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11 Apr 2024, 06:08
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Scout Fu-Hai
School Year or Adult Level: 1
Link to the character page: Click
Character Statistics: stamina: 9 | evasion: 4 | strength: 6 | wisdom: 4 | arcpower: 2 | accuracy: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: Dhampir
wc: 633
It's her father that she gets it from. Turned into a Dhampir when he was still in muggle school in China, maybe three years before he himself had his own first instance of magic. He likes to tell Scout that getting bit was the first domino in him finding out he was a wizard, though he knows it's not true. His muggle parents were certainly confused, to say the least.
On the day it happened, he says he doesn't really remember what had actually happened. All Baishu Fu-Hai remembers is that he was walking to school, stopped to pick up a shiny coin on the ground, and then he was in the hospital.
It wasn't a normal hospital, he told Scout. The nurses and doctors had wands and wore funny costumes. Though he knows now that it's just typical wizard garb, he thought it was the strangest thing as a child. The healers kept telling him to lay still, and that he had been hurt by something nasty. It's funny, he's not even sure he remembers anything hurting.
He feels guilty, in part because having a child meant that they, too, would suffer from vampirism. Scout's mother knew that having a child with Baishu meant that her daughter would also be afflicted, but she wasn't a coward who would turn away from the love of her life just because of the vampire traits that her daughter and husband would now share.
Scout thinks about her hidden fangs a lot. Gaps where her canines would be, it was easier to explain it as a kid, they lose teeth pretty often, but she was getting older, and she wasn't losing teeth at age nine. It still wasn't as noticeable, but Scout was getting to an age where she had started to notice the stares she got.
Pale skin, missing canines, dark eyes, the rumors that Scout was a vampire began to circulate around her primary school. Her mother hadn't even wanted to enroll her in a muggle school, but her father insisted. He was muggle-born and went to one, after all. It wasn't like she was a bad student by any means, her teachers always said she was a bright and friendly girl- although she could use a bit more studying.
The bullying wasn't the worst it could be, but Scout would notice the stares and whispers around her head. 'Scout can't go outside, she'll burn!', 'Don't let her hear you, she'll bite you and turn you into a vampire too!', and her favorite, 'Let's bring garlic to school to show her what we're made of!'. Childish comments that were really starting to get under her skin. She was always so nice to her classmates! Why were they treating her like this?
She was lucky that they didn't try to do anything worse. Rumors began to flare once more that the girl sitting next to her- her parents had encouraged her to bring a cross to school! Not that there was anything wrong with it, but were these adults really so adamant on believing their kids? Muggles didn't even know that vampires were real!
Her father pulled her out of muggle school nine months before Scout went to Hogwarts. He promised her that the magic school would be a new start, and that he was sure nobody would notice her teeth or how the sun made her feel queasy if she didn't have a hat on. The damage could be undone, and Scout didn't really take the things her classmates said about her seriously, but still...
The future that could be full of ridicule was making her feel uneasy. Sitting inside of the express, fiddling with the hem of her clothes, Scout was making a mental note to keep everything on the down low.

Character Backstory: wc: 225
Although she was born in China, Scout was not raised there. She tries to tell people this all of the time, only to have her father recount that she actually spent two weeks there after she was born. To give her mother rest, as is customary.
But she can't say that she's a fan of Shanghai, the hustle-and-bustle of the city life makes her feel anxious, and the air quality isn't very good. Not that she has asthma, or something like that, but even so- it gets hard for even her to breathe!
She prefers the small(er) town her dad's family lives in, over in Fengjing (枫泾镇). It's a water town, and more of a tourist destination rather than a quiet place to live your retirement out- but it's so cool. Scout's not been there in a few years, but she gets calls from her extended family all the time, wishing her a happy new year or a happy birthday.
Her mother is why she doesn't live in China- she's well-respected Potioneer in London, and nothing could convince her to give up her job. Not that her father minds, Scout's pretty sure he's just happy to go along for the ride, being a stay-at-home-wizard. Though... he was pretty adamant that if they lived in England, they would absolutely not be living in London. Fair enough.

