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29 Oct 2023, 20:25
Project Announcements
Fall 2023 Broom Racing Patch

Clarification of Term: In some places we use the term "wood" and in other areas we use the term "forest" when describing certain threats or obstacles. The choice of these words is merely for the sake of flavor. While some threats make sense to be in a forested or wooded area, there is a difference between the forested area being dense enough to be a threat and merely being an area that has a canopy of trees. For the sake of clarification, you will see the use of the term woods when in reference to an obstacle and forest when being used for the sake of flavor.

Clarification of Effect: Ashwinder Eggs - if a player fails to cast the snowflake spell (or possibly other spells if this is expanded), then the unit that has these eggs is started on fire.

Order of Operations Explanation: Additional clarification regarding blatching as well as other facets of a mod. Additions in teal.
1. Counter-charms and defensive spells are taken to fire instantly and are therefore moderated first.
2. Support and healing spells take place next.
3. Spells against the environment are moderated next. This would be spells to damage the ground. To soften the ground. To make the forest more dense, etc.
4. Spells, and other hostile actions, against one another are next. Please note that there is a range on these spells. This range is determined from the player's starting point for this first round. This would include blatching.
5. Secondary effects (such as slowness, reduced accuracy or evasion) are from these actions would be applied.
6. Attacks that require melee range would still occur even if the player is knocked back by another concurrent spell. These are guaranteed actions that occur simultaneously.
6. Damage from these spells are taken and calculated.
7. If a wand is taken or they fall off their broom, due to spell effects, this is applied now.
8. Movement is moderated following the casting of spells. So if a player states that they are moving 3 units, that racer is moved 3 units. Any obstacles in the setting are rolled.
9. Spells that specifically target a specific unit (such as when they pass the Whomping Willow they cast a fire-spell) occur as they reach the range of the unit.

Addition of a New Ability: Death Defiance has been added to Broom Racing. If a user drops below 0 health in a round, they instead withstand all the attacks that round, surviving the round with 1hp. This only effects the user that one round.

Addition of a New Ability: Rapid Reviver has been added to Broom Racing. If a user passes over the unit of a fallen player and the conscious player has this ability, they can perform an action to revive a fallen character, bringing them back to 1 HP. This can only be used on a player once per game.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

24 Nov 2023, 22:30
Project Announcements
Minor Changes/Clarifications Regarding Account Updates and Changes

1. Previously residences could only be changed on a user's profile card once and only once. We have changed this to as needed.
  • Players would be requesting a profile card residence change in the Reindexing Thread where they would have to clearly articulate that they need this changed and to provide a reason/update to their character as to why their residence is a different location.
  • We expect players to be respectful of staff time. If someone abuses this by asking for a change every few weeks, the staff does reserve the right to say "no more."
2. Clarification regarding residence location changes. Hogwarts only admits students residing in the UK - the UK is defined as England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. This means that students need to have a residence within the UK while they are in Hogwarts. If they move outside of the UK (the European Continent is not the UK), then they would be attending another school such as Beauxbatons.

3. Previously we allowed users a one time only name-change. Now that we have older students that are looking at the possibility of IC marriage and other life-changing effects. We have changed the rule to: one name change as a student (so from year 1 to year 7) which can be surname and given or just surname or just given. Whichever this is, that serves as your one time name change. As an adult, meaning after graduation, your character can change your surname up to two times.
  • Please note - as a student a user can have ONE name change. They cannot change their given name one time and then later change their surname.
  • Please note - as an adult a user can have TWO surname name changes. This is to represent divorces and marriages mostly. If you keep the same character for 21+ years and had 2 divorces and are looking to marry a third time, we can talk then.
  • An exception exists for players looking to change their given name that did not change their given name as a student. This is an exception so we can consider people who late in life discover that they are transgender, wish to formalize their name, make it less formal or simply identify themselves by a different name for whatever reason.
  • Why is there a restriction at all? Because names are how things are recorded on site. Because your name is how people recognize and identify you. Because it would be creepy (and people have done it) when someone says they have been around but won't say who they were, this creates a tilted power dynamic, assists some members in harassment, being creepers, stalking, etc.
  • Please, do not change your name on a whim. We have attempted to expand the opportunities for your character to develop, please do us and fellow community members the respect of making yourself known for who you were and to have the change make sense.
  • To change your name you would need to Re-Index and provide a reason for the name change. Please clearly articulate the fact that you wish to change your character's account name.
  • Please be aware, when your account name is changed, this will effect your log in.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

24 Jan 2024, 07:52
Project Announcements
There are some changes in our system, some small and some bigger, that we would like to share with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and we will answer your questions. You can always ask questions in our FAQ thread and an available captain will be there to answer you.
Mechanics Changes
10% KO Range is Removed
The archaic remains from the early age of Duelling in the face of the KO range, is removed now. A player is considered Unconscious only in case if at the end of the round their health is 0.

Duels are Limited to 8 Rounds
In the further attempt to balance out the mod workload and the length of the duel to make them less weary, it's decided to end the duel after Round 8 in case one team wasn't KO'd before that.

Small Matchmaking Improvement
Currently, if two players with the same stats total can be in the same group, they are sorted alphabetically. We announced before Stage 1 that we'll have a change here, so here it is.

If two players with the same stats total can be in the same group, the tie will be broken by the Year. The one with higher year will go to a higher group.
If two players with the same stats total and year can be in the same group, the tier will be broken by a random choice (openly in Discord roll channels).
Jeremy: 65, Y4 ← Group 1
Ophelia: 64, Y4 ← Group 1
Anna: 62, Y3 ← Group 1
Josephine: 62, Y4 ← Group 2

Jeremy: 65, Y4 ← Group 1
Ophelia: 64, Y4 ← Group 1
Josephine: 62, Y4 ← Group 1
Anna: 62, Y3 ← Group 2

Auto-Fail Counter
In an attempt to further balance the duel-defining abilities, spells and mechanics to make the game fun for everyone and more strategic on all sides, we change how the auto-fail counter works.

Auto-Fail Counter
Some abilities and spells have Auto-Fail Counters (AFC) attached, which also can also cause an Auto-Fail roll to be performed for the spell or ability. This roll is performed separately from other Auto-Fail rolls and can be higher than 20%.
  • The Auto-Fail counter is an entity attached to a certain ability or a spell. This is a counter-mechanics to spamming of overpowered abilities and spells to make the duels more diverse.
  • If such an ability or a spell is used, a certain number of Auto-Fail Counters (AFC) are added (Defined in the spell or ability description).
  • If such an ability or a spell is not used, a certain number of AFC are removed (Defined in the spell or ability description).
  • If such an ability or a spell is used with an AFC on it, an Auto-Fail roll is performed.
  • For each AFC, spells and abilities have 10% chance for auto-failing.
  • Each ability or spell has separate AFC addition and removal rules which are only influenced by the usage of this same ability or spell and not any others.

Currently affected abilities:
  • Spell Spread
Currently affected spells:
  • Protego

Spell Spread and Protego have their clarification down below in Abilities and Spell Changes parts.
Abilities Changes
Spell Spread
Spell Spread - Select one additional target for the same spell, but with -2 Accuracy, +2 Wisdom DC and +1 Critical Failure range. This ability can be used as an action (with the spell and the second target provided). If the spell is successfully cast, the player has -2 Accuracy when performing the Accuracy vs Evasion rolls against both opponents. Only one Wisdom Check is performed when using the ability, but two Accuracy vs Evasion rolls are performed — once for each targeted opponent. Only one Duration Roll will be performed, when needed, when Spell Spread is successful. The ability is affected by the Auto-Fail Counter mechanics (+3/–1). If the Auto-Fail roll succeeds, the spell will not be cast.
Spell Changes, Clarifications and NEW Spells
Arcane Power Scaled Down
Last stage we doubled the Arcane Power influence on direct damage, and together with 3v3 it exploded a bit wider than was expected. We scaled the influence down from ×2 to ×1.5. Please, note that only the damage and healing are changed. The Arcane Power influence on duration, or effects are unchanged.
The list of spells changed:

Tarantallegra: 50 + AP × 8
Incendio: 50 + AP × 15
Flipendo: 100 + AP × 15
Spongify: 50 + AP × 15
Rictusempra: 50 + AP × 15
Incendio Duo: 60 + AP × 15
Metelojinx: 50 + AP × 15
Nec Divinos Crepitus: 50 + AP × 15 for blast damage or 20 + AP × 8 for radius damage
Reparifors: 50 + AP × 8
Ventus: 50 + AP × 15
Episkey: 50 + x × 15
Aqua Eructo: 80 + AP × 15
Confringo: 150 + AP × 15 for explosion damage or 10 + AP × 8 for splinters damage
Oculitumescere: 30 + AP × 8

Targeting Tags Clarified
- If a spell has the targeted phase, it's marked "Targeted" (e.g. Flipendo)
- If a spell doesn't have the targeted phase, it's marked "Non-Targeted"

Non-Targeted will now have one more tag in addition:
- If a spell still has the target selection (with no targeting phase), it's marked "Direct" (e.g. Offendo)
- If a spell doesn't have the target selection (with no the targeting phase), it's marked "Indirect" (e.g. Lumos Maxima)

