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1 Oct 2023, 23:44
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw

P r e f a c e
K n o w l e d g e
I. H I S T O R Y


Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 31 May 2024, 00:08, edited 272 times in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

2 Oct 2023, 00:10
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw
P R E F A C E.

Greetings and salutations Visitor, welcome to the one and only Encyclopedia of Italian Wizard Kyle Victoria Diaz. I have spent many moons gathering and scavengering the information about the 11th child of Leonardo Ricci-Diaz and Victoria Manicinni. I can say I have never personally known Kyle Diaz or where my obsession to learn of him has come from, but by some strange moral drive I have indeed dedicated myself to obtaining and keeping record of this, this for you, dear visitor, to read. I must let you know this information was no easy task to come by and has consumed me, I ache from years of travel, conversing, and writing. I have done this so that you may not have to, although everything would be much easier if I could find the whereabouts of Kyle's personal journal as I can only tell you of the events but not of the feelings that may have been in his mind. But yet again my job is not of a beggar for an artifact I so desire but rather as a Professor here to lecture you on a rich tragic history of a once small Italian boy. I have dug my nose around much like the infamous Rita Skeeter to find more about him personally, a busy nose reporter trying to dig up his next big story! But unlike her I present only facts and keep my personal biases and opinions out of my work despite my longing to do so. But even so this particular character, this strange man has my opinion split because so is the stories. Some describe him much like the dรฆmon of Frankenstein, a humongous horrendous beast from Hell with the face of a beautiful angel, a manipulator that would like a siren drag you to drown. But yet, I found others who recalled their past Golden years with the once bright boy in the castle of Hogwarts. The years of studying and swimming in the lakes, even deep love and compassion have come up, some believing what happened was a deep tragedy other refuting completely of his wrongdoing! I have grown to feel somewhat sympathetic for the boy, but the man have I grown to despise. I have wept and I have laughed, even without meeting he has manipulated my emotions. But Atlas visitor do not judge me, do not scorn me with resentful eyes! For indeed I am just the messangerz how dare you shoot your curses and jinxes at me? I have never stated that I agree with Kyle's wild philosophy's or outlandish crude actions. I am much like you, a visitor in my own right trying to retain and gain knowledge. I have no idea of your own intentions on reading this or scorging the words written in this encyclopedia, but if you are indeed here for the justifications of ill will, leave now as you will not find what you are looking for nor will I share with you my research. But if you are here, much like I was in the beginning, because of burning curiosity and search for heightened intelligence please take a seat as I share one of my life's work and hopefully all questions will be answered. But tread carefully visitor! I warn you once and I warn you twice the tale of the 11th child is not a happy one.

Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 14 Apr 2024, 20:26, edited 141 times in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

2 Oct 2023, 01:01
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw
T R U N K.

K no w l e d g e. T a l e n t s. A b i l i t i e s


Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 6

โ˜ ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ

Obnoxiously Strong

โ˜ ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ

Cure for Boils [Year I, Lesson I : Potions]
Herbicide Potion [Year I, Lesson I : Potions]
Forgetfulness Potion [Year I, Lesson I : Potions]

โ˜ ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ


The Dancing Feet Spell [Year I, Lesson I : Charms]
The Mending Charm [Year I, Lesson I : Charms]
Clothing Ignition spell [Year I, Lesson IV : Herbology]
Periculum [Year I, Lesson I : DADA]
Verdimillious [Year I, Lesson I : DADA]
Curse of the Bogies [ Year I, Lesson II : DADA]

Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 11 Oct 2023, 21:44, edited 3 times in total.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

27 Feb 2024, 22:42
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw

WHO IS KYLE DIAZ? Well if you went to ask him yourself he wouldn't be able to give you a straight answer because he doesn't even know who he is himself. But for simplicity purposes we will just say his title, Kyle Diaz is an Italian-born wizard educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
During his time at Hogwarts Kyle founded his love for the Defense Against the Dark Arts. I knew it! You may say, but don't get the wrong idea, this was not the cause of his descention to corruption. So pay close attention. During his time at Hogwarts he would be most seen at Broom races [as he was indeed a racer himself, which you can see on page III.], the great lake, corridors, and the library. If you asked around school you would hear of his rude demeanor, quick mouth, and aggressiveness in his first year he did not have a good reputation... But then after that he seemed to disappear from the mainstream of students becoming one with the shadows, now everyone knew him of his intelligent quiet behavior. But no one knew, except maybe a select few, of the darkness swirling behind his eyes. It is always a strange sense of tragedy when a honest person turns into a manipulator, when the victim becomes the offender....

