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3 Aug 2022, 17:57
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Pea Elena Fowl
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Lovely Creature
Describe why this fits your character :
Being a part-Veela does come with a few perks. Her beautiful appearance, and her entrancing movements, among other things, are some of the benefits that she possessed for being a part-Veela. She is …. aware of that of course- but her beauty never only originated from her race. Physical appearance has always been very important to her from a young age. Yes, her part-mythical creature- does play a role in it as well, but taking care of herself with the most luxurious skincare product, or putting the most expensive hair oil certainly did not come from being a part-Veela.

She was always lived in a very privileged environment. She grew up with her aunt who is a famous fashion designer in the muggle world, and her uncle, a respectable Auror from the ministry of magic. Pea was always been given the luxury of obtaining anything she needed to care for her appearance. Such as weekly scheduled facial treatment for example, or even as extreme as hiring a personal dermatologist that she can call at any time to her apartment even when she only has a minor problem. On top of that, her aunt manages to gather Pea the most fashionable and beautiful outfits. Any girl would be absolutely envious of her lifestyle, and they should have. Because all of that amount of excess self-indulgence surely paid off.

Everyone tends to stare when she walks by, as she was never not the center of attention. There is a certain aura about her that is just enough to make others swoon or pause in the sight of her appearance. Her wavy silver hair looks like it's constantly blowing in the wind or her glowing white skin that looks like it’s been glazed with silvery liquid. She might have her Veela gene in her but the amount of expensive care she puts on herself is too much to be ignored.

Even though her… personality isn’t as enchanting as her looks, she still can act as the most elegant and most sophisticated to the people that she likes or respects. As mentioned before, Pea grew up in an affluent society, so she grew to act accordingly. She was taught from a very young age how to behave in the best manner and elegance. Her aunt did a great job teaching her, and she manage to mask her undoubtedly rudeness towards others *sometimes*. But when she does puts on the act- surely nobody would be saved from her bewildering charm and beauty.

wc : 416
STATUS: Approved

I'm glad you stopped talking to me. It's like the trash took itself out. - Black Dahlia (2006)
3 Aug 2022, 21:38
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia page: Boom.
Ability Applying for: Parseltongue
Why does it match your character?
Patricia inherited this special talent from her grandmother, who was a Parseltongue. On Patricia's eleventh birthday, she visited her grandmother Sally Grace to celebrate it there. Miss Sally Grace owned several snakes, which she treated very well. Sally lived in a mansion, it was beautiful but scary. Patricia entered the mansion with her mom and dad, who instructed her to call Sally "Miss Sally Grace" because that's what her snakes called her. If anyone called her anything else in front of her snakes, they would attack whoever did so. Patricia also had to make sure to not offend Sally or the snakes would attack too. Also, she had to be very polite and respect everything in the house (even a chair). Patricia was also never allowed to go upstairs or in certain rooms without Sally's permission, she was forced to treat Sally like a queen. Luckily, it didn't happen because Sally told her snakes this was her granddaughter and she allowed Patricia to do so.

As her family was preparing Patricia for her Birthday Dinner, Sally told Patricia to go upstairs and draw a bit. Patricia did so, after a while, she put down her pencil to reach for an eraser. Then, suddenly a snake slithered in and stole her pencil and swent around her chair proudly. "Give it back! I'm drawing!" She said, the snake gave the pencil back, glaring back at Patricia. Patricia thought that these snakes just obeyed people because they were well trained, but it was actually because she was
a Parselmouth, and would have never realised if Sally never told her.

When Sally and mom and dad called her for her surprise, she came downstairs joyfully. They sang a happy birthday song and gave her the present. When she was blowing out her candles, a snake came over and stole her gift from mom. She was already angry at the snakes so she screamed at it to give it back. The snake was so shocked that it dropped the gift and slithered as fast as it could away. That's when Sally said to Patricia that she was a Parselmouth and explained what one was. Patricia was so happy that when she finished eating, she played with the snakes for the next hour.

After that, she no longer was scared of snakes that she came back a week later just to hang out with them. Her siblings Aurora and Melvin were there too for this visit, they sort of just all hung out with the snakes and they even ate together, although it was very awkward. Patricia was shocked that everyone else was making excuses to not hang out with the snakes. They were so fun! Why was everyone else making excuses? They were the best thing in the whole entire world! That’s what she thought, but she should’ve know there was a reason why everyone but her grandmother avoided snakes. It was because they feared them! Well, at least now Patricia had something to humiliate her mean older sister with.
Word Count: 515
New stats: Stamina: 7
Evasion: 9
Wisdom: 6
Strength: 2
Arcane Power: 2
Accuracy: 4

Owl me if word count is wrong, I’m not sure it’s right.
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Patricia Saniton on 10 Aug 2022, 04:47, edited 4 times in total.

