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13 Oct 2023, 20:21
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Dottie Madden
School Year or Adult Level: Year 1
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=816506#p816506
Character Statistics: Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 4 | Strength: 8 | Wisdom: 9 | ArcPower: 5 | Accuracy: 2
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
Jeremy and Helena Madden were married young. If anyone believed in love at first sight, it was those two. They were inseparable, madly in love with one another. A year after they got married, they fell pregnant. Now seeing as Helena had never been pregnant before, she was very dependent on Jeremy which caused some problems but they eventually worked it out in the end, prior to moving to the UK, when the pair gave birth to twins. Fraternal twins, who they called Dottie and Chase.

Twins were rare in their family but nonetheless, they were happy. The twins were loved by their families from both sides. Every year, they would visit each side of their families just for a few days back in Ireland, playing with their cousins and animals. They lived a wonderful childhood, growing up. Despite a few hiccups, Jeremy and Helena raised beautiful children.

When Dottie turned 11, someone wearing a robe came to her door in Scotland and asked to speak to the family of the house. Dottie and her mother were the only ones at home while her brother and father were out. The person was invited and started to speak about a school for the magical. The professor introduced themselves as a professor at the school of Hogwarts. She handed Dottie a letter and explained to the two women that she had a feeling that Dottie was special. The woman explained what being a wizard came with how special one had to be to be able to do magic. After a conversation, the woman left and Dottie and her mother were left with a tough decision.

First Instance of Magic:
Dottie was 7 when she became ill. At some point during the duration of her sickness, she witnessed something extraordinary. She had shot her cup of tea across the room just with a touch of her finger. It happened so fast, it was hard to comprehend it.

STATUS: Pending - Monica, October 18th.
- You mention a professor by name "Holly Gillywood" Because all of our staff roles are played by people, you cannot invent a professor to come to your house. Please remove the name of the professor.
- you do not have to link to the stats and abilities post in your trunk.
STATUS: APPROVED -Monica October 22nd
Last edited by Dottie Madden on 22 Oct 2023, 12:45, edited 2 times in total.

"That's not healthy," they said
"To live in your head"
But it hurts a lot less to me

15 Oct 2023, 18:09
Index Registration
Character name: Katarina Drache
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: Link
Character Statistics: Stamina 5 | Evasion 6 | Strength 4 | Wisdom 7 | Arcane Power 8 | Accuracy 5
Character Backstory: Katarina Florence Drache was born to Johanna and Wolfgang Drache on Halloween night of 2011 in Bamberg, Germany. At the age of four, however, her family made a move to the UK after Katarina's father was offered a career as an auror at the Ministry of Magic. However, her mother did not want to live in the busy city of London, as she preferred the more quiet towns. The parents decided that Wolfgang would live in London for his career and that Johanna would live in Cheshire to raise Katarina. Per their agreement, Wolfgang would of course send some of his money to help pay for Johanna's necessities and to help care for Katarina. Though they now live three hours apart from each other, Wolfgang does come to Cheshire on the weekends to see his daughter.

Katarina's childhood was... difficult to say the least. Now that her father was living so far away, she was stuck to live with her mother. One might think that being around your mother so often would create a unique bond between you both, but thus was not the case for Katarina and Johanna. Johanna had a very strict personality and wanted to raise Katarina one way while Wolfgang preferred another. While Johanna was not physically abusive to her daughter, she certainly could say very hurtful things. This put a major strain on their relationship.

The relationship between Katarina and her father wasn't much different, unfortunately. Even though he had agreed to come home every other weekend, it just wasn't so as his job could be very demanding, thus putting some distance between Katarina and her father, both physically and emotionally. However, the two could at least bond together over one shared interest: music. Wolfgang loved rock and alternative rock music, and so did Katarina.
First Instance of Magic: Katarina's first instance of magic happened when she was six years old. She had an extreme temper tantrum and had burst the windows in the living room with her screaming. Needless to say, her mother was not pleased with that outcome.
Status: Approved, Octavius Baird [Oct 20th 2023]

