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5 Jul 2021, 07:03
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Link

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Charmer

Describe why this fits your character:
WC: 603
It all started with Marshal's father, Aldous Mozor. In his youth, Aldous found every conceivable opportunity to flirt, in order to fulfill his dreams of becoming - how you say - a 'ladies' man.' And fulfil his dreams he did; at the very least becoming the man for the one lady whose opinion truly mattered.
Having perfected his skills upon the arrival of his marriage, he found his aptitude for amorous advances to have less use than he cared to admit. While he was perfectly willing to flirt with his wife on any and every occasion, he knew there had to be something more - a greater purpose for all he had learned.
And that's where Marshal came in.

Upon learning that his second-born child was to be a boy, Aldous rejoiced at the prospect of teaching his son 'the ways.' Silver-tongued, with a captivating smile of pearls, was his son to be.
From the time Marshal could understand words such as 'beautiful' and 'elegant,' he was trained.
Inevitably, the boy's favorite bedtime story became a book known as '101 Pickup Lines,' the second a book of puns, both of which he was convinced his father had written.
He was read chivalrous romances, quizzed on ways to a woman's heart, and altogether indoctrinated to have an over-developed sense of loving emotion - and indeed, these were lessons that the boy would trade for nothing.

By the time he came of age to begin attending school, Aldous's masterpiece was ready. Determined to make his father proud and find a princess of his own to serve, like a willingly subservient knight, Marshal marched confidently to school. Before the day was done, his parents would receive a phone call, informing them that their child had been moved to a new class, by reason that half the girls in the first had been driven to utter distraction; and besides, kissing was strictly prohibited.
The lovestruck child was driven home, the scolding tone of his mother drowned out by the memory of multiple pairs of gentle lips upon his cheeks, their phantom touch still resting gracefully over his skin. The subtle thumbs-up given by his father in the driver's seat also did little to help his mother's cause.
Together, as father and son, the two of them experienced the greatest day that a pair of Romeo re-incarnate souls could hope for.

Of course, it didn't stop there. The boy would continue to grow in the ways of flirtatious exhortation, until he finally reached the charming age he currently sits at.

Explanation of his aptitude for the ability:

Born from both a lack of fear, and observations of a father who talks entirely more than most, Marshal possesses a natural conversational wit. Regardless of the situation, he always seems to know what to say; how to make a person smile, or - if the occasion demands - even blush.
Never appearing truly rattled, he speaks with an easy confidence that simply draws people to him, disarming them with a light, joking tone and a genuine smile.
Save for extreme circumstances, the boy is always able to grin through discomfort and display the appearance that he knows exactly what he's doing, even when he doesn't.

Though his natural charm has always guaranteed him no shortage of friends and admirers, he never allows his confidence to come across as arrogance, but rather a genuine love of life and sense of kindness that makes those around him want to stay, even if they can't always describe the feeling.
While the fact that he is a Charmer shows through largely in his personality, nobody's ever complained about his appearance, either.

STATUS: Approved

~Sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. It helps if you give yourself plenty of reasons~
STA ✩ 7 | EVA ✩ 10 | STR ✩ 12 | WIS ✩ 7 | ARC ✩ 6 | ACC ✩ 10
6 Jul 2021, 02:02
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
1st Ability

Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=16284

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:
Terrible Presence

Describe why this fits your character:

W/C: 416

Along the years, Aldor had lived through a lot of very harsh situations, at least harsh from the point of view of a kid who knew nothing about life just yet. When he was only a first year he was a kind, shy and smiley little kid, he hasn't changed this first two characteristics, but his smile seemed to slowly faded as he grew older, and it was reserved merely to those who Aldor had already got used to having around.

There was something strange about him lately, it was hard to explain, being around him was simply odd, a chilly feeling would usually run across whoever the unlucky person standing by him was, that strange sensation one feels when something bad is happening, even though the boy was very silent, and seemed harmless at first, something just wasn't quite right about him, even his closest friends noticed this increasingly awkward sensation after spending a while with him.