Leonardo was in a bookstore looking for more sources for his new upcoming edition in the Daily Prophet, he had traveled all the way back to Italy with his pregnant wife and 9 children for this research... This would be the same bookstore where he would meet Victoria Manicinni, and not long afterwards an affair followed between them resulting in Kyle's birth. Kyle was born with much likeness to his father, but received his mother's eyes and dark wavy hair. Kyle's features would be described as sharp with soft eyes, due to his sharp cheekbones and gentle dark eyes, he was definitely oddly charming. Kyle was also quite well-dressed and his fashion sense could be much compared to as a "grandpa." He is very tall in height with a thin muscular figure, his skin is a golden tan littered with plenty of moles due to his much large amount of time outside. Kyle lives with his 10 half-siblings [Joaquin, Alessia, Amelia, Chiara, Henry, David, Romeo, Francia, Casey, and Luna] and his father and step-mother [Leonardo and Isabel]. Living with an Italian father and Spanish mother whilst residing in London it was only natural for Kyle to learn all the three languages, he even picked up a little French from his cousins in France [Italian, English, Spanish, and limited French]. But sadly this came with an after-effect, a thick Italian accent that is prominent when he speaks English. Kyle never knew of his birth mom, believing he was just a regular child of Leonardo and Isabel... Although he always knew he felt slightly different. It was only revealed in a letter from his father who is mother was, why they kept a secret, and sadly about her passing. So you don't have to go around trying to dig up letter I have it here for you already with accurate translation underneath, understand that tracking down the original handwritten letter was no easy task....


Dear Kyle,
I apologize profusely that you must learn the truth like this. I wish it had been a different way, in different circumstances, but yet I cannot hide from you no longer the guilty and regret only shread me to pieces and now I have no choice but to reveal the choice to you. Kyle, my beloved son, your mother is dead....

Before you start to question, or wonder how, I must tell you that Joaquin, Alessia, Amelia, Chiara, Henry, David, Romeo, Francia, Casey, and Luna's mother is very much alive, the mother you have learned to call your own but alast is not your biological mother.

I'm sad to say you were the gift given to me through a sin, my infidelity and unloyalty was what brought you into the world. You are a miracle we all told you that, but not because you came from Mamma, you must remember after Luna, Mamma couldn't bear anymore children due to medical problems from having so many. You must also realize that you and Luna are only a few months apart, an impossible task for one woman. You are a miracle as I was given you, a beautiful gift, a beautiful little boy.

I met your mother in a book store, we shared a rather interesting conversation, she was odd in a way that made me curious, something I had ever seen before. I was drawn to her strangeness, passion, stubborness, and a strong will, which I see in you everyday. I did indeed love her, but what I did was wrong, everything I have great regrets. Mamma forgave me, which I do not deserve til this day, I caused pain to both Mamma and your mother who had no idea of my martial status. The truth of your birth became the family's secret, we kept you on your mother's wish because she though you would grow happily with lots of family and friends who could support you emotionally and financially.

Your mother was a Half-Blood, so like your siblings you are a Half-Blood. Your mother died last week in a drowning when trying to save a child in disastrous weather, which I was immediately notified of. I am with all my heart and soul very sorry to you, because of my infidelity, my procrastination, fear, and dishonesty I have made you lose the chance to meet your mother, the funeral for her will held durin Christmas break, so if you want to go to pay you respects you may do so. I again apologize deeply and am saddened.
Your Father, Leonardo Diaz