15 Oct 2023, 20:12
Index Registration
Character name: Marianne Deslongchamps
School Year: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=29480
Character Statistics:
stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 8
Arcpower: 6
Accuracy: 4
Character Backstory:
i am a white girl with black hair. i have green eyes with a littlebith of brown in them. i am 149cm tall. i also have glasses since magic don't cure myopie. my glasses are half round half rectangle. they are black with stricks of gold on the sides.

i am a shy girl with stranger but i am an extrovert with friends and family. i am pretty smart and i always have my noses in books. i love classical music and i love animals. my favourite animals are horses and cats.

my family consist of pure-bloods. we live in a house that seems small but the magic inside makes it grande. i have 2 close friends that have also been accepted in hogwarts!! we have a cat named cookie. i also have four siblings. Two have already graduated hogwarts. my oldest sister works at the ministry on magic and my older brother is an auror. my other older sister is in year three of hogwarts. finally, my little sister is still to young to go but in four year we expect a letter for her.

First Instance of Magic:
My first instance of magic was in flourish and botts at 8 years old. I wanted a book but nobody was there to help me. I wanted it so hard and suddenly it flew like a bird to me. It was a big suprise to me because i didn't know i could do that. My mom was really proud of me. I remember it like it was yesterday
Pending, Octavius Baird [Oct 20th 2023]
- Need to put the biography, fiom, appearance, personality into the first post of her ency (or in the basic information section)
Pending (Lear) Oct 27, 2023
We just need "more" for your bio. At present your bio is 94 words. The word count from your appearance and personality do not count towards the 220 word count minimum that Index seeks. Most Index staff do not count your first instance of magic, if they did your word count total would still be under at 162 words. Please elaborate on your character's life pre Hogwarts.
Pending (Lear) Nov 12
This is a follow-up. There have been no edits since Oct 20 to this account. Please make the requested edits. Your application is at risk for closure on Nov 20 if no edits have been made.
STATUS: Closed, Opeila 20/11
No edits have been made in 30 days.

16 Oct 2023, 04:11
Index Registration
Character name: Ulysses Drake
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=817903
Character Statistics:
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
The Drake family have been adventurous purebloods who often dealt with the breeding, hatching, and slaying of these beasts (when necessary) through their ancestry that continued on to Ulysses and his siblings.

Perseus Drake and Beatrice Rose met while they were in Hogwarts, both Slytherin alumni from prominent pureblood families. Beatrice, now, an Unspeakable at the Ministry of Magics, were truly like fire and gasoline while growing up and somehow they figured out that their differences were fewer than their commonalities.

Percy was more of a hot-head, a force to be reckoned with, and perhaps even close to being a professional Quidditch Player, if not already falling in love with the lineage of dragons and learning how to breed, hatch, or calm them down too.

Bea was icy, deliberate, and mindful and came from the upper most echelon of aristocracy, especially in the Wizarding world.

The two together created a family unit who allowed their children to do both, allowing the space for them to learn and grow who they were but also how to act (and expecting them to) while within society.

Ulysses as the oldest son of three, each being one year younger, he felt a lot of pressure from them both. He wasn't the brightest wizard but he was a hard worker, had a lot of endurance, and had a love of quidditch and flying that he felt akin to the dragons that they were so connected with.

Ultimately, Uly was a child who felt like Hogwarts was a true dream, able to really be himself and what it meant to be Ulysses Drake without the external factors of family and obligation guiding him.

First Instance of Magic:
He was 8 years old in his maternal grandmother's house, playing a little rough with his brothers and cousins, until things got a bit too heated and his brother whacked one of his grandmother's heirloom crystal items and it shattered into dozens of different pieces, all of them feeling as though they were about to get grounded immediately and have everything taken from them for years.

With pure energy and love for his brother, the pieces magically seemed to jumble together and fixed itself before landing into Uly's hands.

With eyes widened, that's when his entire self gleamed, knowing that he had finally awoken the magic he had from within and was proud that it manifested while helping his brother.

STATUS: Pending - Monica, Oct. 24th
- You need to remove the ability charmer in your trunk. you gain abilities upon graduation, and through applying for them.
STATUS: APPROVED - Monica, Oct. 26th
- You need to remove the ability charmer in your trunk. you gain abilities upon graduation, and through applying for them.

