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20 Jul 2021, 02:13
Edward Smith  Koldovstoretz 
Edward Smith has a good nature towards anything and everything. The only time he is tempered is when he discovers unfairness towards his friends. He isn’t very smart but tends to know when to show empathy.
Edward’s hair is dirty blonde, but his childlike face is what keeps the girls coming. He has a regular boy’s 12 year old body like normal. He loves to play the guitar and sing, so you will often see him with a guitar. He often wears button ups with jeans and boots while wearing a cowboy hat.
Edward Smith was a boy raised in a town in the same country as Koldovstotetz, Sortavala. When he was born, he was six pounds. He grew to be seventy pounds when he turned eleven. His mom was a wizard who went to Koldovstotetz when she was younger while his dad went to Beauxbaton.
His parents have both met whilst viewing London. They considered that London would be a great place to live, but with the tourist attraction, they decided to live closer to where Edward’s mom went to school. Edward’s parents were both people who looked over accidental magic.
Edward, being as athleticism inclined as he was, was often both the worst student in Muggle school, and the best player in a muggle sport known as soccer. He loved to kick the ball around then go get pizzas and a drink with the boys on his team. His mom was always there to cheer him on, but his dad was always working. His soccer experience lasted for five years. Starting at the age of 6 and to the age of eleven. The age his mom enrolled him in school. His mom was quite successful and was a good student at Koldovstortez when she attended there. Edward was prompted to enjoy his time in the muggle community. He was playing with his friends, winning another game of soccer the day after his mom told him that they were considering putting him in Koldovstortez. At night while practicing, he kicked the ball with pride and the ball appeared to be on fire. Edward panicked. He ran home and told his dad, his dad shrugged. He told his mom, she too shrugged.
Having an odd feeling, he thought he might never be the same again. He took off his cleats and soccer uniform and folded them while putting them into a box titled Youth of Edward.
At last, he was attending Koldovstortez like his mom. He was glad his mom got him into the school. And that is the story of Edward before going to Koldovstortez.
Keeper's Catch
Edward was simply just a young boy who seemed to enjoy facing trivialities. But of course, nothing treacherous. He was one who wanted to avoid murder at all costs, but yet, still be the intimidating one. But of course, he thought too much of himself. Perhaps it was time for Edward to learn how to protect others. He was a cowboy, at heart, but why should he be betrayed by a lone stigma of a heart that lies behind? He would learn how to yeet a quaffle towards people. But what he had to learn first, was how to properly be a Quidditch player, even to fly better than he ever did. Which, he never did. He usually was always on his horse, Thunder, as his only solo riding experience. Now, he needed to learn how a broom worked. After taking the basic training of Flying class, his dad sent him a broom that wasn’t a school broom. It was the Nimbus 1500. And he read up on how Quidditch worked, as well as the understatement of how vital each player had.

Edward truly loved reading up on both the Keeper, and the Beaters. Mainly because of their hidden secrets. Even the plays sounded so awesome, and he couldn’t help but feel so intrigued to even join in the practice. He worked with a boy who also had a similar broom he had, and he started to study and learn how to peg others with the Quaffle. The boy did agree to this, as he was someone that Edward passed by with a feeling of mutualism. But nevertheless, a small chat, and they had the agreement for practice.

Edward got onto his broom, hovered above the ground by the goals, and the boy would intentionally try to throw the Quaffle into one of the hoops, and the first few times, Edward rather missed the catches. He wasn’t a great catcher but he would attempt his hardest to snatch it from going through the goals.

Something stuck out in his head. He catches the ball, he can do three things. But maybe he oughta catch the Quaffle first, before he can throw it as a deadly item, since he didn’t have other people to practice with, but the young Smith had quite a throw.

A few attempts later, he finally caught the Quaffle. “FINALLY!” He cried out, then proceeded to throw the Quaffle at the boy. And it didn’t peg him. But it whizzed past him.