First Instance of Magic: wc: 327
Scout's first instance of magic was pretty rad in her eyes. She was always an adventurer, far preferring to go outside and play in the small forest that was her backyard. Not that she didn't like doing other things, but she was a bundle of energy and everyone around her knew it. It was more beneficial to let her run around and climb trees and chase things, than to force her to sit down inside.
And she's good at climbing trees! So good at climbing them. Not so much getting down. Scout could climb the Hyperion without a doubt in her mind that she could do it- but she definitely couldn't get down. It wasn't like she panicked or anything, she'd just lose her ability to calculate where to put her feet.
Which is how she realized that she was a witch. She was around seven, so she wasn't climbing anything as tall as the tallest tree in the world, just the oak tree in her backyard. She'd gotten up about a million times, and there was a ladder to help her get down. (Something, something about her father getting annoyed at having to rescue her over and over?) All she'd have to do was put her foot on the ladder, and then she'd be able to climb right back down.
Except... that didn't happen. The ladder started to wobble as soon as she put her weight on it, and a fear rose through her chest. Falling from her spot in the tree wouldn't do any serious damage, but she'd definitely break her leg if she fell the wrong way! And it's starting to look like she's going to fall the wrong way.
But then she was on the ground, and the ladder fell next to her. It felt like the grass beneath her had turned as soft as pillows, and cushioned her fall. And her legs weren't broken, which was definitely a plus. The rush of adrenaline began to wear off, and Scout bolted inside to tell her dad what had happened.
also coding for trunk idk if mods still need it lol

Code: Select all

stamina: 9 | evasion: 4 | strength: 6 | wisdom: 4 | arcpower: 2 | accuracy: 5[/quote]
[url=]dhampir[/url] [icon]star-s[/icon] part-human part-vampire[/center][/quote]

STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 18 April
- missing species as compulsory information (you're allowed to put Dhampir even though this application is still pending!)
- would like clarification on the father's magical abilities; are they a Muggle? Or are they a Muggle-born wizard? Some parts are unclear
- clarifications needed for FIOM:
> missing an age for your FIOM; remember that it needs to happen between the ages of 3-10
> did Scout teleport from the top of the ladder to the ground safely or did Scout fall and turned the ground soft for a harmless landing? The distinction is important about how Scout was suddenly on the ground because teleportation does not count as accidental wandless magic
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, 19 April
Last edited by Scout Fu-Hai on 18 Apr 2024, 20:26, edited 2 times in total.

fc is shen yue!

11 Apr 2024, 08:51
Index Registration
Character name: Ariella Love
School Year or Adult Level: 1st
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=965474#p965474
Character Statistics:
stamina: 6
evasion: 5
strength: 9
wisdom: 5
arcane power: 2
accuracy: 3

Character Special Race/Talent: Dhampir

Dhampir Application

When Ariella was born, she had a very unique heritage since her father came from a long line of vampires while her mother was born into a family full of pure blood witches and wizards. it started the 1970s when her father and mother met they were in there teens and it was love at first sight but it wasn't an easy relationship since both of their families wanted them to marry someone who was the same race as them but they continued to see each other even though it had to be in secret but that all changed when they saw how good they were together and allowed it. so in the early 1980s when her parents made things permanent and got married. they got their first home home together in the town of hogsmeade. on June 4th of 2000, their lives changed once again. they welcomed a daughter into their lives, who they named Ariella. she was a perfect mix between both of her parents she got grey eyes and pale skin from her father while she got her dark blonde, almost brown hair and and charming personality from her mother. as she grew she started taking on more traits like her father she was a very quick and strong child and she developed an Aversion to sunlight only wanting to play outside when it was dark out or it was nicely shaded because whenever she went outside she was quick to get burns like her father. she always felt out of place and different from other kids her age because of the genetics she had gotten from her father. she was always a loner, but she always wanted to make friends. she spent most of her time with her parents she would help her mother tend to their indoor garden but when she was with her dad they would go places sometimes she would wander off and because of her increased speed her father always had to go after her since he was the only one who was able to keep up with her. she soon developed a love for singing and all creatures. she was learning to love who and what she was a was determined to not let anything from getting in the way of it when she was five her and her parents moved to hogsmeade where she was excited to try having a fresh start and make friends. she loved to go to the three broomsticks and get butterbeer which was her all time favorite drink but she also liked to go to zonkos to see all the different jokes that they had she loved going to zonkos because they place always made her Burst out laughing. she slowly started to make friends, which she was happy about but never wanted to tell them of her vampire heritage since she didn't want to risk them being scared away. little did she know her life was going to change once again when she were to turn eleven.