Patricia S.
Hogwarts student
First year
4 Aug 2022, 05:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=21453
Name of Race or Ability/talent you are applying for: Beast Master
Describe why it fits your character:
Like all pet lovers, Rita is in deep love with her lovely cat Peanut. For Rita, Peanut is more than a cat. She treats him as her own baby boy. When Rita comes back to her dorm from her classes or summer camp activities, she always cannot wait to feed him with cat treat, let him follow her everywhere in the room, and throw knitting wool balls, toy fish, and other toys for him to catch. In normal situations, Rita won't let her lovely Peanut to use his paws and teeth to attack other creatures. How can a kind and loyal little badger use her cat to attack others? However, when someone does hurt Rita, such as beating her or using curses on her, she can use her cat to teach that creature a lesson. This is called self protection, and she have to do this when necessary.
In terms of using her cat to help her find things, that is particularly necessary to Rita. Rita always find herself having problem finding things, whether is her quill, keys or even her coins. Things just tend to disappear suddenly in her life. She has a mobile phone in her muggle home(she never bring this to Hogwarts), and once she spent half an hour looking for it, even pushed her bed away to look inside her bed. Finally, it was her mother who reminded her she left it under her rubbish bags. Luckily, she discovered a talent of finding lost items in her cat Peanut, and sometimes it was Peanut that reminded her what her things are. She enjoys playing catch with Peanut, and he always runs to the toys she throws super quickly. It is good exercise for Peanut considering he eats a lot, but also enhances his skill of finding lost items.
As for Peanut having the Talent Cat's Grace and can sneak into other's threads, she has never thought about it before, but considering Peanut is an active kitten, and always moves smoothly and quietly without disturbing others, he probably can make sneaking into other's threads work. Sneaking into other's thread also enables Rita to interact with others more easily, and she always enjoy making new friends with different types of people through interacting with them. She currently has 5 friends, and she is eager to meet more people as well as make friends with them. Making more friends is what makes her life at Hogwarts more colorful!

World count: 409

Stats: STAMINA: 6
I just realized I have only one ability each year, so can you please add this as Second Year ability so Non-Human Enthusiast would be my First-Year ability and update my stats?

STATUS: Approved

Rita Su - Hufflepuff Andy Menton - Ilvermorny, Thunderbird
Color code: Rita: #560edd Andy: #c40e0e
Rita`s Ency Andy`s Ency Shop
5 Aug 2022, 06:49
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
link to ency. Here.
name of ability. Components.
describe why this fits your character.
second year
The truth must come out. Vale Ashwood, is an observer. Observes prehaps too much even. It is a talent. A talent that those in the Ashwood family naturally have.

But observing wasn't the only talent that the Ashwoods had. They seemed to also have a talent in taking things, even if it didn't belong to them at first. If caught, it is to serve simply for the greater good.

But for Vale, the reason is but a mysterious fog for even the most critical of thinkers. Much like her typical behavior.

If anything, it explains at least one of her typical behaviors. The reason she would be found in her house's common room picking away at the damp flooring's cracks. The reason she would be found digging up the soil of Hogwarts after a noticeable dampness has accumulated enough to loosen its solid structure.

The reason she would also sometimes be found with various objects that she simply had no reason to have, nor had the right to ownership in the first place. One could possibly blame her fearless nature on that reason.

Vale's father was the same, especially on his travels. He would pick various herbs. Gifts for her mother. And once both her father and mother settled down, they took to selling herbs and making potions instead. A destiny that the Ashwoods have continued to accept since ancient generations.

Like her father, Vale did anything to obtain whatever object of desire. Yes, it is indeed a talent. A talent that brought all sorts of attention (both beneficial and of malicious intent) towards the Ashwood family. They made a career out of it, and took great joy in their ancient practice.

This talent comes so naturally to the young Vale Ashwood that she could be chatting away with someone, only to stop just to collect herself something she just so happened to have found right then.

Now, let's be reasonable. Vale knows stealing is wrong. It's only for her own benefits anyway. So what if someone just recently made a complaint about a missing object, and Vale concidentally was in the area at the time of it missing? It obviously wasn't that important if they kept it ever so out in the open.

And she certainly does not plan to have someone tell her to put anything back to where it once came from, especially without immediate proof. Authority be damned.

...Okay, so prehaps she might feel bad after a while, and said object could be found conveniently in a random, open location where it can be purposefully found. Only after it was fully inspected and had a conducted investigation which involves the using of-at the bare minimun, mind you-three of the five major senses of the human body.

But if she found such object to be of use to her, well, finders keepers.
WC. 476
STATUS: Approved

「 ・Fearless・Components・Terrible Presence」
6 Aug 2022, 09:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Cosmic Tale
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:
1. Comprehend Languages: Troll [WC 474]
Not every adventure you plan to venture out towards is going to turn out the way you would like it to. Gregor [Age 24] traveled much during the years he had after graduating from Hogwarts from an early age, despite his old appearance. Sometimes you were bound to lose your wallet, misplace your wand, or get captured and almost eaten by a colony of trolls. Well perhaps not that last one, but it certainly seemed Gregor had run out of luck during his mid-twenties. By this time of his life he had decided to investigate hags and trolls to understand the rudimentary magic that they held. It was rather fascinating and questionable as to why trolls were capable of using magic, despite how weak it potentially was and the fact that trolls... weren't quite the brightest of bulbs in the universe.

Upon being captured, Gregor could only contemplate with other people as it seemed some mountain trolls were up to some mischief. As he could recall, they were labeled as beasts due to their violent natures and craving for human flesh, similar to an acromantula. Gregor could feel fear, and slight disgust, with the other captured people as the immense bodies of the trolls were rather intimidatingly gross. The trolls hadn't outright eaten any of them, and it rather appeared they were preparing a feast upon Gregor and the other's arrivals. He could only assume he and the others were about to be the slaughtered cattle that wouldn't see the sun upon morning.

