignored.

Back at Hogwarts sometime later, shortly after the first stage of duelling came to a close, Thomas found himself holding the package again. He hadn't even entirely understood why he brought it with him to school, some unidentifiable pull compelled him to do so. The Ravenclaw boy looked at his original wand with some semblance of contempt. It was an awkward thing, of course the wand had done nothing wrong, but he couldn't help but feel like his father may have been right in his assessment. Thomas resented the limitations that came with unicorn hair--its resistance to the dark arts--as well as its implications--that he didn't have to earn such a wand, that it would accept him no matter what. He wanted a challenge, something of an accomplishment. Something worth actually showing to people. And so, opening the parcel for the first time in a month or two, Tom retrieved it from its wrapping.

The tip of the new, unfamiliar wand greeted him with a gentle light, a sign perhaps of acceptance of its new owner. The old was slipped into the parcel, likely to be abandoned unless something unusual occurred. Thomas regarded it curiously, turning the new thing over in his hands and inspecting its qualities...
WC: 1174

Wood - Yew:
Among the rarer woods, Yew wands find their best match among wizards of similar rarity. Thomas, though still fairly young and thus incapable of truly being notorious just yet, possesses a fiery personality through and through. Fearsome on the dueling piste among his age, Tom is dauntless in the face of danger and willing to go to great lengths to accomplish his goals. It is said that Yew wands favor both brave heroes and dastardly villains, and though Thomas hasn't yet determined which he is destined to be one thing is certain: the young wizard is a prodigal duelist and someone who wants to make a name for himself.
WC: 108

Core - Wampus cat Hair:
Perhaps stubborn to a fault, Thomas has consistently refused to allow his moral convictions to be swayed by his environment. Obsessed with the taboo, the unknowable, his curiosity has never been able to be sated by comments of "you wouldn't need to know," or "this knowledge is forbidden." Tom possesses few reservations about the methods through which he obtains his desired information, and when obsessed little can stop him from achieving his goals. Thomas, though not born a Seer nor born with any innate talent of Legilimency, is intense in his surveillance of his surroundings and the behavior of his peers. Even barring supernatural talent of predicting future actions, the boy's paranoia certainly marks him as someone who may appear to know more than they let on, often at all times. Admittedly, if provided the opportunity to become a Legilimens, well... Thomas would hardly say no.
WC: 145

Length - 25.5 cm:
Though Tom may have something of a reputation of loudness, in reality the boy's blustering on the dueling piste is strategically exaggerated. In reality, Thomas possesses an innate precision to his spellcasting and his behaviors; he is methodical and careful in how he carries himself. Tom knows that being perceived as a whiny, irritable kid serves him well, as opposed to being perceived as the relatively cold and calculating boy that he is. A wand that is middle of the road fits him best, balancing both his bold aspirations and relatively secretive outward personality.
WC: 93

Flexibility - Unyielding:
Thomas is unyielding in just about every one of his undertakings. Occasionally even single-minded, when on the warpath the young Ravenclaw cannot be dissuaded from what he is intending to accomplish. Notably, his morals and convictions are equally as infallible, and the boy is a tough nut to crack when in an argument. It's not that he believes he is always right, it's merely the fact that no one has possessed the stamina to convince Tom that he is wrong in a battle of words.
WC: 84
STATUS: Approved, Opeila

Evasive Maneuvers II
Hex: #1C4587
17 Nov 2022, 22:07
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=23850

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Metamorphmagus

Describe why this fits your character:
Growing up as she began studying, Pearl always found the different magical abilities and races fascinating. As far as she knew there was no family members with any abilities or talents so she never thought she would ever find herself having one. For the most part the first few years of her life was pretty average of a young wizard. She had her first instance of magic at the age of 6 and from then on did her best not to have any slip ups.
A little after she turned 9 a boy who was the son of one of her mother's friends was teasing Pearl about her red hair and freckles. Upset about what he said, Pearl went up to her room and was getting her frustration out over the situation out as she talked to her mother. She was so mad about him teasing her that she wished she didn't have this hair color anymore as she looked in the mirror and before she knew what was going on her hair had started changing color. She started crying and apologizing while hugging her mother because she didn't mean to use any magic and thought she must have broken the rules. Her mother calmly had told her that they were all going to have to sit down and have a talk.
Pearl was sure she was going to get in trouble as she sat at a table with her mother, father and her grandmother. She had to sit and explain exactly what happened to her father and grandmother after which the three adults all exchanged looks. Her grandmother smiled and went over to her, sitting down next to her and taking her hands as she explained how her mother that died before Pearl was born was also a metamorpmagi. Pearl was beyond shocked as the three of them explained everything to her and what it meant for her going forward.
With this new knowledge of her family line, Pearl began trying to find books on Metamorphmagus to learn exactly what this new found talent would be like. She managed to learn some helpful info between talking to her grandmother and reading but ultimately Pearl felt as though there was still so much she didn't know and understand about this talent and herself. Secretly she would practice in her room at her mirror trying to see what she could do. She found she could not only change her hair color now but also her eye color. Pearl managed to practice her talent a little at a time, not everything went exactly as she planned but she kept trying to practice and get better.
When she finally got her letter to Hogwarts she knew this would be a great opportunity to talk to the staff and check out the books in their library to try to learn what she can about Metamorphmagus. She knew this also meant that she would have to keep her talent under control as best she could, not wanting to have something to happen by accident in class or in the dorm. She wanted to keep this talent of hers a secret so people wouldn't find out until she felt close enough to them to tell them.


