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29 Jan 2022, 01:26
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Adelaide Barlowe
Schooling Year: First Year
House: Ravenclaw
Link to Encyclopedia: x
Reason for Reapplication: Added history on the Barlowe's and the Ashford's and family members that weren't previously mentioned. Will add to ency if this is approved. I have also already added information about her parents and sister to the family section but I am just mentioning it here in case I need to get it approved.

maternal side:
Liliana Davies (née Ashford) | Pureblood | Graduated Ravenclaw | 38 years | Aunt | Professor at Ilvermorny | Lives in America with her child and husband
Anthony Davies | Pureblood | Graduated Wampus | 40 years | Uncle | Lives in America with his child and wife Liliana
Louise Davies | Pureblood | 5th year Wampus | 16 years | Cousin
Tony Ashford | Pureblood | Graduated Gryffindor | 66 years | Maternal Grandfather | Retired and living in London with his wife
Molly Ashford | Pureblood | Graduated Hufflepuff | 66 years | Maternal Grandmother | Retired and living in London with her husband

paternal side:
Elijah Barlowe | Pureblood | Graduated Slytherin | 70 years | Paternal Grandfather | Deceased
Cora Barlowe | Pureblood | Graduated Slytherin | 71 years | Paternal Grandmother | Retired
Jason Barlowe | Pureblood | Graduated Slytherin | 39 years | Uncle | Auror
Amethyst Barlowe | Pureblood | Graduated Slytherin | 39 years | Aunt | Works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

the ashford history:
While the Ashford family are considered an old Pure-blood family, they are not your typical Pure-blood family. They have been open and accepting of Muggle-borns from the very start and they highly dislike blood supremacists. For this reason, most of the family does not attend any prestigious Pure-blood events. Adelaide's mother, Evelyn, rarely attends Pure-blood events and so they will usually never be seen at one. Most of the family have been Hufflepuffs, although a few turned out to be Gryffindors and even a few Ravenclaws.

Evelyn's parents did not agree with Evelyn marrying Sebastian at first, as they were not a fan of the Barlowe's teachings, but Evelyn reassured them that Sebastian was not like that at all and when they soon found that to be true, they started to take a liking to him and quickly accepted their marriage. Adelaide sees her maternal grandparents quite often, although she does not see much of her aunt, uncle or cousin since they live in America unless it is a family gathering or during the holidays.

the barlowe history:
The Barlowe family go back many generations, and are the generic blueprint of the 'wealthy, blood elitists, we're better than everyone' type of families. The older generations were very adamant that they were better than everyone simply because of their blood status, but the newer generations are less blood elitist and are more open and accepting of Muggle-borns (although some family members of the newer generation still follow the old ways). Most, if not all of the family members, were Slytherins during their time at Hogwarts. Although, despite their beliefs, none of the family members ever showed an interest in the Dark Arts and they were extremely against the Dark Lord.

Adelaide does not keep in contact with the paternal side of her family as her father, Sebastian, was determined to not poison his daughter's brains with nonsense about being superior simply because your blood is pure. He is very adamant in teaching that they should treat every wizard with respect, no matter their blood status.
Approved, except the aunt. We do not allow active professor relatives for other schools.

Adelaide | Vivienne | HEX: #aa6f73
STA: 6 | EVA: 8 | STR: 5 | WIS: 8 | ARC: 6 | ACC: 9

'cause i feel like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best'

2 Feb 2022, 19:29
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Henry Knight
Schooling Year: Third Year
House: Slytherin
Link to Encyclopedia: Here
Reason for Reapplication:
- Creation of a group of kids (npcs) in godric hollow called Godric's Clan
- Henry is named after his grandfather ( his mum's father)
Parts below will be added to the history once approved:
Ivy Knight stared at her two twins, names already choosen for the two. For her daughter, she decided on the name Annabeth. She chose the name because 'Annabeth' means full of grace and she sees a 'special' light within her daughter. One that she couldn't help but smile at her.