16 Oct 2023, 23:52
Index Registration
Character name: Veil Durchdenwald
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page:
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 6
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 5

Character Special Race/Talent: N/A

Character Backstory: Backstory-
Veil was born in Aachen, Germany, on August 25th, 2012. He'd only stayed in Germany for five years, until the schooling age of six became a concern to his parents. Homeschooling is frowned upon in Germany, and his parents weren't about to have him educated with muggles.

Fortunately, he'd have grandparents--that were of course wizards--back in England from his mother's side of the family. His father’s side of the family had always been swept under the rug, away from Veil, but he didn’t really mind. They'd move to Norwich, England to home-school him, relying a bit on his grandparents until Veil’s parents got onto their feet. He'd have most of his childhood within Norwich, receiving home-schooled teaching of the wizarding ways from both his parents, but occasionally his grandparents. His grandparents never missed an opportunity to spoil him when his parents weren’t looking.

He'd grow up mainly in Norwich learning of English, his lineage, and what future he had in store for him. His family made as much effort to keep his life within the magic atmosphere as possible, going as far as to even change a few muggle basics to a home. This continued all the way until he'd finally received his letter. He was raised strictly, but carefully. His parents love him too much to watch him fail.

First Instance of Magic-
When he was nine, he'd been out for a walk to find a natural place to write, something to inspire him. He did this occasionally, using the outside as an excuse for when he needed a break from his parents, or really wanted to find something new to inspire him.

However, while crossing the street, a driver wasn't paying attention, and had kept driving towards Veil as he crossed the road. The driver noticed him too late. Still, the driver blared the horn of his car as he was barely a few feet away, and slammed on the brakes. Veil panicked. He looked away, holding up a hand as if it would protect him from the metal box, preparing for the impact- But it never came.

The car stopped completely. In an act of shock and fear, Veil ran away back home, explaining to his parents in a mess of words what had happened. His parents would exchange glances, both pleased but also concerned. Once Veil was calmed down and settled into bed, his parents discussed any potential problems the incident may have caused. After the incident, his parents took it upon themselves to go with him on his outings to ensure there wouldn't be another incident, as a precaution. If anyone ever accused them, it’d be dealt with carefully.

STATUS: Pending - Monica, Oct. 24th
- Your character is a pureblood, so wouldn't be living in the muggle world, so being exposed to cars is unlikely. For your first instance of magic, and pointing out hating the honking noise.
- You need to link your Ency in the application
Pending (Lear) Nov 12

This is a follow-up to remind you to please make the requested edits as there is no evidence of edits since we last reached out. Your application is at risk for closure on Nov 24.
Closed (Lear) 12/2/23
It has been over a month since last edit. This has been closed. Please make a new post to register to Index.

"If you get lost.. You'll be found. I'll find you, alright?"

~Veil Durdenwald


18 Oct 2023, 15:54
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ella Pixley
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: Ella
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 10 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
Ella was born to a pure-blooded family of fairly reputable legacy as the youngest of three children. Her father, Gareth Pixley is a wealthy business owner of a quill manufacturing corporation, Pixley Quills. Ann Pixley, her mother, is a senior ranking ministry official within the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Being the youngest child and only daughter, she was often overlooked in favor of the accomplishments of her older brothers Benjamin (an Auror at the ministry) and Damian (a fresh graduate of Hogwarts who recently opened his own business as a potion maker). Despite the pressure of following or exceeding in her sibling's footsteps, she had a fairly privileged upbringing while being especially close to her father.

Ella lived in a decent sized estate within the wealthy boroughs of Canterbury in Kent county. As a toddler and young child she was considered very "aloof" and "sheltered". She'd spend her days playing with her large collections of dolls, and toys in solitude; being especially fond of the wooden sculpture models her father would conjure as a hobby. Her interactions with the other witches and wizards her age were very few and far between, as she much preferred being around those already familiar to her. She was especially close to her father and eldest brother, Benjamin as they would frequently treat her most generously, almost condescendingly so. Oftentimes, they would borderline spoil her outright; much to the annoyance of her mother and the second eldest, Damian.

