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1 Jul 2023, 16:20
Advancement Program Applications
What is the Advancement Program?
This is an optional program that Hogwarts has to help students catch up to their peers. IC this is an exam administered over the summer for any students who have been held back.

Who can apply?
Any character that has been IC held back and had that reasoning approved by index. This means your character is currently on the index. If not, you have to reapply to index with your reasoning for being held back before you can apply for advancement. OOC this situation is caused by a user who goes inactive and falls off index before graduation, or a user who deactivated to another character and has now returned to their original.

Who cannot apply?
This cannot be used by any characters that are already at their intended year. This cannot be used twice in one year by a user who deactivates/reactivates an old character.

When can I apply?
This application can be submitted anytime between graduation and the start of the next school year. This is to represent your character advancing over the summer by taking an exam.

What happens to my iNPC?
Your iNPC would advance to the same year as your PC to keep your stats/abilities equal. You do not have to fulfill the 400 word requirement for the iNPC, it will be assumed that they just studied and got ahead in their own school, even if that puts them ahead of their intended year.

What if I have been held back several years?
As of right now we are only advancing users 1 year at a time. This means if your character is two years behind, it will take two summers to get completely caught up. So if they are currently a 2nd year who should be a 4th year, then during their second year they can IC be studying and graduate to 4th year during the summer (graduate to third year normally, then apply to the advancement program to be moved up to 4th year). This means they are now a 4th year who should be a 5th year. They can do this process one more time during the next year, putting them in 6th year which means they are now at their intended level.

Encyclopedia: (link to your encyclopedia)
Reason: (quick bullet point of when/why your character was held back, which should already be in your encyclopedia/be reindexed. ideally, also include a link to your approved reapplication. please include what school year(s) you missed graduation for eg 2022-2023 school year)
RP to Advance: (minimum 400 words explaining how/why your character studied to catch up to the next year, by studying at home, studying at school, etc. IC there is an exam administered by Hogwarts over the summer for anyone looking to catch up to their intended year, you can be vague about the timing/who administered the exam if you mention it)
iNPC Encyclopedia: (if you have an iNPC, please link their encyclopedia here. They would be advanced as well if your application is approved. You can provide a reason for them as well if you want to, just a few brief sentences on why. If you don't provide a reason for the iNPC, it is canon that that they studied hard and advanced to the next year on their own terms.)
Once your application is approved, your profile card will be advanced to the next year and you can apply for stats and updates accordingly.

Note: You can only apply for this program to advance during the summer months of July and August. The applications are open in June for any sixth years looking to graduate Hogwarts with the rest of their peers. Admins process these applications, so if your application is waiting for longer than 2 weeks, please reach out to a Head of House or a Headmaster.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

2 Jul 2023, 15:19
Advancement Program Applications
Name: regina miller
Encyclopedia: yoink
  • the years i missed were the 2018 - 2019, 2019 - 2020, and 2020 - 2021 school years. i registered in 2018.
  • IC, regina was pulled out of hogwarts at the middle of her second year in 2019 because her father was suspected/under interrogation of a severe crime (involving the suspicious passing of regina's aunt-in-law beatrice barett) and regina along with her siblings were required to stay under house arrest + be homeschooled during the investigation. she spent a total of three years at home during and after her father's trials (and to escape the pureblood society's disdainful scrutiny towards her family).
  • regina finally returned to hogwarts in 2021 - 2022 to finish her second year after her father was supposedly proven innocent and the rumour mill has finally died down.
RP to Advance:
The moment Regina came home for the summer, her parents had made it clear she was not going to repeat her first bout of rebellion like last year where she'd ran away to stay at her cousin's house and then joined summer camp the following month. A letter from Hogwarts had arrived at the Miller Manor prior to her return stating that she was to take a special exam given by a Professor if she wanted to advance in the three years she'd missed school. Alfred Miller had sat her down and talked about hiring the best tutors to help her study, and sternly warned that she was to receive a grade no less than an O or there would be punishment awaiting.

