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25 Mar 2024, 13:25
Index Registration
Character name: Avenair Quail
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: Right here
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 3
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 8
Accuracy: 5

Character Backstory:
Avenair was born in the believed coldest part of England - Newport, Shropshire. She spent most of her childhood inside the house, which was not a big place at all. There was a large shelf of books underground, and, having inherited all of her father’s craving for knowledge, snuck down very often to read books. She also had an affinity for technology, and had a way with computers. To her, there is no more important thing than shaping her destiny to become a world-changing inventor, like Thomas Edison.

Unfortunately, Avenair has a horrid mother. The woman likes to scream and shove, as if she ruled the world. This caused her daughter to hate her very much.

But on the contrary, Avenair has a loving and inspiring father who taught her how to do a lot of things. However, he has little time to spend with her because of his work.

Therefore, she established the ability to look after herself very early in life. She has her own preferences; chemistry, math, biology, and physics when she is realistic, mythical creatures, science fiction, kaiju, and dinosaurs when she is not.

Most importantly, what sets her apart from everybody else is her strangeness – often found staring at a fixed spot, apparently transfigured, mesmerized in something. That was true, she does have the habit of thinking tough problems inside her head whenever and wherever. (Perhaps it was the unusual way she behaved during this period, or maybe it’s just something about her, but she never, ever, had any friends.) But while she does spend a lot of thinking sessions on theories and inventions, she also spares time for an odd subject – ‘dark arts’.

She thinks about death, after death, and afterlife on a usual basis, even though she is Christian. But there is just something so deeply engrossing and intriguing about what some others call “darkness”. Death is never expected, fate is cruel, but God is equal. Yes, from the very beginning she always liked the villains in story books and enjoyed listening to nasty stories of failed expeditions. Yes, from a young age age she was pessimistic and lasted the longest to ghost stories.

Black cats, corvids, serpents. All part of her liking. They seemed to shape her being to other people, because she is naturally very silent and undetectable.

Even so, Avenair is far from a bad person. She is misunderstood far too often because of her natural ‘acquaintance’ with “darkness”.


When her Hogwarts letter one snowy morning she was more than shocked, but because of her accurate predictions – frequent dreams of flying and strange memories that do not seem to be hers made her imagine she was just more than human. Now that her ‘suspicions’ have been proven, she couldn’t help but think back about the day that behaved like a miracle.

---First Instance of Magic: Flashback---

It was November. Apparently, something wrong just happened. At school, Avenair Quail had been shamelessly accused of “knowingly ruining the appearance of a respected elder”. Well, in reality all she did was become frustrated over a particularly annoying teacher, when all of a sudden, the soup bowl tipped over and spilled down the teacher’s lap. There was no contact between the bowl, the table it was on, nor anything remotely near it to cause a disturbance. Avenair saw this as a foretelling, or rather a bad omen.

That evening, when she was visiting the church graveyard again(one of her favourite places to be; it was chilly and quiet, and she knows it houses good because it belongs to the church), a flock of ravens suddenly perched onto the tree behind her. She immediately engaged in a conversation with them, though not sparing thought for whether they understood her or not.

When it was time for her to leave, however, one raven flew past her head suddenly and the rest of the flock followed. But that raven dropped a feather on Avenair’s right ear, the same one that had been slightly disfigured in an accident. It was a wing feather, and just the right size for a quill. She keeps it in her wand box after attending Hogwarts.
STATUS: Approved - Koko, 29.03.2024

Death is never expected, fate is cruel, but God is equal. How could we forget, that life is a blessing and charge for our sins, at once? | Oh, hatred runs in the bones. It doesn't in blood. That pulses. Changes. | You are alive, if only you bleed.

26 Mar 2024, 13:51
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Asuka Bakuchiku
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: Asuka
Link to species application: Metamorphmagus
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 5

Character Backstory:

Ever since she could tell the difference Asuka had a hard time understanding how her muggle father had such an easy time believing and even contributing into her mother's magical research. Even giving some painfully in-detail pointers to different combinations thanks to his chemical engineer background. Her mother on the other hand had a more simple mindset. If it's weird but it works, it's good. If it doesn't, can it be used to make someone laugh?

That's right. Ever since Asuka could grab stuff she has been taught the ancient and glorious art of pranking. Both her parents are very involved in this art, pranking everyone who they can. From family, friends to co-workers. Although they do draw the line on people who could leave their family in a bad spot. Pranks are made to make many laugh at the cost of the few. Always with a couple of rules; Never to harm. Never to humiliate an individual. White Hat Pranksters they call themselves.

Having such an interesting childhood Asuka has had her homeschool curriculum tailored around muggle and magical subjects. Mechanics and basic chemisty from her father and biology, charms and potion from her mothers side.

At a younger age her mother noticed Asuka changing her appearance realizing she had metamorphmagus heritage, which had skipped her, and quickly taking Asuka to spend a lot more time with her grandmother and learn to harness that ability.

Her parents were always encouraging to let her curiosity flourish, to explore and learn leaving small things out of reach, to avoid a visit to the hospital. To explore her ideas and see where it took her. Even helping her on creating her first prank instrument. The Glitter Bomb. Which they happily deliver every month to hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic:
At the lowly age of 7 Asuka walked around her mother's laboratory. Looking around and grabbing all sorts of different instruments and objects. She knew how some of them worked. Some enlarged things, others made plants grow faster, more created some sort of prank via water, mud, or harmless fire to freak people out.

