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9 Jun 2023, 22:30
Lorelai Diniz  Castelobruxo 
Blood Status
Santos, São Paulo
Lorelai has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her skin is tan, from her trips to the beach and her face has just a few freckles, that are hard to see from far.The girl's hair is between medium and long length and it is a mix straight and wavy, she likes to think it has a mind of it's own. Lorelai is rather tall for her age, standing at 5'1 feet, or 1, 54 meters.

❝ some people are artists, some themselves are art ❞
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code by esme
Lorelai is an extroverted girl, she has always been clumsy, and she is a bold spirit. She is also very observant. The girl has a big imagination, and loves reading fashion magazines, painting, cooking, practicing guitar, photography, and playing volleyball, and before Castelobruxo, was a part of her volleyball team. Lorelai is also very smart, kind and ambitious, always wanting more than she has. She is a mix of street smart, and book smart. The girl is proud of her family, and doesn’t really understand the concept of magic.

height | 5 feet | weight | 85 pounds | physic | petite | hair color | dark brown | eye color | blue eyes | faceclaim | madeline carroll [11 - 13] brooke shields [14 - adult] | style | casual & artsy
mbti. | ENFJ-A | enneagram | type 3 | alignement | chaotic-good | deadly sin | pride | heavenly virtue | kindness | patronous | n/a | amortentia | vanilla candles, magazines, the sea, new parchment and daisies | erised | her being accepted by blood purists, with a happy family and as a healer | boggart | her losing her family
When she was 9 years old, she was playing in the beach, and then, she fell on the floor, and she ended up getting a little bit hurt. Her knee was bleeding, and then her hair turned red, the color of her blood. Her parents were surprised, and never had seen anything like that, but the next day it was brown again.
Lorelai was born to a muggle family, that knew nothing abut magic. The Diniz family was a family that was quite rich and old. They lived in Rio de Janeiro for many years, until they moved to Santos, where Lorelai lived.

She studied in a Muggle school and loved volleyball, and played in her school's team. The girl also was close with her mother, they usually went shopping together. Her parents also owned a house in Rio de Janeiro, so they would always visit. The girl loved the beach, the waves and playing in the sand.

Her parents always were proud of their three daughters and son. Lorelai had an older brother, Marcus, and her younger twin sisters, Stella and Isa. Her brother was 14, and the twins were 7 years old.

Her parents, Theo and Olivia were both doctors, but Olivia was a pediatrician and Theo was a surgeon, meaning her father never really had extra time, except for weekends. Isa and Stella looked exactly alike, blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Marcus looked like an older masculine version of Lorelai, blue eyes, pale skin and brown hair. Lorelai was closer with her brother than the twins. She had many friends at her school, and sometimes she took them to Rio. They always loved it.
"We only see him on weekends"

---Name: Theo Diniz
---Blood Status: Muggle
---Age: 39
---Hair Color: Dark brown
---Eye Color: Green
---Occupation: Surgeon
---Relationship to Lorelei: Father
---Favorite Past Time with Lorelai: Cooking
---Faceclaim: Harry Styles
"Quiet, yet talkative"

Name: Olivia Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age/Year: 39
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Relationship to Lorelai: Mother
Favorite past time with Lorelai: Shopping
Faceclaim: Gigi Hadid
"A crackhead once you know him"

---Name: Marcus Diniz
---Blood Status: Muggle
---Age: 14
---Hair Color: Dark brown
---Relationship to Lorelai: Older brother <3
---Favorite past time with Lorelai: playing soccer or video games
---Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
"She laughs at everything"

Name: Stella Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age: 7
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: Green
Relationship to Lorelai: younger sister
Favorite past time with Lorelai: Playing with dolls, cooking
Faceclaim: Mary-Kate Olsen
"Yes. Their twins"

Name: Isa Diniz
Blood Status: Muggle
Age: 7 (12 minutes younger than Stella)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Relationship to Lorelai: Younger sister, the most spoiled
Favorite past time with Rhys: Playing with dolls, painting
Faceclaim: Ashley Olsen
Coding Credits @Katrina Walker
• ongoing | • finished | • abandoned
Thread Title
Thread Partner(s)
coding by archer duncan
Last edited by Hannah Blossom on 28 Mar 2024, 17:36, edited 70 times in total.

