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17 Nov 2022, 00:01
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Beatrice Langstreth
Year: Second
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months? Yes
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
Why do you want to be a mentor? I love helping people and would love to do so for new members. I felt a bit lost when I first joined (last year) and promptly left my account to wither away. Starting this one, I was determined to persevere, and although I didn't know it at the time, having a mentor would have been tremendously helpful. Hopefully, my becoming a mentor, I can help new members feel welcomed and not so overwhelmed.
Mod Note: Reviewed and owled.


29 Nov 2022, 02:31
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Taizu Miyashiro
Year: 2nd
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months? Yes. I have been consistently online since April, when I first joined the site.
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
Why do you want to be a mentor? I like being able to give back to a community, especially one that has been so kind as this one. And I feel that I would be able to quite easily help here, as I have finally gotten a proper grasp of the Encyclopedia system, and I have been RPing for well over 6 years.

IC Taizu feels that helping people is a good way to bond with other people in the world, and maybe make him braver than he really is.

Mod note: Owled.
Last edited by Taizu Miyashiro on 2 Dec 2022, 05:56, edited 1 time in total.

"Oh Gods, I set the water on fire again."
Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 11 | Accuracy: 7

1 Dec 2022, 17:33
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Kayla Realma
Year: first year
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months?: Yep!
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes!
Are you registered with Index? Yes!
Why do you want to be a mentor? OOC wise, I know the feeling of being new on-site. Everything is kinda thrown at your face and its like wow, okay. I want to help some new ones get through that so they can learn about the site and as love it as much as everyone else on-site! Helping someone in need is always something I love doing.
IC, Kayla is a very extroverted person and is determined to make friends and help people. She doesn't push and pry, but she tried her best to help people either come out of they're shell or help them if they need it.

Mod's Note: Reviewed and Owled.

'S T A R'
‘‘Sometimes I wish I was an octopus,
so I could slap eight people at once.’’
'F L O W E R'
‘‘Art doesn’t transform.
It just plain forms.’’

15 Dec 2022, 18:26
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
name: faye simmons
year: second year
have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months?: yes, i have.
do you have a completed encyclopedia? yes.
are you registered with index? yes.
why do you want to become a mentor? i think we all know what it's like to be new on site, let's be honest. when i first joined i was so confused, but luckily i managed to get an understanding quickly. i enjoy meeting new members of the site and helping a community i love would feel so rewarding!!

Mod Note: Owled.

2 Jan 2023, 00:56
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Edited in light of the fact I will be deactivating soon.
Last edited by Ava Winchect on 5 May 2023, 00:56, edited 1 time in total.

<3 <3 “ One miscast, or a spell going out of hand was all it could take to take a prank to a problem.”

3 Jan 2023, 23:33
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Rita Su
Year: Second
House: Hufflepuff
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for 6 months: Yeah, I joined in late May
Do you have a completed encyclopedia: Yes
Are you registered with index: Yes
Why do you want to become a mentor: When I first joined the site, I am new to RP sites, find it to be big and confusing, and I have to admit I have problem understanding the site rules, how to complete the ency, and things like that. I think the site`s mentor system really helps me with navigating the site and understanding how this site work. I am an extroverted, open, and kindhearted person who like to help others understanding how the site work. I understand this site can be overwhelming at first, but I am always ready to help others!
IC, Rita is also an extroverted, open, and kind person who like to help and support others, especially first years, with understanding how things work at this school and sometimes help out this their homework problems. She understands that Hogwarts can be quite overwhelming at the first sight, but she is always willing and devoted to help others with whatever problems and worries they face.

Rita Su - Hufflepuff Andy Menton - Ilvermorny, Thunderbird
Color code: Rita: #560edd Andy: #c40e0e
Rita`s Ency Andy`s Ency Shop

13 Jan 2023, 05:00
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Alma Stoll
Year: First-Year
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months? Yes - joined July 13th, 2022
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yep!
Why do you want to be a mentor? I think this system is great for the site, and it’s been a goal of mine to be a part of it for the past…literally 5 and 1/2 months. I live to help people and I totally understand how scary and intimidating the site can be at first glance. It’s my intention to make it less scary for those new people so that they’re encouraged to stay on the site for the foreseeable future and hopefully be pretty active, pleasant members of the community.

IC - this is practically a perfect role for Alma. She loves helping people, she’s kind, loyal, and has gotten better at approaching new faces. Overall, she would love to have this job and I believe she would shine in it.

Mod Note: Owled.

Just don’t let the good life pass you by ♫♪

28 Feb 2023, 21:56
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Meenauh Silmataurea
Year: Fifth
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months?
Do you have a completed encyclopedia?
Are you registered with Index?
Why do you want to be a mentor?
I want to become a tormentor, because I would like to assist new players with integration to our community, introduce them to the systems, rules and RPing, help with races, abilities and stats, encyclopedia and answer their questions about anything. Everything to forge loyal and long-lasting membership.

Mod Note: Owled.

Meenauh Silmataurea | STA: 7 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | ARC: 10 | ACC: 11 |

3 Mar 2023, 08:18
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Lily Brown
Year: first
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months? Yes. I may have not posted but I have been active.
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes.
Are you registered with Index? Yes.
Why do you want to be a mentor? I want to be a mentor because I like helping people find their way through things. It's also a good chance to meet new friends and build good relationships as well as learning how to be a good helper (OOC)
Accepted - Brin

"This is the only warning you get." Jaxon Vega, Crave by Tracy Wolff

10 Mar 2023, 20:44
Mentorship Program: Mentors  Sign up 
Name: Taisia Stoudefielde
Year: First
Have you been active on this account or another account consistently for the last 6 months: Yep (finally)!
Do you have a completed encyclopedia: Yep!
Are you registered with Index: Yep!
Why do you want to be a mentor: Pretty mundane reason, but basically I just love to help people!

Accepted - Orion

insert something cool