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10 Oct 2023, 12:50
Delilah Levine/1st year/Ravenclaw
Character name (First and last name): Delilah Loreilai Levine

House: Ravenclaw

Age: 11

Patronus: N/A

School year: 1st year

Wand: 28,6 cm silver lime wood and dragon heartstring

History/Background Story:
Delilah was a sweet young girl with long and silky raven locks which she usually wore in a bun or a ponytail. At times she likes to let it flow, draping across her shoulders and framing her soft, youthful face and her pale skin. Delilah's rosy cheeks are a touch of natural charm to her features, making her look rather kind and pleasant. She was rather short for her age, only reaching to about 139 centimeters tall. At first glance, she would've looked like any other girl if it wasn't for her beautiful, extraodinary violet-colored eyes that look like precious little tiny gems, trimmed with golden flecks.
Her parents - Lisa and Cal- were both extrodinary aurors.As the often went on business trips for the ministry, Delilah instead often stayed with her grandparents, Margerine and Damion Levine. Margerine, her grandmother, was a herbologist and her grandfather, Damion was a specialist on monsters which often lead to them showing and teaching her all about herbs and monsters during her visits. When her parents did stay, though, they would often spend their time together at the beach with their cat-Mango Toostepaste.

First instance of Magic:
Delilah's first encounter with magic was when she was eight. During that time, in her town, there was a small gardening competition on gardening hosted. Being the little herb enthusiast she was, Delilah wanted to join desperately, growing her garden with the help of her grandmother. On one summer's day, though, she accidently rode her bike and fell into one of the rose bushes, trampling the plants and flowers. She went to sleep crying that night, only to find that somehow, the roses had magically grown back the next day. (She did not win the competion tho-)
Last edited by Delilah Loreilai Levine on 16 Oct 2023, 12:30, edited 1 time in total.

The world is quiet here, and the air is full of the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread and mischief.

10 Oct 2023, 13:52
Delilah Levine/1st year/Ravenclaw
Trunk Post

Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 8
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 8


Spells known:

Potions known:

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