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22 Apr 2024, 00:04
Index Registration
Name: Andy Loggins
School level: First year
ency link: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=32181
stats:Accuracy: 4
Evasion: 3
Arcane power: 7
Wisdom: 8
Strength: 7
Andy Loggins
Biography:A very cool looking boy. He has a big smile and big arms. He really likes soccer and doesn't know anything about magic. He
has smooth skin. He doesn't have a lot of friends and eats KFC. He hopes he will be a doctor. He has a big house and he is VERY VERY VERY wealthy. He doesn't like the fact that you have to learn and hopes He will become better in studies at his muggle school. He dresses up in shorts and sport clothes. He looks pale and dull with brown back hair. He looks like Draco Malfoy but doesn't have the same personalty as him. He always games with his only friends and has a good life living as a muggle until he gets a owl from Hogwarts. A professor came and handed the letter to Andy and his family and explained the magical world. He is a different guy now. He wants to learn. He always eats Chinese food. He loves food. He encountered magic when he was angry and accidentally
broke a plate with the anger he had in him. His mother and father where shocked. This happened in Perth Scotland when he was 9 years old. He lives in Perth, Scotland, and has brown eyes. He has nice parents and one brother named Max Loggins. he already got the letter a. couple weeks ago and is determined to go to Hogwarts . "Three more years, boy, three more years." Andy Loggins always says. Andy used to play soccer, but when he found out the sports in the magical world, he was down to it. He will attend classes and become a wonderful wizard. Who knows what kind of adventures he will face in the magical world?
STATUS: Pending, Sereia, 23 April
- you are missing stamina as a stat category; your stat totals come to 29 at the moment, so will the remaining 6 go into stamina?
- Andy should not be having a job before the age of 13, and even if he does, he must have a special circumstance that requires him to do so; you mentioned that his family was very wealthy, so why should he work?
- assuming 'strange type of money' is galleons, why would wizards be in the Muggle world buying shoes, let alone pay using wizarding currency? This lore break does not make sense. If half-bloods are in the Muggle world, we can assume they have some knowledge to know what currency to use. Full information on blood status lore can be found here
STATUS: Approved, Sereia, 24 April
Last edited by Andy Loggins on 23 Apr 2024, 12:50, edited 1 time in total.

Andy Loggins My shop: viewtopic.php?t=32265

22 Apr 2024, 06:36
Index Registration
Character name: Prat Pass
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: BOP
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 7
Character Race: Human
Character Backstory:
My Father is auror and mother works in the ministry,I am a single child
I have always been interested more in my father's work than mother's job at the ministry,both used to be quidditch players albeit not the best, mother enthusiastically took part in broom racing while father enjoyed Duelling.
My parents are well off with generational wealth but refuse to be stingy with it and are often more philanthropist,imparting kindness and apathy onto me.
My parents made sure I was well taught by employing Private Tutors in all basic fields that i would come to require in my wizard life as well as martial arts classes,
I also spend most of my time in the places surrounded with magic except for the annual family trips to my aunt's(mum's sister) place where i'd interact more with the muggle world as she chose to be with a muggle and rejected a life of magic altogether, this got me interested in muggle inventions as well as tech and gained me surface level knowledge of such constructs,but only as good as you'd expect a child to have. Getting that letter to attend Hogwarts was a dream come true,as it seemed like the definite pathway to walk upon to reach my goals of becoming one of the strongest wizards to ever live.
First Instance Of Magic:
My first instance of accidental magic came about when I was 10,I caught a few seniors harassing a friend,as I tried to help him they began to attack us both,in my desperation and call out for help i threw my hands around and without knowing they all fainted as me and my friend managed to escape.
Prodigal Defense Against the Dark Arts Learner Application
Ever since i was a child i had been entranced by the tales of my father's work as an auror and the stories he told me about his adventures,they seemed so fascinating to the young me that i begged my fathers for days to teach me everything he could to prepare me for Defense Against The Dark Arts. Finally after a while his hesitation broke and he decided to teach me,gave me books,theory,told me strategies,even went as far as to have his colleagues tell me some very scary one so as to deter me from going down the same path as them, yet no one could change my mind, After noticing my steel will, they all Agreed to teach me on different days on the week after their work hours were over, my father even shared case files with me that were declassified,this all prepared me well for Defense Against The Dark Arts, meanwhile my idolization of Father and his experience also helped me. To them it seemed like a child's curiosity but I did it all because i had this perfectionist attitude, slight anxiety and this feeling of what might happen if i'm too weak to protect myself that led me to relentlessly pursue all my subjects passionately and with vigor but a special focus on DATDA, Hearing the tales of He who shall not be named among other wild creatures and evils kept me up at night,wanting to remove the evil from this world, My ambitions to become one of the strongest and skilled wizard of all time also certainly helped in my pursuit of this ability but something way deeper down inside told me to do it for the sake of survival.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
I have removed the ability application, as you've already applied for it in the ability application thread.