The Name of you mother was Victoria Mancinni

Alicudi, a beautiful small island off the coast of Sicily, Italy. [1 of the 7 Aeolian Islands] Kyle would find himself spending many holidays and summers in Alicudi with his paternal grandparents [Azreal Ricci, Ophelia Belucci-Benz]. Boasting beautiful waters, great hospitality, and delicious traditional cuisine the population finds itself at only around 140 persons. Some would also find the island to be absolutely dreadful because it's slow way of life, it's only mode of transportation being either boat or donkey, and it's whole existence only being because of the volcano [which makes most of the island]. Kyle would find the place to feel like his one and true home, for those who knew him Kyle had a big attachment to water, one of the many reasons why he loves the island. Kyle enjoyed helping his grandfather, whether it was fishing or in his workshop, or his grandmother, when it came to helping guest and showing Italian hospitality, babysitting, cooking, or cleaning, he loved every bit. It was interesting how on this island he was a friendly sweet grandson who enjoyed lending a helping hand, now we look back at history and wonder how this could have ever been? Rome a staple of rich history and a great market for tourism. But for Kyle it is the place of his birth and the place where he can meet up with his paternal two cousins, Kinsley and Allison, and his aunt Elizabeth and her Parisian husband Pietro. [Although now both cousins reside in France as they attend Beauxbatons.] Kyle greatly enjoys his Holidays spent with them, including the many polar plunges together. The main residence for the Diaz family, where Kyle's spainard stepmother Isabel Diaz was born and raised. Isabel gave birth to 10 children and despite the scarring of her fallopian tubes she is pregnant once again. Despite Leonardo Ricci-Diaz's infidelity she still loves him and treats Kyle as her own. Although the family is on the brink of poverty they are rich with love.


When Kyle was born in Rome, Italy they packed their bags and moved to England as they wanted a new fresh place. Kyle's first instance of magic was lets say.... not anything he likes to bring up or is very proud of.... He had gone to the store with his Mom and 10 siblings [he is 11th child being the youngest], at this time he was 3 years old he trailed behind because he had refused to get into the shopping cart, he wanted to prove he was old enough, and he wanted his siblings to stop teasing him about being the "baby." Even though he was tired he was also very stubborn so he refused to ask. All the siblings were in the toy aisle asking Mom for different new toys, that's when Kyle saw a giraffe in a tutu a he grabbed it immediately and began asking his mom begging her to buy it, but as she told all the kids, she told him "no." But Kyle wanted it so bad so he kept asking only to receive the same answer, he refused to give up and cried and whine until he frustrated himself so much that his face turned red, and steam blew out his ears... literally. Although not very long it was long enough for hi mom to take notice and recognize his first instance of magic. Again not proud of it, but yet again everyone was a child once upon a time.

P E R S O N A L. I N Q U I R Y.

I have found much more on the personal side of Kyle and I would not know your need for such personal information but I will supply you of my findings none-the-less. Kyle was born a half-blood being born of a Muggle-mother and a Pure-blood-father. The wand in which he wields is a 21,0 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring [Quite rigid, very effective for unspoken spells, perfect for defense spells], which he received from no other than Ollivanders. Strange unknown things is Kyle is surprisingly ambidextrous, and has heterochromia although not that noticeable as one of his eyes are lighter brown than the other. Based on talking with former colleagues I have been able to determine that he smelled of Fresh Basil, Ocean Breeze, Crisp Granny Smith apple, Tangy Calabrian lemon, and old parchment. [This would be the same as if you brewed a Love potion and we're in love with Kyle.] Surprisingly considereda fearless wizard has an account of one fear, recorded much earlier in a time of a class. A particular lesson of Boggarts, his classmates were in utter confusement when recalling that yes a Grandfather Clock jumped out of the closet. No different than any other, extremely simple, as it ticks ticks ticks away. Many were puzzled as they watch the mortified boy watch the clock in horror.... What does it mean to Kyle? Why would this be his biggest fear? Well based solely on my interviews with those close to him the reason of this is Kyle's worst fear of all is time, it is his worst enemy of all, because seconds turn into hours which turn into days, weeks, months, and years... Hair turns gray and people pass away and bad things happen, he wishes it would just stop so nothing else would happen... He's scared about what his future holds... There has been no record this far about his patronus or if he ever indeed had one, and til this day Kyle's mirror of ERISED is considered a mystery. Although much is still not known we do know that Kyle had a Silver Siberian cat Adopted pre-hogwarts. Named after David Bowie's alternative ego because of the cat's birthday and it's heterochromia. Bought by Leonardo Ricci-Diaz in the year of 2023. I have gathered a testimony on the details of the cat and it's personality for you to read as well.

"Ziggy is undeniable one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet, he loves to meet knew people and enjoys a good scratch behind the ear. When Kyle isn't broom racing or hanging around the lake he is with his precious little cat that he almost considers is like his own son due to their close bond. Ziggy is quite the charmer unlike his owner who seems to drive people away, you will also find that Ziggy is very talkative he loves meowing for anything and everything. Ziggy's favorite food is eggs, even though he loves milk Kyle refrains from giving it to him to because he learned it isn't good for cats."

