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13 Apr 2024, 03:27
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: [ x ]
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: REBOUND
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
[ wc: 404 ]————

the whelpling had been obsessed with flight the minute he saw dragons in the sky. he felt a kinship to them, perhaps through ancestral lineage or draconic blood keeping his family and these majestic beasts so intertwined. it was no wonder that while joining the slytherin co-captain's unofficial quidditch deal, he found himself at home in a way on the pitch he hadn't ever felt while at hogwarts.

his comrades kept him safe after he and bex were able to knock out one of their crucial beaters in a moment. it was ever since then that the fire was lit within him to take his school broom and actively practice when he could to figure out an essential beater skill that uly had seen done time and time again when watching the quidditch world cups.

the concept was simple enough, dodge the bludger as it came flying towards him and use his broom to smash it in another direction. the school broom wasn't the best choice to attempt it as he had the privilege of using a comet and silver arrow from friends for the broom racing and quidditch match, but if he could master this then he'd convince his parents to finally get him the broom of his dreams.

day after day and error after error, uly would plummet from the sky or get slammed hard in the chest by the bludger but he hadn't given up.

that's when he got the news that he was selected as a back-up slytherin beater (perhaps after koko had seen his performance) and that was all it took for the young boy to overcome the obstacle. that day with the right timing, he began to swing his school broom at the perfect moment to send the bludger blasting through the air. for now, he'd count that as a victory and focus on his aim next and that he did. uly was still pretty clunky with the movement but at least he was finally hitting the bludger back, the sign of a promising beater.

after a very detailed letter sent back home to his parents and a few negotiation letters back and forth, his firebolt arrived and was counted as his birthday and christmas present for the year but, uly couldn't have been any more excited. his dream of becoming a professional quidditch player bloomed in his heart and it all started with learning how to rebound.

STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/04

14 Apr 2024, 14:04
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?p=964140#p964140
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Charms Learner
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Charlie had always been amazed by magic. Ever since she was a little child she would look at her parents casting charms around the house or make them tell her stories about how they learned all of them. A lot had to do with defence against dark arts as they were at Hogwarts during the war against Voldermort but Charlie was too scared by these stories, she preferred hearing about charms which were only made for good or which were useful.

As she grew up and learned more about magic thanks to her tutor, she always asked more about charms. How was he casting them? How did he move his hand to cast a "simple" lumos? It resembled to dance in a way. It was like their wands were extension of their hands and both were dancing together to cast a magic spell. Charlie always looked at magic with eyes wide open. She wanted to learn more, to understand more, to create something as beautiful.

As soon as Terry and Candice, her childhood friends, went to Hogwarts she began to send them letters every week to ask them all about what they learned at school. Candice always told her about all the activities she was doing but Terry knew what interested Charlie the most: Charms. So he discuted with her his classes and she always answered by "I cannot wait to be there too and learn even more! I want to pratice this new charm too!".

During her last summer holidays, before entering Hogwarts, she began to read her books she acquirred at the Diaggon Alley. She focused a lot on Charms and History of Magic but she could not take her eyes off her Charms book. And when Terry and Candice went at her house for their monthly sleepover she told them everything she read even though they already went through this pass.

"I cannot wait to be able to train myself to cast them all! And to reach your levels! I hope I will be good enough though..." She said as she was in her bed before sleeping.

"Don't worry Lils, you have an amazing memory and I know you. You are capable of anything if you want to. You'll be a remarkable charm's caster. One of the best. I believe in you Lils." Terry answered while they could both hear Candice snoring in the background.

"Thank you Terry, it means a lot" That is all Charlie could say before moaning from tiredness.

"Good night Lils, and never forget, I will always be there. You have something for Charms and for plenty other things too. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you." Terry said.

"Good night Terry. And thank you, for everything..." Charlie said while her eyes were slowly closing.

