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10 Jun 2023, 00:00
Jacqueline Lester  Ilvermorny 
NAME | Jacqueline Lester
AGE | 12 Years Old
SCHOOL YEAR | Second Year
STATUS | Pureblood
Jacqueline is rather tall for her age, at around 5’1. She has long brown hair that she often lets down on her shoulders. Her crystal blue eyes often seems to shine with intuition, making her seem deep and thoughtful. She isn’t always so aware of her appearance, and prefers to wear unique clothing to popular or classical ones.
Jacqueline is a relatively introverted and collected girl. She often lives in her own world, either lost in thoughts or diving into all sorts of books. She usually views everything logically without personal preference, and can therefore be trusted as an unbiased and trustworthy person. However, she’s also seen as cold and indifferent by others, due to the fact the she seldom reveals her emotions to outsiders. She is sharp-witted, with a fast reaction speed when she wants to. Most of the times she minimizes small talk, and only spends her energy on important things or topics that she’s interested in. Despite her reserved nature, she has one or two close friends who she hangs out with. Only then, can you see that she also has a lighthearted and mischievous side.
Jacqueline was born on the 21 of November, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. She is the only child of Nolan & Lucile Lester, both of who graduated from Ilvermorny. The Lesters is an ancient pureblood family, widely known among the wizarding community. As the descendant from such a prestigious bloodline, Jacqueline has felt a strong sense pressure to become a great witch since she was young. Her parents have always set strict rules for her behavior and high expectations & standards for her studies. Therefore, she had been taught a variety of subjects that she will learn later in Ilvermorny since she was only around 7 years old. Her demanding upbringing has led to her being highly competitive, striving to be the best in everything. It also helped her develop a strong interest in learning, which manifests itself in her obsession with books.

Once, when she was 9 years old, she was having an argument with her parents because they kept on scolding her for not studying hard enough when she had already put huge efforts into it. As she was shouting back at them, their table in the dining room was suddenly lit on fire, and everything on it was burnt into ashes within seconds. Although none of them were surprised by Jacqueline being a witch, she herself felt a temporary relief because at least that meant her parents and distant relatives won’t view her as a disgrace to their bloodline.

Is your character a Broom Racer? Yes
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No
Is your character a Duelist? No

Stamina 7
Evasion 6
Strength 6
Wisdom 9
ArcPower 5
Accuracy 7
Calming Presence (Year 1)
Since a young age, Jacqueline has always been seen as someone who’s calm and logical to others. People who knows her often praises her for being able to stay cool even under heavy pressure. However, this trait of hers has also made her hard to blend in with others, as she’s commonly viewed as unsympathetic by many.

It was only until the end of her first year at Ilvermorny did she realize that this special ability of hers might actually be able to make herself become more welcomed by others. One day after the score of the first year final exam came out, one of her classmates who she has barely spoken to before suddenly came up to her with a disappointed expression, and said: “Can I please ask you something? I need your help…”

Jacqueline was slightly taken aback by the other girl’s words as no one really comes to her for comfort, at least usually. But it seems that there will always be exceptions, won’t there? She thought, somewhat amused. “Sure! What do you want to ask me?” She replied with a curious tone that she didn’t bother to hide.

“I was just wondering, how do you get such great scores? I’ve been trying really hard, but I just can’t seem to achieve the ideal score that both my parents and I have wished for.” Jacqueline could still sense the other girl’s desperation, although she’s trying her best not to let it show. Her mind drifted off to how her parents could sometimes scold her for hours if she didn’t get the score they had hoped for, and can’t help but wonder whether this girl’s parents are like this too.

“Does your parents have high expectations for your scores at Ilvermorny?” She asked the girl, with a thoughtful expression. “No, not really. I mean, of course they wish that I could get better scores, but they seldom blame me for it though. But I just want to make them proud of me, even if it’s just for one time!” The girl spoke with a self-blaming tone this time.