One of those items was a beautiful silver necklace with a green stone that some weird markings. Taking it back to her room she studied it closely and wore it around her neck. She took that necklace everywhere, from walks her family did at a park to the grandmothers home.

One particular day she had one of her small tantrums due to a disagreement about dango sticks, popular delivery place at her area, which had upset her. She wished she could just disappear which made the necklace shine. Shrinking her three feet to a measly 1'3" tall. After the shock, more screaming and laughter from her mother she explained that Asuka had accidently activated a shrinking charm on the necklace. Her first instance of magic. A bit unorthodox but funny non the less. With that, she was promptly taken to St. Mungo's which quickly had the effects reversed.


Asuka didn’t know what exactly had happened at first. They had a great dinner, watched a movie. She even fell asleep on her dad’s arm. Started dreaming about how she was a master swordmaster who was chosen to wield Excalibur! The Legendary sword, even the British Royal Family had bowed to her due to her claim to the throne! There was quite the feast, the unicorn princess was there, even the Emperor of Glitterville decided to attend despite the fiasco that was the powder wars.

That is until she was jacked from her bed. She didn’t realize what was going on at first. She could just hear shouting and could half see beams of light going around everywhere. “Dad?” She turned to see who it was only to realize that it wasn’t actually her father. But a strange middle-aged man. Rushing out of her house. “Mom!” She yelled as she struggled against the man. “Dad!” Asuka started to tear up as more spells were shot back and forth. Then, she heard two people drop onto the ground. Didn’t see them. But she knew. She knew what had happened and for the first few days the despair she felt was not overwhelming, the sadness. She was alone now, her parents were gone, her life was gone.

Something broke inside of her, as if her mind had been slowly healing itself by sealing those memories off, or to be precise. Her feelings of it all. Unfortunately, everything came at a price. That being sealing off her own emotions. Becoming an emotionless husk. Becoming the darkness she had been living in.

After that, everything was surprisingly calm. The man was named Noah, quite the funny guy. He was quite funny. Surprisingly enough, gentle and caring. She never really thought about that night afterwards. Instead she simply followed Noah wherever he went. The man traveled around the globe so she was able to see all kinds of things, eat all kinds of food. Quite the wonderful trip! This went on for about two years, until the Aurors had to come and ruin it all. Her perfect vacation had come to an end.

They kept asking if she was all right, of course she was, she just had the best two years of her short life. Had she been hurt? Was she in pain anywhere? So many annoying questions. She was more angry than anything, wanting to continue on her trip. After that they took her to the hospital and later discharged her, she didn’t have anything particularly wrong with her, no charms or jinxes so the doctors where quite surprised she didn’t feel anything about the situation. With that she was taken to her aunt. Quite the grumpy tough guardian that she didn’t particularly like. Didn’t even like glitter! Blasphemous!

STATUS: Pending, Opeila 07/04
1) We are missing a first instance of accidental magic
2) You joined and posted in early 2022, making Asuka a first year in 2021/2022, which means she was held back for two years. Please give a reason in your application for why Asuka was held back.
STATUS: Pending, Opeila 22/04
1) What was it that happened here? Who is Noah and why did he just happen to be in her house when her parents were killed?
2) Why were her parents killed? By whom?
Follow-up: Lear May 3
Please make the requested edits so you can be placed back on Index as this is important for graduation and progression for your character. Make sure when you make the edit that you message Opeila so that she is aware and can make timely reviews because you are a few pages back by now so easy to overlook.
STATUS: Closed, Sereia, 4 June
No edits have been made in 30 days.
Last edited by Asuka Bakuchiku on 16 Apr 2024, 16:04, edited 3 times in total.

28 Mar 2024, 13:06
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Mia Fuzy
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=31467
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 10|Evasion: 6|Strength: 1|Wisdom: 7| Arcane Power: 6|Accuracy: 5

Character Special Race/Talent: Cat's Grace
Character Backstory and first instance of magic:
Mia's family was originally from America but decided to move for the cahnge in scenery. Mia has moved constantly around the U.S., and then when her father wanted to retire they moved to England (Tonbridge, England) for the change in scenery, and she was always trying to hide away at school. Has read 13 different book series, and written a book of her own that is children's fiction which she is hoping to start the second soon, though she has never let anyone read it. Her father is a muggle and her sister has not shown her first instance of magic yet. She and her sister are very close despite the 7 year age gap. She figured out just a few years before she got her letter to hogwarts that her mother was a muggleborn wizard, and never really thought that magic served a purpose in her life so when she was done with school at Hogwarts she went back to the muggle comunity. Since Mia figured out that her mother was a witch she had been pestering her with questions one of Wich was "Why don't you think that magic serves a purpose in your life" but her mother allways refused to awnser. Her mother put aside magic when she was younger, around her 7th year in hogwarts. She was playing with her magic and accidently hurt someone. She quickly finished her year in Hogwarts and left when she noticed how dangerous magic could be. She was very surprised because she hid it so well, as she works from home and never had to use it for mutch. Her family allways lived in muggle community's for reasons her mother wouldn't tell her and she suspects that is the reason why she had never seen her mother use magic mutch.She found out her mother was a witch when she was 9. She was playing with her little sister and she ran into her moms glass cabnit. When she hit it her parents wedding cake topper fell. Her mom was at the table going through old boxes and she found her wand. She was holding it, and reminiscing about when she used to go to Hogwarts, then out of the corner of her eye she saw something fall. She used her wand and stopped it right before it hit the ground.When Mia was ten years old her first incident with magic was when she was having a particularly bad day and her little sister wanted her to play tag but she declined, so her sister kept asking her until she finaly had enough and was overly annoyed and a glass cup in the cupboard broke. The ministry didn't have a hard time with this because it was inside of their house so they were the only ones who knew what had happened. note: 471 words

