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19 Feb 2024, 06:59
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
P1. Table of Contents
P2. Trunk
P3. Essentials
P4. FIOM and Race Info
P5. Thread Tracker
P6. Appearance
P7. Relationships
P8. Character Questionaire
P9. To Do List

Last edited by Ernest Baird on 21 May 2024, 22:49, edited 8 times in total.

19 Feb 2024, 07:22
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 5
Spells Acquired

Dancing-Feet Spell • Tarantallegra - Charms 1
Mending Charm • Reparo - Charms 1
Levitation Charm • Wingardium Leviosa - Charms 2
Wand-Lighting Charm • Lumos - Charms 3
Wand-Extinguishing Charm • Nox - Charms 3
Locking Charm • Colloportus - Charms 4
Unlocking Charm • Alohomora - Charms 4
Umbrella Spell • Pluvia Velo - Charms 5
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious - DADA 1
Red Spark Charm • Periculum - DADA 1
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam - DADA 2
Opening Charm • Aberto - Astronomy 1
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio - Herbology 2
Knockback Jinx • Flipendo - DADA 3
Four-Point Spell • Point Me - Flying 3
Potions Known

Cure for Boils (First Lesson)
Herbicide Potion (First Lesson)
Forgetfulness Potion (First Lesson)
Pompion Potion (Herbology Second Lesson)

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

21 Feb 2024, 22:14
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
Ernest Baird


Cisgender Boy
1/4 Goblin






Goblins and wizards don't get along. Centuries of accusing and violence, hate and ignorance had made wizards and goblins decide that they did not want to get to know the other or see the other as worthy of approach. Many goblins stayed by themselves, not even getting along with their own kind. Though as the centuries passed, more and more goblins were working with the wizards, the species tended to mix.

In the fall of 2011, a child born with pointed ears and long fingers was handed to an older Goblin. Even though the boy could be passed off as any other wizard, there's no denying that there was some Goblin in his blood. Many would believe that he should go to a wizarding family, that would be better for him in the long run but as many goblins would say; goblins have the right to anything they create, even their kids.

Ernest was raised by his grandfather, a short grumpy Goblin who worked at Dragon Alley, at Gringotts Wizarding Bank alongside many of his kind. The half blood didn't really get along with his family, his parents not sticking around long and his grandfather kept him through pride and moral obligation only.

When the letter came, flying across their land with purpose passed his grandfather and right up to him. Hogwarts, a wizarding school that trained young wizards to greatness.

His grandfather didn't speak much about it the next couple of days, but before the week ended he was handing Errast a small tote of sickles. “Get what you need, and only what you need, ‘cause I ain't gonna help you carry none of it,” the Goblin remarked.

The weeks leading up to the departure to Hogwarts, or some of the best for the family of two, as it was quiet between them. Some days before it was time to go, though, Ernest met a tall wizard, who claimed he was here to take Ernest.

“t's for the best, boy,” his grandfather just said, even as Ernest tried to understand, “The ministry is going to be breathing down yer neck if you stay here, plus I can't be worrying bout you like that anymore.” Less than an hour after the taller man's arrival, Ernest was packed and escorted out.

In the next couple of days, Ernest learned more about his family than he ever knew. One, he had a brother, a blood brother, one that grew up more wizard than goblin. Two, he had a dad that he didn’t share with said brother, one whose information was scarce to him; only the name James Mason being shared. Lastly, he learned that he was now a Baird, and he didn’t really get a say in that.
Last edited by Ernest Baird on 22 Apr 2024, 04:09, edited 2 times in total.

24 Feb 2024, 21:50
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin

Errast always knew that he would perform magic at some point, accidentally, his genetics would not allow for a squib. The day that he did though, was not all that overwhelming. He had been getting more and more frustrated with his grandfather, the older man seeming to get busier and busier the older the boy got. So in a fit of rage and desperation to have his grandfather's stick around, Errast slammed the door. He just happened to be across the room when he did.
Special Race Background

Goblins don't do last names. That much is known. Goblins are remembered by what they do, their actions make up their legacies not their family. Because Goblins don't do last names, finding the beginning of the line Errast came from us rather a moot point, his line starts with who he knows.

Gargrot was an older Goblin, one who worked first making weapons for the pride of it but then took a job at Gringotts so he could take care of the young boy dropped in his care. Gargrot never married, but he did have many kids. Some of them were pure goblins just like him, but some were part wizards much to the displeasure of those around him.

