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3 Mar 2024, 19:15
Index Registration
Character name: Luna Ambers
School Year: 1st
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31423
Character Statistics:
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Luna has a wizard dad (Alexander) and muggle mother (Amara), she also has an older sister (Alina) who graduated from Hogwarts just before it was Luna's time to join in. She interacts with her mother and especially her sister pretty well because they were kind and understanding towards each other and the fact that Alina Ambers was also a Hogwarts Student made their interactions and converstations more interesting and often. Alina is 7 years older than Luna so she graduated as soon as it was Luna's time to start her first year. She grew up with her sister's hogwarts stories since she was around 5 years old but had to wait for her turn.
However, her relationship with her father is a bit complicated, he works in the Ministry of Magic and quite busy to spend quality time with her family. And when he is at home he is stressed from working so he might come of as angry or impatient with other family members sometimes, he's also a very logical person whike the other family members listen to their heart more, Luna included.

She was really looking forwards to following the Hogwarts learning and experience steps like her dad and her sister. But before, she had to deal with prep school. She had a few friends there but they weren't so close and honestly Luna was looking more towards the future witch and wizard friends anyway.

First Instance of Magic:
Her first accidental magic happened at 7 years old. During that time, her sister was a 3rd year student at hogwarts and she was quite jealous of her. When her sister came back home for the holidays they decided to all dinner together as a family. After a while Luna's sister started to talk about her adventures at Hogwarts. Luna really loved her but couldn't help feeling so jealous and a bit angry too, after the dinner her sister went to her room and Luna followed her. She wanted to take a look at her Hogwarts books as her sister was doing other stuff. She picked one book but as soon as she did so, her sister asked what she was doing. In a childishly jealous manner Luna turned back to her sister admitted what she's been thinking. Her sister just told her that she just needed to wait, but Luna got angry and said that she didn't wanna wait for years and how it was unfair, at the heat of the moment she even told his sister that she wished she never came home. She immediately regretted it when she noticed the sad look on his sister's face but then she also seemed suddenly a bit surprised and told Luna to look back at the book, and then when Luna suddenly turned back she got a glimpse of the book pages turning fastly on its own and that changed her mood for slighly better when she realized she just unintentionally did her first instance of magic. She apologized to her sister later.

Status: Approved (Meenauh, 06.03.2024)

4 Mar 2024, 03:24
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Achlys Bellerose

School Year or Adult Level: 1st

Link to the character page: Tadaaa

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
ArcPower: 8
Accuracy: 8

Character Special Race/Talent: Human

Character Backstory: Achlys was born on August 10th, 2012 somewhere in Greece to Apollo Bellerose and Constance Vierden in, she entered the world with a smile gracing her face but it was very bone chilling and sinister. They moved to London 4 years later, the walls of the manor promised wealth and influence. She was deemed the flower of the two families by whoever knew them. As soon as she learned how to talk, she immediately started lessons with her older siblings, she was quick to grasp any subject thrown at her with little effort amd was doted on by the tutors. She didn't have much of a relationship with any of her siblings other than Abigail and Athena, Abigail was the oldest being 15 and Athena being 12 when Achlys was born, they were the only ones to not look at her with suspicion and apprehension, like the others.

Her grandparents were strict and expected nothing less than perfection, though they didn't show it, the favored Achlys because of her embodiment of what someone produced from the blood of both Bellerose and Vierden should be and look like. She was taken to salons and get togethers in order for her family to show off and gloat about, the children had no composure or a perfect mask and didn't hide their distain for Achlys but she was the complete opposite, she smiled at them and delivered compliments perfectly.

She developed a disturbing fascination with butterflies when she was 5, a beautiful little monarch butterfly had approached her and found itself on her index finger, butterflies basically became the root of her obsession with perfection.

Butterflies were pure and oh so beautiful, and for some reason it also became the root of her growing darkness. She always smiled at the nannies but it was always clouded with condescending sass, and it was the same for her parents and siblings but they never noticed. Despite being homeschooled she made friends with all of the kids her age and became very popular and well-known by people in the surrounding neighborhoods, but she knew none of them would've liked her if she was born in a normal family.