Luna Diaz on Kyle and Ziggy

Kyle also had a deep fondness for music originally dreaming of becoming part of a band and traveling about the world spreading his gift. Kyle decided to use his guitar he fondly named Uriel [after the angel cherub of wisdom, light, and truth]. The guitar in question was a gift from his paternal grandfather who was a craftsmans of all sorts. Kyle could remember distinctly as a child being in the garage with his grandfather handing him the wrong tools. His grandfather would praise him none the less, he had built Uriel with his own hands, carving every detail with aching fingers. The guitar was entirely unique and stood out amongst others with it's pure white image and the angel depicted holding the strings, adorned with gold and wings that outstretched towards the sky. When Kyle questioned the details and meaning particular his grandfather would state that the angel was meant to bring whatever Kyle played to the heavens and carry him through whatever problem or situation he may have. Like a guardian for him. Although Kyle was still confused he didn't push any further because he knew deep down... That he would still most likely not understand. His grandfather also Crafted by hand a special pair of leather shoes just for Kyle, he was seen often wearing them although now scuffed, rumor has it he had gotten into a fight overthem once with a second year in only his first year of attendance.

P O S S E S S I O N S.

This is what is in Kyle's possession although mostly normal items some may make you question: what are his motives?

To weigh the pros and cons.
Received: MANDATED
Little tin cauldron with black rustproof coating and a handle for transportation.
Recieved: MANDATED
These glass phials, with its eccentric shapes have been decorated with great care.
Received: MANDATED
Because nothing can stop modernity.
Received: MANDATED
Arsenius Jigger's work, along with his notes.
Received: MANDATED
Newt Scamander's masterpiece, about magical creatures.
Received: MANDATED
The infamous book of Garius Tomkink in its original edition from 1776.
Received: MANDATED
THE DARK FORCES: A Guide to Self Protection
Ideal for duels enthusiasts!
Received: MANDATED
Miranda Goshawk teaches you the basics so you can shine bright during Charms class.
Received: MANDATED
History, without the dust.
Received: MANDATED
Perfectly designed to cut through fishing nets
Eat to breathe underwater. Just remember to resurface in time!
Received: BOUGHT
The highly poisonous extract of the hellebore plant.
Received: BOUGHT
Quality gloves that will protect you from Bubotuber pus splashes, among other things.
Received: MANDATED
A light, sober and good quality dress. Self-adjustable seams.
Received: MANDATED
This elegant hat is a must-have for all wizards.
Received: MANDATED
A warm cloak to survive the Scottish winters.
Received: MANDATED
This white silk glove allows you to slap another man across the face from 50 ft. away, as long as that person is in your line of sight. The glove is unable to cause any actual damage to anyone, but can only damage someone's ego.
Handmade by Leonard Jewkes and can reach speeds of 68 mph.
Attach it to your broom so that it can help you along long travels.
Received: BOUGHT
Ride the bus to places such as Godric's Hollow and Grimmauld Place.
Received: BOUGHT
A copy of the infamous map, to track down every student in Hogwarts!
Received: BOUGHT
In order to go to Hogsmeade even if you're not in third year!
Received: BOUGHT
A stitched up bear composed of multiple parts from different teddy bears. It sings a creepy song about being "best friends" with the owner. It somehow knows its owner's name. It moves to new places when you sleep and sometimes you feel important objects have been moved or are missing.
Received: ???
This radio is powered by magic instead of electricity and is able to tune into the wireless wizard network, allowing wizards to listen to news and favourites from the Weird Sisters.
Received: BOUGHT
This magical knife can pick any lock!
Some say it opens the caretaker's cabinet... but not his office.
Received: SECRET
In pure Pygmy Puff hair.
This small rolling rock follows its owner, it cannot understand its owner and is not able to execute simple tasks.
Now you won't forget to remember things!
Received: MANDATED

Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 15 Apr 2024, 16:37, edited 15 times in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

