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Estelle Nyx
26 Nov 2010
London, England
Third year, Gryffindor
32,3 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring

House: Gryffindor

Physical Description: Short blonde hair with the ends dyed pink and blue, pale skin, a smattering of freckles, sapphire blue eyes. Her height is 5' 0''
Mental Description: Friendly and cheerful, loves reading and magic, will always help her friends, even if it could put her in danger. She loves studying magic and will always try to learn new things. She has dreams of being a magiczoologist and loves magical creatures. Her favourite type of sweet is a Fizzing Whizzbee.
Her parents loved and supported her study of magic from a young age. Her father left the Nyx family - a pureblood family - in order to marry her mother (a muggle). Her parents both work as newspaper reporters, but fully support her dreams of becoming a magiczoologist.
Her father travels all around England and occasionally to other countries as part of his job, and he often takes Estelle with him. During one of those trips, Estelle and her father travelled to see wild Hippogriffs in Scotland. Estelle was transfixed by the beauty of these noble creatures and was determined to find a job that protects them and all other magical creatures. Estelle dreams of being a magic zoologist like her icon, Newt Scamander. She has a battered copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them which she keeps on her at all times, just incase (not that she needs it, she's read it so many times by now that she's practically memorised it).
For the first 10 years of her life, Estelle went to a muggle primary school. She made many friends, but struggled with keeping the secret of magic from her friends. Luckily, none of them suspected anything strange. They all loved magic (the Muggle ideas of it anyway) and bonded over it. As they grew older, Estelle knew she would have to leave her friends in order to go to Hogwarts. She eventually told them she was going to boarding school. She misses them but knows Hogwarts is the place for her.
First Instance of Magic: At school, Estelle was picked on for believing in magic. Two young boys would steal her bag and dump it's contents into a bin or river. However, Estelle did not retaliate and they eventually left her alone. A few weeks later, in an empty classroom after school her best friend was bullied by these boys. Estelle tried to stop them and they punched her. Estelle fought back, and in her rage accidentally shrunk the boys' ears. After that, even with the Ministry of Magic obliterating them, they left her alone.

Is your character a Broom Racer? NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? NO.
Is your character a Duelist? YES.
Muggle-bornxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 02/09/2010xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
French Canadianxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Toronto, Canadaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Third Yearxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Coded by: Winnie Harper

House: Thunderbird
Physical Description: Nate has short, messy brown hair. His eyes are a dark green, though are often mistaken for brown. He has a thin, athletic build and pale skin. His height is 5 foot 1
Mental Description: Daring and witty, Nate appears charming to those who like him, and arrogant to those who don't. He loves to make jokes and play sports. To others, he seems to be fearless, however that is a facade. He is actually insecure and timid, although very few people know that. He loves to play sports and is very athletic, but he also loves to paint when he's alone and is an avid reader.
History/Background Story:
Nate was born in Quebec on the 2nd of November 2010. He never knew his father and has never wanted to know. His mother raised him in Montreal until he was five, when she got a job in Toronto and they moved. French is his first language and he is fluent in both French and English.
As a kid, he was very shy. He was reluctant to make friends and preferred to read on his own rather than interacting with others. However, this all changed when he joined the school soccer team. He soon made friends with many of the other team members and gained in confidence. However, some of his friends began to make mean jokes about his paintings. He stopped painting and threw himself into his soccer, becoming one of the best members on the team. He was a Keeper and rarely let a goal in, helping the team win many matches.
Weird stuff always seemed to follow Nate around as a child. Both he and his mother brushed it off as luck or coincidence. But this couldn't have been a coincidence. When Nate was eight, he was climbing a tree in his garden. His mother was standing at the window, watching him. He had been climbing the tree since he was little, and his mother, Marie, trusted him not to go too high. However, on that day, Nate had decided to see if he could climb a little higher than normal. He wasn't particularly high up, but the wet, cobbled floor below posed a danger if he fell. Which he did. Nate slipped on a wet branch and tumbled out of the tree. His mother rushed out of the door, terrified he was hurt and found him sitting at the base of the tree. He looked up at her, a confused expression on his face. Rather than hitting the ground, he had floated for a moment, a few centimetres from the cobbles below, then had fallen and landed safely. Marie had no words. She was just glad that he was safe.
As he got older, he realised that his friends weren't exactly what they seemed. He was still friends with them, but he drifted away from them and began painting again.
When he was about to turn eleven, he received his Hogwarts letter. A witch came to explain everything about magic. He was very sceptical, but his mum fully accepted it, realising it was an explanation for many of the things that had happened to Nate as he grew up. Nate began to research magic and discovered Quidditch, a game which he was eager to learn to play.