Her mother was always busy gossiping with the other moms and her dad was always running his business and being the "head of the family", so she was used to being alone and thought that she only needed her butterflies and no one else. The longer she was used to solitude, the more the growing darkness inside of her was nurtured. When the teacher from Hogwarts came and explained that she was a witch, everything made sense to Achlys and she hoped that they'd allow her to take her butterflies with her to the magical school.

Achlys can't say that they weren't there in the toughest moments of her life, her mom was always there whenever trouble was taking a toll on her physical appearance and her father made sure she didn't need a man to be successful but none of it covered up for the fact that they were only there sometimes, not all the time.

First Instance of Magic: Achlys was 5 and it was a little after she developed her fascination with butterflies, she was attempting to reach a jar on the shelf in her father's study to catch butterflies and the chair she was standing on wasn't sturdy enough, it wasn't long before the chair slipped out of place and she began to fall. For the first time in her life, she was afraid but instead of the hard and cold feel of the floor, she felt a familiar soft texture and looked down to see her large butterfly pillow. She was very confused but it was pushed out of her mind when she realized that she had the jar in her hand and she was able to catch the butterflies.
STATUS: Approved, Argento 08/03
Last edited by Achlys Bellerose on 7 Mar 2024, 02:29, edited 2 times in total.

"Perfection is what we all strive to be but only a small percentage of people achieve it."

4 Mar 2024, 10:31
Index Registration
Character name: Joshua Davies
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=31435
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 6
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 5

Character Backstory: A young blonde haired, blued eyed boy with a thick Australian accent named Joshua was born on June 18 in sunny Sydney, Australia. He lived around magic all his life, his father a powerful wizard named Jack and Mother a witch named Lizzie. He loved being with his parents he always liked to help them with anything they needed help with. He was a hard-working, fun-loving, happy boy who wanted to be like his parents someday. When he turned five years old, his dad got an owl from the Ministry about a job in magical law enforcement. He and his parents moved from sunny Sydney to the busy streets of London. When he turned seven, he finally experienced his form of magic. When his parents saw what happened, they were very proud of him. After that day, he would learn all he could from his parents on how to control his abilities from his parents before the day he were to get his letter from hogwarts. He never let his magical abilities keep him from making friends and having fun. He would run in the London streets with the friends he had made since he first moved there with his parents so his father could be near work. His favorite thing to do was go to honeydukes and the ice cream shop and go on outings with his parents in general.

First Instance of Magic: When he was seven, he thought he had the hiccups, but out came bubbles
STATUS: Pending, Argento 08/03
- You are missing some of the basic character post points. Please refer to this for more details.
- Your Trunk is missing the stats. Please add them and make sure they are the same as you have mentioned here.
Closed March 14 (Lear)
- This is a repeat of the thread above 2 posts. I am adding Maya to the email this is attached to because it appears 2 members of the Index team are working on this case.
- I have locked this post from further edit, please return to the initial post.
- when making edits, please contact your Index person (or persons in this case) to finalize your encyclopedia entry. Do not make a new post please.

7 Mar 2024, 12:33
Index Registration
Character Name: Jessamine Hemlock
School Year: 1st
Link to the Character Page: url
Character Statistics: sta 8 • eva 6 • str 2 • wis 7 • arc 6 • acc 6
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory:
So you want to hear the story of an affair baby? Well, settle in kids. Dad's a pure-blood from a very distinguished family that's been living in Southend-On-Sea for over a century. He's married to a woman just like him. I call her Mum because she tells me to, but I know she and my other siblings resent me using that term. Why? Because Dad went ahead and cheated on Mum with some other lady. She was a pure-blood too, of course. Dad has standards, duh. Anyways, I was the result of that entanglement. But the lady was just barely into her twenties, so when my public-conscious parents offered to take care of me in exchange for her silence and a fair amount of galleons, she took the deal. I don't blame her. She was probably just as wary of public opinion as them.

So I was whisked away to the Hemlocks' residence and became a new baby sister to my older siblings. They knew Mum wasn't pregnant, so it was obvious to them what had happened. Because all of them stand to inherit something of the Hemlocks, they remain cordial with me as per their etiquette training. But the side-eyes and isolation never escaped my observation skills. As for Mum and Dad, I think they really tried to accommodate for my presence in my early years, but as people started asking questions about the moment I appeared, they pulled away. I'm always watched over by a butler or maid or house elf, but it's not enough for me. Would it kill either one of them to just tell me that they love me?