For her son, Ivy knew two of her children had names that begun with the letter 'A' and were characters from books. However, with her son she decided on a different path. Naming him Henry after her father, Ivy saw a large part of herself and her father in her som as she wanting to remeber that part of her life.

Ivy smiled at him. She smiled at Henry Knight,
a boy with more family than he would grow to believe.

While living in godric hollow, there was a group of kids that came together. Forming a group. These kids aren't all freinds or enemies, only a group that came together to pass the time. The group called themselves Godric's clan and their unofficial leaders were Annabeth Knight and Naomi Soto. The group spent their days in the library, running around the streets, putting on little shows for family and neighbors, and with the occasional pranking and mischief making.

Apart from the group, Henry and Annabeth grew close to Naomi. The three of them becoming a close knit trio, always hanging out and sleeping over at each other's houses. The three cared for each other deeply but then was extremely hearybroken when Naomi moved to France and the Knights moved to Liverpool.

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Henry Knight on 4 Feb 2022, 22:36, edited 2 times in total.

"There's no such thing as strange creatures, only blinked people" - Newt Scamander

4 Feb 2022, 19:31
Index Re-Application
Character Name: Logan Baird
Schooling Year: Third Year
House: Hufflepuff
Link to Encyclopedia: Here
Reason for Reapplication: None of the changes will effect Logan at the current moment/past, but may effect her in the future.
Change in Maternal Grandfather's Blood-status
Current status: Half blood ---> Change to: Muggleborn
Reason: The Elders family are known to not force the marriage of pureblood but expect it. Changing from half-blood to muggleborn will make it a more drastic surprise and a large reason for it to be hidden that some of the Elders children's are not pureblood. Logan's mother blood status would then be changed to half-blood. Logan's blood status would not change.
Maternal Grandparent Additions
Logan's maternal grandmother's name was Bella. She moved to the US after graduating Hogwarts to meet the Pureblood wizard that her family wanted her to marry, although they were not forcing her. While in America, Bella met a muggle-born wizard named Harry Ashtons. Harry was a recent Ilvermorney graduate and the two hit it off quickly. The man Bella was supposed to marry did not agree with the friendship Bella had made with the muggleborn man and broke of the unofficial engagement they had. Bella and Harry got married soon after and had four children. At the age of 33, Harry died unexpectedly three months after the birth of his youngest child. Bella moved back to England and raised her children with her parents. Not having heard anything from the man she was supposed to marry, her family believed she had married him and these were his children. To be able to keep the family fortune, she continued to let the family believe she had married the pureblood man but kept her last name after his death.
Baird vs Elders
The Baird family and Elders family have been close for many years. In years past a man named Lucian Elders married Eliza Baird and the family had been close since. The Baird family, even with accepting muggle born and half blood into their lines since the late 1800's have never liked their bloodline to be "unpure." Most family members who do not marry pureblood were removed from ever gaining the family fortune.

After the marriage of Olivia Elders and Adam Baird (Logan's parents), everything seemed like everything was going fine. It was not until after the birth of their first child that it came to light that the Elders were no longer a pure line. The man Bella Elders was supposed to marry was friends with a Baird family member. Having been told this man was Olivia Elders father, it surprised the family when he said he was in fact not her father and that Bella had run off with a Muggleborn soon after her arrival to the US.

The Baird family agreed not to remove Adam and his future children from the family fortune, but they had to lose all contact with the rest of the Elders family. Not having much of a choice, as the Baird fortune was their main source of living, Olivia lost contact with her family after telling them what had occurred and informing them of their actual blood status. Olivia and Adam kept their promise of losing contact until the death of Olivia Baird when they all gathered at her funeral. Since then, no contact has been made between Baird or Elders.
Additional Cousins
Adding unmentioned half-blood cousins on Elders family side. Peter, Mary, Eliza, and Andrew children of Bayard Elders and Ella-Nora Richards. Do not attend Hogwarts.
Note: Can provide written family tree if needed
STATUS: [b]Approved[/b]