Whether it was related to the anger trapped within him because of the terrible events that he learned about in the last few months, or something else, something much more mysterious, was completely ignored by the young Hufflepuff, but it was very obvious that even if he couldn't just see it yet, the other students were beggining to notice this sort of presence.

He wasn't the same adorable little boy anymore, he was beggining to turn into a dull person, he wasn't everyone's little friend, he was now entering his teenage years, and things weren't exactly going perfectly his mother dissapeared, his father was sick, he was keeping so many secrets away from everyone he cared about, he wasn't honest, he was terrible, he was rageful and impatient, but he kept hiding these feelings, but for some reason, all of this stress ws starting to turn into some sort of aura, it was like everyone that was standing nearby simply knew that they should not mess with him, or even talk to him.

It wasn't a nightmare, maybe last year he would've cared about people being afraid of him, but not anymore, he just didn't care, he just wanted to keep going with his studies, completely unbothered, but he wasn't sure this was possible, he still had some friends he cared about, he still wanted to make his family proud, but it felt like such a big burden for a young teen to carry, bringing honor to the Humbleglow, it seemed so difficult, and this was yet another thing he had to live with, even if seemed like the most difficult task he has ever handled.

2nd Ability

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage

Describe why this fits your character:

W/C: 406

Aldor loves books more than anything in his life, he reads everything from charms that weren't being taught in his current Year, potions, the biology of all types of magical beings and even more. The boy wasn't exactly the first person that you would look for if you were harmed, in fact, he seemed like the kind of person who would abandon you if you were in danger, but the ones who thought about him this way, couldn't be further from the truth.

He didn't enjoy spending time with people who weren't his friends, but he loved helping everyone, back home, Aldor used to spend the whole day with his aunt, taking care of people and animals who were harmed, his aunt was apparently trained as a nurse by muggles, and since there was a very strong 'no using or mentioning magic around others' policy in the Humbleglow home, they usually took in people with smaller wounds so they could be trated by his aunt, usually Aldor would usually just be around handing pastries to the hungry visitors, it was at this point that Aldor really became interested in medicine, he learned about muggle medicines, how to inmobilize a broken bone, how to tie a bandage over a wound properly, chest compression, basic things that would be vital to anyone who worked with medicine.

Now, he was at Hogwarts, but he kept this knowledge close to his heart, and now he was learning how wizards treated wounds, daily, searching this knowledge in the giant library that Hogwarts owned.

To blood purists, Iphiane Humbleglow, Aldor's aunt, was a disgrace to the magical world, a famous Witch who wrote books helping random muggles with muggle medicine seemed ridiculous, how could a wizard hide magic for most of their life just to help muggles? This was unclear to most, but Iphiane was diferent, compasionate and loving, these were traits that Aldor adopted the years he grew in her home, and now, even though he had a hard time opening his heart to others, this mercy he had for the weaker never changed, he knew how it felt to be under, hiding in the dark, and he wanted to help those who were down, to be able to stand up, higher than ever, with their heads up, with no fear of what awaited for them in the future, hoped, that's what he wanted to give others, hope.

STATUS: Approved

"Hope Is The Only Thing Stronger Than Fear."
6 Jul 2021, 05:20
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=622
Applying For: Evasive Maneuvers
Writing Prompt:
It comes as no surprise to anyone in the castle by now that Dmitri Kazimir Jones has made it a point to avoid any form of social and interpersonal relationship. Heck, some might even think it's his superpower at this point that in the entirety of his five years at Hogwarts, the boy has managed to evade what most children his age would probably think was inevitable.

Heartbreak. Drama. Friendships. Betrayals.

The whole shebang.

But he did. And the Slytherin was all the better for it.

Very clearly, this—among other things—has set the 15-year-old apart from his peers, and as such, has afforded him quite a lot more safety and security through the years. You could say this has made Dmitri able to evade much of the misfortunes and injuries most of the other students were subject to. If you asked him, if everyone else diverted their limited time to focus on improving themselves, their skills, and their abilities, Hogwarts would have less of a reputation for being dangerous than it is a high-quality educational institution in all of wizarding Europe.