First Instance of Magic:
I was six years old, almost to my seventh birthday. I saw a dress that I wanted, but Mum was too busy watching the fitting for one of my older sisters so she wouldn't respond to me when I asked her to buy it. I threw a tantrum. Obviously. I wasn't standing next to my sister, but the dress she was trying on ripped from the bottom to her waistline. Ever since then, even though I struggle to get their attention, Mum and Dad spare no expense when it comes to me.

STATUS: Pending, Argento 08/03
- You have not mentioned the First Instance of Magic (FIOM) in your Ency.
Approved March 14 (Lear)

7 Mar 2024, 15:50
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Danielle Alden
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: Here!
Character Statistics: Stamina: 6 Evasion: 8 Strength: 5 Wisdom: 6 ArcPower: 5 Accuracy: 5
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory: Danielle was born into a pureblooded family on May 21st, 2012. She is the middle child of the family, with one older brother (Blaise) and one younger sister (Charlotte). With her parent's busy schedule, she spent the early years of her life traveling between her home in Southampton and her grandparent's home in France until she was old enough to stay home alone with her siblings. Her grandparents taught her and her siblings French, as well as basic muggle subjects (such as math), and about the Wizarding World. Local playgrounds around Southampton were one of young Danielle's favorite hang-out spots, always playing around with random kids. Danielle's first instance of magic happened at one of the local playgrounds when she was 5. Not tall enough to reach the monkey bars from the platform she got quite frustrated and close to tears. Jumping up to the bars as a final effort and grasping the bars for a few seconds before her hands slipped from the bars, falling to the ground and scraping her knees. Her mother rushed towards her, wanting to see what had happed, yet only saw the scrapes on her knees healing slowly. When she was 9 (Her siblings were 10 and 7), her mother passed away. With her father becoming a single parent, Danielle, Blaise, and Charlotte often relied on their house elves to make them food and take care of basic needs while their father worked. Now 11 years old, Danielle is eager to attend Hogwarts and is ready for all the adventures it may bring.
First Instance of Magic: Danielle's first instance of magic happened at one of the local playgrounds when she was 5. Not tall enough to reach the monkey bars from the platform she got quite frustrated and close to tears. Jumping up to the bars as a final effort and grasping the bars for a few seconds before her hands slipped from the bars, falling to the ground and scraping her knees. Her mother rushed towards her, wanting to see what had happed, yet only saw the scrapes on her knees healing slowly.
STATUS: Pending, Argento 08/03
- First Instance of Magic is too powerful: Your character is not able to levitate herself. This is considered too powerful. If your character was able to do something so powerful, it can harm them physically and mentally. Please find a different magical reaction that is realistic for your character's age.
Approved March 14 (Lear)

STA 6 ❀ EVA 8 ❀ STR 5
WIS 6 ❀ ARC 5 ❀ ACC 5

8 Mar 2024, 04:36
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Emmanuel Bourne
School Year or Adult Level: First Year Ravenclaw
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=934730#p934730
Character Statistics:
Statistics and Abilities

Character Statistics:
Stamina -6
Evasion - 5
Strength -4
Wisdom -7
Arcane Power - 6
Accuracy - 7



Spells Acquired


Potions Acquired


Character Special Race/Talent: Wants to be good at charms.
Character Backstory:

When Em was born, his parents had had an inevitable falling out with Bortis, the Bourne Family patriarch, and Emmanuel’s great-grandfather. It was his father, Xavier’s wish that his son grew up outside of the expectations of the Bourne family, and get to experience a loving, quiet, and comfortable childhood.

And that is exactly how Em grew up. His parents always made time for him, with his father being more at home, and his mother Matilda spending more time working, and brewing potions. Their shop started small, but Matilda’s potions gained popularity for being effective, and safe. So, she used her exceptional potions skills to make a living for her family.

Xavier always instilled the love of magical creatures into Em, regaling him with stories of the different beasts he took care of, or rescued. Elm’s favorite story was about the demiguise he grew up with, named Chica.