Status: PENDING: Hi Mia, a couple notes before I can accept your application!

1. Your stats currently add up to 30. As a human, they can add up to 35.

2. Can you elaborate in your backstory as to why Mia's mother hid her being a witch from her family? It's unusual that she would keep that a secret unless they were living amongst muggles (if so, why?)

Please make the required edits and send me an owl and I'll take another look! - Jake - Mar. 31
Status: PENDING: Hi Mia, a couple more notes on your application.

1. Thank you for editing your stats in your app. Can you also edit them in your trunk?

2. We are getting closer to accepting the backstory, but there are still a couple questions about why and how Mia's mother hid her magic from her children. I conferred with the team and got the following answer with some suggestions:
Solomon Lear: Why did she hide it? How did she hide it? As a wizard her mother would have grown up in a magical environment, the learning curve would have been extreme. Using things like a cellphone or a computer would have been super hard.

It might be as simple as her mother is a muggle born witch, when she graduated she chose to return to the muggle world and to maintain the statute she hid this aspect of herself from her family (easiest reason I can come up with). But whatever the reason is, she would need to give the why and the how like I just did.
Can you make some edits to answer the remaining questions?
Jake - Apr. 11
Status: PENDING: Hi Mia, I'm so sorry for the delay here.

I see you did add a bit more detail, but it still does give a couple questions.

1. How did Mia find out about her mother's magic when she wasn't using it?

2. You say that magic didn't serve a purpose in her mother's life but she did not tell Mia why, and also that her mother moved to a muggle community for reasons that she did not tell Mia. While it's ok for Mia not to know, for the purposes of the application, can you explain a little more about the mother's situation - why she chose to put magic aside and move back to a muggle community?

May 2 - Jake
STATUS: Approved - Jake, 12 May
Last edited by Mia Fuzy on 3 May 2024, 18:34, edited 6 times in total.

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.

29 Mar 2024, 00:36
Index Registration
Character name: Liam Morgan
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=31795
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 4
Strength: 10
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 2
Accuracy: 4

Character Special Race/Talent: Werewolf

My name is Liam Morgan. I was born September 9th to Jonathan and Rebecca Morgan. I'm a perfect mix between my parents. I have my father's eyes, which I conceal by wearing brown colored contact lenses , I also have his hair, but I have my mom's smile and stature. I love wearing sweaters over collared shirts. i wear glasses whenever im reading a book. I lived a very secluded lifestyle because my father felt more better away from other people hoping to keep them safe for the times he changes and because of this I have a hard time making friends i would spend my days helping my mom tend to her herbs and my father with around the house and since I've had very little interaction with other kids my age do to the lack of interaction I eventually developed social anxiety which is why i developed a love for reading. I love reading and receiving new books. I could read them for hours. My favorite type of book to read is anything that I can gain knowledge from. I read books to better help with my lack of social skills, but I'd rather be reading a good book than with a huge group of people. I read different books to make it feel like I'm a part of something instead of an outcast. I like being able to put myself into the time and shoes the story is written about. My favorite place in the entire world to be is in a library. I love the smell of new books, and there are so many books in the library. I want to know what each story has to tell. I was raised in a secluded lifestyle with just my parents but i didn't mind since they were the best

Werewolf Story
On a cool autumn evening, Liam was playing with his father while his mother made dinner everything was going well and he had no idea that was the night that was going to change his life forever it was a full moon that night and his father had prepared for hid change when the moon came out his father left so he didn't frighten his son by changing in front of him. the wind whistled and Liam heard a noise from outside not thinking anything of it at first he continued to play with his toys all of a sudden he heard the rustling outside once again being as young as he was his curiosity got the best of him he wanted to know what was causing that noise with both his parents busy he got up onto his feet walked to the door and walked outside he was barefoot and was looking around not seeing anything he decided he was going to play outside since he was already there he went over to the sandbox his father made sat down in it and began to play all of a sudden the creature that was making that sound outside before grabbed him terrified he called out for his parents his father who was in his wolf form rushed outside and say the event occurring angry he rushed at the other wolf who was attacking his son and it dropped him leaving him laying there as his father followed behind the wolf. his mother appeared seeing Liam on the ground bleeding from the attack she picked him up and took him inside as she examined his wounds she recognized them as bites from a werewolf not wanting to lose her only child she went to the cabinet where she stored all her herbs she reached inside got some powdered silver and dittany and applied it to his wounds to help keep him from bleeding out. as his mother was tending to her wounded child his father was still after the wolf who attacked his child he managed to catch up to him as the sun rose as they both turned back to their normal form he couldn't believe his eyes he recognized him it was the same one that attacked him when he was younger liams father was so shocked by the realization he couldn't move and the attacker escaped. after a while, he made his way home and when he arrived he saw his son resting his mother saw the look on his father's face and he revealed to her that it was the same person who attacked him when he was younger he went over to him son and comforted him. it was the next full moon that Liam himself changed he had more in common with his father from that very day and he knew he would have to help him navigate his new life as a werewolf Liam knew he had to learn new ways to cope now that he was different then other kids.

