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7 Jun 2023, 00:21
Mkhaku Khosa  Uagadou 
Mkhaku Khosa
Half Blood
Faceclaim: James (Mukasa) Kakonge
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“Love is a despot who spares no one, and he doesn’t rely on physical features alone.”
Mkhaku stands at an impressive height, possessing both a slender and athletic build, which is a testament to his active lifestyle of youthful vigour. His skin was rich and had golden undertones, which his family had long claimed to have been reminiscent of the rich soil of the African continent, gleaming and glistening often and so lending to his enchanting allure.

Mkhaku's facial features are striking, drawing attention with every glance. His eyes, deep and soulful like the night sky, sparkle with intelligence and curiosity, reflecting a profound and often naive worldview of that which surrounds him. They sat above a kind smile, and often paired with his lips and pearly-white teeth to beam a welcoming and friendly demeanour to nearly all he came across.

His grooming matched his sense of style, which was a harmonious fusion of contemporary or modern fashion and his deep African roots. His hair was kept short to save his head from the heat, but its cut was trim and fresh; as though it was fresh out of the salon-seat. Effortlessly, he combines vibrant colours, patterns and textures to create a visual feast that reflects his exuberant personality and a great sense of self respect to those he mingles with. Oftentimes, traditional African prints are intermingled with modern streetwear, celebrating his heritage and the increasing spread of globalist influences that his family have come to both enjoy, and resist.

In himself, Mkhaku Khosa is more than that which is reflected physically, but rather his infectious charisma, energetic enthusiasm, and deep curiosity he holds for everything worldly and otherwise hints at his deeper character. He stands a beacon of inspiration, as he proudly represents his culture and inspires others to embrace their unique identities and shoot for the stars, as he does.
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“Where there are many, nothing goes wrong.”
Mkhaku Khosa hit the jackpot in the twisted game of roulette that the universe plays with us at birth. To him, they are Abba and Ayyoo, but in truth his parents are Mkhokeli Khosa and Jahaira Olowe, both renowned in their circles. Due to the sheer respect he has for his parents, he would never dare name them openly. His Ayyoo, or Mother, is a pureblooded African heiress born to a long respected local shamanic line of eastern Uganda; the Olowe tribe, residing near Mount Elgon. His father is what the Europeans would call a muggle, but he is borne of an esteemed warrior heritage that has been prominent in central Africa for hundreds of years; which helped him in his entrepreneurial pursuits.

It was easy for the families to reconcile the marriage of the pair, regardless of the secret world that she would later introduce him to, as they were both notable figures and the culture around their families promoted an accepting culture. There is power in legacies, both were told, and then it was so; though that was years ago. These days, the family enjoys the ‘open secret’, having rounded the hump of magic; a widely accepted concept in African cultures. Like gossip or news, they easily share the intricacies of either world regularly, over dinner, lunch or tea. Mkhaku and his siblings were ingrained with knowledge and acceptance of both worlds; opting for a path of harmony and welcome over prejudice and exclusion. Mkhaku and his siblings were raised together and as one family, embodying a traditional, wholesome, togetherness; even though some of his siblings were not born magical.

The Khosa fortune came from historical mining, and the 21st Century promised more opportunities; in precious metals and the research and development of new technologies that are less taxing on the environment. Mkhokeli’s premiership as the patriarch of the family run companies saw a great change in focus, befitting standards for present day entrepreneurship. KhosaCo and the various other businesses in the Khosa family brand, award the family access and ability on top of privilege and class seen by few on the continent. Their ‘main’ home is a large ranch in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, which was bountiful and full of wildlife; having many amenities and serving as a centre for all their familial and oftentimes, professional, events. Though all of the Khosa children were homeschooled by private tutors, this gave them many freedoms to study from any of the properties their mother and father owned such as; their Kampala urban mansion, their Lagos penthouse and a South African villa; on top of their mother’s properties that were more intune with the ideal of having a ‘oneness with nature’ which saw all the Khosa children educated in their cultural heritage. All but one…

Mkhokeli gives back a significant portion of his wealth to local projects, in an attempt at increasing economic mobility within Africa and uplifting those that he can. In his pursuits he travels frequently, and meets many people; from lobbyists to politicians, celebrities, business minds and the like. In his travels, he was infatuated with a Parisian jewellery magnate named Madame Chaumet. An extramarital affair took place which resulted in a child, causing major upset in the family. In time, the rift has been tended and Jahaira has welcomed Brielle Namukasa to their home. After all, we are not responsible for the crimes of our parents.