First Year Spells
Levitation Charm • Wingardium Leviosa • [Support][EoT] • WDC 9
Tags: Targeted, Charm
• No Damage (RP effect).
• The target floats 1m in the air and cannot actively dodge, body-block or search for wand whilst in the air.
• The target suffers –2 Evasion and additional –1 Evasion for every 5 points in Arcane Power.
• The target loses 20 HP from falling after the spell's effect ends.
• Can only be levitated by one person.
Repeated Hit
The spell continues and is maintained by another person.
• Until the caster cancels the spell or is damaged.
• Control Check (DC +2 for each next round) is performed every round to check whether the player manages to keep the spell going.
• General Counter-Spell cancels the spell, removes the whole effect and stat loss.
• Dealing damage to the caster will stop the spell.
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster for 1 round.
Critical Success
• The target floats higher above the ground and loses 40 HP from falling after the spell's effect ends.
Impaired Hit
• The target manages to keep one foot on the ground.
• The Evasion debuff is halved and rounded up, and damage from falling after the spell effect ends is halved.
• Active dodging is possible but the Evasion bonus will be halved and rounded up.
• Duration is not affected.
Second Year Spells
Blindfolding Spell • Obscuro • [Support][EoT] • WDC 10
Tags: Targeted, Charm, Transfiguration
• No Damage.
• The opponent is blindfolded, making them unable to see.
• Evasion and Accuracy stats are equal to 0 as long as the target is blindfolded.
Repeated Hit
If a Critically Succeeded spell hits a previously Critically Succeeded blindfold, the DC will be reset.
• End of the duel or until nullified.
• Removing the blindfold manually (requires a full action).
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• The blindfold will require a Strength Check to be removed (initial DC 15 and gets –3 DC for each unsuccessful check), can be done by another player (and both at the same time).
Impaired Hit
• Blindfold does not cover eyes properly.
• The target's Accuracy and Evasion stat are halved and rounded up until nullified.
Slowing Charm • Arresto Momentum • [Support][EoT] • WDC 10
Tags: Targeted, Charm
• No Damage
• The target is slowed and cannot actively dodge, moving too slowly to do so.
• -4 Evasion and additional -1 Evasion for every 5 points in Arcane Power for the duration of the spell.
Repeated Hit
The stronger effect is applied, the duration is updated if it's longer.
• 1-3 rounds (1d6, 1-3: 1 round, 4-5: 2 rounds, 6: 3 rounds)
• General Counter-Spell removes the whole effect and stat loss.
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• No duration roll — max duration applied.
Impaired Hit
• The Evasion debuff is halved and rounded up.
• Active dodging is possible but the Evasion bonus will be halved and rounded up.
• Duration is not affected.
Third Year Spells
Cracker Jinx • Nec Divinos Crepitus • [Attack][Support][EoT][AoE] • WDC 11
Tags: Targeted, Jinx, Transfiguration
• 50 + AP × 15 blast damage or 20 + AP x 8 for radius damage
• Exploding Wizard Crackers are conjured.
• -3 Wisdom for the duration of the spell.
• Upon hit the target receives blast damage
• The targets ally needs to perform an eva roll for the original acc roll, to avoid radius damage + effect
• There is a 10% chance the explosion will affect the caster as well, in which case they'd take the radius damage and effect.
Repeated Hit
If several effects are to be applied, only one Wisdom debuff is applied.
• If no spread effect: 1-2 rounds (1d3, 1-2: 1 round, 3: 2 rounds)
• If spread to two or more targets: 1 round
• General Counter-Spell removes the whole effect and stat loss.
Critical Failure
• The damage and effect are applied to the caster
• An Acc vs Eva roll between caster and their ally decide whether the ally is hit by the radius damage + effect
Critical Success
• No chance of hitting the caster, no duration roll — max duration applied.
Impaired Hit
• The target suffers -2 Wisdom and takes half the damage.
Freezing Spell • Glacius • [Support][EoT] • WDC 12 • NEW!
Tags: Targeted, Charm, Frozen

• No Damage (RP effect).
• The spell attempts to decrease the air temperature around the target.
• The 'Frozen' effect is applied: –20 HP each round; fire spells deal 20% more damage, but will remove 'Frozen' effect; cannot actively dodge.
• If the target was 'Wet', then 'Frozen' replaces the effect.
• The target will suffer –2 ACC, –2 EVA, –2 WIS.
• 'Frozen' effect: Until nullified.
• Debuff: 1 round; 2-3 rounds if replaced 'Wet' effect (1d5, 1-3: 2 rounds, 4-5: 3 rounds).
• Any Fire spell removes the 'Frozen' effect.
• Hot-Air Charm removes all the effects completely (both debuff and 'Frozen' effect).
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• The stronger 'Frozen' effect is applied: –30 HP each round; fire spells deal 30% more damage, but will remove 'Frozen' effect; cannot actively dodge.
• Duration is increased by 1.
Impaired Hit
• –10 HP per round, fire spells deal 10% more damage.
• The debuffs are halved.
Fourth Year Spells
Pressurized Water Charm • Aqua Eructo • [Attack][Support][Utility][EoT] • WDC 13
Tags: Targeted, Transfiguration, Charm, Wet
• 80 + AP × 20
• The target gets water in their eyes and suffers -4 accuracy for the duration of the spell.
• The target gets 'wet' (cannot catch aflame and 20% reduction of fire damage) and any ongoing 'Burning'/'Aflame' effects are canceled.
Repeated Hit
Will not increase the debuff, but will update the duration if it's longer.
• 1-2 rounds (1d3, 1-2: 1 round, 3: 2 rounds).
• Wet condition remains until nullified
• Hot-Air Charm can be used to dry the target and remove the 'wet' effect.
Critical Failure
• Damage and effect are applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• + 70 damage, no duration roll - max duration applied.
Impaired Hit
The damage and the Accuracy debuff are halved.
Shield Charm • Protego • [Counter] • WDC 12
Tags: Non-Targeted, Charm
• None (RP effect).
• The caster creates an invisible shield that blocks Targeted spells and can reflect them.
• Can only protect oneself from being targeted, cannot be used on others
• The spell is affected by the Auto-Fail Counter (+2/–2) mechanics.
• When a spell hits the shield, there are several scenarios (1d10):
• 1: The spell pierces the shield (avoidable)
• 2-5: The spell dissipates.
• 6-8: The spell ricochets off to a random target (including allies, avoidable).
• 9-10: The spell rebounds back towards its caster (avoidable).

• if the redirect targets the caster's ally, use shield user's accuracy.
• if the redirect targets the shield user's ally, use caster's accuracy.
• The effect is applied in the same round (that round only) and is able to block/reflect the spells cast at the shielded player.
• Certain spells and effects cannot be blocked:
Cracker Jinx (only radius damage)
Critical Failure
• Any incoming spell won't require the Accuracy vs Evasion roll (can still auto-dodge).
Critical Success
• The hit spell rebounds back towards its caster (unavoidable, can still auto-dodge).
Fifth Year Spells
Bird Conjuring Charm • Avis • [Support] • WDC 16
Tags: Non-targeted, Charm, Transfiguration, Quick
• No damage (RP effect)
• A small flock of birds swarms the target's wand arm, hindering their movement.
• The target suffers -4 Accuracy with an additional -1 Accuracy for each 5 points of the caster's AP.
Repeated Hit
If several effects are to be applied, only the strongest Accuracy debuff is applied.
• Applied the same round.
• None.
Critical Failure
• Caster conjures bird poop on the ground around them and suffer -4 Evasion with an additional -1 Evasion for every 5 points of the caster's AP (applied the same round).
Critical Success
• Target suffers -6 Accuracy with an additional -2 Accuracy for each 5 points of the caster's AP.
Impaired Hit
• Not applicable
Confundus Charm • Confundo • [Support] • WDC 17
Tags: Targeted, Charm

• No damage (RP effect)
• Target forgets all spells they have used in the last 4 rounds of the duel for the duration.
Repeated Hit
The new effect will have its own duration and its own stack of spells to forget.
• 2-4 rounds (1d9, 1-4: 2 rounds, 5-7: 3 rounds, 8-9: 4 rounds)
• None
Critical Failure
• Effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• Target forgets all spells they have used in the last 5 rounds of the duel.
Impaired Hit
• Target forgets all spells they have used in the last 3 rounds of the duel.
Bubble Jinx • Ebublio • [Support][Quick][EoT] • WDC 9 • NEW!
Tags: Targeted, Transfiguration, Jinx

• No Damage (RP effect).
• Target is trapped in a bubble.
• Target will still be able to cast Targeted spells, but for them to pierce through the bubble, they will need to beat the caster's DC via an Arcane Power roll.
• Piercing DC is 5 + caster's Arcane Power.
• Non-Targeted spells may still be cast from the inside.
• Attempts to cast at the Target must pierce the bubble (Arcane Power roll).
• 1-3 rounds (1d6, 1-3: 1 round, 4-5: 2 rounds, 6: 3 rounds) + 1 round for each 10 in caster's Arcane Power.
• General Counter Charm or Hot-Air Charm removes the whole effect.
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• The bubble cannot be pierced by targeted spells.
• Max duration applied.
Impaired Hit
• Duration is 1.
• Piercing DC is lowered by 5.
Shocking Area Spell • Fulgurunda • [Support][Quick] • WDC 16 • NEW!
Tags: Non-Targeted, Quick, Charm, AoE

• No Damage (RP effect).
• The spell produces a dome-like wave that expands and affects everyone (including allies, excluding the caster).
• Every player the waves hits (unless resisted) suffers –3 ACC and –1 ACC for each 10 points of the caster's ARC in the same round, which essentially impacts their cast.
• Applied in the same round.
• As the spells is applied in the same round and doesn't have a lasting effect, it can't be nullified.
• The spell's effect can be resisted via performing an Arcane Power contest: d20 roll with added Arcane Power (between the caster and each target).
• Equal results mean the effect is resisted.
Critical Failure
• The effect is instead applied to the caster in the next round and can't be removed.
Critical Success
• Allies are not affected by the wave.
• The affected players will suffer –4 ACC and –1 ACC for each 10 points of the caster's ARC each.
Sixth Year Spells
Fulgari • Fulgari • [Support][DoT][EoT] • WDC 16
Tags: Targeted, Transfiguration

• Conjures cords that wrap around the target's arms.
• Target is unable to cast spells while bound, unless via the use of Wandless Magic
• Target suffers 50 damage per round, with a stacking +10 damage for each round the spell is in effect.
• Every round of duration, a Strength Check is performed if the target attempts to Break Free (requires action).
• The DC to break out of the spell is 15 + 1 for every 10 points in the caster's Arcane Power. For each unsuccessful check, the DC is lowered by -2 in the following round.
Repeated Hit
Resets the DC and keeps the effect (including the stacked damage).
Applied if the Strength Check was unsuccessful.
• Until the target Breaks Free (requires action)
• Emancipare removes the effect (cast by partner or wandless).
• General Counter-Spell lowers the Strength DC by 5 (cast by partner or wandless). Takes place before the Strength check for the round.
Critical Failure
• The effect and damage is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
+50 damage upon hit (not the stacking effect damage).
• +5 Strength DC.
Impaired Hit
Damage is halved.
The target suffers 25 damage per round, with a stacking +5 damage for each round the spell is in effect.
• DC is 10 + 1 for every 10 points in the caster's Arcane Power. For each unsuccessful check, the DC is lowered by -4 in the following round.
Jelly Fingers Curse • Digiti Wibbli • [Support] • WDC 15
Tags: Targeted, Curse