She didn't see it as a struggle. Regina's academic prowess itself had never been anything but exceptional, even when she'd chosen to become a delinquent and break several rules. What was a month of intensive learning in order to pass a year and catch up to her peers? It would certainly be better than to remain where she was with classmates much younger than her. So even though she'd hated how her father had basically ordered her to study, Regina still made an effort so she could become a fifth year by September.

There were no leniency from her private teachers. They were strict and demanded little to no faults. She'd been given stacks upon stacks of fourth year textbooks and her homework consisted of at least four subjects everyday. It was incredibly tiring and stressful, but Regina never missed a lesson. It wasn't anything she wasn't used to - she'd already been tutored like this since before enrolling in Hogwarts a few years ago, as expected of a Pureblood heir. Study notes began finding their ways into her private journal as well, and she always remembered to revise them before going to bed at night and after waking up in the morning.

Her effort was not for naught. When the time finally came, Regina took the exam and passed with flying colours. Whereas others would be overjoyed, she was mildly pleased at best, because she didn't expect any less from her own capacities. And as always, her achievement was met with lukewarm reactions from her father - as if she was waiting for anything different this time. At least her brothers congratulated her, and her mother rewarded her with a brand new, elegant peacock feather quill.

She was silently eager to return to Hogwarts as a fifth year.
WC: 420
iNPC Encyclopedia: henri charles de bourbon
Pending - July 3 (Lear)
I am reaching out to the Index Team regarding your case because a discrepancy was discovered.
Re-indexed back in Feb 2022.
There is inconsistency regarding what was approved, what has been roleplayed and what is now being asked for.
- DOB: 13 Jan 2007, she would be too young to attend Hogwarts Sept 1 2017 as she would be 10 years, 7 months, and 19 days old
- She has roleplays during the 2017-2018 school year including the sorting ceremony, the house table as well as several roleplays, some with other players hat took place in the 2017-2018 school year.
- Her re-index reasoning: *IC, regina was pulled out of hogwarts at the beginning of her second year in 2019 - 2020 because her father was suspected/under interrogation of a severe crime (involving the suspicious passing of regina's aunt-in-law beatrice barett) and regina along with her siblings were required to stay under house arrest + be homeschooled during the investigation. (i don't know the exact words i wrote but you can always check in my reindexed data.)* This being problematic because the 2017-2018 would be her year 1, 2018-2019 would be her year 2 and her 2019-2020 would be her third year with the roleplays that she has done but they do not correlate with the DOB she has provided.
A copy of the re-application from 20 Feb 2022
edit: appropriate changes have been made to my character's DOB and my ency. indeed, it was a mathing mistake on my part, and much thanks to opeila for helping me with correcting the timeline. regina was homeschooled for three years before her return to hogwarts in the 2021 - 2022 school year.
APPROVED - Marcus (of note, the fixing of the reindexing issues is not approved here - that will be done in a new reregistration. But the advancement itself is approved)
Last edited by Regina Miller on 4 Jul 2023, 22:55, edited 2 times in total.

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability

2 Jul 2023, 17:53
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Hugh Lowe
Encyclopedia: Hugh Lowe
Reason: On May 2nd 2020, I decided to deactivate Hugh and try my luck with a new character. Exactly six months later, on November 2nd 2020, I decided to go back to being Hugh. This had him miss out the 2020 graduation (An explanation for his absence was given in this ability application).
RP to Advance:
The quill flicked up and down as answers were scribbled on scattered pages. Hugh’s tall, robed and looming figure sat hunched over his desk, giving him the appearance of a medieval mourner. His eyes trailed cautiously on the quill’s path as studied lore and practice were pulled from his mind and manifested as ink on parchment.

Three years ago, Hugh left Hogwarts abruptly in search for his mother. With the amount of information he managed to gather about her, it was an impressive feat for him, and his uncle, to succeed in finding her. But between uncovering his own story, learning a new language and regaining the love of his mother, his own education had suffered. In his absence, Hugh missed graduation and was forced to retake the year. Leaving him stranded with younger classmates.

