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7 May 2024, 04:40
Index Registration
Character name: Indigo Grant
School Year: 1
Link to the character page: Here
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 8
Evasion: 7
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 3
ArcPower: 6

Character Talent: Obnoxiously Strong

Character Backstory:
Born to Amaya and Ryan Grant on January 3rd, 2012, Indigo was a happy, bright child. They grew up on their family's Farm, helping grow and tend to crops and animals. They spent their free time exploring the nearby woods with Their Uncle, Grayson Smith. Now, they are near-sighted and do have glasses, however, they often forget to wear them, and leave them in sometimes the most random of places, while it may be possible to heal this condition, Amaya, Ryan, and Grayson never saw the point, as it never seemed to impact Indigo much, if at all.
They were eight when their Father put them on a work-out schedule, after all, it takes quite a bit to be in well enough shape to work on a farm, and it's far safer to build that strength than to have them get hurt trying to do it all at once.
They were ten when they figured out they were nonbinary. At the park, they met a teen who was also nonbinary, and Indigo was curious, like most children, they asked questions, and when that teen explained it to them, how they figured out what it was, what it felt like, Indigo realized that felt like them, a sort of... disconnect from their gender assigned at birth, even discomfort. but not necessarily liking being thought of as a boy either. There was this sort of... numb shock that Indigo felt when they finally realised what it was... but also a sense of relief, that they weren't alone, that it was something other people felt too. It took them a few days to tell their family of their discovery, but when they did, they were met with open arms, literally, and a lot of ice cream. It took them even longer to figure out their new name.
Four months later, They were knitting with their mother, and saw a new color of wool, they asked their mother about it, and She told them that the color was called Indigo, it became their favorite color, and they used it for practically everything they made. Their Uncle eventually started teasingly calling them Indigo, once they overheard him calling them that, they excitedly ran up to him, jumping up and down, and simply said that was it, that was them.

First Instance of Magic:
I was 'helping' my Uncle herd our cattle(in the way that five years olds think they're helping, but they're really not.) and I tripped, scraping my hands and knees, I started bawling, my uncle rushed over to heal me, but found my magic had already done it.
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, May 15

7 May 2024, 14:13
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Zephyr Hayes

School Year or Adult Level: First Year

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=32410

Character Statistics:

Character Backstory:
Zephyr Hayes was born in Dublin, Ireland to their Wizard father and Muggle mother. Zephyrs early childhood included lots of encounters with magical creatures hence their fathers job as a magizoologist. Their mother is a secondary school teacher and teaches English. Their mother has always loved magic before she knew it was real. When she found out her boyfriend(now husband of 15 years) was a wizard, she was elated. When Zephyr was born, she was happy, but soon found out that if her child was a witch, then it might be hard to hide it from family members. Zephyrs mother is pretty distant, but sweet and helpful when she isn't busy grading papers or reading books to show to her class. Zephyrs father loves to spend time with his children and is very playful and funny. Zephyrs little brother loves animals, especially dinosaurs and dragons. Zephyr isn't very close with him, but they will sometimes play board games and dinosaurs. Zephyr did football for a few years and was pretty good. They've always wanted to do quidditch but weren't able to since they were too young. They have won several games and have a few trophies in their room at home. They used to go to quidditch games with their father, and once met one of the beaters of their favorite team. From then on, they knew they wanted to be a beater. Their little brother still doesn't have a concept of the wizarding world, and tells his friends that his dad is a wizard. His teachers laugh and shrug it off since he is only four, and their parents hope that he stops telling people once he's older, because they'll think he's either crazy or conspiracy theorists might get nosy. Zephyr once told their friends that they were a witch when they were 5, and their friend tried to get them to levitate a table. They didn't of course, since they hadn't gotten magic yet. Their friend laughed and didn't believe them, so Zephyr never told anyone else, especially since they now knew not to tell.

First Instance of Magic:
Zephyr knew they were probably going to be a witch or wizard, but they didn't really think much of it, and went on with their normal life at muggle school and did muggle activities like football. One day when they were 9, during football practice they fell over and scraped their knee. Before they could ask the teacher for help, the wound healed on its own. They fainted once they saw. That night their parents let them go to their favorite restaurant as a celebration.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 16
Last edited by Zephyr Hayes on 14 May 2024, 13:11, edited 1 time in total.

7 May 2024, 16:19
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Tommy Patterson
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=979903#p979903
Character Statistics:
Character Special Race/Talent: Seer

History/Background Story


Tommy grew up in a family that was by wizarding standards of high achievers for non-purebloods. The family would often claim that they deserved to be at the pure bloods, but could never prove this claim. Given their high pressure, they would often prod Tommy, trying to force his first instance of magic. All this did was put strain and stress on Tommy as he wondered prior to the even if he was even capable of magic and what would happen if he was not. Social life was not much better as Tommy marched to the beat of his own drum. He had issues fitting in with other children. Often being picked last in games and mocked for his "odd" behaviour (which he still does not understand as odd) by other children in his neighbourhood.