They were placed inside a wooden cage, logs, and trunks of trees being used, and there was going to be little time to survive. Yet, within a small amount of time, Gregor observed thoroughly the situation. Key notes and patterns amongst the grunts and gestures between the trolls. He was lucky it was trolls and not giants because the troll language is a fairly simple one. Perhaps you couldn't learn it overnight or in a couple of hours, but you could certainly pick up a few things here and there. Before the dinner would be served, Gregor played a simple trick upon the two trolls standing guard. Their violent natures and little knowledge allowed Gregor to entice the two of them into a battle. They'd fight and eventually both fall, knocked out by the others club. With voiceless and wandless magic at hand, Gregor safely helped all the people escape from the troll's camp.

Gregor would eventually travel to other locations and speak with multi-lingual enthusiasts that were capable of speaking and understanding trolls. Gregor had thought that if he were going to study the beast, it would be best to learn their language for any more problems. He also of course reported the location of the trolls to authorities to make sure no one would be harmed by them again.

2.Comprehend Languages: Parselmouth [WC 473]
Gregor (Age 12) had always heard the rumors of the mythical chambers of secret that were located deep within the walls of Hogwarts. These rumors were merely more common and frequent within the Slytherin dormitories, enticing many to be up at night talking and wondering about its existence. There had been a slightly noticeable increase in those who can speak the tongue of snakes, and Gregor had developed a small friend group that consisted of at least one who could speak Parseltongue. It almost became a fashion in the Slytherin dormitories to find and know at least one person who could speak that language back when Gregor had attended. Of course, the ability was kept secret by some to the other students' fear that they could bring shame of potentially having the blood connection of dark wizards, but such fear swiftly vanished amongst the small friend group of Slytherins that Gregor was a part of.

Since Gregor was interested in magical theories and ideas, he grew an everlasting curiosity about the blood-born ability to speak with snakes or basilisks. He conducted research into the matter in relation to Herpo the Foul, Salazar Slytherin, Tom Riddle, and even Isolt Sayre. Their feats and history brought some ideas to Gregor as to why those who spoke the language were considered to be such dark wizards (the exception being Isolt). Yet, he couldn't quite figure out the reasoning behind the language or how it was even an ability to be born with. It was essentially saying the moment a child is born into the world, they automatically know how to speak and understand the language. It seemed rather absurd, but "magic is magic" was all the explanation and proof that Gregor needed. To perhaps help with his studies, Gregor spoke to his one friend and requested they teach him to understand Parselmouth at the least. The two of them spent years practicing and learning the language, but it was difficult and nowhere close to an easy learning from just a friend.

However, this at least was the spark and starting point in which Gregor would want to learn the language, despite being incapable of replicating the same sounds. He and his friend, upon graduating from Hogwarts, would travel to visit professional magical multilingualists to learn and practice understanding the language. The friend accompanied Gregor as support and as a helpful practice to attune his hearing to the snake-like hisses. Even though he cannot speak Parseltongue, he had spent years with a friend to learn and understand it. He currently holds a strong belief and value to dis-sway those who think that Parseltongues are bound to develop into the darkest of wizards. Those who mock such an ability is something he looks deeply down upon to a similar fashion for when someone calls another person a "mud-blood."
3. Calming Presence[WC 414]
Perhaps it was due to the amount of studying that Gregor appeared almost calm in nature during any event due to over confidence in his own ability. Or perhaps he just didn't care enough about the dangers in life to be held back by the fear and anxiety that many other students had felt. He seemed professional at such a young age, and his developing grey hairs upon his early-adulthood only enhanced the thought that he was more formal than many would think. This illusion of authority, professionalism, and of course his signature politeness is what made Gregor a rather well liked snake amongst many students. He didn't mind sharing knowledge or information to help those who were in need of a tutor, nor did he mind helping ease the anxiety of those about to take their final exams.

He was a student who looked out for others when ever they required help, many assuming he had the answer to all (if not) every subject. His kindness was rarely met with ill intent and he never gave off an ounce of malice as he spoke with students or Professors around his age. This ability of being taught to be kind and polite eased and helped the minds of those around him, and it was good thing he had a jolly smile to go with it. It wasn't a facade with malicious intent behined it, it was all genuine respect for the abilities that many students around his age had during the years.

Gregor's natural state of being calm was mostly just due to his daily studies while sipping herbal tea to ease his own anxiety. The boy had felt he had many responsibilities and was required to fulfill each one in only a perfectionist way. As such, he had the need to be calm to dismiss any doubt in his ability. This determination was insipring for many, especially as he grew into adult hood, still portraying himself as a perfect student who could always lend out a hand.

Years had passed from then, and now Gregor was going to begin his teachings as a Professor at Hogwarts. He couldn't wait to reminisce in the feelings of nostalgia, see the smiling faces of children, and ease the mind of young adults during their OWLs of transfiguration. Taking note of his posture, Gregor knew he had to seem authoratative, but that didn't mean he needed to be harsh or extremely serious in every matter of teaching.