Is your character a Broom Racer? NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES.
Is your character a Duelist? NO.
- If you ever want to start a RP with me, just owl -
Es' Languages:
English: #490085
Spanish: #fb098a
Nate's Languages
English: #056303
French: #073ad5

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Star sign: Sagittarius
Relationships: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
Faceclaim: Enid Sinclair
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 13
Star sign: Virgo
Relationships: Single
Sexuality: Gay
Faceclaim: Louis Partridge
Out Of Character
RP: Open!β™₯
Reply: 1 day to 2 weeksβ™₯
Activity: Every dayβ™₯
OOC House: Slytherin𓆙β™₯
Discord: @estellenyx26
Es' Trunk Coding for Ency Updates

Code: Select all

[center][size=115]CHARA STATS⠀⠀⠀─────────────[/size]β €[i]sta β€’ 7 | eva β€’ 7 | str β€’ 5  | wis β€’ 7 |arc β€’ 7 | acc β€’ 7 [/i][/center][size=115]β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜[/size][quote] COMPONENTS |[i]
This allows Estelle to find many potion ingredients.[/i]
When Estelle was little, she was always fascinated by the plants that poked through the fence at the edge of her school playground. She knew better than to eat them, but loved to look at the patterns of the leaves and the colourful flowers and berries.

When she got a little older, this translated into a love of plants and potions. She used to pick little flower petals and leaves from her parents' flowerbeds and mix them with shampoo and food dyes, making herself colourful potions that she could play with.

When both her parents were away reporting on news stories, they would leave her at her Grandfather's (on her mother's side) house. Her grandfather was a botanist, specialising in herbs and medicinal plants and he soon realised that Estelle shared his love of plants. He bought Estelle a guide to plants and their uses (only non-magical plants - he is a Muggle) and taught her how to safely store and use plants within natural medicines.

As Estelle lives in central London, she couldn't grow many plants in her small garden, but the acre or so of land outside her Grandfather's house was more than large enough to grow any plant she desired, and he had greenhouses for warmer plants that were unaccustomed to the cold climate. She grew plants with him and learnt about their medicinal properties and how to care for them properly.

Her father (who is a wizard) soon discovered Estelle's love of plants and took her on trips to see magical plants on her holidays. She learnt how to look after many of them and the uses of them in relation to magical healing and other magical uses. She collected sprigs from some of the plants to take home and grow in her garden.

Before going to Hogwarts, Estelle decided to take some cuttings of the plants from both her and her Grandfather's gardens to use in potions (she obviously didn't tell her Grandfather that - she said she was keeping them in case any of her new school friends got hurt). She put them in small herb bag in her trunk to protect them from the elements. If she sees any plants that could be used, Estelle always takes cuttings of them in order to help those around her. She hopes this knowledge will be useful to her and the creatures she helps if she achieves her dream of being a magiczoologist.
Aloe vera
Beetle's black eyes
Boom berries
Cranberry extract
Dried nettles
Flower heads
Holly Branch
Mistletoe berries
Peacock feather
Potato peelings
Rotten fig
Standard ingredient
Star grass
[size=110]BEAST MASTER[/size] | [i]This allows Athena to bring Estelle items, Show Estelle things and have a health bar with attacks[/i]
Athena had always been a very clever cat. She had worked out how to open her cage on multiple occasions, leading the owner of the Magical Menagerie having to put a locking charm on her cage. She loved lounging in the sunlight that filtered through the pet shop windows and chasing everything and anything that caught her eye. Sometimes, her curiosity would get the better of her and she'd sneak out when the owner was asleep and explore Diagon Alley.

However, one day, the owner forgot to lock her cage and Athena had her run of the shop. She climbed the enclosures, chased a few mice and played with a loose string inside a book. Strange place to leave a piece of string, but humans were strange like that.

Athena heard the doorbell ring and jumped up on the cages. She assessed the person who had just entered the shop. The girl had short, blonde hair and a smattering of freckles on her pale cheeks. She seemed excited, if a little nervous to be buying a pet and her eyes were constantly moving, analysing each potential pet.