Chica stayed with Em’s family at all times, under their protection, and them under hers. Chica had a particular affinity to watching Em, since she had lost her baby around the time he was born. She is always reserved, and kind. However, she can be rather particular about letting strangers get near Em.

Em is a gentle, and kind boy. His love of the stories he heard while growing up lended to his gentle side, and allows him to be astute in reading emotions, and quite empathetic. Em spend most of his time reading books about clever, or cute charms; or playing wizard’s chess with his parents.

During the summer holidays, Em lives within Bourne Manor, where he is under the watchful eye of his older cousins, Uncle, and great grandfather. There is a bit of tension in the manor, as Xavier and Matilda don’t agree with the traditional customs expected by a historical pure-blood family; but endure the holidays at Em’s great-grandfather’s request after his son (Julius, Xavier’s father) died when a potion he had been tending to exploded, killing him instantly. These summers are spent mostly under the watchful eye of Bortis, the resentment of his cousins, and in the protection of his Parents and Chica. Em usually occupies his time with day trips with his parents, and perusing the collection of the Bourne Library.

Em can be shy at first, it opens up after time. He is eager to make friends, and to experience the magical world outside of his family.

First Instance of Magic: Despite growing up in the wizarding world, Em’s first instance of magic didn’t occur until he was nearly 10 years old.

While sitting out in the frivolously cared for garden of Bourne Manor with Chica, his mother had just finished scolding him for over watering the freshly planted rose bushes. He had flooded them, causing them to uproot.

Em was upset, and crying while sitting on a retaining wall in the garden. As he did so, little sprouts started to come up from the muddy soil, and wrapped themselves around any garden tool they could find; sinking them into the ground.

They were only able to retrieve the tools once Em calmed down.

Status: Approved (Meenauh, 14.03.2024)
Last edited by Emmanuel Bourne on 13 Mar 2024, 20:59, edited 2 times in total.

8 Mar 2024, 16:00
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Dimitri Romanus
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31477
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 Evasion: 6 Strength: 2 Wisdom: 6 ArcPower: 5 Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: 75% Dhampir

Character Backstory:

Dimitri's parents are of high society, and arrived in England from Eastern Europe. His father comes from a long line of Vampires. In fact, there is talk that he is related to some of the very first vampires from the Carpathian Mountains. Dimitri’s mother is a Dhampir, turned by her husband himself. After marriage, they both decided to move to England and start a new life.

Their position in British society after their immigrated, improved greatly. Dimitri's father started his own chain of bookshops, which steadily grew quite popular over the years. One of the reasons for that is the shop kept a nice collection of volumes about both the Magical and Muggle worlds.

As for Dimitri's mother, she is a beautiful, talented but retiring lady. However, she does go to society events like parties, dinners, soirees.

A couple of years after their marriage when they settled down in England, they gave birth to Dimitri. They feared complications since the mother was not Vampire herself, but a Turned One. They were overjoyed to know that the baby was healthy and devoid of any complications. Over the years, the boy grew up in a comfortable environment. His mother doted on him, and protected him from things like playing in the sunlight for more than a few moments. She was also on a constant lookout for a rising desire of blood in the child. They’d manage that with Blood Pops, of course.

Growing up, Dimitri had some problem adjusting with the fact that his friends could play in day time, while he could play outside only in the evening and during the night. This affected his social growth amongst his peer group somewhat, although he had friends among the children of his relatives, vampire and dhampir kids, and among the normal kids from the Wizarding community.

Growing up, he became a quiet and collected child, choosing to stand back and watch things unfold and then act rather than charging in to sort things out first. He was also shy and helpful in nature, although there were times when he unknowingly scared kids of his playgroup when he tried to help. Maybe they already heard from their parents what he was.

First Instance of Magic:

This happened when he was 5 years old. On day his nanny and he were crossing a busy road on the way to a local Zoo in England. Dimitri was super excited to see the animals again, especially the cute little birds. In his excitement, he was almost dragging forward his nanny. Suddenly a car came speeding forward from a distance. In a panic, the nanny tried waving her hand to signal the driver frantically. The drunk driver swerved off in time to avoid the woman, but made a beeline for the young boy.

