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12 Feb 2018, 21:45
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff

AGE. Sixteen years old.
YEAR. Sixth year.
LANGUAGES. English & Hungarian, e.g. mixed.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION. He stands at 5ft and 11 inches, tall but a little broad shouldered for his age. He has dark brown hair that gets a tad lighter against the sun, it's often messy and out of place. His eyes are a forest green color. 
FACECLAIM: Laurence Coke, later years.


NOTABLE OBJECTS. Reid owns a pair of reading glasses that he sometimes has hanging on the edge of his dress shirt. They're black and are thick framed to avoid breakage. His Hufflepuff tie is a great indicator he is from that house. An old brown leather watch given from his dad sits on his wrist, the face is broken.

WAND. 25.4cm Chestnut wood and Phoenix feather

"This is a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varies greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and takes a great deal of colour from the personality that possesses it. The wand of chestnut is attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers. However, when paired with dragon heartstring, it may find its best match among those who are overfond of luxury and material things, and less scrupulous than they should be about how they are obtained. Conversely, three successive heads of the Wizengamot have possessed chestnut and unicorn wands, for this combination shows a predilection for those concerned with all manner of justice."

"This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.

Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won."
▨ MANNERISMS. It's easy to mistake him as someone who looks constantly worried, yet in reality he often looks far off because he is in thought. His hands are often moving when he speaks and he likes to gesture when he does, especially when he's passionate about a subject. A common nervous tick of his is to run his hand across his knuckles or run his hand through his hair. Reid doesn't stay still much, he finds it hard to stand still for so long. Due to his age, his voice can sometimes crack and he has a heavy accent that is specific to the town of Derby.

 CURRENT PERSONALITY. Loyalty is woven right to the very core of this young boy, driven by morals taught by the mother and father he respects. Triumph is short and sweet, but he's quick to move on rather than sit on his laurels. Magic to him is a crutch he hasn't honed, practicality and doing everything the 'muggle-way' is all he knows right now. Empathy ties him together with his friends and family, without it, he'd fall to the wayside.

Yet behind the mellow exterior lurks a boy who is plagued by insecurity, he often feels misplaced. He's lightning before the thunder when his emotions run high and it doesn't usually end well. Emotion drives him and sometimes logic falls short, it's caused him a few a few too many bruises. He envies the ones who have an affinity for magic, something he currently doesn't have and is unsure if he'll ever have.
          + Loyal, Humble, Practical, Emphatic
          - Insecure, Wrathful, Envious
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 8 Feb 2023, 22:47, edited 71 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