WC: 465
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/04

16 Apr 2024, 06:37
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):


Elisa Wagner, eldest child of Teslon Wagner and Margaret Wilston, had always had an interest in a Muggle subject. Biology. She had quite a few Muggle school textbooks teaching the subject, and she had flipped through their pages way too many times. The books had already revealed all their secrets to Elisa. The little girl treasured the books. They were easier to read than biology books of the wizarding world, since the latter contained various mentions about complicated magic Elisa had not yet learned about.

Elisa also loved the nature and wildlife. It was fortunate she lived in a little town, as close to the natural life as possible. She could spend hours in a little forest, listening to the songs of nature: the birds chirping, the wind rustling through the leaves, a rabbit passing by... She'd often have her picture book open, matching the birds to the ones in her book, learning their names and all.

Perhaps it ran in the genes. Elisa's mother, Margaret Wilston, was a renowned Healer, working at St Mungo's. When she wasn't busy, she would take little Elisa to the hospital with her, letting her observe the Healers. The little girl must have learned a lot from countless hours of watching her mother and her colleagues, because a couple of months after her seventh birthday, Elisa's parents witnessed the reveal of their daughter's talent.

It was a sunny, spring day, with a light breeze flowing around. Elisa was playing in the yard with her friend, May. They were playing play house, Elisa was the mother and May was the naughty little child. All was going very well, when May decided to be extra naughty and run away. Elisa, being the responsible mother, chased after her friend. The girls were laughing, and May wasn't paying attention to the what was under her feet. She tripped on a rock and fell hard on the ground with a piercing cry. Elisa rushed to her aid, truly concerned, not realising her parents had come out of the house when hearing the cry.

Little Elisa knelt down besides her friend, who was now crying fully. Ever so gently, she calmed May and asked her where she got hurt. As May pointed to her knee, Elisa slowly and carefully lifted the hem of May's dress, revealing it to be bloody and swollen. Without waiting further, Elisa rushed back into the house, searching for her mother's supply of medicaments. She zoomed back to her friend, and under the amused and impressed gaze of her parents, she treated May's injury delicately, as well as any Healer would have done.

Eventually over the years, Elisa's mother initiated Elisa to the world of healing, assuring her a future of a successful Healer.

458 words
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/04

⚕︎ sta 4・eva 6・str 2・wis 9・ arc 7・acc 7 ☿
Healing Sage

17 Apr 2024, 07:12
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?p=140830#p140830
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Wandmaker
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
[OOC: My application will essentially be to keep and better define AJ's current wand as I like the random generation aspect of it.]

AJ sat up in his bed as best he could. His usually pale complexion paler still due to his illness. He tried to stifle a hacking cough to no avail, groaning and sniffling in the aftermath as his eyes drifted over to the small box that contained his wand. He hadn't picked his wand up for what felt like years at this point. He could scarcely even remember what it looked like. The box itself had began to gather a thick layer of dust due to disuse. He hated this, being stuck in bed only able to read up on theory without ever being able to put it to practice. Many times he'd thought of risking using his wand to test out some of the things he'd learned but thus far he'd always resisted.

With a grunt of effort he shuffled to the side, his legs dangling over the edge of the bed as he grabbed his walking cane. He felt like a geriatric old man with this thing, but it sure beat toppling over suddenly. He walks over to the box and blows the dust off of it before opening it to examine the wand inside. With a tentative and shaky hand, he picks it up for the first time in ages. Rolling it over in his palm.

"Heh, Hornbeam...alwuz foon' et queet genurec. Bu' ets groon on meh. He murmurs to himself. It was true, supposedly the wand had chosen him. And though he hadn't in any way disliked it as he was still enamoured with the fact that any of this was happening to him at all at the time he had to admit that there were other wands he saw that seemed to have more interesting wood types. Yet over the years, through thick and thin he had become quite proud of his Hornbeam wand, and he couldn't see himself giving it up for anything. While other students had their struggles with a wand that was either too extravagant or not extravagant enough AJ had always felt that his had gotten the gist of what he wanted pretty quickly. They had bonded, as weird as it was to say. He still remembered once when another student had taken his wand in order to taunt him, and then upon attempting a spell received nothing more than colourful sparks. He appreciated the fact that the wand had always been his, since the very beginning. He wasn't about to forget that, even bedbound as he was. [WC: 198]