Stupidity is avoidable; perfection is not—for Dmitri, at least.

It was a work in progress, but he will eventually get there.

But this was not all there is to it.

Being the multi-faceted, multi-talented individual he was, this drive for perfection has put Dmitri into the only extracurricular activity that truly spoke to his wheelhouse: Dueling. Embedded into this very sport were the values the boy held very dearly: competence, talent, skill.

It was the perfect battleground to test his abilities against the student body and show everyone who they should be looking out for.

Leading his own house's corps of duelists, Dmitri managed to rally his team into taking the Championship for themselves. Even through adversity and a definite inequity of power between his team and others, the Viridian Vipers pushed through. All with his help, of course.

However, even winning all of his three games with nary a scratch, the Slytherin still cannot deem himself perfect in this area of his academic life. Within three stages, not only did he fail to dodge twice, he managed to miss hitting his opponents seven whole times!

The shame that he felt.


So, even with his efforts to be the best he can be, that particular best still wasn't good enough.

And so work on it, he did.

Perfecting the art of perfection—it was Dmitri's way. And no spell, no opponent, no attempt at social interaction is going to derail him from that.

Word Count: 424 words

STATUS: Approved

If you can't beat 'em, nerf 'em.
Stamina: 19, Evasion: 10, Strength: 2, Wisdom: 18, ArcPower: 11, Accuracy: 15
6 Jul 2021, 21:26
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Trunk
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Keen Eye
Describe why this fits your character
What once was a cautious eye that sought new information with childish curiosity, was now a paranoid scan for threats. Flash talked to people, in fact, he made it his business to be as connected as possible. He made friendly with the people interested in investigating the strange occurrences around school, while simultaneously putting himself in those selfsame dangerous situations. It had been a subtle development, not some dramatic decision he made, but many small things slowly opening a crack through into being face-to-face with peril. As he understood it, it wasn't an uncommon experience for a student in Hogwarts to have.

He was starting to realize that he wasn't just a wealthy scion with social influence, he was also a human body that could be compromised. He had been far less careful than he should have, being told off by prefects left and right that his carelessness would land him in trouble or get him hurt. He didn't want to get hurt. Naturally. The more he could stay away from danger, the better. Inconveniently though, the more he learned about the things going on around the school, the more it felt like the students needed to be able to protect themselves. For him, this meant knowing what was happening, and disseminating the information to the right people.

Information was important, but it didn't exist in a vacuum. What mattered, really, was the power of perception. Flash had inserted himself into plenty of diverse situations, watching people react to their surroundings and to lines of questioning. He was starting to notice more patterns with experience, such as where to look when he wanted to see something. A twitch in the mouth, or at the corner of the eyes. Avoiding eye contact, or fiddling with their hands. He would notice blind spots in the room, investigate even the smallest hint of movement in the periphery of his vision. There was certainly something to be said for reading up on a topic, but nothing compared to being in the thick of it. He was getting time and experience reading people, and assessing danger. With each year he became more deft at catching the tiny details. Maybe some day, even a snitch.

Nowadays, he diligently checked that no one was eavesdropping on his conversations, or that there wasn't some sort of trick or deception when things seemed too good to be true. He'd not be fooled by distractions, his will was linked to the ability to know and understand his situation, and formulate a plan of attack based on that. He couldn't afford to take chances.

Word count: 434

STATUS: Approved

For we dreamed a lot//And we schemed a lot//And we tried to sing of love before the stage fell apart
Sta: 9 ★Eva: 5 ★Str: 7 ★Wis: 15 ★AP: 3 ★Acc: 15
7 Jul 2021, 01:32
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread : Illowy Magnard
Name of Ability You Are Applying for : Perfectionist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) :

There were a thousand things Illowy could list off the top of her head that she resented her mother for. Keeping secrets, running her into the ground with activities, most of which kept her isolated from other children her age much of her childhood, ignoring her when her daughter didn't turn out to be perfectly manicured and proper the way she'd tried to train her to be. There were so many things, but at least the woman did teach her child something that came in handy as a young witch; dedication, discipline, and a level of stubbornness that likely one day would either carry her to succeed, or get her killed - whichever comes first.