14 Feb 2018, 23:27
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
▨ LAST UPDATED: 6.28.2018
01. - - SERENA TOWERS, close friend 
          Met her a few times in his first year, they became closer a time went on and even went through hard times together. He looks up to her and respects her, even before they became friends. Reid has a lot of trust in her and her capabilities.  
02. - - CHLOE BAGGINS, acquaintence 
          She's a nice and interesting girl, he met her a few times and she's easy to talk to. 
03. - - ROSIE PARKER, good friend 
          Reid loves Rosie's sunny disposition and regards her as someone close. He thinks the world could use a few more Rosie Parkers and wouldn't mind hanging out with her.
01. - - SABRINA HURST, friend, estranged
          He doesn't see Sabrina anymore, they had grown up together, she was a close friend of his. Though they grew apart in their first year at Hogwarts. She used to be a crush of his, but he grew out of the feeling.
02. - - SIEGE BAL, acquaintence
          Met him a few times, a guy he isn't really sure of yet.
03. - - ERIS FAWLEY, good friend
          Eris and Reid get along, except for the same superheroes. Both are avid fans of comics and often clash over who is the better hero. But he enjoys her company and is one of the few Gryffindors who he enjoys being around.
04. - - MAX AVERY, acquaintence
          He's met him a few times in their run ins with the rest of the group. Reid's interactions are only by proxy and hasn't gotten to know the Gryffindor well. 
 01. - - BELLAMY LANDON, stranger 
          Met him once through Sabrina, that was all so far. He doesn't have a bad impression of him, but he is a little too quiet.
02. - - KYLE BARBOSA, disliked stranger
          He doesn't like him much, only because of their first and only encounter where Kyle sent a rock at him.
03. - - ALEXX SEVERIN, good friend
          He likes Alexx and since meeting her through his second year, he's found her to be wonderful company. Sometimes she confuses him, but he really likes spending time with her when he can, plus she's always seemed to have something interesting to say. He got to know her better near the end of his second year. They had a rocky beginning in his third year. 
01. - - DYMPHNA TEAGUE, close friend
          She is rather generous of her time for him, something he appreciates greatly. He's spent time with her through study sessions and time in class. He wouldn't mind spending more time with her, especially after meeting her family. He gifted her a locket for her birthday.
02. - - BLOOM SILVERTON, good friend
          Bloom was one of the first few people he had ever made friends with at Hogwarts. He got along with her fine and she helped him get settled into the school. She was far more put together than he was and he admired that about her. The two of them had a strained friendship when he rejected her in his first year, but had since made up in his second year.
03. - - BEN ECKENRODE, acquaintence  
          Reid met Ben through Bloom and became friends through playing football with one another. The two also bonded over Quidditch. But Ben suddenly disappeared and resurfaced months later to have been called the Masked Man, who had been terrorizing the school. Even still, he chose to defend Ben's integrity against Erin.
04. - - PHAEDRA STAVROU, acquaintence 
          He met her during a Quidditch skirmish game, he thinks she'd be a good Chaser. He met her another time in a train compartment. He did a project with her and thinks she's a little intimidating. 
05. - - ADAM HARRINGTOM, acquaintance
          He's met Adam a few times, he thinks that he's a pretty interesting person and has some enigma to himself. 
06. - - DELILAH STEWART, good friend
          He thinks Delilah is great to be around, she talks about the randomest things, but he doesn't mind. Reid enjoys her company and is always interested in what she has to say. He first met her when he was Head Boy and asked her to go back inside, he's talked to her regularly since.
01. - - EDITH KOVACS, mother
          He'd be lying if he didn't always try to pander to his mother's good side. Reid learned a lot of his morals from her, but rarely listens to her teachings. He's often embarassed with what she does but is happy to be around her. The arguments him and his mum have aren't so bad, but his headstrong attitude clashes with her guidance. She supports him becoming a wizard. Like his father, he loves her dearly.
02. - - JOSEF KOVACS, father
          Him and his father don't always see eye to eye and Reid will usually be very vocal of that. But he respects his dad and tries to listen to him every now and then, but his stubborness gets him in trouble with his dad. His dad always tried to spend time with Reid, which he didn't mind. But recently, him and his dad have come at an impasse where his dad has made it known that he isn't sure of him leaving for Hogwarts so much. But like his mother, he loves his father.
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 6 Jul 2019, 00:13, edited 25 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

17 Feb 2018, 06:19
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
UPDATED: 3-19-2018
RP STATUS: OPEN - Currently available for threads
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 6 Jul 2019, 00:14, edited 7 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

17 Feb 2018, 06:51
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
In 2006, Reid Jacob Kovacs was born on March 22nd in the city of Derby, he is the only child of Edith and Josef Kovacs. He grew up with a natural knack for trouble and was often a loud child, much to his parent's horror sometimes. Reid grew up a loud and rambunctious child, often curious and rarely calm at any rest. He carried this trait with him even as he grew up and found himself a group of friends just as rowdy as he was. His closest friend was Theodore 'Theo' Atwood, an abnormally tall and strong student with a budding 'rebel without a cause' attitude.

The two grew up rather well and the two arrogantly considered themselves kings of the yard at their all boys school. At the age of ten, Reid had gotten into quite a fight with the teenage upperclassmen at the school. He had been bullied in secret and hid it from Theo, who he knew was bullhead enough to try something. Though in one instance. he had ended up launching his bully across the way from where he was coming at him.

The only issue was that Reid never touched the boy and instead had a strong sense of anger at the time. This only made him and Theo's reputation even better at the school, though his parents became concerned at the news. Upon turning 11, he was told of what happened and who he really was in a sense. It took a while to wrap his head around it, but he also was told of Hogwarts not long after. He was encouraged to go, his mother's concern was that he would end up suppressing his abilities and suffer the consequences in the long run. He began attending Hogwarts in the year 2018.
Reid didn't grow to like his new setting in the beginning, he was frankly someone who didn't exactly like being at Hogwarts just yet. His first month or so was sprinkled with the feeling of homesickness and very much a feeling of being out of place. He found friends in his own house though and a few in Ravenclaw. His first rejection also happened in his first year and made him quite stressed. He didn't realize he didn't have much of a knack in magic till he was involved in the devastating camp disaster. In the event, Reid had to rely more on his physical strength than anything. 

The camp left him with some shaky feelings about being at the school, which only heightened when the Masked Man came to be. Reid began to question the school's protocol for safety and wondered if he should just go home. But instead, he chose to stay and didn't mention it to his parents about the happenings of school. He met more friends along the way, but lost some too. In the end, Reid was stuck with a rather eventful first year and one that made him a little more different than before.
Reid attended summer camp, where he did activities at the school. He chose to skip out with going home, kind of relishing the fun in the danger of the school. This caused some tension in his family at home, but he went home eventually. He left for school on September 2018.
Upon coming back to school, he touched based with old friends. However he drifted in and out of the scene without much realization. He stayed good friends with most people and even met some new ones along the way. But trouble brewed back home as Reid was informed through his letters. His parents were always honest with him, however they told him not to fret. His father was still not so happy with him being gone for so long, he was also aware of what dangers had happened in the school. But his mother insisted that he was in good hands. He became good friends with Alexx Severin, who restored his faith in the emerald gilded house. It kept his worries and anxieties about home at bay, he felt normal for once in his life and things were well.
Reid went home this summer, skipping the camp in favor of seeing his family early. But he was met with different news, things were not okay as they seemed. His mother had suffered an accident, constant memory loss has left her in the care at St. Mungo's Hospital. His father chooses to go back to Hungary to 'take care of his ill family', but Reid isn't so sure of that. The Fosgates, his mother's family, introduce themselves to him and take custody of him since he is still a minor. His father's memories of magic are wiped for the sake of Secrecy and he ends up moving to Birmingham. 
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 8 Feb 2023, 22:45, edited 11 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

24 Feb 2018, 20:53
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
PARENTS. Edith Kovacs (Mother, née Fosgate), József Kovacs (Father)
KOVACS; a family from Derby that tried to ignore the Wizarding World for a long time.
Josef was born in Southampton in 1980 after his mother and father moved there. His father left at an early age. Reid's father Josef would later join the British Army at the age of 16. He served for five years and during his third year(1998), he met Edith on his time back from deployment. Though they initially had a brief introduction, the both of them began seeing one another regularly and often in odd places.

Josef didn't question why Edith chose the oddest places around Birmingham, he wanted to stay in contact with her even afterward. For another five years, the two kept in contact via letters and visits when Josef was home from wherever his work took him. Courting her for nearly six years he proposed to her in 2003, though her answer surprised him.

The trust between the two of them were strong and Edith wanted to eventually reveal tell Josef to his face of the one secret she held from him. It was a long day of her explaining who she was and what she could do, but at the end of it all, Josef didn't take the ring back. Regardless of what he had seen, he still chose to marry her and Edith happily accepted.

Two years down the line, Josef suffered a traumatic injury and ended his ten year service to the British Army after an honourable discharge. He came home in the same year(2008) to be with Edith and eventually settle down. Though after complications with her own family, the two of them decided to ignore the Fosgate's wants and quietly slip away. The two of them settled in Derby in 2006 and in 2007, Reid had been born.
FOSGATE; a pureblood family from Scotland that's settled in Birmingham.
The Fosgates are a pureblood family originally from Scotland, though their name from the beginning had been Foxcott. The family specialized in brewing magical liquor in a wizarding inn called Grim & Ardor, it worked double as a distillery where the family found its fortune. It was a respectable business at the time, built through physical means and magic. They were skilled in their craft and took the family business beyond what it was. Though as time went on, opposition arose and they found themselves in competition with one other particular family.

A struggle arose and suddenly the family found its morals being tainted, fair play was no longer keeping them afloat. Eventually, liquid gold mixed with a raging crimson and the Foxcotts fled the highlands in defeat. The decision to uproot the family and its fortunes was hard fought and split the family apart, it was one that ended in the death of two family members. Eventually, the family settled in Birmingham under the name Fosgate and began to actually put their know-how in making magical liquor there. It's established the family in some regards, but despite being refined, they kept their questionable history as it was.

The family business was the only business, it was the lifeblood that most of the Fosgates knew to go by. Though there were cases that some had gone off to work for the Ministry in hopes of other work, though it wasn't a widely accepted sentiment in the family.
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 3 Jun 2019, 13:31, edited 27 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

23 Apr 2018, 16:17
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
Last edited by Reid Kovacs on 3 Jun 2019, 15:59, edited 3 times in total.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

28 Jun 2018, 13:00
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
- - Stamina: 6
- - Evasion: 9
- - Strength: 14
- - Wisdom: 6
- - ArcPower: 5

- - Accuracy: 7
- - Broom: Nimbus 1000; stats - +1 accuracy, +1 strength, +1 stamina
First Year
Dancing-Feet Spell • Tarantallegra
Levitation Charm • Wingardium Leviosa 
Wand-Lighting Charm • Lumos 
Locking Spell • Colloportus | Unlocking Charm • Alohomora 
Umbrella Spell • Pluvia Velo 
Matchstick to Needle • Conmutocus 
Untransfiguration • Reparifarge 
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious 
Red Spark Charm • Periculum 
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam 
Knockback Jinx • Flipendo
Smokescreen Spell • Fumos 
Cleaning Charm • Scourgify 
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio 
Extinguishing Charm • Extinguo

Second Year
General Counter-Spell • Finite Incantatem 
Avifors Spell • Avifors 
Color-Changing Charm • Colorvaria 
Clothing Color-Changing Charm • Multicorfors 
Hair Color-Changing Charm • Crinus Muto
Blindfolding Spell • Obscuro 
Tongue-Tying Spell • Mimblewimble 
Disarming Charm • Expelliarmus
Bluebell Flames • Caeruleus Inflamarae
Hot-Air Charm • Aer Calidus 
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio Duo
Slug-Vomiting Charm • Slugulus Eructo 
Flower-Conjuring Spell • Orchideous 

Obnoxiously Strong; +10% strength.
The Muggle Condition; +2 accuracy roll on non-magical attacks and actions.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

3 Jun 2019, 15:59
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
▨ PLAYLIST(S). volume 1; less to do with who he is and more of the vibe he gives off.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

1 Jun 2020, 23:13
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff

Like his father Sergei, he sports jet black hair and dark brown eyes that curl at the edge. His haircut is shortened on the sides and almost military like, something that his father always asks him to maintain. He stands at a decent 5'9'', tall with someone who possesses strong shoulders. But his features are softer than his father's scowl, a trait from his mother, yet he often wears a rather unreadable expression beyond his appearance.

A noticeable trait is a scar within his palm, only able to be seen if his hands are open our outstretched. His posture oozes discipline in his work and his body language speaks for himself. His voice is a steady baritone, polite and clearly well mannered if people are on his good side. He wears his uniform often and leaves the accessory pieces aside if the weather isn't fit for it. Illya always keeps his appearance in check, he isn't someone who likes to disappoint. With his uniform, he has a wand holster he keeps hidden.

Illya is well disciplined by appearance, not only because of Durmstrang but also because of his father's high expectations. He can seem distant but upon closer inspection is someone who pays sharp attentions to people and his surroundings. In most conversations, he's a polite and well-mannered student of the Institute. However, he does live a double life in some sense when it comes to how he wants to appear and who he is behind some of the layers.

He can be overtly dignified if his pride is threatened. He is at best an honest individual with opinions and to a very painful degree at times, he won't hesitate to say something if he needs to. Illya's answers are short and to the point, which is how he is many of the times. Illya is first and foremost someone who thinks before acting and his dueling ability is reinforced by it. His fatal flaw is simply his hubris at times.

