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12 Jun 2023, 16:59
Namusobiya Khosa-Chaumet  Uagadou 
I GOT MILKY WAY FOR BLOOD════════════════════════════════════════════════
══════════════════════════════════════════════════EVOLUTION IN MY VEIN
Namusobiya has a medium to dark complexion with rich, warm undertones. Her well-defined facial structure and high cheekbones enhance her smooth and radiant glow. Her eyes are one of her most notable features. They are large, expressive, and almond-shaped, framed by long, dark eyelashes. They have a beautiful color that can range from a deep brown to a hazel shade, depending on the lighting and her makeup choices. Rather tall, she is in the higher percentiles for her age range. Despite that, she has a rather thin body structure inherited from her mother which can be described as lithe. As she develops hormonal changes, she has developed some curves to her structure without being overly voluptuous.

In terms of fashion, she has adopted the robes of Uagadou from the moment she broke her wand. Though she sometimes uses more European fashions, it is usually used in a manner to make a statement about her heritage which she has embraced using bold prints and colors.

1m63 | 47.5KG | slender & lithe | 4B curl type | hazel eyes
Ever-changing and ever-growing, Namusobiya is as mutable as the sea. Composed, she takes her time in new environments, always siding with caution. This enables her to learn and adapt to her environment before endeavoring to assimilate into her surroundings. Oftentimes however, this comes off as stubbornness and a fear of change. It can be rather hard for Namusobiya to trust others; when she does, there's nearly always a part of her ready to run for the hills. The only exception to that is her brother.

Although Namusobiya has certainly been humbled, her fire hasn't been diminished in the slightest. If anything, she is more lioness than she's ever been. Her instincts she'd developed in Paris were only sharpened in her second home. Honed with a different measure of acceptability. If anything, she's grown stronger and more ruthless than she'd ever been locked in her gilded estates of France.

