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24 May 2024, 19:33
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name):Rowena Blackwood
School Year or Adult Level:First Year
Link to the character page:Here!
Character Special Race/Talent:Part Goblin
Application here:
Rowena grew up believing that she was born in one of the purest bloodlines in the wizarding world. Her parents, Thaddeus and Seraphine Blackwood found it really important to keep their lineage and heritage “pure”. Their house, the Blackwood manor, had for her always been a reminder of her ancestry, and how important their ancestry was to her parents. However, a deep family secret layed buried within her family's proud history, one which Rowena only recently discovered.
Thaddeus Blackwood, her father, was very strict and demanding, very proud of his lineage, but even he had secrets, one only a few knew of: Thaddeus was part goblin. His mother, Rowena’s grandmother, in her early years of adulthood, fell in love with a goblin during her time at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. This had been kept hidden from the public eyes, but hiding it, did not make the truth disappear.
Her father had always been a bit sharp, angular in features and had slightly pointed ears. Which could have given away his half breed being. Magically, her father had been formidable, and being able to speak the Goblin language, and a few other goblin traits, were to him, for sure a plus side of being half goblin.
Thaddeus was extremely disciplined, a great noble wizard, but somewhere slightly ashamed of his goblin being.

Rowena discovered her father's secret one stormy evening, much like the one that had sparked her own first burst of magic. Thaddeus, in a rare moment of being extremely emotional, he revealed the truth to his daughter, explaining the legacy of strength that she inherited. This revelation reshaped Rowena's understanding of her heritage, instilling in her a deeper sense of pride and complexity in her identity. For Rowena it was a bit of a shock, since, for all her life, she had thought her family were just pureblood, human wizards, but now, in this moment, she thought that her family might not be as pure as they pretended to be. Knowing now that she was part goblin, felt extremely surreal to her. What would be different? Would people notice it about her? Just like her father, she also had slightly pointed ears, but only now to her it felt like a concern? After discussing this with both her mother and her father, she realised that not being "pure" human, was not really a bad thing, and it shouldn't be either.
From that day forward, Rowena embraced not only her pureblood wizarding legacy but also the goblin blood that made her family unique. This dual heritage fueled her determination to excel, knowing she carried the strengths of both worlds within her.

Character Backstory:£

Rowena Blackwood was born in a lineage of pureblood wizards on a cold dark night on the 4th of June. She grew up in the Blackwood manor, in a small village close to edinburgh. Her parents Thaddeus and Seraphine Blackwood, were both two great wizards who were nestled deep into the wizarding community, who only wanted the best and the greatest for their little girl.
Early on, Rowena was thought to be great and prosperous, so she could keep up the great name of her family legacy. Her days were filled with tutorings in magical theory, potion making and the history of wizarding bloodlines. The Blackwoods helt great value to their purity in their bloodline, and found it very important for Rowena to honour her family’s traditions.

Physical Description
Rowena was a striking figure even at a young age. At eleven, she stood tall for her age with a slender yet athletic build, hinting at her love for outdoor activities like Quidditch. Her long brown hair fell in cascading waves down her back, often kept in elegant braids, with a nod in her family's colors. Her eyes were a piercing hazel brown, framed by long, dark lashes, and seemed to shimmer with an intensity that belied her years. These eyes were windows to her sharp intellect and fierce determination, often observing and analyzing the world around her with a maturity beyond her age. Her skin was fair and unblemished, a testament to her careful upbringing and the meticulous attention to detail instilled by her mother.

Rowena has always been tall for her age. She was build rather athletic, which hinted to her love for activities and sports, like Quidditch. Her long brown, wavy hair was mostly put in an elegant braid, with a nod that signified her Family’s colors. Her eyes were hazel brown, framed with long, dark lashes. Rowena was filled with intellect and determination, she loved to observe and analyze the world around her, signifying the fact that she was more mature than most of her age. Her skin was rather pail and fair. It was very important to her mother that Rowena helt attention and detail to her looks.

Mental Description
Rowena had always been very confident and curious. She was raised very strictly under the guidance of her parents. From a young age she had been strong disciplined and was committed to preforming the most excellent things. She was very aware of the expectations her parents put upon her. But despire the pressure, Rowena was naturally very curious, and always wanted to gian more knowledge, so often she would sneak out into the library, or into the Edinburgh village to learn more about the muggle world, and their lifestyle.

Rowena ofton lay in conflict with herself, since she was very pressured by her parents to preform their will, but never pushed to do what she really wanted to do. She wanted to gian knowledge for herself, and not just for the Blackwoods name. Rowena had a strong sense of justice, and wasnt planned on letting that down, just because of what her parents thought was right for her.