Ariella was born June 4th into a family with a unique heritage. her father James met her mother Celeste in the 1970s they were both in their teens and lived completely different life styles but they also had things in common they were madly in love with each other but their parents didn't approve of their relationship at first and they had to keep it a secret but their parents noticed how much they cared about each other they allowed the relationship to continue. in the 1980s, they decided to marry and move to their first home. they welcomed their first and only child a girl, they ariella. she was a mix between her parents she had her father's grey eyes and fair skin while she had her mother's smile and charisma. she loved spending days with her parents she helped her mom tend to their indoor garden and went on walks with her father when the sun was going down because both of them burned immediately when they went outside into the sun. she was always faster than all other kids, and her father was the only one who was able to keep up with her agility. she was home schooled by her mother and had difficulty making friends because she always felt out of place. eventually, they moved to hogsmeade when she was five and where she got to experience new things, and she had gotten a new chance to make friends, which was something she always wanted.

First Instance of Magic

Her first Instance of Magic happened when she was six. she was playing outside she had been drinking a fizzy drink she had gotten hiccups, but bubbles were appearing

Cancelled - Lear

11 Apr 2024, 11:13
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Timothy Compeyson
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: Here
Character Statistics: Stamina: 7 || Evasion: 8 || Strength: 5 || Wisdom: 6 || ArcPower: 4 || Accuracy: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Timothy was born to Edward (a muggle) and Elena (a witch) living in
Truro, a small Cornish city in the south-west of England. The couple initially disagreed on how best to raise their son due to their conflicting heritages - Elena, as a Pureblood witch, thought it ridiculous to conceal the existence and knowledge of magic from their child while Edward was concerned that giving the boy an upbringing focusing on his magical potential would alienate him from his peers which he believed would lead to issues for Timothy later in life. After many arguments on the subject, it was eventually decided that Timothy would be raised as a muggle unless and until he began displaying signs of magical abilities, both to give him a proper education since both Edward and Elena were working parents (Edward a music teacher at the local secondary school and Elena a journalist) so home-schooling was out of the question, and also to prevent Timothy from becoming arrogant in his abilities or getting his hopes up of having abilities at all just in case he turned out to be a muggle.
Timothy was thus sent to a muggle primary school where he was deemed a fairly average student, though with a talent for English and History and he began to imagine a future career for himself as either a writer of some kind or else a performer, having gained a love for being on stage thanks to his school plays. Although he initially found it difficult to make friends due to being an easy target to be picked on for his small size, he soon bonded with another boy - Henry Warren - after Henry stood up for him against a bully who was in the year above them, and together they formed a small but tight friendship group with a few other classmates.

First Instance of Magic:
Shortly after his 9th birthday, When Timothy was 9, he was at the beach one day in the summer holidays with his parents. While he was in the sea, he ignored the flags on the shore and swam into the surfers' area. One surfer lost his board and Timothy noticed a wave sending it towards him. Before the board could hit him, however, it suddenly flew up over his head to a patch of sea without anyone in it. At the time, Timothy brushed it off as a coincidence, but when he was back at school, he was challenged by another boy in his class (Jack Trevarron) to walk over the roof of the school's two-storey music building. Timothy climbed up but almost immediately fell off the sloped roof; however, he seemed to float to the ground rather than fall. He excused his lack of injuries to his classmates as having landed on the lawn around the back of the music building, but confessed to his parents that evening both this incident and what had occurred in the sea that summer. The combination of the two events convinced his parents that their son was indeed a wizard.
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, 18 April

13 Apr 2024, 03:24
Index Registration
Character name: Trixie Garcia
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=967153#p967153
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 5