First Instance of Magic:
On his seventh birthday, he got a brand new book from his mother he took it went to his reading chair, and took a seat he started reading his new book then he reached over to get a snack and when he turned back he noticed the pages of the books where turning on their own

Note: If I did this wrong I'm sorry I'm confused on how it works

Status: PENDING: Hi Liam, thanks for applying, I'm going to work with you on getting your application accepted.

1. Your backstory just meets the word limit but it also talks about his appearance, and the things he likes, which is a bit different from the backstory. This can be included, but could you add a bit more of his history, focusing a bit more on things such as his home situation as he grew up? What was his relationship like with his parents, for example? You said he grew up isolated. How come, and how did he react to that? That's just an idea of a bit of detail to add to flesh this out!

2. The werewolf application at the end focuses a lot on his love of books, which is a bit off topic. We really need 500 words focused on his history as a werewolf. Luckily there are still more details you can add here. For example, after he was bitten, what happened when he first transformed? How did he react to this? How do his parents handle his transformations? Is he given wolfsbane potion? Where does he stay? How did he react as he grew older to the understanding that he was a werewolf? Did his feelings change over time? Things like that can help give us more detail about how he became a werewolf and how it affected his life.

3. One more question about the werewolf story. You say that his father took wolfsbane potion and took him outside. Was it a full moon at the time? Would his father take him outside while in wolf form? And if he was in human form how did Liam get bitten, since that would need to be by a wolf under the full moon? (Did Liam and his dad get separated, or were they out too long? How did it end up happening that he was outside to encounter that werewolf under the full moon?)

Can you add some more detail and answer some of the questions above (some of those are just ideas to get you thinking, you don't have to respond to every single question, but just the main points!), then owl me back? I can take another look...or if you have any questions send me an owl and I can talk things through with you!

-Jake, Mar. 31
Status: PENDING: Hi Liam, thanks for editing your backstory. The personal history looks good now!

There are still some questions about being a werewolf that need to be addressed. A werewolf will always transform under the full moon, and this would start after they were bitten. So it would not be a gradual descent into a full change to werewolf. The next full moon after being bitten, Liam would transform fully into a werewolf.

Another question I have about the story is about the usage of the wolfsbane potion. It's worth pointing out that the potion does not prevent turning into a werewolf, but just allows them to control themselves in their wolf form. In the story it seems that Liam's father is a human under the full moon instead of a wolf. Is there a way to re-work the reason Liam is out under the full moon to not contradict that his father would be a wolf that night?

-Jake, Apr. 9
Status: PENDING: Hi Liam, we are getting much closer to being able to accept, I just have a few minor suggestions to change the backstory a bit.

1. It is quite difficult to survive a werewolf attack, so we need to know how they got Liam away from the werewolf. This is just a suggestion, but since it would be quite dangerous to explore outside during the full moon, maybe Liam snuck outside briefly to take a peek? And maybe then hearing what happened, his father (in wolf form) came out to fight off the werewolf, and that's when Liam's mom was able to get him away ? And that could explain how come he was out under the full moon and why only he was bitten.

2. You said as Liam grew up he learned about wolfsbane, and finally turned. There would be a full moon every month, so Liam's first time as a werewolf would be only a month after his initial attack.

Sorry for all the requested changes, but Im hoping after this next edit we should be good to go!

-Jake, Apr. 11
Cancelled - Lear
Last edited by Liam Morgan on 12 Apr 2024, 00:45, edited 11 times in total.

29 Mar 2024, 19:07
Index Registration
Name: Gearldine Lund
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to Charecters Page: viewtopic.php?t=31816

Charecter Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 4
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 10
ArcPower: 4
Accuracy: 3

Geraldine grew up in a wealthy muggle born family she was familiar with Hogwarts cause her older siblings went there, her brother Micheal in his 7th year, and Axe in his 5th year. Her family was never mean or caused harm but her grandfather was always sturn with her and her twin kira no knew why, her brother Axe hated her for that but kept it to himself, he mother and father were both pretty good at their jobs he mom was a Model and her father was a lawyer. Geraldine went to a good school she was pretty but popular but had a few close friends, Lila, Bluey and Lio. She never dated anyone in her years before Hogwarts cause she was young, she has always had a crush in her years before but stoped when he went left and moved back to America.