The girl smiled at the shopkeeper and walked around the shop. She stopped at each pet. She was clearly very thorough and wanted to assess each pet. Athena respected that.

The girl stopped in front of a large, tawny owl and Athena decided it was time to introduce herself. She walked up to the girl and greeted her with a rub to the leg. The girl glanced down and stroked her head. Just as Athena was about to purr, the lady who owned the shop grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and picked her up.

Athena mewed annoyedly. She had wanted to get to know this girl.

Before the shop owner could put Athena away however, the girl asked if she could hold Athena. The owner agreed and the girl held her gently and stroked her head. Athena purred contentedly. She had decided that this would be her human.


In the following weeks, Estelle taught Athena many tricks. One of Athena's favourites was finding herbs and plants for Estelle. She loved the way Estelle's face lit up when Athena brought her leaves of wild garlic or a sprig of mint.

One day, Estelle was upstairs, asleep, when Athena saw a new person enter the house. He seemed like bad news and Athena was worried that he would try to harm Estelle or her parents.

The suspicious man was dressed in all black and had broken the window latch. Athena bolted upstairs. Estelle had left her wand on a pillow at the corner of the room and Athena grabbed it on her way.

Athena rushed into Estelle's room and dropped the wand on her bed . She than hit Estelle's alarm clock onto the floor, setting it off. Estelle yawned and tried to turn the alarm off. Athena mewed furiously. Estelle clearly hadn't grasped the seriousness of this situation. She grabbed the wand and used it to poke Estelle, who woke up and groaned at Athena.

Athena dropped the wand in Estelle's lap and mewed again. Estelle sighed.

"What is it you want gatita  ?"

Estelle followed Athena downstairs. She was confused and annoyed that Athena had awoken her.

Estelle stopped abruptly at a crashing sound from downstairs. She realised that that was what Athena had been trying to tell her. There was a burglar downstairs.

Estelle rushed upstairs and woke her parents who managed to catch the burglar and report him to the police.

Estelle was so thankful to Athena for warning her. She resolved to always listen to her and gave her a tin of tuna as a reward. Athena was just happy that everyone was safe. She loved her human.[/reducio]

Dancing-Feet Spell β€’ Tarantallegra 
Mending Charm β€’ Reparo 
Levitation Charm β€’ Wingardium Leviosa 
Wand-Lighting Charm β€’ Lumos 
Wand-Extinguishing Charm β€’ Nox 
Locking Charm β€’ Colloportus 
Unlocking Charm β€’ Alohomora 
Umbrella Spell β€’ Pluvia Velo 
Whistle to Watch β€’ Tunc Sibilus 
Snail to Teapot β€’ Choclea Bibe 
Glass to Sand β€’ Quarzicum 
Sauce-Making Spell β€’ Condimentum 
Matchbox Transformation Spell β€’ Flintifors 
Matchstick to Needle β€’ Conmutocus 
Untransfiguration β€’ Reparifarge 
Green Sparks Charm β€’ Verdimillious 
Red Spark Charm β€’ Periculum 
Curse of the Bogies β€’ Mucus ad Nauseam 
Knockback Jinx β€’ Flipendo 
Smokescreen Spell β€’ Fumos 
Eyeglass Repair Charm β€’ Oculus Reparo 
Sneezing Hex β€’ Steleus 
Bubble-Producing Charm β€’ Bullarum Immortalem 
Scouring Charm β€’ Scourgify 
Passage Opening Charm β€’ Dissendium 
Mice to Snuffboxes β€’ Muspyxis 
Opening Charm β€’ Aberto 
Take Root β€’ Anathema Daphnis 
Shooting Spell β€’ Jaculor 
Snowflake-Creating Spell β€’ Nix Facitur 
Bewitched Snowballs β€’ Nive Percutio
Fire-Making Spell β€’ Incendio 
Extinguishing Charm β€’ Extinguo 
Four-Point Spell β€’ Point Me
Cure for Boils
Herbicide Potion
Forgetfulness Potion
Antidote to Common Poisons 
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons 
Bruise Removal Paste 
Burn Healing Paste 
Babbling Beverage 
Confusing Concoction 
Dizziness Draught 
Muffling Draught 
Dogbreath Potion 
Pompion Potion 
[size=75]trunk coding by @Draven Mirador[/size]
Looking for someone to turn Es into a werewolf:
