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30 Jun 2021, 23:20
Lucietta Mahler  Ilvermorny 
ilvermorny, first-string chaser
NAME. lucietta adaleigh thea mahler
SPECIES. human
PRONOUNS. she/her
SEXUALITY. questioning
AGE. 13
DOB. 05 24 09
BLOODSTATUS. muggle-born?? pureblood
HOUSE. thunderbird
quiet. creative. imaginative.
calm. forgiving. trusting.
A dream, perhaps.

The Mahlers were well known because of how easily they stood out from the rest of the crowd; adorned with stunning, almost-white platinum blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Lucietta was no exception, living up well to this standard. She has a thin, timid figure and pale, snow-white flawless skin. Often she can be seen staring off into space and it can be hard to capture her attention for very long. Lucietta has the habit of twirling her hair whenever she is nervous or anxious.

Her family holds an impressively undamaged reputation, and Lucietta has been taught since a young age to be the very picture of perfection, specifically disguising, hiding, and feigning her facial expressions. So far, she has somewhat been able to live up to her parents' standards.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Lucietta has always been, and always will be, a dreamer. While naive and trusting, Lucietta has big aspirations and nothing can stop that. Less than wary until provoked, Lucietta is one to get lured or tricked easily. Insults and jabs do not affect her whatsoever. In Lucietta's mind, kindness is the most important. Lucietta always has high hopes and ambitions and is optimistic no matter what. Lucietta can become very protective and defensive under the right circumstances, but usually, in conflicts, she will be the last to speak up or choose sides. Lucietta hates choosing or making important decisions, and she will avoid it if possible. While Lucietta might be pushed around easily, she is aware of her breaking point and can get very angry when pushed the right amount. She's not one to hold grudges or purposely cause issues. One of her best - as well as worst - qualities is the ability to hold up a lie. Lucietta can sometimes be too truthful, as honesty is one of her primary values, though she does her best to refrain from judging others.

A story disguised delicately, so that no one would ever uncover it.

Once upon a time, Annalise de Montfort was happy.

She was engaged to the love of her life, Guillaume Alphonse de Bourbon, and the two had lived happily in France. Nothing had seemed amiss, not until for some mysterious reason, Guillaume left Annalise to a Juliette Marie de Courcillon, the product of which was a Henri Charles de Bourbon - Lucietta’s half-sibling, though she wouldn’t know of him until much, much later.

As the discarded fiancé, Annalise was seen as inadequate and a lesser woman. Unable to handle the criticism thrown towards her by the other purebloods, she made the rash decision to run away and hide her magical side, marrying a Muggle named Joachim Edward du Bellay, who welcomed Annalise eagerly. Joachim, enamored by his new wife, quickly agreed to run away to America with her. After hiding in Minnesota, the pair changed their names to Walter and Mathilde Mahler, crafting a new backstory that set them as practically Muggle royalty. They discovered a few months later that Mathilde was pregnant. This only made Mathilde even more certain in her decision. Several months later, Mathilde gave birth to a Lucietta Adaleigh Thea Mahler, whom Walter treated as he would've his own child. Around a year later, Walter and Mathilde had a pair of twins - Finn and Leon Mahler.

Lucietta, who prefers the name Lucie, grew up without knowing anything of the Wizarding World until her fifth birthday. It had completely caught her off guard. Lucietta had wanted the crayons, and she couldn't quite reach them, being a small five year old. And so next she did the thing that made the most sense - used magic to levitate it towards her until she could reach upwards and simply grab it. Her mother was the only one present to witness this, and eventually explained to Lucietta that she was a witch, all while concealing the information that Mathilde herself was actually magical, thus ensuring Lucie’s belief she was Muggle-born. Lucietta sees magic as one of the many twists and turns in her future, something to figure out.

Lucietta owns a special sketchbook given to her by her parents, in which she keeps sketches of objects and scenes of importance to her. She treasures this sketchbook, and it is her most prized possession.
mbti. infp
enneagram. 9
alignment. lawful good
deadly sin. wrath
heavenly virtue. hope
Last edited by Everly Charlton on 13 Sep 2022, 20:06, edited 19 times in total.

i’m gonna pop
your bubblegum heart

30 Jun 2021, 23:21
Lucietta Mahler  Ilvermorny 
sta 8. eva 11. str 2. wis 7. arc 5. acc 14.
+2 from duel wins x x

calming presence. [436]
Lucietta was one rarely to ever get angry or mad. In fact, it was very important in her beliefs to solve conflicts by talking it out rather than arguing further or disagreeing with each other (except for that one time Finn stepped on her sketchbook, but that's a story for another day). In the many opinions of Lucietta, you could search for hours, but you might never come upon 'one with a temper'. The Mahlers, however, were one of the most uptight families you might encounter, but Lucietta is quite different from the rest of her family. Perhaps it is her determination to be stray away from her family's beliefs, or perhaps it was just how the girl naturally was - a gentle, kind person.

Lucietta was always one to try. It might be class or activities, but most notably it was the way she talked and interacted with others. Though not obvious, Lucietta cared greatly about these moments, not how the others thought of her, but if she had affected them negatively in any way. Lucietta prides herself on being a personage of the qualities she was most accounted for. Being a light for others, not for the glory of so, but for the hope that she could lead them out - one sentence that could easily be used to describe Lucietta.

One of the best Lucietta's best qualities, in truth, was her optimism and hope. Lucietta has never been pessimistic, and believes strongly that anything can be possible, and that everyone has an important purpose in their life. Lucietta can be quite an asset if you ever need a helpful hand or just a bit more encouragement. While these qualities of Lucietta had never been noticed before by the girl as some obvious or clear aura or effect she had on others, the girl did indeed have some sort of calming effect on them. Lucietta might not be amazing, or brilliant, or the best person you were ever to meet, but Lucietta didn't need those titles. The positivity and optimism Lucietta carried around with her was enough for her, and if she could use that to her advantage to help and encourage others, to help them better focus on their magic or even tasks in particular, well, that was an added bonus.

All in all, Lucietta was a person with high hopes and dreams who tried her best to encourage and help others, and that feeling often spread to others. Whether this made her an extraordinary human being or not, Lucietta didn't mind much. She just wanted to be one to be able to help others.
impartial. [411]
Lucie can appreciate beauty. It's not that she's blind to these qualities. It's actually quite the opposite; mostly, she can easily recognize why something or someone might be considered beautiful in everyday standards. It was just that these things didn't affect Lucie as much as they seemed to do for others - they didn't seem to hold that sort of charm. Eventually, she realized she experienced these things differently than others did. Her friend would make a comment about how attractive someone else was, and Lucie would be able to recognize that they were attractive and why, but she just didn't seem to get the effect they had on her friend. Why did people react they way they did? It made her curious, question her own sense of others, wonder what might be different about how she thought. In the end, she totaled it down to perspectives and how her friend might have viewed it differently.

Perhaps it was just her personality, and how she tended to care more about who a person was on the inside, rather than the outside. Lucie was caring, too caring, and tried to see the best in everyone. She withheld any judgement of others until she could get a clear picture of who a person was, and even then, she tried to reason with herself. Everyone had a good side, after all. Maybe Lucie couldn't find it just yet, but she knew it was somewhere in there, tucked deep behind costumes. Lucie wasn't a doer, but she knew to always look for the positive. Even if she couldn't bring it out.

Or maybe it was that she'd grown up surrounded by beautiful people, and later learned that beauty was subjective - even the definition of beauty wasn't finite. Growing up in a household full of standards definitely had a huge impact on Lucie's view of what beauty was. Lucie was surrounded by requirements and rules her entire life. Stand up straight, look them in the eye. Wear yourself with confidence. Always present the best version of yourself. She was born into the world expected to be the very definition of beauty. Maybe her parents had left more of an influence on her than they thought - Lucie resembled a flower, delicate, sweet, kind.

Lucie also grew up in a household full of lies. Eventually, she discovered that everything pretty usually had a dark side to it. Roses had thorns, after all. Nothing is as upfront as it seems
lovely creature. [517]
Annalise de Montfort was beautiful. It was the first thing she'd ever known, and the only constant that had stayed with her in her entire life. It was what made her feel special; her pale, porcelain white skin and strikingly sharp blue eyes, her perfectly rounded nose, her long, snow-white hair that cascaded down her back. Everywhere she went, eyes followed, and she shone in their gaze. It was her own personal spotlight, and Annalise prided herself on it. So did her parents. Perhaps that's why she was able to get away with what she could. But not enough, it seemed, as everything changed, and picture-perfect Annalise was gone. She wondered, was this all she could get in her life?

Then came along Lucietta. She was the exact copy of her mother, raised to be everything Mathilde was—soft-spoken, dainty, and gentle. She was perfect in every possible shape and form, flawless. Maybe deep down, Mathilde knew what she was doing, but it'd never truly felt like Lucietta. Maybe that's why she hated being who she was, and why being away at Ilvermorny was so freeing.

She sat and stared for hours at a time, looking at the arched ceiling of her room. Lucietta was pretty. That's what she was told, that's who she had to be, and that's who she was. So why were her pretty pink lips and her rosy painted cheeks not enough to satisfy?

Lucietta had been rifling through her closet for the past few hours, still trying to figure out what to pack in her trunk for her third year at Ilvermorny. Usually, her mother would be seated right next to her, as she’d been the past two times, pointing at dresses and skirts and instructing her what to fold and put in and what to leave out. Instead, she wasn’t. Apparently, something else had occupied her time, and so Lucietta was left to pack her belongings on her own. So far, she’d already packed all the essentials, but there was some space left over, as well as a few options. There were numerous dresses, one pink, one white, and one blue, as well as some jeans and a printed shirt. They were only to be worn if there was no other option, she recalled her mother stressing. And they probably wouldn’t even fit her anymore, she figured, considering it’d been a while and she’d never worn them.

The floral-printed dress had somehow ended up at the foot of her bed, and she stood in the mirror wearing a saggy, wrinkled t-shirt and crumped jeans half an hour before she had to leave.

Her mother would absolutely blow if she saw this, still-drying mascara and uncurled, tangled hair. She was already upset enough after Lucietta had told her that she was playing Quidditch, and this would set her off.

Lucietta felt… fine. She was still pretty, but fine.

Maybe she didn’t need to be perfect, just like her mother. Maybe everything would be fine if she were just her. Inner beauty, outer beauty. Maybe it was possible for her to have both.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.