Cost of Procrastination is the life you could've lived.

22 Apr 2024, 18:07
Index Registration
Character name: Noah Baldridge
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: Link
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 6
Character Race: Human
Character Backstory:

Growing up, Noah was very well cared for and loved. When he figured out he was a wizard, he was very excited. He had always wanted to attend the top wizarding education institution, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Noah had been intrigued by magic for all of his life. Little did he know his life would take a dark turn...

When he was just seven years old, his mother died in a terrible car crash. He always wished he could go back in time and rewatch and cherish those moments with his mum. When he attended her funeral, he broke down in tears. Noah missed his mum so much. He wanted vengeance on the one who killed his dear mother, but he knew that his mother wouldn't want him to feel that way. It was a dreadful emotion to experience, especially at the most terrible of times.

Noah knew his mother wanted him to be a great person in life, and this inspired him to always help others. He grew to be a caring and mature young man and could always sympathize with others who were feeling down. He has great wisdom and strengths such as intelligence, maturity, helpfulness, and integrity, along with leadership. Noah knows a lot of people and had a lot of friends at his old school. Noah feels he will mature to be a very good person as he ages.
First Instance Of Magic:
When Noah was 6 years old, he was at the park with his family when his little sister got stuck up a tree! He ran to come to save her. He put his hands on the tree and shook it. The tree shook violently, and when she fell out of the tree, she was caught in a bubble-shaped orb and fell slowly to the ground. His parents were astounded and super happy to have another wizard in the family as soon as they knew what it meant.
Status: Pending (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
Your total stats provided are 34, but they should be 35. Please, edit.
Also, I've run the main backstory post through several AI Checkers and all were returned as AI-written (the First Instance is fine). Please, edit the application to have at least 220 words of your own.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)
Last edited by Noah Baldridge on 25 Apr 2024, 14:02, edited 1 time in total.

Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5 Strength: 6 Wisdom: 6 Arcane Power: 5
Accuracy: 6

24 Apr 2024, 00:51
Index Registration
Character name: Cornelius Haut
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: Link
Character Statistics:
  • Stamina: 6
  • Evasion: 6
  • Strength: 3
  • Wisdom: 10
  • ArcPower: 3
  • Accuracy: 7

Character Special Race: Human
History/Background Story:
Cornelius Haut's early years were rather simple and typical for a child in the wizarding world.

His parents work in the wizarding world taking the floo in their living room to work - which he’s tried mimicking them a couple of times and gotten in trouble for. His father, Oliver former Hufflepuff, works for the British Ministry of Magic as a member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad which fascinates him as the stories his father bring home offer a different perspective of magic than the books he’s read. His mother, Wynonna former Gryffindor, works as a Healer giving him reassurances that even the worst of accidents his father tells stories of can be healed with wizarding magic. Of course, as he gets older he’s learning those reassurances often have caveats due to the basic laws of magic and how the world works which makes him more curious about those caveats.

His family lives off the coast of England in the town of Margate and had a rather normal looking home as seen on the outside by muggle standards. Yet, the family was a wizarding family that had been in Margate for some time so they’d acquired property next to one another, and ensured that only other wizards lived in their neighborhood on the outskirts of the muggle town. This meant they could create tunnels between the houses to let the children move between them without it being obvious they were playing when they should have been in school if the muggles were paying attention.

His parents felt strongly about the need to keep the muggle world at arms length and believed that children couldn’t be trusted to not mention wizarding things to muggles if they were too integrated - like going to muggle school. Which was why his parents and others in the small community all home schooled their children with his favorite part of that being that many of the neighborhood kids came to his house for his mother to teach science lessons. However, due to them living so close to the muggle world his parents introduced him to the muggle world to ensure he could be at least proficient at blending in - mostly as they liked to let them him loose on the beach during the summer. The catch was beyond playing with muggle children on the beach or at a park for practice blending into the muggle world he didn’t really interact much with muggles in his childhood.

