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14 Dec 2019, 23:07
Anna Keslin\\Ravenclaw
Full Name: Anna Marybeth Keslin
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 11
Wand: 25 Cm Cherry wood and Unicorn Hair.
School Year: First
Patronus: N/A
Species: Human
History/Background Story (Copied and Pasted from profile):
Background Story: Anna was born into a wealthy family who despised her because she seemed to be a witch when she turned two. She was going to the doctors for a check up and zapped the doctor who was trying to give her a shot. Her biological mother also had another baby that seemed to be a squib. At the time, the mother was hiding the fact that she was a witch. Anna was immediately put up for adoption. Then, she got adopted by a loving family of Muggles. She grew up with a younger brother who seems to also be a muggle and often feeling alone and out of place. When she was seven they moved to a small house near the beach in London. She soon began going to the beach at night to look at the stars, thus earning her the name, 'Starlight'. Her family was one of the few muggle familys who knew about Witches and Wizards and was not suprised when Starlight began doing bursts of magic. As a trandition she has permission to go out at night and look at the stars.
Anna (Or Starlight) is an 11 year old girl with lots of passions. She has long blonde hair, with big green eyes. She loves Stargazing, Reading, and just having fun! She is quite shy, but when you get to know her, she is very talkative. Not only is she talkative, but quite playful, a bit like a cat. Quirky is her main trait. She will do anything, so long as it's a dare! If you like quietness, stay away from her. She is VERY loud.
Stats: Stamina: 8 Evasion: 4 Strength: 5 Wisdom: 4 ArcPower: 6 Accuracy: 7

Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of the monsters inside it.
Stamina: 8 Evasion: 4 Strength: 5 Wisdom: 4 ArcPower: 6 Accuracy: 7