Regardless of the circumstances of her upbringing, Ella did display her potential as a witch throughout her childhood and demonstrated her magical ability at a very early age (earlier than her brothers) at the tender age of 3 years. Her uncle, knowing she had a fondness for wooden crafts and sculptures, gave her a small wooden sculpture of a garden gnome for Christmas (perhaps to spite her intentionally due to the general ugliness of garden gnomes). Unsatisfied with the gift, she threw it into the pool at her family's manor in a tantrum where it suddenly took on the form of a dolphin and began swimming laps around the pool. During her 7th birthday, another notable instance of her magical aptitude occurred when she accidentally caused the quill feathers stored in one of her father's quill dispensaries to burst into a flock of doves while she was fantasizing about flying.

Ella, like all young witches and wizards her age attended Hogwarts and boarded the famed Hogwarts Express on 1 September 2023.

First Instance of Magic:
Ella expressed her first aptitude for magic at 3 years old when she was playing with a small wooden sculpture of a garden gnome that was given to her as a gift from her uncle. Unsatisfied with the gift she threw it into the pool at her family's manor where it suddenly took on the form of a dolphin and began swimming laps around the pool.

STATUS: Pending, Opeila 26/10
This is not the place for Ability Application but only Special Races and Talents. Please post your ability application here.
Complete (Lear) Oct 27, 2023
Last edited by Ella Pixley on 27 Oct 2023, 12:28, edited 8 times in total.

19 Oct 2023, 03:11
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ira Morris
School Year or Adult Level: Year 1
Link to the character page: Here!
Character Statistics: Stamina - 5 | Evasion - 6 | Strength - 3 | Wisdom - 7 | Arcane Power - 7 | Accuracy - 7
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
Growing up in a relatively normal household with nearly every need besides actual love and connection being provided for, Ira wasn’t dissatisfied, more so disappointed in herself. She could never seem to get attention from her parents until her first instance of magic, and even then, they would still mostly ignore her.

They were nothing notable in their respective worlds: her father worked a regular office job, spending time that he wasn’t at work to install new functions on his watch or computers; her mother, while she worked in the Ministry of Magic, she was unheard of an acted more like an errand girl and a file organizer than anything else. In addition, she had a sister. One who absolutely detested her, blaming their parents lack of affection to the two of them on Ira. This altogether coupled into a form of shame she’s been carrying with her for years, blaming it on herself.

Ira had a regular school life, she made friends, was sometimes bullied, but nothing was particularly unusual. She lacked the confidence in her friends to form a proper connection with them and often treated them like friendly acquaintances, still jokingly discussing muggle conspiracy theories with them though. They never stood up for her, and in return, she never stood up for them, which Ira would later regret.

The bullying came to a halt when she presented the bullies with a stick, a form of a truce, and asked them why they were doing it. When confronted with that question, they realized that they were unsure of the true purpose, and it slowly eased down.

Her first instance of magic came before she had given the stick. She had been hiding from them, desperately wishing to exit the situation, when she had been teleported to the top of a tree. She would later assure the bullies that it had never happened and the whole incident was quickly dealt with as faulty memory.

First Instance of Magic: On one occasion, when she was being bullied, she teleported on top of a tree, and had to struggle to climb down. Her bullies would later brush this off as some sort of weird trick, or perhaps bad memory, which she would continue to assure them of if they ever brought it up.

Ability Application: Prodigal Charms Learner
It wasn’t to say that she didn’t like charms classes, more so that it felt like her parents were forcing it down her throat. It bothered her that the private tutor they hired to drill charms into her spent more time with Ira than they did. But nevertheless, she was studious, hoping to one day regain their attention with her spells.

Eventually the need for their approval faded, but she knew a lot about charms already so it was pointless to drop it now. Although, she did fear that her parents would decide to drop the lessons, there was no point in it since Ira wasn’t excelling in it as much as they had been expecting. While she was exceptionally good at it, likely due to heavy price they had to pay for her tutor with some natural talent and hard work, it was never good enough for them. To combat her doubts, she would decide to ask for a continuation. So, at dinner she requested that the private tutoring continue, to which her mother stated that that had always been the plan, whether she liked it or not, which was certainly not the most enjoyable thing to hear, but nevertheless, it meant charms lessons would continue.

