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9 Oct 2023, 23:22
Lenz Leclair | First year |Ravenclaw

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Full Name: Lenz Annabelle Leclair
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 11
Wand: 31,3 cm black walnut wood and unicorn hair
School Year: First year
Patronus: N/A
Species: Human
Blood status: Wizard born


Lenz is of average height - 150 cm. She has long blond wavy hair, which she usually collects in a ponytail. She has a slim, graceful figure. Oval face, with slightly chubby, ruddy cheeks. In summer and spring, when the weather is good and sunny, you can see freckles. She has lively brown eyes, a straight nose.


Zodiac: Gemini
Likes: books, music, studying, cats, journey, rain, Muggle world, Quidditch
Dislikes: rude people, bugs, cold weather, loud noises
Personality traits: ambitious, calm, charismatic, cheerful, confident, creative, curious, diligent, easy-going, fair, faithful, friendly, generous, genuine, humble, humorous, kind, optimistic, organized, outgoing, reliable, respectful, responsible, self-disciplined, sensitive, sincere


Lenz Leclair is a rather calm and quiet girl who is always eager to learn something new. She is interested in absolutely everything: how certain things work, why certain phenomena occur and so on. She loves the muggle world very much, despite the fact that she comes from a family of wizards, she is very interested in learning how people manage without magic and is delighted with all the innovations that they have come up with to make their lives easier. She loves to read and can spend the whole day reading a book. But she is not only focused on learning something new, she also likes Quidditch. The girl's older brother started teaching her how to fly a broom when she was very young, so when they have free time, they enjoy having mini-matches in the backyard of their house. As for communication with others, Lenz is very shy at first and is most often afraid to make new acquaintances, but as soon as she starts to feel comfortable around a person, she will become very talkative and will joke a lot.


Lenz was born into a family of wizards.

Her mother, Annabelle Leclair, works as a healer at St. Mungo's Hospital. It was the mother who spent the most time with Lenz when she was a child. Unlike her husband, who works almost all the time, Annabelle has more free time and always devotes it to her children. Even while doing household chores, she still managed to teach her children something. She is an incredibly kind, friendly and simply wonderful woman.

Father - Nathaniel Leclair works as an auror. Considering his work, he is a disciplined and serious person who spends almost all his time at work. But despite all this, he still remains a loving father and an incredibly kind person. When he comes home in the evening, he always spends time with his family. They often talk about everything in the world, tell what happened to them during the day and what news they heard. On the weekends, the father often plays Quidditch with Lenz, and they arrange all kinds of family trips.

Lenz is not the only child in the family, she also has an older brother - Kenneth Leclair. He is 19 years old and a professional Quidditch player. He graduated from Hogwarts two years ago, he studied in Gryffindor. Lenz loved her brother's stories about Hogwarts, so when she got her letter too, she was overjoyed. In addition to telling her a lot about school, Kenneth also taught Lenz how to fly a broom. It was thanks to brother Lenz that he started to like Quidditch.

Another member of their family is the black cat Marta. She was once brought home by Lenz. She found her in a nearby village where she was playing with her friends. It was a summer evening, Lenz, Lily and Hugo were playing in the square, when the girl heard someone meowing in the bushes. There was a small kitten. Lenz decided to take him home. Annabel agreed to keep the kitten at home and since then Marta has become a member of their family.

Lenz doesn't have many friends. Her best friend is Lily Bonnet, a girl from a family of pure-blood wizards who live not far from the Leclairs. She is a very energetic, sociable and kind girl. They have known each other since birth because their parents went to Hogwarts together and now they all live near each other.

Another friend of hers is a boy named Hugo Ortiz, he lives in a nearby village and comes from a muggle family. He is not a wizard and of course knows nothing about magic, so you have to be a little careful when communicating with him. But he is a very good friend and probably it was communication with him that prompted Lenz to study the muggle world. He taught her how to ride a bicycle, thanks to him there are still pictures hanging on the wall in Lenz's room, he taught the girl a lot and she is sincerely grateful to him for that.

The Leclair family is friendly to Muggles. They don't like the idea that wizards should only be pure-bloods.

As for education, her mother taught her many things. She taught her to read, write, spell and perform math, answered all the questions that interested little Lenz and often told her interesting and instructive stories.

Their family spends every evening together, each time inventing some new entertainment and it is always an incredible time, which Lenz simply adores.
Last edited by Lenz Leclair on 16 Oct 2023, 00:49, edited 2 times in total.

people don't have to be born with talent, they have to be born with hard work