He gave the wand a quick swish in the air, not casting anything, but just to feel it move once more. He remembered duelling. Even though it had usually wound up with him getting absolutely demolished he could never forget the rush or the thrills. Nor how his wand practically roared every spell cast with dramatic flair that he never thought himself capable of. He had always been quite humble, but never afraid to speak up for himself or defend what he cared about. Perhaps the core of his wand represented that. The Heartstring of an Antipodean Opaleye, a beautiful white Dragon. AJ had seen many pictures of the beasts and it made him incredibly proud to know that his wand contained the strength of one in its very essence. Wounding or hurting others had never been AJ's intention when casting spells, even in the midst of duelling. Perhaps that is why even though the quiet fury of a Dragon was linked with his own soul. It was perhaps the calmest of those Dragons. [WC: 174]

He held the wand up vertically in front of his face, letting it serve as a border to split half from half as he stood leaning against his cane. The sudden motion caused him to get dizzy and he very quickly sat back down on his bed, breathing heavily as he did so.

After a few moments his eye returned to the wand. And for a moment emotion got the better of him, his eyes welled up with tears as he tried to choke back sobbing. He remembered what had been said to him in Olivander's. That his was a wand "well-suited to a charismatic and powerful wizard." Right now he didn't feel like either of those things. He felt weak, sick, and lonely. Perhaps the wand had chosen him expecting some great destiny fulfilled, but he didn't know how he was to do that stuck in his bed.

At Hogwarts he had taken most everything in his stride. His wand was flexible and so was he. Most people he had met had been welcoming and accepting, even if he had no clue what was going on most of the time. He had to learn a whole new world of things he'd never even imagined before. He had come from a world of Muggles and been thrust directly into a world of magic. He liked to think he had adapted well to that, supposedly that adaptability made him worthy of this wand.

AJ stood again, white light flashed across his eyes as he staggered and tried his best to stay upright. His head pounding for a few moments. He gripped his wand as Professor Pendrast had once taught him. In an act of defiance he let his cane drop to the floor as he assumed a duelling stance. His wand was raised in the air, longer than a standard ruler and looking ready to be used. "Ee am AJ MacAllister! Muggleburn Wuzzerd." It took a lot of restraint to not fire off a spell right then and there but he managed it. As much as it felt like his wand was calling for a dramatic display of power. He held off, for now at least. He was going to take every single measure he could to beat this affliction. He was going to stroll back through the doors of Hogwarts castle and remind everyone he belonged there. [WC: 156]

After a bit of cough medicine.

TWC: 1050

STATUS: Approved, Opeila 20/04

- Fearless - Prodigal DADA - The Muggle Condition -

Stamina: 7/15 | Evasion: 8/15 | Strength: 5/15 | Wisdom: 8/15 | Arcane Power: 8/15 | Accuracy: 10/15

18 Apr 2024, 22:45
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Metamorphmagus
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Alice was really good at drawing, mostly because she always tried to remember her grandmother's facial expressions, she would imagine her sitting next with her grey hair styled like a fancy old woman, her eyes looking at her while telling not to give up at her dreams, sometimes it felt so real that she had problems going to sleep, Alice remembered that her grandma told her something big about her family when she was little, tough she couldn’t remember it all she knew it had be in the Fletcher’s for centuries, she then started to make all that she could to find information about the Fletcher’s gift, she couldn’t find anything but every time she thought about it she knew that it was part of her. then it happened, she found it an abilities book, it had been saved in the attic, where she spent all the time she could going in her memories, she read all the book finding more clues, nothing of course had the specific family last name, before the Hogwarts letter arrived she knew it but she couldn’t explain how, she just did from her father’s side of the family almost everyone was a metamorphmagus, she was shocked, she didn’t understand why her parents didn’t tell her anything, she thought of asking them but no, they said nothing. But still, she decided to wait at Hogwarts to see if someone could help.
STATUS: Denied, Sereia, 19 April
This is the wrong place for a Metamorphmagus application. Special talent applications are to be applied for during Index Registration. See this link for more details.