Tommy's hobbies growing up were not like other children. He would sometimes pretend to be a muggle born. He knew very little of muggle born in general and thought that they spoke with what he considered an accent that he would often mimic to the children in the neighbourhood. This caused the children to laugh at what he thought was a joke, but was really at him. The extent to which Tommy overused this joke has caused him to develop a strange way of talking that to this day he wonders if it is a habit or just the nature in which he speaks.

Character Special Race/Talent: Human Seer


Although there hasn't been one in many generations, Tommy's mother claims that there is seer blood within the family line. Tommy thinks these claims are foolish, but growing up made a habit of lying to have these abilities to mess with his mother and peers in the neighbourhood. This gave the children on his block yet another reason to bully him. Aside from these lies, Tommy would have some inclines for the future. Sometimes he would have a feeling and state what he thought would happen, thinking it was a lie and be just as surprised as those around him when the prediction came to fruition.

The first instance of Tommy making a correct prediction of the future was one he will never forget, although he is still unsure if it was a fluke or not. His mother was baking one of his favourite treats, a homemade pie. Tommy felt distraught and a sinking feeling in his gut, but he should have been happy to soon taste one of his favourite desserts, he thought. He could not possibly ignore this feeling of dread within him and told his mother that she should not cool the homemade pie using her normal methods. His mother had explained to him that she always cools the pie by an open window because the cool breeze helps with the flavour when it is done cooling. Tommy couldn't disagree with this logic, as he knew near nothing about baking then or now. What Tommy did have was a strong feeling this time that it would end as a very unfortunate event. Tommy pleaded and begged his mother not to put it by the open window. Tommy still remembers the words he dreaded having come true "Mommy please, I am telling you something bad is going to happen to the pie". His mother refused, stating that the nothing had ever happened or would ever happen to the in the window and not to be so foolish he was just a child and his imagination was getting the best of him. After placing the pie by the window, Tommy's mother turned around triumphantly. She exclaimed that everything was fine and he should not worry so much. Tommy's jaw dropped as behind her a Great Dane stood on their hind legs, head barely able to reach the window, nudging the pie over into the yard and eating it in a swift ten or fewer bites.

Following this event, Tommy and his mother both cried, but for different reasons. Tommy at the loss of his sweet, succulent dessert that he would never taste, he was always one for dramatics, and his mother for claiming the seer capabilities in the bloodline to finally have formed in a generation after so long. Tommy still thinks this claim is foolish, but this moment would be the start of his lying about the future and teasing his mother with events he claimed would happen, but most never did occur. Tommy still loved the thrill he would feel when the occasional prediction came true. He would often lie to people saying he was a seer and extremely gifted and had been making predictions since he was a mere babe, although his mother would back this claim Tommy felt most of his predictions were just for fun and to mess with others.

First Instance of Magic


Tommy's first instance of magic occurred during a round-robin selection for a ball game at the local park. After having been picked last every game for the entire year. When one of his bullies (which he prefers not to name or talk about) argued, the team that has Tommy should get two extra players since he is so bad. Tommy lost his temper and forced the ball the bully was holding to explode in his hands. While this did little more than scare the boy (and other kids) Tommy received some satisfaction as it meant he 1) scared the bully and more importantly 2) could use magic and could worry a little less about his family's pressures.

STATUS: Pending- Koko, 17.05.2024
- Your backstory and Seer application should be two separate texts. Please edit this.
STATUS: Pending- Koko, 19.05.2024
- Please make sure your backstory here matches the one in your encyclopedia.
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 21/05
Last edited by Tommy Patterson on 21 May 2024, 18:34, edited 5 times in total.

7 May 2024, 21:17
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Jac Llywarch
School Year or Adult Level: School Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=32434
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 8
Strength: 0
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 4
Accuracy: 9

Character Special Race/Talent: Human Seer
It was a surprise to precisely nobody that Jac developed the Sight. Well, maybe a little minor given the generations it had skipped, but they had been a rather distant descendant of a Seer from both sides of their half-blooded family tree. And though neither parent had that gift, both of them bore wands of silver lime- used often by seers and those practiced in the mind magics. On their father's side there had been a naming seer, and on their mother's a white-haired teen who had helped their family flee a war before news had even broken. They weren't famous, but in their own ways those seers had been important for their own. Either way, their parents already had their eyes peeled for the standard signs when Jac started showing potential. Neither of them being seers, they couldn't precisely guide them down this path- but they could help, and direct Jac to the books they needed to read and the histories they had to pursue in order to get all they could from it.

It was and had always been the smaller things. Reacting before things happen. Brief freudian slips, except that what they say they couldn't possibly know- and when questioned, the child would furrow their eyebrows and either say that they just knew and must have been told somewhere, or simply not know. In their Muggle school they once pulled the fire extinguisher a full twenty seconds before any fire had caught- that had taken a fair bit of explanation, overall. The signs were small, but slowly they began to build up. Plausible deniability began to slip, if it had been in the first place.