Character Special Race/Talent: Fearless

fearless me

Trixie has always been known to be a fearless child even when she was just a toddler but it really showed when she was was three and she got separated from her parents when they were out shopping a teddy bear had distracted her and when she turned around she had saw they were nowhere to be found but instead of being like most kids who were in that position she wasn't scared she was the exact opposite she was very calm and went around by herself searching for them herself but the fearlessness only grew she was six and had gone to a haunted house being accompanied by her friends older brother he had taken us to a haunted house that was said to be so scary but unlike the others she was with she wasn't getting scared it was like something inside of her made her feel braver then the others and that just made her the one out of all her friends that was the bravest and the one who wanted to take the most risks she knew her fearlessness would help her in the long run since she would be able to help her friends and family out of any thing. it made her more confident by the day knowing nothing would be able to hinder her spirit, and she could do things without having nightmares afterward. She was called a unique but brave girl and was up for an adventure of any kind no matter what lay ahead of her. She heard the Adrenaline and excitement of it all she wanted to do anything the older kids would do even riding on roller coasters that were fast and fun looking she just looked forward to each adventure she was going to have while she was getting older she would even watch scary movies when sleeping over at a friend's house since she wasn't allowed to do it at home because of her age. she always dreamed of everything she would want to get to do, but none of what she was thinking about was even going to compare to the adventure that soon awaited her. but when that day arrived she was all up for the challenge of what she would be doing at that point she always had her bravery in her heart and her adventure-seeking in her mind and looked forward to everything


Trixie was born in America to muggle parents Audrey and Alex. She moved to England when she was only three when her father was offered a job as a police officer. her mother stayed at home to take care of Trixie she and her mother were very close. Trixie would help her mother around the house she loved going out to the garden to help take care of the plants her favorite were the strawberries and roses. when her father had time off work, he would take her to the park or get ice cream, and she would always get her favorite flavor strawberry. when she grew older, she got really into reading, and whenever her friends were over, they would either play outside or play some video games. she had what seemed to her like a normal life, but she didn't expect her life to change so much as it eventually would. She likes to meet new people but needs help coming out of her shell when she is some new, but she does well in stressful situations, and she has always been a responsible person and a loyal friend. she always likes to try new things even if it makes her feel a little uncomfortable, but she never goes anywhere without her smile and charming nature it's what made people want to be around her.

First Instance of Magic

the first time she showed magical abilities was when she was six years old she was stuck inside because she was sick, and she heard a noise and saw one of her toys moving around on its own she couldn't believe it until she turned eleven and received her letter to attend hogwarts.

Cancelled Lear

13 Apr 2024, 05:42
Index Registration
Character name: Malin Penns
School Year or Adult Level: First year at Hogwarts
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=972711#p972711
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 6
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 8
Accuracy: 6

Malin Elizabeth Penns was born in a small town in Nottingham, England, in a small suburban house in a tight-knit neighbourhood. She grew up with her two brothers (one adopted and older than her by a year, and the other biological and two years younger than her). Her father, who had kept his wizard abilities secret, left her mother with her and her brothers when she was only six years old when he decided the burden of being a father of three was too much for him to bear, so she never got the chance to learn that she had magic in her veins. She was homeschooled until the second grade, and since then she never really fit in. She was outgoing, loud, and reckless, and she always stood up for those who wouldn't stand up for themselves. Even if the boys were humiliated by having to have a girl stand up for them, she would do it anyway. She was bullied by the girls in her class, and no one would be friends with her because she was 'problematic'. She didn't mind, however, as her two brothers (James being the elder one and Erik the younger) were always there for her. Whenever she came home from school crying, James would be there to tell her it was all going to be ok, and Erik would be there to make her laugh by purposely humiliating himself or telling a joke.

First instance of magic:
Malin was getting teased by her elder brother, James, for having to get reading glasses. She was getting frustrated and upset to a point that the mirror hanging on the wall beside the pair burst into pieces, showering bits of glass onto the floor, but not touching James and Malin.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 21
Reason for Pending:
- Your encyclopedia page is still missing some things: school year, species, backstory (that you write here) and trunk post. And please make the backstory and FIOM you write in encyclopedia page and in this application the same. I refer you to read this post to make encyclopedia page.
- Your backstory should be 220 words. Well, yours is 219. One word more. Maybe can you tell more about Malin's family? Why did the father leave the family?
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 23
Reason for Pending:
-You still missed the trunk post. Please make it in the second post of your encyclopedia page. This is the reference of what trunk post is.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, April 28
Last edited by Malin Penns on 23 Apr 2024, 04:14, edited 2 times in total.