Alice Fetcher,
Slytherin Student.
First year
No one will see you cry, but everyone will see your faliures

22 Apr 2024, 04:48
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread:🕊
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for:Lovely Creature
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Brookline Quinn, since the very minute she was born, she was as magnificently lovely and wonderfully beautiful as she is today, everyone in the hospital knew it and they knew it came from her wonderfully beautiful mother. Brookline's mother genes went to Brookline, and if you looked at them, you would know instantly that both were extremely beautiful and either sisters, twins(as Brookline had always been tall and her mother being like 5 foot) or mother and daughter.

Brookline has beautiful soft long wavy golden brown hair with very pretty dark waxy blue eyes. She is tall with a straight body type and a bit slimish. Brookline has medium sized hands, with normal waxed elite fingernails. Her legs are long but not slanky, they are smooth and hairless. Her eyebrows are a pair of normal straight brown strips centered underneath each dark blue eye. Her ears are small with a small diamond earring pierced on each ear lobe. She had a straightforward jawline and rather high cheekbones, she also has a wonderful beautifully smile that she never uses as her personality is rather drag.

Every year, as Brookline grew in maturity she grew in her beautifully facial and body features. Her mother was probably more pretty than her daughter(probably of being older), Amy, her mother having gorgeous dark green eyes and beautifully dark oiled tanned skin while Brookline had tanned pale soft skin.

Since Brookline had been four, she had put thought in what she was going to wear, and how her hair turned out as. Her hair would be gelled, hair sprayed, and have equal hair parts. Her wardrobe was added with t-shirts and tops with zero sayings on them and more high-heeled boots instead of normal sneakers.

Amy's beautifulness came from her magnificent magical lovey aunt. Aunt Abby, who had long golden hair, beautiful liquid dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, lovely pale white skin that never burned, pretty tall, a average height of six foot, two slips of light brown eye brows, and long fingernails with each fingernail painted with either a beautiful purple color with one light pink on her ring finger, or a lovey teal color.

In summary, Brookline's beautifulness comes from a long line of witches and a rather few squibs. Her long pureblood line came with a healthy wonderful price of beauty, wealth and life.

Status: Pending (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
Lovely Creature isn't some official name or species, so you don't need to be official about the name, it's simply a trait. Please, edit that one out, everything else is great.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
Last edited by Brookline Quinn on 24 Apr 2024, 22:03, edited 1 time in total.

ρꫀꪻꫀ᥅🆂🆃🅰 7•🅴🆅🅰 5•🆂🆃🆁 7•🆆🅸🆂 8•🅰🆁🅲 7• 🅰🅲🅲 6 calming presence ||
᥇᥅ꪮꪮᛕꫀ 🆂🆃🅰 8 •🅴🆅🅰 5• 🆂🆃🆁 6•🆆🅸🆂 8 •🅰🆁🅲 4• 🅰🅲🅲 4. Lovely creature ||ᦓꫝꪮρ||

22 Apr 2024, 06:46
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread:🐍
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Defense Against the Dark Arts Learner
Describe why this fits your character :

Ever since i was a child i had been entranced by the tales of my father's work as an auror, and the stories he told me about his adventures,they seemed so fascinating to the young me that i begged my fathers for days to teach me everything he could to prepare me for Defense Against The Dark Arts.

Finally after a while his hesitation broke and he decided to teach me,gave me books,theory,told me strategies,even went as far as to have his colleagues tell me some very scary one so as to deter me from going down the same path as them, yet no one could change my mind, After noticing my steel will, they all Agreed to teach me on different days on the week after their work hours were over, my father even shared case files with me that were declassified,this all prepared me well for Defense Against The Dark Arts,

They started teaching me early morning before school and even late nights mixing my DADA practice with my jeet kun do practice hours as they greatly emphasized the importance of a fit physique,that'd enable me to tackle on my tasks much more readily and make my escape swiftly if things went left. The training was tough on me, both physically and mentally,my sleeping hours had been reduced to less than six and my hours to go to school,practice my martial arts and then DADA specifically left me tired,mentally exhausted and on several times,ready to give up.