He's willing to do morally gray things out of impulse, his worst being his so far year long history of thievery. Of course it's not jewelry, not usually of course. But he simply likes to talk the talk to get an item he'd want, usually by taking it when the time is right. Most of the things he takes are for him to get the other items, a potion ingredient or maybe a book for a nice quill. Illya simply likes dealing with people one way or another.

Illya is Sergei Yornikovych's only child, he was more or less someone who taught him everything he knew till he turned ten and had to go to Durmstrang. But before the Institute, he was always around his father and his scholarly pursuits in Transfiguration. His mother was often a topic of conversation that him and his father tip toed around for quite some time. However Sergei often put it off and as young as Illya was, didn't really understand why. While his father was working in the study of their home or was giving public lectures, he was usually around to watch and absorb his work. Time spent with his father was far and few in between, Illya took notice of this.

Sergei spent so much of his time engrossed in Transfiguration that Illya grew a little distant to him as a whole. For a few years, Sergei left Illya in the care of his grandmother after he took a professor role as the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts. While he was away and he was with his grandmother, he was disciplined in simply how to be a dignified wizard. On his first year at Durmstrang, his father didn't see him off but at least sent a letter. Illya had grown cold to his father already by then and decided to throw himself into his studies at the Institute to show Sergei that he was worthy of the same attention.

Their growing issue had been Sergei's neglect, not in the general care for him, but for being there for him when he needed him emotionally. He sought his father's praise often, but only got it rather subtly and never directly. When his father returned from his teaching position to go home, he was there during one of his breaks. The dinner they shared was rather quiet and both seemingly came back changed in some way. Illya had grown a lot since Sergei had last seen him and it left the older man at a loss. It was then at that point that his father realized the years he had given up on with his son. Over the break, Sergei tried his best to connect with the young boy, but was always politely disregarded as he opted to study his work.

One day, Sergei finally asked him if he simply wanted to know what happened to his mother and Illya was clearly interested. The two shared a cup of coffee as the weary man finally told him what happened. His mother Agnes had grown tired of his obsession with Transfiguration and rightfully so. When Illya was a baby, Sergei was often absent and when his wife needed him the most, he was always 'too busy'. She supported him as much as she could, but found herself always last on his list. They fought under a pretense that was caused by his need to simply achieve greatness and that hubris had caused Agnes to grow cold to Sergei. Eventually, they had separated and he quickly decided to take custody of Illya to atone for what he did. However, the cycle repeated and that was something Sergei acknowledged at the end of the story.

Illya could see that his father still loved his mother, but shrugged some of the ice between the two of them before the break could end. Since then, the two have begun to repair their relationship and trust between the both of them. His father still expects the same from him, but their home life had changed dramatically over the years for the better. Sergei transformed the plot of land near their home into a farm that Illya had since come to appreciate. Since their re-connection, he's become determined to find a similar passion that his father had - just without the obsession.

Not a player.

STATS (45)
STA 5 | STR 3 | EVA 6 | WIS 10 | AP 9 | ACC 12

'I heard you were having issues at school, Illya.'

His brown eyes read the line over and over as he was sitting at the dining table of his grandparent's home. He didn't find it particularly jarring when his father sent that letter all the way from Hogwarts. The rest of it read along the following lines;

'You have to be strong, you cannot let your peers push you and take advantage of you. I understand this is your first year, but you cannot show your back in a school such as that.' He knew that. Of course he knew that! Illya set the letter down, tired of hearing his voice echo in his head. What could his father know about what he was going through? He was never here and he was only speaking from his experience.

Still. Slow and drawn out, his gaze shifted back to the letter as he read it over. Much of it was blurred to him, a byproduct of his skimming before it stopped at a particular line. 'Do not be afraid of your peers, you are my son and you carry my name. But Durmstrang will swallow you whole if you let yourself buckle under mere bruises and words.'

Like the jaws of a wolf, he wondered if he could survive this culling or beg to go to another school. Why couldn't he go to Hogwarts? It felt a lot nicer there, safer, and a lot less harsh than the wintry bite that the Institute offered. He wished his father took him with him, not left him here alone. But that's how he felt, very, very alone. Illya folded the paper as he stared at his lukewarm food.