He continued to give it a try, trying so hard to increase his skill, and finally, he managed to hit the boy square in his jaw, and declared an end to the day’s practice, as he took the boy to the nurse, and every day they would work together and work on the moves needed to be a Keeper.
Broken Broomshaft
Again with the boy from last year, they went out to the practice area for Quidditch, and Edward talked to him to see if he could get more people to join. There was only one boy, and two girls, and Edward. All of them agreed to help Edward learn how to do a super amazing move named the Broken Broomshaft. Edward wanted to do this for one main reason. Be a super player in Quidditch and win Koldovstoretz the honor of being the best school in the Wizarding World.

That was his dream, and it was probably the best future he would ever have. He got onto his Nimbus 1500. Hovered off the ground, and retrieved an iron ball, more known as a Bludger, and considered thwacking the bludger towards the only other boy on the field. He made sure to try to aim for the chest, since Edward really didn’t care all too much what happened to the others.

Of course, he would hit the chest, but supposedly, according to the boy he struck the bludger in the chest with, if he hit hard enough, the broom could break. But that was a complete possibility. Didn’t mean it was going to happen, and especially not the first time. The boy didn’t fall off his broom, but he threw the bludger towards Edward, and with the beater’s bat, Edward struck it towards the first girl he saw in his field of vision, whilst she was moving, and hit her close to her hips.

She flipped upside on her broom, and fell off, but once again, no broken broom. Edward groaned with anger in his chest. “WHAT THE-” The second girl, the untouched one, was now zooming around Edward in a circle. The boy threw the bludger again, and Edward wasn’t paying attention to his timing, but to the force of how hard he hit the Bludger towards the flying girl.

He heard a rough and awful sound of a broom being snapped and heard a wail of a scream as the girl fell down to the ground, but not before Edward cast Arresto Momentum, the slowing charm on her, to keep her from being severely hurt, should she hit the ground.

The boy smiled at him, as a sign of successfully doing the superb movement fantastically.

Edward smiled back, but since Edward was still on the broom, and the boy was as well, he struck the Bludger and purposely tried to hit the Bludger as hard as he could to the boy. It struck him and the Cowboy watched him fall off his broom, and another snapping sound occurred. It was the second broken broom he came across. And both times, he was responsible for it.
His parents made quite a bit of money from working out on the family farm and selling it to a local business and decided that some of the money would be spent any way that their kids want to. Well... Edward wasn't too delighted to hear that his siblings would also get a choice in what they get. Meaning more of the money had to be budgeted and squared off.

He looked around, in the room where he was informed of this new "awakening" that was apparently so stunning to Edward. It somewhat blew his mind. It blew his mind when he finally realized that his parents were referring to only Edward, and no one else. His brain, though already exploded with shock, also seemed to piece itself back together just to be fully submerged in excitement.

"I WANT A NEW WAND!" Edward cried out, every letter jumbled in his mouth, but still understandable, as his parents nodded, looked at each other and smiled.

Together they spoke to the youthful cowboy like kid standing in front of them. "Yes honey. Anything you want. If a wand is indeed what you want, then we shall get exactly that!"

And as they said. They went to the local wand store.

He was deeply considering exactly if he made a good choice.

A wand was given to him for him to try. Made of Hawthorn wood, as far as he knew, and he had to think a hot minute about why he actually would've suited the part. If he took a future into wandmaking, which was a possiblity since making brooms was the family's side job, it required wood and wandmakers believed that wood had a personality. Well, wands did. Hawthornes are incredibly supple to healing magic and are skilled with curses. If there was one thing Edward was good at, it was curses, but personally, he perferred the healing magic, and he felt he belonged when the wand molded itself to his hand. Hawthorn wands also seem to prefer wizardkind that are in a conflicted state. Well, Edward couldn't speak for himself, but he felt that wanting to use his fists more than cursing someone was a safer bet and was afraid Hogwarts would turn their backs on him.

But if he had to prove his talent, and he felt he did... maybe the wand should look inside and see that Edward had been in a duel before, and won. Maybe that was enough?

He asked the wandmaker what kind of core the wand was, and his response was "Hungarian Horntail. Watch your back. The wand seems to be fitting with you well already. I can tell you're a born fighter. Just please remember that people have feeling." And that left Edward to think. Did he really distaste people? No, not all of them. He specifically hated Durmstrang and this specific Ari Gwild that his girlfriend (Clair Fernandez) keeps mentioning. He mentioned repeatedly, or rather, thought it, from time to time, every minute he was near the blasted school of evil history... Durmstrang... and Ari. He couldn't see what Clair saw in Ari, and he was feeling immense hate towards them. Hated that they were somewhat of a bigger shot. And how he was considered an outcast of the Koldovstorez students... with his cowboyian ways... he was called an American from time to time again. So of course, distaste and hate is on the list. Let's not forget his repeat fights.

Edward held his wand from pointer finger to pointer finger, wondering how long it was, and the wandmaker pointed out that it was just over a foot (1 foot is 12 inches). Edward's brow burrowed in confusion. They didn't do feet as measurements here, did they? Then the wandmaker seemed to have the brains now to clarify. It was fourteen (14) inches long, which was thirty five point fifty six (35.56) centimetres. But, that was so long. Why? Maybe it was because of all the drama he brought with him. And the fact that he now has a girlfriend and will now die for her. And not for himself like he originally planned. He would still murder any Durmstrang students that came near him or Clair, or would go bizarre and go absolutely banana on them, and he still had the occassional thoughts of murdering Ari, but never told Clair the translation from the Russian word for murder because he didn't want Clair to leave him, even though he did stupider things daily.

And the wand was suprisingly whippy. Why was that? Maybe it was because he came back at people like a whip, leaving a lash or a scar. He liked being the cause of bad impressions. He loved it. But at the same time, he also ruins his future. Maybe this wand flexibility is a symbol of that. A peek into the future, so to speak. He thought about each person he beat up in muggle school, then the people he had hexed and jinxed, and cursed... and then realized that while he was good at healing, he didn't do it as much.

His parents paid for the wand, and now Edward began to smile as if his parents finally focused on him. And they did. That smile was for a good purpose, and not for a method of manipulation. He had a new wand, and it was all thanks to his parents and his family farm.
FC: Nathan O'Toole
🐎 Sta-8 🐎 Eva-10 🐎 Str-11 🐎

Father- Andrei Smith (36)
Mother- Julie Smith (35)
Brother- Nikita Smith (3)
🐎 Wis-6 🐎 Arc-5 🐎 Acc-5 🐎
└───.The Explosion.───┘
└───.Goblet Of Fire.───┘
┌───.Midspring Ball 2022.───┐
└───.Quite Icy.───┘
┌───.The Official Dating Status.───┐
└───.Summer '22 Quidditch.───┘
┌───.TITLE TWO.───┐
thread goes here
thread goes here
└───.TITLE THREE.───┘
┌───.TITLE FOUR.───┐
threads go here
Last edited by Noah Jupe on 26 Jul 2022, 15:10, edited 16 times in total.

"NERDS!" (Ogre- Revenge of Nerds)

20 Jul 2021, 02:14
Edward Smith  Koldovstoretz 
Edward was simply just a young boy who seemed to enjoy facing trivialities. But of course, nothing treacherous. He was one who wanted to avoid murder at all costs, but yet, still be the intimidating one. But of course, he thought too much of himself. Perhaps it was time for Edward to learn how to protect others. He was a cowboy, at heart, but why should he be betrayed by a lone stigma of a heart that lies behind? He would learn how to yeet a quaffle towards people. But what he had to learn first, was how to properly be a Quidditch player, even to fly better than he ever did. Which, he never did. He usually was always on his horse, Thunder, as his only solo riding experience. Now, he needed to learn how a broom worked. After taking the basic training of Flying class, his dad sent him a broom that wasn’t a school broom. It was the Nimbus 1500. And he read up on how Quidditch worked, as well as the understatement of how vital each player had.

Edward truly loved reading up on both the Keeper, and the Beaters. Mainly because of their hidden secrets. Even the plays sounded so awesome, and he couldn’t help but feel so intrigued to even join in the practice. He worked with a boy who also had a similar broom he had, and he started to study and learn how to peg others with the Quaffle. The boy did agree to this, as he was someone that Edward passed by with a feeling of mutualism. But nevertheless, a small chat, and they had the agreement for practice.

Edward got onto his broom, hovered above the ground by the goals, and the boy would intentionally try to throw the Quaffle into one of the hoops, and the first few times, Edward rather missed the catches. He wasn’t a great catcher but he would attempt his hardest to snatch it from going through the goals.

Something stuck out in his head. He catches the ball, he can do three things. But maybe he oughta catch the Quaffle first, before he can throw it as a deadly item, since he didn’t have other people to practice with, but the young Smith had quite a throw.

A few attempts later, he finally caught the Quaffle. “FINALLY!” He cried out, then proceeded to throw the Quaffle at the boy. And it didn’t peg him. But it whizzed past him.

He continued to give it a try, trying so hard to increase his skill, and finally, he managed to hit the boy square in his jaw, and declared an end to the day’s practice, as he took the boy to the nurse, and every day they would work together and work on the moves needed to be a Keeper.
Again with the boy from last year, they went out to the practice area for Quidditch, and Edward talked to him to see if he could get more people to join. There was only one boy, and two girls, and Edward. All of them agreed to help Edward learn how to do a super amazing move named the Broken Broomshaft. Edward wanted to do this for one main reason. Be a super player in Quidditch and win Koldovstoretz the honor of being the best school in the Wizarding World.

That was his dream, and it was probably the best future he would ever have. He got onto his Nimbus 1500. Hovered off the ground, and retrieved an iron ball, more known as a Bludger, and considered thwacking the bludger towards the only other boy on the field. He made sure to try to aim for the chest, since Edward really didn’t care all too much what happened to the others.

Of course, he would hit the chest, but supposedly, according to the boy he struck the bludger in the chest with, if he hit hard enough, the broom could break. But that was a complete possibility. Didn’t mean it was going to happen, and especially not the first time. The boy didn’t fall off his broom, but he threw the bludger towards Edward, and with the beater’s bat, Edward struck it towards the first girl he saw in his field of vision, whilst she was moving, and hit her close to her hips.

She flipped upside on her broom, and fell off, but once again, no broken broom. Edward groaned with anger in his chest. “WHAT THE-” The second girl, the untouched one, was now zooming around Edward in a circle. The boy threw the bludger again, and Edward wasn’t paying attention to his timing, but to the force of how hard he hit the Bludger towards the flying girl.

He heard a rough and awful sound of a broom being snapped and heard a wail of a scream as the girl fell down to the ground, but not before Edward cast Arresto Momentum, the slowing charm on her, to keep her from being severely hurt, should she hit the ground.

The boy smiled at him, as a sign of successfully doing the superb movement fantastically.

Edward smiled back, but since Edward was still on the broom, and the boy was as well, he struck the Bludger and purposely tried to hit the Bludger as hard as he could to the boy. It struck him and the Cowboy watched him fall off his broom, and another snapping sound occurred. It was the second broken broom he came across. And both times, he was responsible for it.

Broom Racer: yes
Dueller: no
Quidditch: no
The Importance
Stats: 🐎 Sta-8 🐎 Eva-10 🐎 Str-12 🐎 Wis-6 🐎 Arc-5 🐎 Acc-5 🐎
Abilities: Keeper's Catch, Broken Broomshaft, Wandmaker
Broom: Comet 260
His parents made quite a bit of money from working out on the family farm and selling it to a local business and decided that some of the money would be spent any way that their kids want to. Well... Edward wasn't too delighted to hear that his siblings would also get a choice in what they get. Meaning more of the money had to be budgeted and squared off.

He looked around, in the room where he was informed of this new "awakening" that was apparently so stunning to Edward. It somewhat blew his mind. It blew his mind when he finally realized that his parents were referring to only Edward, and no one else. His brain, though already exploded with shock, also seemed to piece itself back together just to be fully submerged in excitement.

"I WANT A NEW WAND!" Edward cried out, every letter jumbled in his mouth, but still understandable, as his parents nodded, looked at each other and smiled.

Together they spoke to the youthful cowboy like kid standing in front of them. "Yes honey. Anything you want. If a wand is indeed what you want, then we shall get exactly that!"