Years of blunt words, and unrelenting instruction led Illowy not to accept anything less then perfection from herself in whatever she did. A perfect violinist. A perfect dancer. A perfect student. Now, added to the list, a perfect duelist. How many hours had been dedicated to maintaining such expectations? Truly it was countless by this point.

Since the day she'd stepped foot in the school, when it came to her magic and her studies, she gave nothing less then 100%. She was prodigal in her charms and transfiguration, never missing an opportunity to pick up a new spell. The girl studied them long and hard, making sure each syllable of her incantations were exact, every stroke through the air with her wand had to be precise. It was only natural that after nearly five years of intense honing, it would pay off.

Rare was the day that you ever saw her without her wand at her hip or in her hand, occasionally even tucked in her hair. Whatever kept it close and on hand in a moment's notice. While before, it had been her mother's words endlessly driving her to be better, to do more, especially after the insufferable losses she'd faced during the dueling season... she now had a new reason.

Her focus was driven by a need to make herself the most dangerous piece on the board; fueled by a burning anger that was singeing away her soft edges and unfurling her. When you lose the thing that means the most to you, you have nothing left to fear because there's nothing else they can steal from you. And who dare steal from someone who could cut you down without a single ounce of remorse? There was no more reason to hold back.

Perhaps that was the key for her, why her casting was never quite where she wanted it to be. She was holding back, second guessing, questioning if it she was in the right. Her focus was divided. No more inhabitations. She will be perfect shot. And she will be brutal.
WC 460/400
STATUS: Approved

I was told I was dangerous. When I asked why, they said, "Because you don't need anyone." That's when I smiled.
7 Jul 2021, 01:38
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Earl Gray looked just like his mother. And Mr. Gray knew he did it on purpose. Whether it was to mess with him or not, that was still up for debate. What wasn't up for debate, was that his son was rather vain. Spent hours in front of mirrors sometimes, tailoring his appearance. Earl had a fine hand. He was a sculptor, a painter, perfecting his own body the way an artist would perfect a piece. Eyes a little bigger and wider. Made his nose a little smaller, the freckles a little more obvious. The eyebrows a little neater. Made his hair an even more obnoxious shade of pink, even curlier and harder to manage.

So over the years, Mr. Gray had become jaded to how beautiful his son truly was. Earl was like....a vase. A glass flower. Gorgeous, but fragile, in the way no young boy should be. Mr. Gray feared that if he breathed on the boy too hard, he would fall apart. He'd taken Earl's mirror away during the summer. Handed him a football and kicked him out of the house, hoping the friends and the exercise would distract him. And yet, Earl always found a way. His reflection in car windows, in puddles. The camera on his phone, when he thought Mr. Gray wasn't looking. He'd grown to despise his son because of it.

Others didn't, however. They loved his son. His mild tempered, beautiful, kindhearted, snowflake of a son. "You are so lucky. He's such a cute kid." He'd heard that line so many times. But young boys weren't supposed to be cute. They were supposed to run around and eat dirt and climb trees. They were supposed to play from dusk till dawn, not stay inside obsessing over their jawline.

Magic had taken that away from Earl. It was a sickness Mr. Gray couldn't protect him from. He couldn't take his boy's curse away like he could his phone. And that blasted app with the obnoxious dances. He couldn't stop him from obsessing no matter what he did. Couldn't make him normal. So yes, Earl was beautiful. Cute. Handsome. He was gorgeous in the way no human being should have a right too. Distracting to people. To girls. To young boys, even. And it was his fault. His, and his mother's.