Jac did not intend to become a Naming Seer. Would not intend to become a Naming Seer- a dead or dying job that people hired out of tradition. No; there had to be something else, different and more important, out there for the child. They wanted something better to do with their powers and their potential. They desired knowledge and craved foresight- to see and experience the utmost of their ability. There are few things Jac would like more than to know how the world works- and this potential, this uncertainty could help them into further understanding. They call it their Insight- intuition, sometimes. An extra little flicker they're waiting expectantly for to see if it will bloom into something more and interesting.

At times it feels as if they don't have anything special about them at all, but they suppose that it comes as part of the package with Seers. They are not quite old enough yet to know, Jac thinks, and perhaps not yet powerful enough to affect anything important- but they look forward to Divination class next year all the same. Trying to calculate bloodlines is for fools- all that really matters is figuring out that tugging gut feeling in the center of their stomach down to the end.

But as of now, they are still a child. Still learning, waiting with bated breath to see what will come next.

Character Backstory:
Jac's now-separated parents were both half-bloods, one Hogwarts graduate and another who was decidedly not (one of the smaller Asian schools, though their mother moved quickly enough out of the country for job prospects and honestly, just sort of to see the world. They had a mostly Muggle education for the convenience- both of their parents had been brought up similarly, with the ease of some Muggle technology impressed upon them at a young age (there are more of them, and it's nicer to be able to interact with the vast majority of the population). They divorced when Jac was age eight, a thing that was clearly coming- they didn't need future-seeing powers to note that the affection they had for one another was quickly thinning. It was a year or two before that they'd first began receiving impressions of what would happen before they did- once every few months or so a strange deja vu, or catching an item before it fell. Much of it was useless- mostly symbolic, rather than anything concrete to be acted upon- but Jac quite quickly acquired an ear (and an eye) for things that could potentially be helpful for them. It surprised nobody that Jac received their Hogwarts acceptance letter before the school year started, though there was little discussion of whether they should go to another school with their (more or less amicable) parents.

First Instance of Magic:
Their first instance of obvious magic was quite clear- they gave themself a bright orange mullet for two weeks straight a while after their sixth birthday that quite vehemently rejected all attempts at fixing itself until Jac relented on the coolness of such a hairstyle.
STATUS: Approved - Koko, 17.05.2024

Jac Llywarch

9 May 2024, 23:44
Index Registration
Character name: Sarah Rubtsova
School Year: First
Link to the character page: Here
Stats: Total: 30 ﴾ Sta: 4 ⚚ Ev: 5 ⚚ Str: 5 ⚚ Wis: 6 ⚚ Arc: 4 ⚚ Acc: 6 ﴿
Name of Talent: Seer
Character Backstory
Sarah was born on June 8th, 2012, in Cei Newydd, Wales. 

It turned out that she was a person living with ocular albinism, affecting the eyes only. This rare genetic condition cause a person to develop purple eyes, among other symptoms.

Until the age of five, Sarah lived with her father and mother, but she does not remember either of them, or even her last name (her current last name is given by new family). At the age of five, the girl was placed in a foster family consisting of new mother, father, and older sister Mina.

All Sarah knows about her biological family is that they were pure-blood wizards who had an unfortunate accident, which her new parents have been trying to hide from her. It remained unknown to Sarah that her parents, being famous research magicians, had faced the unforeseen consequences of their experiments and tragically lost their lives.

Sarah's foster family also includes pure-blood wizards who live near the Cei Newydd and villages. The locals considered the Rubtsov's house to be abandoned, but it wasn't. In addition, Sarah and Mina occasionally went to the neighborhood for walks or to visit their only Muggle friend, who is blacksmith's boy in one of the villages. There are no locals surprised by strangers visiting the boy, as they consider them tourists from the town.
First Instance of Magic
In short, after a quarrel with her sister and thinking about the future, Sarah's magic added wind power and threw the girl onto a low tree.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝

Sarah's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic happened when the girl was 10 years old. Until this happened, she got rather uneasy, as her friends' magic seemed to have already performed. Despite her concerns, she was unable to change anything. None of the lessons with the teachers were productive...

On a nondescript day, two young children walked across a wide meadow far from home. They pushed the stems of meadow flowers, cattail, and immature nettle with his hands. This didn't hurt. It was beautiful and... boring scene, in the best tradition of the secluded wizards' lives. Knee-high and lush, the pastel-purple grass dried out in the stark sun until even the inner core of each blade was crisp. Mina plucked a blade of grass from the meadow's thicket while chatting about her school experiences. She was the child of Sarah's foster parents and, as an older sibling, Mina was already an inspiration to her younger sister, with stories about Hogwarts. However, the girls did not get along well and after another argument, a thunderstorm began to gather over the meadow. Sarah left, ignoring her sister's words. She straightened the frills of her dress as she walked, carefully pulling out fishhooks that were stuck in the torn fabric. This was not an easy task, as she had a fishing rod tucked under her arm.