First Instance of Magic:
She had just gotten off The Market Wellingtons school bus she was 9 around this time, as she got home her older brother Micheal snuck home just to pester Gerladine, he snuck up behind her and pushed her down, this made Gerladine upset and made she turned and yelled at him she pointed her finger as a sign of being upset in result to this a gust of wind came and pushed him back to the other wall, she blinked not thinking was that magic? no maybe it was actually just wind yeah

If anything is wrong I apologize I wasn't entirely sure how this or the ency works

Sincerely, ᧁꫀ᥅ꪖꪶᦔ꠸ꪀꫀ ꪶꪊꪀᦔ

Status: PENDING: Hi Geraldine, thanks for applying, I'm going to work with you on getting your application accepted. There were a few issues with the backstory that would need to be resolved before we can accept. The trunk and stats look good, however.

1. You mention above that your parents were 'muggles', but that they went to Hogwarts. Your profile says that you are muggle-born, which would mean your parents are non-magic and could not have gone to Hogwarts. Did you mean that all your muggle-born siblings had gone to Hogwarts, not your parents? Or did you mean that your parents are muggle-born wizards? If so, you should be half-blood, I believe. If you want to be muggle-born, you can't have magic parents.

2. You mention that your brother is a 5th year at Hogwarts, but also that he went to Azkaban for using an unforgivable on his grandfather three years ago. He would have been 12 at the time, so he would have been unable to cast such a powerful curse. You would have to make him older to have such a backstory. A child would not likely be powerful enough to commit crimes worthy of Azkaban.

Can you make some edits to the story based on the above, and then owl me back?

-Jake, Mar. 31
Status: PENDING: Hi Geraldine, thank you for making some edits. I'm afraid a few more changes will be needed before we can accept.

1. A minor thing, thank you for rewording about your parents, can you just make one more slight edit to says "her siblings had all been to Hogwarts weird since they are all muggles". Can you clarify that you mean muggle-born?

2. A few issues with the backstory of mention that he is a 7th year, but that would not be possible if he was in Azkaban, as he would not be attending school anymore. There is also not enough information to understand what happened with Axe and his grandfather. Casting an unforgivable curse is a massive crime that will get you sent to Azkaban, as you portray. Why was being told she hated their grandfather for being too stern enough for him to take a massive step such as this? This part of the story needs more explanation if you want to go in this direction.

Thank you!
-Jake, Apr. 11
Status: PENDING: Hi Geraldine, I think your recent edits help the story, with the removal of the bits about Azkaban. Thank you for your edits, and thank you for your patience in this process. I just have one final question!

1. You say that your brother Axe hated 'her' because their grandfather was mean to Geraldine and Kira. Could you explain why that made Axe angry at Geraldine? (Or did you mean to say he hated the grandfather? I might be reading it wrong.)

Once this is cleared up I think I'll be able to accept!

Thank you!
-Jake, Apr. 20
STATUS: Closed, Opeila 20/05
No edits have been made in 30 days.
Last edited by Geraldine Lund on 13 Apr 2024, 09:38, edited 6 times in total.

" Don't think I care about you or this. I'm just here for the entertainment " -ᧁꫀ᥅ꪖꪶᦔ꠸ꪀꫀ ꪶꪊꪀᦔ

♡٨ﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩ TᗯO♡ᗯOᖇᗪᔕ...ᗷE♡ᒪOYᗩᒪ ﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩ٨♡

31 Mar 2024, 02:24
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Rose (Rosie) Johnson
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31821
Character Statistics:
. Stamina - 7 | Evasion - 6 | Strength - 6 | Wisdom - 8| Arcane Power - 2 | Accuracy - 6|

Character Backstory:
Rose Theodora Johnson was born on October 31, 2011, being the 6th child and 4th daughter of wizard-born witch Isabella Coral-Johnson and muggle Theodore Gary Johnson. Rosie was a quiet girl growing up, very quiet indeed, she would read books til she couldn't, walk around aimlessly until her tutors came.
Her tutors taught her everything she knows today. She is also very grateful for her tutors for all the schooling, very few magic lessons(one or two were wizards), the counseling they gave her, and a few of them gave her books she still has today.
Rosie's pre-Hogwarts life was boring and lonely, as a underage half-blood witch, she would either play with her siblings who were left or read her books till she got splitting headaches. Her headaches were a thing on her muggle dad's side, also where she got her love for reading. She never really played outside either, her family wasn't that rich or that poor, more on the poor side, but her parents wouldn't let her get fancy outside stuff. That's why today she doesn't go out much unless a walk through the park, though she thinks she should. Rosie is quiet and her backstory is why she is so mature, because she never had any friends and she was always bored unless she was reading her books.

. Rosie known since she was 1 that she is a half-witch. She once when she was 6 years old, was playing on Shelly's phone and was being lazy. She wanted to eat cereal though, so, being stupid, stuck her two fingers out, pointed at the cereal, and the cereal magically floated towards her. Rosie ran to tell her parents. She had bragged to her younger siblings after that.

Status: PENDING: Hi Rose, I'm Jake and I'm gonna be helping with your index application. There are a few issues that must be addressed before it can be accepted:

1. At the moment, your stats add up to 40. As a first year, they should add up to 35 (make sure to edit both here and in your trunk.)

2. At the moment your backstory is only 156 words. It has to be 220 words minimum.

3. Please describe your first instance of magic in your application.

4. Remember that before going to Hogwarts, she would not likely be allowed to cast underage magic intentionally!

Can you address the issues above and then message me back? Thanks!

-Jake, Mar. 31
STATUS: Approved - Jake, 11 Apr
Last edited by Rose (Rosie) Johnson on 10 Apr 2024, 03:15, edited 1 time in total.