1 Mar 2024, 01:54
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw


Ongoing: ๐“†ž Completed: โœฎ Abandoned: โ‘ช Sport: ๐“…” Family: ๐–งง Love: โœ‰

๐–งงโœฎA Night Run - Place: City of London, Time: Pre-Hogwarts, Private thread with Madi McQuade
Synopsis: Kyle meets Madi one day when she's on a run, he then invites his neighbor to a game of kickball!
๐–งงโœฎZiggy Stardust - Place: Magical Mangerie, Time: Pre-Hogwarts, SOLO thread
Synopsis: Kyle goes with his father and sister to the Magical Mangerie and adopts his pet, Ziggy.
๐–งงโœฎWhy can't we just rent brooms? - Place: Hogwarts Express, Time: Pre-Hogwarts, Private thread with Ella-Marguax Dupuis
Synopsis: After Kyle's siblings say he can't ride with them Kyle ventures to find a different compartment, and thus meets Ella.
โ‘ชDidn't Expect to see you Here - Place: The Great Hall, Time: After-Sorting, Private thread with Ella-Marguax Dupuis
Synopsis: Kyle finally arrives to Hogwarts and gets sorted into Ravenclaw to his surprise! The next day at breakfast he runs into a familiar face, Ella, seated at the Gryffindor table.
โœฎExploding Eardrums - Place: Corridors, Time: Beginning of Hogwarts, Private thread with Renelle Dalton
Synopsis: While going go to, a tedious task, Kyle is cursed to an awful screech which turns out to be a girl singing!
๐“†žDangerously Reckless - Place: Quidditch Training Pitch, Time: Late Summer, Private thread with Ulysses Drake
Synopsis: After his first flying class Kyle sneaks one of brooms so that he can use it again later, but he wasn't the only with that idea.
โ‘ชBack at Home - Place: Ballroom, Time: October, Private thread with Constance Aphelion
Synopsis: Kyle goes to the Ballroom to practice playing his guitar, as he doesn't bother with the Fall Ball. Through his melody he meets a selfless girl.
โœ‰โœฎBeads, Knots, and Nerves - Place: Courtyard, Time: October 15th, 2023, Private thread with Gyda Delaney
Synopsis: After deciding to make Bracelets one day out of boredom Kyle meets Gyda, what he was hoping would be a peaceful interaction turns South and he just ends up frustrated with her... But also fascinated.
โœฎNo Tricks, All Treats - Place: Grounds, Time: October 23rd, 2023, Private thread with The Sweets and Treats Club
Synopsis: After signing up for a cooking club, Kyle arrives to the first meeting which is themed for Halloween! Kyle brings Mexican Wedding cake in the shape of a skull.
๐–งงโœฎI'm Not Yours - Place: Great Lake, Time: October, 2023,
Private thread with Astra Norrick
Synopsis: Kyle receives a letter from his father and in reading it he finds the Diaz's dark secret it... Him, and the truth surrounding his birth.
โœฎIn need of warmth, comfort, and dryness - Place: Small Hall, Time: October, 2023, Private thread with Astra Norrick
Synopsis: Astra comforts Kyle after he finds a disturbing truth. Part 2 of I'm not Yours
โœฎWe didn't start the fire~ - Place: Room of Requirement - Time: October 31st, 2023, Open Thread
Synopsis: Kyle goes to a Halloween party that's all about breaking rules in costumes. He meets some new like-minded people, and some drunk ones too.
โœ‰๐–งงโ‘ชMamma Mia - Place: Abandoned Toilets, Time: November 11th, 2023, Private thread with Gyda Delaney
Synopsis: Kyle shaves his head as an act of rebellion after his family kept a large secret from him, a day afterwards he runs into Gyda, then his brother says the unthinkable...
๐–งงโœฎGASOLINE - Place: Corridors, Time: November, 2023, Private thread with Jay Divus, Astra Norrick, Renelle Dalton, Madi McQuade, and Remedy Norden
Synopsis: Kyle is on a rampage, he feels betrayed by his own family! So naturally when a boy scuffs his shoes it gives him an excuse to take out his anger.
โœฎDETENTION - Place: Small Hall, Time: November 21, 2023, PV with AngelFyre McCubbin, Jay Divus
Synopsis: Kyle goes to detention after getting into a bloody brawl with Jay Divus. Kyle learns to be more sympathetic.
โ‘ชBad Reputation - Place: Great Lake, Time: November, 2023, Private thread with Scarlett Noel and Lucielia Victoria Night-Cortez
Synopsis: Kyle already had a terrible reputation for his blunt and rude nature but after the fight with Jay it only worsened x 10.
๐“†žGoing for Swim - Place: Great Lake, Time: November, 2023, Private thread with Nico Cirillo
Synopsis: Kyle goes to take a swim in the cold lake and invites a boy on the shore to join him in his wild endeavor.
The Annual Baikim Winter - Place: Ballroom, Time: December 22nd, 2023, Open Thread
Synopsis: Kyle goes to the Baikim ball with Nico Cirillo as his date, he also runs into Astra as well!
โœฎFrost and Foremost - Place: Great Lake, Time: January 6, 2024, Open Thread [Errand]
Synopsis: When Kyle sees the polar plunge errand for students he knew immediately he had to go. There he meets up with Astra and they catch up and maybe catch some sniffles too.
๐–งงโœฎLife Again - Place: Room of Requirement, Time: January 31st, 2024, SOLO thread
Synopsis: Kyle gets another letter from his parents, but this time it is a letter from his step-mother bearing good news! Despite all odds she is once again pregnant.
๐“…”โœฎGRYFFINDOR V. RAVENCLAW - Place: Outdoor Club Area, Time: February 11th, 2024, Private thread with Team Gryffindor and Team Ravenclaw
Synopsis: Kyle races in his very first broom race as the youngest. Result: lost
๐“†žLeather Jackets and Cowgirl Boots - Place: Corridors, Time: Febuary 12th, 2024, PV with Julia Jenkins
Synopsis: Kyle talks to a fellow Broomracer who he lost to previously.... But he instead of a friend he leaves with a crush.
โœฎAn Accidental Enemy - Place: Corridors, Time: February 13th, 2024, Open Thread and Genevieve Delacourt
Synopsis: Lily gets revenge on Genevieve by sticking a note on her back that says "Free kisses for boys" which Kyle accepts.
Name of Thread - Place: Place, Time: MMMM/DD/YYYY, PV with Person
Synopsis: A short summary about what the thread is about
Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 18 Apr 2024, 16:02, edited 17 times in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