4. Beast Master [WC 589]
Everyone requires an animal companion at some point in their life. Whether that animal is a person or a dog, you are bound to create a relationship with them. As for Gregor [Age 13], he had friends within his Slythryn dormitory and outside within a couple of the other houses as well. He didn't have many, wasn't particularly the most popular person to gossip with, and was more of someone to discuss equations, homework, and theories between classes. He of course didn't always study books every hour, and always enjoyed playing a game of gobstones or wizard's chess every now and then. The issue is he never felt like he had a best friend with which he could share his secrets or most recent discoveries with. He of course had a Slytherin friend who he practiced purse mouth with, but Gregor always knew to never trust a snake during his already few years in Hogwarts. This eventually led to him purchasing and keeping a pet to keep as company.

His parents were rather strict individuals, and as such Gregor wasn't given the opportunity to have a crup, a ferret, a cat, a pygmy puff, or even an adorable bunny. He was rather given a goldfish to take care of. He of course wasn't happy about such a selection and protested against his parents about such a decision, but because of him being their son he had little to no chance in changing their minds. It didn't start off strong, but he would develop feelings for the dumb fish" as he would call them. He made sure to feed them and care for their tank out of fear his parents would criticize him if the fish were to ever die, but what felt like a chore eventually developed into a deeply bonded relationship. Gregor would first make jokes to the fish in an almost mocking manner. Of course, the fish couldn't respond, but it was essentially a way for Gregor to vent out his frustration by having something to speak with and not have to worry about secrets being told. This venting eventually developed into describing his everyday frustration with drama and rumors included along the way. Soon Gregor began to develop feelings for the fish, and named it, "Phillip," as a random name for it to hold. Each and every day that passed, the bond between the two developed more and more.

Years would pass, with the two growing ever more fascination (of course this is more of just Gregor enjoying more of his time with the fish) with each other. Yet, all good things have to come to an end. Upon Gregor reaching the age of 22, Phillip had unfortunately passed away. He was a grown man, crying over a dead fish and everyone felt little to no sympathy for him as his tears fell. He loved that fish, and he taught them so many tricks. It was going to take time for Gregor to heal, and the time it certainly took. It wasn't until recently upon his readmission into Hogwarts as a professor (now age 35), that he finally decided to get another close companion to spend time with. The memories that he had with the first Phillip always rushed through his mind as he walked once more down the hallways of Hogwarts.

Upon reaching Magical Mengeaarie, he purchased another fish and gave it the same name as the first. Gregor would make sure this new "Phillip" would have just as much fun as did the first.

5. Wandless Magic [WC 454]

Gregor [Age 15] could find himself day in and day out discussing and questioning the boundaries and illustrations that magic was held down by. Colleagues and fellow students intrigued his thought process with the idea that magic held its own rules, theories, and laws that could only beckon to be learned upon. These rules had always been confusing for Gregor during the years he spent while at Hogwarts as a child. Magic could break muggle law, but magic as well had had its own laws. It made no sense, magic seemed limitless and unbounded by reality. Of course, the young boy stayed up reading multiple accounts of Gamp's Law exceptions having exceptions too such as the instance when the philosopher stone was still present. His Slytherin nature of thought pushed him to seek higher nature and practices. Magic couldn't be bound and he had to be missing something.

Eventually, his thoughts pondered and questioned varying ideas, and soon he had an interesting thought: "We can't use magic unless we have a wand, but wands haven't existed for all eternity, have they? One has to be older than the other, and I believe magic should be much older than a measly stick. So, why am I bound to an item?" His deep thinking led him towards research into the history of wand making and practices of using magic without a wand like they do in Uagadou. Gregor would find himself practicing his magic day in and day out without a wand when teachers weren't watching. It was difficult and unnatural, he had already spent about 4-5 years of his life using a wand for so long. Nonetheless, the boy pulled through and forced his magic into his fingertips. He of course would start small in practicing simple charms. Yet, he always wanted to strive to be better and as such he would attempt unsuccessful transfigurations every now and then.

It wasn't till around the age of 20 that Gregor traveled to Africa to embrace and learn about the varying cultures within both muggle and wizard homes. During his time, he witnessed multiple instances in which people used magic publicly and secretively at the same time. A few moments something odd would occur, and it couldn't be explained since a wand was never required and thus couldn't have been seen. The gestures of hands as conduits of magic allowed further secrecy. It was rather like a notion of being "free" in Gregor's eyes, and he wished to obtain such an ability to further his understanding of magic and how it conducts itself through each person. He spent the majority of his time in Kenya to further his skill and perfection in the use of wandless magic.
6. NonVerbial Magic [WC 432]
The concept of concentration was always an oddity that passed through Gregor's [Age 16] mind from time to time. A key component in transfiguration and its branches. How does one measure concentration? How can you tell who is better at concentrating than others? For Gregor, concentration seemed rather odd and confusing. He himself could certainly concentrate when casting spells, even for those that required the highest amount of focus. Yet, how does one improve their concentration if they can already dedicate so much time to their goal? He couldn't tell and he was having trouble because he added nonverbal magic to his checklist of wanted skills. The previous year he had attempted wandless magic and was still working on it. To make things harder on himself he decided to practice nonverbal magic as well. It took time, dedication, and an undesirable amount of focus to achieve such a task.

Gregor of course practiced nonverbal magic with his wand, as without it would only make the task incredibly more difficult. His face would contort and he'd always have an expression of needing to use the bathroom during practice from how focused he appeared. Yet no luck would ever occur. The literature, the students, and even the staff of Hogwarts didn't help any bit in furthering Gregor's advances in the practice. One night, he would lay in bed and contemplate his thought process: "What are words? What purpose do they serve in the imagery and the outcome?"