• No Damage (RP effect)
• Target suffers -4 Accuracy for the duration.
• Additionally, the target suffers a 30% chance with a +20% per round that the target drops their wand.
• Retrieving the wand requires using the 'Search For Wand' action or Accio.
Repeated Hit
If an Impaired spell hits again, the duration will be updated if it's longer.
• Until the wand is dropped.
• None.
Critical Failure
• Effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• Retrieving the wand requires two rounds of using the 'Search for Wand' action.
Impaired Hit
• Accuracy debuff is reduced to -2.
• Spell effect ends after 1-3 rounds (1d6, 1-3: 1 round, 4-5: 2 rounds, 6: 3 rounds) even if the wand is not dropped or when the wand is dropped.
Trip Jinx • Offendo • [Support] • WDC 16
Tags: Non-targeted, Jinx, Quick

• No damage (RP effect)
• Target trips and has to focus on recovering their balance.
• Target suffers -4 Evasion with an additional -2 Evasion for each 5 points of the caster's AP.
Repeated Hit
If several effects are to be applied, only the strongest Evasion debuff is applied.
• Applied the same round.
• None.
Critical Failure
• Effect is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• Target suffers -6 Evasion with an additional -3 Evasion for each 5 points of the caster's AP.
Impaired Hit
• Not applicable.
Dangling Jinx • Levicorpus • [Support][EoT] • WDC 14 • NEW!
Tags: Targeted, Jinx

• No Damage (RP effect).
• The target is hoisted into the air by their ankle and suspended there; cannot actively dodge, body-block and search for wand whilst in the air.
• The target suffers –5 EVA while the spell is maintained.
• Additionally, the target suffers –3 WIS stacking and loses 50 HP each round the spell is maintained (rush of blood to the head).
• The target loses 100 HP from falling on their head after the spell's effect ends.
• Can only be levitated by one person.
• Until the caster cancels the spell or is damaged.
• Control Check (WDC +3 for each next round) is performed every round to check whether the player manages to keep the spell going.
• Dealing damage to the caster will stop the spell.
• Blinding the caster will also stop the spell:
• Fumos
• Obscuro
• Lumos Maxima
• Nebulus
• Disarming the caster will also stop the spell, unless the caster has Wandless Magic.
Critical Failure
• The effect is applied to the caster for 1 round.
Critical Success
• Control Check WDC is increasing by 1 instead of 3 each next round, while the spell is maintained.
Impaired Hit
• The falling damage is halved.
• The spell can't be maintained and applied only in the next round.

Meenauh Silmataurea | STA: 7 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | ARC: 10 | ACC: 11 |

2 Feb 2024, 17:20
Project Announcements
Winter 2024 Broom Racing Patch
The following items have been patched into the Broom Racing System and will take effect during the Winter 2024 games:
  • Teams are expanding to six players. The championship points have been changed to account for this growth.
    Each house has a team of six racers who compete in a race to the finish line of a map. There are three races in a school year - one in fall, one in winter and one in spring.

    A racer who crosses the finish line first wins that race for their house, however, points go towards determining the overall year-long championship. The house with the most points at the end of the year wins the championship. This does mean that, hypothetically, a house can win the championship without winning a single race.

    This was implemented to make a broom racing match feel more like teamwork than individual play, and to help every racer have a role of importance (as well as to avoid situations in which three houses can finish in equal first at the end of the season).

    The points your team get depends on each racer's end position at the end of the race, which is taken to be the end of the round in which one person from either team crosses the finish line. Points are based upon your position, with the following caveats and exceptions:
    1. Knocked Off Broom
      This would apply to a racer if they fell from their broom and did not get back to their broom by the end of the race, including those who are unconscious. Like what happens in real life motorsport, this would qualify as a DNF (did not finish) and you will automatically be placed in the 10th position. Should multiple racers end the race off of the broom, the racer who got further into the course will be taken to have finished ahead of the other.
    2. Shared Placements
      If two racers are in the same place, their points will be averaged and they will receive the same amount. For example, both Tatsu and Fred are in unit 6, and based on their position in the race, they are both in fifth place. The calculation will be the point you will get in fifth place plus the sixth place then divide by two: ( 10 + 8 ) / 2 = 9.
    When racers from two teams cross the finish line in the same round, a contested stamina roll will be used to determine the winner. The winner of the roll will win the race for their team and get the first-place points, and the loser(s) of the roll will get second place.
  • The compass item has been edited to clarify where and how it can be utilized. The Maze and Fog obstacles have been edited to reflect this change.
    Maze: Whether it is made of stone, hedges, or whatever else is out there, the racers must navigate their way through a maze. Getting lost would slow your progress on the course. Players will have to pass one wisdom check to see if they get through the maze on their first try.
    1. An easy challenge would be the average wisdom of players +5.
    2. A moderate challenge would be the average wisdom of players +10.
    3. A hard challenge would be the average wisdom of players +15.
    4. A near-impossible challenge would be the average wisdom of players +20.
    If they fail the wisdom check, the racer is lost in the maze (remaining in the same unit) until they find their way out. This requires a successful wisdom check equal to the difficulty rating of the maze. You are unable to take actions other than escaping, casting the four-point spell, or helping an ally while lost in the maze.
    If a racer has a compass attached to their broom, they are able to pass the maze at an advantage. The use of a compass must be declared at the start of the race.
    Fog: This is where the racers enter a foggy area in the track. It will require an accuracy DC to successfully fly through, otherwise, the racer will take damage. This means that there would be a reduction in a player's accuracy and evasion while in the fog.
    • A light fog would require a roll equal to or greater than the average racer accuracy +5.
    • A moderate fog would require a roll equal to or greater than the average racer accuracy +10.
    • A dense fog would require a roll equal to or greater than the average racer accuracy +15.
    On a fail, the player’s evasion and accuracy are halved for the next (d3) rounds.