His mother's fault, for buying him clothes and makeup, and encouraging the obsession. His, for allowing Earl to exist. Their family was a downright mess. And his son was sick with something that had no cure.
word count: 423
STATUS: Approved

Please do NOT include the ability in your trunk on your own BEFORE it was approved. You can change the code if you do not like the placing after it has been added by staff.

#ff007b | pinterest | ency | music
metamorphmagus - lovely creature | sta • 5 | eva • 6 | str • 0| wis • 5 |arc • 10 | acc • 10 |
7 Jul 2021, 05:05
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Stats: Stamina: 10 Evasion: 7 Strength: 5 Wisdom: 4 ArcPower: 7 Accuracy: 7
First Year Ability

Name of ability that are applying for: Calming Presence
Describe why this fits your character:
Cosmo has spent such a large portion of her life existing in nature that nature itself has almost seemed to seep into her bones. The tranquility that comes from long walks where ferns brush your legs, and the patience it takes to learn bird calls or watch the birthing of a fawn have been buried deep into who she is. With each new blissful or breathtaking experience Cosmo's awe and appreciation for wilderness, including the quiet that one often needs to witness its beauty, has grown. Many adults in our world wait the whole year to be able to get away on a vacation and experience the peace that she was raised with every day.

This lifestyle was made possible because Cosmo lives in a gorgeous country town, and because she was homeschooled, giving her countless free time. Everyone around her was living the same carefree life, which has informed her brain as she grew on how to talk and act. All of her role models from her mother to the lady who sells fish in the town square hold a deep respect for one another, and barely any altercations occur. When they do, they are handled maturely and without raised voices or hurtful insults.

Before Hogwarts, the only person in Cosmo's life to expose her to that kind of behaviour was her Grandmother, and the time that she spent living with Cosmo and her mother was possibly some of her most informative times regarding anger. Cosmo's mother taught her to release frustration healthily, by putting space between herself and whichever situation was difficult at the time, only returning once she felt ready. Cosmo's grandmother on the other hand always threw herself into a spat anytime something upset her in any way. This was the first time that Cosmo realised her presence could put someone at ease, and she would spend a small amount of time with her Grandmother after she yelled, immediately the household seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as tensions went down.

Since moving into Hogwarts where there are so many other children with varying degrees of
healthy communication, Cosmo is realising not many others carry around the same little pocket of calm that she does. So she now makes a deliberate effort to move calmly and speak softly if she notices someone is feeling overwhelmed. When she talks to people she knows to listen to them, and really hear, to make sure that she never tries to enforce her own beliefs onto someone else, and to make sure people feel as though their opinions are valuable. At times her optimism and good nature could be seen as naivety, but in most instances it makes people feel liked, and calm.

Word Count: 455
Second Year Ability

Name of ability that you are applying for: Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character:
Many of the reasons for Cosmo having Calming Presence hold true with Healing Sage. Her gentle and caring nature goes hand in hand with her inclination to heal, and her exposure to wildlife from a very young age has given her a confidence around animals that she needed if she was to pull off any of her rescues. Even as a toddler Cosmo avoided standing on bugs, and would waddle around helping her mother spread bird seed and place sticks in the birdbath so frogs and other small creatures could climb out.

Her first real rescues happened when she was a little older, and allowed to wander further than her backyard. She found her first animal when she was six, it was a small brown hare with scratched up hind legs, from what she later deduced was a cat. The hare couldn't hop, so catching it and bringing it home was easy, harder was figuring out how to help it. Her mother made a salve from several muggle healing plants, and they bandaged his legs. Other than cleaning its wounds and rest there wasn't anything either of them could think to do. It took three days but by the end he was happily hopping around the lounge, and Cosmo's mother deemed it time to release it. After that rescue came many others, and eventually a whole room was set up for animals that Cosmo would find and bring in; hedgehogs with eye infections, eagles with broken wings, the list went on and as she grew Cosmo learnt more and more about healing animals.