"Logan is blood miserable" ~ Clark 2023

6 Feb 2022, 16:44
Index Re-Application
Opeila Winters wrote: 4 Sep 2021, 16:52
Character name (First name and last name): Opeila Winters
Schooling Year: Third Year
House: Slytherin
Link to the Encyclopedia file: Opeila's Encyclopedia
Reason why I re-apply: I fleshed out Opeila's family tree and added some scandalous drama, yay! Partly following up on my last re-application.
Additionally I have some future plans I'd like to have validated before playing them out.
Note: None of this is reflected in my ency yet. My ency is currently a heavy wip.
Overview of Opeila's family tree- The edited/expanded parts are only the Seilun family and mainly the Ravensburgs and Blanchards.

The Seiluns
Before Tobias switched places with his twin brother, he had started his own family. Felicity is his wife, Garcia his first daughter, Venice and Roran the following twins and Ariadna the youngest. All of them are muggles, Opeila does not know of their existence.

The Ravensburgs and Blanchards
Vianne Ravensburg
She is the sister of Maybell's father Leopold. When she was very young still, she was sent away to her aunt in France, Valèntina, to live with her and go to Beauxbatons like her own mother, Aléxandra. No one knew about Valèntina's shame then, she wasn't given much attention by her family, being an unmarried woman, a second born at that with no influence. So it was not hard for the woman to not tell anyone about her pregnancy. After Auline Blanchard was born, she would tell everyone that she was the orphan of a friend from Beauxbatons that she had agreed to take in- a pureblood friend of course. Otherwise Vianne would have never been allowed to go. Vianne and Auline being of similar age went to Beauxbatons together and grew very close. She also had a close relationship with her aunt, who handled things a lot less strictly than her parents and raised Vianne to question the expectations they were meant to fulfill as purebloods. It was no big surprise that Auline did not fulfill those expectations, but instead outed herself as lesbian to her mother and Vianne. Only when she married another girl from Beauxbatons, a halfblood, they couldn't hide any longer and Vianne's parents ordered her to come back home.
They cut off contact with Valèntina and her daughter and forbid Vianne to write to them.

They arranged a betrothal with one of Leopold's friends from Hogwarts, one that Vianne didn't agree with. She had turned to her brother Leopold for help but he refused, rather belittling his sister's wishes and telling her not to make such a deal out of it. So in one night, Vianne left Ravensburg Manor and fled the country. She went back to France and asked Auline and her wife Irri to take her in, who agreed. For a few months Vianne stayed with them until she could find a job and had enough money to afford an appartment of her own. It was nowhere as luxurious as Ravensburg Manor or Valèntina's house, but it was her place.
Only years later she would write to her parents, trying not to cut off her family entirely, but insisting on her position. She would receive a cold response and none ever again after that.

Only from her brother she would hear again, ironically it was a call for help. His wife had run away with his child and he couldn't find them. A request Vianne was too happy to ignore, she couldn't understand how her brother could send such a request to her, of all people, anyway.
She still lives in France.
Irri and Auline had adopted a child around Opeila's age (at 4 years old), Valerie. They live a happy life in France too and regularly meet up with Vianne, who is treated as Valerie's aunt.

Future Plans
Opeila being a third year seer can now have visions.
Currently she is convinced that Leopold killed her sister (This was a misunderstanding- approved in my former re-application), now she will have a strange dream during the winter holidays about Leopold finding out about Maybell's and Fioria's death- he is shocked and rather upset about it really. Opeila doesn't know then what Leopold looks like, but after she wakes up she goes through some books in Virtanen Manor and finds that he looks exactly the same as he had in her dream. For her this means that Leopold didn't kill Maybell and that he is not after her, so that she can stop hiding. She tries to tell Lord and Lady Virtanen, who don't really trust her judgement enough to give green light.
Opeila allows them to look at that memory and the Virtanens allow her to use their pensieve (I talked to Caradoc about this, legilimency was a no but he said that as a magical family they are allowed to own a pensieve). Lady Virtanen shows her how to use it and Opeila successfully manages to show them her dream.