And as they said. They went to the local wand store.

He was deeply considering exactly if he made a good choice.

A wand was given to him for him to try. Made of Hawthorn wood, as far as he knew, and he had to think a hot minute about why he actually would've suited the part. If he took a future into wandmaking, which was a possiblity since making brooms was the family's side job, it required wood and wandmakers believed that wood had a personality. Well, wands did. Hawthornes are incredibly supple to healing magic and are skilled with curses. If there was one thing Edward was good at, it was curses, but personally, he perferred the healing magic, and he felt he belonged when the wand molded itself to his hand. Hawthorn wands also seem to prefer wizardkind that are in a conflicted state. Well, Edward couldn't speak for himself, but he felt that wanting to use his fists more than cursing someone was a safer bet and was afraid Hogwarts would turn their backs on him.

But if he had to prove his talent, and he felt he did... maybe the wand should look inside and see that Edward had been in a duel before, and won. Maybe that was enough?

He asked the wandmaker what kind of core the wand was, and his response was "Hungarian Horntail. Watch your back. The wand seems to be fitting with you well already. I can tell you're a born fighter. Just please remember that people have feeling." And that left Edward to think. Did he really distaste people? No, not all of them. He specifically hated Durmstrang and this specific Ari Gwild that his girlfriend (Clair Fernandez) keeps mentioning. He mentioned repeatedly, or rather, thought it, from time to time, every minute he was near the blasted school of evil history... Durmstrang... and Ari. He couldn't see what Clair saw in Ari, and he was feeling immense hate towards them. Hated that they were somewhat of a bigger shot. And how he was considered an outcast of the Koldovstorez students... with his cowboyian ways... he was called an American from time to time again. So of course, distaste and hate is on the list. Let's not forget his repeat fights.

Edward held his wand from pointer finger to pointer finger, wondering how long it was, and the wandmaker pointed out that it was just over a foot (1 foot is 12 inches). Edward's brow burrowed in confusion. They didn't do feet as measurements here, did they? Then the wandmaker seemed to have the brains now to clarify. It was fourteen (14) inches long, which was thirty five point fifty six (35.56) centimetres. But, that was so long. Why? Maybe it was because of all the drama he brought with him. And the fact that he now has a girlfriend and will now die for her. And not for himself like he originally planned. He would still murder any Durmstrang students that came near him or Clair, or would go bizarre and go absolutely banana on them, and he still had the occassional thoughts of murdering Ari, but never told Clair the translation from the Russian word for murder because he didn't want Clair to leave him, even though he did stupider things daily.

And the wand was suprisingly whippy. Why was that? Maybe it was because he came back at people like a whip, leaving a lash or a scar. He liked being the cause of bad impressions. He loved it. But at the same time, he also ruins his future. Maybe this wand flexibility is a symbol of that. A peek into the future, so to speak. He thought about each person he beat up in muggle school, then the people he had hexed and jinxed, and cursed... and then realized that while he was good at healing, he didn't do it as much.

His parents paid for the wand, and now Edward began to smile as if his parents finally focused on him. And they did. That smile was for a good purpose, and not for a method of manipulation. He had a new wand, and it was all thanks to his parents and his family farm.
Wood: Hawthorn
Core: Hungarian Horntail
Length: 14 inches
Flexibility: Whippy
• Flavor: On a critical failure, what goes wrong might be a bit more unusual than expected. Moderator discretion as the statistical effect is unchanged, but for instance a place who immobilizes themself for 3 rounds by mistake might instead turn into a potted plant for those 3 rounds. Recovery and damages as well as fixes are unchanged. This is purely flavor.
• Dragon Like Power: +3 to arcane power when casting spells with this wand.
• Accident Prone: 5% chance that the intended spell will rebound on the caster. Non-targeted spells such as counters, healing, and some utility spells that have no target or are self-targeting cannot rebound. This is not prevented by the Perfectionist ability.)
• Flavor: Dark magic scars are often worse when caused by a spell cast by this wand. (Maiming is subject to player consent regardless of what you 'think' makes sense.)