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15 Aug 2023, 01:40
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Draven had always struggled with knowing when to stop. Hobbies turned into obsessions, an assignment that required two hundred words stretched out to two thousand. It was the fear of failure. Lack of control drove him mad, it got in his brain like an earworm and chanted until he'd be left writing himself into exhaustion, his hands cramping and parchment blurring before his eyes.

It wasn't an issue. Not really. Because at the end of the day, a red 'O' circled atop his papers meant he could breathe easier that night. Meant ten hours spent on a paper had counted. If he just worked a little harder than everyone else, if he just stayed up a little longer, if he just put a tiny bit more effort in, everything would be alright. He wasn't sure when it had started, the compulsive need for success. When he'd started using a professor's red ink to judge his worth as a person. But sometime in the last year, the need for praise, for attention, it had leaked into his spellcasting.

So there he was every night, locking himself into empty classrooms and the Merlin dorm, drawing the curtains around his bed and practicing until his voice crackled like the flames in the hearth, and he couldn't stand staring at his spellbooks for a moment longer.

Of course he'd be better. Than his classmates, who showed up to class with their wand and a quill, and somehow grasped the lesson it had taken him hours to understand, in five minutes. Of course his voice was sure, and his wand movements graceful. He'd only spent two weeks before obsessing over them, so that when his turn came to cast a spell, he'd get it right the first time.

Locked up within the towering stone walls of the Mirador manor, it was easier to pace himself. There was only one person who'd laugh at him if he stumbled over an incantation. And Professor Anton had learned not to show his disappointment, least he'd send Draven spiraling downwards. It was easier to breathe around him than in the crowded classrooms, with the eyes of his bench mate and the teacher peering into him as he cast spells. There was only one solution to the anxiety, really. Only one thing that ensured he would never embarrass himself in front of those watching. Work, work, and work some more. And he'd be damned if he ever showed up to class unprepared. (412)
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STATUS: Approved - Maya, 16 August

glass code | shop
sta • 8 | eva • 7 | str • 1 | wis • 10 |arc • 7 | acc • 7
draven | archer
15 Aug 2023, 20:31
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:
Seer, Impartial
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Seer 530/500
The Bonnets have always been considered somewhat of a blemish on the rest of society. That all started way back when Beedle the Bard was still kicking around somewhere in Yorkshire; when kings ruled with iron fists and the division between Muggle and Magic was somewhat more lax. There was once a strange young woman with a reputation for speaking unpleasant truths. In fact, this had absolutely nothing to do with her being a Seer and had everything to do with her being astoundingly rude. Regardless, Winifred's ancestor Morfyl Bonnet was a prophetic witch of particularly ill repute. Some Seers or students of Divination prefer to curtail their visions into something more pleasant or uplifting so as not to worry or upset the people around them, however, Morfyl had no such inclinations. As the apprentice to a skilled muggle physician and the wife of a talented healer, she and her husband mostly busied themselves with healing the sick and injured in the area around her little hamlet. It came to be that one day, a wealthy witch called upon the services of Morfyl on behalf of her sickly husband. Morfyl tended to the man but was struck with a poorly timed prophecy-- which warned that if he were to survive, he would raise his future children to be cruel monsters. At the time, Christian notions of predestination were the defining philosophy of the time, and many Seers were of the strong opinion that if they foresaw what was going to happen, it was damn well meant to happen. However, Morfyl chose to take his fate into her own hands. To prevent this potential future from coming to pass, she allowed the man's disease to fester and he died in agony. The other magical families were none too pleased with this turn of events and the Bonnet name was henceforth ostracized from most of the polite social circles, even if nowadays no one cares enough to remember the original reason. Although the size of the family has only dwindled, there's been dozens more Bonnet Seers born on and off over the generations. Most share similar strong wills and live lonely lives, and Winifred was certainly no exception to this rule. It was her parents' hope that despite only having one daughter, they would be able to marry their child off to a suitable Pure-blooded family and continue their family name for a few generations more. Unfortunately for them, young Winifred had absolutely no interest in playing nice with any of the children of similar pedigree and was more apt to run wild over the hills and get her hands dirty collecting worms. When it became clear to her parents in her teens that she was born a Seer, they were bitterly resigned to the fact that their long-lasting pureblood family line was fated to end in disgrace. For her part, Winifred at least does not share the same ruthless streak as some of her late ancestors and prefers less... brutal alternatives when attempting to change an unpleasant fate. If anything, she tolerates the occasional vision as an unavoidable nuisance and enjoys minding her own business in general. Unlike other Seers, no horrible vision has ever shocked her hair into whiteness. Awful as some futures may seem, she's decided it's a better philosophy to do what you can and learn when to know something is out of your control-- even if some of the things she's seen have embedded into her nightmares.