For years afterwards, she would wonder whether it might have been best to just drop it, but Ira would always remind herself that this was for the best. Eventually, she would grow a fondness towards it, and began to genuinely enjoy it, coming to look forward to her lessons. Sure, it would never be her first option for classes, but hey, it would far from be her last option, and she would put continuous effort into making sure she would do well in learning charms.

Eventually, come her time at Hogwarts, she realized she was far ahead of her peers in the subject, around a year ahead. After realizing this, she decided that the lessons would continue to be pointless until she talked to the professor about her past experience. She lay in bed that night, trying to figure out the best course of action to talk to her professor, Ira honestly didn’t know how to approach the situation without sounding convoluted and full of herself, but it was pointless worrying about it until she actually did something.

The next day, after class, she approached her professor. Carefully, with great caution, she explained to her professor her previous tutoring, requesting that she was given access to materials to learn about spells a year above.

STATUS: Pending, Opeila 26/10
1) This is not the place for Ability Application but only Special Races and Talents. Please post your ability application here.
2) Please take the ability out of your trunk- we will add it manually when it is approved.
3) Teleportation cannot be used for first instance of magic. Read more about fiom here.
Pending (Lear) Nov 12

This is a follow-up to remind you to please make the requested edits as there is no evidence of edits since we last reached out. Your application is at risk for closure on Nov 26.
Closed (Lear) 12/2/23
It has been over a month since last edit. This has been closed. Please make a new post to register to Index.

19 Oct 2023, 05:04
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ember Candlelight
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=29565
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 2
Evasion: 6
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 7
Character Special Race/Talent: Werewolf
Werewolves were not an unfamiliar thing. For the few days of the year that her father was home, he told her many stories. Her mother constantly scolded him for telling the children such stories, but it was always in a joking way. One of Ember’s favorite stories was about her father’s friend. You see, the original reason he chose the profession of a Healer was because he had a friend who was a werewolf. Although his main job consisted of the usual duties of a Healer, he tried to find a cure for lycanthropy as a side pursuit. His friend came to reside in the town of Coalville, a place where no one would know him and where he could start over. Her father visited them to supply wolfsbane potions before the full moon, and it was on one of these visits that he came to meet her mother.
Ember had an unusually positive opinion of werewolves. She understood that they weren’t bad on purpose, as it was a condition they didn’t have control of. When her father was away, she often visited his friend in the same village to help out with the small candy shop he ran and munch a few candies here or there. But of course, she knew not to visit him during the full moon.
It was the week before Ash would be leaving to go off to his boarding school, and the siblings were spending as much time as they could together before he would be gone. They were smart enough not to go too far from home, choosing to stay in the meadow next to their house to watch the fireflies rather than venturing all the way into the forest.
And a set of eyes appeared. It was easy to mistake them for fireflies at first, but as they came closer, it was clear that it was something else. Ember knew right away. Everything seemed to click at the same time, with the siblings making a mad dash for their house as the werewolf sprinted after them. She was slightly slower than her brother, and it caught up to her first, catching her arm and jerking her onto the ground. All she smelled was blood, the shock and pain of the wound rendering her mostly unable to react. All she could do was close her eyes.
When she awoke, she found herself in the care of St. Mungo’s, given the diagnosis of lycanthropy. There were several speculated causes for what had led to the attack. Perhaps her father’s friend had been too busy making candy for Halloween, and had forgotten to take his wolfsbane potion. Or perhaps he had knocked it over, and had no time to get a replacement? But she did not ask too many questions concerning that. Ember did not want to believe that the cheery candy maker could have been the one to do such a thing.
Life after the attack was different. Ash postponed his trip to boarding school, choosing to stay with her for a bit longer. He expressed regret that he couldn’t get help in time, even though there wasn’t anything he could’ve done anyway. After he left, Ember found that the event had only made her more passionate about wanting to be a Healer when she grew up. A permanent cure for lycanthropy was her goal, just like her father’s. Though she wasn’t sure if anyone would truly trust a werewolf to be a Healer, it was just another reason for her to pursue the job. If she succeeded, it would prove to others that werewolves were capable of achieving great things as well. But it also amplified her sense of insecurity. She wears a glove on her right hand, where a scar runs from her forearm to the back of her hand to hide it. She is lucky that her father is able to supply her with wolfsbane potions due to his job, and is always diligent in making sure she stays on top of it so that she doesn't hurt anyone. Her father comes back home more often now, usually to make sure she's fine before the full moon. Ember isn’t sure yet if she wants to reveal the information to anyone outside her family, but it will be something she will have to come to terms with at Hogwarts.