Maria Drakes was a younger daughter of his, beautiful and adventurous, he knew he'd have trouble with her. He had her with an older witch, and she was mostly raised with her mother, away from her goblin father and his history. Gargrot heard of her leaving many times with many people, wanting to see the whole of Europe. When she showed up in 2012 with an infant on her hip, he figured she would settle for once, that maybe coming to know her father’s side would be enough adventure for her. He woke the next morning to her gone and the infant still sleeping where he was left.

The baby's father was unknown to the goblin, and he couldn't see someone that shared his blood being put in another home, so he decided to take up the responsibility that this child was. He sometimes wondered if there was a man out there, looking for the little boy, but he would quickly dismiss that thought.

The boy grew up under his care, coming into his pointy ears and long fingers. He looked every bit like a mix of goblin and wizard, though he grew without regard to it. He was short but no less than a wizard his age would be.

His mother gave him no real name, so Gargrot called him Errast, a very noble name he thought. Though as the child grew he would introduce himself as Ernest instead, not in love with being stuck with an untraditional goblin name.

Ernest was a big fan of his grandfather's stories growing up, always about a goblin with a legacy. Ernest wanted to be one of those goblins but his grandfather made sure to tell him, “No half bred little boy is ever going to be a legacy to goblins, stick to those who will be happy to remember you”. Ernest wondered if he would ever have someone besides his grandfather to remember him.

Because of his heritage, Ernest favored history about the goblins and he loved to sketch out weapons he could make when his grandfather thought him old enough. When he turned 10, his grandfather took him to work with him, and gave him the key to a vault just for Ernest. “This is your birthright, every extra galleon I make will be put here for you, so you better do well with it. As a goblin, you need to know the feel of galleons in your hand and in your pocket; never let someone pull something on you.”

Ernest figured if his ears didn't let people know that he wasn't a normal wizard like him, he could prove it with his intelligence. No one would ever trick him.

23 Apr 2024, 00:05
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
First Year࿐
Errast- Well actually it's Ernest - Place: The Hogwarts Express, Time: 09/01/2023, PV with Reginald Drake and Vicente Hidalgo
Synopsis: Ernest first interaction on the train, meeting his best friend.
Dormmates, yes. Friends, maybe. - Place: Boys Dormitory, Time: 09/01/2023, PV with Reginald Drake and Sullivan Olivier
Synopsis: Joining the merlin dorms with Sully and Reggie
I'm looking for a book, not a brother - Place: Library, Time: 09/20/2023, PV with Clark Baird
Synopsis: A look into Clark and Ernest's not-so-brotherly bond
Pointy Conversations - Place: Great Hall, Time: 09/20/2023, PV with Elisa Shakestra
Synopsis: Meeting Elisa
Goblin Rebelling - Place: Corridors, Time: 10/18/2023, PV with Genevieve Delacourt
Synopsis: Meeting Genevieve Delacourt after falling in the halls
Close enough to Mozart - Place: Letters, Time: 10/18/2023, PV with Linda Ramirez
Synopsis:Meeting Linda Ramirez and Learning Piano
Welcome to the . . . - Place: Grounds, Time: 10/27/2023, Club Meet (Della Barfield, Mellani Miller, Mylo Atkins, and Rowan Bellegno)
Synopsis: First SHC Meet
An Accent - Place: Courtyard, Time: 12/10/2023, PV with EmmaLee LeDames
Synopsis: Meeting EmmaLee for the first time and asking about her accent
2,4,6, Great - Place: Ballroom, Time: 2/10/2024, Errand Thread
Synopsis: Dancing with Violet Rohr
Burn Out Blues - Place: Small Hall, Time: 2/29th/2024, PV with Alec Mason
Synopsis: Meeting Alec and figuring out he has another brother
Target Practice - Place: Duelling Club, Time: 3/22th/2024, PV with Koko Riddle
Synopsis: Getting Duelling Help with Koko
Friendly Fights - Place: Grounds, Time: 3/25th/2024, PV with Reginald Drake
Synopsis: After a fun chat, a real duel begins between the boys
Magical Masquerade: The entrance - Place: Quidditch Training Pitch, Time: 4/13/2024, Ball Thread
Synopsis: Going to the ball and meeting the mystery letter sender in person
To who will listen - Place: Letters, Time: Over a year, PV with Willow Byrne
Synopsis: Letters with ... Someone
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Second Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about

Third Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about

Fourth Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about

Fifth Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about

Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Sixth Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Seventh Year࿐
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about

Inspired By: @Kyle Diaz
Last edited by Ernest Baird on 10 May 2024, 21:06, edited 1 time in total.