By all accounts, it was a day of fishing with her foster father, who was supposed to be waiting for her at the agreed place. Thunder Meadow was full of wind, just as Sarah was annoyed that day. Going down to the river, bent over, the girl continued to untangle the gear. She didn't immediately notice that she had made a mistake with the place of descent. The wet tentacles of the grass settled under her weight, the ground went out from under her feet, a little more and the girl would have fallen into the river (although there were precedents before that, so it's not scary). Sarah didn't fall, but stumbled into reliable cherry branches that caught her at the very edge of the water.

The old branches were strong enough to support the weight of the child, who at that time turned on her back and sighed in resignation.
I don't want to go anywhere. Mina will catch more fish than I do. Next year, she will get better grades than I do. In 10 years, she may become a famous sorceress while I will still be catching fish every day to support our parents' business.
Gray light penetrated from above between the white cherry blossoms, leaving a mottled pattern on the girl's face.
Fish for dinner tonight. Fish for dinner tomorrow. The day after tomorrow...
Yeah, well, she was a whiner! But if you were her... ✶ Crack! Juicy, crunchy thunder barked from the sky and the wind throws up white velvet splashes with invisible hands! It looked like the wind was going to lift Sarah from the branches that were tenaciously digging into her back and throw her into the sky.

And for a moment, it succeeded! Something shook the girl violently, and then she fell back down... Or rather, not down, but up. For some reason, the girl found herself on the upper branches of a cherry tree. Sarah didn't have time to be scared. Her hair, flowing towards her eyes, shone with a blue luster, while she sat in the branches of the tree. She stared at the meadow grass, bouncing up and down the petals-spattered wind. Her sister ran towards her. It turned out that Mina had followed Sarah and seen how an unknown force had thrown her up the tree.
Hey there! Are you walking on air, lil sis? Just like the little blue heron from the fairy tale?
It seemed that Mina was over the moon, while Sarah, still unaware that this was her first encounter with magic, remained quiet. Without thinking twice of how to help the girl get down, Mina gently shook the trunk of the cherry tree. Unbothered by the exciting adventure, Sarah slid down into the river, sending a shower of white flowers and some fishing hooks that had come loose from the dress on her sister. Soaked to the bone, Sarah reached out her hand towards her sister, hoping she could help her get on dry land.
Clutch at straws!
For a moment, the girl looked at Mina with confusion, trying to understand the hidden meaning of her words. Then, the children laughed and walked away from the water, carrying their fishing gear and leaving a trail of grass blades behind. They approached their father, who was waiting for them on the river bank.
Sarah's foster parents watched in disbelief as the children ran laughing in the Thunder Meadow. Their youngest daughter was the cause of their worries. At that time, there was no indication of a mysterious talent. The couple was concerned about only one thing: would such a strange little creature take root in their home and get along with another child?

Sarah surprisingly quickly adapted to her new home at the age of 5 and played pranks with her older sister, Mina. Although it was often like Ultimate Fighting, did it really matter?

When the girls started their first year of school in Cei Newydd, Wales, the teacher turned to their parents. He made a comment about the younger daughter's behavior:
Sarah can sometimes seem a bit absent-minded in class. This is normal for a elementary school student, of course, but she seems to be growing more and more detached from the group. You might want to talk to her about her taciturnity and offer some support. It seems she's often daydreaming. Oh, what a dreamy child! Sometimes it feels like she's in another world and not here in class with us.
The teacher smiled softly.
Despite this, she has a good intuition and quickly grasps the main ideas of the lessons. Nevertheless, it would be good to talk to her more about her academic progress and how she's getting along with her peers.
Time passed. The foster father, seemingly inadvertently, slipped books to the growing girl. Sometimes, he would forget them at the dining table just before breakfast.

As if he hadn't noticed it, he would brush against a brochure with his elbow, causing it to fall into his daughter's school bag and brightening up her school day with folktales.

Then, quite by accident, he would stuff a volume on philosophy under Sarah's pillow. And then, as she got ready for bed, she would fall onto the pillow in a flourish, only to find that instead of delicate feathers in the silk, fluffy casing of the pillowcase, her face met the blunt spine of a book. For an hour, there were screams and accusations directed at the villainous Mina, because undoubtedly she could have committed such an atrocious crime.

And then, for another three hours, her father tried to persuade Sarah to stop reading and go to bed, but she refused. He kept going in and out of her room, but she remained focused on her book.

A rich imagination transformed the child. She read poetry, adventure novels, fantasy, science fiction, philosophy, even books about engineering science for some reason got into the sphere of her interests. Meanwhile, Sarah pestered her parents and sis asking about their dreams.
Why! Why don't you want to tell me? You can't claim that you don't dream at all! It doesn't happen that easily, I refuse to believe you! All people certainly dream amazing, colorful, bizarre, dynamic, meaningful dreams!
Her requests were only brushed aside. How do you explain to a child that you can't equate the imagination of all people with her own?