He was about five when he realized the other kids his age couldn’t wrap their mouths around his name. At first he pronounced it slowly for them. Though it didn’t take him long to just give up and shorten his introduction to calling himself Eli.

It wasn’t much later that he realized that the kids his age only had curiosity for adventure, not how things worked. So his childhood was a mix of going on adventures with the kids his age that he knew, and then telling them to go on ahead as he found something interesting to investigate. Investigations that often found themselves documented in various blank journals he had. His favorite things to investigate are bugs and plants.

First Instance of Magic:
The story Eli will tell you about his first instance of magic if asked was when he was seven he climbed a tree to observe a beehive. To see the hive better he pulled out his magnifying glass which in the summer sun caused a reflection of light that resulted in smoke from the area of observation of the beehive. Naturally the bees reacted and swarmed towards him causing him to panic as he was well aware the pain a sting could cause. As he scrambled back on the branch he was on and started climbing down somehow an unnatural wind was summoned that pushed the bees away from him. To him that scientifically unexplainable unnatural wind that kept the bees from stinging him was his first instance of magic.

Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.04.2024)

Stats: Stamina: 6, Evasion: 6, Strength: 3, Wisdom: 10, ArcPower: 3, Accuracy: 7
Just Human, Healing Sage...

24 Apr 2024, 04:13
Index Registration
Character Name: Asteria Nagla
School Year: First year
Encyclopedia: Click here
Special Race/Talen: Human
Character Stats: STA 4|EVA 6|STR 4|WIS 8|ARC 7|ACC 6|
Character History
WC: 229
Asteria was born in Cairo, Egypt alongside her younger brother, who was born only two years after Asteria. Asteria lived in a small but big enough house with her family where it was only a couple blocks away from the elementary school she attended. The family owned two dogs and one cat to keep the kids entertained for nights where Asteria’s parents weren't home for long periods of time due to work; because of this, Asteria and her brother with a nanny most of all time. However, those times were real, only happening about twice annually.
Asteria lives a simple life with a mundane routine, what more can you expect out of a little girl? Within her uninteresting life, Asteria spends most of her time (trying) reading books her parents bring home or painting the walls of her room from pure boredom of white walls every so often.
Aki is Asteria’s brother. Aki, only being a two year younger than her, is a popular kid who doesn’t have trouble making friends. There are times where Aki is jealous of Asteria’s book knowledge, but most days it’s him bragging about how great he is. Aki dislikes their parents, thinking that they don’t really care about him and only pay attention to Asteria; when asked, Aki avoids the question, Asteria doesn’t ask much about it, not that she even cares anyway
First Instance of Magic
WC: 214
Asteria was only 9 years old when she moved to Scotland. With the stress of moving, one could imagine what it was doing to her. It was bad enough that she aws quick to anger, aka, asteria jumps to conclusions fast, especially if the problem includes her family members. Even though Asteria and Aki are siblings, they didn’t do much about each other’s social lives; because of the lack of information about each other, miscommunication will happen. After a few weeks of getting used to a new school and new area, Asteria maintained a good grip of routine in her everyday. Every morning Asteria would walk past the cafeteria to get to her class, walking past the cafeteria means walking past her brother. Aki is a social butterfly who is used to becoming pretty popular pretty quickly. One day when Asteria was making her way over to her class she just happened to tune in on a conversation with Aki and one of his friends. Unfortunately, she tuned in at the wrong time and heard a insult that was meant to be taken as a joke, To respond, Asteria, quick literally, threw her burning rage at the boy, thankfully it diminished before harming anyone, but Asteria did get a good detention and a call from her parents.
Status: Pending | Owled April 26 (Phaedra)
Reason: 1) Is Asteria's brother one year or two years younger? Both are written, so please clarify.
2) Asteria and her brother cannot be left alone for days and even weeks on end while the parents are away; they are children. Please provide a more present guardian or nanny during these times.
Status: Approved | May 6 (Phaedra)
Last edited by Asteria Nagla on 27 Apr 2024, 03:02, edited 1 time in total.