Impartial 404/400
It's no secret that Winifred Bonnet is a spinster with no interest whatsoever in changing that fact. Much to her mother and father's chagrin, any arranged marriages or suitable engagements were all doomed to failure from the start. It's not even that Winifred's acerbic presence scared them off (although that's never exactly given her any favors), but the fact that romance, in general, has never been a priority or desire for Winifred. Men, women, it doesn't matter, she's never felt any interest from flirtation beyond a vague sense of affection or detached aesthetic appreciation *at best,* and at worst she's overcome horrible revulsion and discomfort. Besides, Winifred knows better than most that to judge a book by its cover can only spell disaster-- beauty is fleeting, a person's true character can only be judged by their actions, and life is too short to pay attention to who has the biggest muscles or straightest teeth. In any case, she is no stranger to "rare" beauty. Even as disgraced as the Bonnets may be, she's still spent far more time than she'd have liked rubbing elbows with other Pure-blooded families with a weakness for vanity and strains of Veela blood running through their veins. After long hours of tedious gatherings and Lord Whoshisface's and Lady Whatnot's dry conversation and even drier pastries staring down their symmetrical noses and full lips at her unbrushed hair and boney figure, it all blurred together until Winifred was quite firmly over it. Back in her youth, there were more than a few attractive but ultimately foolish individuals who were keen on attempting to court her at the time. The most frequent response they received was either in the form of a hex or a slap in the face and yet one has persisted for decades. There's a man in Llangynog named Blythe Davies who swears up and down that *he'll* be the one to finally marry her. At first, it was a matter of arrogance; he was a fine-looking young man who had rarely tasted defeat and was eager to "face the challenge." Since he hit adulthood he's proposed to her once a year, every spring. And she's bluntly turned him down each time. Despite over thirty rejections, they have a strong friendship and often meet for tea-- it wouldn't be wrong to say that she's grown fond of him in her way, but his affections will never be shared.

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:

65 total
STA 14
WIS 20
ACC 12
STATUS: Approved - Maya, 16 August

slept miserably because i was tormented by terrible visions all night,🙄 hope none of it was prophetic
16 Aug 2023, 05:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia Page: Link

Name of Race: Part-Giant

Why it Fits the Character:
Seamus tore through the woods at a full gallop, leaves stuck in his thick hair, and an unabashed grin plastered across his face. Clenched in his right hand was the now-crinkled piece of parchment that had arrived by owl only an hour prior: his acceptance letter to Hogwarts. His mother, had, of course, squealed with delight at the letter, and immediately began drafting a list of things he needed to pack. Seamus wasted no time bolting out the door, rushing off to tell his father the good news.

The large boy arrived at a stream, one he had crossed several times before on this same journey. Too wide to jump across unassisted, and too deep to have consistently dry stepping stones, it was a simple enough obstacle, but one that Seamus never liked to solve the same way twice. He spotted a low tree branch that dipped down above the creek, and with his current speed, he was sure to reach it with a good leap. He pushed off from the shore, soaring through the air, and grasped the branch with his free hand, and was unable to keep himself from letting out a joyous whoop as he swung across.

And at the apex of his swing, the dead branch broke beneath his weight.

Seamus plummeted down into the creek with a resounding splash, slamming his back against the rocks of the creekbed with such force that the wind was knocked right out of him. He came up gasping and splashing as he floundered his way to the opposite shore, hauling himself out onto the gravel with a profound lack of grace. He lay for a second until his breath came back to him, the rocks grinding into his elbows as he lurched back to his feet. That could have gone better. Seamus was soaked, but he was still in one piece. Durability always had been his strong suit. The lad looked down at his hand and discovered that he same couldn’t be said for the now-wilted parchment balled in his hand, the ink smeared and illegible. His face grew hot with embarrassment, and he nearly had to fight back tears before he remembered that his admission was likely also written down somewhere official. Seamus set off once more, at a noticeably slower pace, his shoes squelching wetly with each footfall.

