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7 Feb 2023, 11:01
How to get access to these places
I'll keep record here. You can ask/answer

Potions Storeroom
Last edited by Cassie Jiang on 7 Feb 2023, 11:10, edited 4 times in total.

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

choco froggies buy&sell Wisdom Ball

7 Feb 2023, 11:01
How to get access to these places
How to get access to Potions Storeroom/Kitchen

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

choco froggies buy&sell Wisdom Ball

7 Feb 2023, 11:12
How to get access to these places
Cassie Jiang wrote: 7 Feb 2023, 11:01 How to get access to Potions Storeroom/Kitchen
I think the Potions Storeroom is open for 4th years and up

Rita Su - Hufflepuff Andy Menton - Ilvermorny, Thunderbird
Color code: Rita: #560edd Andy: #c40e0e
Rita`s Ency Andy`s Ency Shop

7 Feb 2023, 11:20
How to get access to these places
This is not updated yet. I haven't updated it in about a year. Credit to this list belongs to Delilah Stewart.
Year Granted Permissions
First Year
1) Astronomy
2) Headmaster's Office
3) Owlery
4) Letters
5) Divination
6) Caretaker's Office
7) Study of Ancient Runes
8) Transfiguration
9) Lavatory
10) Duelling Club
11) Ballroom
12) Rehearsal Room
13) Charms
14) Hospital Wing
15) Trophy Room
16) Study Room
17) Corridors
18) Abandoned Toilets
19) Classroom
20) Defense Against The Dark Arts
21) History of Magic
22) Muggle Studies
23) Entrance Hall
24) Bulletin Board
25) Timeline
26) Great Hall
27) Small Hall
28) Library
29) Shelves
30) Prep Room
31) Hogwarts Headliner
32) Courtyard
33) Grounds
34) Campgrounds
35) Herbology
36) Care of Magical Creatures
37) Flying
38) Quidditch Training Pitch
39) Quidditch Pitch
40) Outdoor Club Area
41) Great Lake
42) Kitchen
43) Potions
44) Dungeons

Leaky Cauldron
1) At The Counter
2) Great Hall
3) Bedrooms
4) Private Lounges
5) Clans and Clubs
6) Out of Character Shops

Diagon Alley
1) Daily Prophet
2) Gringotts
3) Flourish and Blotts
4) Magical Menagerie
5) Madam Malkin
6) Ollivanders
7) Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
8) Apothecary Shop
9) Potage's Cauldron Shop
10) Dogweed & Deathcap
11) Quality Quidditch Supplies

1) Leaky Cauldron
2) Diagon Alley
3) Platform 9 3/4
4) Hogwarts Express
5) St Mungo's Hospital
6) London Quidditch Stadium
7) City of London
8) City of Westminister
9) West London
10) East London
11) Elsewhere
12) Azkaban
13) Beaubaxton
14) Durmstrang
15) Illivermony
16) Koldovstoretz
17) Mahoutokoro
18) Castelbruxo
19) Uagadou

Ministry of Magic
1) Minister's Office
2) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports
3) Head of Department of magical Law Enforcement
4) Head of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
5) Head of Department of International Magical Cooperation
6) Head of Magical Transportation
7) Atrium
8) Head of Department of Mysteries
9) Courtrooms
Second Year
1) Keeper of Keys and Grounds' Cabin

Ministry of Magic
1) Wizengamot
2) Auror Department
3) Goblin Liaison Office
4) Foreign and Commonwealth Office
5) Floo Regulation Panel
6) British and Irish Quidditch Headquarters
7) Brain Room
Third Year
Ministry of Magic
1) Improper Use of Magic Office
2) Obliviators Headquarters
3) Beast Division
4) International Magical Trading Standard Body
5) Broom Regulatory Control
6) Ludicrous Patents Office
7) Time Room