One day the boy would have a weak but incredible breakthrough. He would hold his wand up at a log and repeat the thought process in his eyes, reminding himself of his own words. Eyes now closed, he would take in deep breaths of cool air and hot air coming out, and think patiently: "Fire... a person's perception of a chemical change. A change in the world in which carbon dioxide and water are formed. *Breathes deeply* See the carbon atoms... see the soot... now see the water being formed. Change... what is change? Incendio cannot just be seen as heat. It is a spell that invokes change, and we shape that change as a flame. It feels hot, very hot with a yellow-orange color as the soot is excited by the energy..." Gregor would repeat the words and ideas of similar concepts; almost spiritual in nature. Focusing on the heat in each deep breath he took, he'd open his eyes in amazement at the log suddenly being on fire. He had done it, he cast a spell without words and had made a major breakthrough.
7. Apparition [WC 516]
Breathe in, Breathe out. Gregor [Age 17] could feel the weight of words from his apparition instructor pushing deep against his gut, heart, and head as he stood prepared to gain his license in apparating. He repeated the words over in his head beneath the bright sun: "Destination, Determination, and Deliberation." The words flowed smoothly as a whisper of out his mouth as his eyes were closed to find meaning in each one. Destination, focus upon where he wanted to go and needed to be; visualize the very details that would become clear upon arrival. Determination, he required the firmness to achieve his purpose. To be solid like a boulder, with the force of a wrecking ball, and the will to see only his goal in the end. Deliberation, to take time and allow himself to be patient. Think it all over, discuss the scenario, and find the solution in time. These were the "Three D's" and they had been drilled directly into the subconscious of Gregor due to the amount of studying he had to commit towards hopefully earning his license.

He stood, ready and prepared for the final exam. This wasn't his first time apparating, but it was for a long distance. His first time was a short distance, from merely moving a few blocks in Hogsmeade to testing his past ability after a few lessons. It, unfortunately, ended up with his ear splinching rather badly. He could still feel the pain ringing in his ear, but that was only a few months ago and now he had practice and experience. He couldn't splinch any part of his body, and he needed to land in the perfect location. The distance was grand to go from Hogsmeade to the Ministry.

The young Gregor refused to ever have a need to take the exam again, he was going to pass on his first try despite previous incidents. He breathed and concentrated. The location he had visited multiple times on tours and as a child with his father was a first a blur. He had to focus on the many trips his father gave him to clear the imagery. Another deep breath, and he felt ready. He gave a look to the instructor, indicating he was ready. The instructor apparated first, and with that Gregor followed.

It was a new feeling, and certainly different for him to apparate over such a long distance. It prolonged the feeling that one would feel, as if the plastic tube one was forced through was merely longer and thinner. Gregor felt as if his ears were going to burst and splinch once more, but he forced himself to ignore such feelings. He only needed to know the sounds, feelings, and sights of his destination. The travel itself didn't matter, no matter how sickening it was. Upon his arrival, he'd be dry heaving in front of his instructor upon a marked "X" on the floor. The vomit had to be held back to prove he could handle it. He looked toward his instructor and merely gave a smirk at his own accomplishment.

8. Occlumency [WC 535]
Occlumency is an enigmatic branch of magic that allowed one to defend against external attempts on looking into one's mind. Gregor [Age 32] hadn't come across the subject till a bit later in his lifetime due to perhaps his little need to defend his mind from those who tried to breach it. Yet, as he found himself in more trouble over the years, he couldn't help but attempt to try and resists the many skills Legillimens that could potentially hunt him down. He eventually began to meet mutiple cultures that practiced the art more than others. Yet, the fascinating part was how different each group practiced the ability. Some achieved the ability through mediatation, and others had less calming practices of enduring the attempts of professional legillimens.

Perhaps Gregor's mind was already mad, or perhaps he had so much knowledge than the average person; either way, he had an interesting mindset of layers and layers of ideas that merely complexed the navigation one would attempt if they were to delve into his mind. He knew things that most likely shouldn't have been known and as such he wanted to tap a bit into the practice of strengthening his mind. He luckily had little connection with friends and family during his years of travel. He met so many faces and knew so many people that he could gladly call trustworthy, but perhaps not very close friends. With that, he at first believed he could achieve the art of occulmency rather easily. He believed his aptitude, his knowledge, and his refined experience of someone who had seen uses of spells, such as the Imperio curse, be used before. Yet, his experience in actual occlumency was very lacking, and thus even novice legillimens could walk through his mind with ease.

It was the fact that Gregor had to detach himself from his emotions, not necessarily the emotions he held between others. He was lonely, afraid, and paranoid about letting anyone get too close to him. He had to start with his fear to truly block his mind. This realization wouldn't occur till his training. It took time if not two years to perhaps clean the slate in his mind. This was mostly achieved through the practice of meditation, but now he needed to control the maze within his head by building and destroying the walls it held to be forever changing. It was a difficult, and certainly unpleasant, experience for Gregor as he searched for professional legillimens to practice on him. To clear his mind was difficult, as he was a man who could do nothing but think and contemplate. At first, he tried to use that as an advantage, by redirecting his thoughts into the most random rabbit hole theories he could think of. Yet he would always be beaten and proven wrong to think such ways. What he needed most was time, effort, and to craft blank slates in every scenario. It took multiple drinks of veritaserum, multiple instances of legilimency attempts, but never the use of the Imperio curse. If anything, Gregor felt the curse should be his final test in an attempt to resist any or all who would try and breach his mind.

