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17 Sep 2023, 03:02
Edmund Ayala | First Year | Hufflepuff

Name : Edmund Ayala Birthday: 01 Sep 2011
School Year: First year House: First year
Residence: Ashleworth, England Blood Type: Muggle-born
Patronus: -- Species: Human
Wand: 21,3 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

Father: Benjamin Ayala Mother: Evelyn Ayala

Standing at a height of 138 cm (4 feet 6 inches), Edmund has a small build that often makes his clothes appear slightly oversized on him, which adds to his cutness. He has short, curly black hair that tends to be perpetually unkempt, a testament to his tendency to lose himself in books rather than concern himself with personal grooming. His most striking feature is his deep green eyes, which exude curiosity and intelligence behind his timid gaze.

Edmund Ayala was born on September 1, 2011, into a loving Muggle family in the village of Ashleworth, England. His parents, both librarians, fostered his early love for books and learning. The Ayala household was a haven of warmth and support. Surrounded by shelves of classic literature and encyclopedias, Edmund's curious mind was nurtured from a young age. In addition to his passion for books, Edmund shared a special bond with his father, Benjamin. The two of them often engaged in intense chess matches, a tradition that had been passed down through generations in the Ayala family. These matches were more than just games; they were opportunities for father and son to connect, strategize, and learn from each other. The cerebral nature of chess not only honed Edmund's analytical skills but also taught him valuable life lessons about patience, strategy, and the art of planning ahead.

Edmund attended Ashleworth CE Primary School. where he showed his quiet and introvert nature. He was often lost in thought, daydreaming about the worlds that books could transport him to. While he had a genuine love for books, he hated the structured learning environment of school. The idea of being forced to study, complete homework, and take tests was a source of frustration for him. He always wanted the freedom to read and learn at his own pace, without the pressures of exams and assessments. However, he always did his best with the encouragment and help from his parents and got good grades. He rarely initiated conversations with his classmates, preferring the company of his beloved books over socializing. All of this, made it difficult for him to form close friendships during his early years. Despite his introverted nature, his teachers recognized his intelligence and his insatiable appetite for knowledge. Edmund's ability to absorb information from books was unparalleled, and his teachers often marveled at his analytical thinking and deep understanding of various subjects, compared to others his age or even one or two years older.

It was during one of his solitary reading sessions at home, around the age of seven, that Edmund experienced his first accidental bout of magic. As he sat in his room, engrossed in a book, the book disappeared from his hands for a brief moment, only to reappear in the exact same spot. He was shocked, doubting his own senses, but deep down, he knew that something extraordinary had just happened, though, he never mentioned it to his parents until the day he learned it wasn't his imagination playing tricks on him.

As Edmund's eleventh birthday approached, a mysterious professor arrived one night, a little after midnight, at the Ayala family's home. After introducing himself as a professor from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he explained, to the best of his ability, the existence of the magical world, wizardry, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At first, Edmund's parents were deeply skeptical and upset, believing that someone was playing a cruel and wasteful prank. However, the professor was determined to prove the reality of magic. With a few simple but undeniable displays of magic, such as levitating objects and conjuring light from thin air, he gradually convinced the Ayala family that what he was saying was not a mere fantasy.

The initial panic and confusion that had gripped the family began to subside as the professor skillfully handled the situation. He patiently answered their questions and allayed their fears, assuring them that sending Edmund to a magic school was both safe and beneficial for their son's future. Slowly but surely, he won their trust and cooperation.
Last edited by Edmund Ayala on 24 Sep 2023, 14:45, edited 1 time in total.

Ed. Ayala * First Year * Hufflepuff

17 Sep 2023, 03:55
Edmund Ayala | First Year | Hufflepuff



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