Sure he met Sasha, but he couldn't rely on Sasha to be there for him all the time. People were worse than monsters to him, not that he hated people. But people could be so much more than a werewolf, do so much more damage and a bite, and maybe that's why he took solace as a reprieve from Durmstrang's strong population. But he had to make that hurt worth something, he had to make it mean something.

In the end, it began to mean something by the time he was back for the holidays. Cornered in one of the yards, the lanky boy drew his wand at the ones who tried him. If he failed now and his father knew, he'd be looked down upon further. No, he needed to prove something not only to him but to himself. His actions to him didn't need to be fair, they didn't need to be just. But it was justice to him enough when he sent that student flying back against a tree.

Despite how morally bankrupt he might have been with what he did, Illya's fearlessness was not just standing up for himself. It was the willingness to cast the spell in the first place, the power in his wand held a greater meaning to the young student. No longer would he hesitate, he wanted them to know now that he would strike first and certainly strike last. The punishment and stern talking to was well worth the effort in the end.

His father was home, that was something he was still getting used to. Even more so was his willingness to push him to learn Transfiguration further. But Sergei didn't take something into account, Illya was his own scholar and Transfiguration was not the same love that he bore. It was perhaps third or fourth, depending on the day and how good he felt. Instead, what as in front of him was his Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.

"... Defense?" Illya looked up at his father as they walked out of the magical bookstore that he asked to be taken to. The young student nodded wryly as they trudged through the snow. "Is that what you want to take up?" He sounded a little offended, maybe surprised and even uncertain of Illya's answer. "Yes, if that's okay."

There was a pause before the bearded man scratched his chin, his breathing created puffs of hot air. "Yes, of course it is okay." He seemed a little dejected; his own child didn't want to study Transfiguration? It perhaps didn't come so much of a surprise the more he thought of it. He had his features when he was younger, but his mother's spirit. Illya watch his father's gaze soften.

"I want to be great at something, kind of like how you are with Transfiguration." The wizard glanced down at the boy, adjusting the caddie cap on his head as he arched a brow. "Great, hm? How great?" Illya nodded, hoping he'd appreciate the honesty he was even sparing the old man right now. He was still bitter about how long he's been gone, but found it hard to stay upset for so long.

"I want to practice spell casting during the holidays, get better at them." Sergei nodded, moving his shoulder as they their boots crunched in the snow. "You cannot cast magic at your age outside of school though, did you know? You'll need more training rather than just something over the holidays, Illya." Illya nodded and slung the bag over his shoulder. "I'll just ask your help with wand movements and pronunciation if that's fine?"

"Yes. Plus you need help with your casting sometimes, you're a little sloppy." Sergei agreed, slipping his hands into his pea coat. "But let's get you that haircut first before we go home. Then we will practice. Four hours a day, with breaks in between. How does it sound?" Illya perked up at the tutelage his father was willing to offer. He nodded vigorously and followed the gray haired man to the barbershop.

"Good, I expect the best or nothing."

By the time they were home, they had a quick dinner and Illya was given a stick, quick carved by his father.

"No, no, no." Sergei interjected. He leaned forward and placed his hand on the fake wand. "That was sloppy casting, Illya. Do it again, slower this time, then at a normal speed. I do not want that thing you did with your wrist." The boy's annoyance was seeping through, but he kept at it till he got it right. Sergei was hard on him, but it was his only way of supporting.

"Why Defense?" the man asked so suddenly. Illya stopped mid cast and shrugged. "I want to protect myself." Sergei opened his mouth and then nodded slowly. "That is a worthy cause." Illya held the wand as he enunciated the spells he was taught in his years. "I want to protect others too, friends, maybe you one day."

"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself." the man mused. "You don't know that all the time and neither will I, if I have the chance to do something, I'd do so." Illya spoke, full of resolve. He punctuated it with a thrust of his wand, practicing one of the spells he learned in his recent classes. "Stop, you're doing it wrong." Sergei stepped forth and pulled out his own wand. He stood beside his son and slowly waved it to show. "Again."