"She's delightfully chaotic; A beautiful mess."

17 Apr 2024, 17:51
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Diana Saengkaew
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
Link to the character page: Link :)
Character Statistics:
stamina: 7
evasion: 5
strength: 5
wisdom: 5
arcpower: 7
accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
What, really, is my will? Who am I? Why am I here? The questions, previously lurking in the sea of Diana’s subconscious, reared their ugly heads. She clasped the edges of the letter in her hands tightly between her fingers as she tried to hold on and brave the rocky seas of her mind. Despite her strong grasp the parchment only twisted and grew warm from her sweaty palms.

The acceptance letter, as Diana found it, was far more surprising than she had ever thought it would be. She knew her lineage well and she knew what it meant; her parents had made sure of that. Even if she did not have the stereotypical life of a rich, European, pureblood girl frolicking in a grandiose mansion somewhere north of Edinburgh, she did have the family name of a long lineage of wealthy witches and wizards who were a stock to be proud of. The parchment in her hands served as proof that she was one of them. What did it mean to have such an affinity?

It was a common occurrence for magical diplomats to move around often. Hence, Diana’s childhood was fragmented with the segments divided by country. None of them were for longer than three years and there was no telling when the change would come. Diana had attempted to learn how to predict it using the signs in her father’s behavior. However, this method had failed miserably. Niran Saengkaew was an unpredictable man and, by virtue of his skills in debate, it was hard to tell his true thoughts and feelings.

Niran met Katrina through work, which, most likely, was the reason that they were compatible. The superior match for someone as insatiable as he is another individual equally as discontented with life as it is. Thus, the need for constant change and stimulation is mutual and less likely to cause arguments. Happening upon one of these individuals was a stroke of luck for them both. Whether the marriage in of itself was “happy” did not matter especially, given that there were opportunities to pursue their passions and explore the world all while towing their infant daughter behind them.

Diana Alanis Saengkaew came out screaming at exactly 8:49 in the evening on October 6th, 2011 at Saint Mungo’s Wizarding Hospital in London. The birth was attended by many enthralled relatives from both sides of the family eager to meet the newly born heir to the Saengkaew line.

Her first three years of her life that she spent in London left no important memories, mainly because of her young age. According to her father, she spent a majority of her time being looked after by his parents, however, his mother professes that she took off from work to look after baby Diana. The truth still hasn’t been uncovered.

Diana moved to Valencia in Spain, then Boston in the United States, and then back to Stockholm in Sweden within the course of the next three years. In each of these places, the Saengkaew house was fairly similar: a modern (according to the standards of wizarding society) townhouse located in the sleepy part of town. It was nearly always a wizarding neighborhood. Niran had a taste for houses in unassuming colors, like gray or tan. Her mother had a habit of keeping collections that she passed on to Diana so random oddities filled shelves, covered tables, and occasionally spread out to decorate awnings, windowsills and the front lawn. However, every treasure was only so big because it had to fit in a suitcase to be able to be brought to the next beige townhouse they would inhabit.

At 6 years old, Diana moved from Sweden to Bangkok. Despite having lived in various wizarding neighborhoods, Bangkok was the first time Diana attended tutoring with other children. Of the group, the tutor noted her as a “thoughtful” student. She enjoyed excelling in lessons so her competitive spirit drove her to work hard.

As a side effect, Diana’s success in school alienated her from her peers. Although she was a bright kid and an extrovert she struggled to make more than one friend despite attending the tutoring program for 3 full years.

Out of all the pure-blooded students in the tutoring program, Achara Srisuwan was arguably the most notable in lineage. Her mother, a notable Thai auror, had a hawk-like stare intimidating enough that Diana’s own mother would avoid her whenever possible. From Diana’s viewpoint, Katrina was never afraid of anyone. This made Achara’s mother all the more intimidating.