Eventually the town heard of their little set up, and farm animals would be brought in too, chickens who were being picked on and loosing feathers came in for a little respite until they were healthy enough to return to the flock. A donkey with botfly came and stayed in their yard until he was healed. Sometimes it was sad, because although Cosmo and her mother did as much as possible, they couldn't save all the animals and Cosmo had to learn how to deal with not only the loss of her father, but of many animals over the years too. Perhaps the amount of loss that she experienced is what gives her the motivation to heal anyone she sees in pain, or perhaps it is simply empathy. Either way, Cosmo now carries around a tiny medicine bag in her backpack, and often hands out bandaids to first years with scraped up knees or people coming from herbology who've had a run in with an angry plant.

Word Count: 430
STATUS: Approved

Stamina: 10 ☆ Evasion: 7 ☆ Strength: 5 ☆ Wisdom: 4 ☆ ArcPower: 7 ☆ Accuracy: 7
7 Jul 2021, 15:16
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: LINK
Name of Ability I’m Applying for ( Ability for 3rd year): Death Defiance
Describe why this fits your character:
Eun-ji comes from a family that is incredibly focused on helping others as well as keeping themselves in good health. Her mother is a healer at St. Mungo’s while her muggle born father works as a surgeon at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Over the years, the young witch learned a lot from both of them. Her curiosity and stubbornness broke her parents’ resolve to keep her away from ugly injuries or diseases. Not to mention their lovely daughter loves ballet and is prone to injuries herself. This meant she would come to learn about as well as experience plenty of medical care and healing spells. Eleanor always said Eun-ji seemed to have a talent for both methods of healing and while she wasn’t allowed to learn the spells herself just yet, she would be allowed to witness the process whenever possible. The young witch would often come to work with her parents since they were too busy with their jobs and didn’t want to leave her home alone. Any attempts to keep the girl away from the unpleasant scenes in their workplace would be soon discarded. She was too sneaky and incredibly light on her feet. It was simply impossible to keep track of her amidst of the chaos.

“Fine, you can survey the accessible areas and ask questions but when I say go, you will turn around and leave, is that clear?” Her mother finally gave in one day. “Alright,” Eun-ji smiled, feeling victorious. “Pinky promise,” her father added in a rather serious tone. After all, there were injuries even adults struggled to take in. She was way too young to see those. Thankfully, the young witch was smart and knew the compromise was inevitable so she didn’t protest against that particular condition. “Pinky promise,” she agreed without hesitation.

After that she would go around the hospitals and ask any questions that came to mind. Her parents would answer to the best of their abilities and make her understand how everything worked. “Remember, We are teaching you not because we expect you to help everybody you meet but to understand those conditions and how the human body works. It might help you recognize the symptoms or nearby dangers but we are mostly hoping you would be able to prevent similar injuries and alignments when it comes to yourself. If you want to help others you must first and foremost keep yourself safe, is that understood?” Eun-ji would always remember that particular piece of advice. Her father was right. She was armed with knowledge that many others wouldn’t have and while it might come in handy when it came to other people, she should always focus on her own safety first. Nobody else would do it for her.
WC: 459
*Prerequisite: Healing Sage (fulfilled)
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Eun-ji Lee Hunt on 8 Jul 2021, 19:48, edited 1 time in total.

“There is no evil in sorcery, only in the hearts of men. My request is that you remember this” -Merlin
7 Jul 2021, 16:45
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ... 43#p143452
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Calming Presence
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): WC: 437
Aaron has not always been the most level-headed kid. Back in muggle school, he always had a bit of a temper. An aggressive form of ADHD and restlessness is what doctors told his parents. It was the whole reason he was enrolled in Taekwando from a young age - giving him a routine that he was able to channel his excess energy into. And it worked for a while, outside of the occasional outbursts from seeing people being treated unfairly or bullied.