The wide-eyed boy stared at the oncoming car, his eyes wide, for he too was scared from the loud sights and sounds. However when he tried running away to a side, he explicably gained extraordinary speed and managed to reach the sidewalk in the nick of time. He was flabbergasted, as was her nanny, but she was primarily glad he was safe.

His parents were glad their son was safe, and understood what happened to be the first instance of magic. They were happy and overjoyed. As for Dimitri himself, he still felt a bit afraid when he remembered the situation: loud shouts, a chill in the wind, and an oncoming car. That left a bad memory in him, but certainly not a trauma.


Dimitri's parents are of high society, and arrived in England from Eastern Europe. His father comes from a long line of Vampires. In fact, there is talk that he is related to some of the very first vampires from the Carpathian Mountains. Whether this is true or just a rumor based on his race and appearance is hard to say. However, this rumor is prevalent in his social circles. This, of course, can be said to be largely due to his foreign origin. When people find someone or something mysterious and foreign, their imagination starts running wild. Soon, they cook up tales and stories about such people from the foreign parts.

Dimitri’s mother is a Dhampir, turned by her husband himself. It is said that she was a human maiden of such singular beauty that the vampire was love-stricken. However, he was aware that such love is unsustainable for he has the gift of a long life and not her. Thus, he deemed it best too turn her into a vampire like him. The maiden, on her part, was in love with the vampire as well. She consented to become like him in secret. On that fateful night, however, the Turning didn’t work like they expected. She didn’t turn completely, but became a creature of both the night and the day, both human and vampire, both dead and alive.

However, they loved each other dearly, and this was no problem for them. The problem came from her husband’s vampire family side, who resented having a Dhampir as a relation. To them, a Dhampir had a lower standing compared to themselves. Her husband, however, in a fit of rage and rebellion, decided to leave his family and the country, and to settle somewhere else to start a new life. The maiden’s family either already took her for dead or have stopped seeing her out of fear.

Their position in British society after their immigrated, improved greatly. Their position in British society after their immigrated, improved greatly. Dimitri's father started his own chain of bookshops, which steadily grew quite popular over the years. One of the reasons for that is the shop kept a nice collection of volumes about both the Magical and Muggle worlds.

As for Dimitri's mother, she is a beautiful, talented but retiring lady. However, she does go to society events like parties, dinners, soirees. She goes to these events of the Magical world in good faith. She has a saying, "Don't go too much, and don't go too less." What that means, in terms of society events, is that she is reluctant to go to each and every event so as not to be perceived as greedy for attention. At the same time though, she does not go so less so as to be forgotten and to be seen as a recluse. This was understood as applying for most things in life, especially when it comes to dealing with society.

It is true that they manage to keep their sanguinary cravings to a bare minimum, because they must. There are many things at stake, no pun intended. Both his parents have to deal with the perceived prejudices of their race, from Muggles, from the Wizarding folk, and from the Vampire community as well.

A couple of years after their marriage when they settled down in England, they gave birth to Dimitri. They feared complications since the mother was not Vampire herself, but a Turned One. They were overjoyed to know that the baby was healthy and devoid of any complications. Over the years, the boy grew up in a comfortable environment. His mother doted on him, and protected him from things like playing in the sunlight for more than a few moments. She was also on a constant lookout for a rising desire of blood in the child. They’d manage that with Blood Pops, of course.

Growing up, Dimitri had some problem adjusting with the fact that his friends could play in day time, while he could play outside only in the evening and during the night. This affected his social growth amongst his peer group somewhat, although he had friends among the children of his relatives, vampire and dhampir kids, and among the normal kids from the Wizarding community.

Growing up, he became a quiet and collected child, choosing to stand back and watch things unfold and then act rather than charging in to sort things out first. He was also shy and helpful in nature, although there were times when he unknowingly scared kids of his playgroup when he tried to help. Maybe they already heard from their parents what he was.

Status: Approved (Meenauh, 16.03.2024)
Last edited by Dimitri Romanus on 15 Mar 2024, 16:45, edited 2 times in total.

