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21 Feb 2022, 15:10
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Hogwarts is offering a Mentorship Program. This program is designed to assist new or returning players in becoming acclimated to the community. You can learn more about the Mentorship program here: [Link]

This page serves as a sign-up page for Mentees.

What are Mentors?

Mentors are experienced players who have the job of assisting new (or returning new) members in becoming integrated with the community.

Who can be Mentored?

New players, meaning players that have been on the site under 6 months. Alternatively returning players that have been on the site but have taken a hiatus before they were able to integrate into the community or have not completed the basic facets of character creation.
  • Have not been registered in Index.
  • Have not been successfully mentored already on this account (if you have made account changes that have gotten your character removed from Index, you cannot use this as a loophole to request a new mentor).
How do I get a mentor?

Post in this thread the form provided below with your information. A mentor will post in the thread and announce that they are picking you up as their mentee.

What if I dislike my Mentor?

Personality conflicts can arise. If one does please reach out to a Head of House, we will attempt to either mediate the situation, see if another Mentor is able to assist you or discuss with you what your options might be. As this is often unique for every situation we would likely need to discuss your matter individually.

Are there any expectations for me?

1. We ask that you remain active for your mentor.

Please try to post weekly or communicate with them that you are going to be unavailable. If you have not posted with your mentor in a month, your account will be auto-dropped by the mentor for the reason of "inactivity." It would be considered a unsuccessful mentorship. This is not a mark against you or against your Mentor, this is just something we try to track for our records.

2. We ask you to be respectful of your Mentor's time.

They likely have other Mentees, they also have roleplays and other real life obligations to attend to. Please do not expect them to post for you within minutes or hours of your post. Your mentor may also ask for reasonable edits (such as you have been godmodding their character), please comply with their requests and adhere to site rules. However if your mentor is asking for an unreasonable edit, please reach out to one of the Heads of House or any staff member. If you act abusively towards your mentor or any member of the site, your mentor has the right to drop you as a mentee and depending on the severity of the situation your account may be subject to administrative action. This goes both ways, you also have the right to not be abused.

3. You will be required to create an encyclopedia.

With the help of your mentor, you will be asked to create an encyclopedia page for your character and register with the site's index. If you are not registered with index your character will be unable to sign up for sports teams, participate in official events, and graduate into the next year.

4. You will be required to finish one homework assignment.

Classes open up to you the user once the following two prerequisites are met:
- Been a member on the site for more than 10 days.
- Made more than 20 posts on site (this excludes forum games).

While your mentor cannot answer your assignment's questions for you, they will help you navigate the homework system. In order for a mentee to graduate, they are required to complete 1 homework assignment.

5. You will be required to complete a roleplay thread.

While this thread does not have to be with your mentor, we encourage our new members to try writing with them. To qualify this thread should have at least four posts from each writer.
The Form

Do you have a completed encyclopedia?
Are you registered with Index?
What needs do you specifically have? (For example you want to learn more about NPCs, find the registration process confusing, want to find socialization opportunities, etc.)
Do you understand the steps that you, as a mentee, will be required to complete in order to graduate from the program?
Is this your first account on If no, what was the name of your old account?

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

21 Feb 2022, 17:22
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Name: Emma
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have? (For example you want to learn more about NPCs, find the registration process confusing, want to find socialization opportunities, etc.) mostly learn more about NPC’s and the more intricate details of the site, as well as the best ways to socialize and become more active on the site.

23 Feb 2022, 03:14
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Name: Holly
Do you have a complated encylopedia Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have?
How to use the site, what to do, and how to do things

23 Feb 2022, 03:20
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Holly Edwards wrote: 23 Feb 2022, 03:14 Name: Holly
Do you have a complated encylopedia Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have?
How to use the site, what to do, and how to do things
I'll gladly be your mentor :)
An owl will arrive to you shortly.

Sana Juni Shop
Don't play games with a girl who can play them better
Sta: 5 | Eva: 4 | Str: 6 | Acc: 6 | Arc: 4 | Wis: 5
CFC trading club

23 Feb 2022, 03:23
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Emma Wynn wrote: 21 Feb 2022, 17:22 Name: Emma
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have? (For example you want to learn more about NPCs, find the registration process confusing, want to find socialization opportunities, etc.) mostly learn more about NPC’s and the more intricate details of the site, as well as the best ways to socialize and become more active on the site.
Hello hello little badger! I would love to become your mentor. I see you have a lot of questions and I will definitely try to fill in all those areas with clear, hopefully not too complex or confusing answers and make sure you have fun :)

Reach out to me via owl if you have any questions at all and I can even get you situated with Discord if you have it/want to as that's a great way to communicate as well!

♡ Life is just a trip, don't let it trip you up - Cash Campbell

23 Feb 2022, 04:48
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Name: Leo
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have? (For example you want to learn more about NPCs, find the registration process confusing, want to find socialization opportunities, etc.) I'm not massively used to this RP format and I would be really grateful to have someone who could help integrate me into this style a little more seamlessly.

23 Feb 2022, 05:00
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Name: lucinia (salem)
Do you have a completed encyclopedia?: yes
Are you registered with Index?: yes
What needs do you specifically have?: i would love to learn more about ways to personally develop a life for lucky. i'd also love to know more about NPCs, how to participate in quidditch & broom racing activities (the rolling and stats sometimes confuse me but i do understand the actions & gameplay). i've stated before but it's the first time i've ever written on a board like this so a little help or knowing i can ask someone with experience questions would be really comforting for me.

sta • 9 | eva • 8 | str • 6
wis • 7 | arc • 7 | acc • 8
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
muggle co. | evasive ma. | sixth se.
ability | ability | ability

23 Feb 2022, 07:02
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Lucinia Thawin wrote: 23 Feb 2022, 05:00 Name: lucinia (salem)
Do you have a completed encyclopedia?: yes
Are you registered with Index?: yes
What needs do you specifically have?: i would love to learn more about ways to personally develop a life for lucky. i'd also love to know more about NPCs, how to participate in quidditch & broom racing activities (the rolling and stats sometimes confuse me but i do understand the actions & gameplay). i've stated before but it's the first time i've ever written on a board like this so a little help or knowing i can ask someone with experience questions would be really comforting for me.
Hi Lucinia, I'd love to be your mentor! An owl will come your way by the end of the day ^^

encycassie heather
breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
Part-Veela • Alluring • Perfectionist • Scream • Sta 9 • Eva 9 • Stre 4 • Wis 10 • Arc 8 • Acc 9

23 Feb 2022, 11:33
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Leo Del Mar wrote: 23 Feb 2022, 04:48 Name: Leo
Do you have a completed encyclopedia? Yes
Are you registered with Index? Yes
What needs do you specifically have? (For example you want to learn more about NPCs, find the registration process confusing, want to find socialization opportunities, etc.) I'm not massively used to this RP format and I would be really grateful to have someone who could help integrate me into this style a little more seamlessly.
Hello Leo, I would love to have you as a mentee. I will send an owl your way by the end of the day, but do not be afraid to ask me any questions before then.

"Sometimes you just have to stop being scared and go for it.
Either it will work or it won't.
That's life." ~

23 Feb 2022, 15:02
Mentorship Program: Mentees  Sign up 
Name: Claire
Do you have a completed encyclopedia?: No
Are you registered with Index?: No
What needs do you specifically have? : I'd like to know more about NPCs, how to participate in quidditch & broom racing activities. I also cannot understand a single thing when I go to see the quidditch matches and stuff. I have trouble creating my encyclopedia. In short, I know really less about this game.

You were born to live, not to be perfect