There's no time to waste

25 Apr 2024, 04:53
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ruckus Weems
School Year or Adult Level: Adult
Link to the character page: Here!
Character Statistics:
STA 15 | EVA 4 | STR 4 | WIS 25 | ARC 7 | ACC 15
Character Special Race/Talent: n/a

Character Backstory:
Ruckus was born in Fife, Scotland, in the 70s to a poor wizarding family. His mother and father took many jobs, some in the magical world and even some in the muggle world, to make ends meet. He is the third child of eight. To escape the chaos of his home, he would go to the woods behind his home, and collect the trash that had migrated there. Growing up with some many siblings, he learned to observe and reflect before acting—giving him a keen perception of people's motives. He wanted to not be as brash and angry as his brothers when it came to conflict. But because he spent so much time watching, his family easily forgot about him in the disarray.

This was especially evident in his education. His parents believed in home schooling, haphazardly between the hours they working. It was easy to neglect Ruckus because he hardly ever spoke. He had to teach himself many topics, causing large gaps in his education. However, he found he had the greatest aptitude for history and devoured both magical and muggle history.

Once Ruckus turned 17, he moved out and traveled around the United Kingdom, moving from one odd job to the next. From there he steadily filled the gaps in his education through practical application or trial and error. He exchanges letters to his favorite sister, Gertrude, but he otherwise doesn't stay in contact with his family. This nomadic period lasted until he was 30.

The next two decades of his life, unfold like chapters in two different books.

At 30, he met the love of his life, Niamh—an Irish woman with fiery red hair and an even more fiery determination to get to the bottom of who Ruckus Weems was. He was hesitant at first to let her, but he eventually relented and allowed himself to be loved and to love. They opened a bar together in Dublin: Niamh the public-facing host, and Ruckus the quiet and observant bartender. The bar entertained muggles, but it had a secret back section for wizards. And ten years passed wonderfully. On his fortieth birthday, December 7, 2010, Niamh was killed in a hit-and-run accident outside the bar. No magic, no reason, just a drunk driver.

Ruckus sold the bar and joined a sailing crew. He left behind all his belongings, even all the trash he had treasured over the last four decades. He worked with muggles and did back-breaking labor for rich sailing ship owners. He tried to forget all that he had known, even the magical world itself. But over the course of the decade and some change, while seeing the fullness of the world, he became to come to terms with his life and all its hardships. And he started a new collection of trash (the sea is full of it!).

When he finally landed back in the UK, he heard about an opening for a caretaker at a magical school. Having never gone to one himself, he figured it would be his next great adventure.

First Instance of Magic:
When Ruckus was eight, he took his first solo trip to the woods near his home. His siblings were playing an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, and they had left him out of it. He decided to explore and make his own game. There was bits of paper and old shoes and even a discarded mattress. One paper crunched loudly beneath his foot, and he picked it up. It was an old handwritten receipt for A History of Magic. Suddenly, the receipt began to grow and change in his fingers. It had weight. The crumpled piece of paper had transformed into a copy of the book. He sat down and read, filling his afternoon with different perspectives.
Status: Pending | Owled April 26 (Phaedra)
Reason: As an adult and human, you are entitled to a base of 70 stat points. Please provide +5 stats (without surpassing the 25 point individual category cap).
Status: Approved | May 1 (Phaedra)

“This is the dialectic—there is a very short distance between high art and trash, and trash that contains an element of craziness is by this very quality nearer to art.” - Douglas Sirk

25 Apr 2024, 16:55
Index Registration
Character name: Elizabeth Stonewall
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=32145
Character Statistics: Stamina:9, Evasion:5, Strength:5, Wisdom:5, ArcPower:5, Accuracy:6
Character Special Race/Talent: Human

History/Background and First Instance Of Magic

On May 1st, 2012 at exactly 1pm, Elizabeth was born to Rachel and Thomas Stonewall in London. As soon as she was born, her father wrote a letter to his Muggle parents, telling them that they now had two grandchildren. After her mother was well enough, she wrote to her Wizard parents, telling them the wonderful news.

Her 5-year old brother Demetrios loved her from the start and did all he could to protect her. As the years slowly passed by, the love and affection between the siblings grew and grew. Because of the love Demetrios had for her, her friends were the friends that Demetrios had.

By the time she was five, her parents had reluctantly allowed her to play with her brother and his friends on the rooftop of the apartment they lived in. Full of joy, Elizabeth bounded up the stairs to play Tag with the others. That was the day she accidentally did magic.

