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24 Apr 2024, 20:28
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
Full Name: Leona Aura Cooper
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 11
Wand: 25,8 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
School Year: First year
Species: Human

History/Background Story: Leona was born late in the night at a small hospital in London. Leona lived with her Mom, Dad and her Grandma and Grandpa when she was young(she still would). As she aged and got older her family started to not pay attention to her and eventually completely ignored her. Her family had started to ignore her because of how much she had to eat, even though her family had no food. Leona went to a simple school and one of the worst in her town. Her parents were quite poor because they didn't have very great jobs or anything at all. Her family was always quite poor and her being born didn't really help because she ate too much.Leona liked to play mostly with her dog or with her few friends she had. Leona is kind, caring and very shy. Leona had never heard of magic or wizards or anything like that until a Professor had come and given her a letter and explained most of who she was. Leona was so excited when she heard she was a witch, but also quite scared about what her family would say about her. Leona's friends were kind and usually would always have lots of fun with her. Leona was very sad that she didn't get to tell her friends about the school she was going to.

Leona's only accidental instance of magic was when she was only 6 years old and she was waiting for her family to get back home. It was very stormy that day and she heard later on that a tree had fallen over and hit a power line. It suddenly had got pitch black and Leona hated the dark at the time. She had not noticed what she did and the wall near her started to faintly glow which calmed Leona down. When her parents got back the power was still out and they thought that Leona had spilled some glowing liquid on the wall and grounded her for two days.
Last edited by Leona Cooper on 14 May 2024, 19:17, edited 2 times in total.

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

25 Apr 2024, 15:00
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
Character Stats:
Arcane power-6

Spells Known
Spells go here

Potions Known
Potions go here

Abilities Known
Abilities go here
Last edited by Leona Cooper on 29 Apr 2024, 17:00, edited 1 time in total.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

25 Apr 2024, 17:06
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year

Felix Hawthorne
"He is a bit cute, and he is a bit nicer than before. I'm not sure why though"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"

Azazel Bloodshot
"He is quite nice, he was on the Express with me"
Eugenia Karageorgiadi
"She's my dorm mate, she's nice. She once helped me so I'm very thankful"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"

Lysander Loyer
"Lysander seems a bit quiet but he seems very nice"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"

Eryn Bailey
"I met her in the Library over the holidays...she seemed quite nice"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Name here
"What I think about this person"
Last edited by Leona Cooper on 24 May 2024, 20:24, edited 4 times in total.

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

25 Apr 2024, 17:19
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
25,8 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
The wood
Aspen wood

The core
Unicorn hair

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

16 May 2024, 14:46
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
Name: Evelyn Cooper
Relationship: Mom
Muggle, is 35 years old. She has a small job that doesn't make much money.

Name: Jason Cooper
Relationship: Dad
Muggle, tries his hardest to provide for his family.

Name: Sophie Cooper
Relationship: Grandma
Muggle, the only one in Leona's family that cares about Leona.

Name: Tim Cooper
Relationship: Grandpa
Muggle, He is the one who ignores Leona the most.

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

17 May 2024, 17:06
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
Very Important Pictures

When Leona was 5 she begged her parents for a dog. They had a hard time saying yes because Leona 's grandparents are both allergic to fur. After lots of arguing and yelling Leona got a puppy. The puppy was a German Shepard that Leona named Cookie. Leona was very sad when she had to leave the old dog at home.

When Leona learned she was going to Hogwarts she begged her parents to take a picture of her and Cookie.

Leona's last picture with her friends before she left to go to Hogwarts.

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

27 May 2024, 14:51
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
First Year Threads
- Long ride
-Trees and more trees
-Owl to stay at Hogwarts
-Reading over the holidays
Second Year Threads
Third Year Threads
Fourth Year Threads
Fifth Year Threads
Sixth Year Threads
Seventh Year Threads

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

28 May 2024, 19:56
Leona Cooper/Hufflepuff/first year
Avatar Photos

Image First Year
Image Second Year

Be your self, everyone else is taken.