    Casting 'Point Me' in the same round you encounter a fog obstacle OR having a broom compass gives the racer an advantage on the accuracy roll. The use of a compass must be declared at the start of the race.
  • The ability to add a compass has been added to 6 brooms, Shooting Star, Nimbus 1000, Comet 180, Nimbus 1700, Cleansweep 11 and Twigger 90
    Shooting Star
    Description: Racing broom made since 1950 : most affordable and perfect for beginners!
    Stats: +1 evasion; +1 stamina
    Speed: Top Speed is 5, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll). May attach a compass.
    Nimbus 1000
    Description: Racing broom available on the market in 1967, it combines the Oakshaft 79's sturdiness with the Cleansweeps maneuverability.
    Stats: +1 accuracy, +1 strength, +1 stamina
    Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll) and at a speed of 6 this increases to a 20% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
    Effect: None in racing. May attach a compass.
    Comet 180
    Description: Rival of the Cleansweep Two and Three, it's better aged than the others.
    Stats: +2 accuracy, +1 evasion, +1 stamina
    Speed: Top Speed is 5
    Effect: May attach a compass.
    Nimbus 1700
    Prerequisite: 2nd year or later
    Description: Fast and tough racing broom.
    Stats: +2 accuracy, +1 evasion, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
    Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 6 this increases to a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
    Effect: None in racing. May attatch a compass.
    Cleansweep 11
    Description: The latest Cleansweep pride, which can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph in ten seconds.
    Prerequisite: 5th year or later
    Stats: +1 to every stat
    Speed: Top Speed is 5
    Effect: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 3 people. If the driver has the savior ability and they use the Return to Broom action, they can return two people in a round rather than just one.
    Effect: None in racing. May attatch a compass.
    Twigger 90
    Description: Ideal for travels, it is equipped with an alarm whistle and a flying assistance system.
    Prerequisite: 3rd year or later.
    Stats: +2 accuracy, +2 evasion
    Speed: Top Speed is 5.
    Effect: May attatch a compass
  • The Ascension Spell has been edited to clarify how racers above the track are able to interact with other racers and the environment.
    Ascension Spell [Support/Attack] [Year 3] [Legal]
    Incantation: Alarte Ascendare
    Range: 4 units
    Wisdom DC: 15
    Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. Target may choose not to evade. Launches the opponent into the sky, outside of the track. This prevents them from making any progress the round they are hit, however they are now above the track for the next 10 units as they make their way back onto the track. They would not have to avoid or contend with any environmental challenges (except High Wind, Snowfall, and Bright Light) and automatically dodge any physical contact attack such as Blatching and Parkin's Pitcher. While ascended, the races is unable to perform the actions Blatching, Parkin's Pitcher, Save, Alley-Oop, Helping Ally with Obstacle, Retrieve Wand and Using Potions on another player unless both players are ascended. However, they can still be targeted by other players with other actions. Other players have a +1 accuracy against them until they return to the track. This can be cast on oneself but with a +2 critical failure chance. If the ascended player falls off their broom, they will take [40 * broom speed] fall damage.
    Critical Success: This launches a user skyward where they do not make any progress laterally for 2 rounds rather than 1.
    Critical Failure: This attack sends the caster to the ground and takes 25 * the caster's Arcane Power in damage, and need to spend the next round recovering their broom
    Note: Also considered to be an auto-dodge, meaning any other attacks made on this racer (this move takes priority) would not hit the racer as they have automatically dodged those attacks as they were being shot into the sky. Can also be countered with Descendo.
  • Blatching has been given the possibility of doing extra damage on a high roll, and all blatching damage has been clarified.
    • Blatching: This is a move where the racer attempts to collide with an opponent. Anyone who you share a unit with or pass during this turn is considered a valid target, be it before or after movement. [Strength] [Accuracy] [Evasion]
      • The Math: This is similar to in Quidditch when a player Bludgers an opponent, except they do not need to have their opponent reduced to 0 (or less) health to knock them from their broom. There is no damage done as the racer is being knocked from their broom. The attack itself would be accuracy (on the blatcher) versus evasion (on the target). If hit, the target is knocked from the broom regardless of the amount of health remaining. Unlike Quidditch, this is not considered to be a FOUL but it is considered to not be very sportsman-like. The user would hit the ground, taking fall damage (25 * current speed), but they would be able to return to their broom if they have not been rendered unconscious. If the blatcher passes a strength roll of 30, then the target takes double fall damage (50 * current speed). Note: Broom of the blatcher only flies half the distance. Blatching is rolled by the moderator with other attacks before movement is rolled, but the blatch attempt is considered to be in the farthest unit both parties share during the round.
  • The following racial/special talent abilities have been added or reworked:
    • Dhampir:
      • Dhampir Actions (Y1)
    • Metamorph:
      • Mimic Appearance (Y3)
      • Major Appearance Shift (Y7)
    • Part Giant:
      • Part Giant Actions (Y3)
    • Seer:
      • Prophecy (Y3)
      • Fate Spinning (Y7)
    • Parselmouth:
      • Pet Snake:Spy (Y3)
      Magical Races/Talents
      • DHAMPIR
        • [Year 1] Sunlight Sensitivity - They have a -1 evasion against any light-based spells or attacks. Included Spells:
          - Verdimillious
          - Periculum
          - Lumos
          - Nox
          - Caeruleus Inflamarae
          - Incendio
          - Incendio Duo
          - Lumos Duo
          - Lumos Maxima
        • [Year 1] Dhampir actions -
          • Bite - A bite attack is basically an attack with their mouth where the Dhampir sinks their teeth into their opponent. This does not have to be the neck, despite the fact that this is a common depiction of this act. This is an ILLEGAL move in the race. [Accuracy] [Strength]
            1. The Math: A bite requires an accuracy roll against an opponent's evasion. The damage done by the bite is equal to their strength score. The Dhampir also gains 25% (rounded down) health back from their bite. They cannot exceed their maximum health via bite. The bite does 50 + (strength score * 10) damage.
          • Claw - The fingernails of a dhampir reflect the claws of a vampire and the rounded fingernails of a human. They grow faster than the average human and are more pointed. They are not sharp, coming to dull points. They are also far more deeply rooted than a normal fingernail, and far stronger. [Accuracy] [Strength]
            1. The Math:The dhampir digs their claws into a target using their accuracy against their opponent's evasion. The target will continue to bleed from the deep wounds the dhampir inflicts with their dull claws, losing an additional 5% of the total damage done by the attack each round for 4 rounds. The claw does 60 + (strength score * 10) damage.
          • [Year 1] Magical Menace - This affects only spells being cast by the dhampir, so the user has -1 accuracy and +1 critical fail chance when casting spells.
          • [Year 3] Unsettling Aura - Unsettling Aura affects everyone on the track with the dhampir during the game (friend or foe) unless the user has the Fearless ability or is a fellow Dhampir or the user itself. It is notable that a Dhampir can turn off Dhampir's Unsettling Aura but they must state they are, otherwise, this ability would be considered "on".
          • [Year 5] Heightened Sense of Smell - Can see through a metamorph's mimic appearance if you are familiar with the user or the target of the transformation.
          • [Year 7] Blood Resurrection - N/A
        • WEREWOLF
          • [Year 1] Werewolf Form: Bite and Rend - N/A
          • [Year 1] Heightened Sense of Smell - You are able to see through a metamorph's mimic appearance or the target of a transformation.
            Note: This can be used as a counter against users of the polyjuice potion, metamorphmagi that appear to be someone else, and charms that can be used to change one's appearance.
          • [Year 3] Tracking - The werewolf can track its prey. At the start of a race, the werewolf can declare an opponent racer to track in their first post. When tracked, the werewolf has an accuracy increase of +2 against the opponent they have listed. If the werewolf wishes to change their tracked opponent, they may use an action to change their target.
          • [Year 5] Wolf's Cry - N/A
          • [Year 3] Wolf's Grace -As a human, a werewolf's predatory abilities become stronger. Opponents are more noticeable to a werewolf, and they find it easier to prepare for the upcoming danger. Werewolves have a +2 evasion against environmental attackers.
          • [Year 7] Intimidation - Intimidation affects everyone on track, regardless of range. When in effect, there is a -1 accuracy and a +1 critical failure chance for all those on track (friend or foe).
          • [Year 1] Minor Appearance Shift -N/A
          • [Year 1] Skilled Transfigurer - If a metamorph chooses to cast a Transfiguration spell, the DC of that spell will be lowered by 5. Included Spells:
            - Bullarum Immortalem
            - Incendio
            - Fumos
            - Obscuro
            - Incendio Duo
            - Ferula
            - Nec Divinos Crepitus
            - Nebulus
            - Aguamenti
            - Aqua Eructo
            - Bat Bogey Hex
          • [Year 3] Mimic Appearance. -
            As an action, a metamorphmagus may take on the appearance of another student in the race, and then attempt to fly in patterns to confuse the other players as to which is which. Racers will suffer a -1 accuracy while they are using this ability.
            There is a 50% chance that the opposing racers will become confused and target the wrong racer. For instance, if Tom changes himself to look like Sally, then enemy attacks aimed at Sally have a 50% chance of targeting Tom instead. This only applies to actions done by the opposing team. Certain races with keen senses of smell might be able to see through this duplicity.
            Racers may choose to revert back to their original form as a free action. Otherwise, this change will last until the metamorph is hit by an enemy spell or attack.
          • [Year 7] Major Appearance Shift. - A master of disguise and stealth, metamorphmagi are able to change their appearance to stand out less in their surroundings.
            Metamorphmagi gain a new action; camouflage.
            As an action, metamorphmagi can alter their appearance to be less noticeable in their surroundings (growing bumps to resemble rocky surfaces, changing hair color to match the hue of the forest, etc). Metamorphs gain a 50% auto-dodge against any attacks, spells (including ally spells), and environmental attackers for 2 rounds, or until they are hit successfully with an attack.
        • PART-GIANT
          • [Year 1] Unskilled Caster - As Part-Giants are not skilled spellcasters, the chance to critically fail any check for a spell will be increased to a 15% chance.
          • [Year 1] Physical Damage: +30%. Damage Reduction: 20%. - Part-giants perform an additional +30% damage with their physical attacks (anything that requires strength). Damage reduction basically means that giants take less damage from magical and physical sources. (So if they are attacked and damaged for 100, they only take 80 damage.)
          • [Year 3] Part-Giant Actions. -
            • Grapple - Sacrifice your own movement to prevent someone else from getting ahead. If successful, the target is considered "bound". A bound person cannot move their limbs, so they cannot make physical actions nor can they cast magic that requires movement. While you are grappling someone, you also cannot move because you need to maintain your hold over them. At the start of each round the grappled player performs a grapple check (this is just a contested strength roll), this does not count as their action, and if they are successful then they are free from the bind. If they are unsuccessful, then they remain trapped. IF the player is free, they can still perform an action for the round as can you. If they are not free, they remain trapped and perform no action and you are busy holding so also perform no action. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. This is an ILLEGAL move. [Accuracy] [Strength]
              1. The Math: This requires an opposed accuracy check to hit, and then an opposed strength check to succeed. If the grappled opponent is targeted with an attack, the grappled opponent (as well as you) cannot evade the attack, it would automatically hit the BOTH of you even if the attack was a single target attack.
            • Grab - This is where the part giant attempts to grab an opponent's wand with their bare hands. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. [Accuracy] [Strength]
              1. The Math: This would be an accuracy (part giant) versus evasion (target) roll and then a contested strength check (of both) to see if the part giant gains the wand. However, it is very hard to fly with two wands in hand. Much like the Summoning Charm (Accio), the rider holding 2 wands has a 50% chance of simply falling off their broom (no hands) each unit they pass through with two wands in their possession to hand off the wand. The wand would need to be snatched back, requiring either a contested accuracy check followed by a contested strength check to regain the wand, or a use of the summoning charm if the now wand-less rider is able to cast without a wand.
            • Break Limbs - Aim for the bones. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. This is an ILLEGAL move. [Accuracy] [Strength]
              1. The Math: This move requires an accuracy check (part-giant) vs. evasion check (victim). If successful, a contested strength check will occur between the part-giant and victim. If the part-giant exceeds the victim, the limb is broken. A user only has two of each limb, so that is the maximum that each of these effects can be inflicted on a user. The head can also only be debuffed twice. The part-giant can choose which limb/head to target, but if none are chosen, it gets randomly rolled for. Possible limbs:
                • Legs (-1 evasion per leg broken)
                • Arms (-1 accuracy per arm broken)
                • Hands (10% chance to drop wand per hand broken, also 50% auto-fail chance for snapping fingers)
                • Foot (10% chance to stumble, losing the intended action they were about to perform per foot).
                • Head (-1 wisdom per attack on the head)
            • [Year 5] Physical Damage: +50%. Damage Reduction: 50%. Part-giants perform an additional +50% damage with their physical attacks (anything that requires strength). Damage reduction basically means that giants take less damage from magical and physical sources. (So if they are attacked and damaged for 100, they only take 50 damage.)
            • [Year 7] Berserk - An action that can be done. The giant is not in their right sense of mind as they make the final stance to take down their target. For the five rounds after declaring this action, they do 80% more physical damage to surrounding racers (including their own team). On a critical fail, they risk hurting themselves instead. During their berserk, their max speed and accuracy are halved.
            • [Year 7] Unbound. - Immunity to Vines, Full Body-Bind Curse, Immobulus, and Cockatrice's slowness effect.
          • PART-GOBLIN
            • [Year 3] Wandless Magic - The natural ability allows them not to hold a wand when casting a spell (can't be Disarmed) or will be able to continue casting when Disarmed. For such spells, the spell is much harder to cast (due to increased Wisdom DC) and the chance to critically fail a Wisdom Check will be increased. The casting debuffs (from the ability) stack with the same debuffs from Non-Verbal Magic.
            • [Year 5] Armour. - A part-goblin's armor can be worn in a broom race, but the adjustment slots must be declared to the moderator before the race starts.
            • [Year 7] Gold. Goblin-Made Items - N/A
            • [Year 7] Armour: +2 Slots. - A part-goblins armor can be worn in a broom race, but the adjustment slots must be declared to the moderator before the race starts.
          • SEER
            • [Year 1] Intuition. - The seer has a 10% auto-evasion & 10% auto-hit when in combat.
            • [Year 3] Prophecy. - The future shares many secrets, secrets you are privy to. Select 1 obstacle of hard difficulty or lower to auto-succeed at. These must be clearly declared in your first post of the race, and are not able to be changed at any time.
            • [Year 5] Indiscriminate Knowledge - Spells cast by Seers cannot critically fail and their spells have a +1 chance of critically succeeding.
            • [Year 7] Fate Spinning - This can be used up to three times in a broom race. Note, the use of Fate Spinning must be stated by the player when they send their actions. For example: "If I get hit caught by the vines, use one instance of fate spinning to reroll my evasion." Fate spinning is difficult for a seer. Each fate spin causes an immediate decrease in wisdom that will last throughout the duration of the race by -2, and a wisdom DC of 15 must be passed for each fate spin.
          • PART-VEELA
            • [Year 1] Alluring. - Effects those targeting the Veela only. There is a 10% chance that the attacker will attack another target instead of the Veela.
            • [Year 3] Scream. Part-Veelas are not nearly as attractive when they are angry, even more so when soaring through the air. Their scream can be disorienting (-1 accuracy and -1 evasion), requiring a full action to perform but does not require a wand. This can stack indefinitely and persist until the end of the encounter. This scream can target a single user or it can target up to five users. The scream has a range of 6 units. [Wisdom]
              • The Math: A contested wisdom check is done for each target. If targeting multiple racers, the part-veela will suffer -1 wisdom for each additional target.
            • [Year 7] Temperamental - +3 to their critical range (and a +1 chance to critically fail) an attack.
          • PARSELMOUTH
            • [Year 3]Pet Snake: Spy - Your snake spent time searching the track before the race, reporting back to you and giving insight into what obstacles and challenges lie ahead. Select 1 obstacle of hard difficulty or lower to auto-succeed at. These must be clearly declared in your first post of the race, and are not able to be changed at any time.
            • [Year 5] Pet Snake: Attacks - N/A
            • [Year 7] Dark Heritage - The Parselmouth gains +1 accuracy, +1 critical success range and +10% damage done with any curses they cast.
              Included Spells:
              - Mucus ad Nauseam
              - Slugulus Eructo
              - Mimblewimble
              - Petrificus Totalus
              - Confusio Linguarum
              - Digiti Wibbli
              - Locomotor Mortis