3 Mar 2024, 00:54
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw

Broom: Silver Arrow +3 all stats
Other items: Compass
Abilities: Obnoxiously Strong - Players with this ability gain +15% strength for the duration of the race.
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 15 Apr 2024, 16:32, edited 3 times in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

16 Apr 2024, 11:52
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw


E V E N T S.

Planning of events that WILL happen to Kyle.

I. [COMPLETED] The Family's Secret Revealed - Kyle learns through a heart wrenching letter that he was actually the product of an affair and that his biological mother has passed away.
II. [COMPLETED] 2 Acts of Rebellion - Kyle cuts off all his hair and gets into a brawl with another student and receives detention.
III. [COMPLETED] Miracle Pregnancy - Kyle is beyond thrilled upon the fact that his step-mother is pregnant once again which will soon result in a new baby sister.
IV. [PENDING] The Funeral - Kyle attends the funeral of his Biological mom with his parents in Italy, he learns from his mother's parents [his maternal grandparents] more about her and who she was as a person, Kyle finds it hard to feel for someone who he has never met.
V. [PENDING] The Cruel Death - Kyle's stepmother passes away after a horrible miscarriage, this leads into the descention into his madness as he begins obsess overtime.
VI. [PENDING] Research - Kyle spends much of his time either in the library or outside by the lake he seems to be better again but different than he used to as he is more quiet and less-aggresive.
VII. [PENDING] Off Aura - Kyle is having a conversation with a Professor and although the professor can't put their finger on it, despite his well-behaved and good-manners there is something off with the boy.
VIII. [PENDING] Kyle starts to collect followers of like-minded people using their pain as a way of connection and manipulation.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

Today, 17:19
Kyle V. Diaz | I. | Ravenclaw
I came,
I saw,
I conquered

my dear,
I don't give a damn

Your mistakes
do not
define you

1. bla
2. bla
3. bla
4. bla
5. bla
6. bla

Your mistakes
do not
define you


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices. Sed urna tortor, porta eget neque vel, faucibus viverra nulla. Vestibulum blandit ligula ante, at mollis turpis ullamcorper ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices. Sed urna tortor, porta eget neque vel, faucibus viverra nulla. Vestibulum blandit ligula ante, at mollis turpis ullamcorper ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus erat eget dapibus ultrices.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.