Though definitely not set to a single goal, she does plan to pay her mother a visit someday, a true visit. Not one of the visitations she's emptily promised. She has desires for vengeance, but first, she must strengthen herself and reach the heights she desires. The lioness does not accommodate the rats; for now, she keeps her past where it belongs: as kindling to light the blaze she plans to unleash on the world. She has been an opportunist, saying yes to things she would not have otherwise. It's how she got on a broom, and how she accepted to travel halfway across the world to rewrite herself.
Her first instance of magic was making feathers float with her hands during a slumber party with friends.
Born Brielle Namukasa Chaumet to a Pureblood entrepreneur from Paris, Namusobiya has had a bit of a rough introduction to life and society. Growing up in a life of luxury and high standards came with a number of rules. From a young age, she knew she could do anything, so long as it didn't taint the family name by any means. There was no talk about trying to uncover her father's identity permitted, even less the idea that she was anything but French when it was brought up that she didn't quite look like her mother. So long as she played along, she could have anything her heart desired, even a pony if she so wished. In fact, growing up, she was quite the equestrian. Through the loneliness of being the only child, she dreamt of having a brother to protect her. Of course, like any good French witch, she was meant to be sent to Beauxbatons once she turned eleven. There were no if, buts, or ors about it. Yet, her Abraxan feather never came. Her mother would have none of this and went to Beauxbatons, where she was told in no uncertain terms that her daughter was not on the registre. When Madame Chaumet set her mind to something, she didn’t do it halfway, and so she tried to force things. She took her daughter for a wand fitting and continued under the pretense that her daughter would attend the school. Only, there was no wand that would take to Brielle Namukasa Chaumet. Every piece of wood would either go silent or worse.One splintered under her touch and took out an entire wall causing quite the still at the wand crafter’s atelier they had gone to. All the Chaumet had gone to Beauxbatons, and this would be no different. She’d buy them a building if she had to! And then everything changed. In all the whispers and attempts, a loose end from her past unraveled, and an article "en page six" had the entire city buzzing with the truth about Brielle Chaumet, heir apparent of her mother's multi-billionaire jewelry company. The young woman was the product of the worst affront: the daughter of a muggle. It didn’t matter of the man’s success or renown. If anything, it made things worse for her mother’s company.
Rumours began circling that the company was struggling for their CEO to debase herself so. Or perhaps it was the weakness of all women, the need to reproduce, that had driven her to such madness. To avoid subjecting her daughter to the brouhaha, Madame Chaumet spent more time at the Ugandan offices, taking her daughter with her. It was around that time, a few weeks before the start of school that things changed. Tucked in her bed, she had dreamed of her imaginary brother, and told him all her woes. He had listened and done what brothers did best. She had smiled and abandoned herself to the veldt of the dream for a while longer than usual. Her nights grew longer into day, and though she didn’t see Nfasi as much as she wanted to, she saw entire worlds beyond her own. Worlds she attributed to her imagination. And then she came to her. At first she was merely a silent figure, allowing her to come to her. It took many nights for Namukasa to follow the sound of her middle name so few spoke she had nearly forgotten it herself. Then, she realized where she was meant to be was far from where she had called home. It came in the form of a piece of coal, set in the palm of her hand, the word shinikizo upon it in white writing that glowed it might have been starlight itself. Being raised a pureblood witch, Brielle was not ready to change her entire life and uproot it to Uganda. She had been curious about her heritage, and enjoyed every extended visit with her mother, but this was extreme even by her standards. The life she found down there wasn't what she expected, but she found some form of status quo in this foreign yet familiar family.
She wanted to go back to her old life, but then she met him. The boy from her dreams. When asked to change her name, she did, but with one request. To keep her mother's last name attached. The woman might have written her off, but as she rose into Namusobiya, she had the desire to keep that part of herself. As if dragging it was a final smite to offer the woman that had so easily shipped her off. Only once in this new land, did she find a wand that took to her. At Uagadou, she found something her soul lacked, a new sense of life and purpose that she didn't have. Every concept she had grown up to believe as true was shattered. At Uagadou, she didn't just develop her magic, but also her mind. She began to think if ways that differed from the Imperialistic context she had grown up in. These boxes she had been presented her entire life were different here. The gilded cage wasn't limited in the same manner. Magic wasn't a product to sell only to those who could afford it like some piece of jewelry. Every day she kept sharpened her wit in ways she would have never seen otherwise. When her brother encouraged her to join the quidditch team, she did, and best of all,she was surprisingly good at it. There was something freeing about being on a broom, wind through her hair. The sort of thing her mother would have claimed not to be lady-like. In many ways, her continued education and change of scenery have been a journey of self-discovery for Namusobiya. The social constructs that bound and restricted her no longer stood in her way to explore. Even the magic she was learning was entire different from what she had learned.
1 Soul
S T A T S & A B I L I T I E S
STA 5 • EVA 10 • STR 2 • WIS 10 • ARC 3 • ACC 10

Keen Eye:
With a keen eye you notice things that others do not notice on the Quidditch playing field. That glint of gold, that faint whir. You were always the first to find that lost item at home. Intuitive, logical and perhaps a bit lucky.

Growing up with a jeweler for a mother, Namusobiya was trained from a young age to recognize real from fake. A gift her mother often said her child had in the crib, though that wasn’t quite accurate. She was six when she first began seeing things with an accuracy that impressed even the best miners in Uganda. Her mother had taken her to one of the mines her company not only dealt with, but held much equity in. Though her daughter was a toddler to many, it was vital for Madam Chaumet to ensure her daughter would always feel comfortable in her role. After all, some day this would all be hers, and teaching her properly at an early age was for the best.

She’d had a few of her expert gemologists bring forth a number of stones to her daughter to show her the differences. Even at that age Namusobiya was a diligent student. There was something about rocks that spoke to her. Of course, if she’d called a diamond or sapphire a rock, her mother might have had a meltdown right then and there, but in her child’s mind that’s what they were. Sure, they might have been more see through and shiny, glittery even, but it was all just rocks wasn’t it?