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

13 Mar 2024, 14:12
Project Announcements
Adult System Patch
Adult System: viewtopic.php?t=27669
Job Applications: viewtopic.php?t=27775

A couple of details have been added to the adult system. The details of the patch are below:

iNPC information
The OWLs and NEWTs that your PC has are shared by the iNPC, just like how spells are shared between them. The job requirements and all other aspects of the adult system will work the same for iNPCs. You can apply for iNPC jobs in the same place as PC jobs, in a separate application post. The job title of iNPCs will be found in their trunk.
FAQ information
Can I claim to work for a canon or real-world store/sports team?
Yes, you can. You must add it into your job application itself in the "description" section so that staff are aware (eg you claim to be a first-string seeker for Holyhead Harpies). In the event of multiple people claiming the same role for the same team or shop, you would be coworkers and can RP as such (eg two first-string seekers might swap out during games, two bartenders at the Three Broomsticks can share/swap shifts etc).

You cannot be the singular owner of canon or real world stores/sports teams (eg, you cannot own Ollivander's or own the Weasley's joke shop). While you can work at the Daily Prophet, you cannot be the proprietor.
Can I make up a store or team? Can I make up dNPC coworkers and colleagues for my RPs?
Yes to both, you can make up a store or sports team that your character works for/at. You can also have dNPC coworkers and employees. Be careful of giving them excessive dialogue or presence in your RPs.
New Positions
Secret Postal Interceptor
A specific taskforce of postal workers that work on tracking down rogue letters in the muggle world that need to be delivered to magical postal offices and vice versa.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: OWL in Muggle Studies, NEWT in COMC
  • Requires experience as: Postal Worker (intermediate-level Nature/Science)
Minister for Magic Advisor
Someone who works closely with the Minister for Magic and is a trusted advisor working within the department.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: NEWT in History of Magic
  • Requires experience as: Minister for Magic Support Staff (intermediate-level Ministry/Political)
Someone whose primary job is to caregive for others. This could be a fulltime nanny. This is not necessarily a path that always pays, as it includes stay-at-home parents as well.
  • OWLs/NEWTs: None
  • Requires experience as: None
TUTOR --> Requires at least 3 OWLs in any subjects
Lore released
Further education - located here

2 May 2024, 20:23
Project Announcements
Spring 2024 Broom Racing Patch
This season's patch includes several changes across many areas. The following updated and will take effect during the Spring 2024 games:
  • Accio and Relashio have been revised. Accio now has a limit on how many times you can cast it in a game. Relashio's WDC and effects have been modified.
    Summoning Charm [Support/Attack] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    Incantation: Accio
    Range: Up to 5 units
    Wisdom DC: 17
    Effect: Can be used to retrieve your ally's wand instead of spending a round retrieving it if somehow lost. [Passing it back to an ally in the earliest shared unit would be considered a free action]. However, movement is halved, and the rider holding 2 wands has a 50% chance of simply falling off their broom (no hands) each unit they pass through with two wands in their possession to hand off the wand. Can be used with Wandless Magic to retrieve one's own wand. Can be used to place an enemy/opponent's broom or wand in your possession, but it will simply fall to the ground; they cannot pocket it and not suffer the debuff regarding falling off their broom. Stealing a wand from the possession of an opponent uses Arcane Power vs. Strength + 3 (negated by Epoximise used on the broom and Inhaeresco used on the broom or wand). On success, the wand would fall to the ground. Can also pull a broom out from under an opponent, however, it is much harder. Arcane Power of the caster vs.Strength of the target + 5. This can also be negated by Epoximise and Inhaeresco.
    Critical Success: There is no movement loss when casting the spell.
    Critical Failure: You stopped moving on your broom.
    Note: Cannot be used on living objects. Can be prevented with Epoximise and Inhaeresco. May be countered by Finite Incantatem. This attack can only be cast at a target once per race. This attack can only be cast by a single player three times a race
    Revulsion Jinx [Attack] [Year 3 DADA] [Legal]
    Incantation: Relashio
    Range: 3 units
    Wisdom DC: 20
    Effect: Counter to the Gripping Charm. Ends the gripping charm with a contested arcane power check, +2 in favor of the caster of Relashio. Can also be used to make an opponent drop their wand or release themselves from their broom if Epoximise is not being used to hold the wand/broom in place. Disarming an opponent using this spell requires a roll of Arcane Power vs. Strength check, -1 for the target. Releasing an opponent's broom from them using this spell is Arcane Power vs. Strength check, -3 for the target.
    Critical Success: There is no critical success effect for this spell.
    Critical Failure: The caster drops their wand.
    Note: Can only be used on a target once per race. Can be cast by the same racer up to three times a race.
  • Potions have been revised to greater match the OOC effort required to brew them. Potions that previously had incorrect names have been changed, as well as replacing the
    1. Blood Replenishing Potion
      Causes the drinker's body to replenish lost blood
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Bleeding is stopped. Heals the same amount that was lost each round since the bleeding occurred. Can heal over max health.
    2. Bruise Removal Paste
      Heals and soothes damage caused by blunt impact.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Contact
        Range: 3 Units
        Effect: Heals damage for 300 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
    3. Burn Healing Paste
      Heals and soothes damage caused by burns.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Contact
        Range: 3 Units
        Effect: Removes the effect of fire on the user. Heals for 200 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
    4. Essence of Dittany
      Speeds up the healing process of severe open wounds, slows down bleeding and closes wounds.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Contact
        Range: 3 Units
        Effect: Reduces all stat debuffs by 2 and stops bleeding
    5. Pepperup Potion
      Upon consuming this potion, the user is cured of most minor non-magical illnesses such as the common cold or influenza. Steam will emit from the drinker's ears.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Cures the effects of Steleus, Mucus ad Nauseam, and Slugulus Eructo. Heals for 200 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
    6. Murtlap Essence
      A basic healing potion that is used to treat minor cuts and abrasions. There is an analgesic effect as well as a healing effect. It will not prevent scarring but it will reduce the appearance of scars
      • Legal Move
        Application: Contact
        Range: 3 Units
        Effect: Reduces all stat debuffs by 1 caused by spells, environmental attackers and obstacles. Heals for (15 * stamina) HP each round for up to 3 rounds.
        Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
    7. Reorganizer
      A potion that heals ruptured and damaged organ tissue.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Fully heals health. Removes all status ailments. Removes all stat debuffs caused by spells, environmental attackers and obstacles. Buffs all stats by 1 for the rest of the race.
        Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
    8. Revive Potion
      This potion brings an unconscious player back to consciousness.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Brings someone back to consciousness. Revives them on 1 HP.
    9. Skele-Gro
      After ingestion the person will be bedridden for quite a while, depending on how severe their condition is, as the potion causes their bones to heal or regrow. The process of this is described as painful.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Heals broken bones. Heals for 400 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
    10. Star Grass Salve
      Soothes sores and wounds heals and counters lingering pain effects.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Heals all status ailments and debuffs experienced by spells, environmental attackers, and obstacles (ex. Malaclaw's bite, Steleus, fog, Cockatrice's slowness, etc.)
        Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
    11. Wound Cleaning Potion
      Pouring this potion over a wound will clean out the wound.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Contact
        Range: 3 Units
        Effect: Removes topical (contact) poisons and its effects. Can remove the effects of Bundimun, Chizpurfles, and Swarm of Pigeons' poop. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals 300 HP.
    12. Antidote to Common Poisons
      Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons except those specified as 'uncommon'.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Cures Chizpurfles, Mackled Malaclaw's bites and its effects. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals for 200 HP.
    13. Antidote to Uncommon Poisons
      Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons specified as 'uncommon'.
      • Legal Move
        Application: Ingestion
        Range: 1 Unit
        Effect: Cures Doxy bites/stings and its effects, Swooping Evil's venom and its effects. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals for 200 HP.
  • All environmental attackers have been reformatted, along with many changes to their attacks and mechanics.
    1. Whomping Willow [Strength]
      The infamous Whomping Willow stands tall and strong, a formidable opponent for any racer. Its spindly branches and thick trunk allow for easy pickings of athletes, and make it an enduring challenge for races.