9 Mar 2024, 09:00
Index Registration
Character name: Archer Duncan
School Year or Adult Level: first year
Link to the character page: Archer
Character Statistics: stamina. 6 | evasion. 7 | strength. 1 | wisdom. 8 | arcpower. 6 | accuracy. 7
Character Backstory: It was a particularly cold Christmas Eve, nearly leaning into early Christmas morning. The small population of the Isle of Skye was in slumber, the manor house eerily quiet. It had only recently been renovated, having been deserted over three generations ago. Yet that night, a gasp of breath and the cry of a newly born babe ran through the hallways. Archer Theodore Duncan, single heir to the Duncan name and share of the François fortune, was born.

Child of self-acclaimed author Lord Atticus Duncan, son of Lord Malcolm Duncan, politician turned journalist, and Margeurite Duncan (née François), self-taught cartographer, explorer, mountaineer, and heiress, Archer has always been taught to retain a curious, detail-oritented, precise mind, and a persevering, determined, and ambitious heart. He had been taught about the final element in Pandora's Box: hope. During his younger years, he would often watch as his father put his imaginations onto parchment, silently observing in his study, or tag along with his mother on whatever journey deemed suitable, especially as the backyard led right into the Scottish mountains. His father wrote couplets for him and his mother made him Cullen skink. As he ages, his father teaches him of English language arts, magic theroy and ettiquette, while his mother teaches him of French, mathematics, and practical magic.

Apart from his parents, Archer's most loyal companion is the family coonhound, Scout. His other friends live in the fantastical and captivating universes of literature. The dusty shelves and oversized armchairs in the family library is his sanctuary. Reading a large variety, from nonfiction and atlases, to poetry and prose, Archer no longer requires companionship from others when he has been gifted with prancing words and an overflowing imagination. When outside the library, Archer's heart lays captivated by nature. As his parents find themselves preoccupied with their own careers, with his father working in solitude, locked in an antique room, and his mother adventuring far from home during certain expeditions, only contacting via owl, Archer finds it a perfect time to do some exploring of his own and exploit into the untamed Mother Nature.

Despite growing up in a pretentious pure-blood family, Archer rarely steps outside his home, other than the occasional pure-blood gathering, which he never pays much attention to, much preferring to bring a book and have his nose stuck in it the entire duration. Surprisingly, the boy managed to get something out of the situation: a friend. Archer couldn't remember when he met her: Miss. Arianna Lilly Swann, but it was most certainly not the finest of meetings. Not very much accustomed to nor particularly fond of socialisation, neither of them had made pleasant first impressions. The second time they crossed paths was in a ball, with the two of them so utterly bored that it was simply impossible not for the two to strike up a conversation. Their final meeting prior to the two's Hogwarts education was the summer before. At yet another gathering, Arianna's cat Poseidon had scampered away from her and so follows two much more mature children engaging in much more mature dialogue.

And as the summer passed on1, Archer would find himself boarding the Hogwarts Express, still unsure if was yet ready.

Permission from Arianna's writer for Arianna to be included

1: slightly edited from "six years later" to accomodate for loss of first instance of magic

First Instance of Magic: Archer's magic first surfaced when he was five. When his father had gone downstairs to retrieve a few papers, a chizpurfle had scuttled into the study where Archer was waiting. Its crab-like claws had tried to grab hold of his father's wand. Instinctively, his hand went to pull the wand away from the parasite, but the creature simply climbed onto Archer's hand. He tried to compose himself, but there was no need as he watched the vile thing disintegrate into dust in shock.
STATUS: Pending, Zach Zaphiere, March 14
Reason for Pending:
1. Some mandatory information in your basic information is incorrect. The house should be Slytherin, not Ravenclaw. DoB should match your profile: 24 December 2011. The Patronus should be left empty. Additionally, while it is not mandatory information, the residence should be Isle of Skye.
2. We do not allow the use of font color in the trunk, including transparent.
Please make the necessary edits based on the review provided above.
STATUS: Approved, Zach Zaphiere, March 15

Archer Theodore Duncan
The innocent and beautiful have no enemy but time.
Johannes "Hans" Jenssen
The fault is in not in our stars, but in ourselves.

