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11 Oct 2023, 08:43
Emily Carling, Ravenclaw, First Year
Emily Carling, Year One, Ravenclaw
Full Name: Emily Carling
House: Ravenclaw
Age: Eleven
Wand: 27.5cm Cherry Wood with a Dragon Heartstring Core
School Year: First Year
Species: Human
History/Background Story: Emily is a quietly confident girl: she usually keeps to herself, but she will not allow herself to be disrespected. She is always respectful to her Professors and peers and follows all rules at all times. Her hobbies include playing Quidditch as Seeker, reading anything and everything, studying excessively and spending time with her friends. Emily grew up living in London, England. Her family consists of her Mother and Father, the only others in her home are the House Elves. She has a group of four close friends (herself, Ivy, Madeline, and Sophia). Her parents are happily married and very wealthy. Emily grew up in a formal life, with scattered dinner parties and balls. Emily's very first instance of Accidental Magic occurred when she was eight years old. She was enjoying some fresh air in the gardens of her home, when she realized that the neighbor's dog had broken loose from their yard and was wondering freely in the fields behind the houses. Thinking to do something kind for them, Emily wondered into the fields to collect the dog and return it to it's own home. However, once the dog caught sight of her, it began to chase her. Emily was so frightened that she jumped through the air supernaturally high and landed safely in her own yard. She has had other incidents such as these throughout the years since then.