When Diana went to visit the Srisuwan house, she and Achara would escape to the gardens where they could talk amongst the flowers. Achara was more akin to a hummingbird than a hawk. Although Diana talked more, Achara was purposeful and delicate in what she said. Her manners were proper: and she studied well for lessons. Everything about her seemed disgustingly right, like a perfect abomination existing only to frustrate regular girls like Diana. Still, they were stuck together as the only two magical girls of their age in the area. Hence, they became friends, with a touch of competition and bickering.

Diana moved back to London days before her 10th birthday. With her school years approaching rapidly, her parents thought it suitable that she live close to the school which she was planning to attend. Hence, she was sent to live with her grandparents for the year. It was cold in London so outdoor exploration was traded for studying indoors, games of wizarding chess against her grandmother, playing the enchanted guitar she got from the eccentric neighbor, and writing letters to send to Achara via their house owl.

Despite all the pastimes Diana had, claustrophobia set in fast. She was eager to get to school. Scotland was completely foreign to her and there would be wizarding kids from all over the Great British Isles. What was still out there to discover?

First Instance of Magic:
A wizarding child’s first instance of magic is hard to predict. For Diana it came at the age of 3 when she was still living in London. It was not early but not late enough to worry her parents. In all honesty, it wasn’t eventful. One second Diana had been playing with an inanimate doll and the next it was dancing around the room. When Katrina heard the clamor and came to check on her daughter, the doll fell to the ground and Diana looked up sheepishly. “Mama! I think I did magic.”
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 21
Reason for Pending:
- You still missed the First Instance of Magic in your encyclopedia page.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, April 22

STA 7 | EVA 5 | STR 5 | WIS 5 | ARC 7 | ACC 6
"and pretty girls make graves, they say"

18 Apr 2024, 09:02
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Adonis Fairchild
School Year or Adult Level: 1st
Link to the character page: Adonis Fairchild
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 4 | Strength: 8 | Wisdom: 4 | ArcPower: 8 | Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory: The Fairchilds were a prestigious family going back centuries, each one filled with success and a comfortable amount of recognition. That tradition didn't stop with Carlisle Fairchild, the father of Adonis. He went to Durmstrang and graduated top of his class but it wasn't until he received a job offer as an Auror from England's Ministry of Magic that he met a french healer named Lucille Dumont, the mother of Adonis. He fell head over heels for her while she didn't give him the time of day, until he had almost died after a dangerous encounter and she'd commended him on his bravery but chastised him for getting hurt. They took it slow at first but their love for each other was strong and it led to the birth of Adonis and an extravagant wedding. Carlisle showed tough love to his son and didn't like how his mother treated Adonis like a baby, but he had his good moments. Lucille was Adonis's rock and he was her's, absolutely nothing could set them apart, or so he thought. Tragedy struck years later when Lucille was tragically killed by a dark wizard who was later caught but the damage was done, she was gone and 6 year old Adonis was motherless. His father turned cold and engrossed himself in work, he had invited his sister Theodora to live with him and Adonis so she could take care of Adonis in moments when he couldn't look the boy in his eyes without seeing Lucille. Adonis's world lit up when his aunt started living with them, he started baking and took up art, he was finally whole again. He was privately tutored in many subjects including other languages, all done by his aunt, but math and some others weren't his strong suit. He made many friends in the neighborhood and was constantly referred to by parents when they were telling their kids to be more like him, which was funny to him. When he was 8, he and his father started to slowly but surely develop a deep bond, they were closer than they were before Lucille died which made Adonis happier than ever before. 3 years later, he was hugging his Hogwarts letter with tears in his eyes, his mother had gone to Hogwarts and he was happy to get the opportunity to go as well.

First Instance of Magic: Adonis was only a toddler when his accidental magic happened, he was waiting for his mother to finish her Christmas shopping in a small wizarding village and two women happened to be passing by and got a glimpse of him. They immediately stopped walking and cooing at 'the beautiful little girl', his large smile turned into a frown as he glared at one of the women, but he started laughing when he realized that the woman's hair was turned a sickly shade of green. His oh-so-ladylike mother who was watching the exchange let out a laugh unintentionally and apologized to the women before walking away with her now happy son by her side.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, April 21

"I' will live life to the fullest so that I may leave this world without regrets."