One such classmate, in particular, offered a helping hand as the half-giant struggled with casting the most basic spells. Hugh at the time was only just coming to terms with his giant ancestry. Beings considered dim-witted, brutish and known for their mindless rage, and he was their spawn. Considered ‘lesser’ in both worlds, Hugh sought to overcome this burden in his own way. He would need to be one step ahead.

Hugh took his time and practised hard. After all, he was at school. This was the sole purpose for him attending in the first place. And while arcane power may never truly be found in his hands, they’ve become far more capable since. Above all, it is Hugh’s wit and understanding of the world around him that has given him an edge in surviving Hogwarts and his life outside of it.

Back at his desk, Hugh considered all this as the answers to his exam continued to flow out of his quill. He had come quite far to be able to take this step. The young half-giant back then would have never guessed the path he’d take to be here. And while much could be credited to that initial helping hand from George, Serena’s constant support and his own ambitions, he found himself thankful for another person entirely.

Near the end of last year, Hugh received a letter from his father, urging him to come meet his grandfather, who wished to speak with him. While there is still no love lost between Hugh and his father’s family, Havelock Lowe took an interest in his grandson and was not met with disappointment. Hugh was willing to learn and grow where needed, anything to keep his edge.

With Havelock’s tutelage, he agreed to take this exam. The goal was meant to put Hugh back on the right track for his education. He spent the winter holidays learning under his grandfather’s care, took the effort to study after his regular school hours, and began revising at the start of summer. With a final sigh of relief, the half-giant gathered his parchment together and handed in his exam.

iNPC Encyclopedia: Cassanora Browne (Cassanora is intended to be intelligent and studious, devouring books of theory and practice in her pursuit of potioneering. It's not a stretch at all for her character to actually pull off a year advancement)
Approved - Lear (July 3)

"Hope has a place, in a lover's heart"
Race: Half-Giant // Ability: - STR: 16 EVA: 7 WIS: 10 STA: 20 ARC: 1 ACC: 7

3 Jul 2023, 18:38
Advancement Program Applications
Reviewed to date - Lear

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.

6 Jul 2023, 23:37
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Tristan Theramin
Lack of Activity during third year
In Tristan’s third year, his beloved tutor died causing him to be emotionally unstable, this debilitated him for a few months, which led to his parents pulling him out for the rest of the year and asking for permission to start the third year over again.
iNPC Encyclopedia: Gellert Shroeder
In the devastation of his tutor’s death, Tristan had not had the emotional health to complain about being held back and repeating third year. However, now that a year had indeed passed from the event of tragedy, his mind was clearer, and his character made him intensely disappointed in the fact that he was indeed a year behind his peers legally. Intellectually, he would easily be able to catch up to his peers, as for maturity, he was far more mature than sixth years now that he had experienced two deaths in his personal life, and for magical power, he was as a Pureblood, perfectly capable of practicing in school the next year’s spells. So, when he heard of the opportunity to advance back into his correct year through an administered test, Tristan made sure he was going to take it and pass it. He then notified his parents of his endeavour who has usual had no objection and then demonstrated his goal to his tutor, who began at the moment to create a plan for him for the purpose of learning an entire year’s worth of material in a few short months. However, success was not to be doubted for a person of such high intelligence as him and as a person who enjoyed digging deeply into books and studying physics and calculus on his own. He started his research and studying pronto, taking every free moment he had to do such. As he was also studying in the Muggle education system as well, he combined both activities throughout the day. For some time he studied both British History and History of Magic. Then, he studied Chemistry and Potions. Then he practiced his fencing along with Defense against the Dark Arts, then Ancient Runes with Linguistics and so forth. He repeated this process everyday until the time of the test. Some might believe that this would be the most boring summer that he might have had, but for him this intense period of study was the most enjoyable thing to do. For him, falling into a mindset of solving that next problem was the best thing he could ever do. He loved the beauty of mathematics and one day he hoped that in the muggle world he could become a professor of mathematics and perhaps even apply physics and muggle concepts to the Wizarding world. But that was one day, today was time to pass his test and be advanced to the next grade, which he was certain he would do.
Word Count
APPROVED - Marcus Iwasaki

