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28 Apr 2024, 08:28
Index Registration
Name: Lily Miles
School Year: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=975614#p975614
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 6
Accuracy: 4

Special Race/Talent: none

Lily was born and raised in Ireland into a muggle family. She is an only child. her father is a firefighter and her mother a doctor. Growing up, she always thought magic was only something in storybooks. She has a love for reading, nature, and music. She has trouble making friends because she is very reserved when she first meets someone new, so she has a little trouble making friends, but when she does, she is a very sweet and caring person. she loves animals her favorite animals are cats, dogs, and horses. She loves spending time with her family. she likes being respectful and responsible, always doing her schoolwork on time and helping out with anything. she likes to go to the zoo, the ice cream shop, and to the park with the friends she has. she was unaware her life was about to change when she became six years old and experienced her first Instance of Magic. she tried to act like normal even though she knew she was different than normal kids her age. when she turned ten years old, she got her first pet, which was a kitten that she had named cookie. when she got to eleven, she received her owl to attend hogwarts, which was a different school than she had attended before, and she didn't know what to think about it.

First Instance of Magic:
She was six years old when she experienced her first Instance of Magic. she was reading, and after a break, she noticed the pages were turning on their own

Last edited by Lily Miles on 6 May 2024, 03:58, edited 1 time in total.

29 Apr 2024, 16:39
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Athyn Locke
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=976276#p976276
Character Statistics:

Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:
Born in the summer of 2012, Athyn was the first child, his younger brother Aleks joining the family a few years later when Athyn was just about three years old. The family of four settled in Westport as a way to avoid the drama of large cities. His father, Matthew, is a local fisherman while his mother is a school teacher. Athyn had a fairly easy upbringing. As a half-blood wizard, Athyn gets his magical blood from his mother's side, though she herself is also half-blood and grew up with both magical and muggle family members. Opting out of working in the magical world and, instead, working a muggle job at the local school, Athyn and his brother still received a mixed education growing up, learning both what was expected of them in the muggle world but also learning important things about the wizarding world. Because of his mother's constant studying schedule in his early years, he attributes his love of reading and all things learning to how he was raised. He has recently been accepted to Hogwarts and is both excited and nervous at the new opportunity. This will be his first time away from home without his family which means having to step out of his comfort zone. It is, however, very exciting as he gets to finally learn even more about the wizarding world than he could at home with just his mother's basic teachings.

First Instance of Magic:
All early signs of magic from Athyn were small enough to not be very noticeable. Things disappearing and appearing somewhere else, he always assumed he and his family just misplaced things all time and had great luck finding them later on. The first time this happened was when he was roughly eight years old when his father's car keys disappeared from their place on the entrance way table when Athyn didn't want his father to leave for work one day. The keys ended up on top of the fridge later that morning.
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 2 May
Just a minor clarification to make: is your mother a half-blood? The point about her working at a Muggle school wouldn't make sense if she was any other magical blood status (Pure-blood or Wizardborn). Further information on blood status is here in case you would like to double check.
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, 3 May
Last edited by Athyn Locke on 2 May 2024, 14:43, edited 1 time in total.

1 May 2024, 11:01
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Neil McKenzie

School Year or Adult Level: First Year

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=32313

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 9
Evasion: 3
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 4
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 8
Character Backstory:
Neil was born on the 4th of November in the outskirts of Cowdenbeath, a city to the south of Scotland as the second child of the proud muggle parents, Archie and Sophia McKenzie. Neil's parents had a hands-off approach to parenting, leaving Neil free to spend the day after school and before dinner as he pleased. And he did exactly that, Neil spent a large chunk of his child days running through parks, and the open fields outside of the city with whatever friends he was dragging along with him that week. Not to say he was friends with everyone.

One source of opposition in his carefree life was his brother, Robbie, older than him by two years. And as brothers do, the two were constantly bickering, their friend groups luckily never did overlap, for if they did, the brothers would surely have their friends picking sides. At the dinner table, out in public, if Neal and Robbie were in the same room at all they were probably disagreeing about something, both being as stubborn as they are.

Another challenge in Neil's life, school. While he did succeed in some subjects, Physical Education, English, and any artistic class where he was allowed to express himself, even in essay writing, which he really doesn't mind when compared to math or history lectures which seem to drag on for Neal without him ever really learning anything his brain finds worth remembering. He never outright failed a class but did receive his fair share of Cs in his time in the muggle school system.