Word Count - 540
STATUS: Approved, Opeila

STA. 6 EVA. 5 STR. 6 WIS. 7 ARC. 5 ACC. 6

Pearl Goodall Ency Link
18 Nov 2022, 11:32
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character: Born from a family with Parselmouth

Ever since the mirror incident that happened eight years ago, I was always curious about what it was and how it happened. I wanted to learn more and started asking my parents the same questions every time I found the chance. They didn't say much other than "The perfect place for these questions where in a school named Hogwarts." I began to dream about going to Hogwarts and following in my parents' footsteps, mostly my mother since she's told me many funny stories about her past when she used to be a Hufflepuff. It was weird since many called me a duplicate of my father for the way I act, talked, and think and even my personality was like my father's. Most of my family members have been to Hogwarts and from my father's side, they all have this talent called "Parselmouth" and they believe I've got it too, despite I've never gotten the chance to experience it. On my mother's side, a few of them were parselmouth, but they weren't as many as on my father's side. I remember my father used to say "The strongest house in Hogwarts was Slytherin" and had even hoped that I would be a Slytherin if I ever would be attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

STATUS: Pending - Owled, Opeila 5/12
STATUS: Denied, Opeila 11/01
30 days have passed with no changes made.

Jennifer Berry
21 Nov 2022, 15:44
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Hannah's Ency
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Part-Veela
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Amelia Quinn (neé Windon) was something else than a witch, she knew about the wizarding world, yes, but she was not a part of it, no, she was something else, not just Hannah's grandmother, she was a pure-Veela. A beautiful, red head girl, with blue eyes, icy blue eyes, and a perfectly placed nose. She was born in Lyon, France, but soon moved to Hamilton, Scotland. She couldn’t go to any actual Wizarding school, but she did know about the Wizarding world, it was quite a thrill!

The young women got married at only 19, to a pure-blood wizard. She left her home, because the boy fell in love with her, who couldn't? That was the actual question, she was a pure-Veela after all. They started a business together, and did not have much success, but they did earn enough profit to raise their young child- a girl. Yes, they did have a child, they wanted a boy, but they raised a girl. "Useless" they said she was. Ailsa Quinn, the name of the child, she was a part-veela, beautiful, yes, but she was a secret.

Ailsa's life (Hannah's mother) was simple. She woke up, helped with the business, and had lunch, then she continued helping her parents. At the age of ten, she had already learned French, Spanish and Portuguese, all on her own. When she turned eleven, she got her Hogwarts letter, her parents sent Ailsa to Hogwarts, she got sorted into Slytherin, like the whole Blossom family, her father anyway. When Ailsa turned seventeen, she started dating a pure-blood wizard from Hogwarts, it was a secret, since Hannah's mother was destined to marry Alasdair Blossom. When she was nineteen, she stopped her relationship with the boy from Hogwarts, to marry Alasdair.

Now why? Why was Ailsa destined to marry Alasdair? The Blossom family were very good friends with the Quinn family, they wanted their children to get married, so they made the "Unbreakable Vow" a very serious promise, much more than a "muggle" pinky promise, no, no, this was something else, if not made, death shall guide, and shall welcome the person. The promise was made long ago, but still, it had to last.

Now, what about Hannah? She was (and still is) a quarter-Veela, as her mother is a Part-Veela, and her grandmother was a Veela. Her mother only told her about her grandmother, and that she was a quarter-Veela at the age of six, when she got her first instance of magic, confirming that the girl was a real witch. So, then her mother wanted to have a small talk with the girl, telling her about her Veela grandmother, and her family history, and about Magic. Hannah was very surprised, but intrigued, and for the next 5 years she waited for her Hogwarts letter. Her mother homeschooled the girl, her whole life, teaching her about muggle-studies, and her family history, and about Veela's, since her family was three generations of Veela's, Amelia, Ailsa, and Hannah.