Parselmouth, Pureblood, Noble House of Theramin Sta:7 Ev:7 Str:6 Wis: 6 Arc:7 Acc:7 Check out my shop

10 Jul 2023, 16:06
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Cassius Eden
Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=11942
  • Withdrawn from Hogwarts for third year of studies to help care for mother after the death of his father.
RP to Advance:
It was not Cassius’ idea nor desire to be withdrawn from his third year of studies at Hogwarts. While he understood the reasons and did not blame his mother for making the decision to have him remain home that year, both as a measure of protection and to help them grieve, he still resented the fact that he would now be a year behind the classmates he had been sorted with and had bonded with. A year older and having not shared in the milestone experiences of his new class year, for the entirety of his “new” third year he felt he did not belong.

However, neither his mother nor Cassius himself were prepared to allow him to fall behind in his studies. Missing his third year did not mean a relaxing vacation at home and a life of leisure. His mother, not so beset by grief to understand the impact withdrawing her son from Hogwarts for a year would have on his advancement, retained the services of a retired cursebreaker and close family friend to tutor Cassius. To say the tutor had a good bedside manner would be a massive overstatement. If anything, his “year off” meant an academic and physical regimen more challenging and demanding than he would have experienced at Hogwarts.

While home, his days were occupied with spell casting drills in the morning and academic study in the evening. Even during his new third year at Hogwarts any spare time was dedicated to advancing his studies. With much of the third year material already covered by his tutor, after finishing his homework he would focus on preparing for his fourth year for which the library was an invaluable asset. Holiday breaks were not truly breaks as time spent at home was dedicated to practicing spellcraft and advanced topics he could not teach himself by studying a book or observing classmates. Indeed, one of his primary reasons for joining the dueling team was the opportunity to observe and learn from more advanced classmates.

Between his dueling club obligations and advanced studies, he understandably had little time for socializing. This was not a huge loss for Cassius who was not much of a social butterfly to begin; but, the loneliness this course of study beget did come to weigh on him. Hope came when the school announced an advancement program for students who had missed a year of study. Suddenly there was a light at the end of the very stressful and for Cassius, embarrassing, tunnel.

Confident in his abilities, he registered for the advancement exam at the end of the school year and passed, bringing about a deep relief that can barely be put into words for which he was extremely grateful. (WC: 455)
APPROVED - Marcus Iwasaki

19 Jul 2023, 14:59
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Andrew Vance
Encyclopedia: Here
Reason: Here
RP to Advance:
The odds were ever against the poor Muggle-born who came from a devout Christian household that he would last at Hogwarts for long. Within a year and a half, Hogwarts had proven itself to be a perilous school. The sort of innocent child who confided everything in his parents, his Curse had been the final straw for them to witness, and their Muggle paranoia did little to ease Andrew's fear about Hogwarts and the dangers of magic. Of wizards. Of himself.

Whether for his own sake or that of his parents, Andrew had left Hogwarts at some desperate attempt at normalcy, to restore his old Muggle life. Yet what was, could not be undone entirely. The Ministry still hung over him, what felt as an iron fist as Andrew was forced to continue his magical studies at home. Begrudgingly, he did as he was told, as little as he could. So long as they were together, his parents reassured, but the guilt weighed on him, the worry and trouble he had caused by bringing magic into the home. Spiteful of the Ministry's chains around him, Andrew was determined to rid himself of magic as soon as he became of age.