STATUS: Approved

It is not a loss nor a win. In the end, you all will learn something new.
7 Aug 2022, 07:21
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Ency: Here!

Applying For: Parselmouth

Why It Fits

Not even an hour ago she had learned of her magical heritage and now she was expected to meet the near entirety of her father’s family. That’s just what happens when a family likes to show up unannounced. Finley sat outside on the back porch talking with her mother while they waited for her paternal relations to show. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” She asked, admittedly still a little in shock from the information that had been dumped on her.

Her mother sighed and turned her gaze to look out on their backyard. “Your father didn’t want to risk your life. If his family ever caught an inkling that you knew of them then he was scared about what they would do to raise them in their image. His family is considered pureblood, which means that there are no non-magic people anywhere in the family line. That wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t the traditional type of pureblood. Some families like your father’s believe that wizards and witches should run the world and that there is no place for people that don’t have magic. So, he left his family’s beliefs behind, married me, we had you and hoped you would be a regular child. We knew you weren’t when you turned five and had the fire incident, but we still decided to keep you in the dark for as long as possible.”

There was a sharp knock at the door that pulled Lyria away from her thoughts and they both looked in through the door to see Calix welcoming a large group of people into the house. “Come on, you should go meet the other side of your family.”


Dinner was served quite soon after the guests arrived. As everyone was sitting down talking about whatever seemed like a relatively safe topic, Finley’s grandfather suddenly interrupted the conversation to single his granddaughter out. “I assume you’re hoping to be a Slytherin like the rest of us.” He said, leaving her utterly confused as to what a Slytherin was. “It’s only the best house that there is. And if you’re even slightly gifted you’ll be able to open the chamber and continue our family goals.”

Calix kicked his father under the table, earning himself a stern glare. “She most certainly will not be doing that. Besides, she’s probably not even a parselmouth. Neither I nor her mother are.”

“Yes, her mother.” The tone of disgust was strong in his voice as he turned his glare to Lyria. To her mother’s credit, she didn’t back down as she spoke. “Whether she is or isn’t it doesn’t matter. I know my daughter and she doesn't have an evil bone in her body so I would appreciate it if you respected my husband and I in our home and dropped the subject.”

“What’s a parselmouth?” Finley asked, finally speaking up for the first time since the dinner had started. Though she almost immediately regretted it following the evil smile her grandfather gave her. “Parselmouths are wizards who have the ability to speak to snakes. The great Salazar Slytherin, the creator of the Syltherin house, was one and during the building of the castle he made a chamber under that castle that was said to hold a giant snake. One has to speak parseltongue to open the chamber and use the great power of the snake. As a parselmouth myself, I tried to…”

“That is enough!” Calix said loudly, knowing exactly where the story was going. “I tried to welcome you into my home and you don’t follow my rules. Out, all of you.” He said, standing up suddenly and knocking his chair to the ground. “I will not let you push your out of date beliefs on my child. Out now.”


Much later that night after her parents had been presumably asleep for a long time, Finley found herself outside. She laid there on the grass looking up at the stars and thinking back over the previous hours. It was almost like her entire life had been flipped upside down in the span of a few hours. And what had her grandfather meant when he was talking about speaking to snakes. Her brain felt overloaded from all of the things she had learned about that day and wished she could just go back to her normal life. That she hadn’t gotten a letter to be accepted to a school somewhere in the middle of nowhere. If she was being completely honest, she didn’t want to go. Why leave a perfectly good life with friends and her parents to go risk joining an evil house at a school that teaches magic?

A creature brushed up against her hand, startling her to the point of nearly jumping up. A snake. It was a snake. Finley wasn’t scared of it, she had seen snakes around her backyard a lot, especially around that time of year. The timing just didn’t really seem too great. Almost as if trying to assure herself that she wasn’t evil, she began talking to the animal. “There’s no way you can understand me.”

The snake stopped and looked at her, a little confused to be understanding the speech. “Actually, I think I can.” Finley’s eyes went wide and she bolted into the house and up to her room. She jumped into her bed and shut her eyes tightly trying to fall asleep to wake up from what obviously had to be a crazy dream.

Word Count: 913

Old Stats

Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 5

New Stats

Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 1 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 5

STATUS: Approved

"I try to live my life as a true chaotic neutral"
Sta: 5
Eva: 5
Str: 1
Wis: 7
Arc: 7
Acc: 5
9 Aug 2022, 21:53
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia: :chocogrenouille:
name of ability that you are applying for: Wandmaker
Describe why this fits your character:
Thunderbird tail feather core

She would gladly help fight for her friends, and for what she believes in. Not Afraid to speak her mind. She only have a few fears, and would consider herself brave. Competing in sports is something she finds enjoyable, and very fun. Of course friendly competition would be the way she likes it.

Sycamore wood

Adventure and exploration is the thing Quinn loves doing most. Looking under rocks, finding herself on the streets of hogsmead more the one time. She is a girl constantly looking for adventure. She would get quite bored herself with nothing to do. And will constantly try new things, even if they are a bit dangerous.

12 inches

They say the longer the wand the more out going the wizard. This would be true in Quinn's case, not to scared to speak her mind. There would be a few things she keeps to herself, she does like taking to people. She would walk up to them and start a conversation.