Secondary school, studying became more difficult. Mina, a high school student and troublemaker, made progress in physics, won medals, caused problems for the whole school and got away with it, and then was belatedly enrolled in a famous magic school far from home. Sarah was moderate in her studies. Flashes of intuition and a penchant for analytical thinking did their job. She could pass any exam without preparation, as if she knew all the answers in advance. And the percentage of incorrect answers was usually quite low. Despite her luck, the teachers remained dissatisfied with her usual distraction.

So the wonderful weekdays went by. And these indirect signs of something secret would have remained unnoticed by anyone, unless the incident that turned everything upside down.

On a cloudy summer, the father and mother, as usual, let the girls go to the neighboring village while they cooked dinner together. But suddenly... In stories one so often meets with this "But suddenly." The authors are right: life is so full of surprises! But suddenly an unknown person broke into the Rubtsovs' house. He sobbed, begged to call an ambulance and not turn him in to the police. The couple ran to where this tearful boy led them.

In the local blacksmith shop, Sarah had a seizure due to the stuffiness of the hot iron. The blacksmith's boy who brought the adults, sobbing, pointed a finger at Sarah,who was lying on the cobblestones near the forge entrance. Her sister, Mina,was sitting next to her, with Sarah's pale head on her lap. Sarah's light brown hair was disheveled and her face was deathly pale. Her eyes were closed tightly, and a few drops of sweat had dripped down. Dark shadows lay under her eyes and accentuated her features, making even the faintest wrinkles more visible. She seemed petrified and did not look at all like a sleeping beauty.

One of the locals called for a medical team from the nearby town to assist the girl. The doctors, as expected, could not help. The Muggle verdict was: lethargy. The medical team examined her thoroughly, checking her reflexes and shining a light into her eyes. The lenses did not contract, the eyes glossed over.

The girl slept until the arrival of a professional healer from the capital. The wizard suggested that the seer gene had been awakened as a recessive one. This revelation became the starting point for Sarah to explore the strengths and limitations of a newfound talent step by step, chance by chance.

Undoubtedly, it was an awakening to her new life's journey.
STATUS: Pending - Koko, 17.05.2025
- Please ensure your backstory and application for Seer are separate texts.
- Please ensure your backstory here and your backstory in your encyclopedia match.
- As a human, your character should not have purple eyes. Please note that these are due to things such as contact lenses, or else please change this.
- Additionally, if your character is a wizard born, they likely do not have much contact with Muggles. Why would Sarah have seen Muggle doctors?
- Additionally, please elaborate on the 'accident' that Sarah's parents presumably died in.
Changes made
STATUS: Closed, Sereia, 4 June
User de-activated.
Last edited by Sarah Rubtsova on 18 May 2024, 21:30, edited 22 times in total.

13 May 2024, 21:36
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Tara Johnson

School Year or Adult Level: First Year - Hufflepuff

Link to the character page: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=54596

Character Statistics:

Stamina: 7

Evasion: 7

Strength: 5

Wisdom: 7

ArcPower: 4

Accuracy: 5

Character Backstory:
Tara was born in Church Stretton in England. She and her parents live between the city and the countryside in a large house with a large garden. Tara and her parents have great memories. His mother Cindy and his father Matthew met while studying. However, they do not do the same job at all! His mother is a lawyer and his father is an archaeologist. Tara doesn't see her father much because he often goes on expeditions! The young girl is fascinated by her work because it is a bit like “Indiana Jones” which rocked the childhood of the young Hufflepuff. His father is a muggle and he was born in Haute-Savoit in France! It’s amazing no ? As for her mother, she is a Half-Blood witch because her father was a Pure-Blood wizard and her mother a Half-Blood witch. While studying at Hogwarts, she was in the same house as Tara! So in Hufflepuff. Cindy and Tara both have a close relationship. They are confidantes and she loves each other very much. As for Tara's father, they also hear very well only he often gets angry about homework and especially mathematics. The material that Tara hates more than anything! Too much to learn, too many formulas or I don't really know what. In short, math and Tara make two!!!

First instance of magic
I was exactly 10 years old and it was my first day of school. I remember it like it was yesterday! Well, the first time he produced his accidental magic was following a disturbance at his school. A boy made fun of her because of her small size; she got angry and set the ends of her hair on fire!
Fortunately for me, my parents reacted normally and helped me a lot. Subsequently, many events followed one another. First in her class, she lost all her friends, which saddened her a lot; then everyone (her friends included) started to denigrate her. His mother helped him understand magic, to accept it. But she still felt a huge feeling of emptiness. She wasn't like other children her age and that saddened her a lot. So much so that through teasing, Tara changed schools. But nothing worked. Real retaliation. So she changed schools again but the teasing was still there. So Tara began to endure. Until the day she receives her letter for Hogwarts and it's deliverance for her! Tara will finally meet people like her and she is very happy about it!
Until D-day!

