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29 Aug 2020, 18:12
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 

This is a thread used to collect iNPC applications and updates for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
You can find an up-to-date roster for this school here: viewtopic.php?t=17010 If you notice anything that is inaccurate, reach out to an admin (a Head of House, Deputy Headmaster or the Headmaster).
Restrictions to Creating an iNPC:
  1. Beauxbatons students start school the same year they turn 11 (they don't need to be 11 at the start of September, just by December of the year they start).
  2. Any iNPC that you create needs to be the same year as you are presently.
  3. Any iNPC that you create must be fully human.
Application for iNPCs:
Name: Nothing from the sacred 28, no plagiarizing names from other fandoms.
School: Beauxbatons
Year: Must be the same year as you are presently.
Status: Muggleborn, Halfblood, Wizardborn, Pureblood
Appearance: Please give a short description (at least 2 sentences) about what they look like and provide an avatar or a banner that shows their physical appearance. This picture or avatar is what you would be using in your posts where you are posting as your iNPC to clearly indicate that you are posting as your NPC not your PC.
Personality: Please give a brief description (at least 2 sentences) about their personality. If their personality is that they are a 'crazy person' or some sort of psychopath with a long list of disorders... please make a new personality because it will not be accepted. We do expect the personality to be something that can interface with other players and if they do have a mental or a physical handicap that it is done by a well-informed writer that will do so respectfully.
History: We are looking for at least 200 words describing their history. This is their life, their family. Their upbringing. This is separate from their personality and their appearance. This is not their ambitions or aspirations, this is the story of their life and the story of their life being reduced to a mere few hundred words should not be able to give their life justice. We want a well-thought out character. Please remember, they do not have awesome special powers that nobody else has. We do need a few sentences on their first magic as well.
Is your character a Broom Racer? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a broom racer. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a quidditch player. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Duelist? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a duellist. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Stats: They should add up to what you can have for your year if you were human. So if you have a Veela player character, your NPC does get the full stats you would have had if you were human. Wins from games (quidditch, broom racing, dueling) by your player character or NPC are also applied to your other account.
Abilities: To be accepted they must be written out fully and approved. This is a full application.
Application for iNPC Updates:
NPC Name:
Link: link to NPC page
Year: list the year your NPC should be
Stats: if you're updating stats, please put your stats here
Abilities: if you're applying for a new ability, please add that here
Extracurricular: include if they are a duellist/quidditch player/broom racer or none
Content Changes: Any updates to history/personality/etc will go here. Please provide detail on what exactly is changing and why.
Trunk Coding: please place here any special coding you want for your trunk. keep it simple
Note: You do not need to apply for aestethic changes of your character post, you can update that at your leisure.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

20 Sep 2020, 19:48
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
Eugene Monserrac
Age: 137 years old
Position: Headmaster of l'Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons
Race: Human
Blood status: Half-blood

Stamina: 8
Evasion: 1
Strength: 1
Wisdom: 20
Arcane Power: 20
Accuracy: 20
Appearance: Frail and slender, there's but a little frame left of a body for the French Headmaster. Having lived a full life already, his body clearly shows this is a man walking to the end of his life. Eugene tries to hide his physicality by wearing thick layers of cloth and square shouldered coats, but one look at his gaunt face would be enough to tell the difference. He has thin, white hair that dangles just above his shoulders and a set of dark eyebrows giving him a dark look whenever he'd stare. Despite this, he has a rather warm and pleasant smile that appears when in good company.

Personality: Eugene knows his time is coming to an end. And while this feeling may catch up with him on a lonely day, he finds his spirits lifted in the company of young and bright minds exploring the world and seeing its many wonders for the first time. As an artist, he has learned to value life's beauty and is able to find it in the smallest of things. In the very school he supervises, he considers himself a wanderer. His various walks on the school grounds often placing him in all sorts of curious adventures with students. He often asks them to forgive him whenever he offers them some of his good-natured advice.

History: Born on the day of misfortune (13th of April 1883), Eugene was the first of two sons from a muggleborn father and a pureblood mother. His father being a descendant of farmers, the family lived in poorer conditions at the end of the 19th century. Only once Eugene was sent off to study at the French school of magic, the boys' parents had taken the time and put in the work to embark upon several business opportunities. Every time Eugene would return home from Beauxbatons (for his brother was destined to a life without magic), he would see his family richer than he had left them.