Character Backstory:
Ember grew up in the countryside town of Coalville, England. It was a pleasant mixture of calming scenery with a kind of natural beauty about the place with a small town that had a charming aura to it. Her father was a wizard, working as Healer. He met her mother, a muggle, when he was helping a patient in Coalville. They soon married, and Ash, her older brother, was born. Ember came along some time later, and was raised in a family who used a combination of magic and technology depending on which better fit their needs.
As they became kids, their father went on more frequent trips out of town for his job until he was barely home at all. This was not intentional, of course, he was just busier than he had been and it was necessary to be gone. Ember and her brother were homeschooled by their mother. They learned all the basic things like math and science, but what she really wanted was to become a witch so she could be a Healer like her father.
She spent her free time playing with her brother in the forests and meadows surrounding the village, oftentimes playing with the other village children as well. She never became close friends with any of the other children, as their friendship never went too far beyond frolicking during the day before returning home. Her bond with her brother was close, but they grew apart after it was clear he did not inherit any magic from their father. He left to go off to a boarding school. They still write letters to each other sometimes, but it's never the same as before.

First Instance of Magic: When she was nine years old, Ember had set her sights upon climbing a particularly tall sycamore tree. It was a tree she had climbed many times before, but that day, the bark was slippery from the late night rain. The first part of the climb was simple, but once she reached around three quarters of the way, she lost her grip on the tree and fell. Strangely enough, her fall slowed down, and it felt like she was placed gently on the ground. Magic! Ember was never more excited, and was glad she would have the opportunity to work towards being a great witch someday.
Complete (Lear) 10/27/23

Your trunk stats do not match the stats you displayed in this application post. I edited your trunk stats to match your application so that you can be approved.

I added lycanthropy to your trunk.

I have added you to registration.

I have given you werewolf permissions so you now have access to the Shrieking Shack.

22 Oct 2023, 08:01
Index Registration
Character name: Juniper Paisley
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=29433
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 |Evasion: 6 |Strength: 6 |Wisdom: 7 | Arcane: 5 |Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A

Character Backstory:
Growing up was not the easiest for Juniper. From a young age, life became difficult, starting with his parents leaving. Shortly after his youngest sister Rose was born, his parents decided to pack up everything and take all the kids to their grandparents’ house. After dropping the kids off, Juniper’s parents walked out the door and never came back. Juniper was the only one to realize what had just happened. He decided that from that day forward, he was going to be the best oldest sibling he could be and make sure that none of his siblings would ever have to feel the way he did that night. Juniper’s grandparents tried their best to raise the kids themselves, but due to their age, they needed Juniper to help out a lot. Juniper never minded helping out his grandparents because he knew they were trying. It didn’t help that his grandparents were poorer than most and weren’t as able bodied as other families around them. School wasn’t easy either. Everyday he had to put up with the constant bullying from kids who were wealthier than him and had “perfect” families. He also had to deal with people making fun of his speech problem. He learned to ignore them for the most part but when the bullies targeted his siblings is when he would stand up against them. Once Juniper got a bit older and discovered who he was, he came out to his family. He was scared of what they would say but they accepted him lovingly with open arms. However, the kids at school did not. The bullying got worse and became harder to ignore. He became a very quiet person who kept to himself and didn’t interact with anyone who wasn’t family. He eventually concluded that the only people who cared for him and loved him were his grandparents and siblings and he decided that was good enough for him. He tried his best to live day to day with as little interaction as possible and just get by to tomorrow.

First Instance of Magic:
While running errands for his grandparents, he ran into his school bullies hanging out together and tried not to draw any attention to himself. Unfortunately, they all saw him and began to chase him. While running away, he turned a corner and tripped fell, causing him to scrape both his hands and knees. Hearing the bullies getting closer, he got up ignoring the stinging pain in his hands and knees and ran back to his grandparents’ house, jumping the fence and hiding in the garden. After catching his breath for a moment, he took a second to see how bad his scrapes were but to his surprise, they were gone along with the stinging sensation.