      Stats: EVA 7
      - Bludgeon
      The Whomping Willow will attempt to attack every racer that passes it (with exceptions mentioned in NOTES). Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the willow. On a failed roll, the racer takes 100 damage, and has a 25% chance of triggering the Grab attack.
      - Grab
      A racer can only be grabbed by the Whomping Willow if the Bludgeon attack triggers it. When grabbed, the tree will bash the racer against the ground for 100 damage until the racer can free themselves. Racers can escape the clutches of the willow once they succeed a strength check of 25.
      - Racing past the Whomping Willow at a Speed of 4 or more as well as not starting or ending your turn in the unit with the Whomping Willow and the Whomping Willow will not attack.
      - If set on fire, the tree will frenzy, doing double damage and attacking those passing twice with its Bludgeon attack.
    2. Boggart [Wisdom]
      These shape-shifting creatures take on the form of a racer's worst nightmare. A racer with a calm mind will prove unappealing to the amortal boggart, but if you find yourself panicking, watch out. you might find your worst fear feeding on your terror.

      Stats: N/A
      - Frozen in Fear
      The Boggart will attempt to attack each racer that passes it until the Worst Nightmare attack is triggered. Racers must succeed a wisdom roll of 25 to avoid this attack. If failed, the racer is under the FEAR effect, suffers a -2 to both wisdom and accuracy until the effect is lifted, and any additional movement is halted for the rest of the round.
      The following round, the Worst Nightmare attack is triggered.
      - Worst Nightmare
      This attack is only triggered once a racer has already experienced the attack Frozen in Fear. The racer under the FEAR effect flies backward 2 units. The Boggart chases the racer, moving through the same units as them at the same speed.
      The racer may take other actions while under the FEAR effect, but can not cast spells other than Riddikulus. Taking additional actions will not half the racer's speed while under the FEAR effect, they will always fly backwards 2 units. Obstacles, weather, and environmental attackers are not rolled when flying backwards.
      The FEAR effect is ended when one of the following criteria is met:
      - The racer succeeds a wisdom roll of 25, rolled at the end of the round
      - A successful cast of the Riddikulus spell
      - 3 rounds have passed where the user has been under the FEAR effect
      No matter how the FEAR effect ends, the Boggart will remain in whatever unit it is in, and racers are once again vulnerable to the Frozen in Fear attack.
      - The Boggart's location is not made public until triggered, but its presence must be clearly stated at the beginning of a race. The location of the Boggart differs from race to race, even in the same season. For transparency, the location of the Boggart is shared by each moderator to either a Head of House or the Flying Professor.
      - If multiple racers enter the unit with the Boggart at the same time and both fail the wisdom roll for Worst Nightmare, the target is determined at random between them.
      - The Riddikulus spell serves as a counter for the FEAR effect. Casting it will end whatever attack the Boggart is making to the current target. At the beginning of the next round, all other racers are once again vulnerable to the Frozen in Fear attack.
      - A racer can not be targeted by the Boggart twice in a row.
      - Those with the ability fearless are immune to all Boggart attacks.
    3. Vampyr Mosp [Evasion]
      Vampyr Mosps, large insects with incredible speed, inhabit open fields and wooded areas. The nasty buggers are agitated by the presence of lights, flowers, and disturbances in their habitat.

      Stats: STA 5 | ACC 10
      - Sting
      This attack is triggered if a racer does any of the following within 8 units of the Vampyr Mosp:
      - Is caught in the Vines obstacle
      - Is KOB in a unit with Trees
      - Casts the Herbivicus or Orchideous charm
      - Casts Lumos
      Once triggered, the Vampyr Mosp flies toward the unit where the trigger occurred.
      The Vampyr Mosp will attempt to sting every racer it passes as it flies to the unit where the attack was triggered. Racers must succeed on a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, the racer takes 100 damage.
      If the Vampyr Mosp reaches the unit where the trigger occurred, it will automatically attack the racer who triggered the attack, no roll required.
      Once the Vampyr Mosp successfully Stings a racer, it remains in its current unit until the Sting attack is triggered again.
      - If two racers in the same unit fail against the Sting attack, the target is chosen at random. All racers in a unit must be rolled for before determining the target of the attack.
      - If the Vampyr Mosp reaches the unit where the trigger occurred, it will not attack anyone other than the racer who triggered the Stingattack.
    4. Bundimun [Wisdom] [Evasion]
      Bundimun blend in with their surroundings, resembling harmless green fungus or moss more than a dangerous plant. The secretions of the Bundimun are extremely acidic and can rot building structures, and a large enough infestation could cause a building to collapse. Perfectly safe for racing!

      Stats: N/A
      - Spit
      The Bundimun will attempt to attack every racer that passes it. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll to notice the Bundimun. On a success, the racer rolls with advantage (rolling twice and taking the higher roll) on the following Evasion roll.
      Racers must also succeed on a DC 25 Evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, the racer takes 50 damage. They also suffer from the corrosive effect, and will take 50 damage per round for the following 6 rounds. The corrosive effect can be ended early with a successful cast of Scourgify, Aguamenti, or Tergeo, or by passing through a Waterfall obstacle.
      - Casting Scourgify on the Bundimun will remove it for the remainder of the race.
    5. Chizpurfle Colony [Arcane Power]
      These small parasites pass as simple crabs on first glance. But beware, these fanged creatures are attracted to magic, cauldrons and spells, and would like to eat your wand for lunch. Chizpurfle Colonies take up 2 adjoining units.

      Stats: EVA 7
      - Eat
      Chizpurfle Colonies will attempt to attack every racer that casts a spell in one of their units. If a racer casts a spell in a Chizpurfle Colony unit, no matter the outcome of the spell, they must make an Arcane Power roll. If the result is higher than 25, the Chizpurfle Colony will attack the racer's wand, gnawing away at the wood. As a result, the affected racer is unable to cast spells for the following 2 rounds as they remove the parasites from their wand.
      - The Chizpurfle Colony attacker takes up 2 adjoining units.
      - Racers with auto-evasion will roll their auto-evasion chance against the Eat attack.
      - Casting Scourgify or Tergeo on the colony can remove 1 unit of the Chizpurfle Colony.
    6. Cockatrice [Wisdom] [Evasion]
      A serpentine creature with the wings of a dragon and the head of a rooster. With a chilling gaze and a fiery breath weapon, this funny looking creature is no laughing matter.

      Stats: STA 12
      - Stare Down
      The Cockatrice will attempt to Stare Down every racer that passes it. Racers roll Wisdom.
      On a roll over 25, the racer is not targeted by the Stare Down attack, however, they trigger the Fire Breath attack.
      On a roll under 25, the racer looks into the eyes of the Cockatrice. The paralyzing gaze of the creature causes the racer to automatically fail the next obstacle. The racer also suffers the SLOWNESS effect, giving them -2 Accuracy, -2 Evasion, and -4 strength for the remainder of the current round, as well as the following 2 rounds. The effect can be ended early with a successful casting of Reparifors.
      - Fire Breath
      This attack is triggered by a Wisdom roll of 25 or greater in the Stare Down attack. Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the fire. On a failed roll, the racer takes 125 damage, and suffers the SEAR effect for the remainder of the race. The SEAR effect causes the racer to take 10% more damage from any attack, obstacle, etc. This stacks with any other damage debuff the racer is under. The effect can be ended with a successful casting of Reparifors.
      - Racers already affected by the Obscuro Charm are immune to the attacks of the Cockatrice.
      - Both the SLOWNESS and SEAR effects can be ended early with a successful cast of Reparifors.
    7. Doxies [Wisdom] [Evasion]
      Often mistaken for fairies, these pests are a menace to wizards everywhere. They travel in swarms of 3. With sharp teeth, bulging eyes and a layer of black hair, the nicknamed "Biting Fairy" thinks you look like a tasty snack.

      Stats: STA 1 | EVA 9
      - Bite
      Doxies will attempt to attack every racer that passes them. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll per Doxy. On each failed roll, the racer takes 25 damage and suffers a stacking -1 Stamina. This requires a re-calculation of the racer's maximum health. If a racer's stamina equals 0, or the new maximum health is lower than the racer's remaining health, they are rendered unconscious.
      - If multiple racers enter a unit with Doxies at the same time, and both fail the roll for the Bite attack, the target is determined at random between them.
      - The effects of Bite can be removed with a successful cast of Episkey.
      - 1 Doxy can be removed from the race with a successful cast of the Knockback Jinx. Racers have advantage on the Accuracy roll to attack a Doxy with this spell.
      - Racers can only target one Doxy at a time unless they have the Spell Spread ability.
      - Removing or immobilizing a Doxy will lower all Doxy DCs by 3 per Doxy taken out.
    8. Fire-Breathing Chicken [Evasion]
      Fire-breathing chickens are a magical breed of chicken that possess the ability to breathe fire, very similar to dragons. Maybe not ideal for nuggets.

      Stats: N/A
      - Fire Breath
      The Fire-Breathing Chicken will attempt to attack every racer that casts a spell in its unit. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, racers take 200 damage, and have a 30% chance of being set on fire. If caught on fire, racers take 100 damage every round until they are extinguished with Extinguo, Aguamenti or pass through a Waterfall.
    9. Glow Bugs
      These small, luminescent, magical worms are sometimes found in lightbulbs. They are not harmful. They can occasionally be found in wooded areas, and make their surroundings a bit brighter.