With Neil's interest in physical activity and the outdoors, it's no surprised he was in his primary school's football team from grade 4. Though they were about as good as you would expect a primary school's football team to be, Neil formed his inner friend group out of others on the team, becoming pretty popular within his school, which probably would have remained true for secondary school if he never received his Hogwarts letter.

A professor from the school simply showed up at the McKenzie's doorstep one day much to the surprise of Neil and his parents. After a drawn out conversation in their living room, Neil's parents seemed to understand what exactly a 'Hogwarts' was enough to be comfortable with an ecstatic but skeptical Neil.
First Instance of Magic:
During the summer between Neil's 4th and 5th year of primary school, when he was 8, something happened that he was never able to explain, nor did anyone believe except for the few of his friends who witnessed it first hand. Neil had said some unsavory things about a kid in the grade above him by the name of Simon Stewart, which traveled quickly through the grapevine of bored boys out of school for summer holiday. Simon confronted Neil at a park one afternoon looking for a verbal apology. Neil didn't consider it for a second, the situation escalating to the point where Simon was ready to hit Neil when he was distracted by the unusual scent of burning hair. None of the boys were able to figure out how Simon's hair had caught fire, thinking it must have been the sun reflecting through some piece of glass, though Neil had a certain feeling that it was himself responsible for the incident. Simon wasn't hurt if you don't include his ego with the noticeable chunk of his hair burned off and after a few years everyone seemed to forget about the event except for Neil who received the explanation for the strange occurrence upon receiving his letter by the hands of a professor for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, May 6
Reason for Pending:
1. We don't allow font color in the trunk. I'll refer you to this post for further information regarding to trunk rules.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 6

Sta:9, Evas:3, Str:5, Wis:4, Arc:6, Acc:8
Start a battle, start a war

4 May 2024, 06:14
Index Registration
Character Name: Justin Shin
School Year: First Year
Link: [viewtopic.php?p=978303]
Character Race: Human

Character Backstory:
Justin is muggle-born wizard born from Joseph and Grace Shin. Mr. Shin owned a Korean barbeque restaurant in Dublin. Growing up, Justin developed a low tolerance for low quality food, as Mr. Shin's cooking spoiled his palate quite a bit. Mrs. Shin, on the other hand, was a muggle zoologist and conversationalist, in which Justin seemed to have picked up his mother's interest in animals. She traveled often, and would bring Justin along the safari trips that were relatively safe and educational.

The Shins together had six children including Justin. Justin was the eldest, then came Kevin, then the triplets Jordan, James, and Bryant, and finally baby Kayla the only daughter.

The Shin family moved around a bit around the world. Justin was born in London, and as he was born, Grace and Joseph moved to Chicago in the States. There Justin developed an American accent, fell in love with hip-hop culture, and became one of the most enthusiastic Chicago Bulls fan. In 2019, The Shins moved to Ireland, in which they have been living ever since.

On an animal expedition in South Korea, his parent's birth country, Justin claims to have spotted a Korean Dragon. He expressed his supposed discovery to his mother who seemed to be convinced Justin saw a thick tree. The experience never left Justin's mind. When Justin learned of the magical world, on the day the Hogwarts staff visited his home to tell him of his powers, he was fully convinced the Korean Dragon was real.

Justin learned of the wonderful career of a magi-zoologist, and seeks to become one when he graduates Hogwarts. His life dream is to discover the Korean Dragon.

First Instance of Magic:
At age 9, Justin was locked outside of school after returning from ditching a class he didn't like. In danger of another detention, Justin tugged at the doors desperately. His mother had threatened to not take him on her next safari expedition had he gotten another detention. In desperation, the school doors magically opened for him with a frantic tug. He has no idea to this day that they were opened through magic. This is when the Quill of Acceptance was able to write Justin's name in the Book of Admittance.