First Instance of Magic:
When Rowena was six years old, she had her first instance of magic. It was a very stormy evening, just like the one the night she was born. Her father had been very harsh that day, when Rowena had made a mistake during on of her study lessons. Rowena herself had been very emotional, angry, scared, frustrated, and so decided to spend time in the library.
Rowena’s emotions started to blend in with the stormy weather outside, the heavier the storm went, the heavier Rowena’s feelings started to show. In frustration, she started crying, and suddenly she let out a loud cry of anger, and once she opened her eyes, she saw that all the candles in the library, including the one’s in the hallway, had lid up. Her father who was just on his way to the library to talk to his daughter, ran inside to see what had happened.
Right after her father had entered, her mother entered the library as well. Soon they realised what had happened. Their eyes were filled with pride, because this meant that Rowena, could one day maybe become a great wizard. From that day on, her parents were very determined to prepare Rowena as good as possible for her upcoming journey. At 11 she would be attending Hogwarts, which could lead to her becoming a potential excellent witch.
Status: Closed, Dusana, 26 May

This is a duplicate application due to misunderstanding of applying for race. Copied the race portion to the original application. Closing this app.

24 May 2024, 23:40
Index Registration
Character Name: Marcellus-Eros Flores
School Year or Adult Level: 1st
Link to character page: Character Page
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 9
ArcPower: 9
Accuracy: 2
Character Backstory:
Born in the summer of July 2nd, a baby boy was born to a young woman named Christine Flores, she named him Marcellus-Eros but affectionately called him Marcel/Eros.

Christine was born in Madrid to a pure blood mother and father along with three siblings, but she was sent to live with her grandparents in England because he parents wanted her to go to Hogwarts, where she was sorted into Slytherin.

After she'd graduated from Hogwarts she'd moved back home to Madrid where she met the love of her life, Everett Amadeus, a Roman born muggle with habit of running into trouble. The witch and the muggle were practically conjoined by the hip, whenever one was somewhere the other wouldn't be far behind.

After she'd pursued a relationship with Everett her mother refused to speak to her, she didn't want muggle blood tainting their family but Christine was blinded by her love for the muggle, she'd even ignored his faults. The faults that would one day be too obvious for her to ignore.

Christine was in love and when she'd found out she was pregnant, she was ecstatic but her lover didn't share the same enthusiasm and to put it bluntly, he left. Marcel's grandmother, Clarisse Flores, had been happy to hear the news of her daughter's pregnancy and had quickly forgotten her anger at her daughter's relationship with the absent muggle but she always mentioned it in future arguments.

Christine fell into a deep depression and she'd even contemplated giving the baby up for adoption but once she looked into the baby's green, she couldn't let him go. After giving birth to Marcel, she'd chosen to move to England and open her own bakery but this time, it was her and the best thing in her life, a dramatic but adorable baby named Marcellus.

Marcel's mother was born into a wealthy family which made the moving process go on smoothly, he'd been uncomfortable at the sudden change in environment but other than the discomfort he'd been content with the change. His mother had opened her bakery a few years after the move but there was no shortage of love and affection from her, he was always right by his mother's side, helping her bake with a smile on his face.

After he'd turned 6, his mother met a wizard named Daniel Fairfield and even he'd seen that they had a lot in common, he'd spent anytime Daniel visited trying to matchmake the two of them. Time passed and soon his mother and Daniel were married, but his mother had chosen to keep her last name, which was a decision Daniel had respected.

Marcel had found himself fast friends with Daniel twins from his first marriage, Belle and Joshua. Marcel and his new siblings were a mischievous force to be reckoned with, their tutors had to keep the three of them quite a distance away from each other to prevent mishaps and pranks.

Marcel was the only one of the children who wanted to participate in sports, his mother and stepfather supported his decision, and signed him up for multiple sports. He had somehow convinced them to get a puppy who he named Dove because of its pure white fur, Dove became his best friend and favorite family member. He was disappointed when his mother said he couldn't take Dove to Hogwarts but he perked up once she told him he would be able to get one to take to Hogwarts from Diagon Alley.

He was a rather popular kid thanks to his kindness and habit of "picking up strays" but he was a sore loser and had a nasty temper which made most of the adults in the neighborhood be very distrustful of him, not that he was cared. Out of everything he's ever been happy about, nothing can compare to the day he got his Hogwarts letter, he could finally go to Hogwarts with the twins after all.

First Instance of Magic:
His first instance of magic wasn't very exciting but it was at the very least something. Two-year-old Marcel wanted to get his toy car off the shelf but he was unfortunately too small and just when he was about to give up and go find another toy, it started floating off of the shelf and into his hilariously outstretched arms.
STATUS: Approved, Argento 29/05

25 May 2024, 07:03
Index Registration
Character name: Audrey Gallant
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to character page: here
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5, Evasion: 6, Strength: 5, Wisdom: 7, Arcane Power: 6, Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:
On the day of 11 November 2011, Audrey Margaret Gallant, a half-blood female, was born in the middle of the night. She never knew that she was a half-blood until one day she saw her mother waving something and reciting the words "Reparo!" The broken glass plates on the floor, as if by magic, restored back to its original shape. Audrey was so shocked that she fainted on the spot with a thump. It was then she realised how she was different from other people, and how that there was more than just science and maths.