      Stats: N/A
      - Light Support
      In units where Glow Bugs are present, the DC check for that obstacle are bumped down a challenge level. For example, a medium challenge obstacle will now have a DC check of an easy challenge. This only works for medium, hard, and near-impossible challenges.
      - If a spell is cast in that unit, the Glow Bugs will die, and the DC will no longer be lowered.
    10. Swooping Evil [Evasion]
      Living in wooded areas, the Swooping Evil appears to be an extremely large butterfly with a wolf-like skull instead of an ordinary head. It shrinks into a green, spiny cocoon but hides spiked wings in this form. It is lethal in both forms and it is an encephalophage — it feeds on people's brains.

      Stats: STA 8 | EVA 10 | ACC 10
      - Spiky Wings
      If the racer fails at least 1 tree, the Swooping Evil uses its Spiky Wings to cause the racer to bleed, causing the racer to lose the same amount of damage taken by the tree obstacle at the beginning of every round. Bleeding can be nullified with the Ferula charm. If the racer fails more than one tree, they also trigger the Bite attack.
      - Bite
      For each additional tree (above 1) that a racer fails, the Swooping Evil will attempt to bite (ACC vs EVA) when provoked, and the venom from the bite leaves the racer foggy-headed. The bite does 25 HP damage, and gives the racer 10% chance to fly in the wrong direction for the duration of the race. This can stack. There is also a 50% non-stackable damage reduction on spells. Damage from physical attacks (such as projectiles) are not reduced.
      - If there is any damage reduction due to abilities or other effects (e.g. Terrible Presence), the higher reduction overrides all the others; only one percentage used for reduction.
    11. Wrackspurts [Wisdom]
      Wrackspurts are invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy. If caught by these creatures, you are likely to experience some mild forgetfulness the next day.

      Stats: N/A
      - Fuzzy Brained
      Wrackspurts will attempt to attack every racer that passes through their unit. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll to notice these creatures. On a success, racers are able to [passively] swat away the Wrackspurts, suffering no effect. On a failed roll, the Wrackspurts are not noticed, and the racer suffers a 10% chance to auto-fail all spell Wisdom rolls for the duration of the race. This does not stack.
    12. Giant Squid [Evasion] [Strength]
      A large Herman creature that lurks beneath the surface of the Great Lake. While it is often described as one of the most dangerous creatures on Hogwarts grounds, it's actually partially domesticated. And so, of course, we enrage it for broom racing purposes.

      Stats STA 20 | EVA 10 | STR 15 | ACC 10
      - Grab
      The Giant Squid will attempt to attack the first four racers that pass either of its units every round. , grabbing them with its tentacles and attempting to pull them into the water. Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the squid. On a failed roll, the racer is grabbed by the squid and triggers the Sucker Punch attack the following round.
      - Sucker Punch
      This attack is only triggered if a racer has experienced the attack Grab the previous round. The racer may not take any actions other than the Escape Attacker action. When taking this action, racers must succeed a Strength roll of 15 to escape the slippery grasp of the tentacles. On a success, they have escaped, and are able to fly at half speed if one was declared in their action. On a failed roll, the racer is dragged into the water and has to spend the rest of the round swimming back to shore with their broom.
      - The Giant Squid can not actively attack more than 4 racers at a time. Once the squid is occupied with 4 players, any new racer entering its units can pass by undisturbed.
      - The Squid can be immobilized, frozen, or attacked with the following spells. However, once the spell's effects are over, the Giant Squid becomes aggravated and is able to attack 8 racers instead of 4.
      Shrinking Charm DC 12, Range: 3 units
      Caster ACC (+2) vs. Squid EVA
      If hit, the squid gains +2 Evasion, and the Sucker Punch Strength DC is reduced by 2. The squid can be hit with this spell or the engorgement charm a maximum of eight times (one per tentacle).
      Engorgement Charm DC 15, Range: 3 units
      Caster ACC (+2) vs. Squid EVA
      If hit, the squid gains +2 Strength, and the Grab Evasion DC is reduced by 2. The squid can be hit with this spell or the engorgement charm a maximum of eight times (one per tentacle).
      Slowing Charm WDC 15, Range: 4 units
      Caster ACC vs. Squid EVA
      If hit, the the Grab Evasion DC is reduced by 2.
      Freezing Spell WDC 15, Range: 3 units
      Caster ACC vs. Squid EVA
      If hit, the squid suffers damage (10*ARC) for the following three rounds. It also has a 10% chance of failing all Grab attacks for the following three rounds.
      Wind Jinx WDC 13, Range: 5 units
      Caster ARC vs. Squid STR
      If hit, all the squid's tentacles are pushed into the water for that round. Any player can fly through safely without an evasion check. However, any players currently caught in those tentacles will fall into the water and must spend the next round swimming to shore to return to their broom.
    13. Pixies [Evasion] [Strength]
      Pixies are similar to Doxies but revel in mischief instead of pain. They tend to travel in groups of five to ten. For every 5 pixies, 1 racer is targeted. Unless you've got some mighty grip, you're going to lose something against these pests.

      Stats: STA 5 | EVA 15
      - Pesky
      Pixies will attempt to attack every racer that passes them. For each racer that passes through a unit with Pixies, they will either attempt the Wand Grab or Broom Grab attack, decided at random.
      - Wand Grab
      Triggered when rolled by the Pesky attack. The swarm of Pixies will attempt to snatch your wand from your grip. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Evasion roll. On a failed roll, their wand is taken, and they are unable to cast spells (with the exception of racers with Wandless Magic). To get it back, racers must take the action Retrieve wand.
      - Broom Grab
      Triggered when rolled by the Pesky attack. The swarm of pixies will attempt to snatch your broom from under you. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Strength roll. On a failed roll, the racer's broom has been taken, and they are KOB. To continue flying, racers must take the action Remount.
      - 1 Pixie can be immobilized for two rounds with a successful cast of the Freezing Charm.
      - 1 Pixie can be removed from the race with a successful cast of the Knockback Jinx.
      - Racers can only target one Pixie at a time unless they have the Spell Spread ability.
      - Removing or immobilizing a Pixie will lower all Pixie DCs by 3 per pixie taken out.
    14. Mackled Malaclaw [Wisdom] [Evasion]
      Generally found along the coastlines in Europe, Mackled Malaclaws resemble lobsters. They have light grey skin with green spots, are about a foot in length, and are generally non-violent. However, Malaclaws will bite any intruders that disturb their habitat, and their bite makes their victims incredibly unlucky.

      Stats: N/A
      - Malaluck Bite
      The Mackled Malacla will attempt to attack every racer that passes it. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom roll. On a failure, the Malaclaw is disturbed, and will attempt to bite. Racers must then succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll. On a failure, the player is bitten, and has a non-stacking 25% auto-fail chance for every roll for the remainder of the race.
    15. Ashwinder Eggs [Wisdom] [Evasion]
      Ashwinders are snake-like creatures that lay dangerous eggs. These eggs resemble large embers, and will burst into flame at the slightest breeze if not frozen. A slight breeze caused by a zooming racer, one might day.

      Stats: N/A
      - Burn
      This attack is triggered the first time a racer enters a unit with Ashwinder Eggs. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll. On a success, the racer is able to nullify the effect of the eggs. If the racer has the Snowflake-Creating Spell in their trunk and is able to cast spells, they passively and automatically successfully cast the spell. On a failed roll, the unit is set on fire, and every racer who passes through this unit (including the racer who triggered the attack) takes 200 damage.
      - If the racer is unable to cast the Snowflake-Creating Spellspell, their roll is automatically a failure.
      - A unit on fire can be put out with a successful cast of Aguamenti or Extinguo.
    16. Swarm of Pigeons [Evasion]
      Although more commonly found in big cities, a flock of pigeons has taken up residence at Hogwarts. Hopefully what they say about being pooped on by a bird is good luck is true.

      Stats: N/A
      - Pooped
      The Swarm of Pigeons will attempt to attack every player that passes through their unit. The Swarm of Pigeons can successfully attack no more than two players per round. Racers must succeed on a DC 18 Evasion roll. On a failure, the pidgeons become distressed, and will poop on the racer. One of the two effects will be chosen at random:
      - Eyes: The poop gets into the racer's eyes, giving them disadvantage on all accuracy, evasion, and wisdom rolls until it is removed.
      - Body: The racer's body is splattered with poop, and they take 50 damage. Additionally, their teammates are so grossed out, that they are not able to help this player through any actions, and will not receive help from this player through actions (Help Ally With Obstacle, Alley-Oop, Support spells, etc), until the poop is removed.
      - The poop can be removed by a successful cast of Scourgify, Aguamenti, or by flying through a waterfall.
      - If more than 2 racers enter the unit with the Swarm of Pigeons at the same time and all fail the Evasion roll for Poopy, the target is determined at random between them.
  • Blatching has been clarified on several points.
    Blatching: This is a move where the racer attempts to collide with an opponent. Anyone who you share a unit with or pass during this turn is considered a valid target, be it before or after movement.
    • The Math: Accuracy of the blatcher versus Evasion of the target. On a success, the target takes damage (Current Speed x 25). If the blatcher passes a strength roll of 30, then the target takes double fall damage (Current Speed x 50).
    - Broom of the blatcher only flies half the distance.
    - Blatching is rolled by the moderator with other attacks before movement is rolled, but the blatch attempt is considered to be in the farthest unit both parties share during the round (Where the blatch occurs is to consider where players would be at the end of the round if the blatch had not occurred. The farthest unit that both parties reach is the unit of the blatch.).
  • Evasive Maneuvers is clarified to be rolled on anything targeting the player or requiring an evasion roll.
    Evasive Maneuvers - 10% auto-evasion chance that anything targets this player automatically misses. Spells, actions, and obstacles that require the racer to make an evasion roll apply.
  • Terrible Presence is clarified to include what actions the 10% auto-miss affects. Terrible Presence has been clarified that it does not affect wisdom rolls.
    Terrible Presence - All other players receive a +1 critical failure chance on spells, 10% auto-miss chance on anything where they target another player (not including the Wisdom rolls for casting spells), and a -10% reduction on damage dealt.
  • Anything that has the phrase "for the next X rounds" includes the current round. If a spell is cast in Round 2 and affects the target for 3 rounds, it affects the target for Rounds 2, 3, and 4.
  • Large portions of the rules thread have been re-formatted to be easier to comprehend.
  • A new action, Remount, has been added.
    Remount: Retrieve and remount your broom if you have been knocked off [KOB]. You cannot also fly in the same round, it takes your whole round to find and remount the broom.
Announcement: There is an upcoming change to the Broom Racing player requirements. As of August 1, all players on broom racing teams or waitlists must have a minimum of 2 spells from the broom racing system in their trunk.