As she was racing around and around, she slipped on the roof and fell over the side. Demetrios dashed downstairs as fast as he could with their parents right behind him. By the time they got outside, she was standing upright and unscathed. Sighing with joy and relief, her parents slowly walked up the stairs and Demetrios politely asked his friends to leave.

Once they got back into the apartment, their parents revealed to her that they were in fact Wizards and that she had a good chance of going to Hogwarts, a magic school. At the news, Elizabeth gasped in surprise and clapped her hands with joy. So they weren't Muggle magicians! They were real magicians! It was the best day of her life!

After that day, in order for the Muggle children at her old school to not know that Elizabeth could do magic, their parents arranged for Demetrios' private tutor that just so happened to be a Wizard to also teach Elizabeth. Up until she turned 11, she thought that there was nothing in the world that she lacked, she had everything she ever wanted. That all changed when she received her letter from Hogwarts.

As soon as she had read it, she tore from the bedroom that she shared with her brother into the living room where their parents were. She bounced up and down excitedly, waving the letter all about. When she had calmed down a bit, she told them that she was going to Hogwarts just like them. They smiled and as it was a special day, they all had ice cream.

Status: Approved | April 26 (Phaedra)

25 Apr 2024, 19:26
Index Registration
Character Name: Leona Cooper
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page:
Character Statistics:
Arcane power-6
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Leona was born late in the night at a small hospital in London. Leona lived with her Mom, Dad and her Grandma and Grandpa when she was young(she still would). As she aged and got older her family started to not pay attention to her and eventually completely ignored her. Her family had started to ignore her because of how much she had to eat, even though her family had no food. Leona went to a simple school and one of the worst in her town. Her parents were quite poor because they didn't have very great jobs or anything at all. Her family was always quite poor and her being born didn't really help because she ate too much.Leona liked to play mostly with her dog or with her few friends she had. Leona is kind, caring and very shy. Leona had never heard of magic or wizards or anything like that until a Professor had come and given her a letter and explained most of who she was. Leona was so excited when she heard she was a witch, but also quite scared about what her family would say about her. Leona's friends were kind and usually would always have lots of fun with her. Leona was very sad that she didn't get to tell her friends about the school she was going to.

First Instant of Magic:
Leona's accidental instance of magic was when she was only 6 years old and she was waiting for her family to get back home. It was very stormy that day and she heard later on that a tree had fallen over and hit a power line. It suddenly had got pitch black and Leona hated the dark at the time. She had not noticed what she did and the wall near her started to faintly glow which calmed Leona down. When her parents got back the power was still out and they thought that Leona had spilled some glowing liquid on the wall and grounded her for two days.

Status: Pending | Owled April 26 (Phaedra)
Reason: 1) The backstory alone must be 220 words, not including the first instance of magic. In Validations, the minimum requirement was 220 words to be accepted onto the site, but in Index we are asking you to expand a bit more. Here are some things to answer that may help you with increasing your word count: What do Leona's parents do for a living? They are muggles, so how did they react to Leona being a witch and going off to Hogwarts? Why did her family suddenly start paying less attention to her? What more can we know about her muggle friends?

2) Your stats add up to 34. As a first-year human, you can have 35. Please add one more stat point to any category of your choosing.
Status: Approved | May 20 (Phaedra)
Last edited by Leona Cooper on 29 Apr 2024, 17:01, edited 1 time in total.

Be your self, everyone else is taken.

25 Apr 2024, 20:44
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Arden Sayre
School Year: First Year
Link to the character page: This is just a url to your encyclopedia.
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Patronus: None
Character Statistics:
Stamina- 5
Evasion- 8
Strength- 4
Wisdom- 5
ArcPower- 7
Accuracy- 6

Character Backstory:
Arden's life before Hogwarts was calm and enjoyable. She had a few friends at her elementary school, although she wasn't very close with any of them and mostly kept to herself. She played the piccolo for her elementary school band, and at home her mom taught her piano from the age of four. She loves doing crafts and playing video games. She is skilled in martial arts because her stepdad put her for lessons with her younger half-brothers.

Arden was very close with her five year old half-brother, Oliver. They did many things together, from homework to video games to watching their mum do all sorts of magic.

Her mum is a witch, her stepdad a muggle. While her dad had always shown a slight wariness towards magic, her mum took every opportunity to show Arden and Oliver a new spell. Arden’s other half-brother, Hazel, is the complete opposite of his younger brother and hates the “sorcery” their mum can do. It’s no wonder he doesn’t get along with her and Oliver.