Raised by a Muggle father (William Gallant) and a wizard mother (Margaret Falcons), she was born as the second child of the Gallant family. She had an older brother named Percy and a younger sister named Andre. She seems to have a strange connection with her younger sister, both to be born on this magical day: the 11th of November. The Gallant family lives in an old hut near Hogsmeade, though their so-called 'house' could be quite small at the time. Her brother is 13, and a Gryffindor.

Before arriving at Hogwarts, she had never thought that magic really exists. It sounds ridiculous to her when it was mentioned by his brother, Percy. Being brought up as an 80% Muggle and 20% Half-blood, she felt that the word 'magic' sounds too much for her to handle. She's quite stubborn at some times because unless it had any scientifical or mathematical reason, she just couldn't process it. Her head would be blanked out and she'll start making assumptions and thesis statements until her brain finds a legitimate answer.

First Instance of Magic:
At the age of 10 and a half, she was playing hide-and-seek with her sister, Andre near her Muggle friend's house, Lily. As her sister eagerly said that she wanted to be the seeker, Audrey and Lily began to run away. Unfortunately, the time went by a little too fast for Audrey, and she heard a deafening noise of "Here I come!" just as she started to go.

Sure, Audrey did what other children would do - ran. It was just that she needed to do it. I’m certainly not going to lose by a person that’s younger than me, she thought, Would the others laugh at me for not being quick enough?

Suddenly, as though extra legs had been sprouted on her, she shot into the living room like a bullet. Within a few seconds, the noise of her sisters footsteps were gone. Ah, that was close, she thought, wiping sweat from her face. At that time, she did not know that her first instance of magic came and went.
STATUS: Pending, Argento 29/05
Your First Instance of Magic is too strong for a 10 and half years old child. Please write something that is not so strong as bloating a cat and making it fly as a balloon.
STATUS: Pending, Argento 31/05
- Your First Instance of Magic seems intentional. And changing hair colors is still strong magic. Please find something that is not that strong.
- Please make the edits in your Ency as well.
Pending Follow-up - Lear June 5
Can you please owl me with your previous instance of magic. In 1993, Potter lost control of his magic when Marge Dursley insulted his late parents; his anger caused her to magically inflate. Inflating a cat would be possible, maybe not in conjunction with something else but at least the inflating. The hair color change instance is a common one but there might be additional context regarding it being too strong or this might have just been a purposeful display. Being very sad and having a *temporary* change of hair color for example is considered acceptable. With your present one, the pillow-landing is fine, however we are going to need an explanation for why someone pushed you out a second-story window and tried to murder you...

When you make edits, please message Argento specifically so that your Index can be reviewed in a timely manner. Otherwise, it can get lost because we get new requests daily.
STATUS: Pending, Argento 10/06
- Waiting for them to make the edits as per Lear's instructions above.
Last edited by Audrey Gallant on 15 Jun 2024, 08:25, edited 3 times in total.

Do what is nice, not what is necessary, for kindness and compassion make life merry.

25 May 2024, 20:04
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Margaret Lucy Adamson
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: Encyclopedia
Character Statistics: stamina: 3|evasion: 6|strength: 6|wisdom: 9| arcane power: 4|accuracy: 7
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:
Margaret was born on the 11th of June in London, to Cecilia and Simon Adamson. Both her parents were lawyers, and their busy lifestyles didn't seem to align with parenthood at first. So, Margaret and her sister Agnes grew up in Portscatho, with her Nana and Papa. Although she missed them quite a lot, her fondest memories were in that house by the beach. In the summer, they'd wake up right as the sun rose to dip their toes in the fresh waters. She remembered the distinct smell of the harbor, and the waves rhythmically crashing onto the shore. With her sister she'd build the most magnificent of castle, ruling the beach for just an instant. When Papa died, Agnes and her went back to Knightsbridge in London and for a while all she wanted was to go back to the sea.
The apartment was nice, smaller than she remembered. Now that she was older, she could start to truly appreciate the city. Sure, it would never equal the tranquility of the waves, but the sounds of cars and the gentle glow of the street lights soon became familiar to her. You could be anyone and no one here, the opportunities seemed endless and at arms reach. She spent a lot of time with her sister and mother, wandering in the parks, enjoying the bustling streets, discovering the most unique shops to buy trinkets from.