At last, the lad arrived at his destination, a secluded glade at the base of a cliff, where several trees had been uprooted and now lay in a row at a shallow angle against the stone face. At the sound of Seamus’s approach, a hulking figure emerged from the lean-to with a deep grumble. Its shaggy head reached the tops of some of the smaller trees that bordered the glade, and it stretched hairy arms out as wide as a bus as it yawned loudly, exposing tombstone-sized teeth beneath a huge beard.

Seamus’s father.

“Da!” Seamus called as he jogged forward, holding up the ruined letter proudly.

Before he could elaborate, the giant stooped low and scooped Seamus up in an enormous hug, squeezing him hard enough that his bones would have shattered had they not been strengthened beyond human limits by his father’s bloodline.

“Seamus!” His father, Bergelmir, hollered in a voice like a landslide. “Long time since you visit!”

“It’s good to see you too, da,” Seamus croaked with the little air remaining in his lungs.

Seamus beat against the stitched-together pelts draped over his father’s shoulder with wallops that would have bowled over a normal boy his age until Bergelmir finally noticed. The giant gently set his son back on the ground, and Seamus unfurled the letter.

“I’ve been accepted at Hogwarts!” Seamus flapped the parchment, shaking droplets of water off of it in the hopes it would become legible once more. “We just got the owl, I’ll be on the next train there!”

“Son go Hog War!” The giant cheered, then, his face slowly fell. “But… no see anymore?”

“I’ll come visit in summer,” Seamus reassured him, “and holidays too.”

“You’d better,” came a voice from behind Seamus as his mother apparated into the clearing. “Merlin’s beard, Seamus, you’re a mess.”

Morgan O’Clary flicked her wand and her son’s clothing began drying itself, hot air blasting the water from his attire and the leaves from his hair. Bergelmir trundled over to her with steps that made the earth shake, grabbed her under the arms, and flung her into the air like a doll. She yelped with feigned surprise, black dress trailing in the breeze as she cleared the treetops.

“Don’t worry,” Morgan giggled as her husband caught her with astounding gentleness for his size, “I’ll just have to come visit twice as often to make up the difference. I’d have you over, but, well, I don’t think you’d fit in the house.”

Bergelmir began lowering her, and with practiced elegance, she pushed herself upright and stepped off the giant’s palm to hug her son as well. Even at the age of eleven, he, too, already dwarfed her.

“We’re so proud of you, Seamus.” Morgan took the now-dry parchment and charmed the ink back into its original form. “You’ve got a good heart; follow it, and you’re going to do great things. Just try not to get into too much trouble along the way.”

The grin returned to Seamus’s face. “I can’t make any promises.”

Stamina: 10
Evasion: 3
Strength: 10
Wisdom: 1
Arcane Power: 1
Accuracy: 5
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 20 August
16 Aug 2023, 18:47
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Evasive Maneuvers
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Evasive Maneuvers Application
At a very young age, Jannette Honey Applebottom has always been known around her family as being very short, having cat-like reflexes, and also being lucky. Due to her petite frame, turning to her side has always been an effective tactic as Jannette look skinnier than a pretzel whenever anyone threw something or cast spells at her. While clumsy and loafing in her free time with friends (and also doing any kind of homework or studying), when there is something engaging Jannette can be rather dexterous and either catch or move out of the way of things with ease. This has been very useful to her during her free time of playing The Floor is Lava! Then last but not least, we can't ever forget about lady luck on Jannette's side. While luck doesn't sound necessary for Evasive Maneuvers, there have been times when the second year has been in sticky situations and has made it out just by sheer luck!

After an argument between Jannette and Cynthia which leads to Jannette getting flipendo to the floor of the courtyard. A proper wizarding duel was taking place in the dueling club between these two first-years hosted by Lucia who was unsuspected of these two's prior argument. As the two both went to their proper positions, Lucia began the duel between these two.

As the battle commenced both their spells were cast at the same time, prompting Jannette to swiftly pivot to her side (skinny as a toothpick) and shield her face as if bracing for impact. As seconds passed, the brunette unshielded her face to witness what happened. Cynthia's incendio spell sailed past its mark, missing her entirely. While Jannette's other hand spell landed directly on Cynthia causing her legs to dance uncontrollably.

Another situation was an instance of fortune coming in to save her from a horrifying situation. During her first year at Hogwarts, her friend Colin McCoire invited her to spectate a wizarding duel between him and 3 other students (David Howard, Avery Chen, Pax Zhang). Jannette being jittery as she was, went to the wizarding duel with a big o'l comically large sign in hand, blocking her line of view as she'd jump up and down cheering as loud as she could.