After a crash course in occlusions and clarity and the qualities that make gems valuable, she was presented with two six carat sapphires to determine which was best. It seemed sheer chance when she pointed to one, and the gemologist was about to shake his head, but Namusobiya wouldn’t have it. “Look at it again, this one is the better one,” she said.

“You heard her,” her mother said.

The man, obviously frustrated to be told by a child to look at the gems again sighed and did so. As he did, he realized the child was correct. Of course, he also knew it was a mere 50/50 chance, so he did so again, this time with diamonds. Three, then five, then ten, but the child was a prodigy. It was nearly second nature. She could spot things like a hog could find truffles under the ground. For years it was brushed off as merely having good eyesight, but then Namusobiya had this way of finding things. Her mother swore she could find Sheeba’s single red thread she had made Solomon hunt in the castle for her if she was asked to.

Lovely Creature:
You are so incredibly beautiful, it is hard to take ones eyes off of you.

From infancy, Namusobiya was considered a beautiful baby, as many children are called by their parents. In her case, though, it certainly wasn’t a lie. As she grew older, she seemed to keep those symmetrical features and smooth complexions that were often claimed as paragons of beauty. Though she certainly had inherited many features from her parents that worked, there was something empty to it all. Raised by a shrewd businesswoman of a mother, Namusobiya was not beautiful inside and out. She was rather spoiled in her young years, and though she yearned for approval and family, she was also confined to her being an only child. It had led her to create herself a brother - at least to her knowledge - in dreams.

For several years, Namusobiya was the product of greed and artifice. She was pretty, certainly, but her personality wasn’t pleasant enough to warrant calling her beautiful. It wasn’t until her entire life was turned upside down and she moved to Uganda to live with her father and a whole new family that she had never known that things began to change. It certainly wasn't easy at first. She'd never had so many females under one roof before, and where she had expected pettiness, she discovered a sense of unity she hadn't known until now.

Change isn’t made overnight, and though there was certainly trial and error, by the end of her first year at Uagadou, the truth came to Namusobiya. In fact, she realized the meaning of her stone. Coal under pressure became diamonds, and though she had certainly had her share of pressure, she learned some internal truths about herself she had ignored until then. Years of concealing and pretending not to feel will do that to even the softest of children. After the initial shock and the jealousy that came along, Namusobiya realized she didn't have to compete.

She discovered that she liked to make other people feel seen. After having felt trapped and seen only when wanted, she wanted to change that narrative for herself. She also discovered that life was better with others and that family, even if unconventional, was something to cherish, and as she shifted her perspective, it was like lifting a shroud off her face. A glimmer and shine lived in her eyes and features that hadn’t been there before. She wasn’t just easy on the eyes, and she had this aura around her that made people want to be in her inner circle.

Description: Racing broom made by Ellerby and Spudmore in 1940 ; very resistant but rather slow.
Prerequisite: 2nd year or later.
Effect: In the role of Beater, if an ALLY dodges a bludger during the round, there is a 20% chance that you catch that bludger with your bat and you send it at a RANDOM enemy target.

Note: For the rules lawyers out there: you are not considered your own ally.

In the role of Seeker, if an opponent attempts to Bludger or Blatch you, there is a 20% chance that you veer out of the way the last second and another enemy player at RANDOM is targeted instead.

Note: The new target still gets their normal dodge attempt. This is not considered to be an auto-dodge, in fact this roll is done before any accuracy rolls are done.
Broom Racer?
Quidditch Player?
Desired Position: Seeker.

STA 8 • EVA 8 • STR 4 • WIS 6 • ARC 6 • ACC 8
#219a82 | C A T 'S G R A C E + Muggle Condition

12 Jun 2023, 16:59
Namusobiya Khosa-Chaumet  Uagadou 
S T A T S & A B I L I T I E S
STA 5 • EVA 10 • STR 2 • WIS 10 • ARC 3 • ACC 10

Keen Eye:
With a keen eye you notice things that others do not notice on the Quidditch playing field. That glint of gold, that faint whir. You were always the first to find that lost item at home. Intuitive, logical and perhaps a bit lucky.