Slightly flexible

She has very few opinions on blood status, and things like that. She thinks that as long as your nice why should it matter? That is one thing she would never ever change. Her other less important options, like what donut is the best. She would change, she understands that everyone has there own. She would change her opinion on donuts. Not judge you on your opinion to much.

The obtaining of the wand
A cry of despair ringed through the root family home. A girl with black hair layed in her bed crying. There was no doubt that her parents and aunt the floor below could her, she didn't care. She needed to let her emotions out. She was sad and angry. It had been three days. Three days since her grandmother had died.

She went to her desk, searching for something. Anything. She threw her books aside, the fell to the floor with a thud. Her eyes fell on her poor wand. The wand she got from olivanders, 28,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring. Tears wouldn't stop coming down. Not thinking straight she reached out for her wand.

She held it with both of her hands, closed her eyes and snapped it in half. With some force, the once hole wand what now in two. Looking at the halls in her hand she came to her senses. Stunned at what she had just done. "AWWW CRAP! NO NO NO!!" She tried putting the halfs together again, to no success.

She could hear foot steps coming up the stairs, she frantically rushed to tidy up her mess of a room. Tossing the thrown books back on her desk, not knowing what to do with the wand. She stuffed it under her pillow. The door knob turned and her father walked into the room. "What's all the noise for? You doing ok?" He asked, Quinn watched his eyes look around the room.

She looked at him, and grabbed the wand from under her pillow. Knowing this was something she couldn't lie about. "I- Uhhh I broke my wand.." she mumbled. She handed the halfs to her father, Hanging her head low. Her dad took the wand, She heard him sigh.

"Sorry..." That was all she could get out. What else could she say? More tears came, Once they started it took a while for them to stop. Now thoughts where rushing, How would she get a new wand? Could she? Was that wand the only one she could have? "There's no need to cry, We can just get you a new one.. Hmmm, Do we really want to make a trip to olivanders? We will talk to your mother about this. You can get a new one." He assured her, She wiped her tears on her sleeve. And made an attempt to smile at her dad. She could get a new one, and he wasn't mad.

She followed her father down to the living room, And saw her aunt and mother sitting on the couch. "I broke my wand" She told the room. Her mom looked at her, Then looked at Quinn's aunt. She looked back at Quinn. Who was unsure on what was happening.

"Well, we can get you a new one right now. On such short notice... We do have a spare. Wand." Quinn's eyes followed her mom as she walked to a small table, that was where they kept there junk. And spare things. She walked over curious to what was happening. She saw her mom grab a wand, Quinn gasped when she saw it. As it was her grandmothers wand.

"Is this even possible- I can use someone else's wand? I-" She was speechless. It was something she really didn't learn, she thought she would only get one wand. Thats it. She looked at her mom, dad, and aunt. Her aunt smiled and nodded, her dad did the same. "Go on take it. Your new wand, your grandma would want you to have it." He mom assured her.

She reached out and grabbed the wand. The wand felt like it fit so much better the her old broken one. She would use this one with much care. And not break it, this one was very special.
WC: 637
whole app WC: 866
When approved I will add to my Ency, using the update form.
STATUS: Approved

sta • 5 | eva • 4 | str • 6
wis • 7 | arc • 5 | acc • 7
⠀⠀⠀•• Quinn ••
“I regret nothing, ever.” – Jack Sparrow
⠀⠀⠀•• Nick ••
Metamorph | Wandmaker | ability
ability | ability | ability
12 Aug 2022, 15:29
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Link
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Components
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Growing up on a homestead, Sebastian spent a great deal of time outdoors. Whether tending to the animals, or helping with the garden plots, he was always out among nature and over time became known for having what his mother would lovingly call "Borrower pockets", alluding to the novel by Mary Norton. She'd say that while he wasn't quite so small as a Borrower, he most certainly had their habits of picking up stray bits and pieces found throughout their homestead. Solitary buttons fallen on the ground, feathers dropped from the chickens, little balls of sheep's wool, and sprigs from the various wildflowers and plants they grew would often make their way into his pockets (and usually the washing machine!).

Over the years it has become an unconscious act. If he spots something that has fallen loose (he'd never purposely yank it from a plant, animal, etc), he'll pick it up - whether for later use or simply to add to his collection. In fact it became so common for him to have something small yet useful on hand that whenever his mother was in need of a herb for her soups, or his father some random reagent for a potion he'd happen to be brewing, they'd often ask Sebastian to empty his pockets. While they weren't always lucky enough to find exactly what they were looking for, there have been several instances where he did in fact have precisely what they needed.

When his green thumb developed and he spent more time with his mother in the garden, he'd also take to pruning plants and collecting herbs and flowers under her guidance. Florence was always very happy to let him keep a little of each thing he gathered at her request, even if it meant sacrificing a little bit of her thyme, or lavender, or mint.

With all of this in mind, it would make sense for Sebastian to continue this tradition when coming to Hogwarts. A fallen leaf on the floor of the Herbology greenhouse? Why not pick it up and study it! An already dead beetle? Fair game! Some bugs he'd even take to hunting for and temporarily housing in order to get a better idea of them, after all he's always had an affinity toward animals. Since beginning his potion classes, he's also been keeping an eye out for potion-specific ingredients in order to have a small stock on hand... You know, just in case it's needed. He'd rather something fresh and self-scavenged than fighting the other students over the jarred supplies anyway.