1) Main Square
2) Three Broomsticks
3) Dervish and Banges
4) Post Office
5) Honeydukes
6) Gladrags Wizardwear
7) Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
8) Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
9) Hogs Head
10) Muggle Artefacts
11) Zonko's Joke Shop
12) Hogsmeade Station
Fourth Year
1) Room of Requirements
2) Forbidden Forest
3) Potions Storeroom

Ministry of Magic
1) Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
2) The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
3) Being Division
4) International Magical Office
5) Portkey Office
6) Broom Racing Supervisory Board
7) Space Chamber
Fifth Year
1) Basement

Ministry of Magic
1) Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee
2) Ambassador's Office
3) Apparation Test Centre
4) Official Gobstone Club
5) Death Chamber
Sixth Year
*the stuff that resides here with a "?
1) Godric's Hollow?
2) Grimmauld Place?

Ministry of Magic
1) Secretary of State?
2) Office of Misinformation?
3) Pest Sub-Division?
4) International Council's Liaison Office?
5) Knight Bus Line Committee?
6) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports?
7) Love Chamber?
8) Hall of Prophecy?
Seventh Year
*the stuff that resides here with a "?
Diagon Alley/Knockturn
1) Andrew Walk
2) Borgin and Burkes
3) Sisyphe's Materials

1) Knockturn Alley
2) Godric's Hollow?
3) Grimmauld Place?

Ministry of Magic
1) Secretary of State?
2) Office of Misinformation?
3) Pest Sub-Division?
4) International Council's Liaison Office?
5) Knight Bus Line Committee?
6) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports?
7) Love Chamber?
8) Hall of Prophecy?
1) Prefects' Bathroom

Ministry of Magic
1) Head of House' Office
2) Conference Room
3) Staffroom
4) Prefects' Room
5) Mentors
6) Staff Archives
Special Races/House Restricted
Part Goblin
1) Diagon Alley- Gringotts- Secret Goblin Forum

1) Hogsmeade- Shrieking Shack

1) Hogwarts- Chamber of Secrets

1) Hogwarts- Hufflepuff

1) Hogwarts- Gryffindor

1) Hogwarts- Ravenclaw

1) Hogwarts- Slytherin

“There are people dying. Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life, the greatest gift of all” - We Are The World (USA For Africa)

7 Feb 2023, 11:42
How to get access to these places
Oh, thanks Clarkie!

Rita Su - Hufflepuff Andy Menton - Ilvermorny, Thunderbird
Color code: Rita: #560edd Andy: #c40e0e
Rita`s Ency Andy`s Ency Shop

7 Feb 2023, 11:44
How to get access to these places
Clark William Baird-Carter wrote: 7 Feb 2023, 11:20
This is not updated yet. I haven't updated it in about a year. Credit to this list belongs to Delilah Stewart.
Year Granted Permissions
First Year
1) Astronomy
2) Headmaster's Office
3) Owlery
4) Letters
5) Divination
6) Caretaker's Office
7) Study of Ancient Runes
8) Transfiguration
9) Lavatory
10) Duelling Club
11) Ballroom
12) Rehearsal Room
13) Charms
14) Hospital Wing
15) Trophy Room
16) Study Room
17) Corridors
18) Abandoned Toilets
19) Classroom
20) Defense Against The Dark Arts
21) History of Magic
22) Muggle Studies
23) Entrance Hall
24) Bulletin Board
25) Timeline
26) Great Hall
27) Small Hall
28) Library
29) Shelves
30) Prep Room
31) Hogwarts Headliner
32) Courtyard
33) Grounds
34) Campgrounds
35) Herbology
36) Care of Magical Creatures
37) Flying
38) Quidditch Training Pitch
39) Quidditch Pitch
40) Outdoor Club Area
41) Great Lake
42) Kitchen
43) Potions
44) Dungeons

Leaky Cauldron
1) At The Counter
2) Great Hall
3) Bedrooms
4) Private Lounges
5) Clans and Clubs
6) Out of Character Shops