Illya tried it. "Wrong, again." He felt his eye twitch as he followed suite. "There, good. Now I'm your opponent." Sergei faced his son, wand drawn. "Remember wand movements, do you understand why?" Illya shook his head. "There is a chance for you to know what they will cast next. For example ..." Sergei moved his wand slowly.

The young boy stared in curiosity. "Disarm." A smile graced his father's features as he stopped and did another movement. "Knockback." The older man beamed radiantly as he continued testing Illya that night and throughout the holidays. He gave him scenarios, trying to have him understand what to do in different situations. Illya knew what he wanted to do now at Durmstrang.

"We will do a mock duel tomorrow in the morning, wake up at the break of dawn. Understood?" Illya nodded as he held the fake wand. "Yes, sir."


By the time he was entering his fourth year, he finessed a silent swagger that he began to perfect the year prior. It turns out, being charming was quite the useful skill to have when it came to what he wanted. Even his father noticed and seemed a little confused by it. "Your clothes, they're ..." Illya arched his brow in curiosity. "You dress rather sharply, Illya."

The student smiled and wrung his wrist as he straightened his posture. "I figured if I'm to make something of myself, I should look good while doing so." Sergei, who frankly looked a little worse for wear since he had gotten a cold arched his own brow behind the mug he was drinking from. His son seemed to ooze a different type of confidence now, he didn't know how to feel about it. "Are you setting yourself up for a girl, hm? I was about your age when —"

"N-no, no, father." Illya interjected. "I'm just uh ... I'm simply trying to be a gentleman." Sergei stared at him with an arched brow before he slowly drank from his mug again. "... Definitely pining for a girl." he concluded. Illya rolled his eyes at his old man. "I'm going to get a haircut, I'll be back. Try not to choke on your coffee before then, old man." Sergei waved him away in amusement. "Let's talk about that girl you like so much when you get back." he guffawed.

"It's not like that!"

"Aye, aye. With how you were speaking to the girl in the bookstore last week, yes, it certainly must not be 'like that'. Ah, yes, could you help me find a book? I've been wanting it for days! Oh, you have nice eyes, they remind me of poplar trees in —" Sergei had pitched his voice to mock his son.

"I wanted a discount!" Illya shouted, closing the door behind him. Sergei wheezed to himself, slapping his knee as he cleared his throat. "Ah, to be young and in love." Illya on the other hand found uses for his little chats. He got that discount from that girl, but at school, it allowed him to get his hands on certain things.

Lacking a potion ingredient? Chat up someone in his class, he was bound to get it one way or another. In some instances, he simply wanted to talk to someone long enough for them not to notice what he was entirely doing. In some cases, Illya simply wanted something of theirs. While he didn't do it often, he's had small instances of being able to steal something.

It was in one case, someone's expensive quill. He had been eyeing it a few times in class till he finally got the route to speak to the girl. No harm, no foul, except maybe one stolen item. Illya learned the valuable lesson of giving someone their time, building a bridge he needed just for a second. Listening, observing, and looking for cues were all important after all.

At the mention of her interest in magical creatures, he asked if she simply had a book. Perfect.

She obliged him easy, by turning away to get a compendium in her bag that she recently got. In exchange, Illya's sleight of hand allowed him to take the quill from her desk and into the inner pocket of his jacket. That ink stain was an issue in the end though. But she never asked as he only simply continued the conversation with her, asking genuine questions to stray her further.

He frankly didn't use his charms for anything good. The student traded the nice quill for a set of ingredients for a particular potion he wanted to brew. That was all well and good in the end. It sometimes got him out of situations even more so. Chatting up his assailants enough into a chat, only to draw his wand and knock them both back into the dirt path. Illya certainly found his uses for it.

"Trouble usually finds me."
> STA. 6, EV. 8, STR. 14, WIS. 6, AP. 4, ACC. 7

22 Jan 2021, 04:39
Reid Kovacs, Sixth Year, Hufflepuff
Oh my gosh @Reid Kovacs your ency is sooooo cooooool! :D

Evasive Maneuvers II
Hex: #1C4587