Sadly for Jannette's misfortune, having an obnoxiously large sign that obstructed her vision was not a good idea. Little did she know, Avery had chosen to drink a rather dangerous potion and unleashed a fire-like projectile that couldn't be controlled as it hurled toward the unsuspected spectator, Jannette! As her unfortunate demise seemed evident; her hero, Hunter Argentum did what anyone would do in this situation and lunged Jannette to the floor. The bright fiery ball barely missed them by an inch as they collided with the floor. Now, did Jannette get hurt, yeah. Was she about to cry, of course? Did she also get a free chocolate frog in the progress from Hunter, sure! But the more important question: did luck come in and save her from a horrible situation?! Well, that's up to you to decide.
Word Count: 513/400
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 20 August

Jannette Applebottom
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."
19 Aug 2023, 12:19
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here~
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Sixth Sense
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Unlike many of her peers who enjoys voicing their opinions and thoughts wherever they go, Sylvia was born with an introverted personality, which made her focus all of her attention on the outside surroundings (when she’s not lost in her own world, of course). When she is on the move, she always analyzes everything around her, searching carefully to see if there are any unusual signs or patterns that hasn’t existed before. Her skepticism also played a big role in this, because she doesn’t let her guard down easily, even when with her most-trusted friends, since being on constant alert in such a magical yet unbelievable world which is full of surprises seems rather crucial to her.

Because of her inherent disposition and firmly held beliefs, Sylvia possesses a natural knack for spotting incongruities, whether they manifest as a piece of furniture that doesn't quite fit or a plant that seems subtly altered. It granted her a heightened instinct that often surpasses that of her peers, been adept at intuitively sensing when something is amiss, often arriving at this conclusion through a swift analysis of her surroundings. This unbelievable ability of hers, when used correctly and confidently, can often save her a lot of trouble and meaningless, wasted energy.

Once during her time at Hogwarts, while she was walking along the Great Lake, Sylvia suddenly stopped in her tracks. There was this patch of grass that stood out because it was slightly greener than the rest. Although she could have simply been mistaken, Sylvia somehow felt certain that it wasn't her imagination, and that there’s definitely something wrong with the ground before her. To test whether her theory is correct, she pulled out her wand and gave the grass a gentle poke. As she had previously expected, it was no ordinary grass at all. Sinking down deeper in a instant, it revealed a wide hole underneath. It turned out that someone had likely set up a trap, probably for entertainment or teasing purposes, but Sylvia's careful eye saved her from falling right into it.

Although Sylvia may not assert herself as the most noticeable presence in a room, her innate watchfulness stands as a notable strength. With her enhanced sixth sense, she can often discern subtleties that may elude the casual observer. Still aiming to perfect this ability of hers, she also occasionally focuses intentionally on finding some overlooked details, hoping to sharpen her intuition.
Word Count: 405/400
Status: Approved, Beatrice, August 21

Dreams make good stories. But everything important happens when we're awake.
19 Aug 2023, 19:57
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=26746
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Fearless
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Word Count: 509

The new-to-adulthood student at Hogwarts, a man who went by the name Octavius, was often picked on, yes, but was also avoided a little more often compared to when he first started out at Hogwarts. In the last two years, he was seen as someone who finally grew a backbone, who became a courageous being but also lived to terrify others if they bothered him. During those two years, he had time to hone and tap into that energy. To face his fears.

Yes, he had to do it with a Boggart, but he knew he couldn't actually just cast the boggart-banishing spell against his fear when it was never a boggart in the first place. Hie fear was, in his own opinion, unique. He was terrified of spiders. But not just any spiders, he could tolerate some.

He was afraid of the daddy long leg spiders.

Super common but he always found them to be something that scared him and would cause him to run back inside the house. Why did they have long legs in the first place? Why the hell were they longer than the other spiders? He couldn't have just had short and stubby legs but a ridiculous amount of fuzz on the leg instead?

This was terrifying to Octavius, however, he had to face his own fears. He wasn't a child anymore. He was a man. A man who still had bullies as an adult. Less than when he was a child, but still bullies nevertheless.

A gulp, and he saw a daddy long leg on his desk, and he heard snickering just outside of the room. Yeah, this was intentional,

He needed to stop this. He needed to draw the line. "H-hello b-buddy." Octavius said nervously, the nervousness and anxiousness of what the spider might do was a bit nervewracking, but surely the man was brave enough to face his fears.