Their parents would take them back to the coast during the summers, and Margaret couldn't help but feel more at home there. All summer long her sister and her would run to the beach as soon as they woke up, racing into the waves. Nana would make lunch and they'd eat in the shade, their hair still wet and salty, dripping onto their shoulders. They'd ride their bikes all afternoon, stopping to pick up rocks or flowers. The days there seemed eternal, the sun never setting. Agnes and her would dread the day they'd see their mother's car parked in front of the house, meaning school was about to start again, the days would get shorter and the air colder.
First Instance of Magic:
On her 9th birthday, Margaret had woken up to the soft light cast indirectly into her room, quite soft since it had rained all night. There was something she loved about the rain in the city, perhaps the smell of the wet asphalt or the calming fog settling itself onto the buildings. But that also meant she wasn't going to witness the richness of nature under a golden ray of sun. Before going to bed, she had placed all her watercolor equipment neatly on her desk. Her little wooden easel, the tiny canvas that fit onto it, three brushes, and her special watercolor box, so small it could fit into her pockets. Her mother had agreed to take her to the park without her sister for her to paint calmly, but she wouldn't take her in this weather. She closed her eyes as hard as she could, perhaps it would stop raining then, in vain. She let out short sigh of frustration and sat at her desk. She opened the box, dipped her brush in water and started to paint what she wished to see. A beautiful countryside, shy clouds in the distance, and umbrella stuck in a tree. Perhaps the rain and the wind brought it here. Before she could continue, she had to change her water, she'd hate for the sky to take on a greenish tint. As she came back, she noticed the strangest thing, the umbrella had disappeared. She stared at her painting for a few seconds, wondering if she was going mad. No, there had been an umbrella, right there. Her eyes scanned every corner of the canvas. Wait. There it is. On the ground. Is it... moving?. Yes, yes it is. It seems like the wind is rolling it further and further. Margaret watched as the umbrella slowly rolled out of frame, as is she had never painted it in the first place. Her painting came to life, the wind rustling in the leaves, the grass dancing in the breeze.
STATUS: Pending, Argento 29/05
You are missing the age of your First Instance of Magic.
Follow-up PendingJune 5 (Lear)
I was about to Index you when I noticed that your trunk has tables in it. We do not allow tables in trunks because the code can break and when we used to be kinder regarding this, players would make amendments without updating the code and expect us to spend the (sometimes hours) time repairing their code for them. So we do not allow tables in trunks, no exceptions. I am sorry if this was here when your character was previously reviewed, this needs to be changed before we can approve your character for Index and change your trunk over to GM.

Also, smallest font size they except in the trunk is 100. We have old eyes.

When you make this edit, please message Argento specifically to increase the response time. We get new applications daily so we do not regularly check back on previous pages so your app may get lost.
Last edited by Margaret Adamson on 31 May 2024, 10:58, edited 1 time in total.

27 May 2024, 01:41
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Violeta Roux
School Year or Adult Level: first
Link to the character page: xxx (a mess rn)
Character Statistics: stamina. 7 | evasion. 4 | strength. 3 | wisdom. 6 | arcpower. 2 | accuracy. 8
Character Special Race/Talent: parselmouth, application:
The Roux family had many secrets, and one of the thousands of them was Violeta's grandfather. He was a mysterious man indeed, very clever and even hid many things from the people closest to him. Some members of her family told her he never actually existed and he was just a myth to scare the young members of her family.

However, Violeta knew he was real, he was real, but her father never muttered a word about him. Whenever she asked, he would come up with stupid excuses, which were obviously lies. Even though her parents never spoke of him, she found a book, a journal to be more specific, written by this apparently, cold and mysterious man in the shelves of the family manor.

She hid the journal deep in her room and read it all, obviously it took a long time to understand his odd handwriting and secret codes he wrote in the bottom of the journal, but she still studied it and she was still studying it, coming into Hogwarts.

One of her many discoveries was that her grandfather was actually a Parselmouth, but he had hidden his talent from his very own family. Of course, she did not know much about his life as a Parselmouth, because she hadn't figured that part yet. The odd thing was that his handwriting switched, so people couldn't understand it, only himself.

One day, Violeta was inside her room, sketching a new invention. She was home alone, so only their house elf, Rosie, was there. She was just cleaning the rooms, since they had only moved recently, and there were still boxes around.

The girl wasn't allowed to go outside without supervision, because there was a small lake near, and she could swim, but her parents were afraid she would drown.

Still, she ran outside when Rosie was too distracted with her cleaning, and she started playing, full of energy. Then, she looked behind her and there was a snake coming near her. She was deeply scared of snakes, and she knew her neighbor had a pet snake, so she assumed it was his.

It was coming nearer and nearer, until it was about a few centimeters close. She couldn't move or run, she just froze, until a small scream came out of her mouth. "Stop!" she said, but there was something wrong... she spoke in a language she never knew she could speak, until she noticed Rosie standing there, frozen. "Y-you're l-l-like h-h-him..." was the last thing she could remember.