“If so, I’d suggest that instead of viewing studying as a means for making your parents proud, it would be better if you see it as an opportunity to improve yourself and gain a better future.” She analyzed unemotionally. Instead of comforting the girl like most people would, she knew that if there’s no given way to solve this problem, empty words won’t be of any use at all.

“But what if I’m just not suitable for studying? I can’t remember the contents in our textbooks no matter how hard I tried.” The girl seemed to calm down a bit, with her anxiety turning into worries of not being smart enough. “Well, there’s a way to solve any problem. As for reciting our textbooks contents, I think it should help if you see the connection between two points. For example, when you’re studying History, you can ask yourself, ‘Why did this happen?’ ‘Is there a relationship between these two events?’ You can even try associating different subjects with one another. At least it worked for me.” She suggested, sharing her own experiences and skills with the girl, hoping they would be able to help her in a way.

“Thanks! I’ll try it out next time.” As the girl left, Jacqueline noticed that she seemed significantly more confident than before. From then on, more and more people began to notice how her personality made her a great consultant for advice on all sorts of things. Gradually, people started to enjoy having her company, as they felt deep relief when being with her.

The past is prologue. — William Shakespeare

10 Jun 2023, 00:01
Jacqueline Lester  Ilvermorny 
Is your character a Broom Racer? Yes
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No
Is your character a Duelist? No

Stamina 7
Evasion 6
Strength 6
Wisdom 9
ArcPower 5
Accuracy 7
Calming Presence (Year 1)
Since a young age, Jacqueline has always been seen as someone who’s calm and logical to others. People who knows her often praises her for being able to stay cool even under heavy pressure. However, this trait of hers has also made her hard to blend in with others, as she’s commonly viewed as unsympathetic by many.

It was only until the end of her first year at Ilvermorny did she realize that this special ability of hers might actually be able to make herself become more welcomed by others. One day after the score of the first year final exam came out, one of her classmates who she has barely spoken to before suddenly came up to her with a disappointed expression, and said: “Can I please ask you something? I need your help…”

Jacqueline was slightly taken aback by the other girl’s words as no one really comes to her for comfort, at least usually. But it seems that there will always be exceptions, won’t there? She thought, somewhat amused. “Sure! What do you want to ask me?” She replied with a curious tone that she didn’t bother to hide.

“I was just wondering, how do you get such great scores? I’ve been trying really hard, but I just can’t seem to achieve the ideal score that both my parents and I have wished for.” Jacqueline could still sense the other girl’s desperation, although she’s trying her best not to let it show. Her mind drifted off to how her parents could sometimes scold her for hours if she didn’t get the score they had hoped for, and can’t help but wonder whether this girl’s parents are like this too.

“Does your parents have high expectations for your scores at Ilvermorny?” She asked the girl, with a thoughtful expression. “No, not really. I mean, of course they wish that I could get better scores, but they seldom blame me for it though. But I just want to make them proud of me, even if it’s just for one time!” The girl spoke with a self-blaming tone this time.

“If so, I’d suggest that instead of viewing studying as a means for making your parents proud, it would be better if you see it as an opportunity to improve yourself and gain a better future.” She analyzed unemotionally. Instead of comforting the girl like most people would, she knew that if there’s no given way to solve this problem, empty words won’t be of any use at all.

“But what if I’m just not suitable for studying? I can’t remember the contents in our textbooks no matter how hard I tried.” The girl seemed to calm down a bit, with her anxiety turning into worries of not being smart enough. “Well, there’s a way to solve any problem. As for reciting our textbooks contents, I think it should help if you see the connection between two points. For example, when you’re studying History, you can ask yourself, ‘Why did this happen?’ ‘Is there a relationship between these two events?’ You can even try associating different subjects with one another. At least it worked for me.” She suggested, sharing her own experiences and skills with the girl, hoping they would be able to help her in a way.

“Thanks! I’ll try it out next time.” As the girl left, Jacqueline noticed that she seemed significantly more confident than before. From then on, more and more people began to notice how her personality made her a great consultant for advice on all sorts of things. Gradually, people started to enjoy having her company, as they felt deep relief when being with her.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.