🕊𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕙 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞🕊
the end of beginnings
𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 ♛

9 Jun 2023, 22:31
Lorelai Diniz  Castelobruxo 

sta ● 9| eva ● 4 | str ● 7 | wis ● 9 | arc ● 5| acc ● 6
Perfection. It was a whole world. Well, at least according to Lorelai.

She wasn't always perfect, but when she was five years old, she observed her messy room for the first time. Their family did have a maid, Antonella, but this day, Lorelai saw her room before the maid cleaned it. She was surprised. It was a real mess, and she started to clean it, before her maid did.

Since then, Lorelai always wanted everything to be perfect. Her hair, her outfit, her room, everything! She worked hard for everything and always took her time.

The girl always took her time doing things, for example, when she was seven years old, she didn't want to come out of her room, because her shoes didn't match her outfit. Her shoes were blue and her skirt was green. Everything looked good on her, but she didn't come out until she found black shoes.

When Lorelai was cooking, she made everything with precision, everything needed to be the way she wanted it to be. It was her motto. She always did everything by steps. The girl never lost anything, well when she did, she looked a bit and found it, because everything she owned was organized, from pencil cases, to magazines, to cd disks.. Everything! She always thought that if she didn't organize, she would lose something with value.

In school, her grades were good, and she always studied hard, she needed time to study. The girl always spent hours in her room, just reviewing her notes, and to study, she took time. Her mother was so proud of her for doing this. To her, school was easy, because of fact she actually enjoyed studying. Her friends did not, so they're grades weren't as good.

Lorelai was in fact an overachiever, she thought it was a good thing, well it was in some points, but she spent most of her childhood perfecting things, studying, etc. She didn't mind her childhood, she just wanted things to be her way. And most of the time, they were. When they weren't she tried her best to make things look the way she wanted them to be.

Her parents also expected a lot from their child. They wanted good grades, for her to do well in volleyball, for their daughter to cook well.. Anyway, her parents, Olivia and Theo put her in the best schools, the best volleyball lessons, they hired famous teachers to be her tutor, and they even hired the best hair stylists for her to attend parties. Just to attend parties.

But, everything that she did needed to be the way she wanted it to be. In other words, perfect.
Lorelai Diniz was observant, that was a fact. She was born that way, or so she thought. Perhaps part of the fact she liked things her own way, made her know when things were wrong.

Once, when she was in her fourth grade in school, her siblings, the twins, Isa and Stella switched places. Isa was Stella and Stella was Isa. They wanted to see what would happen, and since they were identical, her parents did not suspect a thing. Neither their teachers. But Lorelai did. She knew something was wrong. She told them she knew and they had to pay her to stay quiet. She wanted to tell someone so bad, but she didn’t. Since they payed her.

Despite being extroverted, she was extremely observant. That was part of her knowing when things were out of place. She also wanted things her own way, and that was one of the reasons too. The girl always wanted things “perfectly perfect”, and you would notice that when you met her, trust me. That was a big part of the reason that she had a sixth sense. Sometimes, the girl would even tell you something like “Oh, your shirt doesn’t match your pants… You should change.” Or “Oh my gosh. You should probably fix your hair. You’re welcome.” And some people did not not like this behavior, leading them to not be friends with Lorelai.

When she was seven years old, her parents took her to an art gallery, and a stray dog outside seemed to be watching her. She noticed this, and tried to scare him away by making faces. She did not succeed successfully and that mission failed, she went home before she could scare him away, and he probably scared her more than she did.

When she was cooking (something she did very often), she knew the time something had to be put in the oven. The girl never burned anything, she only did once, but when she did, she knew something was wrong, something was out of place. Her vanilla cake. She made another one, and it didn’t burn again. Lorelai never burned anything again.

Since her room was always organized and her way, when something was out of place, like a magazine or a piece of clothing, she knew, she always did, and when she found what was out of place, she put it back to it’s proper place. The girl always did.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.