But things change. A year passed. One wizard, a Muggle-born, his family could keep secret and ignore. But the revelation of another – his half-blood cousin, Olive – was too much for the Vances to erase without severing the family tree. Andrew was left feeling more confused and torn up than ever, yet in some way, hopeful, that he was no longer the only one.

He no longer could be ignored. He no longer wanted to hide.

His decision to return to Hogwarts was met with little resistance from his parents who only wished for him to be happy. While they did not agree, they would not forbid. Andrew was old enough to choose his own path.

He had steeped for so long as a fourth year. Intellect was not the issue. Once he put his mind to it, Andrew breezed through the rest of his homeschooling curriculum and applied for the advancement program, passing the exam. Age was no reason, to escape embarrassment of being held back in the same year with those younger than him. But to finish what he started, driven by the old spark of hunger and curiosity, he would seize any opportunity to blaze ahead. To return to Hogwarts castle, and face his demons.

Word Count: 407
Permission given by @Olive Campbell to mention her character
iNPC Encyclopedia: Jayden Holt
iNPC reason:
Jayden dropped out of Ilvermorny in December 2021 after her Auror parents allegedly had "no more Auror business" to keep them in New York. She and her parents then moved from New York, back to Jayden's hometown in Wyoming, where magical homeschooling was the norm in her village, albeit more relaxed. Jayden neglected her academics in favor of farmwork and playing outdoors. In May 2023, Jayden's parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances (a client that Jayden's parents worked for in 2021 Obliviated them and sent them somewhere due to them knowing information they should not), and her grandparents in New York took custody of Jayden and her eight-year old brother, Forrest. Under the house rules of her grandparents, Jayden re-enrolled at Ilvermorny for the 2023-2024 school year, utilizing the summer months to advance to her fifth year with the aid of private tutoring.

Pending (July 30) - We are going to need a clarification on the 'mysterious disappearance' of your parents. In the previous approvals it was Auror business that took your parents away. While you do not need to know the details of the circumstances of their disappearance, we would need to know what happened to your parents to be able to be informed enough to approve.

Of note: This is not an approval to go into more detail about the iNPC's parents' disappearance beyond what was provided (saying that is why Jayden is with her grandparents). When iNPC applications reopen, it would be good for you to register more detail if you intend for that to be a major plot point.
Last edited by Andrew Vance on 7 Aug 2023, 00:39, edited 1 time in total.

2 Aug 2023, 00:50
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Draven Mirador
Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=19071
iNPC Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?p=362861#p362861
Approved Re-Index: viewtopic.php?t=13033&start=220#p750118

Draven did not return to Hogwarts towards the end of June. His father had grown ill, and it was important that Draven stay at home and care for him. A year passed, with his father growing consistently sicker. He was eventually interned at St. Mungo's, and Draven moved in with his mom. Over the summer, Draven tried his best to catch up with his school work. Because the school year was very nearly over when he left, there was not a lot to cram. He completed his exam and passed, thankfully. When the summer ended, he returned to Hogwarts and attempted to readjust to normal life as a student.

Draven’s ballpoint pen had the end chewed off. He’d tugged on the cap with his teeth until the little plastic clip had broken off. He knew it was bad. Bad for his teeth, and for the pen, and for the inside of his mouth. But he’d started doing it subconsciously, finding the pen cap back between his tongue and bottom teeth no matter how many times he pulled it out. Until the cheap plastic had snapped in his mouth, and that had been the end of that.

His hand was wrapped around the pen cap now, hiding it from prying eyes. Any muggleborns taking the magic exam with him would know what he’d done if they saw it. They wouldn’t laugh, because nobody really cared about a pen cap. But they’d know. And he didn’t want a room of muggle-borns to know he was chewing on his pens. It was unhygienic, and he wasn’t sure how or why the habit had started. He wasn’t sure anyone would want to touch his pens either, if they knew.

Yes. The hypothetical tortured Draven as he wrote his exam. The scritch scratching of quills filled the room, each desk placed a little too far away for anyone to cheat off each other. His mind floated away like a balloon a careless owner had dropped, thoughts bouncing against his skull and reverberating uselessly against it.