Before Brielle Namukasa joined the family, who Mkhaku later came to know as Namusobiya or more warmly; Moyo. She arrived at Rwenzori and was a seamless fit into the family and the lifestyles of the Khosas. She and Mkhaku were of a similar age, and so it was natural for them to grow close, just as she grew into her new name, and her family she didn’t know she had. They were many, in the end.

He is the youngest of all his magical siblings, for now. There is another, much younger sibling, but he has not shown any signs of magical ability just yet; Ennan is only four years old but he is the last of the eight, and likely to be the last of the Khosa family. Cebisa and Shasa are the eldest, twins that were born muggles, who are old enough to hold positions in their father’s companies; aiding in his professional and charitable work. Hadiya, his other sister, is the equivalent of a 6th year and has only recently become an Animagus as per tradition. She is her mother’s favourite, having mastered wandless magic and using it in tandem with her sharp wit; she aims to become an Aurologist or Arithmancer.

Mosi and Tamu are his brothers, too born with magic. Mosi is a seventh year, undertaking his final studies; though he aims to stray from the family history that is strongly linked to divination and astronomy and hopes to make his break into politics, to become a delegate in the equivalent of the Department of International Magical Cooperation once he leaves school. Tamu on the other hand, has become an elusive travelling man of myth, whom Mkhaku sees very rarely; he can only determine that he is either unemployed or has a role that is sensitive and need-to-know. Mkhaku has some fierce competition, added to by Namusobiya, but he would have it no other way. – You have to weather the wind for the roots to grow strong, Ayyoo says and besides, family means more to him than pride; so he is only succeeding if he’s succeeding with family.

January first arrived, and Mkhaku received his dream messenger, walking some distant and yet familiar African planes as the headmaster bid him the token to join Uagadou School of Magic. After awaking, he held in his right hand a stone token, as black as ebony. His inscription was inlaid with gold and swirled around the token; in his first year it denoted 'Homecoming' and in his second it now reads 'Promise'.
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“Don't set sail for someone else's star.”
Mkhaku is a captivating and vibrant spirit, who exudes an assured confidence with his chilled and friendly demeanour that rarely faltered at gathering storm clouds, his parade and party didn’t stop for just anyone. He thrives in environments where he's meeting lots of people, or performing high stakes sports.

Like a lion, he is loyal to his pride, so those he called friend would certainly have a fierce and staunch ally in their corner.
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“Rain reminds all things to grow.”
Mkhaku's first instance of magic occurred aged 4, when his siblings found a raincloud had formed over him after they had teased him so much. Ever since they often tease him by calling him: Ekundayo or some variation of the name, which is a Yoruba name that their father had often affectionately called him. It represents the tears one imparts on both things that are bad and things that are good; and whilst it may have originally been bestowed to comfort him in the hopes that he would only shed tears of joy, his siblings had other ideas...

Muggle Condition: (518 Words)

Often, Mkhabu’s Abba would fly in and out of the country, for weeks at a time. To counter the detrimental affects of having only one parent present, Mkhokeli would take his children with him in ‘turns’. This was hugely important to the muggle, who saw it to be vital that his kids grew up with one foot in each world.