Over the past couple of years at Hogwarts, he has found a bigger sense of inner peace being surrounded by the world he was magically born to. Outside of a rivalry with Rafael D'Spacito - a rivarly that Aaron has no intention of continuing - Aaron has been thriving in terms of maintaining a level head. This was proven the most during the Quidditch game against Durmstrang last summer when, as the only remaining Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain on the field by the end, he continued to shout encouraging words to his team. There had been so much violence and chaos happening on the pitch, and even though he'd had a slight moment of panic watching his Captain go down, Aaron knew what was expected of him. Stay level, keep the team calm and focused. And they won! Of course not just thanks to him, but his teammates probably felt a slight sense of ease knowing he was staying level.

Throughout his second year, Aaron maintained and even thrived in this levelheadedness. Maybe it was because he finally had his own broom, and being able to fly when he wanted to - whether that be every day or just during weekends or whenever - meant he was able to clear his mind when he really needed it. Flying is where he feels the most at ease, and having that outlet has helped his mentality more than even his Taekwando.

Despite stepping down from his Co-Captain position, he continued to encourage his teammates during practices and compliment people on their skills. He did this off the pitch as well. Aaron being such a charismatic kid meant he strikes up conversation easily and is friendly to those that he meets. He is pretty good at recognizing what people are good at and speaking to those points. Perhaps it's this recognition that people feel from him that puts them at ease and helps them flourish in their respective crafts when he is around them. Although he has never recognized himself as having a "calming presence," that is exactly what people are beginning to feel when they are around him.

STATUS: Approved
8 Jul 2021, 00:38
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Link to your encyclopedia thread: click me
Name of Ability or Race that you are applying for:
Fourth Year: Advanced Casting
Fifth Year: Impartial
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Advanced Casting:
More often than not his [Glen's] absent-mindedness and distractions led to his spells either not working in the first place or – if he was really unlucky – backfiring on him instead of hitting the target. It also didn't help that he – again, occasionally – got a bit overzealous in his spell casting and pushed far more power into a spell than it actually needed to succeed.

The dichotomy in his spell casting frustrated Glen to no end. Admittedly it really was on par for the course for him, but that did not make it any less frustrating when such mishaps happened. Which was why Glen actually sat down and devoted a big chunk of his free (study) time during his Third and Fourth year at Hogwarts to trying to get a grip on the issue.

Glen being Glen did not make a study schedule for himself to follow so that he would remember to do it regularly and often. No, he practiced whenever he actually remembered that he wanted to practice. (Which, for him, happened surprisingly often, but still.) It was no stuctured progress and success happened in fits and spurts.

In the beginning it was... moderately successful at best, if not a complete failure at worst. (Sometimes he thought that he must've been getting worse before he got better at it.) But over time his epic failures did happen less and less. He still got distracted far too easily (and as such would probably never perfect his spells) to stop it entirely, but as the occasional failed casting, misfires and backfires happened less often, he noticed that he seemed to overcompensate by overpowering his spells more often in turn.

In practice that meant less singed eyebrows or self-petrification and more blinding himself temporarily by overpowering a Lumos (for some reason it was still his most inconsistent spell) or getting hit by a summoned object because it came at him too fast.

On one such occasion he almost managed to knock himself into the Great Lake. The weather had been really nice and he had decided to spent the time between his (early) breakfast and morning classes outside. Naturally, he had lost track of time and when he realised that he was about to be late for class, he'd jumped up and ran a few first steps toward the castle before skittering to a stop because in his panic he'd forgotten to grab his bag. Instead of retracing the couple of steps to his bag like a normal person, he had instead grabbed his wand and Accio'd the bag.

His practicing had borne fruit, and he easily succeeded in summoning the bag to him. Too easily. Half due to his momentary panic, half due to the strength of his spell, while he managed to catch the bag before it hit him in the chest, the bag flew at him hard enough and with enough oomph to stagger him, almost making him topple over as he did not brace himself in time. He must have looked like an idiot trying to catch himself. Oh well, it wasn't like he was known for being poised.