STATUS: Pending- Koko, 17.05.2024
- Please make sure that the backstory here matches the backstory in your encyclopedia page.
STATUS: Approved - Koko, 19.05.2024

Pouffygirl ! 💛color RP #7a219e
love is a storm that cannot be resisted

14 May 2024, 02:20
Index Registration
Character name: Rowan Sallow
School Year: First
Link to character page: Click if you dare
Character Statistics: sta: 6 | eva: 8 | str: 5 | wis: 7 | arc: 4 | acc: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A; human

Character Backstory: 458 words
Rowan Sallow, born on the 18th of December, 2011, is the oldest child to her muggle mother and father. Rowan’s mother, an Irish immigrant, met Rowan’s Norwegian father in the United Kingdom five years before Rowan’s birth. Rowan herself was born in Chester, UK, and lived there until the Sallows moved to a neighborhood thirty minutes from Birmingham in 2017. Thus is where Rowan met her closest friend, Thomas Lahyder. Rowan’s mother had Rowan’s younger brother, Henry Sallow, during that year. The family adopted a black cat called Apollo.

Rowan didn't speak until she was three, after her parents put her in speech therapy. She's always been known to have extreme mood swings and temper tantrums, and was never particularly interested in spending time with anybody but her parents (hence, at playdates or gatherings, tantrums would unfold). Her father would hit her as punishment, though never to the point of being considered abuse. Therefore, over the years, Rowan learned that because she couldn't control her temper, she would have to hide it. She would run upstairs to her bedroom in the attic when she felt tears stinging her eyes or anger bubbling in her stomach. Rowan learned as a young child how to silently sneak around her home and how to manipulate others- primarily her brother- into doing what she wants. The only person she can trust is herself.

Rowan began playing the piano when she was 4, as her grandmother- her Bubbie- had an old one at her home which Rowan and her brother would often visit. Rowan's Bubbie taught her how to play. Rowan also began learning how to knit- just a year before her letter from Hogwarts arrived- taught by her Bubbie as well. The two have an incredibly close bond, and there have been times when Rowan, not wanting to be at home, has walked the 30 minutes to her Bubbie's. Rowan's grandfather, her Zada, passed away when Rowan was a toddler, and Rowan's Bubbie gave her Zada's old blue corduroy coat. Rowan wears the oversized coat often.

Rowan has always had a special fascination in plants. Any time the Sallows visit the market, Rowan begs her parents to let her have a plant. She promises she'll take care of its every need- and more times than not, her parents have agreed, leading to Rowan's attic room being covered in greenery. Though she finds flowers pretty, they're not Rowan's first choice when it comes to potting a new plant. She prefers beautiful leaves, succulents, and grasses. Most all of her plants sit by the giant circular window on Rowan's wall, which luckily lets in plentiful sunlight. Rowan's plants are some of the only objects in her bedroom which remain unharmed from her angry outbursts.

First Instance of Magic: 378 words
Rowan's bedroom in the Sallows' home is in the attic and has a large circular window on one wall. Her favorite thing to do is to climb out this window onto the roof, and then climb onto a thick branch of the giant oak tree sitting in the front yard. One evening, when Rowan was seven, she was struck with the urge to escape her father, who was in a frightening mood and shouted at anyone he came across. Rowan made her climb onto a bough in the tree, hidden by the leaves. Here, she felt safe. Above, Rowan heard a soft, pained chirping; a newborn crow cried from a nest many branches above. "Oh, hello there," Rowan had murmured, slowly beginning to climb upward. "Where's your mommy?" Careful to make as little noise as possible, Rowan made her way to the branch where the nest sat and lay on her stomach, feet pressed against the trunk of the tree, reaching out for the baby bird. "It's okay," she soothed. "I'll help you. You'll be-" suddenly, a fierce gust of wind struck the tree, jouncing the limb. Rowan screamed as she lost her grip on the branch and plummeted downwards. She tried to grapple for a grip, but just ended up getting more scraped up then before. "I'M GOING TO DIE!" Rowan screamed, squeezing her eyes shut- but she never hit the ground. Instead, the vines that were crawling up the oak tree's trunk had weaved together to create an intricate net, catching Rowan a few feet before she hit the ground. Rowan, in shock, had lay there, frozen, staring up at the strangely peaceful foliage above, swaying in the cool breeze. Then, she heard a shout, and quickly fell into the soft grass with a thump. The vines retracted into the tree as her father came out of the door and ran over to her, asking if she was alright. He had heard her screams. Rowan didn't unfreeze and continued to stare at nothing with a half-open mouth while her father scooped her up and brought her inside. As they were walking back to the house, Rowan, slung over her dad's shoulder, saw the tiny crow, no longer in pain, flying from the tree into the dusk.
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/05
Last edited by Rowan Sallow on 19 May 2024, 15:12, edited 3 times in total.