The Virtanens believe her now, only Opeila had too high expectations. She wanted to go ahead and look for her father who is still on the run, but the Virtanens don't allow her to do so- he's a muggle, he won't help her or bring her forward in her life. Instead they bring the Ravensburgs into her life as well as her grandfather, Dorian Crane, to push her into the 'right' direction. It is their goal to make Opeila the heir of the Crane bloodline despite being a halfblood and as the Cranes are known for their rather predictable pattern of passing on the seer gene, they are sure that the 'flaw' of her blood status won't be problematic in terms of convenient marriage for example. Opeila secretly gets in touch with Vianne and the Blanchards, asking for help.
STATUS: Approved
Sorry it took so long
Character Name (First and last name): Opeila Winters
Schooling Year: Third Year
House: Slytherin
Link to Encyclopedia: My Ency
Reason for Reapplication:
Next step of the story! I quoted the previous step at the top.
During the winter break, Opeila had the prophecy in which she discovered that Leopold did not murder her mother and half-sister and let the Virtanens know.
That resulted in her being able to stop hiding, so the Virtanens officially introduced Opeila as their ward and try to integrate her into pureblood society. They have arranged a betrothal with Miles Thatcher (The iNPC of Simon Kincaid) and in summer they will also invite the remains of Opeila's real family to meet her.

Opeila is very unhappy about the betrothal. Having grown up like a muggle child makes it hard for her to adapt to this completely different lifestyle and pressure, so instead of accepting it, she starts to spite her guardians.
In the holidays before her fourth year, she will start to act against her guardians wishes, she will cut her hair and claim to use they/them pronouns now, which does not work with her guardians' old school principals. Finally she will also move into one of the non binary dorms and will make sure that her guardians know that mainly boys are living in it.
She will stop her rebellious behavior a little later, when her guardians consider sending her to Germany and making her switch to Durmstrang and instead start to do some research about her family.

She will stumble over the story of Vianne, get some more detail about it from Lysander and secretly contact her. Vianne agrees to help her and in the summer vacations before her fifth year, Vianne will secretly pick her up from Kings Cross Station and take Opeila to France with her. Opeila will stay in contact with Lysander via owl, refusing to tell him where exactly she is, but eventually he will argue in a way that will convince Opeila to return to Finland and face the way that was planned for her. Instead of spiting her guardians and playing rebel, she will aim to win their trust, so they may allow her to make decisions about her life herself.
STATUS: Approved
Please be aware that marriage or not, we ask you to consider the legal age of 17 for anything more serious.

Opeila | Theodore | Raffle
Head of Index | Prefect | Duelling Co-Captain
Sta-10 | Eva-11 | Str-4 | Wis-10 | Arc-9 | Acc-14

6 Feb 2022, 21:48
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Jacob Harman
Schooling Year: 3rd Year
House: Gryffindor
Link to Encyclopedia: Here
Reason for Reapplication: I fleshed out the history of my character's parents, and added face claims for my character's grandparents on his father's side. I will be fleshing out the history of the Harman family later on.

STATUS; Approved

"Do not pity the dead... pity the living. And above all those who live without love." Albus Dumbledore -
Jacob Harman

8 Feb 2022, 10:31
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Regina Miller

Schooling Year: Second Year

House: Gryffindor

Link to Encyclopedia: Here

Reason for Reapplication:
I'm once again active in the community and I've fixed some grammar mistakes and improved my character's ency page, including rewriting her background story, adding a brand new section "Family History", fleshing out her biography with more detail, and adding pictures of her family members.

STATUS: Pending
I deleted the trunk since I will restore your old trunk with your original stats.
Also you have to write out an explanation why your student was gone for one year.

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability

20 Feb 2022, 13:30
Index Re-Application
Regina Miller wrote: 8 Feb 2022, 10:31
Character Name (First and last name): Regina Miller

Schooling Year: Second Year

House: Gryffindor

Link to Encyclopedia: Here

Reason for Reapplication:
I'm once again active in the community and I've fixed some grammar mistakes and improved my character's ency page, including rewriting her background story, adding a brand new section "Family History", fleshing out her biography with more detail, and adding pictures of her family members.