18 Apr 2024, 09:06
Index Registration
Name: Phoebe Martin
Year: First
Link: viewtopic.php?t=32140
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 6
Strength: 7
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 5

Race: Human

On a cool morning in October, a young girl was born to a muggle father and a witch. she grew up in London, where she had no idea magic really existed. Her mother kept it a secret from her since she wanted to protect her and give her a normal life, but her life was going to be anything but normal. She, like her mother, had two older siblings who hadn't developed magical abilities, and her mother thought phoebe was also not going to have magical abilities, so she never mentioned it. As phoebe grew older, she developed a lot of quirks like her father. she was a very shy person who had trouble making friends. she spent her days with her parents she developed a love of reading and helping her father out when he was creating something new. she'd also help her mother around the kitchen her siblings didn't like being around her a lot since they found her awkward and embarrassing to be around. She had a few friends growing up and they were much like her but making friends wasn't easy for her because she was so shy and nervous to be around new people but she had a huge love for learning all things new and she caught on to new facts quickly. little did she know her whole world was going to change once she hit six years old.

First Instance of Magic:
She was six years old and had gotten a new book she heard a noise that distracted her, and when she turned back, the pages of the book she had were turning on their own.

Cancelled - Lear

19 Apr 2024, 17:31
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ishwari Gholap

School Year or Adult Level: School level – First Year.
Link to the character page:Encyclopaedia

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 7

Character Special Race/Talent: None.

Character Backstory:
Ishwari was born on 1st of October 2011 at Godric's Hollow in England. Her both parents are wizards but her paternal grandfather was a muggle which made her a Half-blood. She always wanted to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and graduate from there like her parents. She was excellent at studies at muggle school for her basic education before joining Hogwarts. She was sorted in Gryffindor by the sorting hat. She wasn't much surprised but happy to know that she was in the same house as her mom's. She looked naturally beautiful with some acne on her face, which actually added to her beauty. She is good at knowing people and understanding who is good and who is bad. She also understands very quickly what a person might be thinking. She speaks quite less around her near ones and strangers. She believes in talking less but the best. She hates speaking lies and hates people who speak lie too. She firmly believes in being truthful. She believes in justice and equality and however close a person might be, if he is wrong she fails to support that person. She is a trustful person and is someone with whom secrets can be shared with. She is a lovely person who is good at communication. However sometimes gets angry quickly and is egoistic too. Overall, she is a good girl with some flaws.
Ishwari has inverted triangle shaped face with dark brown reddish hair. She is a bit skinny for her age and her height is 4'3 ft. She has dark brown eyes.
Ishwari looks reading books. She listens to her mind more than her heart meaning she is more practical. Her hobby is reading and traveling.

First Instance of Magic: This instance is about that time when I was 7 years old. Once my elder sister irritated me a lot. I was extremely annoyed. I scowled at her. But OH! She was literally having some spots on her face, just like some pimples. I was shocked and more that that, scared. I suddenly calmed myself down and slowly she became OK. My goodness, thank God!
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 23 April
- please state your proper school level as First Year
- missing age and species as compulsory information in your encyclopedia page
- your background is not the same as the one in your ency page. Please make sure it is the same for both. Mental and physical descriptions of your character are not included towards the 220 minimum word count for background information
- please remove the colours you've put in your trunk post. Full rules on what trunks should look like is here
- please remove the spells and potions you currently have in your trunk. You may provide proof of achievement for them after you have been indexed and apply it at the Encyclopedia Updates thread
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 2 May
Thank you for removing the spells and potions in your trunk. I still need you to make the other edits regarding your compulstory information and background history.
STATUS: Follow-up, Sereia, 16 May
Checking in to see if any edits were made. None at the moment. Reminder owl sent.
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 19 May
- Godric's Hollow is a wizarding village; there would be no Muggle schools there. Please edit.
- Between the sentences "She was sorted in Gryffindor by the sorting hat." and "Ishwari looks reading books.", this is more a mental and physical description rather than a background. This makes your background word count 96/220. Please write more about Ishwari's life before Hogwarts, such as her family, what jobs they did, Ishwari's relationship with them, and her hobbies. Please remember to keep it realistic to your age (before 11-years-old).
- Please remember to copy any edits you do here regarding backstory to your encyclopedia so that they match.
Follow-up: June 5 (Lear)
This is a follow-up. We have no record of an edit since May 19, your application for registration will close if there is no edit by June 19. Please be aware that to graduate to the next year, participate in sports or events and to utilize spells you need to be registered with Index. Graduation is on July 1, if you are not Indexed by this time, you will be held back as a first year. When you make these edits, please send an owl to Sereia to ensure the fastest response to your edit and updates.
Last edited by Ishwari Gholap on 16 May 2024, 10:08, edited 1 time in total.