“Weeds — Is there really evil in their hearts, or are they simply feisty seeds—ambitious verdant darts, proliferous garden art?”
~Terri Guillemets

14 May 2024, 18:12
Index Registration
Character Name: Bella Barret
School Year: First Year
Link to the character page: Link
Character Statistics: sta 7 • eva 6 • str 5 • wis 3 • arc 1 • acc 8
Character Special Race/Talent: Part-Giant
Members of the Barret family always found themselves on the outskirts of wizarding society. Their bloodline was partially pure, and that half of the family tree felt like being included on pureblood and wizarding matters was a given. However, once a giant’s blood entered their lineage, they found themselves increasingly excluded from magical society.

Bella and her parents felt this deeply. There was sure to be a thriving wizarding community in Brighton and Hove which is why Bella’s grandparents settled down there. Another reason was the rumors that southerners in the United Kingdom were just nicer on a whole and they believed that they would find company that welcomed them to the city. They didn’t expect open arms, but they hoped for cordiality and sharing of resources. They received neither, and it obviously had to do with the fact that Bella’s grandfather stood at eleven feet tall. He was a half-giant, a product of a relationship between a giant and a wizard.

How that happened, Bella didn’t know. But she felt the full effects of that choice even four generations later. Her own father was seven and three-quarters feet tall as a quarter-giant, with a less squashed nose than her grandfather, but it was still very un-human. Her aunts and uncles also inherited the same nose and all of them possessed lengthy limbs and a temper to rival the devil. Their heights varied and her father fell somewhere on the shorter end. Bella supposed she should be thankful that he wasn’t taller.

With one-eighth giant’s blood coming from a rather short quarter-giant, she estimated that she may be able to pass for an abnormally tall human in her adult years. But her mother tells her not to make guesses, because “genes are funny” and there’s always a chance she could end up taller than her father. Bella also inherited the long limbs of her father’s family, and she and her mother were especially happy to find that her nose looked like her mother’s side. And Bella always felt that the temper was with her, but she’d seen how her father’s family embarrassed themselves, always fighting and always angry with each other and with the way wizards treated them. So, since the first time she felt the rage bubbling on, she learned to push it down. She didn’t want to give people a reason to treat her badly when most did that without waiting for one.

Since the wizards living in the city were unpleasant when Bella’s grandparents moved there, they decided to settle in on the fringes much like their place in society. Bella grew up there when she was born, living on the farm they cultivated that was enough to earn them enough galleons to live. There were no neighbors in sight. Once Bella started getting older, she wasn’t as tall as her father had been at her age, so the aggressions towards her and the family became micro in nature. She was invited to play with other wizard kids in the area, but typically found herself outcasted still. As she prepares for Hogwarts, Bella knows that standing at 5’5”, while not absurd, is still enough for her to get picked out as a half-breed.

Character Backstory and First Instance of Magic:
Belladonna "Bella" Barret was born to the Barret family in mid-2012. She grew up on the outskirts of Brighton and Hove, off the main road where neighbors were far and few between. Despite her family being lower class, Bella grew up getting whatever she wanted. The catch is that she didn't really want much. She had two wonderful parents and an extensive network of relatives who always popped by on special occasions and sharing was common among the Barrets as well as the extended family. As far as her parents are concerned, there were no bumps on the road of Bella's development and she was well-prepared to attend Hogwarts.

By all means, Bella should have ended up a happy-go-lucky child. But personalities just don't work that way. Bella was always a quiet kid, outshined by basically all of her cousins. As she grew older, that quietness turned into a sort of gruffness. It stemmed from interactions with people her age. They stared up at her because she was a bit too tall. They whispered about her because her clothes weren't bought but sewn from cheap fabrics. They laughed at her because she preferred to kick around in the mud by herself instead of playing with them.

Bella had a friend once. Pretty and proper, so unlike her. She was the girl's 'ride or die' as they call it. But the girl didn't feel the same way about her. The two and their families were invited to a get-together of wizarding families in the area and some of the children, including Bella and her 'friend' wandered off to play around one of the many tributaries of the River Adur. They were standing along the banks and as usual, the whispers started up. Bella didn't know if it was about her scrappy dress that matched her hazel eyes or her mother's botched hair care potion that made her blonde bob frizzy, but she did know that the whispers made her angry. And then it happened. One of the girls talking about her had somehow been pushed by some unseen force into the shallows of the tributary, dirtying her posh dress. Bella had a laugh and thought her friend would too. Instead, the friend told the parents that Bella had pushed the other girl into the river, and from then on, the friend would no longer be at Bella's side. Instead, she would be with the group, always whispering.

