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4 May 2024, 05:15
Justin Shin / First Year / Ravenclaw
Full Name: Justin Shin
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 11
Species: Human
Blood-status: Muggle-born
Wand: 32,4 cm, alder wood, and unicorn hair
School Year: 1
Physical Description:
According to Justin's grandmother, Justin looks exactly like his mother when she was his age. She stated that the only difference between the two, was height. A trait he got from his father, Justin's a fairly tall Korean boy for his age, standing at 5'0. He has a slender body but a wide frame, often giving the illusion that he is taller than he really is. His hair is medium length, natural with no product, and black.

Having lived in the States a good portion of his life, Justin fell in love with Jordan 1s. He collects them by color and is always seen wearing them with every outfit. The boy prefers long coats, cardigans, and robes because he claims it feels like a king or a superhero. Perhaps it's his taste for American rap, Justin also loves chains around his neck.
The oldest of six siblings, Justin has a strong personality. He says what's on his mind and challenges every thought he does not understand or agree with. However, if one is able logically convince him he is wrong, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong.

On most days, Justin is a stereotypical eleven-year old boy. He prefers cracking jokes and doing things that are fun to him, often times neglecting things that he finds to be pointless or boring. His school grades reflected this perfectly. He would barely pass with the bare minimum in the classes he didn't care for (which were many), but went above and beyond on the classes he found to be useful and interesting. The same goes with people. He often forgets the names and faces of people he sees everyday, simply because he did not care to store their name in his brain, but will remember almost every detail about the people he is interested in.

Normally a sarcastic and somewhat rude boy, Justin's personality changes in the the presence of animals and kids younger than him. Kevin, the second eldest son in Justin's family, describes it as "Big Brother Mode." His voice gets softer and his patience knows no end. He becomes overprotective and he constantly smiles.

Justin is also a big fan of comics, anime, and many other works of fiction that include fighting.
History/Background Story:
Justin Shin is the son of Joseph Shin and Grace Shin. Joseph is the owner of a K-BBQ Restaurant in Dublin while Grace is a zoologist and conservationist. Justin oftentimes travels with his mother as he adopted her love for animals as well.

Joseph and Grace together had six kids together. Justin, Kevin, the triplets Jordan, James, Bryant, and their youngest daughter, Kayla. When his parents are busy, they trust Justin to take care of his younger siblings, as he is a loving and responsible older brother.

Justin was born in London, but the Shin family, not too long after, moved to Chicago in the States for a period of time. They lived there until 2019 and then moved to Dublin. It was in the States, Justin fell in love with the NBA, the Chicago Bulls, Jordan 1s, and rap.

At age 9, Justin was locked outside of school after returning from ditching a class he didn't like. In danger of another detention, Justin tugged at the doors desperately. His mother had threatened to not take him on her next safari expedition had he gotten another detention. In desperation, the school doors magically opened for him with a frantic tug. He has no idea to this day that they were opened through magic. This is when the Quill of Acceptance was able to write Justin's name in the Book of Admittance.

In an expedition with his mother in South Korea, Justin swears that he spotted a Korean Dragon, but his claims were overlooked by his mother, in which Justin paid no mind. One day, a Hogwarts staff visited the Shin residence to tell them the news of Justin's powers. When Justin found out he was a wizard, he was then convinced the Korean Dragon was real. His dream as a magi-zoologist (the profession he desires after he learned of the wizarding world) is to discover the Korean Dragon.
Last edited by Justin Shin on 21 May 2024, 21:31, edited 7 times in total.

6 May 2024, 07:39
Justin Shin / First Year / Ravenclaw
Stats and Abilities:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 10
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 5


Spells Acquired:
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious - DADA 1
Red Spark Charm • Periculum - DADA 1
The Dancing Feet Spell
The Mending Charm.

Potions Known:

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

7 May 2024, 23:17
Justin Shin / First Year / Ravenclaw

Mylo Atkins:
"The art prodigy. I like Mylo. Very talented man. First met him on Halloween, and later when I saw him again, he offered to give Kayla art supplies! Great friend to have for sure. My butterbeer partner."
Andy Loggins:
"Interesting dude. First met the brother in the Study Room trying to make friends with Brookline. Very chill. He has the energy to match my wild adventurous spirit. Glad I found a brother like him. Doesn't mind breaking a few rules, so I can always rely on him if things ever go south. Also my first detention partner."
Brookline Quinn:
"Who could forget my good friend Brookie? Her Welsh accent is really cool and fascinating. I love hearing her talk. One of my favorite things about her is that she's tougher than she looks. Behind the pretty face and girly outfits, there's a fierce beast that is not to be messed with."
Sere Nade:
"I finally found a fellow Korean! She joined me for KBBQ outside on the Grounds when Dad sent me the pork belly. She seems to be embarrassed by everything I do, and I find it hilarious, but also sad at the same time. What's keeping her from showing her true self?"
Theodora Green:
"I met Theodora at Platform 9 3/4. The girl heard me talking to myself and thought I was talking to her. I don't know what it is, we just naturally began sticking with each other ever since. My very first Hogwarts friend."
Last edited by Justin Shin on 18 May 2024, 07:44, edited 2 times in total.

9 May 2024, 01:29
Justin Shin / First Year / Ravenclaw
Justin's Story

First Year
Real Men Don't Cry Justin's Beginning at Platform 9 3/4
Quite the Drink Justin meets Mylo
Time to Study Meeting Andy and Brookline
An Unlikely Duo Introduction to Brooke and Justin's Owlery Hangout
History of Mischief Justin Gets Dragged to Detention
When Mischief Becomes History Justin and Andy's Detention
Last edited by Justin Shin on 5 Jun 2024, 20:14, edited 2 times in total.

16 May 2024, 20:38
Justin Shin / First Year / Ravenclaw


Made by Mylo Atkins