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31 Aug 2023, 23:17
Advancement Program Applications
Name: Jacob Harman
Encyclopedia: Here
Reason: Jacob was held back from his fifth year in his fourth year because his grades were not good enough to pass through that year. That and he skipped some classes and focused more on his relationships with other people in his year. So he could not advance another year.
RP to Advance:
Jacob had to study over the summer. This was because his mother requested that he be held back another year due to him skipping some classes rather than doing his school work. This caused the Headmaster, Solomon Lear, to have Jacob study and do an exam for advancement into the Fifth Year. The Fifth Years have to do their O.W.L. exams by the end of the school year to be able to choose their profession. Because of his father's death, Jacob wanted to become an Auror. He knew if he could become an Auror, he would be allowed to investigate Dark Wizards and stop dangerous ones before they could be able to hurt anyone. He first studied for the exam for potions, his favorite subject. The tutor didn't need to help with this as he had a pretty good knowledge of potions. "Okay, now for Arithmancy." He gave out a loud groan. Arithmancy was his least favorite subject. He hated it half as much as History of Magic, though he preferred History of Magic over Arithmancy any day. He had to study the numbers, and this was math. Basically, he hated math, especially small math. He was never good in muggle math, in any case. "Okay, not bad. But where is your proof?" He had forgotten that he needed to prove that he had done it. He liked to guess. He then proved what he had done and moved on. Next was Defense Against the Dark Arts; one of the questions involved taking care of a non-being effectively and giving an example of how this was done. "This is simple. I know this one from my Third Year. They had this exact question during a lesson, and I know what I have to do." He told his tutor. He then wrote at exactly that moment. 'The way to take care of a non-being like Dementors or Lethifolds is by summoning the Patronus charm on the non-being in question, and as an example of how this worked in history was in 1998 during the Battle of Hogwarts where the Patronus was used against the Dementors in the Battle, during the time many Dementors were with Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters as they had taken over the Ministry of Magic in 1997. "Very informed answer." His tutor said his tutor had dark brown hair and looked as ugly as a pig wearing a wig. Next was History of Magic. "Alright, History of Magic. Not as bad as Arithmancy, but still." Said Jacob dully. "Can we get a move on, please? I am late for lunch." The tutor was clearly getting very impatient. Jacob then heard a large farting noise coming from the tutor. 'I seemed to get the worst luck in the world.' thought Jacob fuming. 'Maybe I'll be able to see someone from Hogwarts soon when I reach fifth year.' Thankfully, it wasn't too bad. He had to learn about the achievements of Albus Dumbledore and his life near the end of his life. He liked Dumbledore and wished he was still around to give him advice; then again, he would have died either way as he was reaching the end of his life in 1997. He went through many of the other ones, like candy. It was very easy for him to learn the rest. Finally, there was transfiguration; he had to bring up what could go wrong with transfiguration if you do it wrong. Thankfully, he knew there were many ways that something could go wrong. He wrote, 'Transfiguration is very difficult. This could lead into someone transfiguring themselves into something, something blowing up, transfiguring something to turn into a hybrid transfiguration, or if something were to really go wrong, transfiguring the object permanently in that state. For example, transfiguring something into a magical creature permanently, as was the case for the story of the clan McBoon, where they turned into the species known as the Quintaped permanently.' He then signed and dated the exam and turned it into the exam holder.

Word Count: 674
iNPC Encyclopedia: Here

Approved - Galahad
Jacob's Edit: I have omited any mention of Harry saving Sirius

"Do not pity the dead... pity the living. And above all those who live without love." Albus Dumbledore -
Jacob Harman