STATUS: Pending
I deleted the trunk since I will restore your old trunk with your original stats.
Also you have to write out an explanation why your student was gone for one year.
I have added a thread titled 'Hogwarts Journal' where my student would write down how her year went each time she graduates, similar to a diary. The explanation for her disappearance is in the 'First year' section.

STATUS: Approved, trunk was restored, Student was added to the Index

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability

2 Mar 2022, 03:53
Index Re-Application
Character Name: Jorah Moussa
Schooling Year: Third year
House: Ravenclaw
Link to Encyclopedia:viewtopic.php?f=169&t=6924
Reason for Reapplication: Backstory changes. I would like to change Jorah's mother to a muggle. Currently Jorah's history is that he went to muggle school before Hogwarts and grew up with muggles. Jorah references the muggle world too much. It would be more appropriate if Jorah was a half-blood rather than wizard borne.

Mod edit: that is tricky. Generally not impossible but as a third year there has been enough time to establish. Has the mother ever been mentioned? And if he went to a muggle school why has there be more explanation? Parents can decide to send their child anywhere.

Update: Jorah's mom's background was only mentioned in the encyclopedia which was updated. Jorah didnt meet another witch/wizard his age until Hogwarts. He was brought up like a muggle which is reflected in his copious pop culture references and almost refusal to use magic. He seems to resemble someone more muggle-borne then wizard borne, but I think half-blood works well to incorporate both that muggle background with his knowledge of quidditch prior to Hogwarts.

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Jorah Moussa on 16 Mar 2022, 04:18, edited 1 time in total.

Stam:10 - Eva: 5 - Str: 15 - Wis:5 - ArcP:1 - Acc:10 - Ability: Broken Broomshaft, Evasive Maneuvers
"Just keep swinging"

7 Mar 2022, 17:02
Index Re-Application
Regina Miller wrote: 20 Feb 2022, 13:30
Regina Miller wrote: 8 Feb 2022, 10:31 Character Name (First and last name): Regina Miller

Schooling Year: Second Year

House: Gryffindor

Link to Encyclopedia: Here

Reason for Reapplication:
I'm once again active in the community and I've fixed some grammar mistakes and improved my character's ency page, including rewriting her background story, adding a brand new section "Family History", fleshing out her biography with more detail, and adding pictures of her family members.[/center]

STATUS: Pending
I deleted the trunk since I will restore your old trunk with your original stats.
Also you have to write out an explanation why your student was gone for one year.
I have added a thread titled 'Hogwarts Journal' where my student would write down how her year went each time she graduates, similar to a diary. The explanation for her disappearance is in the 'First year' section.

STATUS: Approved, trunk was restored, Student was added to the Index

Character Name (First and last name): Regina Miller

Schooling Year: Second Year

House: Gryffindor

Link to Encyclopedia: Here

Reason for Reapplication: A change in family history. Regina now has a new first cousin named Isaiah Barett who was Lilian Bellamy's (@Ivy Bellamy's half sister) husband before she had eloped with a Muggle. Isaiah is important as Regina interacted with him during her childhood and is the reason why her and Ivy was related for a small duration of time.

Regina's brothers are now betrothed. Rupert Miller to Audrey Silverstein, making Regina related to @Ivy Bellamy and @Everly Charlton as cousins in law.

Additional change, Regina now has a faceclaim and I have included the name in the first post of my ency page.

I have obtained all writers' OOC consent for these new relations.
STATUS: Approved

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability

21 Mar 2022, 11:52
Index Re-Application
Character Name: Noah Jupe
Schooling Year: 2nd
House: Gryffindor
Link to Ency: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=16440&sid=f4b2445 ... 49aa67b6e4
Reason for Reapplication: deactivated Cody Stevenson on March 20th

STATUS: Approved

"NERDS!" (Ogre- Revenge of Nerds)