Growing up with a jeweler for a mother, Namusobiya was trained from a young age to recognize real from fake. A gift her mother often said her child had in the crib, though that wasn’t quite accurate. She was six when she first began seeing things with an accuracy that impressed even the best miners in Uganda. Her mother had taken her to one of the mines her company not only dealt with, but held much equity in. Though her daughter was a toddler to many, it was vital for Madam Chaumet to ensure her daughter would always feel comfortable in her role. After all, some day this would all be hers, and teaching her properly at an early age was for the best.

She’d had a few of her expert gemologists bring forth a number of stones to her daughter to show her the differences. Even at that age Namusobiya was a diligent student. There was something about rocks that spoke to her. Of course, if she’d called a diamond or sapphire a rock, her mother might have had a meltdown right then and there, but in her child’s mind that’s what they were. Sure, they might have been more see through and shiny, glittery even, but it was all just rocks wasn’t it?

After a crash course in occlusions and clarity and the qualities that make gems valuable, she was presented with two six carat sapphires to determine which was best. It seemed sheer chance when she pointed to one, and the gemologist was about to shake his head, but Namusobiya wouldn’t have it. “Look at it again, this one is the better one,” she said.

“You heard her,” her mother said.

The man, obviously frustrated to be told by a child to look at the gems again sighed and did so. As he did, he realized the child was correct. Of course, he also knew it was a mere 50/50 chance, so he did so again, this time with diamonds. Three, then five, then ten, but the child was a prodigy. It was nearly second nature. She could spot things like a hog could find truffles under the ground. For years it was brushed off as merely having good eyesight, but then Namusobiya had this way of finding things. Her mother swore she could find Sheeba’s single red thread she had made Solomon hunt in the castle for her if she was asked to.

Lovely Creature:
You are so incredibly beautiful, it is hard to take ones eyes off of you.
From infancy, Namusobiya was considered a beautiful baby, as many children are called by their parents. In her case, though, it certainly wasn’t a lie. As she grew older, she seemed to keep those symmetrical features and smooth complexions that were often claimed as paragons of beauty. Though she certainly had inherited many features from her parents that worked, there was something empty to it all. Raised by a shrewd businesswoman of a mother, Namusobiya was not beautiful inside and out. She was rather spoiled in her young years, and though she yearned for approval and family, she was also confined to her being an only child. It had led her to create herself a brother - at least to her knowledge - in dreams.

For several years, Namusobiya was the product of greed and artifice. She was pretty, certainly, but her personality wasn’t pleasant enough to warrant calling her beautiful. It wasn’t until her entire life was turned upside down and she moved to Uganda to live with her father and a whole new family that she had never known that things began to change. It certainly wasn't easy at first. She'd never had so many females under one roof before, and where she had expected pettiness, she discovered a sense of unity she hadn't known until now.

Change isn’t made overnight, and though there was certainly trial and error, by the end of her first year at Uagadou, the truth came to Namusobiya. In fact, she realized the meaning of her stone. Coal under pressure became diamonds, and though she had certainly had her share of pressure, she learned some internal truths about herself she had ignored until then. Years of concealing and pretending not to feel will do that to even the softest of children. After the initial shock and the jealousy that came along, Namusobiya realized she didn't have to compete.

She discovered that she liked to make other people feel seen. After having felt trapped and seen only when wanted, she wanted to change that narrative for herself. She also discovered that life was better with others and that family, even if unconventional, was something to cherish, and as she shifted her perspective, it was like lifting a shroud off her face. A glimmer and shine lived in her eyes and features that hadn’t been there before. She wasn’t just easy on the eyes, and she had this aura around her that made people want to be in her inner circle.
Broom Racer?
Quidditch Player?
Desired Position: Seeker.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.