Rosie Johnson❤. A flower blooms for its own joy-unknown

31 Mar 2024, 22:17
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Lyra Snapdragon
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
Link to the character page: here.
Character Statistics: Stamina 5~Evasion 6~Strength 4~Wisdom 7~ArcPower 7~Accuracy 6
Character Special Race/Talent: human. Big supporter of werewolves though!!!!
Character Backstory:
Lyra Snapdragon came from a Slytherin pure blood family, that believed pure bloods were much better than muggle borns. They weren't with the dark lord, but did agree in some of his ideas, as he thought the same way about pure bloods being better. Lyra and her family live in Greenwich, in a grand mansion with many rooms, including Lyra's room, that is very big with a door leading to her bathroom, another door leading directly to the kitchens, and another to the corridor on that floor. Her house also had a basement, the ground floor, 2 upper floors, and the attic. It was very big indeed. And not only was the mansion big, but also the space around it! Lyra's family owned not only the house, but also 1000 acres of land around it! In that mansion, there lived most of her family. Her parents, her cousin, her uncle and aunt, her grandparents, and Lyra herself. I may seem terrible, living with so many, but with such a big house, it actually is nicer. She hasn't travelled much in her life, staying in her hometown, Greenwich. In her time before Hogwarts, Lyra mostly spent her time writing, socializing with friends, and taking many walks in her garden and the city.

First Instance of Magic:
She was 8. She didn't like that muggle idiot. At least, maybe he was half-blood, but he looked muggle-born. He was looking at her with his cute eyes, saying something mean, she didn't know what. She was angry. She absolutely hated him. He was too cute and nice, and overall just annoyed her. He also got in her way when she wanted to be alone. And then there was his jacket. Pink. Cute and pink. It was just too much. She couldn't take it anymore. She exploded. "GO AWAY!" She shouted. His jacket burst to small shreds of fabric and she stormed off, her hair whipping around her. She did not say sorry. And she did not regret it.

STATUS: Pending - Maya, 31 Mar
- Your character is a Pureblood, which means that they do not attend school. They are either tutored by someone or homeschooled. Please change your First Instance of Accidental Magic to match this information.
STATUS: Approved - Maya, 1 Apr

My morals
Be yourself - Make your own choices - Act like you want to act | Because you do what you want and if someone tries to get in your way, they will regret it.

1 Apr 2024, 19:51
Index Registration
Character name: Abby Miles
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=31863
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 4
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 2
Accuracy: 4

Character Special Race/Talent: parselmouth

Snake Story
it was a beautiful afternoon in August. I was out for a hike in the woods with my dad and some of my friends. My dad became preoccupied with talking to a few of my friends about some animals they had seen earlier they wanted to know what they were. I was looking at some running deer when I heard a noise and because it was me and my curious nature I had to go see what it was since it didn't sound like it was very far away. I walked down the path a few feet when I noticed one of my friends on the ground she had tripped on our walk I knelt to check and see if she was all right when I noticed a snake nearby I was a bit Fearful for myself and my friend's safety since the approaching snake looked pretty mean. I was telling you snake to leave us alone and that it was just a coincidence when the snake turned and went the other way it wasn't until I had returned to the others when I was helping my friend out that she said I was speaking and it was only his sounds. confused for a second, my friend and I decided to act like nothing happened. We wanted to keep it a secret from our friends. my father came over to talk to us when he noticed my friend was injured he took care of her ankle and he decided to cut the hike short so he could get my friend back to her house so she could rest her ankle. I returned home with my father and was playing outside with my friends who had stayed behind, but I continued to think back to what had happened while on the hike. It kept bothering me that I didn't know what it was that had happened. Why was I speaking the way I did. after my friends left to go home, I knew I needed to tell my father about the event or risk never knowing what it was that had happened. I found my father reading a book and asked him if I could ask him a question and when I told him about the event and inquired why I had seemed to be talking a language the snake seemed to understand and leave. when I told him everything he looked a bit shocked since he didn't think I'd be able to do that he didn't think anyone in our family was a parselmouth but my great great grandfather was one and I was now a parselmouth also I didn't quite know what a parselmouth was but my father had learned about it in his school days decided to sit me down and tell me everything about what he knew about being a parselmouth I was both intrigued and frightened since my father had told me that the people who had that ability weren't looked upon as good people and I didn't want to be seen as a bad person but it wasn't going to change I had to live and cope with being one.

Back Story
I was born on September 19th in Manchester. I'm the only child of my parents, Michael, who is a wizard whom is great with charms, and my mother Lisa, who is a muggle. Growing up, I lived a very normal life, and unaware magic existed. I spent my time with my friends at the local park, going shopping with my mom, or going on hikes with my father. I felt like just your average kid. I would attend school with regular kids since my mom didn't want my dad to tell me that one day I might develop magical abilities like him. She didn't want to get my hopes up in case it didn't happen she also didn't want me to get scared of it, so they decided just to keep it a secret from me. When not with my friends, I would play outside because I loved being outdoors. my favorite activities are swimming, hiking, fishing, and camping, and I also like to read stories about adventures if I'm not allowed to go outside that day. I'm always up to meet new people and make new friends. I always wanted to have a pet, either a cat or a dog. if I could be anywhere I'd be camping since I find it very exciting and I like being outdoors in nature.