WC: 500

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: This will serve as your change/update to your stats as well. List out your stats that will total 30.


STATUS: Approved, Opeila
Last edited by Hannah Blossom on 6 Dec 2022, 23:04, edited 4 times in total.

🕊𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕙 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞🕊
the end of beginnings
𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 ♛
23 Nov 2022, 02:32
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for:
1st year ability: Statistically Relevant
(Stat affected: Stamina)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Taizu was tired of being the shorter, weaker kid. Granted, he did have a powerful mind, but his body often failed him, making him run out of breath quicker and grow tired easier. He was sick of it. So, he decided to fix it.

Every morning when he woke up, Taizu would start with a run. Nothing fancy, only a couple of laps around the house, maybe five, maybe ten, but that was it. It helped, but not really. His friend Michael, a muggle, was always running ahead of him, partly because he had longer legs, but because he could run longer. Taizu wanted to be able to run with him, so he thought he needed to practice running. So, he'd get up about 7, and run a little. And for months, nothing seemed to change.

Then he turned eight, and suddenly he felt like he could run miles on end. He almost never ran out of breath, and he was able to keep up with Michael all of the time. He felt as if he had done it.

But as the years went on, the other boys moved ahead. They could run faster. They could run longer. They could run a kilometer easily. And once again Taizu was in the dust. Taizu redoubled his efforts, hoping that it would work. But it didn't. Even though he now ran a kilometer every day, he couldn't seem to catch up, and slowly, Taizu gave up.

Two years went by, and Taizu had stopped running in the mornings completely. It was a waste of time, he had convinced himself, and though he was by no means out of shape, (His metabolism would not permit this) he found that running was not as easy anymore.

And then he got his letter to Hogwarts. With this, he realized that he needed to be in shape. there would be kids of all ages there. He needed to get into shape. Or rather, he needed to get back into running.

With less than a month before school began, he began running again, hoping that he'd be more prepared for school if he did this. Though he had only a few days to run, he somehow was already able to run just fine, as if he had been doing it for years. Not questioning it, he increased how much he ran, with him on the 31st of August running a full 5 Kilometers. While he was exhausted afterwards, he was proud of what he had done, and congratulated himself on his accomplishment.

Stats After Ability Application:
Stamina: 7| Evasion: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 9 | Accuracy: 7
WC: 424

2nd year ability: Statistically Relevant
(Stat affected: Arcane Power)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Taizu was always gifted at magic. He found ease in casting his spells, and they were often particularly potent. Taizu was proud of himself. He saw that he was already strong, so why not make himself stronger, so he could do even more magic? Practicing spells were clearly the way to go, and so under his father's supervision, he quickly started training.

The summer passed him by so quickly. His father had gladly wanted to help him learn magic, so he helped his son train his magical might. Day after day, when the sun had fallen and his friend Michael had gone home, Taizu would return inside and practice magic with his dad, no matter how exhausted he was. Each day, they would push and push their way through a spell, until he knew it would be more effective. And soon they were.

Soon, in early July, Taizu found that his Incendio spell now burned hotter. He found that his Jinxes would last longer, and that his Transfiguration was easier. His father, sensing improvement, kept pushing him further, claiming that he was soon going to be stronger than any other student his age. Taizu had doubted it, as he knew that there were others who were just as strong, but his father insisted on it and Taizu accepted.

So the routine would continue, with Taizu playing all day with Michael, maybe a little of the summer schoolwork given by Hogwarts, but mostly playing. He would then coming home and practicing magic with his father for an hour. And then the hour turned into an hour and a half. And then to two hours. Then three. Soon Taizu was staying up until 11:00 each night, something his mother didn't approve of, just to practice spells.

And Taizu enjoyed it.

He enjoyed the hectic energy his father got when he was dealing with magic. He loved the magic itself. But he truly loved spending time with his dad. And because his dad was spending time with him, Taizu pushed himself even harder than before, making new bounds in Arcane strength by which he had never felt before.

August 31st rolled around, and Taizu knew he was ready. His spells had never been more powerful. That night, while he was practicing his Flipendo had knocked his father into a cabinet, breaking one of his mother's vases. Without thinking, Taizu had cast the repairing charm, and the Vase was instantly fixed. His father had nodded and hugged him. He truly had grown stronger.

Stats After Ability Application:
Stamina: 7| Evasion: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 11 | Accuracy: 7

WC: 419

STATUS: Approved, Opeila
Last edited by Taizu Miyashiro on 24 Nov 2022, 05:21, edited 1 time in total.