But my idolization of Father and the focus on not giving up and standing up to his legend and his experience kept me going.Several times his friends,told me to give up along the way,telling me i was too young to try so hard,To them it seemed like a child's curiosity but I did it all because i had this perfectionist attitude, slight anxiety and this feeling of what might happen if I'm too weak to protect myself that led me to relentlessly pursue all my subjects passionately and with vigor but a special focus on DADA,

Hearing the tales of He who shall not be named among other wild creatures and evils kept me up at night,wanting to remove the evil from this world, My ambitions to become one of the strongest and skilled wizard of all time also certainly helped in my pursuit of this ability but something way deeper down inside told me to do it for the sake of survival. What started as a desperate attempt to gain confidence in abilities soon turned into a battle of endurance where no matter how hard it got,i didn't want to let up.

Somewhere along the line i understood how the reason for all of this training being so hard,they were trying to break my spirits, But after seeing my focused will,after a while they eased off me and reduced my workload to the point where life was back to normal and i had still been making progress in all my pursuits.
Status: Pending (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
The ability application should be at least 400 words, yours is 285. Please, expand it.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
Last edited by Prat Pass on 25 Apr 2024, 04:46, edited 1 time in total.

Cost of Procrastination is the life you could've lived.

24 Apr 2024, 03:02
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ✨
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Keen Eye
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Sarah has always been an artist. She has always noticed the small details in the world. For example, one of Sarah's favorite stories to tell is about the time she saved her sister from the broken ferris wheel. A long time ago when Sarah was little, her mother took Sarah and her sister Anna out to the muggle fair for a girls trip. There was a big attraction there called a ferris wheel. A ferris wheel is a muggle contraption that is held together by nuts and bolts. Anna was boarding the huge ferris wheel first, but as she stepped into the cart that would carry them around the ferris wheel, Sarah grabbed Anna's arm and stopped her from stepping on.
"There. Look. There's a screw loose there."
Sarah pointed to the area where a screw was loose on the ferris wheel cart on the floor.
"That's an important screw. Look what would've happened if you stepped on the floor."
Sarah grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it on the floor of the ferris wheel cart. The floor immidiently fell out all the way to the ground. A wave of pride flew over Sarah. Because of her keen eye, she was able to save her sister's life.
Sarah uses her keen eye all the time in her art projects. While one person may see a sunset drawn on a piece of paper, Sarah can see and name all the individual colors on the paper, even when they are blended together. Sarah always notices little details that others may not notice. And she was proud of this.
Sarah's keen eye also works for other things as well, not just art. Sarah's whole family was very into Quidditch. Sarah, her sister, and her many brothers play Quidditch very often. Since Sarah was the youngest and smallest, she was always the seeker in their family games. Sarah always wanted to grow up and become a seeker for a professional quidditch team. And she knew she could. Because not only was she passionate about being a seeker, she was also very good. Because she had a keen eye. Sarah has NEVER missed the snitch. She always spots the golden fleck within SECONDS that it is released. This is because Sarah has a keen eye. Sarah may be small, but nothing ever gets past her. She spots everything because of how observent and keen her eye is.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” - Albus Dumbledore

24 Apr 2024, 17:56
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: boop
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Statistically Relevant (+2 ACC)
Describe why this fits your character:
Archer was a name meaning bowman, and it was only natural for bowmen to be expected to have impeccable accuracy.

However, when Marguerite and Atticus Duncan named their child, they had not taken this factor into consideration. Yet coincidentally, Archer Theodore Duncan simply developed an aptitude for accuracy.

Such a show for accuracy began with simple childish activities. There was an august apple tree stood proud on one of the corners of the family’s estate. With a fear of heights at that age, Archer had never attempted to climb the tree, yet the sweet call of temptation never faded, and eventually he had learnt a simple rock could strike one down at a stem. It was delicate work, and following the first stroke of beginner’s luck, he failed the second. And the third. And all the following. Despite the constellation-like smatter of apples, they often either missed one entirely, or hit too squarely in the centre, ruining the entire fruit. After multiple assays on a particularly lazy Sunday afternoon, the rocks began to hit exactly where they should: puncturing the stems and causing the apple to fall directly into his waiting hands. Rejoicing despite the seemingly simple success, Archer concluded that they were the best apples he had ever tasted. When his parents finally discovered such behaviour, they encouraged the lad to use his skills elsewhere and save the tediousness of harvesting apples to magic.