“Fifteen minutes left,” the teacher at the front called out.

Draven stared blankly at the paper exam. He'd finished writing about ten minutes before, and had been sat quietly, enjoying the silence. It wasn't often that he got to just...sit. Without anything to think about. During the summer, it had been a constant rush of revising for the exam. During the winter, it had been a constant rush of getting from home to St. Mungo's to Rory's flat. Now, three months spent cramming, revising, and memorizing could float away from his brain. He pictured the Salem Witch Trials, and the Scourers being erased from his memory with the tail-end of a number two pencil. He could forget it now, for all the information he needed on them was already written down on the paper in front of him.

"Five minutes," the teacher called out. Draven set his head on the desk, burying his face in the crook of his elbow. The parchment paper wrinkled under his cheek, smudging the writing. He wanted to go home. (406)
PENDING (August 14) - Marcus

In the RP, we need information on how your character is able to advance - namely did they study at home, have a tutor, etc. Even if it's just a sentence or two talking about the how, it is needed somewhere in there (I see you put it in the reason part, but that part is meant to be stuff that's already been approved by reindexing, not the stuff you're trying to get approved for advancement).

Also, please remove the part where the exam includes a "why is this exam necessary?" question since we haven't established that as lore/that the school would ask for that on the exam (of course, you can use that section as just him thinking about why it's needed, but removing at least the part where the exam is asking it).

glass code | shop
sta • 8 | eva • 7 | str • 1 | wis • 10 |arc • 7 | acc • 7
draven | archer

29 Aug 2023, 19:16
Advancement Program Applications
name: thea knott
encyclopedia: poof!
ic thea was held back in her 5th year (2022/23); her mother had gotten into a car accident that rendered her unable to perform a lot of household duties and hindered her ability to work for a few months. thea went home for most of the year to help out with taking care of the house and her younger sister.
rp to advance:
Thea's mother was always a strong woman. So strong, Thea never even considered the propability of her ever breaking, of ever being anything but a force to be reckoned with. Anastazja Knott was always capable, organized - she would have fit in at Hogwarts, among all the magic and chaos, much better than Thea could; or at least, that's what her daughter thought.

The reminder her mother was only human came as a shock to Thea - a bucket of ice cold water thrown over the girl's head. Days somehow both stretching out and blurring together as she received information from her family, about her mother's accident and her medical state. The updates were always too slow, yet it still felt like she never had enough time to process anything. She doesn't even remember how it happened - but at some point in the haze of shock mixed with concern she was pulled out of her fifth year of Hogwarts and brought back home to help out with... well, everything, really.

In some ways, Thea was glad to be back at the house. The small cottage in the woods was cozy - it was home. She didn't feel the need to sleep with her wand under the pillow here - there was no risk of freak fire, accident, magical mishap that would threaten the life of her and dozens of other kids here. It was just home. Her biggest challenge was finding families to babysit for and lawns to mow to somehow contribute to the family finances. It wasn't a lot, but what else was she supposed to do?

In other ways, coming back home broke and rebuilt Thea from the ground up. The woman Thea always saw as strong, hell, sometimes as too strong, to the point of being abrasive - was now weak. So, so weak. Injuries that in the magical world, Thea was sure would have been healed in the blink of an eye were now making her mother unable to walk. Her mother - one of, if not the strongest woman Thea knew - weak.

As with most things, Thea didn't quite remember the details, but something snapped inside the redheaded girl. The events she went through at Hogwarts made her approach all magic, including her own, with a sense of fear and caution. Seeing her mother's medical state made that caution turn to reverence - it was still something to be scared of, sure, but it was something Thea could wield. Whether she liked it or not. The new recognition she had for her own abilities slowly snapped Thea out of the autopilot state she had been in since receiving news of the accident - days no longer blurred together, instead, she was now accutely aware of how each one sped past until the summer exam.