Current players on the teams and waitlists will remain as they are until the end of the school year. However, if you still do not have any spells in your trunk as of August 1, you will be removed from the roster.

Della from Paddington
stamina 6 | evasion 15 | strength 3 | wisdom 9 | arcane power 5 | accuracy 10
Parselmouth | Evasive Maneuvers

10 May 2024, 15:52
Project Announcements
There are some changes in our system, some small and some bigger, that we would like to share with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and we will answer your questions. You can always ask questions in our FAQ thread and an available captain will be there to answer you.
Mechanics Changes
NPCs to replace sudden team departures
This stage, we are going to begin to attempt to solve the issue of duelists suddenly being left by their team-mates. If a team-mate deactivates or quits after trunks have locked but before the duel has begun or the first moderation has been posted, they will be replaced by an NPC, controlled by their team-mates, with their stats and abilities an exact copy of the recent departed player. We are also currently working on an NPC system to handle when a roster is not full at stage start, though the details for that are still being worked out and will be announced for next year.
Abilities Changes
Spell Spread
Spell Spread will now no longer increment the Auto-Fail Counter if the auto-fail roll succeeds. The ability must be used successfully in order to increment the counter, though it will still increment if the wisdom or accuracy rolls fail.

Note: We realize that recent changes to Spell Spread have proved controversial and we hear your feedback. While the auto-fail requirements have not changed in this patch, we are continuing to monitor the use of the spell and to discuss the numbers. This is a much-discussed topic on our team as well, and could potentially change in the future.

Spell Spread - Select one additional target for the same spell, but with -2 Accuracy, +2 Wisdom DC and +1 Critical Failure range. This ability can be used as an action (with the spell and the second target provided). If the spell is successfully cast, the player has -2 Accuracy when performing the Accuracy vs Evasion rolls against both opponents. Only one Wisdom Check is performed when using the ability, but two Accuracy vs Evasion rolls are performed — once for each targeted opponent. Only one Duration Roll will be performed, when needed, when Spell Spread is successful. The ability is affected by the Auto-Fail Counter mechanics (+3/–1). If the Auto-Fail roll succeeds, the spell will not be cast, and the Auto-Fail Counter will not increment.
Blindvision will no longer grant total immunity to sight-reducing effects, but will instead only take 50% of the debuff.
Blindvision - If a player with Blindvision is affected by any spell reducing their sight, that effect is decreased by 50%. List of affected spells:
  • Fumos
  • Obscuro
  • Lumos Maxima
  • Nebulus
The Muggle Condition
The Muggle Condition will now have duelling application. Anybody with this ability will have +2 added to their active dodge bonus, as well as a buff to their body blocks.
The Muggle Condition - +2 added to active dodge bonus. +3 acc for body block and -30% damage received for successful body block.
Spell Changes and Clarifications
Lightning cannot strike petrified students
There was some discussion around whether Metelojinx can strike a student under Petrificus Totalus. It was determined that while it is effects damage, it still cannot strike a student downed due to Petrificus. Beware however, if you are to break out, you may be struck by lightning that same turn.
Weather-modifying Charm • Metelojinx • [Attack][DoT] • WDC 12
Tags: Non-targeted, Indirect, Charm
Effect Damage
• 50 + AP × 15 [unavoidable]
• A rain cloud is created above the opposing team.
• No initial damage is taken, but for each member of the affected team, there is a 10% chance every round lightning will strike the target for the damage above.
• If two clouds are to stay on the same side (cast or blown), they are merged, and the strongest one stays in effect.
If a student is under the effects of Petrificus Totalus they cannot be struck by lightning, though they may be struck on the turn that they break out.
• End of the duel, unless countered with a Nullify method.
• Weather-modifying Countercharm removes the spell.
• Wind Jinx blows the cloud over to the other team.
Critical Failure
• The storm is summoned above the caster's team.
Critical Success
• The lightning chance is raised to 20% every round.
Impaired Hit
• Not applicable
Tempest Jinx
Each strike of lightning will now do 100 damage, instead of 80 damage.
Tempest Jinx • Tempest • [Attack] • WDC 17
Tags: Targeted, Jinx

100 (per lightning strike)
• The caster creates a storm around the opposing team that sends 1 lightning strike and +1 lightning strike for each 5 ARC at a random target.
• Each lightning requires a random target selection (excluding caster and ally) with a separate Targeting and Accuracy phase.
• None
• None
Critical Failure
• The first lightning strike hits the caster, all the additional ones are aimed at the caster and their team.
• Each lightning requires a random target selection with a separate Targeting and Accuracy phase.
Critical Success
• +1 lightning strike.
Impaired Hit
• Damage is halved.
Fulgari, rather than having the Strength DC decrease passively, will now deduct the roll result to compute the new Strength DC. For example, if you have a Strength DC of 15, and roll a 10 + 2 (Strength), then next round the Strength DC will be 3.
Fulgari • Fulgari • [Support][DoT][EoT] • WDC 16
Tags: Targeted, Transfiguration

• 50
• Conjures cords that wrap around the target's arms.
• Target is unable to cast spells while bound, unless via the use of Wandless Magic
• Target suffers 50 damage per round, with a stacking +10 damage for each round the spell is in effect.
• Every round of duration, a Strength Check is performed if the target attempts to Break Free (requires action).
• The DC to break out of the spell is 15 + 1 for every 10 points in the caster's Arcane Power.
Every time a person is trying to break out, the DC is lowered by the result of the strength roll.
Repeated Hit
• Resets the DC and keeps the effect (including the stacked damage).
• Applied if the Strength Check was unsuccessful.
• Until the target Breaks Free (requires action)
• Emancipare removes the effect (cast by partner or wandless).
• General Counter-Spell lowers the Strength DC by 5 (cast by partner or wandless). Takes place before the Strength check for the round.
Critical Failure
• The effect and damage is applied to the caster.
Critical Success
• +50 damage upon hit (not the stacking effect damage).
• +5 Strength DC.
Impaired Hit
• Damage is halved.
• The target suffers 25 damage per round, with a stacking +5 damage for each round the spell is in effect.
• DC is 10 + 1 for every 10 points in the caster's Arcane Power. For each unsuccessful check, the DC is lowered by -4 in the following round.
Cracker Jinx
Cracker jinx WDC has been raised from 11 to 12.
Cracker Jinx • Nec Divinos Crepitus • [Attack][Support][EoT][AoE] • WDC 12
Tags: Targeted, Jinx, Transfiguration
• 50 + AP × 15 blast damage or 20 + AP × 8 for radius damage
• Exploding Wizard Crackers are conjured.
• -3 Wisdom for the duration of the spell.
• Upon hit, the target receives blast damage
• The target's ally needs to perform an Evasion roll for the original acc roll, to avoid radius damage + effect
• There is a 10% chance the explosion will affect the caster as well, in which case they'd take the radius damage and effect.
Repeated Hit
• If several effects are to be applied, only one Wisdom debuff is applied.
• If no spread effect: 1-2 rounds (1d3, 1-2: 1 round, 3: 2 rounds)
• If spread to two or more targets: 1 round
• General Counter-Spell removes the whole effect and stat loss.
Critical Failure
• The damage and effect are applied to the caster
• An Acc vs Eva roll between caster and their ally decide whether the ally is hit by the radius damage + effect
Critical Success
• No chance of hitting the caster, no duration roll — max duration applied.
Impaired Hit
• The target suffers -2 Wisdom and takes half the damage.
Aguamenti is now a targeted spell if aimed at opponents. This use case was not thought of originally, as the spell was made non-targeted before the Wet status effect existed. It still remains non-targeted against allies.
Water-Making Spell • Aguamenti • [Utility][EoT] • WDC 11
Tags: Non-Targeted, Direct, Transfiguration, Charm, Wet
• No Damage.
• Any ongoing 'Burning'/'Aflame' effects are cancelled, and the target gets Wet.
• While wet, the target cannot catch aflame.
• While wet, damage by fire spells is reduced by 20%.
If cast against an opponent, this spell becomes targeted.
• Until nullified
• Hot-Air Charm cancels the effect.

Meenauh Silmataurea | STA: 7 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | ARC: 10 | ACC: 11 |

2 Jun 2024, 00:50
Project Announcements

We are adding a temporary validations subteam that will be assisting the present validations unit. This is a role that may become permanent, but there will be several expansions, alterations and adjustments before this team becomes truly permanent. Their role will be to assist and work with the validation team as Jr. Staff Members. If this role becomes permanent, they will be given the full modules and in character recognition of being a staff member.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

2 Jun 2024, 15:22
Project Announcements
Edit to Adult Jobs

This is a minor edit to the adult job system as it applies to iNPCs.
Please note: iNPCs that wish to be a librarian aide can be a librarian aide, but they will not earn the associated NEWT or OWL they would otherwise get from this job.
Because the iNPC and the PC share completed classes and completed spells, managing NEWTS and OWLS earned via the library aide role.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

3 Jun 2024, 20:20
Project Announcements
Several Travel Related Changes

Lore drop: The Mystic Pullman

A passenger train that travels to Hogsmeade weekly.

New Travel System:

We have a system for players that need to leave mid-year to explain their absences. This is a self-regulating system. Link to System

New Exeat Weekends

These are weekends where the Hogwarts Express comes to Hogsmeade to take students to Kings Cross for a weekend back home with their family. This is absolutely optional and provides additional RP opportunities for players.

Forum Area Edit

We have edited the Hogsmeade Station to the Mystic Pullman as a refreshed RP area for players.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.