9 Mar 2024, 19:56
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Elisa Wagner
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: Here
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 6
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 9
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 7
Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Born on the 30th of April 2012, on a bright, warm and sunny day, Elisa Wagner came to the world. She lives in Ruchill, Scotland, with both her parents (Teslon Amyigus Wagner, pureblood, Department of International Magical Cooperation, former Ravenclaw; Maragaret Wilston, muggle born, Healer) and her little brother (Thomas Wagner, half blood). Her family has always considered education an important matter, and therefore Elisa has had a private tutor from the ages of 4 to 10 years old. Similarly, Elisa studies hard to meet her parents expectations, and she progresses rapidly. She has a common knowledge of the wizarding world, and has experienced contact with numerous magical families.

Elisa is kind and polite, and rather reserved. She doesn't tend to trust strangers, and likes to plan things out and think them over before going to action. Sometimes, she can overthink and overreact when she's not at ease with the surroundings. When one get's to know her though, she opens up and can be a very good friend and even joke openly.

Elisa also has a soft spot for any hurt beings, be that a tiny mouse or a fellow wizard. She would forget her reserved self and sometimes, her manners. No matter who it be, a little child or an old grandpa, she would approach try to help them. Many had remarked that her attitude was very strange. She looked at those times very like a mother, but she was just a little girl.

In her spare time, she enjoys reading most of all. Elisa experienced a fairly happy childhood, her parents around her. She wishes to become a well-known Healer, just like her mother.

First Instance of Magic:Her father has a big collection of books, and she can often be seen flipping through their pages. Once when she was only 2 years old, she managed to lay her hands on a gold embroidered, ancient book of high value. She was very happily admiring it when her parents discovered her. They tried to take it back from her, and despite all her efforts, Elisa's parents managed to put it away. Elisa, now very angry, accidentally turned her mother's hair a bright pink colour.

Status: Pending (Meenauh, 16.03.2024)
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 20.03.2024)
Last edited by Elisa Wagner on 19 Mar 2024, 16:13, edited 1 time in total.

⚕︎ sta 4・eva 6・str 2・wis 9・ arc 7・acc 7 ☿
Healing Sage

11 Mar 2024, 09:15
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Aedion Sorrengail
School Year or Adult Level: first
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=31540

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 7
Accuracy: 6
Total Stats: 35

Character Backstory:
Physical Description: I'm quite tall for my age (thanks dad!) and besides that I am also rather skinny. My hair is dark, as are my eyes. They are nearly black, as some would say. My overall physical appearance is what some would call extraordinary. I like to experiment with unique clothes (even Muggle clothes!) and I always enjoy doing something new to my appearance.

Mental Description: Usually I'm a boy who's in my head. I'm a thinker, you know? And at times I even over-think. That's not a trait I'm proud of, but it's something that is hard to control. Everyone has that sometimes. This over-thinking makes me insecure at times as well. This is something I dislike about myself, but this, too, is something hard to get rid of and maybe it gives me some charm as well!

Biography: I grew up in England with my parents. I don't have any brothers and sisters and sometimes I think that's stupid. Then again, all the love my parents have to give is for me, myself and I. My parents are great! Just like me, they are a bit extraordinary. We live in a cabin in the woods which is quite cosy and surrounded by everything nature has to offer. Growing up here made me a nature-loving person and I love everything about nature: the trees, the waters, the animals, the flowers. But growing up here also had some disadvantages: I am not used to talking with other children and can be socially awkward because of this. It holds me back in new situations, but I am determined to make something great out of my time at Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic:
Magic is often driven by emotions, which is what happened at his first encounter with magic. Walking through the forest, I saw an even younger child getting bullied by older children. This all happened when I had just turned six years old. This awoke a certain fire inside of me, causing me to basically explode with rage. This made my magic awake to help get the other kid safe. A strange force, like a blow of wind, made the bullies tumble over and run for their lives. It made me feel a little scared, but seeing it was a helpful thing made it better for me. The little kid was safe and thus, I had his magic awoken. It was an incredibly weird sensation, but despite it all I was very happy. My parents, too, were incredibly happy that their six year old son had finally shown his magical abilities, which is important in an all-wizards family.

Status: Approved (Meenauh, 16.03.2024)

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