In the years after his graduation, Eugene took an interest in the magical arts. Becoming an understudy under a French wizard who had dedicated his life to creating magical portraits and enchanted sculptures, the young Eugene dived into the company of artistic minds. In this "Bohemian underworld" he met many wizards and witches by attending a multitude of social parties. Nicolas Flamel being one of them, and even Albus Dumbledore on a rare occasion. Both of whom he still calls friends, even in death. Maintaining a string of connections throughout his life, Eugene eventually got recommended across all of France. He was known as a charismatic and enjoyable man. Who took time to get to know the subjects he worked on, to understand their views on life and offer them debate as both artist and subject unwrapped their personalities. It was this skill that allowed the young painter to become known as a household name amongst the French wizarding families.

Only later in life misfortune would strike, like a destined prophecy tied to his birth. He had become estranged with his only living relative, not out of dispute, but the difference between their lifestyles offered little to lasting connections. Eventually it was his squib brother that deceived him and stole away the family's fortune. Left with regret and guilt, Eugene became a broken man for years. Locking himself up in a house built by fame and reputation, he lived life in isolation.

Luckily, after being persuaded to make an appearance at a friend's birthday party, he met his future wife: Jacqueline. While they obviously liked one another, she gave the man a hard time for living his life in waste. Together they re-established themselves in the French wizarding community. Eugene even took on a teaching role at Beauxbatons Academy.

Having now dedicated almost a century of his life to the school, he is known to be the longest serving professor at the French wizarding academy. He has taken up the mantle of Headmaster for a good 20 years now, ever since Madame Maxime stepped down from the position.

One tale the headmaster often recollects would tell of his first instance of magic. It was how his parents could have known from his early years of existence that he was to be a painter. As a child, Eugene had a favourite teacup he would drink everything out of. His soup, milk, tea, water, anything the cup could hold. It had a regal blue colour and hand drawn little trees down to the bottom, a practice his mother loved doing in her spare time. Back home, there had always been a plethora of decorated knick-knacks. One day, his father mistakenly gave his oldest son another cup. While the boy did not seem to initially notice, it was his father whose eyes widened. The look of surprise on each family member would have been worth to paint as the young Eugene's cup turned into the same deep blue as small black lines resembling something close to trees were drawn from its bottom. The headmaster still prides himself in having kept the cup. It stands on a shelf in his office back at Beauxbatons.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

5 Jun 2024, 18:34
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
Name: Zelie Fournier

School: Beauxbatons

Year: Second Year

Status: Pureblood

Appearance: Zelie is a fairly average height young girl standing around four feet six inches tall, her oak brown hair cascades down her shoulders in little ringlets of waves with a few light chestnut strands hidden amongst her darker strands, the young girls almond shaped eyes hold a sharp elegant look with a crisp Hazel green coloration. The young girls tan skin is fairly clear besides a splash of freckles upon the girls bridge of her nose.

Personality: One who has met Zelie would mention the girl's proud nature, how she could know wrong, how the young girl is always right even when she is wrong. Zelie spends most of her time proving her worth how smart she is along with her beauty. The young girl is very cunning and will find any way in her power to get her way. She holds herself in high regard and tends to try and be in charge while holding a powerful air to herself. The young girl is also very stuck up and looks down especially on muggles.

History: Zelie Fournier was born to Gabriel Fournier and Charlotte Fournier. Gabriel and Charlotte were married for a few years, but the young mother was never around; she devoted herself to work and spent a majority of her time working and rarely ever home. When Charlotte would be home she would still be working on assignments and papers for work. Neglecting her family. While Gabriel tried his hardest to take care of his daughter he felt neglected as well he ended up having an affair with his wife with a young woman named Anastasia Novikov. As the days went by and years went. Zélie was five when her parents ended up getting divorced Gabriel kept custody of the young girl since Charlotte was distracted with work to be able to care for her Child. When Zélie was six years old Gabriel ended up marrying Anastasia Novikov the woman moved in with him and his young daughter. It was a rough transition at first for Zélie since her mother was always busy while Anastasia spent as much of her time trying to get Zélie to warm up to her. After a few months the older woman and the young girl grew close and began bonding. Zélie had a mother figure to help her understand fashion and how to impress others. The older Zélie grew she became brighter and seemed to act a bit more like her Step-Mother cunning, Ambitious and bright. As Zélie attended Beauxbaton her school year was normal; she spent a majority of her time on lessons and her grades rather than making friends. When Zelie was of the age five the young girl experienced her first instance of magic the young girl was home with her step mother focused on the cookies that were cooling the young girl wished to have one but when she was told no the young girl seemed fairly upset muttering to herself. Without noticing the why or how the cookie appeared in front of the girl not thinking twice about it the young girl took and scampered off before she would get caught by her parental figure.