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 10
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 5
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, May 6
Reason for Pending:
1. You missed the trunk post as the second post in your encyclopedia page. This post will guide you how to make a trunk post.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 6

5 May 2024, 15:22
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ruby Night
School Year or Adult Level: first year, Hufflepuff
Link to the character page: Ruby Night
Character Race: Human
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 7

Character Backstory:
Ruby is a half-blood, born on January 11, 2012. Her father, Andrew Night, is a wizard and a healer at St. Mungo’s. Her mother, Alina Grant, is a muggle and teaches in an elementary school in Camden Town, where they live. They chose to send her to the muggle school where her mother teaches before attending Hogwarts. Her parents found it important that she learned to live in both the muggle and the wizarding world. She has two very close friends, but they are muggles, so she needs to make some new friends at Hogwarts.

She is an only child and is very loved. They live in a small 3-bedroom house with a lovely garden full of wild flowers and bees. At the end of their garden starts a little forest in which Ruby likes to hike and play. As an only child she was never lonely, because she has a lot of cousins from both sides of the family, which she sees very often and is very close to.

Ruby is glad her parents sent her to a muggle school, but she is looking forward to Hogwarts. She heard the stories from her father, and can’t wait for the adventures that await her there. She also feels a stronger connection to the wizarding world than to the muggle world. As her father, she would like to be a healer. The lessons she is most looking forward to are Study of Ancient Runes, Potions and Astronomy. She has no preference for a certain House in Hogwarts, she thinks she feel at home everywhere, as long as there are kind people in her class.

First Instance of Magic:
When Ruby was four, she was playing outside in the garden. She wandered a little far to the back, and stumbled upon a nest of bees. The bees weren´t so happy they were disturbed, and started to chase her. Ruby got down on her knees, with her arms around her head. And the bees couldn´t touch her, it was like she was in a giant bubble. Moments later her father came running at her screams, and freed her from the bees.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, May 6
1. You missed the mandatory information (Name, House, and School Year) in the body of your first page encyclopedia. Please make the necessary edit.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 6

Until you spread your wings,
you will have no idea how far you can fly
━━━━ ⋆ ‧ ❀ ‧ ⋆ ━━━━

5 May 2024, 20:44
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Irene Ferrel
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: This is just a url to your encyclopedia.
Character Statistics:

Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Irene, a little ginger girl, was born on 8th august 2012, of two muggle parents, in Galway. Her mother, Aoife Ferrel, is teacher in Irene's future Primary School. Her father, Duncan Ferrel, is a lawyer and works so much. When Irene was two years old, Aoife and Duncan tried to have a new children, but Aoife miscarried again and again. They ending up to adopting a little kitty, who names Crispy by Irene. So, Irene doesn't have any brother and sister, but she's very good alone.

During her childhood, Irene was so many travelling in Europe with her parents and sometimes with her uncle, aunt and cousins. She visited Portugal, Spain, Scotland, France... A lot of europeans country. And, she loves travelling. She hinkings often with her parents, who are vers sportlish.
Irene is like them : she loves sport. She like so much basketball, who has started when she was 4 years old, riding and hinkings.

When she was 6 years old, her mother registered Irene at violin lessons. Irene like violin, and the music in general, but she doesn't like the theory. Two years ago, when the girl was 8 years old, she requested to her mother to starting drums. Irene prefer drums, but her parents doesn't.

At school, Irene was bored. She has a lot of friends, and a best friends, Ennis, who lives near her home, but she hated to go to school. Sometimes, she falling asleep, and Ennis wakes her up. So, her teacher scoled her, often. That she liked least at school, that's mathematics. So when she discovered that there aren't Mathematics at Hogwart's, Irene was very happy.

First Instance of Magic:
The first time I was understand I was different, I was 8 years old. I was very angry, because my mother didn't want that I going with my friend to the parc. She says « you're too young to go here alone, so it's no. » But I was 8 years old ! I was not a baby... I was so angry, and I ran to my bedroom. The door was banging, but I didn't touch the door, and the windows were closed...
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, May 8
Reason for Pending:
1. You just missed species information in your encyclopedia page.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 9

English isn't my native language !