After the incident, and calming the house elf down, Violeta told everything to her mother, which she just laughed and said it was a dream, until she told her father, which looked at her horrified. He wouldn't speak to her for weeks, until one day they sat down and he told her that she was a Parselmouth, meaning she could speak to snakes.

Then, she thought of her grandfather, thinking of what else she had in common with him, she knew she wasn't a cold and mysterious person, but maybe she looked like him when he was her age. Despite the journal and the answers she had, she hoped she would find more things about her grandfather at Hogwarts,.

Character Backstory: Violeta Isadora Roux was born to a pure-blooded mother and a pure-blooded father, she and is the middle sibling, along with her two sisters, which are her also her twin sisters Angelina and Katrina, having an older sister, Cassidy, and a younger brother, Daniel. Cassidy was two years old when the triplets was born, and Daniel was born a year after Violet. Violeta wasn't very close with Cassidy and Angel, but she was very close to Daniel, Kati and her cousin, Hunter. They always played together when they were younger, and now, even though they didn't see each other much, they were best friends.

They lived in a three floor Victorian house, which was the perfect family home, to Vi at least, her family also really liked it, but never as much as Violet, she would be really upset if they ever moved homes, once again. Before her family lived in England, they lived in California, in Palo Alto, but owned a farmhouse which they often travelled to in the weekends. The farmhouse was in Texas, and Violet loved it there. Her parents still owned the farmhouse, but they sold their house in California. The family moved to England so they could be closer to other family members, and her father could get a better job.

Hunter was her father's brother's son, so he was pure-blooded, and he was surrounded with magic from a very young age, once, like Violeta, so they spent a lot of time together growing up. His parents had gone to Ilvermorny like her parents which both went to the school, even though her mother was a Thunderbird, her father a Horned Serpent, and her older sister a Slytherin.

Her father was born to a pure-blood family, but they weren't blood-purists, they attended pure-blood balls, but they never were blood purists, and believed in equality, and the girl also believed this. Violet was much closer to her fathers side of the family, her mothers side would come visit even now and then, but it was not the same as her fathers side. They were extremely close, or at least she thought so.

Violeta is American, and she moved to England almost four years before she started attending Hogwarts. Her sister had her first instance of magic when she was ten years old. Her parents thought she would not have a first instance, but she did, being able to attend Hogwarts, and not Ilvermorny, like her parents.
First Instance of Magic: When Vi was about eight years old, she was very sick, sneezing and lying in bed with a fever. This was very normal for her mother, since she was a former healer and she took care of her.

When the girl woke up from resting, she sneezed and instead of normal things coming out of her nose, bubbles came out of her nose. Violet started laughing, a lot, so loud that her mother came to check on her.

Her mother knew what it was, Vi's first instance of magic. Her own first instance of magic was something very similar to her daughter's, but instead of bubbles, there was ink. Her mother started laughing too. She did nothing to stop it, she knew her daughter was a witch.
Status: Approved | May 30 (Phaedra)

27 May 2024, 19:59
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Natalie Anderson
School Year or Adult Level: 1st-Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=32648
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 8
Evasion: 8
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 4
ArcPower: 8
Accuracy: 4

Character Special Race/Talent: Human. No talent at present; attempting to register for a first-year ability.
Character Backstory:
Nat was born just outside of Gloucestershire, which is a town in England, to two English parents. She lived in Gloucestershire for her entire life (thus-far). As she was born to two magical parents, she was homeschooled. Her mother did a lot of her homeschooling, partially because her father was busy working from home in the field of potions as a part-time freelancer, part-time hire. Nat's father's parents were muggles. Because of her father's muggleborn status, she knew a small amount about the muggle world prior to attending Hogwarts, but nowhere near as much as a half-blood or muggleborn witch would know. She did not talk to her grandfather a lot, and her grandmother only marginally more often, hence her not being too connected to the muggle world. Meanwhile, her mother's parents were both magical. Her mother's mother attended Hogwarts while her mother's father attended Durmstrang. On this side, Nat barely got to know her grandfather, but was close to her grandmother, connecting her ever-more to the magical world before going to Hogwarts. Nat's parents had both attended Hogwarts, giving her a certain love and respect for the school before coming there. Nat had a brother two years younger than herself who had yet to have his first instance of magic at the start of Nat's magical tale. He was anxiously awaiting it when Nat had hers, and still was when she went off to Hogwarts for the first time.

First Instance of Magic:
At about nine-and-a-half, she accidentally made her family's old housecat float up toward the ceiling. She is forever grateful that her first instance wasn't too traumatizing. Fortunately, cats have nine lives, and he landed right back on his feet, albeit confused as to why he had been floating toward the ceiling. She was thankful that her parents taught her how to think about magic-casting, so she was able to practice self-control--to an extent--after her first instance of magic, prior to attending Hogwarts.