Is your character a Broom Racer? No.

Is your character a Quidditch Player? No

Is your character a Duelist? No


Stamina: 5
Evasion: 8
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 6
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 10

Abilities: Lovely Creature

The Fournier family has always held beautiful witches and wizards, even Zélies mother Charlotte is a beautiful woman. Zélie was born lovely and beautiful at birth instead of looking like a wrinkled prune, her skin was slightly smooth. Everyone in her family always commented on the girl's lovely features. The young girl having similar smooth sun kissed tan skin like her fathers skin tone along with her hazel fluorite gem eyes that seemed to illuminate up a room whenever the young girl stepped foot into a new room or setting. Her dark oak brown hair cascades down her shoulders like little waves giving the young girl a lovely appearance that was gentle to the eyes beholder. Zélie would accompany her father to a few pureblood parties were many of her fathers friends would coo over how beautiful and lovely the young girl looked many explaining how she took after her father with her sun-kissed tan all the way to her soft oval structure face and even her almond shaped eyes. From the moment Zélie entered any room she always seemed to gain stares from passerby’s as they seemed in awe of her beauty and her appearance. She was just the key epitome of lovely. Zélies family knew of this due to the fact that the young girl always held herself in a poise mature posture from the way she spoke elegantly along with her beautiful features. From the day that she was born Zélies family could tell her how lovely the young girl was and the older she got the more lovelier she became. As Zélie grew older around the age of 11 she began going to school where students would stop to stare at her getting lost in her beauty. Wherever Zélie would go she always felt eyes on her as people would stop to admire her beauty and her looks. Of course Zélie ended up growing accustomed to this and did not mind the attention that she would get but it did not affect the girl after all she knew how lovely she was. Her beauty and grace was something she was blessed with and it did not bother the young girl at all she quite enjoyed it actually. After all Zélies family always told her how lovely she was over and over along with family friends. The young girl just grew accustomed to it and embraced her loveliness and beauty.
Pending June 6 (Lear); no edit noted on follow-up June 8 (Lear)
- Often we want to know 'why' they are lovely. The entire lovely creature app was written that she was pretty because she was pretty. That would be like applying for blind vision and the reasoning being "I have blindvision."
- Stats only add up to 35, it should be 40.
- We need to know what happened to your mother. Death within a few years of one bearing years is uncommon in even muggles, wizards have the extra layer of having magic to heal them from most diseases and ailments. So we will need an explanation for her death.

8 Jun 2024, 20:26
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
Name: Alnilam White
School: Beauxbatons
Year: 1
Status: Pure-blood
Appearance:Alnilam is a girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. She has freckles covering her face. She has light skin.

Personality: She is a smart, confident girl. She sees her sisters as examples of herself. He loves reading books. She is a quiet girl.
Alnilam was born in Paris, the capital of France, as the third child of her father and Orion mother Capella. Because they were interested in astronomy, her parents named her Alnilam, the 30th brightest star in the sky. Her mother was a fashion designer and her father was a worker. Even though they were both purebloods, they were trying to keep good relations with muggles.

Their house is above a pastry shop near the Eiffel Tower. Sometimes they buy fresh bread and croissants for breakfast. She loves to eat with her family on the balcony with the view of the Eiffel tower.

Her eldest sister, Bellatrix, graduated from Beauxbatons this year and opened her own bakery. Her middle sister, Vega, is in her last year at school. Alnilam loved both of her sisters very much.

Alnilam's first example of magic was when he was only 6 years old, when he was going to pick up a book to read from the top shelves of his home library, he forgot that the book was very heavy and closed his eyes when the book was about to fall on him. When She opened her eyes, she saw the book floating in the air.
Stats STA5•EVA 6•STR 5•WIS 9•ARC 6•ACC9
Is your character a Broom Racer? NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? NO.
Is your character a Duelist? NO

Abilities: Human

Every bird must learn to fall before it can fly

8 Jun 2024, 21:13
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
Peter can be a second string beater on the qudditch team!