He needed to be fearless. He needed to ignore how he originally felt about the daddy long legs and learn to tolerate them like he did the other spiders.

He knew it was their tiny bodies. It was like eight strings attached to a single pea.

He took a deep breath and raised his hand to use his pointer finger and stroke the back of the spider. That wasn't so bad. And the legs were thin anyways, it wouldn't have been too bad. So, what was he so afraid of? If it were just the body of the spider, was it really worth being afraid all these years of them? Especially when people say that they won't hurt you.

They seemed to have been telling the truth. Daddy Long Legs were harmless.

Maybe this was the first step to being fearless? To facing his fear? "Hello Jebediah. I think you're not scary at all. I don't know what I was thinking all these years. I don't know why you were so scary when in reality, you're so sweet and harmless. I apologize for stereotyping you with poisonous spiders."

The second step perhaps?
Status: Approved Beatrice 20 August

Just watch me. I'm going to be the shooting star that rains down sparkles. Do I know where this saying is from, no.
19 Aug 2023, 23:51
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Seer
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Bridgette was always close with their maternal grandmother, Sharice Mooney, despite living quite far apart. Growing up they often spent the weekends at Sharice's as that's what they wanted to do, and their parents typically thought it sweet that they wanted to spend so much time with someone with such a crotchety attitude. What they didn't really understand was when their grandmother told them of the future, of the things they would do at Hogwarts and that when that letter came through their chimney it would be one of acceptance, one that would lead to their future as a generally decent wizard. It was quite extraordinary.

They were ecstatic when their grandmother began speaking these words of wise old wisdom, excitement pouring from every ounce of them when Sharice's eyes turned completely white and the old woman's lips would recite the future of some old wizard or another. It was Bridgette's job as the one witnessing these visions (even if they didn't quite understand what they meant, or that they would begin having them more regularly as well when they began attending Hogwarts) to remember what was said, and every single time their grandmother regained her consciousness from her visions, Bridgette would be waiting happily with the crudely written notes on random pieces of parchment. Their grandmother left these pieces of parchment out for Bridgette so that the lass would have something to do while she experienced what the universe needed her to, and it most definitely helped that Bridgette was over the moon to help out their role model.

They were out with their grandmother, working on her garden and planting new seeds for the coming spring, when a sensation outside of their control turned their head to the gate, where a man cloaked in black waited with a wand pointed at them. Bridgette, scared but not immobilized, flung themself up and in front of their grandmother in order to protect her. This didn’t do much, of course, but it had been enough to throw the man off guard long enough for Sharice to pick up her wand and recast the protection charm that she had recently renewed. Then, with a flourish of her wand, she would send the man flying backwards with a simple knockback jinx. Bridgette had whooped for their grandmothers accomplishment, throwing their hands in the air while their grandmother held a stony expression and pressed Bridgette against her skirts.

Bridgette had questioned Sharice about everything to do with a Seer and if they would become one or if they already were one or if it had skipped both them and their mother and a plethora of other questions that Sharice had lightly laughed at and answered for them.

They wouldn't experience many other indications of their Seer-blood before they started Hogwarts, and the incidents they did experience were small and unimportant. They likely won’t realize that they are a Seer until their third or fourth year, and when that comes around there will be correspondences between them and their grandmother in order to ask questions and get support.

Stats: Stamina: 4 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 4 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 5

Status: Pending, Beatrice, 21 August

What you describe would be too powerful for a 9 year old seer. Seer children do not start having visions and prophecy until they are 13-14. They might get a sense of something bad but not full prophecies. Please edit this.

Also please as a note, do not delete moderation notes. They are there for staff papertrail purposes.
Pending, Alan, 22nd August

Please remove mentions of your character having visions at such a young age. This can still be found in the third paragraph.
“These days with and often strings of stays with their grandmother lead to them being quite equipped when they began to have flashes of visions at the age of nine.”
Pending, Alan, 22nd August
Further mentions of visions in the application. Requested to remove anything hinting at visions at such a young age.
Approved, Alan 23rd August
Note: the mentioned visions in the application are experienced by the grandmother and never by Bridgette.
23 Aug 2023, 19:37
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Click me
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: metamorphmagus
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Even if Damian’s family has always been a pure-blood one, there weren’t many cases of metamorphmagi in it. They obviously knew the trait and what it meant to have it, but apparently the only one who was a metamorphmagus was a distant grandfather on his father’s side, who lived many decades before the birth of Damian and also before his own parents. And since the trait wasn’t inherited by anyone in the family many started to believe generation after generation that the newborn could have had it. And generation after generation, the trait never appeared.