Status: Approved | May 30 (Phaedra)
Last edited by Natalie Anderson on 28 May 2024, 00:43, edited 2 times in total.

Perfectionist | Accuracy: 4 | Arcane Power: 8 | Evasion: 8 | Stamina: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 4

27 May 2024, 22:39
Index Registration
Character name: Alya Briar

School Year or Adult Level: First Year

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=988216#p988216

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 6
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 8
Arcane Power: 6
Accuracy: 7

Character Special Race/Talent: Human, applying for Charmer

Character Backstory:

Alya is a mixed race wizard. Her mother comes from Russia and her father was born in Ipswich. Her home life involved going to a muggle school in Ipswich and learning about magic from her parents while she was at home. She has a good relationship with her parents but spent most of her time at home with friends.

Alya grew up running around the streets and fields and forests of Ipswich with her friends, both magical and muggle alike-although she made sure to be excessively normal around the muggle ones. With them she went fishing around the many ponds and bogs, catching all sorts of unnamed frogs and bugs, and exploring around abandoned caves a bit out of Ipswich. She played quite a bit of football with her muggle friends. She also helped her mother with the gardening and has a quite a collection of plants.

First Instance of Magic:
Alya’s first instance of wandless magic was at age 6 when she was in her garden. She had been waiting for some plants to go from being buds to flowers for almost a week at that point and she got very angry at them. She started shouting and pointing at them and then suddenly all the buds burst into flames, with little fiery butterflies fluttering around them. When the flames subsided the buds had blossomed into fully grown flowers, with a slight difference. Their petals were constantly wreathed with fire, even though they didn’t burn away.
Status: Pending | Owled May 30 (Phaedra)
Reason: Your backstory must reach 220 words not including the first instance of magic. Please expand on your character's backstory. Some questions that can be answered; what do her parents do for a living? What was her life like at home? Who are some of her pre-Hogwarts friends? You have a great foundation to just expand a bit more on.

28 May 2024, 05:30
Index Registration
Character name: Alexandria Clark
School Year: First
Link to the character page: here
Character Statistics: Stamina | 6
Strength | 6
Evasion | 5
Wisdom | 7
Arc Power | 5
Accuracy | 6
Character Backstory:
Alexandria comes from a very wealthy and long line of Purebloods. Her Father's side of the family originates from Greece and her Mother's from England. Both of her parents, Michael and Reyna, attended Hogwarts which is where they first met. Both of her parents were Ravenclaw and met in their first year. They began dating in their fifth year and got married just two years after graduating from Hogwarts. Alex and her family live in a large mansion in the small town of Thornton-Le-Clay, England with her grandparents on her father's side. The mansion has been home to two generations of the Clark family before them. Alex has no siblings but she does have a pet cat named Valkyrie who she's had since she was six. She's very close with her grandmother, who has taught her a lot about her current hobbies, such as cooking and painting. She and her grandmother, Helen, would often sit in the garden and paint the landscape before Alex left for Hogwarts. Her grandparents basically raised Alexandria since her parents were so busy with work all the time, her father being an auror and her mother being the owner of a very successful company. Her grandfather, Linus, homeschooled her until she started at Hogwarts, he taught her all she knows, and even taught her to speak Greek, which she is nearly fluent in now. Alex's parents hold her to very high standards, expecting her to excel in her academic life and become well-known and successful, fulfilling her duty as a member of the Clark family.

First Instance of Magic:
Alex's first instance of magic came when she was 9 years old while she was listening to music. She was bored and she looked at her stuffed animal. All of a sudden it started to float, but then it fell as soon as she looked away. Alexandria was very confused, so she ran downstairs to ask her grandmother what was going on. The moment she explained what happened, her grandmother's eyes lit up and she called her parents into the kitchen. Both of her parents were extremely pleased with the news that she was a witch.

Status: Pending | Owled May 30 (Phaedra)
Reason: Your stat point total adds up to 36. First-year humans start with 35 points. Please deduct 1 stat point away from any category of your choosing.
Status: Approved | May 30 (Phaedra)

“If you don't believe in any kind of magic, or mystery, basically, (you're) as good as dead.”

31 May 2024, 10:15
Index Registration
Character Name ~
Aria Woods
School Year ~
Link to The Character Page ~
Character Statistics ~
Stamina ~ 5 ¤ Evasion ~ 7 ¤ Strength ~ 4 ¤ Wisdom ~ 8 ¤ Arcane Power ~ 6 ¤ Accuracy ~ 5
Character Backstory ~
Aria was born in a Muggle hospital in Galway on June 13, 2012. Her father, Alexander, is a Muggle, but her mother, Claire, is a witch. Unfortunately, she is an only child, but they have two pets at home: a dog, Nirko, a Hungarian Vizsla, and her mother's owl named Aeris.