6 May 2024, 20:17
Index Registration
Character name: Finley Laird
School Year or Adult Level: First Year, Gryffindor
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=979531#p979531
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 9
Evasion: 5
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 8
Character Special Race/Talent: none
Character Backstory: Finley's grandfather was a magician and, when he was young, fell in love with a simple girl who knew nothing at all about the world of magic. Then he began to hide his affiliation with wizards from her. They got married, and soon Finley's father was born. When he accidentally used magic for the first time, it was in front of Grandma, so Grandpa had to tell. Of course, Grandpa was rudely scolded for lying, but grandma tried to understand the world of magic and the belonging of the two most important men in her life to it.
Grandfather died when Finley's father was only fifteen years old. His death was an accident — he confused the bottles with potions, and there was no bezoar nearby in time. Grandma has always been an authoritarian woman with a heavy hand, and she was the head of the family, so after her husband's death, she realized that she did not want to lose her son as well. Thus, Finley's father was forever next to his grandmother, because he could not say a word across.
When they were fighting, the whole house shook. When father turned twenty-five, in a fit of rebellion, he suddenly announced to his mother that he had decided to marry his former classmate from Hogwarts and, unexpectedly for everyone, his grandmother agreed with her son's choice. True, she tried in every possible way to force the bride herself to leave their house, but the chosen one turned out to be strong in spirit, so she withstood the influx of grandmother's dislike, and even received respect from her.
And so, Finley was born. Grandma was categorically against his parents moving away from her, so the whole family lived in a small country house. However, it was not completely clear whether Finley inherited magic or was born a squib. So they lived like an ordinary family, Finley went to kindergarten and then to school and didn't know anything about magic.
First Instance of Magic: When Finley was eight years old, a neighbor came to his father, accusing Finley of breaking the window of her house. Since the boy had just done a couple of pranks at home, and his father had not yet had time to get over his anger, he sent Finley to his room and closed the door, Telling him to think about his behavior. The problem was that this time it wasn't Finley who broke the window, he wasn't in the habit of throwing stones at all. He tried to tell his father about it, but he wouldn't listen. They quarreled even more. From resentment and anger, all red and crying, Finley thought that his head would light up, but then the glass insert in the door simply crumbled in front of his astonished father. Now Finley could go, but he didn't understand what had just happened.
Of course, at first the whole family was glad that Finley turned out to be a magician after all. That's when the boy was told all about the world of magic.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 9

6 May 2024, 20:19
Index Registration
Character name: Rosheen Regan

School Year or Adult Level: First year, Gryffindor

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=979530#p979530

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 9
Evasion: 4
Strength: 9
Wisdom: 3
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 3

Character Special Race/Talent: none

Character Backstory:
At its core, Rosheen is a bundle of energy. She always needs to find out everything first, preferably to participate in the event. It's always a mess around her, but you won't get bored. Regan often gets into curious situations, even more often she can not get out of them without consequences, however, she does not teach her life lessons and steps on the same rake over and over again.
Her favorite activity is to annoy someone with questions. She is insanely curious, but at the same time she hates studying, she considers the very fact of having to get knowledge somewhere a terrible punishment.
If she had been a little older, she would certainly have called herself a nihilist. However, she is still too young for such words.
Studying is given to her with great difficulty, concentration is rarely enough for a long time. And yet, the things that she finds interesting cause her incredible enthusiasm, such as different animals, people, or exciting stories about heroes.
In all respects, Rosheen is a very cheerful and purposeful child. However, not without a fly in the ointment — she can sometimes be unbearable when she is naughty. It is even worse when a girl is offended, and she is often offended and extremely theatrically, with howls, moans and rivers of tears. But she calms down quickly if you give her something delicious!
Before entering Hogwarts, Regan did not even know that magic existed. Naturally, like any ordinary child, she believed in miracles, but they were most often limited to the existence of Santa Claus. Life in the small village of Ardara in Ireland, which is located in County Donegal (province of Ulster), was measured, amazing in its own way, but absolutely ordinary. Rosheen studied at school until she was eleven years old, by the way, very mediocre, because she often had her head in the clouds in class, walked along the streets with friends, eating ice cream. And she also loved her numerous collection of dolls, of all shapes and sizes, ranging from huge babies to beauties in princess dresses. Regan's dream was to become a real princess. Well, for at least a couple of months she really admired the dolls and imagined herself in their outfits, but after that the dream was replaced by a new one - to become a football star.
And then she saw a motorcycle and intended to become a biker. And all in a circle, over and over again, every day the hobbies changed one after another. Once she even started playing the violin, but it ended up exclusively with fatigue from the sound of the squeaking of the crying instrument of the girl's parents, neighbors in the house, on the street... It seems that even in another area they knew that a new stage star was growing up in Regan's family. Fortunately for the whole neighborhood, this hobby lasted only a week.

