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5 Mar 2023, 21:42
Idus Martiae  Errand 

Description:"Many of our spells come from Latin derivatives, yet we pay little attention to the meanings behind them or give little credit to the hard work Professors place in teaching students incantations. Or rather we don't give enough credit to the great ancient roman teachers who passed such words down to us all. It is Idus Martiae or "The Middle of March," the day Julius Caesar, one of Roman's greatest military generals/politicians was stabbed 26 times by his own council. A sad day, but to commemorate and bring honor to those before us Professor Aarden has set up tables covered with arts and crafts material including blank rectangular foam/cardboard. "Scutums:" Rectangular shields. Design these shields however you wish, describing the color choice and design. However, most importantly you must include a short Latin Phrase/Quote on your shield. Provide information as to why IC you chose the phrase. Perhaps it speaks volumes about your quirky personality, your edgy backstory, or because it simply caught your eye. Below is a list of Latin phrases/quotes. Now go out and protect yourselves from being stabbed with your shields of hope!"

Additional Info: The thread can be found in the Transfiguration classroom here. If you don't see a latin quote/phrase you like and find one on your own time, then please Owl Professor Aarden to check for approval. Or Owl if you have any questions about the quotes or errand [*Note, Professor Aarden knows his Latin, so don't try and be tricky or use something inappropriate].
Latin Quotes:

Veni, vidi, vici! = I came, I saw, I conquered!
Carpe diem! = Seize the Day!
Carpe Noctem = Seize the Night
Cogito, ergo sum = I think, therefore I am
Acta, non verba. = Actions, not words.
Do ut Des = I give in order that you may give.
Bona fide = In Good Faith
Ad infinitum = To infinity
Nulla misericordia! = No Mercy!
Mars me adiuvat = Mars is Helping Me (Mars = Ares, God of War)
Minerva me adiuvat = Minerva is Helping Me (Minerva = Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom)
Amor vincit omnia = Love Conquers All
Si vis amari ama = If you want to be loved, love
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat = Fortune Favors the Brave
Protego Omnia = I protect all
Scienta ipsa potentia est = Knowledge/Wisdom itself is Power
Salvator Mundi = Savior of Mankind
Sapientia melior auro = Knowledge/Wisdom is better than gold
Semper fortis = Always Strong
Semper liber = Always free
Absolutum Dominium = Absolute Dominion
Silentium est aureum = Silence is Gold
Me oderint dum metuant = Let them hate me, for as long as they fear me
Noli timere =Refuse to be afraid
Ludemus bene in gregibus = We play well in groups
Homo homini lupus = A man is a wolf to another man
Malo mori quam foedari = I Prefer death over dishonor
Deus vult = God wills it / By God's will
Sequor Dianam = I follow Diana (Diana = Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and Hunt)
Nos Ululamus pro Diana = We Howl for Diana
Nos Ululamus pro Victoria = We Howl for Victory
ULULULULU! = *Sound of a howling wolf*
Fido Serpenti/Serpentibus= I trust the snake/snakes
Fido Leoni/Leonibus = I turst the Lion/Lions
Fido Aquila/Aquilis= I trust the Eagle/Eagles
Fido Meli/Melibus = I trust the Badger/Badgers
IC Date: March 15th
Word Count: 600
Rewards: 1HP , 20 Sickles
Mod: Gregor Aarden Direct all questions via Owls to him
OOC Date: March 5th - March28th
Upon completion of the errand, please post here the following completion form
Completion Form:

Code: Select all

[b]Link to posts:[/b]
[b]Word Count:[/b]
[b]Latin Quote:[/b]

It is not a loss nor a win. In the end, you all will learn something new.
5 Mar 2023, 22:26
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Beatrice Langstreth
House: Ravenclaw
Link to posts: tba
Word Count: tba
Latin Quote: tba

5 Mar 2023, 22:28
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Sara Arnez
House: Ravenclaw
Link to posts: ...
Word Count: ...
Latin Quote: Carpe diem! = Seize the Day! (...)


If I'll have time, I'll do it ;) ...
Maybee ask sb to do interact with you :yes:

“Fill your mind with knowledge – it’s the only kind of power no one can take away from you.” Min Jin Lee
Sara Arnez
5 Mar 2023, 22:35
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Kim Sato (Aoki)
House: Gryffindor
Link to posts: Accio!
Word Count: 812/600
Latin Quote: Silentium est aureum = Silence is Gold | Carpe diem! = Seize the Day!
Last edited by Kim Sato on 12 Mar 2023, 20:53, edited 1 time in total.

my codes - shop
sta • 9 | eva • 12 | str • 2 | wis • 7 | arc • 4 | acc • 10
kim - tone
5 Mar 2023, 22:44
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Alexander Harland
House: Hufflepuff
Link to posts: Click
Word Count: 703
Latin Quote: Protego Omnia
Last edited by Alexander Harland on 17 Mar 2023, 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
5 Mar 2023, 23:27
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Aurora Griffith
House: House of the Badger(Hufflepuff)
Link to posts: Glitter and Paint
Word Count: 642
Latin Quote: Veni, Vidi, Vici! - I came, I saw, I conquered!
Last edited by Aurora Henderson on 11 Mar 2023, 16:18, edited 1 time in total.

Sta-7 Eva-8 Str-5 Arc-7 Acc-7 Wis-6 Check out my shop! No sport
RO'S ENCY "You broke the ship! You broke the bloody ship!" ROKS'S ENCY
6 Mar 2023, 00:02
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Ethan Smith
House: Gryffindor
Link to posts: TBA
Word Count: TBA
Latin Quote: Noli timere = Refuse to be afraid!

sta • 9 | eva • 7 | str • 10
wis • 2 | arc • 2 | acc • 10
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀inpc ency
broken broomshaft | calming presence | ability
ability | ability | ability
6 Mar 2023, 01:25
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Hades Schweighöfer
House: Hufflepuff
Link to posts: Hades' Post
Word Count: Ironically, 881 words again :lol:
Latin Quote: Acta, non verba. = Actions, not words.
Last edited by Hades Schweighöfer on 27 Mar 2023, 13:52, edited 2 times in total.
6 Mar 2023, 01:39
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Damion White
House: Ravenclaw
Link to posts: ❄️ <3 🔥
Word Count: 717/600
Latin Quote: Amor vincit omnia = Love Conquers All
Last edited by Damion White on 27 Mar 2023, 20:43, edited 2 times in total.

It passed you up and slipped you by. But we're all bound to end up back to where we started
Damion White || Dylan Rhys (Durmstrang iNPC)
6 Mar 2023, 11:20
Idus Martiae  Errand 
Name: Clair Fernandez
House: Ravenclaw
Link to posts: tba
Word Count:tba
Latin Quote:tba