Lagos was where Mkhaku was taken most frequently, there he had learned of the muggle world with both his muggle and magical tutor to keep him in check. The urban cityscape was a far cry from ‘home’ in Uganda, and it brought many other challenges with it. This was where he learned most of his English, and all of his limited Hausa and Yoruba; all were dissimilar to his native Luganda and Swahili. Mkhaku was exposed to the muggle world for his own benefit, learning their technologies, their manner and most importantly their stlye; which he replicated with some success. Though a wizard, his father would make sure that he was well rounded and versed in the ways of his world, which included the fashion of any which city they would arrive in. It was his task to look the part, and this eventually became a way of dressing even in his private life; inspired by the rich urban styles and unique blends of traditional garb. Some would say he wouldn't look the part of a wizard, unless on the grounds of their ancient school.

In South Africa, Mkhaku was so well grounded in the culture, he got to play on an amatereur basketball team at the courts near to where they lived when they were there. He developed quite the reputation as a sporting prodigy, an offensive machine that could play confiedently with anyone that showed up to play; as all he needed was the ball in his hands and a hoop to aim at, for he rarely seemed to miss his shots. This was a part of his rather unsheltered life, and it was a part he enjoyed with all his heart.

Things were no different with the side of his life he spent with his mother and siblings exploring their heritage and culture together. Things didn't change when Namusobiya joined their family, and he was tasked in helping her feel welcomed and informed of their ways. Often, the group of siblings would go go on treks that would take them to the far bounds of their lands, wielding weapons they would make themselves and learn to respect and love; for the wilds of Africa were a dangerous place. On these occasions, Obi would play the role of a spotter and, Mkhkau and their other siblings; the strikers. Rarely did they encounter too much danger, and when they did it was mostly dealt with by the older accompanying guardians; but in most instances when they hunted for fowl or birds, Mkahku and Obi would display a remarkable mesh of their skills. The latter could spot a leopard in long grass, he bet, but as he proved time and time again; he would always land his mark...

Fearless: (402 words)
Akasuka ly’ali nalyo, taba mutt: A man who throws the spear he has, is no coward.
What with his father's national and international travels, and those attending the world with him also in the spotlight; Mkhaku had to be fearless. Knowing one's worth and importance was a skill, especially if you were to avoid becoming arrogant and aloof. Mkhaku would brave the muggle public often, meeting people who worked in his dads companies, corporate managers, publicists, brand managers and the likes; journalists in particular were always interested in the lives of Mkhokeli and his family, and in the face of that particular breed of vulture, Mkhaku was resolute. People didn't scare him, nor the things that they could do; for he was a hopeful soul who saw the good in all, most of all himself. There was a risk in that worldview, but thankfully Mkhaku had two sides of his life, and the second was a much more humbling and grounded experience; celebrating oneness with those around him.

It was on one of their usual sibling excursions he found courage. Though, in truth, it could be said that it found him; forced on him by nature. Africa was a wild place, and she could not be tamed by muggle nor magic, and that was a fact that she often reminded them of. Creatures both magical and not were always kept in mind when walking the breadth and width of the family ranch, and often times they would have to steel their minds and bodies when they encountered them in the wild; which was more often than their parents should like to think.

The most memorable instance to him, was one that involved a native herd of African elephants which had spooked. His siblings had awed him most; as they continued to act with such confident resolve, such courage that he could only hope to replicate and here was his chance. He was not far but isolated from the group, and a large patriarchal bull had trained on him; trumpeting loudly and fanning its large ears as though to threaten him. As his siblings could only watch on, he had to dig deep to find that which he could take comfort in, in this moment of extreme danger.

Calmness washed over him, and he instinctively fell to one knee and offered his palms to the magnificent creature, who seemingly was receptive to his expression of deference. Danger soon passed and and he was left with relief and a lesson.

Yes - Chaser
stamina 10 | evasion 10 | strength 7
wisdom 4 | arc power 0 | accuracy 10

Avery's Sports Wins: I

7 Jun 2023, 00:22
Mkhaku Khosa  Uagadou 

Muggle Condition: (518 Words)

Often, Mkhabu’s Abba would fly in and out of the country, for weeks at a time. To counter the detrimental affects of having only one parent present, Mkhokeli would take his children with him in ‘turns’. This was hugely important to the muggle, who saw it to be vital that his kids grew up with one foot in each world.