Thea threw herself into her studies, studying with a Hogwarts tutor. She had taken an interest in potions and herbology, especially medical uses. Subjects she had no prior interest in, ones she considered boring and inoffensive, suddenly felt like she was discovering a whole new world. One of possibility - one that gave her some hope and, ironically, belief in magic after she had spent the majority of her Hogwarts career fearing it. The realization of how powerful the abilities that lie at her fingertips were gave her some direction, some sense of what magic - her magic - could be, contrasting the nightmare it's so far been. She felt she stood at the precipice of something bigger than herself.

Thea could only hope that passing that exam and getting back on track would allow her to take the leap.
wc: 598
iNPC encyclopedia: poof!
Pending Do we have a link to the re-index for this? was there a re-index? (Lear Aug 29)
Thea was re-indexed here. (Opeila Aug 31)
APPROVED - September 3 - Marcus Iwasaki

Stamina: 8 Evasion: 8 Strength: 6 Wisdom: 6 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 6

31 Aug 2023, 17:18
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Donald Fish

Encyclopedia: Click me

  • Muggle parents pulled him out of school to do muggle schooling.
  • He missed 1.5 years of school. 20-21 and 21-22 were missed.
  • Donald pleaded and begged to be allowed to continue, and he went back.
Re-index link
RP to Advance:

It was testing day at Hogwarts, but this wasn't exam season. It was summer and camp had ended. The new school year was approaching and the recently promoted third year was here to change his fate. The catch-up exam would let him be less of an old weirdo compared to his peers. It was all that Donald could think about during the last half of the year.

"Charms, Potions..." he counted out to himself as he collected his notes that he'd carefully built over the last few months. "All here. My social life summed up in one pile of papers..."

The Hufflepuff boy stared with a frown at his prepared work. It truly had been a focus for him. Every memory for his year two had been someone interrupting his studies, meeting someone just before curfew, or maybe a chance cheat day to hit the duelling club space. A guide for what to study had been given to him with this exam in mind. The shame he felt for being behind his peers outweighed his desire to go make new friends. Being the weird older kid was not the life he wanted, especially as a muggle-born.

Eventually, Donald shook his head and laughed at himself, collecting the pile and heading up to the castle for his exam. Insecurity was terrible motivation and he knew it. When asked about it, he always called it a passion for learning and that he wants to learn more to be a better duelist. Hogwash. Donald was in it to feel better about himself. Maybe his robes should turn green with... envy for his peers who are in the proper year.

He arrived at the classroom after his last minute study session, ditching his books and notes in his trunk in the corridor. Sweat formed on his forehead as he shuffled over to speak to the professor administering the exam. An anti-cheating quill was handed over as well as the parchment. It was real now. This was it. Fear flooded his body, but Donald pushed through to remember his hard work. Pride swelled up as he let it go, and he could almost swear his robes flashed red.

"Best of luck, young Mr Fish." said the Professor in a muted tone.

A weak smile escaped as Donald found his spot and began.

Transfiguration? That's my jam! He thought as the first few questions were conquered. He was something of a prodigy in that class and had little need to stress on advancement for it. Donald already did that for fun.

Karma struck hard as the next set was History of Magic. Donald was a Muggle-born student with little advantage in this department. It had been studied, but oh did he choke on his portion. It was potentially passable, but the rest of the exam would certainly need to carry it along.

"Here's my exam." he stated humbly, trying to hide a smirk that was stronger than his willpower. What felt like 12 hours of work had been rocky at times, but Donald knew he did great. His robes didn't turn blue yet from all the studying, but maybe it would over pride for an exam. For now, though, the smiley Hufflepuff and his yellow robes left the room with a smuggled donut in hand.
549 wordcount
iNPC Encyclopedia: Click me
APPROVED - September 3 - Marcus Iwasaki

Donald Fish | Hufflepuff | Fourth Year
Prodigal Transfiguration, Perfectionist II, Spell Spreader