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21 Apr 2024, 22:54
Cornelius Haut | First | Slytherin
Full Name: Cornelius Sachairi Haut
Commonly Goes By: Eli (shortening of Cornelius)
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Wizardborn
Age: 11
Birthday: May 20th 2012
Wand: 20,7 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
School Year: First Year
Patronus: Unknown until sixth year
Species: Human
History/Background Story:
Cornelius Haut's early years were rather simple and typical for a child in the wizarding world.

His parents work in the wizarding world taking the floo in their living room to work - which he’s tried mimicking them a couple of times and gotten in trouble for. His father, Oliver former Hufflepuff, works for the British Ministry of Magic as a member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad which fascinates him as the stories his father bring home offer a different perspective of magic than the books he’s read. His mother, Wynonna former Gryffindor, works as a Healer giving him reassurances that even the worst of accidents his father tells stories of can be healed with wizarding magic. Of course, as he gets older he’s learning those reassurances often have caveats due to the basic laws of magic and how the world works which makes him more curious about those caveats.

His family lives off the coast of England in the town of Margate and had a rather normal looking home as seen on the outside by muggle standards. Yet, the family was a wizarding family that had been in Margate for some time so they’d acquired property next to one another, and ensured that only other wizards lived in their neighborhood on the outskirts of the muggle town. This meant they could create tunnels between the houses to let the children move between them without it being obvious they were playing when they should have been in school if the muggles were paying attention.

His parents felt strongly about the need to keep the muggle world at arms length and believed that children couldn’t be trusted to not mention wizarding things to muggles if they were too integrated - like going to muggle school. Which was why his parents and others in the small community all home schooled their children with his favorite part of that being that many of the neighborhood kids came to his house for his mother to teach science lessons. However, due to them living so close to the muggle world his parents introduced him to the muggle world to ensure he could be at least proficient at blending in - mostly as they liked to let them him loose on the beach during the summer. The catch was beyond playing with muggle children on the beach or at a park for practice blending into the muggle world he didn’t really interact much with muggles in his childhood.

He was about five when he realized the other kids his age couldn’t wrap their mouths around his name. At first he pronounced it slowly for them. Though it didn’t take him long to just give up and shorten his introduction to calling himself Eli.

It wasn’t much later that he realized that the kids his age only had curiosity for adventure, not how things worked. So his childhood was a mix of going on adventures with the kids his age that he knew, and then telling them to go on ahead as he found something interesting to investigate. Investigations that often found themselves documented in various blank journals he had. His favorite things to investigate are bugs and plants.

First Instance of Magic:
The story Eli will tell you about his first instance of magic if asked was when he was seven he climbed a tree to observe a beehive. To see the hive better he pulled out his magnifying glass which in the summer sun caused a reflection of light that resulted in smoke from the area of observation of the beehive. Naturally the bees reacted and swarmed towards him causing him to panic as he was well aware the pain a sting could cause. As he scrambled back on the branch he was on and started climbing down somehow an unnatural wind was summoned that pushed the bees away from him. To him that scientifically unexplainable unnatural wind that kept the bees from stinging him was his first instance of magic.

Physical Description:
Eli is a rather lanky average sized boy with blue/green eyes and dark brown hair. When not in his school uniform he wears casual comfortable clothes. When in his uniform he wears it lazily with his uniform tie usually loosely on.

Avatar Representation: Asa Butterfield.

Mental Description:
Eli has a restrained curiosity about near everything choosing to observe whenever possible and an imagination that sometimes runs wild.

The restraint comes in the fact that he’s smart enough to realize that even if things don’t make sense to him others have made decisions about them and he doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers. After all, when people get too opinionated or ask him to many questions it is just a distraction in his day from what he wanted to do. Unless people are outright factually wrong from a scientifically provable standpoint he is the type that will just leave people to their wrong opinions. The exception to this is if people are close friends of his as hearing people be wrong annoys him so he’ll try to subtly correct them - or happen to leave information for them to educate themselves.

The curiosity comes from the fact that so many things in the magical world can’t be proven through outright scientifically experimentation - or maybe they can, but not at his ability level. Which makes him curious about how things work and why people react the way they do.

All of his restrained curiosity is contradicted by the fact he has a wild imagination that tends to get active when he's bored. When there is something in front of him that can be studied and examined he'll focus on it. When there is nothing he's sometimes prone to looking around and making up a story in his head about the most interesting thing he sees. These stories mostly go untold.
Last edited by Cornelius Haut on 24 Apr 2024, 00:48, edited 1 time in total.

Stats: Stamina: 6, Evasion: 6, Strength: 3, Wisdom: 10, ArcPower: 3, Accuracy: 7
Just Human, Healing Sage...

24 Apr 2024, 00:38
Cornelius Haut | First | Slytherin
  • Stamina: 6
  • Evasion: 6
  • Strength: 3
  • Wisdom: 10
  • ArcPower: 3
  • Accuracy: 7

Spells Acquired:

First Year: Aberto, Incendio, Reparifarge, Reparo, Tarantallegra

Potions Known:

First Year: Pompion Potion

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