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21 May 2024, 10:04
Rowena Blackwood | First Year | Gryffindor
Full Name: Rowena Blakwood
House: Gryffindor
Age: 11
Species: Part-Goblin
Blood-status: Pureblood
Wand: 22,4 cm mayhaw wood and thestral tail hair
School Year: 1
Pre-Hogwarts History
Rowena Blackwood was born in a lineage of pureblood wizards on a cold dark night on the 4th of June. She grew up in the Blackwood manor, in a small village close to edinburgh. Her parents Thaddeus and Seraphine Blackwood, were both two great wizards who were nestled deep into the wizarding community, who only wanted the best and the greatest for their little girl.
Early on, Rowena was thought to be great and prosperous, so she could keep up the great name of her family legacy. Her days were filled with tutorings in magical theory, potion making and the history of wizarding bloodlines. The Blackwoods helt great value to their purity in their bloodline, and found it very important for Rowena to honour her family’s traditions.
Physical Description
Rowena was a striking figure even at a young age. At eleven, she stood tall for her age with a slender yet athletic build, hinting at her love for outdoor activities like Quidditch. Her long brown hair fell in cascading waves down her back, often kept in elegant braids, with a nod in her family's colors. Her eyes were a piercing hazel brown, framed by long, dark lashes, and seemed to shimmer with an intensity that belied her years. These eyes were windows to her sharp intellect and fierce determination, often observing and analyzing the world around her with a maturity beyond her age. Her skin was fair and unblemished, a testament to her careful upbringing and the meticulous attention to detail instilled by her mother.

Rowena has always been tall for her age. She was build rather athletic, which hinted to her love for activities and sports, like Quidditch. Her long brown, wavy hair was mostly put in an elegant braid, with a nod that signified her Family’s colors. Her eyes were hazel brown, framed with long, dark lashes. Rowena was filled with intellect and determination, she loved to observe and analyze the world around her, signifying the fact that she was more mature than most of her age. Her skin was rather pail and fair. It was very important to her mother that Rowena helt attention and detail to her looks.
Mental Description
Rowena had always been very confident and curious. She was raised very strictly under the guidance of her parents. From a young age she had been strong disciplined and was committed to preforming the most excellent things. She was very aware of the expectations her parents put upon her. But despire the pressure, Rowena was naturally very curious, and always wanted to gian more knowledge, so often she would sneak out into the library, or into the Edinburgh village to learn more about the muggle world, and their lifestyle.

Rowena ofton lay in conflict with herself, since she was very pressured by her parents to preform their will, but never pushed to do what she really wanted to do. She wanted to gian knowledge for herself, and not just for the Blackwoods name. Rowena had a strong sense of justice, and wasnt planned on letting that down, just because of what her parents thought was right for her.
First Instance of Magic
When Rowena was six years old, she had her first instance of magic. It was a very stormy evening, just like the one the night she was born. Her father had been very harsh that day, when Rowena had made a mistake during on of her study lessons. Rowena herself had been very emotional, angry, scared, frustrated, and so decided to spend time in the library.
Rowena’s emotions started to blend in with the stormy weather outside, the heavier the storm went, the heavier Rowena’s feelings started to show. In frustration, she started crying, and suddenly she let out a loud cry of anger, and once she opened her eyes, she saw that all the candles in the library, including the one’s in the hallway, had lid up. Her father who was just on his way to the library to talk to his daughter, ran inside to see what had happened.
Right after her father had entered, her mother entered the library as well. Soon they realised what had happened. Their eyes were filled with pride, because this meant that Rowena, could one day maybe become a great wizard. From that day on, her parents were very determined to prepare Rowena as good as possible for her upcoming journey. At 11 she would be attending Hogwarts, which could lead to her becoming a potential excellent witch.
Last edited by Rowena Blackwood on 1 Jun 2024, 15:43, edited 2 times in total.

23 May 2024, 12:59
Rowena Blackwood | First Year | Gryffindor
Statistics, Abilities, & Items


|Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 4 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane Power: 5 | Accuracy: 6
Spells Acquired


First Year
Potions Known


First Year:

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