Pending (Lear) Oct 27

We only have a minor edit needed. Your race (human, part veela, etc) and patronus (none at this time) need to be added. if they are in one of the hard to visualize colors (since it is really hard to read the color you chose) or if it is hidden under a spoiler, I was not able to identify its location. Once added (or pointed out), you will be set for validation.
Approved (Lear) Oct 30

~Gave up my youth for my future I just want to rise up stronger~

23 Oct 2023, 10:14
Index Registration
Character name: Corinthia MacAllistair

School Year or Adult Level: First Year

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=29607

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 8
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 9
Arcane Power: 6
Accuracy: 4

Character Special Race/Talent: Human

Character Backstory:
Born on January 3, 2011, Corinthia “Cory” Rose MacAllistair was born in a working class household in Glasgow, Scotland. She is raised by Muggleborn Wendy MacAllistair, 47, a lab technologist and twice-divorced single parent. Corinthia was born from Wendy’s second marriage; her father lives in Boston and has no contact with his daughter.

Corinthia lives with her mother in an old brick duplex, with a small garden in the backyard for vegetables and herbs. The family own two cats–Ranger and Nibbles–who were both street rescues. Occasionally, Corinthia will sneak home stray frogs and lizards and attempt to rehabilitate them, much to her mother’s chagrin.

Corinthia has a married adult half-brother, Callum, 28, from Wendy’s first marriage. Callum and his wife Janine live in a separate household just a few blocks from Corinthia; to her, it is like a second home. Callum's parents divorced shortly after his birth, and his father passed away from cancer when he was five years old. Corinthia has twin nieces and nephews, Gillian and William, both five years old, from Callum’s marriage.

Corinthia is close to older brother and often babysits Gillian and William, entertaining them for hours with her antics and tales of her outdoor adventures. She tends to clash with Wendy frequently due to personality differences, but otherwise enjoys spending time with her. She does not get along with her sister-in-law, Janine, who is convinced she is a menace.

The bulk of Corinthia’s friends at home are older boys in her neighborhood who explore with her, and much mischief often ensues. She has few girl friends at her primary school. Her closest female friend is her cousin and pen pal Angelica, 12, who lives in London.

An inquisitive and curious child, Corinthia grew up scrambling on rocks and trees of all sorts and getting into trouble with the neighborhood kids. She frequently spends her summer holidays camping in the Scottish Highlands with her family–and being positively eaten alive by midges. An avid reader and animal lover, she especially loves books about dinosaurs and nature. Before getting her Hogwarts letter, Corinthia wanted to be a veterinarian or paleontologist. She also likes writing poetry (especially haikus) and sketching in nature.

Corinthia is very friendly, but tends to be sarcastic and a bit literal. She excelled in primary school, particularly in the sciences (her favorite subject) and physical education. However, she occasionally got in trouble with authority figures for her snarky “peanut-gallery” commentary.

Corinthia was diagnosed with HSD (hypermobility spectrum disorder) and ADHD at age ten; she has astonishingly-flexible joints and is prone to hyperfocusing, restlessness, and verbal outbursts (“lack of a filter.”) Her family often describes her as sassy, tomboyish, and a bit of a show-off. Highly adventurous in the outdoors to a fault, Corinthia often overestimates the challenges and obstacles she faces, and more often than not ends up getting stuck. However, she is also resourceful, highly independent, and has very good survival skills from years of outdoor exploring. Per Callum, she’d likely do alright in a zombie apocalypse. Corinthia’s greatest fear is chickens due to an unpleasant incident that occurred at a petting zoo when she was six.

First Instance of Magic:
Corinthia discovered her magical abilities at age nine when camping in Gleann na Muice; after breaking her ankle and crying from the pain, she accidentally made a sapling grow several inches taller. This greatly impressed her niece and nephew, and she had to bribe them into secrecy by spending her allowance money on new bikes for their birthday. She hid the incident from the rest of her family until receiving her Hogwarts letter.
Complete (Lear) Oct 27

The fairies exchanged me for a human baby