First Instance of Magic
when i was 7, i was stuck inside one day feeling bored. I heard a noise and looked up to notice a doll of mine up and walking around on its own.

STATUS: Approved - Maya, 1 Apr

3 Apr 2024, 10:01
Index Registration
Character name: Maia Stevenson
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31892
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 4
Accuracy: 4
Character Special Race/Talent: Seer

My First Visions

It all began when I was eight years old. I was outside playing in the yard when I had my first vision. It was only briefly, but i could make out that it was of beautiful orange cat in a tree looking terrified. I was confused because I didn't know what had just happened and everything at that moment seemed to be calm. I went back to playing when after a while I heard a noise that sounded like it was coming from up in the trees I looked up and saw the exact same cat as I did in my vision before it was meowing and had a scared look on its face. it was unable to get down from the tree I ran inside and got my dad who came outside and helped the cat down from the high tree branch once the cat was back on the ground it stopped meowing like it was before and calmed down alot. I pet the cat but had the vision in the back of my mind the whole time. how did I know the cat was going to be there before I even heard it. Unknown to her she had a seer in her family. the seer was my great grandmother, and that trait got passed down to me. I was too scared to tell my parents about it because I didn't want them to think I was making it up when I knew what I had seen, so I decided to keep it all to myself. I decided from that day that I would record all my visions in a journal and keep it tucked away, hidden from the sight of my parents. I kept having brieft visions some were terrifying and some weren't I wished I knew someone who had the same ability so I could have someone to talk to about the visions I was having but I didn't think there was anyone out there in the world like me and I'd have to go through this all alone and it made me feel sad but I knew I had to endure even though it made me feel terrified and alone. I then after a few months i found some of my great grandmother's journals hidden away since like her she didn't know what was going on in the beginning but told of how it was developing as she aged the journal she had in her hands had alot of meaningful information in it for her since she was getting some more knowledge on what was happening but I still didn't understand much even why I was the one to have gotten the ability. I would go on feeling alone and sad, but I didn't want to show it or tell my parents about how I was feeling because I didn't want them to worry about me. one day I had a breif vision that one of my best friends were going to be moving away soon and I didn't want them to leave but knew I could do nothing to change that so I spent all the time we had left together doing our favorite things together.

Maia was born on October 25th to Samantha and James Stevenson in Ireland. Both of her parents were Muggles she lived a fairly normal life being raised in the muggle world she had no idea magic really existed she thought it was only in the books she read. She has a lot of friends she likes to be around, and not with them, she could be found helping out her parents around the house whenever they need her help. She likes the color blue and to go to the mall with her friends or to spend her her time inside reading. As she grew older she got a younger sister who she considers one of her best friends because she means alot to her but at the same time she started getting a feeling there was something about herself that was missing but she wasn't quite sure what that something was but she didn't want to let that keep her from having a good time but it was always at the back of her mind itching to figure out what was missing in her life. She would continue to keep it hidden away since she didn't want anyone to worry about her she knew that eventually everything that was happening to her would become clearer soon and it would begin on her eleventh birthday when she got her letter to attend hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic
When she was seven years old, she was doing her schoolwork one day, and when she looked up from writing her paper, she noticed the pages of her work book were turning on their own.

STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 7
Reason for Pending:
1. Since you are applying for special talent Seer, your character will only have 30 stats points. Your character still has 35 stats points in total.
2. Maia's grandmother and great grandmother being Seers doesn't correspond with Maia's blood status. Being a Seer means that Maia wouldn't be a Muggle-born, as Seers are witches or wizards that will never produce muggle. Here are the links to further information about Seers and Blood-Status.
3. Your character backstory should met 220 words. Your character's backstory is 202 words.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 8
Reason for Pending:
I'm sorry for the miscommunication.
1. The problem mainly lies with the blood status/genealogy. Maia's grandmother being Seers still doesn't correspond with Maia's blood status. Her being a Seer means that they are witches who will never produce muggle or muggle-born childrens until many generations. It would be different if Maia didn't have any grandparents in near generations who were Seers. It can be more far back generations.
2. Can you tell us how Maia found the journal of her Seer's ancestor while in fact she was adopted?
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, April 9
Last edited by Maia Stevenson on 8 Apr 2024, 23:53, edited 5 times in total.

