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7 Jun 2023, 01:07
Kissa Nasir  Uagadou 
YEAR 2nd
ROLE Beater
SCHOOL Uagadou
STATUS Pureblood
Kissa is fit and lithe, with strong shoulders and steady footing. Her skin is dark and shines like a polished stone; smooth and firm belying the wiry strength of her hard-earned corded muscle. Her eyes are black and expressive. She keeps her hair loose when not in class, and the thick black strands are often windswept and tangled from time spent practicing on her broom. When she must wrap it, she does so with a red headscarf. The white tunic she wears for school drapes loosely over her, but she cinches the waist with a corded belt, and she's stitched her sleeves and collar with red and black representing her country.
Kissa is blunt, first and foremost. She's frank and straight to the point, and believes that there's no reason to use many words when only a handful would be enough. The only things she truly values are competence and honesty, and everything else is just a waste of time.
Kissa was born in an oasis hidden within the Sahara desert, well-warded against any stray la-sihri لا سحري, muggle outsiders. Lush green palms and arabian jasmine flowers grow freely, and a small community of Egyptian wizards have made their home on this fertile soil since ancient times. Their community is only the size of a few dozen families, with the oldest and wisest among them forming a counsel of leadership. Not all have magic, but all those that do must maintain the wards protecting their settlement from the heat and the threat of outsiders. The Nasirs are part of an old and powerful magical family who are quick to boast of their bloodline as (alleged) descendants of the last Egyptain pharaoh. Therefore their home is large enough to be comfortable without extravagance, and close enough to the oasis that one could sit in the window and dip their feet in cool water.

Her father, Abraxas, had once travelled around the world before returning to marry his wife Femi-- quite the scandal! Leaving the oasis was nearly unheard of, let alone bringing back someone new. Much to her elder's disapproval, Kissa has clearly inherited her father's wanderlust and her mother's modern sensibilities. As the oldest of three, with two little brothers she affectionately refers to as 'the twin locusts,' Kissa dutifully did her chores in the village. But at night, she would sneak away to wander the sand dunes and peer curiously at the dark open skies. One of her earliest memories was conjuring floating lights and cupping them in her hands, pretending to hold the stars.

At the age of ten, she received her invitation to Uagadou and awoke clasping her dream token, "Untethered" etched simply into the stone. It was a time of much joy for her family, and displeasure for the other village elders. 'It is tradition,' they protested, 'to handle the teaching of magic amongst ourselves. Uagadou is such a long ways away, and filled with strangers.' They argued long and hard for Kissa to be kept safely at home, but in the end it was her choice to leave.

Her first year at Uagadou was lonely, but envigorating. It was there that she learned to read the stars that she had always longed to touch and hone her magic. She found immeasurable joy in the European sport of "Quidditch" and sailing through the sky wielding her beater's bat with deadly precision. Her hard work paid off, and by the end of the year she'd earned a reputation as reliable but... somewhat intense. With the new year brings a new message for her dream token, which now is inscribed with the warning of "Adversity."
Broken Broomshaft
Calming Presence

STR 10
ACC 10
Last edited by Rebecca Loops on 7 Jun 2023, 20:20, edited 3 times in total.

7 Jun 2023, 01:07
Kissa Nasir  Uagadou 
Is your character a Broom Racer? NO

Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES - beater

Is your character a Duelist? NO

Accuracy: 10
Evasion: 9
Stamina: 8
Strength: 10
Arcane Power: 0
Wisdom: 3

Broken Broomshaft
Flight was always a fascination for Kissa. She craved the feeling of free-fall, a dead drop through rushing air and body tensing for a harsh impact that would never come. To soar high above the ground until everything appeared only as a speck beneath her feet. Quidditch was a relatively new addition to Uagadou, but a popular one. Kissa's own family had only ever flown on magic carpets, but using a broom added more dexterity and speed than she had ever experienced. She practiced hard for the team tryouts, and was overjoyed to earn a spot as a beater. Her body, though still young, was already strong from her years spent helping the other families farm the land. Her arms were especially toned, and thickened even more by a thousand precise and deadly swings. She trained herself even further by weighing her beaters bat down with heavy stones during practice, so that in gameplay she swung as if it were lighter than a feather. At the end of the day though, when her impressive strength comes up against a wooden broomstick... those brooms tend to stand no chance of surviving the encounter. No matter how angry those poor opponents became, Kissa never saw a need to apologize. After all, it wasn't her fault they were too slow to dodge and too weak to face the consequences of losing. She figures that they should have already known what the consequences were before stepping into the pitch with her. More than once, she's driven kids into tears seeing their expensive broom dented or broken into ugly pieces. Nothing that can't be fixed easily with magic, of course, but no amount of casting the reparing charm will fix a bruised ego, and it takes a few months to meet her eyes after the humiliation of having your broom splintered by a bludger. But strength isn't everything, even if it certainly helps when in the position as a beater. No matter how hard you hit the ball, it makes no difference if it's being sent in the wrong direction-- or worse, hitting a teammate. For every moment she spends taxing her body to the furthest limits, she matches it by challenging herself to aim her hits. Large targets at first, then gradually moving them to further and further distances. Then, she charmed the targets to fly and dodge at random as she swings until she can reliably nail the head more often than not. Her progress grows in leaps and bounds, but she won't ever be completely satisfied until she's at the top of the rankings.
WC 430
Calming Presence
There's something to be said about knowing exactly what you're going to get when you're entering into a conversation with someone. Kissa isn't one to ever mince words or beat around the bush, she will never be anything but forthright and completely genuine. While sometimes this is grating on those with egos too fragile to survive without coddling, it's also comforting in its own right. In a world where so many people are twisting their words to further their own agendas, Kissa is reliably just speaking her own mind. Some might consider this attitude to be off-putting and uncomfortable, but for anyone willing to accept her brusque manner they come to see her dry humor and can learn from her deepcutting observations. Flattery and veiled insults alike slide off of her unflappable nature like a boulder unmoved by howling storms. She remains driven by her own internal drive to be better than she currently is, and cares little for how she is percieved other than from her own merits and skill. As someone who has often felt pangs of homesickness, when she sees a younger student miserable missing their families, she is there to offer a steady hand and a shoulder to cry into. She despises bullies-- anyone who needs to pick on weaklings is also a weakling as well, as far as Kissa is concerned. Even though she wouldn't be considered particularly 'kind,' she has never been unduly rude or cruel. Her criticism is only ever fair and constructive, pointing out what she saw that was wrong and giving an explanation how it could be improved. Although it's rare to see her give an outright compliment, she isn't afraid to praise those who earn it. Other members of the team can take solace in her trademark approving nods and companionable silences. A smile from her is worth more than it would be from most others, simply due to the scarcity. And when under duress, going to Kissa to talk through your problems can be somewhat therapeudic. Like venting to your pet after a long day; even though they don't quite get what you're saying, it's still nice to say it all out loud and not be judged. Her simplicity is like a gravitational pull that drags anxious people into orbit until they calm down. Also, she gives very good hugs. To be wrapped in her strong arms is to be protected from all of the outside world. Incredibly comforting.
WC 411

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.