With her parents, she spent every weekend playing hide-and-seek and doing her homework in the family home with their pets. And yes, her parents, not being sure she would become a witch, enrolled her in a Muggle school where she made a few friends. Her friends name was Ella, Emy and Eric.

Her father is a dentist and runs his own dental practice. He has so much time with his daughter. Her mother, Claire, runs a shop for magical pet food like Miamhibou ! Her parents are very loving towards her, and they often visited Aria's grandparents. When her parents were not available on weekends, the brunette always went to her grandparents' house, sometimes on her father's side, sometimes on her mother's side.

At 8 years old, her first magical incident occurred. Aria had just broken her favorite toy, a little horse. She couldn't control her sadness, aand it is causing a slight tremor that made a few objects fall from their shelves like a frame, a frying pan and a few books throughout the house.

Status: Pending (Meenauh, 31.05.2024)
Everything is good, but you don't really need the second magic occurrence, the one you listed at 3 or 4 years — it's not clear, because you didn't say how exactly it happened, what you felt, etc. Please, edit it out and expand your application (either more details about yourself, or biography, or magic occurrence with the toys) to reach 220 words after you remove the second instance.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 05.06.2024)
Last edited by Aria Woods on 5 Jun 2024, 04:39, edited 1 time in total.

RP color : #3e7b3d

3 Jun 2024, 03:15
Index Registration
Character name: Jess McLeod
School Year: Year 1
Link to character page: viewtopic.php?t=32710
Character Statistics:
Stamina 2 | Evasion 9 | Strength 1 | Wisdom 7 | Arcane power 7 | Accuracy 9
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
Jess McLeod was born in Richmond, Greater London at 3:41am on the 12th November 2011, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces, to two loving parents, Abigail McLeod (muggleborn from Waikanae, New Zealand) and Guillaume Dumas (half-blood from Nancy, France). Going against tradition, Abigail did not take on Guillaume's second name, and after just a few weeks in the world, it was decided that Jess would take her mother's surname, 'McLeod', as a testament to her immediately-evident 'Scottish strength'. Jess' middle name, 'Marceline', was given in recognition of Guillaume's sister, who at the time was very close with her brother.

During the early years of her life, Jess was blessed with a perfect family dynamic. The relative proximity of Guillaume's close family (mother, father and sister), who had lived in South London since he was a child, allowed for frequent visits and bonding, and so every Sunday a Roast would be hosted at their home, and Jess enjoyed being spoiled by her adoring aunt and grandparents. Given all of these interactions, Jess soon learned to speak French fluently, a skill she truly cherished. Despite the considerable distance between the three-person McLeod family and Abigail's muggle family, Abigail taught her husband how to use wireless technology so that video calls could be set up each way and, in order to counter the issue of magical interference, Abigail spent weeks building a magic-free shed by hand, right at the bottom of their garden. As well as this, every few months, they travelled out to New Zealand to spend precious time as a family.

There is no doubt that having a Quidditch beater for a mother made a huge impact on Jess. Guillaume would often take Jess to watch her mother play for her team, and she grew to adore the sport, always in awe of her mother's sheer power and determination. Jess particularly loved travelling by Floo to and from the matches, as they would often be hosted far from their London residence. At home, Abigail was often tired from training, but Jess relentlessly begged to practice flying on her mother's Firebolt, and so Guillaume would play catch with Jess on the broom in their backyard while Abigail watched, a welcome reprieve from the intense sport. Every now and then, Abigail would find Jess wearing her mother's large Quidditch jersey, in which she paraded around the house, imagining herself walking out in front of cheering crowds.

Guillaume's interests were not always fascinating to Jess. In the evenings, he would spend hours in front of a telescope, examining the constellations, but Jess, who like her mother preferred constant activity, found it to be far too mind-numbing. However, one night, Jess spotted a shooting star while lying in the garden with her father, and was astounded by the way he could so easily explain the inner workings of the sky. Soon, the curious 5-year-old would not stop asking questions, eventually badgering poor Guillaume to the point where Abigail had to distract her with her Firebolt. While Jess may not have understood what she saw through the telescope, she recognised the profound beauty of the boundless expanse of space. From her embracement of this newfound hobby came Guillaume's affectionate nickname for Jess, 'my little neutron star'.

The passing of Abigail came as a shock to everyone. While she had been on a Quidditch tour in Japan, Abigail was ambushed by a wild Kappa, and with neither cucumber nor time to trick the beast into bowing, Abigail suffered a rare and gruesome death. Her mother had always asked for a traditional muggle funeral, and so when it was held in Abigail's home town of Waikanae in New Zealand, the then-7 year old Jess tearfully performed one of her mother's favourite songs from her muggle childhood, "Where Is Love?". By the end of the piece, the entire congregation was weeping.