First Instance of Magic:
The first manifestation of Rosheen's magical abilities was as sudden and spontaneous as the girl herself, and it happened when she turned ten and a half years old. Shortly before this momentous event, the young miss set out to take revenge on the offender from the neighboring house.
In their village, all the children knew each other and were all friends together, then almost really feuded for whole streets, deciding who would be the first to play on the field.
And then one day Regan quarreled with a neighbor boy again and she desperately wanted to do some terrible nasty thing so that he would definitely remember it and never try to call her dolls names again.
Having made a plan, even drawing a street map (it was not entirely clear from the drawing that this was a street, for some reason her parents thought that this was a boa constrictor that ate the hat), she went to take revenge. The goal was simple - to get to the second floor by climbing up the sewer, and throw a note with some kind of frightening message into the open window of the boy's bedroom, so that he knew for sure that Regan would definitely get him even from underground.
And so, climbing up to the window under the encouraging hum of her friends, the girl discovered that there was one small miscalculation in her plan - the window was closed. Trying to hook the frame with one hand, Rosheen did not calculate her strength and, of course, fell off the drainpipe.
Half a meter from the ground, she already thought that she could say goodbye to life, but the meeting of the face and the asphalt did not happen, because the girl hovered above the ground, slowly swaying from side to side.
Then nobody never understood what happened, and after telling this fascinating story, her parents took her to the hospital in horror. But Rosheen was really absolutely healthy and not a single scratch appeared after the incident.
The house arrest of the young troublemaker ended when a representative of the real school of magic and wizardry came to the house of the Regan family along with the news that she has magical abilities.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 9

6 May 2024, 23:05
Index Registration
Character Name: Nicola Rickett

School Year or Adult Level: First year, Ravenclaw

Link to Character Page: ucp.php?i=ucp_profile&mode=profile_info

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 9
Evasion: 4
Strength: 9
Wisdom: 3
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 3

Character Special Race/Talents: none

Character Backstory:
Nicola was a very bright and insightful child. She loves reading books, even the more boring books. Whenever she reads one she is instantly taken to the magical world inside the book. Whenever she done she basically info dumps her parents, her brother, and her friends. Well if she can make some here at Hogwarts anyway. She is autistic so she hopes people won't take that seriously here. She also likes to learn new things. Whenever she does learn something new she focuses so hard that the only thing she can hear is the teacher talking about whatever subject is being taught. She hates bullies.And getting bullied in general. Whenever she sees someone getting bullied she goes forth and tries to protect them the best she could, but whenever she gets bullied she freezes. She hates it when she freezes. Sometimes she says it makes her look weak. Her parents say it is a phase. Hopefully she can find a way to get past this phase. She is really desperate to make some friends here at Hogwarts. She really really hopes she can make some because currently she is at 0 friends. Also she will basically compete to be the first person the teacher call on. But other than that she is a really sweet person and wants to get along with everybody.

Character's First Instance of Magic: Character was trying to tidy up the cottage one day but then their cat started floating. The character didn't know what had caused it so they asked their parents. when she did though, the answer wasn't what she was expecting. The parents had told them they had come from a long line of wizards and that it was time to join them. The character had almost flipped. The character's parents had been waiting for this moment their whole lives. Before the character was able to assess that she had magic she asked her parents why she had been kept from this fact. Her parents were worried that once they told her she would be put in danger by the Muggles. Some of the muggles that live in their neighborhood believe magic is real. If she had shown her magic in front of them, her and her entire family would be put at risk. She could be hurt or worse. Her parents didn't want to put their daughter in danger like that so they kept it a secret until now. They hid the truth from her to protect her. But now that this has happened, Nicola solemnly s that she will keep her newfound ability under wraps. But she also to learn how to control them.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, May 15
Reason for Pending:
1. You haven't made Encyclopedia Page. Follow this guide to make it.
2. The 220 words backstory should be about your character before Hogwarts.
Follow-up Lear (June 5)
I see that you have made an encyclopedia page, thank you.
We need you to make a trunk. This is where your stats are stored. This trunk is changed to a Game Master post when you are approved.
In your first instance of magic, you claim that your character was unaware of the magical world. This does not make sense in the context of being a pureblood where you would be growing up in a magical environment. We would also need an explanation for what you mean by "protecting her" from the magical world, being a pureblood themselves this would be the only world they knew. If anything, they would be wary of the muggle world that they would be unfamiliar with. That is not to say that it is impossible, just that you would need to explain this (heavily).
I see you have a background in your encyclopedia, it is real short (so would need to be a bit longer also) and it would need to be put in this registration post because this serves as a record of your background. A lot of what you have for your backstory is personality.
When you have made these edits, please owl Zach so that he can validate you sooner than later.
For your awareness, July 1 is when everyone graduates to second year. You will need to be registered with Index by this time to graduate, otherwise you will be held back.