The family never lost hope, though. They knew that one day a child would be born with it, and each time a new baby entered the family, the elders grew a maniacal interest in the newborn to see if they would be the one. Damian wasn’t an exception: he was carefully observed during his first days and months by his parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents who kept trying to trigger a potential transformation by upsetting him or making him laugh at the most random times.

Damian didn’t show any signal of having inherited the trait, no matter the efforts of everyone to manually force the activation of the trait, and after many attempts his parents asked everyone to stop harassing their child, who clearly wasn’t a metamorphmagus. The family gradually stopped, and even if they were a bit disappointed they didn’t stop loving Damian and treating him as usual; everyone was simply curious to see if the next generation would have finally been the one to inherit it. After all, the trait couldn't simply disappear, right?

But Damian’s family didn’t know that in his mother’s family tree there was another metamorphmagus, and neither did her. It was also a distant relative who had the gene, and it never showed again in any of the offspring; the family didn’t really care, and they eventually forgot about it. Damian’s mother was totally unaware of that since no one in her family spoke about that relative, and relied only on her husband’s family to bring the gene.

Everything changed when Damian was ten months: since the gene should have manifested way before, nobody was paying constant attention to his actions, thinking that if he was truly a metamorphmagus he should have shown some signals way before. He was in his crib sleeping, and outside a storm had just started. Some bolts and thunders appeared as the storm approached the house, and one louder thunder suddenly woke Damian up, terrifying him. The shock made him cry loudly, and as soon as his parents heard that he had woken up his mother came to comfort him. “Uh... dear?” his mother called her husband once she got Damian in her arms. “Damian has half of his hair blonde.” she added, almost speechless. It was true: Damian had involuntarily changed his hair color, only partially, as a reaction to those bolts that had seen and thunders that woke him up. Damian’s father rushed to check with his own eyes, he double checked to make sure it was really what they were both thinking: even if a bit later compared to all the others, their child had finally inherited the trait hidden for generations in both sides of his family, and was the first metamorphmagus in Hills family after centuries.

Damian’s parents were so proud of him and supported any small transformations that the child could make: the hair was the most common one, and Damian went around very often with half of his hair in another color; sometimes it was the eye color, especially when Damian was in a really intense emotional state, and given his hot-tempered personality it wasn’t rare to see his eyes bright red.

He still needs a lot of training despite all the support received by his family since he was the only metamorphmagus after so many years, but it’s one of the few things his parents can’t put pressure on since there isn’t a “perfect” way to be a metamorphmagus, being one is just enough.

Being a metamorph would fit Damian’s character because he and his family are obsessed with perfection and excellence, but despite that Damian feels way too much pressure and has a deep fear of failure: training to get better at transforming would both benefit his desire to excel in something he actually loves and is not forced by his parents and teach him that failure is part of the process, and it won’t take anything from him since the gene will always be inside of him.

WC: 763

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
  • Stamina: 3
  • Evasion: 5
  • Strength: 3
  • Wisdom: 6
  • Arcane Power: 7
  • Accuracy: 6
Approved. Alan, 24th of August

✿ Damian Christopher Hills ✿ Pure-blood ✿ 11 y/o ✿ Gryffindor ✿ 1st year ✿ stubborn ✿ hot-headed ✿ “go big or go home” ✿
24 Aug 2023, 08:43
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?p=765768#p765768
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: metamorphmagus
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
A Metamorphmagus. The Blaine family, despite their generally weaker magic, compared to other wizards, produced one not two generations before Katherine's birth. Kit's grandfather's skill had skipped over Alexander and passed on directly to the child. It is still unkown, to this day, however, where Kit's grandfather inherited his skills from. Fort that, they would have to go even further back. Margot, Kit's mother and a Muggle's magical heritage, while slight, still existed. Around more than ten generations back, Margot's ancestors produced a muggle-born. However, as she refused to accept magic and married muggles indefinitely, magic simply died out in her family line. Yet somehow, these two forces from two very different families met to produce a Metamorphmagus.