As time progressed, Archer would consider pursuits of slightly more interest, sports. Marguerite Duncan, being an avid adventurer, often encountered muggles on her journeys and soon learnt a variety of muggle sports perfectly exercising precision, among other essential skills. The first she had picked up was the simple ball-toss, common with both wixen and muggles. Despite its facile nature, the game was entertainment enough to the youthful Archer. Yet as he grew, his tastes evolved into additional sophistication, and was introduced to the sport of golf. After a visit to Glasgow’s Trump Turnberry, Marguerite had brought home a club and a ball. She had dug a small hole on a rather flat area of the estate, placed a little red flag, and showed Archer the proper techniques for the best hit. Of course, eventually, Archer finally decided to pick up a bow and arrow and pay homage to his own name. After the proficiency he had earned from the previous two sports, it turned out he was a fine enough shot. Even though the arrows distanced themselves from the bullseye, they soon landed square with a short month of practice.

As he grew, muggle entertainment simply did not suffice a wizard. As the wife-eyed Archer stepped into the entirely novel world of Hogwarts, his focus shifted to spell casting. Despite having been urged to be more confident in his incantations, most successfully casted spells did land true, due to both newly introduced reading regarding the subject and addition of practice in Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts classes. While having not have had much chance to show such a skill outside the classroom, Archer is still eager in any game of precision.

Despite his slender appearance, Archer Theodore Duncan could most certainly land a good shot, whether with a rock, a ball, or a wand.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)

Archer Theodore Duncan
The innocent and beautiful have no enemy but time.
Johannes "Hans" Jenssen
The fault is in not in our stars, but in ourselves.

26 Apr 2024, 03:01
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here you go!
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Obnoxiously Strong
Describe why this fits your character:
Sarah has always been a very strong person. She was very strong mentally, but physically as well. Although she may not look it, Sarah was a very very strong little girl. Although she had a very small build, she was still a force not to be reckoned with. A lot of her physical strength was from her father. Sarah's father was the best broom racer when he was young and attended Durmstrang. Sarah is very strong in the way that she has a lot of stamina. For example, when Sarah was little, she ran in a 5K. A 5K is a muggle race where you are supposed to run five kilometers. There were over a hundred racers, and Sarah came out on top. She was able to move at a very fast, yet steady pace for the entire race. And after about twenty minutes, she had won the race.
Most people believe that strength comes from having big mucles, and being able to lift large weights. While this was true, it also came from being able to have stamina. After all, what's the point of being able to lift 20 pounds if you can only lift it one time? This doesn't mean that Sarah couldn't lift 20 pounds. She loves lifting weights. Sarah gets very angry very easily. Sometimes, she gets so frustrated she doesn't know what to do with her anger. So she decides to go to the gym and lift weights. Sarah has been doing this ever since she was little, and with all that practice, she is able to lift heavier and heavier weights every year!
Sarah loves being a broom racer. While she is a huge Quidditch enthusiast, she still loves a good broom race. She is also extremely fast! Sarah can go really fast in broom races and not get tired until her 20th lap!
Sarah might be small, but she is mighty, and can do almost anything she puts her mind to. Sarah is also mentally strong. If someone is being mean to her, she is able to brush it off easily and stand up for herself. It is very easy for Sarah to tell herself positive things about herself. She is very strong mentally and physical for her age. At least that's what her mother is always saying to her. This is why the ability, "Obnoxiously Strong" fits Sarah very well as a character.
Status: Denied | Owled April 26 (Phaedra)
Reason: You have already applied and been approved for Keen Eye this year. You must wait until your character's graduation (typically July) to second-year before you can have another ability.

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” - Albus Dumbledore