3 Apr 2024, 13:41
Index Registration
Name: Violet Marie Moon
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31893
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 4 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane power: 6
| Accuracy: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: Parselmouth
Parselmouth application:
WC: 695
William, Violet's dad, had always suffered from ophidiophobia, a fear of snakes. Marie, Violet's mum, however never had an issue with them. At their house, Marie always spent a lot of time in the garden growing flowers, plants, vegetables and herbs and all kinds of animals could be found amongst the greenery at times - insects, spiders, hedgehogs, foxes, and you guessed it - snakes. Violet has a distinct memory of one occassion where her dad had went out to the garden to take care of some of the chores for her mum who was spending time with Violet in the living room. After some time they could hear Will shout for Marie from the garden. She got up from the couch and headed out with Violet right behind her. As they stepped through the porch door leading to the garden in their backyard, they could see Will standing frozen staring at the same spot in the grass. There layed a snake, drinking up the heat from the summer sum, placed between where Will was standing and the porch door. He could simply ask for help but was otherwise paralyzed with fear, sweat droplets running down from his hairline down his forehead and temples. Marie simply told the snake to leave which Violet found quite weird but as most kids do, she followed suit and told it to leave as well. She would have expected her mum to grab a bucket to cover the snake or something or mayb - Violet's thoughts were interrupted as she witnessed the snake seemingly listening to what her mum and herself had just said: it slithered away. Impressed and surprised, Violet's eyes grew bigger as she looked from her mum, who was looking at Violet with wide eyes and a surprised look, to her dad, who now seemed able to finally breathe. He walked over to Marie and gave her a hug, thanking her. ''I will never understand how you hissing at snakes actually helps, but I won't question it, I am just happy it works somehow! And I am glad it rubbed off on Violet!'' he said to her. Marie gave him a wide smile and hugged him back. Violet being seriously confused blurted out: ''We didn't just hiss at it! We TOLD it to leave!'' As soon as Violet had spoke her mum had gone stiff, slowly turning around to face her behind Will who had now kneeled down in front of Violet and placing his hand on her cheek. ''Kids imaginations, I love it. Never stop, my creative dreamer!'' Violet stubbornly stomped her foot and stretched her arms out. ''But I'm not imagining it, dad! I heard it clearly!'' she said. Will simply laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed inside. ''I need me a shower after that adventure'' he said as he left. When he had gone, Violet was still standing with a stuborn look on her face, her arms crossed over her chest. Her mum now kneeled down next to her, softly touching her arm. ''Did you really hear what I said to it?'' she asked her daughter. ''So you DID say something to it! I WASN'T imagining it!'' she whined. Her mum slowly shook her head. ''This is a skill few witches and wizards have, Violet. To others it just sounds like hissing sounds which is why your father said what he said. Only other parselmouths can understand parseltongue and snakes - but not all parselmouths can speak it.'' Violet looked confused. ''Parsley-mouth? Parlsey-tongue?'' she stuttered. Her mum laughed a little at that. ''P-a-r-s-e-l-m-o-u-t-h. That is the name of the people that can speak and/or understand p-a-r-s-e-l-t-o-n-g-u-e.'' Violet stood still, mulling over what her mum had just said. Eventually she gave her mum a nod and said ''I understand.'' Her mum then mumbled ''Parsley-tongue'' with a slight laugh as she got up and grabbed Violet's hand, the two of them heading inside together. As they walked, Violet turned her head to see if the snake had returned, and it had: cheekily it laid down in the same spot again. She smiled and followed her mum inside after wishing it a nice sun-bath.

Character Backstory:
On a seriously cold and early winter morning, January 4th 2012, Violet Marie Moon was born. As she entered the world she was welcommed by two very loving parents: her mum Marie Philomena Moon, 37 years old, and her dad: William Alexander Moon, 39 years old. Her mum a witch (who had attended Hogwarts herself, also in Slytherin just like Violet) works as an Auror and her dad a muggle works as a carpenter at his own company. The parents lovingly and excitedly watched throughout the years as Violet evolved as a child. Her first steps, her first word, her love for life. But, at the same time, the parents had worry and guilt in their hearts for Violet was not their first child. A year before Violet was born, she had had a brother - Isaac Tobias Moon. Sadly, he passed away at three years old. The siblings never got to meet, but the parents made sure to show Violet pictures of Isaac and tell her stories about him. This way, Violet today feels like she did know and still knows her older brother except for whether Isaac too would have been able to attend Hogwarts like she is to do now or not. In her mind Violet tells herself she is also doing it for him, that she will face any and every experience head on, imagining Isaac experiencing it vicariously through her but also with her - because he didn't get the chance to.
Voilet is a bright kid and she excelled in muggle school except for mathematics - she never seemed to be able to get the information into her head the way she was easily able to do so with other subjects. Whether it's a question of lack of trying due to boredom or something else is debatable. However, in due time, she would be told by her mum and dad that a letter arrive announcing she had been accepted to attend Hogwarts. Violet had heard a bit about it from her mum and she knew it was important for her - if it wasn't clear before it definitely was by the way Marie was wiping her tears as her hands grasped the letter while she was telling Violet what it meant. Her dad seemed equally happy and proud, even though he never knew about the wizarding world until after he had married Marie. Especially proud were Violet's grandparents on her mothers side as they both had also attended Hogwarts, them too in Slytherin - as had all the wizards on her mothers side of the family.

First Instance of Magic:While helping her mum in the garden, Violet accidentally toppled over some kind of liquid that is supposed to help plants grow - but without touching it. Violet's mum squealed with happiness that her daughter also turned out to be a witch. Needless to say, said plant grew to be very big.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, April 8
Reason for Pending:
1. Please ensure your backstory is consistent. Write the same backstory in both this application and your encyclopedia.
2. Color formatting is not allowed in the trunk. Please refer to this rule when creating the trunk.
3. Your character can only have 30 stat points as you're also applying for Parcelmouth talent. Please reduce your character's stats from 35 to 30.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, April 9
Last edited by Violet Moon on 8 Apr 2024, 19:08, edited 1 time in total.