"Oh Gods, I set the water on fire again."
Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 11 | Accuracy: 7
23 Nov 2022, 03:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ency
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Obnoxiously Strong
Describe why this fits your character:
For as long as he could remember, Gavin has been an adventurous kid. He’s always loved going camping and hiking as well as participating in sports and other activities. His mother was the same. She was the one who taught him all about surviving in the wilderness, giving him tips and tricks to conquer the great outdoors. So if anything contributed to his unusual strength, it was her.
Among the things that Scarlet Faulkner taught her son, the most significant to his strength was likely archery. Sure, learning to catch fish with his bare hands and put together a shelter all on his own probably helped, but he had been learning archery since he was 5 years old. In the 6 years since then, the bows he used had greater and greater pullback strengths, building up more and more muscle in his arms and shoulders. Not to mention, his time in the wilderness in general definitely helped out.
Despite the strength he had built up though, Gavin wasn’t aware that it was beyond average growing up. It was only pointed out to him during summer camp the year he turned 11. His group was hiking when one of the other boys, a lot larger and bulkier than him, sprained his ankle. They were pretty far into the loop, and although their chaperone was trained in first aid, he wasn’t the strongest fellow. Before any of the other group members could try and pick him up, Gavin easily helped him up and somehow convinced the other boy to climb onto his back, despite his misgivings. When he noticed the stares he was receiving from the other group members and their leader, he had the gall to look confused.
“What?” he questioned.
Quickly, it was explained to him that given his size compared to the boy he now had on his back, he shouldn’t be able to stand straight as he was. Frankly, Gavin didn’t really care about the explanation. Thus, in true Gavin fashion, he responded, “Guess I’m just better than you.”
Despite the less-than-kind comment going unappreciated by the others, they were still impressed by the fact that he managed to carry the other boy all the way to a resting point, where the chaperone quickly wrapped up the ankle. After telling him that they would fix it better at the camp, the boy was back on Gavin’s back as they made their way back. Despite the strain of carrying another person, the group made it back in record time.

420 words
STATUS: Approved, Opeila

Stamina: 4 | Evasion: 6 | Strength: 7 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 5
Hex Code = #366291
"I didn't ask for your opinion."
28 Nov 2022, 05:24
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=23888
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Dhampir
Describe why this fits your character:

Pandora knew from a young age that there was something different about her. Because your mother, the Wrem family, was pale, while her father and the Smith family were dark skinned.

Since she was little, she was forbidden to talk to anyone other than her family. They could not go to such open areas outside the forest.

When she was 8 years old, Pandora thought they couldn't go out because she was a witch. But he was still happy and cheerful.

When she was 8 years old and learned that she was a witch, she saw three people playing near the forest while her family was at work, and she broke the ban and went to them. The other children were afraid of him and ran away as monsters.

When Pandora came home crying, her mother was already home. When she asked what happened, she told me that she lived in the forest, and when she asked if I acted like this because she was a witch, her mother had to tell everything.

Pandora's mother's mother's mother was actually a pureblood vampire, and this trait was genetically passed on to Pandora from her dhampir mother.

When Pandora asked why we didn't want to drink blood, her mother laughed sadly and said that pureblood vampires drink blood, and that if dhampirs drink, they will lose their sanity and suffer.

After this incident, Pandora began to go out in cloudy weather. Loved the rain, learned to retract her teeth, was able to control her speed. Used to this situation.

After this incident, Pandora communicates more with her mother thanks to her mother. She gets the opportunity to meet her mother's side, after this incident, she told her father everything at a nice dinner because her mother was worried.

For example, he learns that his aunt Kyla has a daughter one year younger than Pandora. She knew he was a Dhampir since she was little, as her parents were sorcerers.

Apart from that, his great-uncle Jack saw that she was one of the best Aurors with this talent.

Her grandmother, Stella, was a bad person. Therefore, neither her mother nor other individuals tried to contact her.

When Pandora saw these, her family helped her to control herself and go out in public more often. She loved the night more and took precautions.

They haven't told their brothers this yet, but they will in a little while. Pandora was uncomfortable with this situation, but there was nothing she could do.

Since Pandora didn't want to show her condition at school, she promised herself that she wouldn't tell anyone about her condition. Pandora no longer knew what awaited her, ever since. But that didn't frighten him. There was no change in his hobbies, but then he became a little more stressed. She decided to tell those he trusted when she went to school. She told her mother about this decision on the last day before school, and her mother was openly opposed. After some discussion, her mother agreed to a very good and close friend, on the condition that she tell her as well.

Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 4
ArcPower: 4
Accuracy: 6

STATUS: Pending - Owled, Opeila 5/12
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 11/01
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Last edited by Pandora Smith on 11 Jan 2023, 21:05, edited 12 times in total.

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