ρꫀꪻꫀ᥅🆂🆃🅰 7•🅴🆅🅰 5•🆂🆃🆁 7•🆆🅸🆂 8•🅰🆁🅲 7• 🅰🅲🅲 6 calming presence ||
᥇᥅ꪮꪮᛕꫀ 🆂🆃🅰 8 •🅴🆅🅰 5• 🆂🆃🆁 6•🆆🅸🆂 8 •🅰🆁🅲 4• 🅰🅲🅲 4. Lovely creature ||ᦓꫝꪮρ||

11 Jun 2024, 06:26
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Aurélie Nathalie Duval
Link: viewtopic.php?t=29132
Year: One, soon to be Two
Stats: +5 for graduation
Old: Sta 6 | Eva 5 | Str 6 | Wis 6 | Arc 5 | Acc 7
New: Sta 6 | Eva 7 | Str 6 | Wis 8 | Arc 6 | Acc 7

Abilities: Perfectionist
Aurélie Nathalie Duval was a realist. Not an optimist, a seer of bright things, not a pessimist, a seer of dark things. A realist. She saw the world for what it was, and because of that, she saw through all the lies that her extremely doting parents told her. One of those lies, the one that she heard most often, was about herself. "My dear Aurélie is the most perfect child in the world." They said, and she saw right through it. She wasn't the most perfect child, she wasn't even a perfect one. Still, she considered herself a perfectionist.

For her learning, Aurélie was taught by specialised tutors. In a normal school, a punishment would be handed out for not completing the assigned work. But at home? With tutors too afraid of the child's parents to punish? They would let some misbehavior slide. Now, Aurélie was a decent child. She cared about finishing her work early so that she didn't have to do it later, during her playtime. She cared about knowing the content of her lessons so that they didn't have to teach it to her again and cut into her summer break. So she never did anything worthy of punishment. But her assignments, completed hastily, were always given a disapproving glance by her tutors. "She has so much potential," they would tell her parents. "But she cares more for her childish games than her learning. If only she cared a little more..."

What Aurélie's tutors didn't understand was that there was a whole new Aurélie that did care. That cared so much for everything. That practically required everything to be absolutely perfect. That layer was only found when it came to extracurricular activities. For example, the Muggle sport that Aurélie preferred. Dance. According to her esteemed ballet tutor, a professional Muggle dancer that knew nothing of Aurélie's family's magical secret, Aurélie was a beautiful dancer who danced with as much precision as possible. Every single grand jete and pique was spotless. Every single jazz square and pirouette right on beat. Every single practiced move, her calypso and illusion in perfect control. Even in photography, she cared. About finding the perfect lighting. About striking the perfect pose. Everything had to be perfect for her.

So, yes, Aurélie Nathalie Duval might not have been the most focused student, but she was a perfectionist nonetheless, at least, in some sense of the word.

Word count: 403
Extracurricular: Duelist
Content Changes: None

Ophelia | when writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen | Aurélie

12 Jun 2024, 19:21
Beauxbatons NPC  iNPC Registry 
Name: Clément Guillaume Cantegrel
School: Beauxbatons
Year: 1st Year
Status: Halfblood
Appearance: Clément is a skinny boy of average height, with uncombed, light brown hair and distant-looking copper brown eyes. He has pale skin, with a hint of freckles across his face. These days, he often looks sad.
Personality: Before his father's early death, Clément was an outgoing little boy, sunshine radiating through him. He laughed at his father's jokes, ran in the grass and chased after the cats. However, he entirely changed after his father passed away. He became cold and distant, shoulders drooped and head down. The only times his past self would show, was when he was playing cello.
History: Clément was born on the 7th of October 2012, on a foggy night, to Maléane Villedarie and Guillaume Cantegrel. Just before his second birthday, however, his mother, Maléane, left him and his father for another man. Clément grew up, therefore, under the love and care of only his father.
Guillaume Cantegrel was a professional cellist, and started teaching his son the art of cello as early as when his son was only three.
Unfortunately, Guillaume died when Clément was eight years old, and so the boy went back to his mother, who was now married to another man. His mother took no care of him- for her, he was no more than a dog that you had to feed.
Is your character a Broom Racer? NO
Is your character a Quidditch Player? NO
Is your character a Duelist? NO
Stats: Stamina-6; Evasion-7; Strength-4; Wisdom-4; Arcane Power-7; Accuracy-7
Abilities: N/A

⚕︎ sta 4・eva 6・str 2・wis 9・ arc 7・acc 7 ☿
Healing Sage