Diagon Alley
1) Daily Prophet
2) Gringotts
3) Flourish and Blotts
4) Magical Menagerie
5) Madam Malkin
6) Ollivanders
7) Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
8) Apothecary Shop
9) Potage's Cauldron Shop
10) Dogweed & Deathcap
11) Quality Quidditch Supplies

1) Leaky Cauldron
2) Diagon Alley
3) Platform 9 3/4
4) Hogwarts Express
5) St Mungo's Hospital
6) London Quidditch Stadium
7) City of London
8) City of Westminister
9) West London
10) East London
11) Elsewhere
12) Azkaban
13) Beaubaxton
14) Durmstrang
15) Illivermony
16) Koldovstoretz
17) Mahoutokoro
18) Castelbruxo
19) Uagadou

Ministry of Magic
1) Minister's Office
2) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports
3) Head of Department of magical Law Enforcement
4) Head of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
5) Head of Department of International Magical Cooperation
6) Head of Magical Transportation
7) Atrium
8) Head of Department of Mysteries
9) Courtrooms
Second Year
1) Keeper of Keys and Grounds' Cabin

Ministry of Magic
1) Wizengamot
2) Auror Department
3) Goblin Liaison Office
4) Foreign and Commonwealth Office
5) Floo Regulation Panel
6) British and Irish Quidditch Headquarters
7) Brain Room
Third Year
Ministry of Magic
1) Improper Use of Magic Office
2) Obliviators Headquarters
3) Beast Division
4) International Magical Trading Standard Body
5) Broom Regulatory Control
6) Ludicrous Patents Office
7) Time Room

1) Main Square
2) Three Broomsticks
3) Dervish and Banges
4) Post Office
5) Honeydukes
6) Gladrags Wizardwear
7) Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
8) Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
9) Hogs Head
10) Muggle Artefacts
11) Zonko's Joke Shop
12) Hogsmeade Station
Fourth Year
1) Room of Requirements
2) Forbidden Forest
3) Potions Storeroom

Ministry of Magic
1) Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
2) The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
3) Being Division
4) International Magical Office
5) Portkey Office
6) Broom Racing Supervisory Board
7) Space Chamber
Fifth Year
1) Basement

Ministry of Magic
1) Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee
2) Ambassador's Office
3) Apparation Test Centre
4) Official Gobstone Club
5) Death Chamber
Sixth Year
*the stuff that resides here with a "?
1) Godric's Hollow?
2) Grimmauld Place?

Ministry of Magic
1) Secretary of State?
2) Office of Misinformation?
3) Pest Sub-Division?
4) International Council's Liaison Office?
5) Knight Bus Line Committee?
6) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports?
7) Love Chamber?
8) Hall of Prophecy?
Seventh Year
*the stuff that resides here with a "?
Diagon Alley/Knockturn
1) Andrew Walk
2) Borgin and Burkes
3) Sisyphe's Materials

1) Knockturn Alley
2) Godric's Hollow?
3) Grimmauld Place?

Ministry of Magic
1) Secretary of State?
2) Office of Misinformation?
3) Pest Sub-Division?
4) International Council's Liaison Office?
5) Knight Bus Line Committee?
6) Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports?
7) Love Chamber?
8) Hall of Prophecy?
1) Prefects' Bathroom

Ministry of Magic
1) Head of House' Office
2) Conference Room
3) Staffroom
4) Prefects' Room
5) Mentors
6) Staff Archives
Special Races/House Restricted
Part Goblin
1) Diagon Alley- Gringotts- Secret Goblin Forum

1) Hogsmeade- Shrieking Shack

1) Hogwarts- Chamber of Secrets

1) Hogwarts- Hufflepuff

1) Hogwarts- Gryffindor

1) Hogwarts- Ravenclaw

1) Hogwarts- Slytherin
I am going to update it tomorrow :)

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

choco froggies buy&sell Wisdom Ball