24 Apr 2024, 15:35
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
At first glance, Ernest is easy to lose in a crowd. Like 90% of the school, he had brown hair and pale skin. He had blue eyes, at first glance rather usual. He was 4'3 but had the confidence of someone taller. He has pointed ears, they flare out of his hair at times and are the easiest way to spot him. He normally wears his uniform in a messy manner; whether it was on purpose or not, only the boys he shares a room with would ever know. He normally has a messenger bag on him, or he carries a notebook; both brown and covered in leather. This is anything someone who talks to him once or twice can tell.
If you look deeper at Ernest, you'll notice he is rather yellow; his skin is not normal for a human but pale yellow. It was only noticeable under brighter light and a steady eye but if you've been in a handful of conversations or shared a room with him, it was easy to spot. In addition, his fingers and toes were long. He had the hands of someone who played piano but not the skill. Like many boys his age he was starting to grow more than his body was ready for and he had stretch marks beginning to form on his upper arms and under his knees, a small sign that he was growing taller fast.

24 Apr 2024, 19:36
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin
Ernest's Brother and the Reason he is at Hogwarts to start with. They have a rough relationship and Ernest was happy when he was pulled out of school.
They shared a dance once and Ernest still hasn't forgiven her for removing her shoes to do it.
Ernest's roommate and best friend. They shared a compartment on the train and their dorms with each other. Ernest thinks of the boy as a brother he actually would like to have.
He shared a compartment with him on the train up to Hogwarts. Ernest is intrigued by the boy and wishes to know more about his past.
One of Ernest Roommates
She helped Ernest when he fell in the hall then listened to him rant about Goblin myths, maybe she could become a friend.
Ernest's other brother, he doesn't know if he hates him or wants the older boy to want to be in his life. He talks to him some, but he's scared to get too close.
They talked some, most Ernest forcing her into conversation. He thinks they could be friends...maybe.
She's teaching Ernest to play the piano.

Willow is Ernest's lifeline for the first year of school. Even though he doesn't really know her, he finds peace with her letters and is happy when he can talk to her. They met at the ball and even though he still doesn't know her name, he knows she is someone he needs in his life.
Ernest thinks Elisa is a beauty. She is perfection, but also he can tell she was forced into it. He sees the cracks in her perfect image and is excited whenever she pulls him along on another one of her adventures.
Athyn is one of Ernest's closest friends, meeting one day as they tried to find their classes, he happened to stick around.

Last edited by Ernest Baird on 10 May 2024, 20:44, edited 3 times in total.

29 Apr 2024, 15:35
Ernest Baird ♙First Year♙Slytherin

May 2023-2024
To be answered regarding your character

• What is their best memory?
Meeting up with Willow at the ball. Ernest felt so happy to finally be able to know who they were talking to for so long.
• What is their worst memory?
Getting caught with Clark in the library, not only did it leave him paying for a new wand, but also forever soiled their relationship.
• What is the event that impacted them the most?
Getting sent to leave with the Bairds
• In what ways have they improved/grown?
Thanks to Reggie's friendship he has opened up more and is actually looking forward to the next year.
•What is the most significant change regarding their character, for good or for bad, either personality-wise or storyline-wise?
Finding out that his father had another son already, one that looked so similar to him, and knowing that he was willfully dismissed.
• Who is their best new friend? How did they become friends?
Reginald Drake. They met day one and have hung out numerous times since. They celebrated Christmas together (the pendant was stuffed in his dresser with blushing ears and a happy smile when all the other boys were gone) and he sees Reggie as the brother he wished he had.
• Who is their worst new enemy? How did they become enemies?
Only Clark would be considered an enemy and only because he cost Ernest some of his sickles.
• Have they accomplished the goals they set for themselves at the start of the year (if any)?
Their main goal was to survive the year, so yes.
• What goals would they like to set for the next year (if any)?
Join the Duelling Team
• Which words (no more than five) would they use to summarise this year?
To be answered regarding yourself:
• What was your favorite memory? Laughing with Clark over the comebacks of each of our characters.
• Is your character developing the way you expected them to? If not, how so? [/center]
Not 100% but I think thats for the better.
• What goal would you like to accomplish in the next year (if anything, either for you or your character)?
I want to be staff one of these days.