WC: 426

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:

Stamina: 7
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 6

STATUS: Approved

Hex Code: #014421 | Encyclopedia
Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 6 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane Power: 5 | Accuracy: 6
13 Aug 2022, 14:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia: Cat here

Name of ability that you are applying for: Blindvision

Why it fits your character: Under reducio below <3

It was hard to do things when there was not a lot to look forward to. Hanako was fully aware of the things that were to happen during his summer. Incoming divorce, separation from his siblings, a new home, a new aunt living with him, a complete change of environment, and a distant mother eager to make amends, are just one of the many. But for once in his life, he didn’t want to ignore it at the cost of his own mental health.

Only because there was a certainty that Percival Rainwood would be there for him. The way his heart felt light when Rainwood agreed to visit was still fresh in his mind. To be this dependent on someone else felt like he was walking on thin glass. Any turbulence and he would only have himself to blame. That was a huge reason for his lack of friends growing up. But Rainwood was different. The two had gone through numerous trials while it was only recently he felt truly trusting of Rainwood, he had proven to Hanako that he wasn’t going anywhere.

Perhaps if Hanako wasn’t so drunk on happiness, he would remember that it was a human's instinct to lie.

Leaving out of the blue like that was too cruel, even for Percival. They had a few fun days together. Nothing indicated Percival even wished to leave, and yet that’s what happened without any prior notice. With no one to rely on, it was increasingly harder to fall into a period where sleep was all he could do.

Thankfully, his aunt was persistent. One who thought his mood was crushing her ‘good vibes’. When she had suggested they spend time listening to music during the early hours of the night, he was suspicious. Much more so when she forced him to wear a blindfold and dance along. She was crazy, for sure. But she also was impossible to shut up unless she gets what she wants. So Hana yielded.

For the next few days, it was just like that between the two. Just sitting idly in the living room, with different music playing in the background together. To be honest, his lack of resistance came from Hanako knowing he’d be immobilized if he refused. His aunt was fond of playful ways to get revenge. But eventually, it didn’t become a chore anymore. Bored of sitting around, he eventually stood up and walked around. Often bumping into things here. The darkness was uncomfortable, but with time, it was accepted.

Soon, the night wasn't the only time that he blindfolded himself. Even the brightest mornings didn’t stop him from wrapping any sort of thick cloth over his eyes. Swaying to background noise and walking around his new home with nothing to rely on but his other 4 senses only sharpened them overtime.

Eventually, he no longer stumbled into anything. As if his other 4 senses were enough honed for it not to affect him if his sight was compromised. An unexpected outcome from an odd coping mechanism. Useful nonetheless. Perhaps his crazy aunt wasn’t all that whacked in the head.

w/c: 521
note: the summer threads regarding this haven't happened yet, but what's supposed to happen as been approved by index right here. Not even sure if this is needed, but I just wanted to be safe.
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Hanako Tone on 17 Aug 2022, 00:31, edited 2 times in total.

707 Defender of Justice once said, " Honesty is a luxury for me. What if I go out of my way to be honest, and something bad happens? " (2016).
13 Aug 2022, 21:49
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Encyclopedia Link: Here!
Applying for: Impartial [Year 5]
Bridget had never really understood the interest in attractiveness. Sure, she could say, objectively, that someone was conventionally attractive. It just seemed like that was more than a passing observation for others. From what she'd gathered, being good-looking generated interest, was something that rose feelings of envy or desire. Or something. She supposed looking put-together was important to be taken seriously, and she knew many of her peers were becoming interested in relationships. How someone's looks could ever be a better indicator than personality in finding a person worth your time, Bridget didn't know, but maybe that was just how it was. There was scientific support for that being the case; she remembered learning that species evolved with biological ornaments to attract mates.

For her, the ornaments of a good hairstyle or pretty eyes or a well-shaped nose just didn't mean anything. They were, at most, nice to look at sometimes; she still drew occasionally and it was a nice challenge to try to replicate those societally approved proportions. It certainly didn't affect how she acted around them. Marion Davenport could be considered pretty, but the facts she was a hag more than capable of leaving horrible curses and quite possibly death in her wake were infinitely more important.

Those few times Bridget had properly thought about all of this, which was mostly just on Valentine's Day when love was pink streamers in their faces, she'd concluded that it was probably just because she wasn't looking for a partner. She was busy with school and duelling, with working hard to set herself up for future success. As long as she had her friends, she was perfectly content, and she'd be loathe to cram her already-full schedule with a relationship so that she didn't have time for them. And besides, what was the point of dating at fifteen? It wasn't going to last.

So she was just going to carry on with her life of library books and duelling practice and friends and her pet rat. She'd keep seeing those deemed pretty as just another face in the crowd, because it took effort to see them as anything different anyway. She'd keep hitting all of her duelling opponents just as hard; it wasn't like there was any damage she could do to a nice face that the hospital wing couldn't fix. Maybe she would get it eventually, this interest in appearance, maybe she was just a late-bloomer. And if not, it seemed like all she was missing out on was a distraction.

Word Count | 421/400
STATUS: Approved

STA 11 • EVA 13 • STR 7 • WIS 15 • ARC 10 • ACC 15
Sixth Sense • Evasive Maneuvers • Prodigal DADA • Perfectionist • Impartial • Nonverbal Magic