First Instance of Magic:
In fourth grade, when Arden was ten, she had been practicing her piccolo in her bedroom after school. (It had been a bit warm in her room, so she'd opened her window to let the cool air in. A horrible mistake on her part.)

Her dad had bought it for her a couple of years ago, after he'd made her promise to take very good care of it so they would never have to take it to the repair shop. Which made perfect sense to her, considering the instrument itself had cost over 950€. 950€!

Meanwhile, her eldest younger half-brother, Hazel, had arrived back home a while after her. Even though they go to the same school, he'd been late because he missed the bus, and the school had to call her parents over so they could drive him back. He was upset, and then to his parents chiding he became mad.

By the time he and his parents had finally returned home, he was furious. After having a noisy fit in the living room, he stormed into Arden's room and started shouting at her. When she grew annoyed and (unintelligently) decided to play louder over his screaming, he grabbed her piccolo and hurled it out of her bedroom window from the second floor.

Horrified and a little panic-stricken, knowing the fragile instrument could've been damaged or worse, completely destroyed, she had bolted downstairs immediately to the backyard where it had fallen, and her mum was already there gardening and had picked it up. Arden was even more shocked to see the piccolo fully intact.

At first, as she calmed down her frightened nerves, Arden had thought it to be a lucky drop. It had landed in the grass, so maybe that had broken its fall. Then she tried to think more sensibly and pondered the fact that it would've at least been a little scratched up.

But as her mum handed it back over to her, she told Arden that she had seen it float; it just lost all its momentum right before it landed on the ground as if it was set down carefully. Her eyes were glowing as she placed the piccolo into Arden's hands. The ten-year-old blinked in confusion when her mum then hugged her and then walked back to her plants, then settled for the thought that her mum must've caught it with a spell so her piccolo wouldn't be damaged.

Sure, her mum's wand had been in the living room lying on the coffee table, but it could've been wandless magic, right? Arden knew she surely couldn't have done it herself.

Status: Pending (Meenauh, 27.04.2024)
The backstory is good, but the first instance is confusing.

The first instance is explosive and instant. The magic performed is unintentional, meaning that the child did something magical without knowing or planning. Try writing more about your character's emotions and how they made it into the first instance of magic. Here is some more information about it, with some examples at the end: viewtopic.php?p=608736#p608736.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 28.04.2024)
Last edited by Arden Sayre on 27 Apr 2024, 21:50, edited 1 time in total.

There’s two sides to having no friends:
1) There’s nobody behind you to protect your back.
2) There’s nobody there to stab it, either.

26 Apr 2024, 01:59
Index Registration
Character name: Isleen Knight
School Year: First Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=973992#p973992
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 6
Character Backstory:
Isleen Delia Knight was born in 2012 in a small town in County Clare, Ireland. Her mother and father, Orion Knight and Evangeline De La Lune are both Pureblooded and both come from long lines of wealthy Pureblooded families, the Knight family being the longest of the two.
She has no other siblings, making her childhood rather lonely, but she always had her governess to look after her more closely than her parents.
Isleen was never really close with her parents, as they have always been strict and cold, but that doesn't mean they didn't look after her.
From a young age, Isleen has been in many, many lessons varying from piano to ancient Greek. As long as she can remember, she has been trained to be the Heiress of not only the Knight Estate but the legacy as well, though most of her lessons are preparing her for a marriage to a Pureblood from another long line of wealthy Purebloods rather than preparing her to be the lady of an estate.
Isleen had always been an adventurous child, making it hard for her parents to raise her as an elegant lady instead of an ambitious young woman. Isleen was always longing to go outside and play with the other children in the town, but her parents forbid her from playing with children with blood below a Pureblood. She has been taught by her parents that anything below a Pureblood was beneath her, but that has never sat right with Isleen as she could never see what was so wrong with muggles.
First Instance of Magic:
Isleen's first instance of wandless magic was when she was eight years old. She was frustrated as she was not allowed to go outside that day because she would certainly get her new dress dirty, and guests were coming in mere hours. She was having a little argument with her mother, when suddenly the glass vase beside her burst into shatters, raining down bits of stained glass everywhere, but not touching Isleen or her mother.
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 27.04.2024)