Since then, Bella became closed off to meeting new people or making friends. She has decided to go through Hogwarts without focusing on making surface-level connections. All she wants is to come out the other side without being betrayed like that 'friend' betrayed her. And to do that, she has adopted a rough and laconic behavior. She is always curt with others and can come off as rude or mean.
STATUS: Pending, Opeila 20/05
Accidental magic means unintentional, truly accidental magic. Wanting/imagining a kid falling into the water for them to then actually fall is very much intentional.
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 27/05
Last edited by Bella Barret on 21 May 2024, 04:41, edited 1 time in total.

P A R T - G I A N T
sta • 7 | eva • 6 | str • 5
wis • 3 | arc • 1 | acc • 8

15 May 2024, 17:18
Index Registration
Character Name: Oliver Beckett
School Year: 1st
Link to Character Page:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 7
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 4

Special race/Talent: APPLICATION Human/Seer

Backstory/first use of magic on character page.
STATUS: Pending, Opeila 20/05
Please post the complete form. Your registration will be locked once it is approved, so we have a log of your approved story. It should be in your encyclopedia too, but please put your seer application and backstory into this post.
Follow-up Lear June 5
This is a follow-up. Please make the requested edits. A reminder, graduation is July 1 so you will need to have your registration completed with index at this time otherwise you will be held back a year.
When you make your edits, please owl Opeila to hasten your approval, otherwise it may take some time or us to notice any edits that you have made.

Hell is caring about other people

15 May 2024, 21:50
Index Registration
Character name: Eryn Bailey
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=983083#p983083
Character Statistics: Sta 6 • Eva 5 • Str 7 • Wis 5 • Arc 7 • Acc 5
Character Special Race/Talent: None/Human
Character Backstory: (220 words min)
Eryn's mother was never the type to stay in one place. Thus, she and her daughter spent the first 5 years of Eryn's life travelling. Her favourite places were those abundant with nature- whether it be the pacific islands where she spent the summers, or her mother's birthplace in Brazil. When she turned 6, however, it became apparent that raising a child while moving around so often is not easy- especially when she was expected to stay enrolled in school.

Luckily, both of her parents were on good terms. She had had weekly communication with her dad for almost all of her life, and often visited. Her mother's work took her all over the world, but London held many of their sponsors and bosses, meaning the visited at least a few times a year. He, however, preferred to stay put. At the age of 7, she moved to England to live with her dad.

In England, Eryn met the family she didn't know she had. Though nature museums never held as much as she had seen with her own eyes, she spends a lot of time with her older step sister at history museums. Her sister, Mila, was thrilled to have a sibling and the pair are very close- bonding over love of space and history. The family grew very close- She learnt about her father's Welsh history, and most of her friends were the younger siblings of Mila's roommates.

It didn't take Mila long to pick up on Eryn's accidental magic, and her father and stepmother followed shortly after. Her mother, who they caught shortly after a business meeting on a busy day, didn't seem surprised. Once she had been assured everyone was ok, she told stories of little miracles that had happened on her travels. Simple things, like the blooming of daisies in the middle of winter.

Though her parents were both muggles, they accepted this new reality faster than she ever expected.

Eryn left the cosy home she had grown so used to not worried, for the unknown was as much her home as London- but still with a heavy heart, sad to leave her new world behind.
First Instance of Magic:
[TLDR: Eryn accidentally exploded her mother's camera when she got lost while on a trip to into the woods in England. Her mother was staying with them for a few months to get her settled, and she had taken Eryn with her to film]

The English forests were boring. Boring enough that her mother didn't have the vigilance she usually had when it came to bringing Eryn to work with her. Luckily enough, her mother was filming in England for the next few months- leaving plenty of time for her to settle into her new home. Her father was coming to pick her up soon, but the minutes she had was enough to wander.

She wasn't far from her mother camp, but far enough to be out of site. Eryn couldn't see this as a problem through- far from it. Through the forest she could hear a stream. The rushing of water- just distinguishable through the whoosh of a large bird. A finch, her little mind supplied. The bird didn't interest her though. Throughout this entire trip, all she had seen were birds. So many birds, in fact, that she had given up on trying to name them all.

Head in the clouds, Eryn didn't notice the distancing of the voices behind her until she spun around and realized she didn't know where she was. Confused and disoriented, and in true 6 year old fashion, she tossed her head back and wailed.

A few meters away, concealed by the trees and deafened by the whistles of the birds in the canopy and the rushing of the stream, Eryn's mother's camera exploded. She jerked back, startled and momentarily blinded. Mostly, though, she was annoyed. She had brought that thing last month! surely the company wasn't that bad. Even Eryn knew that camera's weren't meant to explode, and she was 6!


Where was Eryn?

A trail of squashed leaves led away into the bush.

Could she hear crying?

Footsteps grew faster, and before long Eryn was scooped up by her mother, face covered in soot. The toddler laughed, and reached up to use the ash to draw messy spirals along her arm.

Her daughter was ok.

She really needed a new camera.
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/05

" someone will remember us,
ㅤ i say.
ㅤ even in another time"