Lagos was where Mkhaku was taken most frequently, there he had learned of the muggle world with both his muggle and magical tutor to keep him in check. The urban cityscape was a far cry from ‘home’ in Uganda, and it brought many other challenges with it. This was where he learned most of his English, and all of his limited Hausa and Yoruba; all were dissimilar to his native Luganda and Swahili. Mkhaku was exposed to the muggle world for his own benefit, learning their technologies, their manner and most importantly their stlye; which he replicated with some success. Though a wizard, his father would make sure that he was well rounded and versed in the ways of his world, which included the fashion of any which city they would arrive in. It was his task to look the part, and this eventually became a way of dressing even in his private life; inspired by the rich urban styles and unique blends of traditional garb. Some would say he wouldn't look the part of a wizard, unless on the grounds of their ancient school.

In South Africa, Mkhaku was so well grounded in the culture, he got to play on an amatereur basketball team at the courts near to where they lived when they were there. He developed quite the reputation as a sporting prodigy, an offensive machine that could play confiedently with anyone that showed up to play; as all he needed was the ball in his hands and a hoop to aim at, for he rarely seemed to miss his shots. This was a part of his rather unsheltered life, and it was a part he enjoyed with all his heart.

Things were no different with the side of his life he spent with his mother and siblings exploring their heritage and culture together. Things didn't change when Namusobiya joined their family, and he was tasked in helping her feel welcomed and informed of their ways. Often, the group of siblings would go go on treks that would take them to the far bounds of their lands, wielding weapons they would make themselves and learn to respect and love; for the wilds of Africa were a dangerous place. On these occasions, Obi would play the role of a spotter and, Mkhkau and their other siblings; the strikers. Rarely did they encounter too much danger, and when they did it was mostly dealt with by the older accompanying guardians; but in most instances when they hunted for fowl or birds, Mkahku and Obi would display a remarkable mesh of their skills. The latter could spot a leopard in long grass, he bet, but as he proved time and time again; he would always land his mark...

Fearless: (402 words)
Akasuka ly’ali nalyo, taba mutt: A man who throws the spear he has, is no coward.
What with his father's national and international travels, and those attending the world with him also in the spotlight; Mkhaku had to be fearless. Knowing one's worth and importance was a skill, especially if you were to avoid becoming arrogant and aloof. Mkhaku would brave the muggle public often, meeting people who worked in his dads companies, corporate managers, publicists, brand managers and the likes; journalists in particular were always interested in the lives of Mkhokeli and his family, and in the face of that particular breed of vulture, Mkhaku was resolute. People didn't scare him, nor the things that they could do; for he was a hopeful soul who saw the good in all, most of all himself. There was a risk in that worldview, but thankfully Mkhaku had two sides of his life, and the second was a much more humbling and grounded experience; celebrating oneness with those around him.

It was on one of their usual sibling excursions he found courage. Though, in truth, it could be said that it found him; forced on him by nature. Africa was a wild place, and she could not be tamed by muggle nor magic, and that was a fact that she often reminded them of. Creatures both magical and not were always kept in mind when walking the breadth and width of the family ranch, and often times they would have to steel their minds and bodies when they encountered them in the wild; which was more often than their parents should like to think.

The most memorable instance to him, was one that involved a native herd of African elephants which had spooked. His siblings had awed him most; as they continued to act with such confident resolve, such courage that he could only hope to replicate and here was his chance. He was not far but isolated from the group, and a large patriarchal bull had trained on him; trumpetting loudly and fanning its large ears as though to threaten him. As his siblings could only watch on, he had to dig deep to find that which he could take comfort in, in this moment of extreme danger.

Calmness washed over him, and he instinctively fell to one knee and offered his palms to the magnificent creature, who seemingly was receptive to his expression of deference. Danger soon passed and and he was left with relief and a lesson.

Yes - Chaser
stamina 10 | evasion 10 | strength 7
wisdom 4 | arc power 0 | accuracy 10

Avery's Sports Wins: I

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.