Kit's talent was not, unlike may other Metamorphamgi's evident as a newborn. She was given birth to in a Muggle hospital, to a Muggle mother how did not knew such skills even existed. Her father never closely examined her due to his hectic career. It was only when Kit turned one that Alexander noticed when at her birthday party. Absolutely elated, strands of Kit's hair shifted to bright yellow. Margot admitted that she had never noticed such things before, but Alexander was not surprised to know that the girl possessed such a gift. However, the man was hesitant for the girl to know. His own father, Kit's grandfather, had gotten arrested because he used his skills unwisely. Even though he knew the girl would find out someday, fear prevented him from telling his daughter.

As she grew up, Kit embraced her powers. She thought it was something that belonged to every magical child, something that was common to have. She had never cared much about her appearance, never using her powers to pamper herself. Instead, she made it her duty to play pranks on her classmates with this new skill. However, trouble didn't last long. After her first prank, changing her hair colour in front of Muggles got her into trouble, Alexander prohibited Kit from using it in front of her classmates again. The situation eventually led to her Muggle classmate's memories wiped by the Ministry of Magic.

Still, the girl thought it was a pretty nice trick and decided to practise it more. What she loved about it is that it was the only form of magic that she could truly do. While sometimes her powers came accidentally, it was unlike her instances of magic. She could actually change her physical features - well, at least little bits of them - on demand. That, even the little details, made her feel flexible and free. Kit knew that her father disliked it when she changed herself, but she never knew why. Did he not want her to change her appearance? Did he want her to stay his perfect daughter? At the moment, Kit is blissfully ignorant.

Margot was, however, more supportive of her endeavours. She understood her daughter's power, after hearing Alexander's explanations, but she trusted her daughter to use it wisely. She would be interested at every small transformation, whether it was the colour of one of her irises, or half of her hair. Margot knew Kit. And Kit, at heart, was made out of gold.
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 3
Accuracy: 5
Approved. Alan, 24th of August

If you know what’s best for you, call me Kit.
24 Aug 2023, 22:52
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: BOOM
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: metamorphmagus
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

No matter how pure-blooded the Skara family (Hera's mother's surname) was, the Green family kept a big secret. The Green family, a family that cares about blood status, were mixed breeds even though they said they were purebred. Vanessa Green, the wife of Sam Green (Hera's grandfather), is a metamorphosis. He hid this fact for a very long time. It is unknown how and from which member Vanessa acquired this feature. When Sam Green found out about this truth (he really loves Vanessa no matter how tough he is) he told him to continue the lie that he was pureblood. Sam even told this lie to his own parents. When Sam realized that his children were normal wizards (3 siblings. Stephen, Thomas and Emma), he was delighted to think that these lies would go on for the rest of their lives. But he could never have predicted that the Metamorfogus trait would pass on to his grandchild.

Sam and Stephen had similar aspects. Although Sam is a strict and difficult person and father, love has softened him a bit. But Stephen hasn't changed when he feels love.

No matter how much Hera grew up in the wizarding world, she could not predict that she would become a metamorphmagus. She had a normal childhood. She used to play games with her older brother and collect chocolate frog cards. However, her mother and father often quarreled. She couldn't quite understand why. When her 6 older brother, Alex, was 9 years old, they went to the furthest room and played games, as they always did when her parents were fighting, while their mother Pearl came into the room and said in a calm voice, 'Children, pack your things'. Neither understands, but they go to their rooms and start packing their things. After collecting, their mother comes and they go down together. On their way out of the house, Stephen yells after them, which causes Hera to be frightened, causing her long blonde hair to turn bright blue. Her mother is surprised at what has happened, but her father does not express any emotion. Her mother didn't know that Stephen was a mulatto and thought she would know if Metamorphmagus existed in her own family.

Shortly after Pearl and kids moved in with Pearl's sister Star, she told Stephen that she wanted to know the truth through the owl, and Stephen in response told her everything and asked how much she wanted. In this way, half of Green's legacy passed to Pearl. After this incident, they never heard from Stephen again.

In this way, Hera became much closer with her mother. Her mother's side understood that Hera was a Metamorfmagus. Her cousins ​​and older brother Alex used to say that he could make a good joke at school with this talent. She never said that in front of his aunt, but she knew they were right. She applied this skill to her nails and hair as long as there were no sudden mood swings.

Stamina: 7
Evasion: 4
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 4
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 3
STATUS: Denied, Damion 25/08
You are only allowed to apply for a special race/talent in the first 30 days after being on the site.

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