issuefr. My shop!

21 Apr 2024, 01:47
Index Registration
Name:Brookline Quinn

School level:first

ency link: !



Biography: Brookline is a very wealthy pure-blood, so everyday she would read books, or hang outside with her best friends, Winnie, 12, stubborn pure blood who is a squib, and bi, and, Peter, a strong 11 year old, who is a half-blood and goes to another wizardry school. Brookline's family is a semi-large family, her mother's name is Amy who likes to cook, read, being outisde,she also likes to write wizarly books; father is Chase who likes to drink and be lazy, Brookline doesn't understand how her mother hasn't divorsed the man yet; her sisters, Maria and Minnie, both 8, twins and both like seeing their mother do magic and Maria likes reading while Minnie likes fishing and breaking rules like Brookline; her 4 year old brother named Chase Jr., who was named after Chase, and likes to study about magical creatures; a 16 year old sister named Lizy who was expelled from Hogwarts at 12 because she loves to break rules; and also Brookline has a 1 year old brother named Cash who likes to fool around and play with his food. . The Quinns live in a large mansion in Wales. The Quinns' mansion has ten large bedrooms and two small ones for guests. A large kitchen can be found at the front of the mansion, two windows by the door with pink curtains bordering the two windows. In the kitchen, they had two house elfs the names of Winmy(female) and Coobey(male). Amy, Brookline's mother will help with the house else everynight with dinner as well. Dinner was a huge ordeal for the Quinns, when they share about their days and what they did, though they were purebloods they didn't do much during the day besides being tutors.

First Instance of Magic: Once, when Brookline was 4, her mother had made cookies, and like all children, she wanted a cookie, but her mother had said,"No, not before dinner." Brookline groaned, angry at her mother, then her face changed into a wide opened O. How could a cookie fly to her? It was in front of her wide O. Brookline gasped. She saw her mom turn around but she grabbed it instantly on instinct. She ran away, thinking she could do magic.
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 23 April
- you have too many stats (41); as a First Year, you are entitled to 35 stat points (as a human) spread across the six stat categories. Please lower your numbers so it totals 35
- we need to know more about your character's background; the word count for your background only reaches 92 words, not including the First Instance of Magic. Please write more
- your first instance of magic of floating a cookie towards you seems intentional. Please change it in a way that it can be interpreted as accidental. More details on first instance of magic can be found here
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 24 April
Thank you for the prompt edits! Still some things to do:
- please copy over your stats to your trunk and make sure they are the same
- thank you for some more background information! However, we do need more as our requirement is 220 words minimum (information found here). You currently have 180 words
- please note that you can claim to be of some importance but not outright famous that everyone should know who you and your family are. This is god-modding everyone's knowledge. No one is under the obligation to RP that they know who you are simply because of fame
- important: when you make edits here, please also copy them over to your encyclopedia page
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, 24 April
Small note: clarified that friend Peter attends Beauxbatons [x]
Last edited by Brookline Quinn on 24 Apr 2024, 03:39, edited 3 times in total.

❀STA 8 •EVA 5• STR 6•WIS 8 •ARC 4• ACC 4. lovely creature. ❀ Ency! Shop! ••
❝Throw me to the wolves, and I'll return leading the pack.❞