In another such instance he had been looking for the scroll of parchment with his half-finished homework essay for … DADA? Maybe. He didn't remember what class the homework had been for, but he definitely remembered using the Ascension Spell to raise the book he had been reading earlier into the air to check beneath it and having it hit the ceiling with a bang instead of simply making it fly in the air for a moment. He had liked that book and did not appreciate the (minimal) damage it sustained from its adventure. Maybe he should've rather tried to use Wingardium Leviosa?

But, while he still struggled with control, the practice had paid off. He was now more often 'too successful' at casting rather than failing at it.
Word Count:654 (-63 quoted from Spell Spread in the beginning)
As they all grew older, Glen noticed another area in which he seemed to be unlike many of his fellow students. Well, 'noticed' is generous. He did not notice. He pretty much got hit over the head with it back in February, when he had stumbled his way into the Valentine's Day event. Heck, the fact that it he hadn't even realised what the event was about – newsflash, Glen, this is not a simple picnic – despite the announcement being pretty upfront about it spoke volumes. Sure, he tended to have his head in the clouds but that was on a whole other level probably. Still, if left on its own it would hardly have mattered. Just another awkward interaction with other people. Business as usual.

But in the aftermath of that, he noticed that some students seemed to be tripping all over htemselves even more than he often did – but only when speaking to select people. Strange. And it wasn't always with the same people (depending on the person) but there was enough of an overlap that there had to be a pattern to this somehow. But Glen was stumped. There had to be something to set those people apart, but he couldn't tell what it could be. To him, it seemed completely random. Well, that wasn't completely true... if it was completely random there would not be any sort of pattern to it and yet there quite obviously was something.

It was only when he overheard two of the students he'd seen act weirdly for no discernable reason that things clicked into place for him. The two were dreamily extolling the “arresting beauty and utter hotness”& absolutely gorgeous” looks of their person of … interest?, yeah, that sounded about right. It still didn't make all that much sense to him, but he at least now knew what was up with people.

Glen himself though did not see the appeal. Sure, this person or that might be aesthetically pleasing or whatever, but so was many a painting and people did not act strangely around those. It didn't explain why some people acted like those people were blinding lights they could not look away from. Well, no, it explained it. He wasn't a complete moron, he had read books and watched enough TV back home that he abstractly understood it.

It just didn't seem to apply to him. There were a lot more fascinating things in the world than people's faces. Seriously, all faces looked kinda the same for all their differences, they were faces. And besides, with how many super-duper awesome (or well, “attractive” if one wanted to be boring) people attended the school they kinda had to blur together, too. If there was just one person maybe he could've understood where people were coming from, but given how many there seemed to be … nope.

Even if someone had been affected in the first place, surely they would get accustomed, grow immune... Like immersion therapy. But no, evidently not.

And then there was the whole other can of worms that seemed to follow on the heels of that – dating. There had been firsties at that event! So weird. He was beginning his fifth year now, and he still didn't get the appeal there either. It took up so much time. Time that could be better spent elsewhere in his opinion. Why would someone want to sit in a stuffy room with someone all the time – and the same person no less? Didn't that get boring?

It wasn't like they did anything interesting then either, from what he could tell. They mostly just … talked. (And some of them kissed, but still. On that note, why would anyone want to do that more than once?) Boring. There was so much else that one could do in that time!

But alright, giving the benefit of the doubt where it was deserved; conversations could be quite interesting sometimes, if not outright fascinating. (Spoons! … come to think of it, did that conversation derail that way because of this stuff as well?? Oh boy.) One could learn new things by having a conversation. Get to know differing viewpoints informed by another's life experiences. So. He had to give them that. But that still did not account for the looks thing!! One did not learn anything interesting by looking at a person and acting like an idiot. Hell, a lot of them time they did not even talk to said person! Really, what was the point?!
Word Count:757
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Glen Pope on 9 Jul 2021, 09:40, edited 1 time in total.

Without love, it cannot be seen. ~ うみねこのなく頃に
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 14 | Strength: 7 | Wisdom: 11 | Arcane Power: 5 | Accuracy: 8
Keen Eye | Fearless | Spell Spread | Advanced Casting | Impartial