Despite Jess' maturity and apparent fortitude following the tragedy, it took a toll on her mental health. Often, in uncomfortable or stressful situations, Jess would begin to hyperventilate, spiralling into a state of anxiety as she struggled with the hole in her heart, created by the loss of her mother. Late at night after these incidents, she would stay awake, questioning her integrity and experiencing feelings of intense inadequacy - subconsciously, her greatest fear was not making her mother proud. Fortunately, Guillaume was by her side at all times, and they battled the grief together, growing ever closer as they recalled their favourite moments with her mother. Abigail's oversized Quidditch jersey became Jess' most prized possession, and she wore it proudly for any and all important occasions.

Abigail's death distinctly changed the family dynamic. While it seemed to unite Guillaume and Abigail's family during their stay in New Zealand, the same could not be said for Guillaume's family. During one of their usual Sunday lunches, Marceline, Jess' aunt, accused Abigail of having been an absent mother, too distracted with her career aspirations to allow Guillaume to find himself. Guillaume was infuriated, shocked that anyone could say a word against his late wife, and while Marceline claimed her accusation came from caring for her brother, the argument escalated, with both of Jess' grandparents joining to defend Marceline. Finally, her grandfather claimed that, having been a muggleborn, Abigail should have let Guillaume take the lead, at which point Guillaume grabbed Jess and stormed from the house. Any contact with her aunt and grandparents was stopped indefinitely.

Despite Guillaume's starkly-different upbringing, both he and Abigail agreed on the need for Jess to attend primary school at some point, if only for a while. For preschool, year 1 and year 2, Abigail and Guillaume were able to share the task of teaching Jess basic English, Maths and History of Magic in their spare time, but after Abigail's death, Guillaume's obligations at the Ministry as an employee in the Department of Magical Games and Sports meant there was no one to teach or supervise Jess during the day, and so from year 3, Jess spent her time excelling at a French primary school.

Jess was intrigued by the muggle understanding of human biology, especially once she had learnt from her father how brittle muggle bones were. In Year 4, Jess joined the Rugby team, which she loved for its similarities with Quidditch, as well as her Kiwi cousins' obsession with the sport.

One issue that was overlooked was Jess' relationships with her classmates. Over the years, Jess made friends with several people in her year, but the problem began at the suggestion of a playdate. While Jess could happily go to her friends' houses, the Statute of Magical Secrecy became a big barrier in allowing her friends to come over in return. Jess often found that her friendships were weakened by her inability to reciprocate a house invitation, and she cried in Guillaume's arms when one of her closer friends, Felix, told her she was selfish and mean for never letting him come over for a playdate. Eventually, Guillaume decided that one solution to this isolation would be the purchase of a device for Jess to use to communicate with her friends, and so for her 11th birthday, Guillaume bought Jess her own iPhone. It was a complicated task for Guillaume, who despite all the teaching from his wife, could not get to grips with muggle technology, but Jess was endlessly grateful for his effort. From then on, Jess could call her friends in her mother's hand-built shed all the time, and she and Felix became best friends.
First Instance of Magic: At the age of just 4, on an Easter visit to her mother's family in New Zealand, Jess was pulled underwater by a strong current while at the beach in Waikanae. After a long thirty seconds, in which her parents searched frantically for her, Jess skipped jovially out of the sea, her mouth and nose surrounded by a bubble. This was just the first example of Jess' future talent for magic, and just about everything that she tried.

STATUS: Pending, Ruby, June 3
Some things need to be fixed before I can add you to the index:
  • As part of the required information, you need to state your character's age in your encyclopedia.
  • Your backstory must be the same on your encyclopedia and your application. Please copy them over so they are the same.
  • When you do, you can say your character's mother is a professional beater, but please leave the team unspecified. This is because there are limited positions on each canon team and we would have to keep track of everyone who claims that they have a relative on a team.
  • Electronics malfunction around magic. Please consider whether your character's household would primarily be using household magic (more info here) or whether they would try to keep the household entirely magic-free and amend your backstory accordingly. Please note that since brooms are magical items, even having that near Muggle technology would cause it to malfunction. If you need help figuring out how to make your goals for the family still work, don't hesitate to owl me. This link may also be helpful.
  • Please remove the mention of the "exceptional wandless Bubble Head Charm". Accidental magic is not the same as casting a spell; it is unintentional.
STATUS: Approved, Ruby, June 4

"Mon petite étoile à neutrons"
Stamina 2 | Evasion 9 | Strength 1 | Wisdom 7 | Arcane power 7 | Accuracy 9
RP colour: #C49735 | Encyclopedia