7 May 2024, 00:08
Index Registration
Character name: Sarah Espley

School Year or Adult Level: First year, House of Hufflepuff

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=979594#p979594

Character Statistics:

Character Special Race/Talent: none

Character Backstory:
Sarah grew up in the industrial city of the midlands. Her father abandoned the family young, when she was just a few months old. Her parents had a falling out, leading to her father not wanting to remain with them anymore. He felt as though he wasn't ready for fatherhood and wanted to go live his life without the constraints of being a parent.

Being a young mother of nineteen, her mother wasn't exactly thrilled when she had her as well. An avid partier, she wasn't really the most interested in the life of her baby. Though she grew to care for Sarah, those first few years of her life would be rough, with her spending most of her time at her nan's house while her mother went off to get party with some lads. Her nan was much more strict, an older woman with a serious glare that could burn holes into your soul. Oftentimes in her early years, she'd be watching her while her grandad would be snoozing off in an armchair while her mum went out to the pub.

It was this unstable environment that came Sarah. Her mum likes to joke with her sometimes that she came out smiling. She was an excitable child, always chattering up a storm, something she learned from her mother. Despite the poor conditions her family was in, she tried to remain optimistic, appreciating what little she had and what little she could give. Oftentimes, this actually helped as her lack of supervision when she came old enough to start going out on her own really left her with a sense of exploration. The child loved wandering around and seeing what her city had to offer, though she would stay clear off the dangerous parts after one evening when she'd told her mum where she'd been, she got herself a quite serious telling off.

She'd make friends easily, having the gift of not really being socially aware on cues. She has no qualms walking up to people and starting up a nice talk. She'd be the person in the halls who shouts "Mornin'!" to all who past her way.

This kind and loving attitude was born most likely as a way to connect with others. She wants the love that her home life so desperately requires. Her mum, while being a flawed woman, has grown to care for her daughter over the past few years, every once in a while showing some sign of affection.

The nurturing side of her was brought out when her mum got knocked up again, then nine months later, a new baby sister would arrive. Sarah was over the moon with joy, possibly the only one in her family to be. She doted on her new sibling, using her to get that affection and love that she craved. Sometimes even, Sarah was more attentive and caring to her sister than her mother. She played with the baby every chance she could get. She also introduced the baby to her stories.

Sarah has always had an imaginative streak. Her way of escaping her reality whenever it got too much was to dive straight into fantasy. She'd make up little characters, playing with her toys in a way that modeled those little tales inside her head. It was fun for her! A way to portray dynamics and people. Sarah loves people. How they think. How they act. How they feel. It's all so interesting to her! She wants to help people and better understand them, so she makes those stories as a way to fuel connection with others.

Sarah arrived at Hogwarts for the 2023-2024 term, being sorted into Hufflepuff. While quite a forgetful and scatterbrained child, she's doing her best to maintain good relationships and grades while here. She thinks that she wants to go into something with healing, preferably being the one to create new cures for ailments.

Beyond anything else, she loves her people and will do anything for them.

First instance of Magic: Sarah's first instance of magic occurred at the age of six. She was getting upset that her mother was going to the pub to drink some more (she already had a few beers at this point) and leave her with her grandmother. Her nan was more an old crotchety type of woman, so Sarah would rather have not been left alone in her care. Rather than let her mum go walk out into the pavement, in a moment of sheer panic, her magic caused the beer can to just disappear. Her mother, seeing this, was so surprised that her nearly fell backwards. It ended up being a trick that worked in her favour, as her mum assumed that she was just seeing things and ended up staying home, not wanting to go out further if she was drunk enough to start seeing 'crazy' things. It wasn't until she got her letter years later that her mother finally realized what had happened.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, May 14